#king county metro
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Transit photos
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scoticus · 3 months
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sir that is not a parking spot
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addierose444 · 8 months
Visiting Seattle Chinatown and a Capital One Café
First of all, I went to Seattle again this weekend to meet up with a fellow Smith alum (my first-year roommate) for dinner in Chinatown. We spent time in a local park catching up and then grabbed dinner at Fortune Garden. I ordered the shredded chicken with Chinese cabbage vermicelli. I was very pleased with this choice as it was quite tasty and reasonably affordable given that I got to go home with a lot of leftovers. 
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While dinner and our visit were great, getting back to Redmond was once again quite a pain. The problem this week was that my 7:50 bus didn’t show and neither did the one scheduled for 8:21. The next one wasn’t for another hour, but I was of course skeptical that it would ultimately arrive. While there were some alternate routes with multiple transfers, I ultimately split an Uber with three other folks who were also stuck at the bus stop. However, this only got me to downtown Redmond so it was a bunch more walking and another bus for me. After this whole ordeal, I was exhausted and didn’t make it back to my apartment until 10:15. While one could read these experiences as a reason to live in Seattle instead of Redmond, in reality, they validate my decision to live in Remond because it’s just so much cleaner and safer here. The photo below is the sunset view from the bus stop. And for those who don’t know, Lumen Field is where among other things the Seahawks (football) and OL Reign (women’s soccer) play. As an intern last summer I got the chance to watch the OL Reign in their Pride match which was a lot of fun!
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Earlier today, I also got the chance to visit my first Capital One Café. I’ve been meaning to check it out for a few weeks as I’ve been curious about them for a while and there’s one in Bellevue Washington. I decided to go on my way to Seattle to get out of my apartment earlier, deposit some cash, get a cold drink, and just generally check out the space. I ordered the hibiscus spritz which in addition to looking super cool also tasted amazing. Seriously though, it was one of the best summer drinks I’ve had and quite affordable with the 50% discount on the handcrafted drinks for a Capital One card holder. Overall, I had a great experience and honestly wish I’d budgeted a bit more time there and in Bellevue more generally. 
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And yes, Capital One is primarily an online bank. While I do have accounts and credit cards across several different banks and credit unions to maximize interest and cashback earned as well as other benefits and don’t have a primary bank per se, I will say that across the board Capital One has really solid banking products. I hope to analyze and write about this a bit more, but I think that if I were forced to have only one bank Capital One would be a top contender.
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If you close a bus stop, guess who the signs don’t help? Blind passengers. 
Yesterday while walking Isis I passed by an older woman with a white cane, a walking cane, and a little dog. She was using her white cane in the general area of the closed bus stop. I back tracked and asked her if she was looking for the bus stop. She was. She had gotten off another bus and was trying to transfer to her next bus. I feel like maybe the first bus should be making an audible announcement about the closure of the nearby stop due to construction. I offered to take her to the temporary bus stop two blocks away, she accepted. She was very slow, it took FOREVER, and Isis lost patience by the end because she just wanted to walk. I should’ve just given her a piggyback ride, we would have made much better time. Though it would’ve been weird to give a stranger a piggyback ride. I don’t think we even exchanged names. Her dog’s name was Princess. Thankfully a bus showed up right when we got to the temporary bus stop.
I share this only because, if you see someone struggling and you can, offer to help. They might decline or they could welcome your assistance. We were next to a pretty busy road and had to cross the off ramp from an even busier road (with very uneven ground thanks to the road construction... which this woman thought was a waste of money and our taxes should be going to schools), which the woman said made her scared. I can’t imagine trying to navigate a situation like that as a blind person. Especially if no one stops to help. 
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selkiecoded · 1 year
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these days, every link is just a few typos away from leading to catboy kyoya. so watch out.
[ID: A quote tweet by @/cursedwebsite that reads, "last night, one of our elected officials accidentally deleted a character on her tinyurl link and tweeted this out."
The quote tweeted tweet is by Jeanne Kohl-Welles @/kcckohlwelles. It reads, "🎶 Baby it's cold outside! 🎶 So cold that King County Metro Transit is temporarily closing some routes and activating its Emergency Snow Network (ESN) in anticipation of what could be a major ice storm tonight and tomorrow. Here is a list of impacted routes: tinyurl.com/ycxdjad."
The image that the tinyurl link leads to is an illustration of Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club as a shirtless catboy in a sultry pose. /end ID]
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catgirlbulge · 1 month
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look at my king county metro cardigan. you wish you had swag like this.
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rokkazu · 1 month
every day i realize more how good i had it with king county metro and i get so so sad. i could literally take my stupid little bus card and walk a few blocks from my house and have the whole city free to me . i could easily take a bus all the way to downtown to go meet my dad on his lunch break. i could take a bus straight to the lightrail station and that went all the way to the fucking airport. im so mad i wanted out of that fuck ass old house so bad i forgot to cherish her. i feel so useless now i cant do anything here because i cant drive. actually need to fucking kill somebody
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barstoolblues · 2 months
bus is extra loud today. hopefully it doesn’t explode but you really never know with the king county metro
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jellogram · 10 months
I'm still thinking about how at the pride parade they announced the King County Metro and everyone lost their minds cheering for them. And then the guy was like "That's right! And how many of you are paying your fares?" and the crowd went silent
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reyofluke-ocs · 1 year
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OCs DESERVE BETTER -> Mina Rhee (The Walking Dead) FC: Moon Bloodgood
“Just because I try to save everyone doesn’t mean I don’t know how to kill - that I’m not willing to. I wouldn’t underestimate me, if I were you.”
One of the eldest Rhee siblings, Mina was everything her parents dreamed about - successful in life and pursuing a prestigious career that would ensure job security and a comfortable life. And then she takes an Emergency Services Management class the summer between high school and college, and discovers her true calling lays in becoming a paramedic. Her parents eventually come around to the idea - just in time for her to decide she wants to try living on her own, and move to Atlanta, Georgia.
A few short years later, she is followed by her not-so-secret-favorite younger brother, Glenn, who she doesn’t hesitate to make room for in her tiny city apartment. Deciding she wants a change from EMS in metro Atlanta, she takes a position at King County EMS. Barely a year into her work with them, her unit is one of the many dispatched to respond to a call about multiple gun shot wounds, including a King County deputy officer. Being the closest, Mina and her partner are the first on the scene, and Mina immediately works to stabilize the injured Officer Grimes. Between her and her partner’s efforts, they are able to keep the injured officer alive and stable enough for emergency surgery.
Gun shot wounds were something Mina was familiar with - from growing up in Detroit to being part of Atlanta EMS - so she is able to compartmentalize the incident just like she does so many other calls. And then the dead start walking and she’s separated from Glenn. And she finds herself running to a disoriented but very alive Officer Grimes at the hospital during her ransacking it for supplies. 
tagging: @endless-oc-creations,  @stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic, @hiddenqveendom, @arrthurpendragon, @cas-verse, @eddiemunscns, if anyone wants to be added/removed let me know!
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大纽约社区介绍之University Heights, the Bronx
大学高地(University Heights)位于布朗克斯西北部,是一块面积不大、有些地方还很邋遢的飞地。布朗克斯社区大学(Bronx Community College)占地45英亩,校园横跨悬崖峭壁,视野开阔,对社区的影响举足轻重。
这不是一所典型的通勤学校。该学院最著名的建筑由斯坦福-怀特(Stanford White)设计,2012年,学院大部分建筑被评为国家历史地标。
1973年,这个拥有约3万人口的社区并不景气。纽约大学(NYU)在19世纪末建立了这所校园,作为其格林威治村(Greenwich Village)以外的乡村校区,随着犯罪率的上升和入学率的下降,纽约大学以约6200万美元的价格将学校卖给了州政府。
据史料记载,随着有宿舍的大学被学生每晚回家的学院所取代,一个艰难的过渡时期随之而来。West 183rd Street和Loring Place North等曾经是学生和教师居住的街道变得空旷破败。
但学院的管理者和居民们认为,这所在20世纪80年代斥资数百万翻新校外建筑的学校就像一条马奇诺防线(Maginot Line),阻止了南布朗克斯的凋敝。
如今,隶属于纽约城市大学(City University of New York)的布朗克斯社区大学拥有约11000名学生和1600名教师,校门有保安人员看守,校园周围有巡逻车巡逻;2012年,由Robert A.M. Stern Architects设计的新北楼和图书馆落成剪彩。目前,学校还在翻修主广场。
6岁的盖尔-道森(Gail Dawson)说:"这个地区唯一真正稳定的好东西就是大学"。1978年,她从哈林区(Harlem)的一个公共住宅区搬到了这个社区,为的是给孩子们提供一个更安全的成长环境。当时,和现在一样,身患残疾的道森女士住在一套一居室的公寓里,房租由联邦住房券支付。
大学高地给人的感觉是静态的。伟大美国人名人堂(Hall of Fame for Great Americans)是一个露天校园,收藏了约100尊半身铜像,包括艺术家、发明家和总统,其中最近期的人物莫过于富兰克林-德拉诺-罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)。
该市正在考虑重新划分Jerome Avenue两英里的区域,以建造更多经济适用房、公园和商店。目前,车库、轮胎店和其他汽车行业占据了这条街道。
一些长期经营的企业主对此表示担忧,比如43岁的佩德罗-蒙西翁(Pedro Moncion),他在West 181st Street拥有一家San Rafael Auto Repair修车厂。蒙西翁先生说,将该街道重新划分为禁止工业用途可能会导致他已经经营了28年的生意终结。
此外,曾经住在附近希望山(Mount Hope)的蒙西翁先生说,在附近的许多街道上,购买杂货、衣服和电子产品的地方已经比比皆是。他说:"我不知道我们还能想要什么"。
大学高地坐落在一座小山上,从这里可以俯瞰曼哈顿和新泽西州的帕利塞德悬崖(Palisades cliffs)。大学高地的北面是West Fordham Road,南面是West Burnside Avenue,东面是Jerome Avenue,西面是哈林河(Harlem River)。根据2010年的人口普查数据,94%的家庭居住在出租房中,而整个城市的这一比例为69%。根据经纪人的说法,这些出租单元中的许多都被预留给第8条(Section 8)补贴住房,或者被安排成单人间(single-room-occupancy)。
市价单位确实存在,比如位于Sedgwick Avenue的River Hill Gardens,这是一座由Goldfarb Properties拥有的五栋砖砌综合楼。校园北面还建有优雅的七层砖砌公寓楼,其中一些是装饰艺术时期的产物。
经纪人说,总的来说,University Avenue(也称Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard)以西的公寓楼最古老,也最时尚。
除此之外,还有零星的砖砌独户住宅,如West 179th Street的独户住宅,它们面对的是带前院的半独立式住宅。少数共管公寓包括位于Grand Avenue和Davidson Avenue的一些公寓。但有些共管公寓受到住房发展基金公司(Housing Development Fund Corporation)的限制,根据该公司的规定,购房者的收入不能超过上限。
市场价房产可能很难找到。据Meridian Realty Partners的副经纪人Jackson Strong称,如果有房,700平方英尺左右的市价一居室共管公寓平均售价为9万美元,两居室为14万美元。
由于大多数学生都住在别处,大学城的夜生活很少。位于Aqueduct Avenue East和West 181st Street的BX Campus Deli熟食店似乎是少数几家承认自己存在的商家之一。
在West Fordham Road上,有一家Dallas BBQ烧烤店在周末举办D.J.派对。在West Burnside Avenue上,有一些小店出售水果、美容用品和眼镜。
Aqueduct Walk沿着老克罗顿水渠(Old Croton Aqueduct)的顶端延伸,从19世纪40年代到50年代,这条水渠一直将饮用水从威彻斯特县(Westchester County)输送到这座城市。如果想重温美国历史,布朗克斯社区大学的名人堂也许值得一去。10月18日,布朗克斯社区大学将参加全市范围的"纽约开放日"(Open House New York)活动,届时还将参观由马塞尔-布劳尔(Marcel Breuer)设计的粗野主义(Brutalist)风格建筑。
该地区划入了几所小学,包括Andrews Avenue上的Public School 291、Sedgwick Avenue上的Public School 226和Jerome Avenue上的Public School 33。这三所学校都教授幼儿园到五年级的课程;P.S. 226和P.S. 33还设有学前班。
根据该市的统计数据,在2013-14学年的州考试中,P.S. 291的成绩略好于其他两所学校,当时有18%的学生英语达标,31%的学生数学达标。全市的这两个数字分别为30%和39%。
公立中学有Creston Academy、East Fordham Academy for the Arts和Academy for Personal Leadership and Excellence可供选择,这些学校都在社区外。
St. Nicholas of Tolentine Elementary School是一所教会学校,位于Andrews Avenue North,学制为幼儿园至八年级。
大都会北方铁路(Metro-North Railroad)的哈德逊线(Hudson Line)在大学高地有一站。到大中央车站(Grand Central Terminal)的车程为21至24分钟,月票价格为201美元。
4号线地铁沿Jerome Avenue停靠Burnside Avenue、183rd Street和Fordham Road。
在纽约大学落户之前,校园所在区域有几处庄园,其中一处属于马里(Mali)家族,该家族生产台球毡和其他台球产品。他们的砖房最初成为宿舍,如今是巴特勒厅(Butler Hall),为高中生上大学做准备。
转载自 New York Times, University Heights, the Bronx: Anchored by a College Campus
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Pictures and Videos from today
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scoticus · 4 months
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rider alert
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caitsith810 · 1 year
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King County Metro 1996-1997 Gillig Phantom 3490 on the 249. #seattle #washington #bellevue #bellevuewa #bellevuewashington #kingcounty #kingcountymetro #kcmetro #gillig #gilligllc #gilligphantom #bus #transit #transportation #ig_seattle #seattlelife #iloveseattle #seattlelove #igers_seattle #nikon #nikond3200 #d3200 #pnw #pacificnorthwest #seatac #seattlewa #buses #busesofinstagram #washingtonstate #emeraldcity (at Bellevue, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CorewTMOoPN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meatpuppit · 8 months
king county metro office is fucking closed for 3 days like people aren't taking the bus on those days. if you lose something on the bus on the weekends i guess you just die!
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fullmetalwindbreaker · 11 months
removing the dedicated Stop Requested indicator from their buses has gotta be one of the stupidest and most baffling things king county metro has ever done. it’s been years and i still cannot fathom who this benefits
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