#kfp the mightiest warriors
grayzeppelin281 · 6 months
Echoes of the Snow and Fire
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Number 3, 4, 5, and 7!
Alright, Righteous Flames! Now I'll answer four questions!
In case of pandoms wondering what you see a user with a cat profile popping a post. Who am I, you ask? I am GrayZeppelin, fanfiction author of my magnum opus series, Kung Fu Panda: The Mightiest Warriors.
#3 Biggest self-insert OCs?
So far, I have no self-insert OCs, which to be honest, writing a character of myself seems to be odd. So. . . I am not crazy about self-insert OCs. I read a few fics (not from KFP) that have character names of their own, the color of their hair, eyes, etc. I used to like their self-insert fics (well, I moved on from that).
#4 What kind of musics do your OCs listen to?
As I remember most kinds of music I jam with, there's plenty that involves my characters' fit in and their liking.
For instance, my boy Chen Xing has his favorite words while thrusting his six-inch punch at bandits. Compare the Dragon Warrior's shout "Skadoosh!", inspired by a song from a heavy metal band System of a Down, Xing roars "Chop Suey!"
Here's another song that matches my latest antagonist character Wang, when he was a victim of domestic abuse by his father Le (a douche) who forced his son to be more formidable. Most lyrics from the song Bohemian Rapsody from Queen fit Wang's perspective, despite being broken, loved his mother, hated his father, refused to be in sympathy, and many hated him (but his brothers from Lu Academy loved him). I don't know how I found out about his background story, but this music inspires many.
#5 What are some of your OC's biggest fears?
Very good question!
Since I have like a million OCs (not really, around 100 OCs and more) to look at their biography, I'll stick with one who has had his greatest fear ever since he fled from his old home.
Chen Xing hated fire. Not necessarily, but he reflected on a tragic event that caused the death of his parents. While carried by his grandmother Ming, sprinted into the forest, his mother was silenced by an arrow, and his father was burned alive. Xing remembers every moment that he wished to seek vengeance against his old enemy (Prince Huoju), who murdered his parents right in front of him, standing behind the fire.
But that's not all what he can prevent the other fear, he worries.
As the alpha and leader, Chen Xing makes sure none of his brothers and sisters of the Nine face jeopardies during their missions to end tyrannies. I have been thinking about making a fic that will change them before my first book A New Prophecy, what they experienced from their first mission, the Nine will never forget. (Hajin Province)
#7. What are your favorite relationships between your OCs (romantic or platonic)?
Yes! Yes!! A million times yes!
My favorite platonic relationship is between my characters Xing and his wolf sister Lotus. A brother and sister fond, raised together with their peacock brother Lao / Lord Dongji. The wolf and tiger are not together in romance, but they stick as best friends. What started their friendship, Xing and his grandmother found Lotus at Bao Gu Orphanage after their sow neighbor Mrs. Yan caught her eye on a lone cub with the caretaker.
Considering nightmares that Xing sees fire and unfortunate events in his dreams, his sister is always there to sleep with him, giving her brother much comfort as long as Xing wishes. Lotus, known as the Nine's Dancer, who craves dancing and fighting with ribbons, is a dreamcatcher. Chen Xing's soulmate.
Phew! Thank you for giving me four random questions, Flame! This is quite fun to answer!
I'll share a few links of two musics, and my fanfic/artwork pages where you can find me and check out my stories and my sketching (I am an artist who draws with pencils). I recommend Ao3, where my first book A New Prophecy starts your journey after KFP 3. My FanFiction page has a sequel there, which contains many spoilers there after the first book event unless you like to read at your own risk. Have fun listening musics, reading my novels, and my artworks!
https://youtu.be/CSvFpBOe8eY (System of a Down: Chop Suey)
https://youtu.be/fJ9rUzIMcZQ (Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody)
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grayzeppelin281 · 2 years
I rarely put fic links here, but a new chapter of my KFP sequel (contains spoilers) announces today! I feature @artinclined-jointheartside 's original characters Tai, Mel, Mika, and Master Gidahn! Her characters are from her fic Redemption.
Here are your characters, Shey! Let me know if you find your OCs have the same personality from your book Redemption. 😼
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grayzeppelin281 · 11 months
Hey Gray, I have decided to review and ask about the main characters from your KFP fanfiction series...the three former villains, aka the Trinity. The second one would be...Lord Shen!
1. I love the idea of giving Shen a family. Since there aren't a lot of fanfics that has him having a family. What inspired you to do it?
2. The family of Shen, Xia, and Lao(Dongji)was beautiful. And I have some questions about them...
-When did Shen and Lady Xia meet? Before Shen's banishment or after? Did Xia know about Shen's banishment? If she did, then how did she think about it?
-How did Shen and Xia get to know about each other before marriage?
-How did Shen react to having Lao? was he proud and happy? surprised? nervous and worried? how was he to Lao before their separation? a warm and loving father? a strict one?
Alright, that would do for our peacock lord! I hope you would kindly reply this one too!
Okay! My thousand apologies for not answering your questions for weeks now! (Real-life starts being a pain.) Now, I'll start off with one known villain most of the fandom loves (remember he's evil)!
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1. I don't think either fanfics I know so far have Shen giving a family of his own, so I made his challenging aspect to hinder his plotting progression and the claims of gathering the mixtures of gunpowder and metal. Despite being a single-minded maniac to concentrate on his retaliation, Shen had his secondary objective to keep his family legacy going, regarding his father and mother propose him to marry a princess during his youth age, but otherwise. . . he denied to wed because of his ambition, Shen craved to achieve for. Until then. . .
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Finding a new home for himself and his army was no easy task, banished across the northern plains before the tundra. Arriving there to the village where a place accepts people without homes (little did not the community know of Shen's crime at that time) had his unexpected cross path from another, meeting the outcast, like Shen.
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Rather multitasking on his ambition, simply by doing what his parents recommended him for the continuation of their bloodline, he started an acquaintance with her.
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2. Shen met Xia after his banishment, months of strolling to where he and his army were sent away. Despite the issues of him not wanting to go back home, having plans to conquer, Shen kept his dark secret from her. Little did Xia know him that he "left" Gongmen City to find himself a new home; she had the related experience of bitter relationship from one of her family members. Unrelated to Shen's banishment, she was forced to leave after her father's death, regarding her uncle becoming the next heir instead of her. (Uncle, you dumbass.)
Her discovery soon to reveal Shen's crime that early would have turned tables at him. During their time at peace, as they raised Dongji, and as for Shen secretly plotting to invest and craft weapons (stealing metal including), Xia's revelation only came to her when she found a message from Shen's parents.
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3. Shen's reaction having his child did slow his "plotting" progression, but did his tries to spend more time with Dongji. His own father (Lord Feng) regrets not giving Shen's attention longer than he deserves, and what Shen could do to Dongji was allowing his time to be with his son. Being a father wasn't exactly his type, but he accepted to raise Dongji how Lord Feng treated Shen well. I would say Shen doing his best to entertain Dongji was quite warm at first but stubborn.
While gradually loving his son more, Shen was going to admit his resignation for the sake of his own family; Shen would have wanted his parents to be proud of him. His parenthood went downhill when the assassination attempt occurred - the raid at Shen's home after Xia's discovery of her husband's crimes.
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Lady Xia and her son Prince Dongji fled their home from Shen. Now entitled the inheritance as the new heir after his parents' demises, the Lord of Gongmen, letting his family go from himself poisoning their minds, returns to his conquest scheme. And the rest becomes history. . .
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That's all I can answer for the genocidal maniac, Righteous Flames!
And now, for our final mention, who will be introduced for another review for my favorite anti-hero / villain character!
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The Supreme Warlord of all China will be summoned soon.
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Okay, here are the few questions I have for your latest emoji asking...
4.🎬 Especially the casting of Phantom(Mingling)
-honestly, I thought she was a lot similar to Bellatrix Lestrange...so the same actor would be a good cast?
I also had a question about the relationships (cough romantic cough ..) between the characters. But decided to ask later because It would be too long. So, would it be okay for you if I ask about them seperately later?
Also P.S: If you have any questions or things curious about me ...feel free to ask!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
If I could change one thing for the canon, I would like something that the third movie could have done better, the way I hear most pandoms used to enjoy, but did later find the plot a bit rushed and had the film become light rather than too dark like KFP 2 did. What I wished to play out in the story was to expand Kai's background story.
Listen. We all know Oogway's story of how he met his yak brother in the war 500 years ago; the two brothers became the most badass warlords who fought battles and bonded their armies together until Kai turned back against him because of Oogway's change and his chi power, he claimed souls for strength, went too close to the sun.
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Kai did say to the Jade Palace masters that he loved Oogway like a brother, and he betrayed him. If there's something that the plothole needs to fill, I want to know why did Oogway betray him for? There must be a reason that caused their brotherhood/friendship to fragment during their warlord days before Kai turned evil, and I want to know more!
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I wish there was more to reveal that Kai discovered something to steal their chi. And. . . hear me on this one. . .
Kai's jombies steal masters, one by one. 95 minutes weren't enough, and I prefer to have around 2hrs and 30mins, maybe closer to 3hrs (if you are Peter Jackson or Zack Snyder), because the Dragon Warrior is dealing with the unknown beast from the Spirit Realm who took his friends, and his family, building several tensions with a few twists and turns before Po can discover what he can do to defeat Kai the hard way.
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There are plenty of fic stories that feature Kai (including mine, too!) and a comic I found. Those books introduce Kai and Oogway during their warlord days and have background stories. I'll reblog with links, and @amateraponzu 's comic fic Wish Upon the Stars on Tumblr.
🏷 (hopefully, this is the tag emote I found) Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Not really. I have yet to search for any fics to catch my eye; I would like to read anything interesting from old fics when I was stuck writing my fanfic series. But of course, reminding me of the tags (stories), I need to catch up with other fics, like @shootbangdang 's The Vale, @mastrrt 's To the Weeping River, and Drags's Mongol fic Winds of Change. All three fics are from FanFiction, and they are worth timing to read!
(Drags! You are the stupendous author, and I must say your fic is well written to see Po, Tigress, and Crane head to Mongolia and grab the secret weapon before anyone gets it! The characters (your OCs too), action scenes, your writing, my lord!)
While I am having a break from writing a sequel book for now, only to start editing my two novels, I highly recommend reading Drags's fic first, Righteous Flame. That goes for all pandoms! His book is stellar.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
There are reasons why I started a fic. I wanted to start writing because it's part of my hobby. Not only a hobby that I would like to be an author of someday (if I could make my own Narnia/Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones worldbuilding with my polar bear character), I write for those who I love and friendships irl. Friends of mine who I am with from high school and Wing Chun class, and families of mine who I grew up with and raised together.
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My first book had me write for my mates and my master from the Wing Chun class. Dedicated to building a kung fu panda fic after I watched KFP 3, I started writing for my real-life companions. It was a rough start to begin there without planning to build a structure (yeah, I was a noob writer), but I could have created layers before I must write. Two years later, I knew where to end my first book. And later on, worldbuilding is the most challenging one for my fic series.
Not a simple task for my fic to name cities, countries, etc., but I'll leave notes on what places have instead of losing puzzle pieces. And trust me, when you plan to write a giant fic, make a plan, build structures with one stone at a time, create vivid characters, and develop tensions. All books should have conflicts featuring a hero and villain. Make your villains play an unfair game! Make your hero's journey and have his struggles to see challenges before achieving success!
Writing is not easy. And it still feels like it, but it rewards you for accomplishments. Even when you finish the book, always edit your first drafts, build some details, and fill in plotholes.
🎬 If a movie or a show were based on your fic, which fic you'd you choose, and who would you fan cast?
A show can be promising for the Mightiest Warriors Series because there are depths and interesting characters to know more about. A movie makes it simple around 2 to 3 hours (depending) for the story, but it might have a few plotholes if my fanfic series would be based on.
Now, I like how you picked my most menacing villain, Mingling. She deserves to have an actress voicing the black bear. Her personality blends with three major characters that I was inspired by, making the most dangerous antagonist so far.
The Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
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Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)
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Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
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*Now I like what you first thought of Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, so that's a huge BONUS for my wildest child because Mingling fits in insanity!*
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Ahem! How will I like to pick the actress? Her character's favorite color is purple (more like a royal, but I prefer her to go aggressive and extremely menacing, like Lord Shen), so my top picks are. . .
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister). She can play out the gruesome character who cares for ruling and satisfaction to attempt to succeed in her vengeance. Compared to what she becomes lethal, Cersei loves her brother. No one else but him. With that sibling relationship, I think of Mingling fonding my bovine character Huoju. Lena Headey can play out her villainous role.
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Ruth Wilson (Marisa Coulter). Oh my!!! If you have seen her in the show His Dark Materials (based on the trilogy novel), please. . . do not test her! Knowing what she does to love her daughter but lacks her parental type, she's brilliant, ruthless, and daring. Bringing Ruth in will fill my bear's affection for Mingling's only mate Huoju, and to be frank, like I mentioned the bear's revenge, she will not be stopped, despite her hostility and anger did startle a few characters of mine.
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Just look at her! Ain't she a beauty? Now, look how gruesome she can be in the show. . .
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Despite how serious Ruth Wilson's character is in His Dark Materials, oh boy!! Imagine you are a child, and you see Mrs. Coulter's smile and fierce eyes; she looks right at you before she can scare you. As I said, please, for the love of the heavens, do not test her! Ruth Wilson is perfect for a villain role!
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PHEW! Lots of questions I answered. Thank you for these emotes, Righteous Flames! I'll be back for some fic links whenever I tag you!
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grayzeppelin281 · 10 months
Hey Gray, I have decided to review and ask about the main characters from your KFP fanfiction series…the three former villains, aka the Trinity. The third and the last one would be…the Beast of Vengeance, Maker of Widows, and the Mightiest Warrior, General Kai!
I love the idea of making him a widower. It surely adds a deeper lore on him. Like I said before, one of the things that I was disappointed in the third movie was the lack of depth in Kai's backstory(just like you also said!). And giving him a long-lost family was a great idea. So, what made you write this fabulous backstory?
One thing I was confused about while reading your story was…What exactly is Wugu's current status?More like...
-Is she the same as Kai's Jade amulet? If so, how can she talk and interact with him?
-Or is she a spirit? If so, shouldn't she be at the Spirit Realm? How can she appear in a mortal world?
-I noticed that Wugu both appeared in Kai's necklace and Xing's katana(Wugu's sword). Then… Is the necklace and the pendant some kind of anchor that Wugu's soul is in, and she can travel between the two objects
3. What is the backstory of Wugu? Since she is the sister(P.S: is she older or younger sister?) of the main villain Huoju, I think her story would be interesting too. like… -How, and why did she escape from Huoju? -How did Kai and Wugu meet each other? How did they fall in love and eventually get married?(I can't imagine Kai being 'romantic', haha) -Did Wugu know about Kai's corruption? If she did, how did she think about it? Umm you might have to answer this question by making an another post…
Alright, so that's it for our General, Gray! I will be waiting for your kind reply!
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Alright, Righteous Flames! I can not deny that General Kai is my favorite one who is the least popular, unlike Shen and Tai Lung. The lore I did dig in a writing history on his recognition as the Maker of Widows presents him to be a husband killer, proving his vengeance by slaughtering enemies who are married - many wives watched their husbands die by the hooves of General Kai, became widows. This may contain spoilers from my series, The Mightiest Warriors, so if anyone hasn't read, avoid you can! I will answer as little as possible for our giant friend.
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1A. Yes! I did mention the lack of depths for Kai's background story that needs to be expanded more. Oogway's story is there, and we need to hear Kai's story as well - we want to know why his brother betrayed him. What other titles did he achieve for and among the good and bad ones? With a hint of Maker of Widows title, I did expand his tragic event that caused the death of his beloved wife Wugu, making him a monster everyone feared of his wrath.
1B. The more I write for Kai's tale, the more I like to understand he had his family during the Great War events in the first place. Since writing The Trinity Book I, I created an idea for Kai to discover his lost memory of his own family member - one of his own who fought beside the warlords. A mystery warrior. What I see Kai's type, mostly everyone I hear, he's like a dad figure, so when I generated ideas to build the warlord's complex tale, after I watched Disney's Treasure Planet (Treasure Island) with Silver and Jim, the hidden symbolism of a father and son truly makes me want to write for Kai and one of my characters (The yak warlord was a father before in his past life, and promising himself to never lose another son, he will protect the important one until his last breath).
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2A. (Is Wugu the same as Kai's amulet?)
Now, for my OC's current status, Wugu's essence rests in her amber amulet. Unlike Kai claiming chi from souls to enchance his strength and power, and using Oogway's amulet around his neck last time, her necklace is like a totem charm, her power of whispers she can communicate with her husband, including her defensive abilities to cast her spells against those who harm him, and her healing melody to relieve those around Wugu's proximity. (Her strength is limited.)
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2B. (Wugu's appearance in her necklace and Chen Xing's sword)
As for the ancient weapon (Heaven's Wrath) from the falling stars, Wugu, among previous owners who grasped the katana from different times, used to carry her weapon across Great War battles with Generals. After her death, the weapon waits for its chosen wielder, and as part of the previous owner, Wugu can transfer her soul from her amber necklace to straight katana. Same ability to speak with a new wielder, but it is very defensive and lethal, unlike previous sword owners.
Wugu's Background Story
Okay. This appears to be more complicated than ever. Some of these are planning in the works, mostly in spoilers, so I'll share some lore under WIP.
3A. Wugu is a young sister of my main villain Prince Huoju, a few minutes younger than him (They were born as twin siblings, giving references of Luke and Leia Skywalker from Star Wars Original Trilogy, and Prince Nuada and Princess Nuala from Hellboy II: The Golden Army.)
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Her background tale (what I'll be digging in this lore) appears to be tragic. What I meant tragic, was their father Emperor Khan became a stubborn leader who wished to erase histories of China and essentials of martial arts; he and his ally (mystery character) forced Huoju to march his army and destroy Qing Temple, where Oogway and his companions built Kung Fu, Wing Chun, and Tai Chi, all three into one essence of martial arts tranquility.
3B. After a recent tragedy event of the Desolation of Qing Temple, the siblings received their curse from Emperor Khan's ally. Wugu's failed attempt was for her convincing Huoju not to lay destruction across temples, but her brother needed to save his own fur from abandoning their legacy. The curse they received was immortality, immune from the mortal age. Realizing her father was much cruelty to despising his own daughter, giving his son the only opportunity to kill his own sister for being a worthless blood, Wugu fled and survived from her father and brother.
3C. (First encounter of Kai and Wugu) Shhhh. Our friend's tale is under progression and will prevail. Will be updating a marriage scene during the last fifteen years before the Great War's end. *Sighs* I really need to learn romance someday (friendship and family are what I am good at).
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3D. (Did Wugu know about Kai's corruption?) Yes. She knew her soulmate went to a chi corruption when Kai discovered his ways to claim souls, craving for more to be stronger. Feared that Kai continued to claim masters and a few of worthy for collection (shut up, Grievous!), and fill with loathsomeness against Oogway for panda monks who opened his eyes for the change, Wugu had no magic to suppress his dark chi from an ancient enemy who claimed others like Kai.
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That's the last one for the three baddies! Thank you for all the questions, Righteous Flames!
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Hey, I have a few questions about the relationships between the characters, as I promised at the last writer ask game...
1. 🔥Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
2. I know that Prince Huoju and Phantom were very close to each other. But what exactly are their relationship? Is it a one-sided adoration and idolizing by Phantom? Or are those two actually in love with each other? If it is, how close were they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
3. Lao and Hong were described as a couple in your story. But since Lao is married with Lady Huiliang. So,what happened between them? If they broke up, how did they?(did one of them tell the other, or did they silently ended it without a word?)
And the most important question...
4. What is the relationship between Po and Tigress in your story? Are they just friends like the canon? I know that Po wrote love letters to Tigress, then is it a one-sided crush by Po? Or are they in love with each other? If it is, how close are they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
Okay! I'll answer some questions!
1. 🔥Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
Nope! My books are safe for the general audience. So. . . That's a quick pass.
2. I know that Prince Huoju and Phantom were very close to each other. But what exactly are their relationship? Is it a one-sided adoration and idolizing by Phantom? Or are those two actually in love with each other? If it is, how close were they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
My baddies are (platonic) mates. What started their relationship, Huoju found her (a cub) in a cave, where a group of Huns from Mongolia were attempting to kill Mingling. While I am terrible at romance (I am only good at writing friendship), Mingling has her idol to loving her only Huoju (her hero). Despite the beliefs in fighting for what Mingling could imagine, aside the revenge and hatred with her whole life, slaughtering people without mercy, she has been with the Prince of Darkness for centuries (when a mystery caused her age to be immortality, being a shaman).
3. Lao and Hong were described as a couple in your story. But since Lao is married with Lady Huiliang. So,what happened between them? If they broke up, how did they?(did one of them tell the other, or did they silently end it without a word?)
Of course. . . I nearly forgot about that one.
Hong had her insanity idea to marry one who actually cares. Both of my characters are friends. I think Hong would have wanted Lao to find a lady who is more lovely and spiritual than crazy. Besides, I believe their platonic relationship is ironic, but Hong and Lao are good companions.
They'll likely speak with each other again after his marriage.
4. What is the relationship between Po and Tigress in your story?  Are they just friends like the canon? I know that Po wrote love letters to Tigress, then is it a one-sided crush by Po? Or are they in love with each other? If it is, how close are they? just having feelings towards each other or close enough to... mate?
Their relationship, my fellow reader(s), is friendship. If I remember well from my first book (planning to rewrite and edit A New Prophecy), Po used to write a letter to one of his closest companions that he truly meant to him. Tigress became caring with the panda after Po defeated Tai Lung, thought she was wrong about him, despite jealousy impacted her. She was almost going to be chosen as the Dragon Warrior, but instead, she's proven to be an honorable fighter than reflecting the scroll to greedy (Tai Lung).
(To be open-minded, you have to understand that when you have proven yourself worthy, with all the hard work you have achieved many years, you look at the Dragon Scroll and see yourself. No riddles, no secrets of Kung Fu, no secret ingredient, just you.)
Ever since Shen happened, at the factory, Tigress saw Po get shot from the cannon and blast away (and survived). Even that she has those who are encouraging, unlike her skills that the Five are capable of (Thanks to Po, who replaced the scroll with a list of four ideas than Shifu's red panda warriors. Secrets of the Scroll), she nearly lost Po, who cares Tigress.
With their friendship, I say both Tigress and Po are close friends.
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That's all the answer I can get! Thanks, Righteous!
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Hey, I have an art suggestion! How about making an artwork of the Rebellion's black banner?
I can give it a shot! At first, I have to create rough sketches for the Rebellion's sigil, and so as another!
Anyway! I forgot about the latest query you wish to add. So, I'm all ears, Flame! I'll answer later this weekend.
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grayzeppelin281 · 3 months
( The Mightiest Warriors, Book Three ) War plagues into the great country of the Tang Dynasty. War brings the young and stupid into the mess by the old. War is not pretty, as the wise mentions. Dive into the brink of battles with two fighters, who shall bring justice with their allies against the tyranny in the final days before the change.
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Work in progress. Po spotted!
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grayzeppelin281 · 6 years
What's good this morning?
Writer's block is thrusting waves over my head, and I am doing my best to keep floating above the water.
Summer is around next month ( although, this season feels like it to me ). I miss sketching and publishing chapters.
Earlier, I wrote the first draft of my Kung Fu Panda fanfiction book's sequel. Going for a little start while fighting writer's block and finishing A New Prophecy this year, I like to share my sequel draft (work in progress and sneak peak).
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The Mightiest Warriors #9 (Amber and Leopard)
The red panda master sipped his tea mug he preferred perching on ancient, lovely Sacred Peach Tree on every morning. Shifu's long ears pitched up, hearing the Great Dragon's hum he looked up to his student who sat and crossed his knees together as if Tai Lung meditated by his closed yellow eyes and a soft sigh.
Every night, the Great Dragon entered his adoptive father's library, surrounded and piled with hundreds of philosophy facts, terms, ancient sceneries, and a couple of war stories scripts. Tai admitted he could read plenty of scrolls with the jade candle next to the scripture on the mahogany table and seek his ancestor fighting on a violent, dash path on the Great Wall bridge with the peacock prince Li Han from Gongmen City. Before sleeping in the room with an innocent, marvelous, and sweet child from Bao Gu Orphanage palace, his head once rang by a brilliant, crystal voice Tai Lung would never forget when brought a healthy smirk once looking up to amber eyes of his sister.
"What are you reading, Tai Lung?" Tigress asked with a genuine smile.
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grayzeppelin281 · 6 years
The Mightiest Warriors #8 (Po and Sword of Heroes)
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Some Heaven Swords speak to the warriors. The bearer listens to the war wrath from the blade as the warrior can feel it's light beneath their hearts. The Sword of Heroes, one legendary weapon, made of Heaven Blade (#5), forged by unnamed four brothers they fought against the giants, has the light.
After the battle against the Collector, Po and the Masters rarely sense the Sword of Heroes on midnight in every two weeks. The panda recalls the time when entering the Hall for the first time since his new entitlement by Oogway’s prophecy; he merely felt the double blade’s cut without touching or nearing a sharp knife while Po gazed the jade dragon on it.
The invisible cut only stunned the panda at once, as only the legends including Shifu say that only one warrior could feel the Sword’s song of light and wrath with either a stun touch or hear a tragic battle cries in any warrior’s head.
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grayzeppelin281 · 6 years
The Mightiest Warriors #6 (Pirates), Act I
Sea Defenders were East China's famous ship crews who Emperor Hawk implored one of the captains to guard harbors against vicious threats, bandits, and the Fire Clan. After the aftermath of Qing Temple, sea ships shored Gongmen, Vu, and Shanghai harbors while Emperor Hawk mentioned and claimed that Lord Commander Siwang conspired with an unknown bandit who can disembark thousands of Fire Clan bandits at any city close to the east side of China sea.
Many years before the end of the Great War, Mightiest Warrior warlords Li Han and Zhanshi (Kai and Oogway's peacock and snow leopard brothers) arrived Gongmen City as the Fire Clan ambushed the town, and nearly conquered through districts. Sea Defenders held their ships lining across the harbor that more than a hundred enemy ships skirmished with catapults throwing firebombs at Defenders.
The city lasted a whole day of the battle; many bandits surrendered and few executed. The war? Li Han's sister in the Sacred Flame tower at the Throne Room received grim news: Kai and Oogway went missing, and the Great War ended with a tragic loss as Lord Commander and the Fire Clan destroyed the entire Rebellion, and disappeared after they achieved the separation of Emperor Taiyang's Mightiest Warriors.
Li Han's sister sent Sea Defenders away from Gongmen City and no longer could return them after the loss of the Great War. Exiled across the ocean, Sea Defenders searched a loneliness island to build their survival supplies like large pans placing salt water from the beach to dissipate drinkable water.
Without food for almost three days, one of the Quartermasters went insane as if they floated their red warship, and manned catapults with expert gunners across the eastern ocean and luckily found seven yellow ships from the Yellow Sea sailed about fifty miles near Vu City Harbor. Anchoring and parking Shanghai's delivery ships, Sea Defenders looted money, food and metal supplies as their sickness thoughts flared in their minds.
Emperor Taiyang's companion from Vu City revealed the inception of terror from the Eastern Sea. He entitled the newest bandit clan who formerly defenders of the sea:
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