#kiry watches inuyasha
kirythestitchwitch · 1 year
Constantly wondering what the fuck Sesshoumaru does aside from wandering the countryside, looking for wreckage left in the wake of his little brother. His one goal in life seems to be killing Inuyasha to sooth his daddy issues, so he spends nearly every minute coming up with increasing more unsuccessful plots to murder a teenager. The only thing he does outside of that is rescue Rin.
I'm just saying, more bad parenting with Daddy Sesshoumaru please.
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sessrin-posstiv · 3 years
To point out a few canon things: Sesshomaru already knows Zero wants to kill his twins, before Kiri is awakened. InuKag already know Kiri is awake before arrived because they send their baby away, not a moment too soon. Sesshomaru goes to Kiri knowing he wants to murder Inuyasha. Twins are hidden by a Jaken barrier. Then Zero finds them by their dreams, the fire, Sesshomaru is told about. Now Setsuna no longer has dreams. How does anyone not see that he's working his but off to protect everyone?
Truly, anon, your reasoning is sound. Also he protected Inuyasha and Kagome - admittedly, in a way they might not appreciate - but it’s the thought that counts!
I understand if someone maybe hasn’t rewatched Inuyasha in awhile, or hasn’t watched it at all (if you haven’t, go, go! it’s such a fun series!). Sesshoumaru is a tricky character to parse, and Yashahime certainly isn’t going out of its way to remind us how soft he actually is for his family.
We know better, though. He’s a good dog. Who hopefully will get a lot of cuddles and a lie-down when all of this is over.
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windup-dragoon · 4 years
Change the World - Inuyasha OP 1 :>
Send an anime intro song you think fits my muse:: @meepsthemiqo
my husband is laughing at me for listening to this song as I’ve never watched Inuyasha but he has. djsalkfj So far I’m enjoying it though! Seems to vibe with Kiri. 
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deities-fanfiction · 4 years
Jennifer Saoirse Bubura. My first name is pretty american. My middle is of irish origin and my last is japanese. My mom was from america with a very irish background and my dad is japanese.
Jen , Jenny , Feisty , kitty , odile , bonbon. The first two are just general names I go by and the last four are from my friends , my ex and co-worker and my husband.
A twin brother named Matthew! He’s currently big streamer.
Originally class A for three years , then tokoyami for 1 year and then bakougo for 6 months then finally with kirishima , her husband from now on.
Right handed!
Deadass , wild shit , vibin. I cant explain…
5’5. I know im short.
135lbs. don’t know why that mattered…
White. very pale. Vampire like almost!
Hourglass~ but subtly.
Short and a mix of brown , red and blonde. Poofy and a little messy.
Green…just green
Round! Me and uravity get mistaken for eachother a lot
Fairly normal if not a little lonely…
PewDiePie! Funny , humble great dude! Grew up watching him. 10/10 im happy for him and marzia
Pink! And purple…and blue…my pride flag.
Macaroons and macaroni! I know im a child.
Broadway , comedy , orchestral , alternative , rap and a few classic rock songs.
No , sometimes and no. Never ever ever!
Originally a pro hero and currently an author!
Yes I started a riot while working for the hydrangea association
No! I don’t really care about religion to be honest.
Comedy , animated , musical , found family
If its with the kids we watch a bunch of movies and chill for a while. With kiri? We’re eating at a subway late at night while listening to music then driving around. Either way a great time.
Oooooo I have three. Midnight , Hawks and Deku
YEEES! Inuyasha and lucky star are my jam!
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love-fireflysong · 5 years
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Having just watched the final episode of inuyasha, I figured I would post a progress pic of how far I am in my current pattern. 193 episodes and 4 movies later, I'm almost done! To be fair I didnt do all of this during the show though. When I started the show I was about 3/4 done the middle fan, just finishing up the small white flowers and the black and brown parts of the fan with the tassels in the middle fan. But I did the entire right fan and what's there of the left fan during my watching of the show.
And it took all of 14 years but I finally watched all of Inuyasha. I still vividly recall the first episode I ever watched and where I was when it happened. And while I definately watched Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, and Pokémon as a kid, this was the first anime I ever watched that I knew was an anime, if only because I later found it myself months later back when YTV had the Bionix hour in the evening. And if you think that wasn't my favorite time to watch TV during the day then you are very much mistaken.
And while certain parts of the show didn't age nearly as well as others, like Miroku for one, I still had a blast watching it and the opening and ending are still as much of a banger as I remember them being, even at the tender age of 13.
But with Inuyasha finally crossed off my list, it's time to move into the next show and put that one in the bag as well: Critical Role.
#Cross stitching#Inuyasha#Fans of the far east#Just to clarify#Im not watching all of critcal role#I finished the first campaign during the summer#And i stopped watching after the group found kiri in the swamp#So im about halfway through that#And while i said that miroku certainly did not age well#And any scene with the whole butt rub was incrediably painful to watch#I still loved everything else about him#How eternally opimistic he was even though he was the one character that knew he was pratically a walking dead man#How it was more often than not him that brought up saving people no matter how much it would hinder them in the long run#I mean kagome was the one that would convince inuyasha to help out#But miroku was the one who would bring it up and keep pushing for it#And how when you got down to it he was actually one of the most kind and thoughtful people in the show#The entire time i watched the show#I couldnt figure out what i had seen in the sango/miroku pairing when i was a teenager#But after the proposal happened and they started to actually connect more i remembered#It was how gentle he could be with sango#When anything happened that would upset her or kohaku appeared and then would vanish again#He would just sit by her and comfort her and listen#And after all was said and done#He would tell that whatever she was feeling was valid and that it was okay to feel this way#No matter what would happen he would stay by her side and support her in whatever she thought was right#Anyway these tags are almost as long as the post itself#And its almost 3am so i should just stop typing and go to bed
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deities-fanfiction · 4 years
Bakusquad movie night with jenny
wooooah jennys making EVEN MORE CONTENT-shut up!
It was an average Sunday afternoon. Jenny was listening to the first Percy Jackson audio book for the fifth time when there was a knock at the girls door. She paused and took off her headphones , saying a usual “one sec!” before she opened the door.
 At the door was Sero. Or as jenny wrote in her diary , piano teeth. “we’re setting up a movie night for the bakusquad. Wanna join in?” he asked. Jenny smiled at the thought. It had been a while since she hung with the bakusquad and she missed those goofballs. “I’m down.” jenny told Sero.
 Mr.soy sauce took jenny by the hand and led her to the couch where kaminari and Mina were sitting. Mina threw her arms around jenny. “yaaas the other queen has arrived!” she cheered. Jenny laughed and patted Mina’s back.
 Kaminari high fived Sero. “I’m surprised she came too.” the blonde stated. Jenny looked over at pikachu. “well I guess listening to Percy mess up for the fifth time isn't better than annoying Katsuki.” she smirked.
 “oi the hell are idiots talking about?” speak of the devil. Bakougo walked over to the group with Kiri right behind him.
 Jenny looked back at him and smiled “me annoying you~” she said honestly. A flick to the ear later and Bakougo was next to jenny on the couch. “yeah yeah , feisty.” he mumbled. Kiri was on the other side of jenny while mina was by bakougo. Kaminari was on a pile of pillows on the floor while sero was still standing up.
 He pulled out two DVD’s. “okay first decision. What are we watching?” he asked. The two films were spirited away and infinity war. “all for spirited away raise your hand.” sero said.
 Jenny , bakougo , mina and kiri wanted spirited away.
 “well damn that’s a majority vote. Sorry denki we lost this one.” sero said before he turned to pop the dvd in.
 Kaminari sighed “ah man! Alright mina you and me are on snacks.” he said before he got up. Alien queen stood up too and giggled. “sucks for you goldie locks!”.
 “kiri and jen are on blankie duty.” sero said as he put the infinity war dvd on the coffee table. “wait hey arent those my dvd’s what the hell dude?” she snatched the case. Sero snickered. “maybe.”. kiri  was already up and hauling a pissy jenny away from beating up Sero for snooping in her room.  
 Eventually jenny just followed the red head to his room. “I keep a bunch of blankets and stuff in my bottom drawer!” Kirishima said as he knelt down to open the drawer. He handed two to jenny and held the other three himself. “omg eij are these themed to the squad?” jenny asked. Kiri blushed a bit as they walked back “maybe.” he admitted.
 As they were doing this sero and bakougo were helping set up the snacks with mina and denki. To announce their presence jenny dumped her and bakougo’s blankets onto bakougo’s head. “ah- fiesty why?” he grumbled as he took them off his head. Jenny jumped over the back of the couch to sit back down. “cause I can.” she replied before wrapping her own blanket around her.
 Okay since you obviously want to know ; jenny’s blanket is baby pink with little purple jellyfish all over it. Bakougo’s is black woth die printed in orange printed all over it. Denki’s is a pikachu blanket and sero has a spiderman one. Mina had a black and pink tiger print blanket with kiri having a red blanket with a shark on it.
 Alright that’s out of my system.
 So sero pressed play on the movie. The ads went by as everyone got comfortable. Mina leaned on the side of the couch with kaminari on the floor in front of her. Like I said , sero was on the chair while jenny was between kiri and katsuki.
 As the movie began to play jenny felt the familiar calm wash over her as it did every time she watched spirited away. The soothing music and beautiful animation was perfect to her. The effort put into this film , like many others , made jenny smile to herself.
 Lets be honest the snacks were all eaten by mina , kiri and denki. C a n o n. and lets be honest sero has fallen asleep by the first 30 minutes. His famous last words are “no no im still listening.”. fucking jr grandpa iida here-
 And yes I call him grandpa Iida.
 Suddenly Bakougo spoke up. “I bet lin’s your fav , feisty.” he nudged Jennys leg with his. She snickered and hit his chest with her hand. “most definitely. She doesn’t take shit lying down.” the girl shrugged. Katsuki snickered.  “so she’s just as difficult as you?” he added.
 Jenny kicked his leg with hers. “hey you ass you were planning that the whole time werent you!” she crossed her arms.
 “oh both of you shush!” Mina told the pair. Kaminari looked up from his place on the floor “you act like siblings way too much for it to be normal! Jen you sure you haven’t known kaa-chan for longer than a few months?” he jabbed.
 Jenny tensed a bit but shook it off as the movie continued. As scene by scene went by the music along with the comments from her friends the girl between kiri and kastuki fell asleep , falling back onto the red heads shoulder.
 As kiri pulled the blanket over his friend , Chihiro and her own friends rode the train to swamp bottom. He put a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter as Jenny drooled a bit in her sleep.
 The familiar voice of Yaoyorozu interrupted the moment. She had come out to check on the group before going to sleep. Her hair was down instead of in its usual pony tail. She pointed at jenny who was out cold “if you want I can get her to her room.” momo offered. Kiri smiled at the class vice president “don’t worry I’ll take her.” he politely declined.
 Momo nodded “don’t stay up too late.” she told the group. Mina called her no fun while Bakougo yawned and told mina to shut her mouth. Momo just nodded and went to her room.
 Once the movie was over mina and bakougo retreated to their rooms first. Sero had woken up and was taking out the disk. Kiri looked over at him and said “remember to get those back to jens room. She’ll kick your ass if you don’t give them back.”.
 Sero agreed. “yeah I will im not an asshole…most of the time.” he shrugged before putting on that signature smile and placing the disk back in its case. He took both the case he had taken and put them on the coffee table. Then he took the snack containers to the kitchen.
 While flex tape was doing that kiri picked up jen , still wrapped in her blanket. Still drooling…of course. “I might just let you keep this blanket…that is if you drool on it more.” bestie shark chuckled as he carried jenny to her room and if you think that anyone in 1A cant carry someone like its nothing your dumb these guys are absolutely shredded are you kidding working out if a hobby for half of them. Ok lil weird tangent over-
 Kiri held onto jenny with one arm , propping her up with his leg as he used his now semi free hand to open her dorm door. Once inside he shifted to hold her higher up before he bent over her bed and placed her gently onto it. Kiri moved back to go back out. When he got back to the couch he found that sero had left the cases on the table. He sighed and swiped them before heading back to jennys room.
 The dvd cases now set in their place in jennys massive movie shelf. “man how long as she been collecting. Got diverse taste at least…” eijiro marveled at the different movies his friend had gotten in the past what…[shit I need to check-] like almost 13 years so since she [I] was like 2…my parents like movies okay-
 Barbie , veggietales , marvel , DC , anime sets liek sailor moon and inuyasha , a silent voice and okkos inn. She also had the platnum disney and anniversarary disney dvd’s. along with one offs like rio , storks , kubo and the two strings.
 Ok bird theme.
 Speaking of birds.
 A loud chirp came from the bird cage in the upper corner of jenny’s room right by the door to her balcony. Right…buttercup. A small yellow bird jenny adored. Buttercups a brat but a cute one. Kiri glanced at jenny , worried she’d wake up. “shh! Your gonna wake your like…mom up? She calls you your mom right?” did he really just ask a bird this question. But never the less buttercup shushed herself.
 Kirishima sighed in relief as his shoulders lowered. He looked over at jenny again. She had moved positions to hold her oh so beloved minecraft squid plushie in her arms. And yes I have him irl. His name is Bartholomew and he likes sporks. Squids , octopi , birds and lizards were her favorite animals. Basically dinosours...
 And yes she was still drooling. Kiri took a tissue from jenny’s desk and wiped the drool from her mouth before he shut her mouth.
 Then he left the room. Turning off the light and shutting the door as he did. “night.”
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