#kind of opsessed
soundcrusher · 1 year
🎫 Any OC
I have spent some time trying to figure out which OC I should use, and I ended up with Reg/Tankcrusher.
Differently to her Shattered Glass counterpart Reg/Tankcrusher is a terrible mother.
She loves her son, Reg/Phoenix, she really does, but it's a wrong kind of love. An opsessive one.
One where she keeps her kid on a tight leash, because she's scared of losing him. She already drove away her conjux with how opsessed she is with following the Decepticon cause, that she often times punishes her kid for even the smallest of mistakes (and those punishments often result in injury). Hoping that, if she continues to show him how bad he is at doing things, that he'll stay.
It's a wonder that she let Reg/Phoenix join his past crew, but she probably did that to either get him to see how amazing their faction is, or because she can't stand his looks anymore. Not with his paint job reminding her of her runaway conjux and his over all looks being too similar to a certain Autobot.
Although, she has never personally met said Autobot. (That's actually one of the reasons why she calls Reg/Phoenix "cursed", next to him being the cause for her conjux leaving.)
Over all, she loves her kid, but at the same time, she can't help but see in him the reason for everything bad that has happened to her. Causing her to also despise Reg/Phoenix.
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aslongasican · 5 months
singing the songs thinking this is the life
well, when i look back to the history of my love sharing from a very young age i could definitely say that i was never the one who shares. i was more the one who loves platonic. i was (maybe still am) the one who casts spells on the people, making them get drunk from my super cheerful personality, lovely stories, good humor, movements, jokes. maybe i have never shown that i am actually really small and kind and shy and lovable and romantic. maybe i'm scared to show to people that i am not this loud. but sometimes i try to act different, it doesn't feel right. maybe i just learnt to cope with emotions by swallowing them without chewing and then carrying them inside of my body till they get disolved. follow up to that: depending on the power and type of the emotion, i would say that couple of months are ideal for one emotion to at least start disolving.
anyway, the reason i'm getting this out of me is because i feel like i'm in love again. but i again don't know him, i might be just opsessed with what we could be. i mean he is smart and sweet and sex is a m a z i n g, but we never really talked about us. am i in love with the situationship again? meh. a bit of the background, we see eachother every 4-5 months for couple of days because of the organization which we both work in. and the last one finished like this week. so, 5 more months to go. or to say hi, i like you. i feel like i would rather die. i really want him to do the first move. but what if he doen't want. i mean if he wants it would be done in last half a year right. but what if he is just stupid. how to approach him to talk about this. i am so lost. maybe for the first time in my life i won't do anything. i will just wait, and let this stupid feeling go. and then again in 5 months, ahhhhhhhhh. LOVELY.
that's it for today's soul's cleaning.
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dreampai · 3 years
I really enjoyed your submissions - until today. I never actually followed your life cause you seem like a very negative person that struggles with admiting you are negative so i only followed the submitted tags.
Today you didn't tag the earthquake post (which is totally okay, it is a stressful situation) but what you did manage is to make a whole ass new post like with every other post that has probs one negative comment. You say people cant joke around and yesterday you wrote rhat you love how croats make memes to joke about it. Today you joked about it by saying youre the one thats shaking.
As i was in #not a dream hash part of your blog i just realized you are such an egocentric person. You cant take a quality critic if it hit you in the face. You made your followers worship you blindly and it is just so sad to see how opsessed you are by other people's opinion.
Just - you couldve just said what cities were affected and how to help but instead you decided to throw a pity party - as Tea does, i guess. Im truly disappointed that that kind of negatively egoistic person is behind the dreams submission.
I am aware you will turn this ask into one more pity party or you wont answer because you dont need a bad look, or you will tell me i dont have the right to comment because i dont know you irl - well guess what; you are a public figure and what you post is what i can make my general opinion on. And what you post usually is attention grabbing pity parties. I truly only follow you for dreams submissions and now i can follow you to always havw a model of a person i never want to be so thanks
You're welcome, I guess!
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vesperstalksclones · 4 years
Ramblings of a Bipolar Geek girl.
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And a picture of this sexy mother fucker who is haunting my shit RN and is viscerally intertwined with all my hot messy-ness. And why not?
Really this is just brain droppings. I'm ramping up in to what will likely be a doozy of an episode, so I needed a dumping ground and Tumblr seemed like the place.
I own that diagnosis, Bipolar, and not like in a fad way. I mean chemically messed up. My PsychNP who tends my medicine chuckles and pats me on the head when we talk. She loves my stories and our visits are usually more like coffee with a favorite aunt. Not a call for help or anything. I'm good. I think if you've started reading, then you'll find some things to laugh at.
Eh... OK. A&P/Psychiatry lesson. A lot of people talk about Bipolar disorder, but I've found the average person knows very little about psychological disorders beyond "crazy". Specifically, I am medicated for Bipolar II. Bipolar I and II both suffer from the hellish depression that comes in the cycle, but bipolar I is characterized by periods of mania that can get quite uncontrollable and self destructive. Like the things you hear about people running up tens of thousands of $$ on credit cards or selling their house on a whim. Bipolar II still has the manuc episodes, but not so severe. Its a wild ride, but mostly fun and exhilarating. But, well, thats mania. Like, I go through bouts of insomnia, obsessive behavior, blasts of energy; it feels like your personality is trying to shatter your skin and fly off in every direction at once.
The insomnia gets old, and the jitteryness can be obnoxious at times, but the obsessions are downright funny. In the past, oh years ago, I remember a year (I go in nice neat 3 month cycles) where I had a food obsession with fruit roll-ups (an American snack common in kids lunch pails if you're not familiar). So, my last episode was late May - June. I had a new opsession and or new symptom. I thought it was just this mysterious hormonal change that I hear talked about on sitcoms and movies and etc where a middle aged woman suddenly becomes a cougar. Well.... suddenly my mania comes with ADVANCED HORNY. Now, I'm a geek, always have been. And suddenly, this new manic horny thing (and my Puss Puss) said "Look! Fictional characters! And they have genitalia! Imma gonna latch on to this hard!" Somehow the worst of the obsession landed on my beloved clone boys.... and well I started my Tumblr account and poured in smut - fics, pics, follows, etc. After a few weeks, things calmed down. And I thought... well that was refreshing, sorry its over. NOW - three-ish months on.. its BACK. Next manic cycle and skin melting horny have me their grip! Is this shit here to stay?
Ok so... some of y'all write about this or that character going through a heat cycle or a rut... well... this bitch knows what that feels like. I can barely function. I am humming like a fucking tuning fork. I've changed my drawers twice today (sorry, gross but lol) and any conscious thought involves some depraved behavior involving specific handsome brown men. AND THE DREAMS I HAD LAST NIGHT! My stars and garters, I couldn't properly look Nitro in the eye this morning when he got up for work! (No worries, he and I have a happy comfortable relationship and we can talk openly about sex and people we admire and etc. That and IDK what my sexual orientation is so we can appreciate boobs together happily, but this can be another entertaining blog post)
LIke srsly, Temuera Morrisson, Sam Witwer, Dee Bradley Baker, Liam Neeson, and Ewan McGregor should consider getting ready for retraining orders against me. The money I would pay just to have these guys talk at me.. well... might rival that shit I said about Bipolar I mania 🤣.
All things considered... mania is exhausting. Your brain is on constant fast forward and I feel like there is a veil between me and the world. Im sure I'll do or say some stupid things that might embarass me later on, but right now everything seems fair game, kind of like being drunk or something. IDK. So that being said... time to sip some coffee, draw some clone dick,... and maybe write down some of those dreams from last night. Seems a shame not to share! 😁🥰
Love you babies! ✌
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diandra-chan · 5 years
Okay hear me out.
I've been working on this for about two years and I finally got the currage to post this idea here. And I've added my OC to this and the turtles are not related in this so please don't hate me for this QwQ
(Okay I needed to change some things about this after talking to my best friend with who'm I created this AU ^^')
But here is a little Character summery for this
- is the Dragonborn
- hates the Thalmor
- hates vampires
- ironicly turns into a Vampire later on in the story
- is a nord
- originally lived in Cyrodiil
- doesen't choose a side in the civil war in Skyrim
- uses light armor
- stops the others from doing stupid stuff
- Kills Alduin
- finally, peace and quiet
- suddenly Miraak
- is part of the Companions
- is a werewolf
- Loves being a werewolf
- also hates the Thalmor
- uses two battle axe's instead of sais
- heavy armor guy
- "is that a giant? I'll kill it on my own!"
- he did not kill the giant allone
- can control his Transformation LIKE A BOSS
-very talented smith
- is a redguard
- is a mage
- likes to collect books
- booksmarts 100%
- king of sass
- fire and lightning spells all the way
- is a breton
- his mom sold his soul to Hermaeus Mora when he was a child
- he found out about this 11 years later
- he's NOT happy about it
- "Why are strange symbols and daedric writing apearing on my arms?!"
- is opsessing about black book's later on
- "I don't need sleep! I need ANSWERES!!!"
- is a breton as Well
- light armor all the way
- sneaky boi
- lived in Riften
- is part of the Thieves guild
- hates Mercer Frey
- master of lockpicking
- "pickpocketing? No problem!"
- uses two daggers instead of nunchucks
- pranks Grelod the Kind on a daily bases
- is a pure bean
- is from Riverwood
- is an imperial
- thinks the civil war is stupid
- 5"1 tiny bean
- is good at alchemy
- awesome archer
- booksmarts 90%
- sense of direction = 0%
- frostbite spider: exists
- Diandra: faints
- very romantic
- "I'll support you guys no matter what!"
- crush on Donnie 1000% once she finds out she has feelings for him
- naiv
- tries to talk things out before rushing to Violence
- 90% of the time it doesen't work
So yeah that's it so far ^^'
I hope you like the idea and don't murder me for shipping OC x canon
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vtruq · 4 years
My thoughts on my pattern recognitions
I have been looking for a way to combine the following thoughts for almost 2 months. By now I will just post them here as patterns I realised in myself and move along with other ideas for posts on this blog. 
One thing that sucks about being single is that I do not have a travel partner. Thus, I do not think of travelling that often in my day to day life. I need to force myself to visit international friends more AND I need to find a travel buddy; or at least I want to start asking people if we should travel together.
I realised that I have a strong tendency to delay tasks that are uncomfy or come along with difficulties and problems. The longer I delay the task at hand, the harder it gets to start. I think structure and scoping already helps me to overcome my tendency to delay things. But “resistance”, as Steve Pressfield calls it, is still there. On way too many nights, I find myself watching Youtube these days. Mostly I watch videos who have a good time and live their life. I need to break this habit by introducing more “craziness” and “randomness” to my life. Similar to the vlogs of David Dobrik I just want to surprise my loved ones with gifts, trips and quality time together. I want to get into the active state of doing instead of being jealous of people who do what they love. This thought triggers two follow up things:
Firstly, it reminds me of the “concept of happiness” that Headspace thought me; the concept says that happiness is something that you can not find if you search for it. Paradoxically however, you can bring happiness to the lives of the people around you by doing something for them: being there for them, listening to them, helping them in their situation etc. By bringing happiness to the lives of loved ones, you can participate in their happiness and be happy yourself. To make a long story short: You can´t keep happiness for your own. It is rather a community good that you need to share in order to “achieve a state of happiness” for yourself.
Secondly, the thought helped me to realise that nothing is an “individual achievement”. The people around me are always part of everything I am able to do. I am so grateful for my friends and family and I know that I would be nothing without them.
Over my time here at home, I realised that the “Clown”-Noah/Monkeymind-Noah is a part of my personality as well as the “Professional”-Noah is. The “Clown”-Noah is kind of suppressed at the moment. Thus, I watch a lot of Youtube videos where people do funny stuff and have a good time (I discovered David Dobriks vlogs). I use the videos as a substitute for things I want to do. Similary I used “Clown”-Noah in India to handle complex/ uncomfortable situations either in the job but also privately. Which is fine for problems in my privat life, but not in the job. I realised that I can not do both (Monkeymind and Professiona work) at the same time. Still, both sides are a part of me and the Monkeymind needs its free room in the free time. Achieving the balance between the two “forces” me to live a happy and fulfilled life. If one of them does not work the other side does not work aswell. It is a harmony.
I adapt things depending on what I am consuming. Felix Lobrecht and the way of joking, the way to telling a story/thought from Matt D´Avella, the way of thought process and the way of understanding the thought of the opposite side from Ali Abdaal, the humor and sayings from videos and standups or the structuring from case interviews. I am like a sponge and take the stuff that resonates with me, my style and my values. But, as with everything, most things/interests wear out after time. For me personally, there is a very small group of people and interest that stick with me over many years. These are the essentials: Fashion, music, astehtic, craftmenship and art, charisma and humor, learning and understanding of people, interactions and myself.
Today things are going great. I got two job offers and thus no need to worry about that anymore. Still it is interesting to see how my own behaviour is always either on top of everything or at rock bottom. I have to install a state inbetween. A state of happiness, kindness and generosity. Right now I am so happy that I got two offers that Piet is here and all our thoughts are circulating about dating that girl, becoming rich and the biggest artist in the world as well as a PhD from Harvard etc. It is kind of a normal pattern for me. But yesterday when I really realised that this hinders me from “being in the moment” I actively stopped it and once again realised the power of the habits I developed over the last couple of month. It was also so interesting because I realised how I acutally prioritise things inside. I did not think about dating a week ago. I was just focusing on acing the interviews and that I am lonely. How that the “interview pain” is over I actively think about dating and going out. I have to optimize myself here; I was so happy when I got the spot for a seminar or the job offer that I directly want to reward myself. Which is fine and I guess a common behavioural pattern. But the way I do it is not healthy - I instantly go to Youtube to chill and to watch Videos that make me happy. I got to learn to have a better system, to get out of bed easier, to keep it movin, to do “big things” constantly, to plan ahead, and to make my dreams come true. Currently I am a victim to the hedonistic treadmill and that I want to change that.
I do not think that there is such thing as the “perfect partner”. I think every person has a internal set of interests, values and needs. When you surpass a certain threshold you are “happy” with your situation. In this day and age everything is possible and it is about everyone to work for his/her maximazation of the utility function. This is a very egocentric view, so I want to combine it with the thoughts about happiness from above to widen the perspective and to include generosity.
Another thing I am getting more and more opsessed with is the “flow concept”. But I guess this deserves at least one extra post.
One last thing: I want to actively watch my language and try to replace “general phrases” like “one could say that….” By “I think that….”
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jana-reads · 5 years
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
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4 stars
409 pages
Blue Sargent is from a family of psychics, but she isn’t one. She has a really good character voice, kind of snarky but thoughtful and curious. 
She’s on the corpse road with her aunt turing Mark’s day. She saw a boy named Gansey there, and the only reasons that could explain non seer seeing a spirit there is being either their true love or the one killing them.
Gansey is opsessed with the lay lines and looking for an old Welsh king Glendower. He is also one of the students in Aglionby (and I still have to look the spelling up after four books), a private school for rich boys. He can be unthinkingly arrogant with his wealth without wanting to.
Adam Parrish is one of GAnsey’s friends. He is poor and has worked every bit to be in this Elite school. He somehoe think’s of Gansay’s help as charity. He want’s to be selfmade. 
Ronan Linch is the group designated badass. Regularly skips school, the dreamer, he doesn’t want to hold up the millionaire name. Drinker and constant headache but still loved by all his friends.
Noah is quiet and sulky boy, rarely fully there.
Blue wants to meet Gansey after the St. Marks day. He luckily schedules a meeting with her mom. Unknown to her she meets him before that too. She didn’t like him but got along well enough with Adam.
She quickly gets accepted into the freindgroup and is now part of the Search for Glendower. 
They manage to find a magical forest called Cabeswater and things only gets Crazier from here.
For a first book in series it wasn’t bad at all, it pulled me in petty quick. It gets petter with second book, but so do most series. And it doesn’t contain as much angst or romance as the “will kill her real love with a kiss” would have you assume.
(Link to Goodreads)
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junker-town · 6 years
Bryce Harper is finally older than all of the prospects
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It took a while, but we have to say goodbye to our favorite shorthand description of just how young Bryce Harper is.
Brandon Woodruff is a 25-year-old pitcher for the Milwaukee Brewers. He’s made two appearances in relief this year, 10 appearances overall in his career. Before this season started, he ranked No. 61 on Baseball America’s top-100 list.
Woodruff was born on February 10, 1993, which makes him the oldest prospect on the list. He just turned 25 years old.
Bryce Harper was born on October 16, 1992. He also just turned 25 years old, but he’s still older than Woodruff. Which means he was older than every last prospect on the Baseball America top-100 list.
Which means we have to stop saying that “Bryce Harper is basically the same age as a prospect.”
We’ve crossed the rubicon.
For as long as Harper has been in the league, describing him as the same age (or younger) than the typical prospect has been such an easy and welcome shortcut. Harper has always been a precocious talent, coming up as a teenager and winning the National League MVP when he was the same age as a college senior. And when he was the same age as a prospect, it was so easy to point out that ...
Harper was historically young for a great player
When players are this good, this young, they usually have Hall of Fame careers
Everybody pay attention to Bryce Harper
All of this is still true, and somehow it’s so easy to forget. Harper has been around for six seasons now, and we’ve all had our moments where we underappreciated him or forgotten just what a baseball freak he is. Mike Trout existing is probably the best reason. Harper chews on batting helmets with murder eyes, and Trout is just a little bit better at everything (including staying healthy) and he gets excited about clouds. Mike Trout is the perfect storm for ignoring Harper just a little too much, and that is absolutely a weather reference.
Now that Harper isn’t a prospect, what comes next? He’s currently in the middle of a torrid April, which is kind of his thing. He struggled in an April years ago, when he was a zygote, but since then, he’s been reliably putting up four-digit OPSesses and shaming pitchers for an entire month. His Opening Day home run streak was snapped, but he made up for it by hitting four home runs in three games once April started. It looks like he’ll be excellent again, and it won’t surprise anyone.
What comes next is twofold: The first will have to do with speculation, and it’s already started. Harper is a free agent after the season, and considering that Scott Boras is his agent, it’s likely that he’ll get a contract that will make him rich enough to hire Elon Musk to make rocket sounds whenever Harper hits a ball to the outfield.
BRYCE HARPER: Don’t use the words next time. Just the onomatopoeia.
MUSK: Yes, sir!
Jon Heyman has a list of Harper’s likely landing spots, and it looks like you think it does, with the Dodgers, Nationals, Phillies, Giants, Cubs, Braves, Yankees, and Red Sox. I’m morbidly curious about the Rockies — for science! — but that seems like a likely bunch. We’ll spend the next few months talking about this and then a few months after that discussing What It All Means.
But the next chapter that I’m most interested is the one about how Harper sheds the “historically great for someone that young” label and transitions into “historically great.” It’s possible that he’s done it already. He already has more career homers than some All-Stars of yore, like Davey Johnson, Bill Mazeroski, Darren Daulton, and Mike Greenwell. He has more career WAR than Jason Bay, Carlos Gonzalez, Prince Fielder, Jay Buhner, Raul Ibanez, George Bell, Jeromy Burnitz, Cliff Floyd, and Garret Anderson. Among others.
And, again, this is impressive because he’s younger than some of the prospects on ...
Sorry, force of habit. That is, he’s just a little bit older than some of the prospects on a top-100 list. But, eventually, we won’t even need that qualifier. We probably haven’t needed it for a couple of years now. After the MVP, mentioning his preternatural ability in conjunction with his age was just another reason to keep that low, long whistle sustained for another few seconds when discussing his career and future.
What’s next for Bryce Harper, now that he’s a normal baseball player with abnormal talent, is for him to spend another six or seven years in the prime of his career, doing things that haven’t been done very often. Only his body being a jerk can stop him, and that’s not a dismissive warning. Bodies can be absolute jerks, and Harper has a lot of wear and tear on his body for a 25-year-old.
Still, we’ve asked you to predict Harper’s career before, and three years later, it seems apparent that 23 percent of you are complete dinguses.
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We’re still on pace for that last one, which would mean a career that extends deep into Harper’s 30s, if not the next decade, and allows him to hit 600 or 700 home runs. For now, though, let’s take some time to light a votive candle to the memory of Bryce Harper being younger than most prospects. Harper is a regular ol’ All-Star now, and we’ll have to get used to this reality. In five years, we’ll be talking about his eventual decline, and how his $40 million salary will be something of a drag for his team, even if he’s still hitting at an MVP level.
Until then, we get to watch a special player in a prime that will go on for a lot longer than we had a right to expect. And I’ll have to come up with new ways to describe this because my lazy words are gone.
It was a fun time. He took advantage of this era, and we have no regrets. Welcome to regular life, Bryce Harper.
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Enough with the sexy picture drama, let's begin with the real questions: 1) since when Tessa started warring two rings 2) what could those rings posibly mean 3) could some aske Danielle Earl to take a close up photo of the rings? As you can see I'm kind of opsessed with them :) You don't wannt to heare my theory. And last question: what are the odds Tessa visits tumblr from time to time? Here is her fan base. Everyone comes here. And for that thank you very much for updating us all.
Hahahahaha great questions!! Let’s ask these!! I’d love to hear your theory on these rings. 
Hi Tessa! Where you at? LOL Meryl Davis checked tumblr once and plenty of people are on here so it’s always possible. 
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