#kk i'm going to sleep now it like 1 sumthin in the morning
Yay more of just more of me talking- no but fr Hi, hello, how you doing i have 2 things i want to blab about, Sooo First things first, I'm still working on the fic I mention in my last post but I will actually be posting a teaser I swear I just suuuuck at making posts that make sense 'n stuff, so that will be coming
soon but I'm not sure what to title the wip so i'll be posting a poll with a few possible titles that I think will work, for y'all to chose from.
And now for the second thing im thinking of making a side blog just for my art since i've been drawing more and i have no were to post them, and i know that i can post them hear on my main but im not sure if i should (It's not anything inappropriate or something I just don't know where I should share it) and if i do, i would put a link here and any older art the i've posted here (wow i say here a lot don't i-oh well) would probaly just be rebloged over their. i'm not suure if ill make a poll for it thow, but we'll just have to wait and see any way--- thoughts on what i should do would be very appreciated pls and tank you ;)
---sazalea ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥
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