destellolunar · 2 years
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Klaroline; beauty and the beast au 
For @austennerdita2533 - kc frosted exchange 2021 | @klarolineseason
Evermore [ao3]
The cold feeling of the empty castle, of the everlasting snow lying on the gardens and the solitude of his vacant home. Cold, like his heart, like the Enchantress muttered he was.
All Klaus has felt since the Enchantress knocked on his door all those years ago was cold.
Until her.
Until the striking blonde-haired woman entered his life, with eyes that reminded him of the vast ocean.
Days started to fill with laughter and adventures. Evenings filled with shared tea and quiet reading.
Until he no longer hid in the shadows, and could hold her in his arms, dancing the night away.
Until Caroline. The girl who restored his hope by breaking the curse, loving him as much as he loves her.
With Caroline, all Klaus feels is warmth. Warmth in the crease of her lips, in her bright eyes and their intertwined hands. Her love’s clear and ever-present. Her love lights up his dark and cold world. The warmth she brings melts away the loneliness that has covered him for years.
“What are you thinking about?” Caroline’s voice brings him out of his thoughts.
Caroline scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Sure. But really - what else are you thinking about?”
“That’s it. You’re in all the thoughts,” he smiles.
“You’re ridiculous.” She laughs then meets his eyes, maybe to see if he’s telling the truth. She shooks her head. “What am I going to do with you?”
“I’ve no idea. You married quite the disaster, I’m afraid.”
“I knew that from the first day I met you.” She leans down kissing his lips for a short second and then his nose. Klaus can't help but reach for her hand, leading her closer to him as he tries not to get lost in her ocean eyes. In a blink, his lips are on hers.
His free hand gently cups her face as the other moves to rest on her lower back. The kiss is soft and everything he thought it would be and more. Kaus feels her arms wrap around him as her hands clasp on his clothes.
And there's nowhere else in the world he would rather be in than be in this moment, kissing her back with everything in him.
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lilyfancies · 2 years
Third Time’s The Charm
He doesn’t know when he understood ; was it on the river’s shore, when her foot broke the water and she watched it ripple ? Was it the day he witnessed her crying for the first time, in her mother’s hut, her eyes red and her lip trembling ?
More accurately, he doesn’t know how he realised. He knows it’s years later, as he dances with her and she avoids his eyes ; it comes over him all at once, a wave that hits him right in his dead, unbeating heart.
And the wave hits, again and again, every time he finds her again ; and as the wave hits, he remembers how it went down the times before.
It all began in Mystic Falls, of course. Everything began in that cursed place.
1001 A.D
Henrik tugged on his sleeve, his youthfulness still exuberant, and pointed at the girls who were weaving under the tree.
Niklaus could understand the admiration, as he knew that boys' fingers were too rough from heavy labour to weave as quickly and gracefully as the girls, who had spent time bending their long fingers and practicing. Niklaus could understand the admiration, although his interest lay dormant ; he spared them a glance, but did not recognise any of the girls, and so he did not care for them.
He saw her quickly enough : laughing at something her friend said, their arms tangled together as they observed the flowers a little boy was presenting them. He had never seen her friend before, but she had many and changed favourites often - it was easy for her to do so, he realised, in friendship or in love.
But that was Tatia’s way, and he had gotten used to it.
He caught her eye, then, and she freed her arm from her friend’s (she was blonde, he noticed, with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. They were sparkling with knowledge, or something of the sort, and as their eyes crossed he thought that maybe something had changed. The feeling didn’t last long, though, for Tatia’s touch brought him back).
When she led him to the woods, he forgot that Henrik had been standing right next to him.
When she allowed him to push her against a tree, he forgot all that he ever knew (except for a shade of blue and the shape of an eye, but that he would never tell).
The sun had fallen and the stars had risen when he entered his family’s hut; inside, he found Esther and Rebekah, drinking tea with Tatia’s latest friend. He was surprised, to say the least, and even more so as he realised that Henrik was sitting on the girl’s knees.
That was the day he tasted her name for the first time.
Clarice - which meant brightness, his mother had said, in a language she had learnt before coming to this land.
He sought her out, after that, searching for reasons to do so and never quite managing one that Clarice believed.
The first time, he thanked her for leading Henrik down the right path to the family hut ; this she believed, for it was true.
Still, he was haunted by her eyes.
The second time, he asked if she’d ever been down to the lake - of course she had, this was the place where they washed the tunics and shirts and garments. She had bathed in it, too, but hadn’t considered it for the day.
It was too hot outside, she said, and cool inside. She pretended to think about joining him, but he could tell he had convinced her when he offered to carry anything she wanted to take with her.
There, stripped down to a tunic the color of her eyes, she watched her foot break the water and admired the ripples ; he never once thought about Tatia again.
He kissed her cheek, that day, wished he’d kissed her lips.
The third time he came to her, brimming with determination and his hand gripping tightly on the stems of flowers he had hand-picked, she had tears in her eyes.
Tatia, a practiced pout on her lips, watched him with careful eyes, her tongue whispering lies sprinkled with truth (the best kind of lies, he’d discovered, for they were much more believable).
Clarice never spoke to him again ; although he kept going out of his way to see her, which she pretended not to appreciate.
She died in his eldest brother's arms, neck bloody and reaching for Nicklaus - a confession on her lips, too, that he heard too late.
He never quite managed to forgive Finn. He never forgave himself either.
Of course, he didn’t know back then.
Whether it be the vampire side of things, the truth of his parentage, what it entailed.
The depth of his attachment to her.
The years went by, inexorably, as they do when you’re immortal. He found himself some paramours (none with hair just as bright or eyes the right shade of blue - those he avoided), played with humans like he used to play with toys as a boy, and spilled enough blood to flood entire cities.
He heard her voice, once, when haunted by the Hunters’ curse, drove himself crazier to hear it again, even if the voice drove him to plunge a stake through his heart.
The witches they encountered over the years told stories of soulmates, bound together by strings of fate, as a result of a spell cast long ago. When chained and bloodied, already half-dead but hanging to life as much as they could, they would look at him and spit at him, with as much fire as they could, that it served him right.
He supposed she had a grip on him, so long after their death, because it had been the first time he had felt something akin to love. He felt something akin to hate, too, because she reminded him of what it felt like to be human. He loathed that feeling.
To have met her and lost her.
He would smirk, then, and slit their throat. Tried not to believe whatever web of lies they spun. The witches, well - they hated him.
What they said was to be taken with a grain of salt.
He found that the truth had been much harder to deny when he met her again.
The smile he wore that night had been easy to wear. It always was easier, when surrounded with so many fine women practically inviting him into their bed. They tried to be coy, hiding their appreciative smiles behind graceful hands, but their eyes always betrayed them.
It had been especially easy that night, for he had sent an invitation to a certain Katerina Petrova who, he had been pleased to confirm, had the same features as the woman whose blood had given him immortality.
Elijah, at the other end of the ballroom, raised an eyebrow at him. This glee, brother, he seemed to say. It’s unusual.
He heard her voice behind him, bubbly and full of a fake innocence like Tatia’s had been. Or perhaps, this one was genuine ?
How could he know, if the soul came with the face ?
He prepared his most charming smile, let his face fall into that of a man he had never been, or hadn’t been in too long a time. He even grabbed two glasses of wine, more than ready to continue wooing the woman.
Before slitting her throat underneath the full moon, obviously.
He saw his brother straighten, mouth slightly agape, shock barely concealed. No brother, Klaus thought, I was not deceiving you.
The Petrova woman asked a question to whoever she had brought with her (“Isn’t it splendid?”), a voice answered (“Far more than I expected”) - no, not just a voice.
Had the curse not ended?
He froze.
He barely acknowledged Elijah rushing to him, gripping his shoulder far more tightly than he would usually dare, offering the glasses of wine to their newly arrived guests.
“Ladies”, began Elijah. They bowed as Klaus turned to face them.
Her hair was just as golden as it had been then ; when she raised her head, he found the blue he had missed so much. She was exactly as she had been, in his birthplace, as she had been when he first laid his eyes on her.
Arms tangled with the brunette, hanging tightly to her friend, a glint of knowledge in her eye. What she knew, this time, he was not sure. Perhaps her eyes had always had that spark, and he hadn’t noticed ; perhaps what she knew was him, the intricacies of his soul, even before they met.
She regarded him with veiled curiosity, a hint of suspicion, and definite circonspection.
He would never admit how much she was right to guard herself, how much it wounded him that she did.
She knew nothing of him - he still remembered Clarice’s favourite flowers, the way she closed her eyes and hummed with contentment when tasting honey. Wondered if she would do the same.
How could he know, if the soul came with the face ?
“Cecily of Forbes”, she said - her name, he guessed. Elijah had surely begun introductions.
He still remembered what Esther had said of the name Clarice, and later in his life had tried to learn the meaning of any name he encountered, learnt Latin and Greek, as many of the old languages as he could.
Cecily - blind of self-beauty.
If Cecily was anything like Clarice, then once again her parents had chosen the perfect name.
She looked at him expectantly; only then did he realise that Elijah had taken Katerina with him, more than aware that Klaus’ mind was bound to travel back in time.
“Well, my Lord”, she said after another second of silence, “if you won’t ask me to dance then you’ll have to excuse me”.
He extended his arm wordlessly, shocked now by the thick Scottish accent he had never managed to get used to; she grabbed it with a tight-lipped smile.
She followed his lead effortlessly, having been taught how to dance, probably since she was a babe.
“Do you not know how to speak, then?”
He chuckled, taken aback by her lack of filter; it was so rare to find these days. Women had been taught, in a rather foolish way (if you asked his opinion), to keep quiet if they had hopes of keeping a man’s company.
Such a shame; such delight that she did not abide by this school of thoughts.
“Believe me, love, most would give a limb to quiet me.”
“Do I disgust you so much that you’ve lost your words, then ?”
She stared at him, one eyebrow raised delicately, daring him to answer.
“Quite the contrary -” he paused to allow her to twirl under his arm, still half-captivated, half-amazed, “it is your beauty that renders me tongue tied.”
“I was under the impression that you found brunettes more to your taste - or at least, that is what you led Katerina to believe.”
He opened his mouth, but the waltz ended before he could retort, and she broke away from him.
“I do thank you for your invitation, Lord Mikaelson, but I must warn you. I distrust you most profoundly, and I am wary of your plans for Katerina. I will do whatever I deem necessary to keep her away from you.”
He watched her turn her back on him, surprised at his own lack of anger.
She would be a complication, yes, but it did not matter. Right there and then, as she had stared him down with fire in her eyes, never once trembling nor showing any signs of fear, he had come to terms with what the witches had said, all throughout the years.
Whether it be Clarice or Cecily, whether she would adorn another name in the future, the soul that inhabited this body of sunshine hair and ocean eyes was tied to his. He was tied to her, no matter the cost and implications.
And this time, he would have her. And he would not let Tatia, or Katerina, or whichever name she would adorn next, come between them again.
So he went into the crowd, following her like a moth to a flame, up until they broke out into the garden and she turned to him, her face molded into that of annoyance.
“I cannot find my friend, and I am sure it is your doing.”
Staying at a reasonable distance from her, he raised an eyebrow.
“I was with you the whole time.”
“Your brother, then.”
“Most probably. He is rather fond of doe-eyed brunettes, and has proved himself to be quite the charmer when he so decides.”
A smile escaped her - he knew it had been involuntary because she quickly turned it into a pout.
It spoke to his endearment that he did not find unbecoming.
“Will you let me try to prove you wrong? Let me walk you into the gardens in the morrow. Earn your trust, if not your friendship.”
“Will you be aiming to earn my friendship, rather than my trust, the whole walk ?”
He dared to step closer, smirked when she shifted to face him fully.
“I will be aiming to tell you all about the flowers. I will be your friend before you even notice.”
A laugh escaped her, although quickly swallowed down.
“How presumptuous.”
“I thrive to be positive.”
And although they were interrupted by his brother and the doppelganger, he swore he saw a smile on his love’s lips, that she did not bother to hide.
Later, he'll learn that her favourite color and flower is the same as Clarice's, that her soul was cut from the same cloth, the one that had made him as well.
He'll realise, when reminiscing, that he had learned of his capability to love someone who didn't share his blood.
He didn't love her right, but he did.
This time, she dies by Rose's hands, who thinks she's exacting vengeance on Katerina. He vows her life will continue and end in terror.
It's easier to go on without her this time : he knows she'll come back.
He doesn't know when or where, so the hardest thing isn't to wait ; the hardest is to not lose his patience when he doesn't find her.
He lays next to nameless faces, resists the urge to utter her name whenever he glimpses blond hair.
In the back of his mind, there's a French saying on loop : Jamais deux sans trois. It helps him wait.
He finds her again in Mystic Falls, because everything always goes back to this cursed place.
He finds her again, with a boyfriend whose head he wants to rip off, a nasty bite on her neck he hates himself for, and an undead heart.
Her name is Caroline, and she's a vampire.
He makes threats and promises, grasps onto straws to bring her back to him, however long it takes.
He lets her go after having her, finally, in the woods that saw him discover Clarice.
Third time's the charm.
kcfrostedexchange ☃️ gift for @certifiedceraunophile 
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Hi, dear folks doing the @klarolineseason fic exchange! 💁‍♀️ First of all, thanks to the mods for running this fab event! ❤️ Second, love you all for signing up!
Third, I am not doing the event because I have way too much work and going into the new year, I'll likely have very little time, so committing to a gift event was sadly out of my possibilities for fear of not being able to deliver, HOWEVER ✨
Please, send each other lots and lots of anon messages, exchange ideas and preferences and just talk, because I LOVE exchanges and very much want to try to guess who got who. 🤣 I beseech y'all to provide entertainment to this poor overworked person! 🥺👉👈 Go send each other messages and I will be here 👀👀
Can't wait for the fics/works to go live so I can start guessing! 🤩
Hope y'all have a fab time and thanks very much! ✨
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laufire · 2 years
Hey, this is Fonsie (strangenightsofdaydreams), we both did the New Year exchange. I'm co-running an exchange with two lovely ladies and just wanted to make sure you knew about it if there was the slightest chance you would be interested and could participate. Happy Holidays!
To nobody's surprise, I signed up for this, like a fool xDD
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heatherstyles · 2 years
Falling With Grace
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My edit and short drabble gift to my beloved giftee, Cristy🤍 @misssophiachase for the KC Frosted Exchange!! Thank you @klarolineseason for organising this event!! I had so much fun in my first exchange and it means so much to me🤍
Summary :
Rumour has it that an unusual alliance has been formed between the witches and the hybrids in the supernatural circle of Mystic Falls. In a sudden turn of events, Her Royal Majesty, Queen Caroline, has announced a newly formed alliance with Niklaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid. As queen of the witch realm, Queen Caroline has picked a side in the supernatural war and it is the winning side of course. A different kind of spark has formed between them as they started working closely to keep the peace in the supernatural circle. Will this alliance be a wise move for them and the kingdom? Will they be able to form a strong alliance despite their deep hatred towards each other? Well as the saying goes, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." 
Read the short drabble on ao3
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targaryenkaz · 2 years
at the end of the line (there you are)
my gift for @slstmaraudersjple for the @klarolineseason frosted festival gift exchange! also here on ao3
vaguely post canon, soulmate au
It’s a good thing Klaus couldn’t feel the cold anymore otherwise he’d be freezing his balls off. A thousand years couldn’t make him forget the feeling of a chill seeping through your skin until your bones felt shivery. He’d lived the entirety of his human life dreading the winters, mourning as the leaves started to turn color, knowing months of constantly trying to stay warm awaited. It’s a miracle he had lived to adulthood. There was no heating or AC units, no antibiotics or antiseptic. No movies, television, books. The only music you had was what you could play yourself. Humans really were very coddled these days.
A rustling wind moves through the trees, blowing towards Lake Michigan. He’s up to his knees in snow and surrounded by the logs of a half dozen felled trees. Enough to keep the cabin warm for a year. He likes to chop wood as a stress reliever. Business in Chicago isn’t going so great, some petty arguments between one of the wolf clans and a coven.
Chicago had seemed like a good place to settle after he and Caroline had travelled for a decade. And it was a good home. They had their penthouse in the city and their getaway cabin away from the city that none but their very inner circle knew about. They’d been coming out here more often lately. Perhaps in his very advanced age, he was starting to appreciate moments of peace.
He feels it when it happens. A shock of pain radiating through him. Not his pain, though. Caroline’s. The sting of teeth breaking skin. Agony moving out down her shoulder down her arm. He’s too far out in the woods to hear her screams but he hears them anyway, rattling around in his head and joining his own yells of pain. He’s immobile on the ground, one hand propping himself up but still the ache was too great for him to move.
This is the blessing and curse of soulmates; you can feel one another’s physical pain so always know when the other is in danger. But sometimes you’re too helpless to do anything about it. His head starts to feel fuzzy, vision wavering and muscles weakening until he’s lying on the ground. Klaus has had many close calls over the years, but it’s been a long time since he’s felt this powerless.
He comes to in the clearing. The sun is in the same position so he can’t have been out for long but now he can’t feel Caroline at all.
Go away for the winter, it’ll be peaceful, Caroline had thought. And clearly thought wrong given that she’s lying on the stairs to their cabin porch unable to move or scream or do anything other than emit a feeble whine.
“Caroline!” Klaus yelled. Thank god. She turns her head slightly, another shockwave of pain coursing through her muscles.
He’s at the edge of the woods that border their home, leaning on a tree and looking out of breath. Which shouldn’t be possible given he’s a super old vampire so he must still be dealing with the effects of whatever’s wrong with her. She’s trying very hard not to think about it cause she knows from experience once she starts panicking things will only get worse.
In a second, Klaus is beside her. His concerned face, paler than usual and waxy. “What happened?” He asks, kneeling beside her. He tries to cradle her head, but she winces and he settles for stroking her hair back from her face.
“A wolf. Big one.”
“Bloody wolves.” Murder flashes in his momentarily yellow eyes. “I know it hurts but it’s a quick fix, just breathe through the pain love.” He bites into his own wrist and presents it to Caroline’s mouth. She gulps down greedily. She pauses for a breath, the whole left side of her upper body still aching. Klaus pushes his wrist to her mouth again, so she drinks and drinks and drinks.
“It’s not working,” Caroline says, gasping for air, Klaus’ blood smudged over her mouth. His panicked eyes meet hers before he can hide it.
“Let’s get you inside then figure this out.” His arms slide under her and she shrieks in agony. He walks her inside at a normal pace, every step a new tidal wave of torment. By the time he lays her on their couch, he’s out of breath.
“Klaus.” He sits with his back to her. They’ve made so much progress over the years but he still struggles to show when he’s struggling. “Talk to me.”
“We need to call Bonnie.”
“Bonnie’s on vacation.”
“On vacation?” He turns around, outraged, as if they’re not technically on vacation right now.
“Well, if anyone deserves it, it’s her don’t you think?”
He grumbles a reluctant agreement. Going into the bedroom, he returns with a thick blanket and his phone. He tucks her in, then lingers as he strokes her face. “I’ll call the Abrams coven. See if they know what this is. Then I’ll go check if I can scent the wolf.”
“There was something off about it.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know. It’s eyes? It didn’t look right. Then it was jumping on me so I didn’t get much of a chance to investigate.”
Klaus looks lost in thought before he snaps back to attention, fire in his eyes. “You rest and don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything.”
“What is the point of all I do for you if you can’t find me any information?” Klaus seethes down the phone.
“I’ve had people out all day trying to find out who carried out the attack. No one’s talking,” one of his minions responds.
“You need to stop asking and start forcing the truth out of people. No one sleeps tonight.” He hangs up and restrains himself from throwing his phone. Caroline remains on the sofa, pale as death, the veins surrounding the bite having turned a darkish blue-black color. He’s fed her more of his blood every few hours. It’s not healing her but is possibly keeping whatever is wrong with her at bay. For now.
His hunt for the wolf also offered nothing useful. He tracked it moving east from their home until the tracks vanished. No footprints, no scent, nothing.
He’d gone on a bit of a rampage after that. He’d tried to tamp down on stuff like that in recent years. Well, away from Caroline anyway. The woods had perhaps seen a few of Klaus’ outbursts due to work stress over the years.
But seriously, how dare whoever did this? Everyone who knew Klaus knew about Caroline. It was an inevitability. If he wanted to keep her locked up and out of harm’s way, she’d made it clear that was never going to happen. If he was going to rule over the supernatural population of Chicago, she wasn’t going to sit on the sidelines. And she had her own enemies, though not as many as Klaus.
If he couldn’t keep her secret, he definitely wanted to keep the whole soulmate thing secret. Soulmates are a rare thing in the supernatural world and not something he’d ever paid much attention to. He had long ago chosen Caroline as the one he wanted to spend eternity with before any bond had clicked into place.
It wasn’t until they were in Buenos Aires, over a year after she decided to join him that the marks had appeared. Shiny, iridescent things on their inner wrists. There were no official rules for when the soulmate marks and bond would present itself – there simply weren’t enough people with them to be able to gather that information. But from what Klaus could gather they appeared after a moment of true connection. So not until the soulmates are truly open with each other does the bond appear. That could be within a few minutes, or weeks, or decades. That made sense to him. Even when they’d gotten together, he and Caroline had their walls up a bit. He’s shocked it only took them a year of being together. They can both be very stubborn.
The soulmate bond hadn’t changed much, only confirmed what they already knew – there was something special about them. And feelings got a bit more intense. He’s not a man for casual attachments with those he loves. If he loves someone, he does not do it lightly. He wasn’t aware his feelings for Caroline could grow stronger, but somehow miraculously they did. And her feelings for him.
Maybe being soulmates had given them permission to be vulnerable when they were frightened, open up about their fears. As for the pain connection through the bond – he’d gotten used to feeling a nick in his finger when he’s conducting morning business meetings while she cuts herself chopping up whatever it is she puts in those smoothies she downs every morning. Or occasionally feel like his head has been thrown into a wall when she and Katherine do their ‘training’ sessions together. It seems more like an outlet for their anger, which he’s all for, but really it can be quite inconvenient.
But Caroline can say the same. Like when she and Bonnie are trying to broker peace between witches and vampires in different cities and she has to pretend the agony she experiences when she feels his neck break from yet another disagreement is just a twinge, nothing to worry about.
Still, he wouldn’t ever change their bond if given the choice, but he does wish he’d been more careful about it. He hadn’t told everyone but had possibly told a few more people than he should’ve. He was proud of her, of them and yes admittedly, of having something so few supernaturals had. He was a bragger by nature, it can’t be helped.
He decides to call Kol, the sibling of his most interested in witch nonsense to see how he’s getting on.
“Don’t worry your little head about it,” Kol says. Klaus can feel his smirk down the phone.
“This isn’t a joke, brother.”
“You don’t have to tell me. I’m the one who’ll get staked if your missus dies.”
Klaus doesn’t disagree with him, lets the silence sit between them. Kol coughs, “Right, well I’ll get back to digging, shall I?”
Slightly calmer after his mild forest freakout, Klaus returns to the cabin. Caroline is sat up and reading one of the old grimoires. Her color isn’t any better and the darkened veins have nearly spread to the top of her neck. Yet, she sits casually flicking through a tome that weighs the same as a small child. It’s taking every ounce of willpower he has not to start screaming about how ridiculous this situation is. Why isn’t she panicking? He can still feel the pain through the bond, though it no longer renders him useless, it still bloody hurts!
“Caroline,” he says tightly. “Darling, what are you doing?”
“Looking for information,” she responds without looking up. He’s spent many nights sat by the fire admiring the glow it gives on Caroline’s skin. Now, the roasting fireplace only further emphasises how unwell she is.
“You need rest. Leave it all to me, sweetheart.”
She gives him a glare that perfectly communicates ‘When do I ever leave it all to you’.
“I’d like to have a hand in saving myself. If that’s okay with you.” She adds sarcastically.
“Of course it is but we don’t want you overextending yourself when we don’t even know what’s wrong.” He sits on the edge of the couch by her.
“Seriously? I am literally sat down reading a book. There is no extending.” He huffs a weak laugh which obviously doesn’t convince her since she puts the grimoire to the side and takes his hands. “I’m going to be fine. How many close calls have we both got into over the years? Including you biting me by the way.” She laughs but still he flushes with embarrassment at the memory. “I am Caroline flipping Forbes. I am not going to be killed by a wolf bite. That’s not nearly cool enough.”
“While I’m glad you’re in a mood to joke about your own demise but I’m not there yet.”
“Come on.” She says, voice weak. “You’re the big bad hybrid, I’m sure you can figure something out. There must be someone you can call.”
Before he can even think to respond, Klaus senses a presence outside, the speed of a vampire nearing. He stands just as the door is kicked inward.
“Right,” Enzo stands in the doorway. “Who are we killing?”
Caroline can’t help but snort at his entrance.
“You better fix that door. We can’t have her getting cold.” Klaus barks at Enzo.
“I don’t see how that’s possible, the house is practically on fire.” Enzo responds looking at the blazing fireplace.
Klaus looks to Caroline. “Oh, yeah. I called Enzo. Forgot to mention that.”
Enzo comes to sit by her side, right in the spot Klaus just vacated. Klaus huffs a sigh. Her partner has made peace with many of Caroline’s friends over the years, but he and Enzo have never quite saw eye to eye.
“So, what do we know so far?”
“We only have assumptions,” Caroline informs him. “Likely someone put some kind of ancient spell or curse on a wolf so they’d turn even though it’s not the full moon and so the bite couldn’t be so easily cured by Klaus’ blood.
“Probably one of your countless enemies then,” Enzo says with a sneer over his shoulder.
“Hey! It could be one of my enemies.”
“Of course it could, darling,” Enzo responds, patting her hand.
Enzo left soon after with a wink and a promise to return with a solution. Klaus was sulking. She knew it all stemmed from him feeling helpless, something that he had clearly not gotten used to in his long life. Neither had she in her comparatively short one, but self-pitying Klaus was her least favorite Klaus. If these were her final days, if she really had been finished by some frothing at the mouth werewolf, then she wasn’t going to spend them with her partner moping around.
“Klaus, no offence, but you look almost as bad as I do. Sit down with me.” She patted the seat beside her. Forcing herself to sit up made her want to scream to the heavens in agony but she restrained herself. Klaus winced himself but left his moody contemplation at the fireplace to sit by her.
And so, they spent the night the way they spend many winter nights, curled up eating good food (Klaus’ famous omelettes made from whatever they had in the fridge with a side of blood) and watching whatever movies Caroline wants. Tonight, she settled for 90s romcoms which Klaus voiced his reluctance about but of course was automatically invested. Maybe it’s not how most people would spent their time if they thought it was running out but Caroline’s day to day life was pretty busy and exciting, if it was ending she wanted calm and comfort.
She really didn’t want this to be the end. Since getting used to her vampire immortality she’d been intrigued by the possibility of it all, of getting to accomplish so much and see so many places. But she had hope in Enzo so instead of focusing on the fear, Caroline focused on the feel of Klaus’ hand in her hair, his steady presence, and her favorite movie playing, one she had fond memories of watching dozens of times with her mom and best friends. Not so long ago, this might have crippled her. But now, she could sit in the moment and feel grateful for so much, and hopeful for so much more.
The act of saving her life was a little more anticlimactic than Caroline had expected. She told herself if she made it to the morning, she’d call Bonnie and Elena to say goodbye. But her sleep didn’t last till morning. She woke to agony in her foot. Springing up in bed, she saw Klaus muttering curse words. “Don’t worry. Just stubbed my toe.”
“Nearly tore it off you mean. I keep telling you we need to move that set of drawers, you’re always walking into it.”
“Yes, yes, I know. Bigger issue right now. Someone’s coming.”
Caroline didn’t know how he knew stuff like that. Sensed changes in the wind or whatever to hear someone approaching. She still wasn’t entirely sure if it was an ancient vampire trait or a wolf one. Klaus liked to play coy, which meant he didn’t know the answer either but wouldn’t admit it.
There was nothing to worry about, it turns out. It was just the Mikaelson siblings, who invited themselves in and barged into their bedroom. Klaus dropped back onto the bed with an equally relieved and aggrieved sigh. The advantage being a hybrid gives him not much use when he’s sluggish and worn down by feeling her pain. Not being at the top of his game was bothering him. “I hope you come with good news.”
“I would not have come otherwise,” Elijah stated in that matter-of-fact manner of his. “We come with good news.”
“We know how to fix you,” Kol says to Caroline.
Klaus’ whole body relaxes the moment he hears those words.
“How did you figure it out?” Caroline says, voice teary. She looks so relieved; Klaus is beginning to suspect she was only putting on a brave face for him.
“Elijah and Enzo started breaking necks til people started talking. We have the wolf. Your boy is following up on a few leads we have of the witch who ordered this attack, but time is of the essence we didn’t want to wait.”
Klaus is speechless. Mouth gaping wide, looking like a fool speechless. He assumed they came to seek his help. Elijah may be a problem solver, but no one does intimidation like Klaus.
“Don’t look so surprised, brother”, Elijah says. “I know how rare it is, the depth of feeling between you two. I simply don’t think the world could handle the rampage you would go on if Miss Forbes passed.”
“Thanks,” Caroline says dryly.
“You really do look dreadful,” Rebekah adds.
“It all seems so simple,” Caroline says, still sounding in shock. Klaus nods in agreement. “I can’t thank you enough,” Caroline says.
“You don’t need to thank us. We’re family,” Rebekah rolls her eyes even as she says it.
“There really are no words,” Klaus is filled with emotion that he doesn’t particularly want to share, but it floods his voice anyway.
Rebekah sighs indulgently. “Come on, brother. Have we ever let you down?”
“Don’t answer that,” Kol says quickly.
“There was some book in a dead language with a spell in it about it a disease that immortals cannot heal from. So, we had to find a witch to do a spell to translate the magic but she wanted a favor first, and so you see why it took us a while. Now, we just need to cast it out at the exact moment between dawn and dusk. The witches are in the woods preparing, so you best get a move on.” Rebekah flicked her hair, and Klaus knew he was never going to hear the end of this, how she’d saved Caroline’s life. He was okay with that.
Klaus was, he could now admit aloud, not feeling great, so Elijah carried Caroline to the ritual, while Kol supported him. The journey only took a few seconds and Elijah was a perfect gentleman as he set Caroline down in the middle of a pentagram made of sticks. Still, Caroline met Klaus’ eyes with a look that screamed awkward. For whatever reason, Caroline had always found it easier to engage with the more chaotic of Klaus’ siblings. Elijah and Finn, she said, just didn’t make sense to her. Which was fair, Finn didn’t make much sense to Klaus either.
“Listen up witches!” Klaus declares to the coven his siblings gathered
“Klaus,” Caroline croaks from the centre of the pentagram. If he didn’t know she was about to be cured he’d be having another forest freakout, there is none of the vivacity, the sparkle, he is used to seeing in her.
He holds up a finger indicating for the witches to wait. Rushing to Caroline’s side, he kneels by her, linking their fingers.
“You need something, love?”
“Yeah, I need you to be nicer to the witches who are about to save my life please.”
“Right. Yes.” Chastened he returns to the witches and asks as politely as he can (which still isn’t that polite granted) what the process for curing Caroline would be.
Turns out it was rather simple as far as ancient curses go. There was chanting in a language even older than Klaus, a burning of a very old plant, some nasty concoction that Caroline had to drink and voila, no more diseased veins inching up her neck. She’s fatigued but no longer unwell. Caroline thanked the weary witches, tired from the spell, and off they went home as if nothing had even happened. Except it had and had scared Klaus shitless.
“The wolf was en-magicked in some way,” one witch had said.
“What she means is the disease wasn’t a natural one. It’s not like rabies or some infection otherwise it wouldn’t affect Caroline. Someone was out to get you,” another added.
He had gathered as much. He still didn’t know if they were targeting solely Caroline, or Klaus through Caroline. Maybe it was a mutual enemy of them both, wouldn’t that be nice? Also romantic in an odd way.
He invited his siblings in for a blood bag before they left, the best he could offer at the moment. And truthfully, he was still a touch peeved at how simple it had all been.
“All you had to do was start breaking necks? I could have done that.”
“You needed to be here. Face it, Klaus. You’re domestic now,” Kol teases.
“Ugh. Domestic. Don’t be ridiculous.” Klaus snaps as he goes to the couch and tucks Caroline’s blanket around her legs tighter.
“I think you’re underestimating how much this affected you, Klaus,” Caroline chimes in.
“Yes, I suppose I’ve been clumsier than usual because of the bond. My senses have been off, my reflexes.”
“She means emotionally, dimwit.” Rebekah laughs.
“Yeah, well. That too.”
And yes. She’s right. His bloody soulmate was unwell, maybe even dying, of course he wasn’t at his best. Though in retrospect, he had held himself together rather well. Yes, there were a few bare patches, but he hadn’t felled the entire forest. This was growth for Klaus.
His siblings left, leaving Klaus and Caroline alone in their little bubble. Someone may have tried to pop it, but they had failed. And he knew there would be others in the future. And they’d defeat them too.
Klaus opted to rest for the night, climbing into bed with Caroline. She was absolutely spent, and not all because of the illness. He was not a complete idiot – he knew she had been holding together for him because that’s what they did. When one lost their mind the other remained calm. Or as calm as either of them were capable of. They’re a fiery couple.
Revenge could wait. That wolf would be torn apart, and whichever witch was behind the spell, he would find and ruin. Perhaps, he thought cheerfully wrapping an arm around his soulmates waist, he and Caroline could do it together.
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bellemorte180 · 2 years
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A Portrait of a Broken Marriage gifted to @labime
Apart of the @klarolineseason
Frosted Gift Exchange (collection here)
Rating: E
After three years of not hearing from his estranged wife, Klaus is served with divorce papers. Not ready to let go of his marriage and the love of his life, he demands a sit down meeting between him, Caroline and their attorneys. Yet, not everything is simple. Love is messy and complicated but even the most broken of foundations can be repaired.
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klarolineseason · 3 years
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Sleigh Bells are ringing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Are you listening?
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klarolineseason · 2 years
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After a month of hard work, the time is finally here! 
All the gifts are posted! 
We have playlists, fanfics, edits and gif sets. Truly such talent gifted this season! You can click here to check out the whole collection. 
We have no doubt you all will have a great time looking through the vibrant fandom assortment of Klaroline, so participants go check your email! But remember, two more days until the creator reveals, Jan 20th 6pm EST 💙
We are so excited to share this with you! And make sure to stay tuned for the creator announcement and masterlist.
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klarolineseason · 3 years
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Welcome the New Year with us
                                 Save The Date: Dec 1st - 6pm EST
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klarolineseason · 3 years
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Snow and hearts will fall                                                                                                                                                                                                            among all this festivity.
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klarolineseason · 3 years
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December greetings, Klaroline fandom! 
We are providing this year's winter exchange. Signups are from December 1st til December 10th (EST).
Never participated in one? No problem- all are welcome! We want to make the holidays a little more festive for everyone in the fandom.
To join the event, fill out our sign-up form detailing what you can gift and what you would like to receive. (Then, the rest is in our hands, sorting the best possible matches with the help of archiveforourown.) 
 We will reveal assignments two days after the sign-up deadline. We have allocated a little over a month for everyone to complete their assignment. If you have questions, our ask box is always open.
Participants must allow anonymous asks so others can send questions to clarify requests. Or get to know their giftee a little better. 
A big rule of thumb, keep your matches a secret to prevent spoiling the experience! Let's maintain the element of surprise leading up to the exchange reveal day. 
We also recommend following this blog to stay updated on this event. If you are unsure about the guidelines and don't want to send an ask? The archive sign-up page will provide more information.
Available Types of Gifts and According Guidelines
Edits ❄
This includes moodboards (needs more than six images overall), aesthetics, typography, manips and graphics. You need to do a minimum of 1 edit type requested, anything else is optional. For example, if manip is listed in your giftee's profile- creating one manip fills your gift requirement. All edits must include a caption but this can be as simple as a quote or lyric. You do not have to accompany it with a drabble.
Gifs ❄ Minimum of four gifs. Can create a set or separate pieces. Must be KC focused.
Fics ❄
Fanfiction writing, longer than a drabble but let’s keep this to one-shot. Make it easier on the gifters. New and original work only, no continuations of previous works are allowed. Beta's are allowed but be discreet.
Drabbles ❄
Short writing that keeps us wanting more. 100 words minimum. Can’t go over 200. New and original work only, no continuations of previous works are allowed. You may do more than one drabble but only if your giftee has provided multiple ideas for you to choose from or gave permission later through tumblr. We will check.
Playlist ❄
A collection of songs that fit KC in general or a requested specific theme. You are not required to make a cover design for your playlist but you may if you want. However, you must title it. The minimum songs are 5, maximum 15. Unless they request a specific artist as well. the majority of your songs can not be the same artist. Try to adhere to a 1:3 ratio. Inquire about your giftee's preferred form to keep your gift but the default is Spotify.
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klarolineseason · 2 years
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Last day warning to secure yourself a KC present!
Signups for this year's winter exchange end December 10th 11:59 (EST).
Remember all are welcome! Whether you are new or feeling distant and want to reconnect, you are fandom and we hope this event treats you well.
To join the event, fill out our sign-up form detailing what you can gift and what you would like to receive.
Then, the rest is in our hands, sorting the best possible matches with the help of archiveforourown.
We will reveal assignments on Dec. 13th at 11:59 EST. We have allocated a little over a month for everyone to complete their assignment. If you have questions, our ask box is always open.
Participants must allow anonymous asks so others can send questions or get to know their giftee a little better. Keep your matches a secret to prevent spoiling the experience!
If you want to be involved but not sign up, we are still accepting pinch hitters. Message us!
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klarolineseason · 2 years
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Deadlines and Request Option Q’s
Hello everyone! We are so pleased with all the support and interest surrounding our event. Having listened to the fandom, we wanted to clarify a few things!
Assignments Reveal: December 13th Gifts Due: January 15th Exchange Reveal: January 18th Author/Artist Reveal: January 20th
These are two separate categories in our event! We know it’s new, however, our idea is that it will make the event more inclusive to newcomers and people who want to write but are not sure if they can take on the 1K minimum of selecting oneshot.
Oneshot is anything longer than 1000 words that does not have multiple chapters
Drabble is 100 words minimum and 1000 words maximum
You will be listing two options for sign-ups. If you only want to write, you can put drabble and one-shot. Feel free to put “first choice” on the offer you’d rather make. In the end, you will only make one but this allows us to have a better system to match people with. The exception of the two rule is edits since edits is the most broad category. Both your offers can be edits! We don’t want to see aesthetic listed twice. Aesthetic and typography, however, works perfectly! (Full edit options: moodboards, aesthetics, typography, manips and graphics)
If you can only offer the same gift option twice, message us. If something pops up during the process, we might be able to squeeze you in. We understand it’s a new format and don’t want to leave anybody behind.
Sign up by Dec.10th and have your creation ready by Jan.15th
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klarolineseason · 2 years
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Hello to all our lovely exchange members and fandom support! Check your dms! We have carefully paired everyone who signed up with the best match we could find and are so excited to see what you do with it. We hope you feel exuberated when finding out who you are tasked to gift to but keep it as contained as possible. Make sure to allow anon asks as soon as you can! The next deadline to watch is January 15th at 11:59 EST when you have to turn in your gift. We are keeping that deadline because it already was a month and a few days, now it’s a month and a day to work on your gift. Let us know if there are any issues or concerns. Our dm’s and asks are open and we have hot coco! (the ao3 email will most likely be sent out on the 15th. we are trying for sooner of course -Fonsie)
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klarolineseason · 2 years
ANNOUNCEMENT! Hello, we hope you all are staying warm. We are altering signups. Drabbles previously were 100-200 word count but now they will be 1K maximum. Oneshots are anything after 1K. We are not making this change lightly, but in response to feedback from the members of the fandom. This will be the last change we make on the signup form, because otherwise it is not fair to the participants who signed up and truthfully taxing on its organizers. Your first choice is what we strive to match you with, the second is to save your organizer’s state of mind when we are sorting everyone. If it matters which of the two offers we choose, you are encouraged to include “first choice” in one description box. If you do not want to give a second option under any circumstances, write in NA where necessary and leave the rest blank. We truly want this to be for anyone in the fandom that wants to participate. Please consider that this is our first exchange event but if the Powers That Be allow it, maybe there will be another next year that is more suited to those who don't feel as accommodated this round. 
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