kennahbunny · 4 years
Dating Cedric Diggory Would Include
-being a year below him
-being shorter than him which means you're always his armrest
-you being annoyed being his armrest
-then him saying you're cute when you're annoyed
-constant compliments
-him being boyfriend goals
-always support you no matter what
-but also telling you when you're wrong or being too stubborn
-him having to bend down slightly to give you kisses
-so it's mainly head kisses
-so you always have to make sure you wash your hair every other day
-he respects your boundaries; always ask permission to kiss you/hold your hand/etc.
-but your relationship isn't perfect, there are fights but they're resolved within a day maybe two depends on the problem
-whoever started the fight apologizes first
-since you started dating Hogwarts golden boy, you noticed everyone started noticing you too
-warms hugs
-sorry warm bear hugs
-passionate kisses
-quick kisses before class
-if in Hufflepuff together then cuddling in the common room on the couch in front of the fireplace for hours
-study dates
-study dates sometimes turn into makeout sessions
-being his personal cheerleader at his Quidditch matches
-him being so proud you're his girlfriend
-cute dates at Hogsmeade
-you showing him all the muggle movies and books
-him loving you fearlessly
-you love him just the same
-being there when he breaks down when he can't handle the pressure from all the standards put on him by his father and school
-being each other's rocks
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Can I have prompt #99 fluff but a little angst where the reader had heard about all of Jaskier's lovers & rumors at court. She has feelings for him but she's insecure that he'll find her boring or unattractive compared to the noble ladies. But little does she know that Jaskier is smitten over her & shows her how much he loves her? (Plus a brother and sister relationship between Geralt & reader.) I can't get enough of your writing lol plz and thanks ❤
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x Reader, Platonic!Geralt x ReaderWord Count: 668Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: Thank you so much! Hope you like it
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“You’re sulking.”
You glared at Geralt who had appeared out of nowhere, apparently for the sole purpose of criticizing you. As if you needed another voice to join yours in being critical. You watched Jaskier perform and though you tried to focus on him, your eyes couldn’t help but fall to the other women in the crowd watching. They were gorgeous and titled and charming and more than one of them already knew him intimately. You didn’t care that he had a past. You just worried that it would provide a comparison that made him see how truly unsuited you were to each other.
“I am not,” you replied grumpily.
“Oh don’t hmmm me,” you protested, shooting him another dirty look. He smirked and shook his head before facing you.
“Y/N, I know what you’re doing.”
“Yes, sulking, I know,” you said glumly.
“And comparing yourself to the other women here,” he said. You scoffed but it fell on unimpressed ears.
“You should talk to Jaskier,” he said.
“Oh gods no, that would be awful.”
“I don’t want him to feel like he can’t be honest with me about his history. And what’s done is done and I don’t want him to think I judge him for it because I don’t. It’s just a lot and I don’t want to put that on him,” you explained. Geralt considered your words for a moment.
“If Jaskier were upset or feeling insecure would you want him to tell you or keep it to himself?” he asked.
“I knew you were going to say that….”
He tilted his head, giving you a little ‘I told you so’ look that made you want to kick him.
“Tell him,” he repeated and then left you standing there to decide what to do. When Jaskier found you after his song you put on a smile and nodded and listened as he talked about the reception it had received and his ideas for newer songs. At some point he squinted at you curiously and then took your arm, escorting you outside without another word. As soon as you were outside he turned and fixed you with a look.
“Alright, what is it?” he asked.
“What is what?”
“Something’s wrong, don’t bother denying it either! I know you better than that,” he insisted.
“Did Geralt talk to you?” you asked.
“Geralt? No? Why? Why. What’s going on?” he asked, face journeying from confusion to concern.
“Calm down I’m not dying I’m just… do you ever feel…” you searched for the words, Jaskier’s eyes fixed on your face intently, distracting you.
“Do you ever compare yourself to others?” you asked.
“Well of course,” he said, “I’m a performer. It helps me feel more secure, usually.”
“Well it does the opposite for me,” you admitted, twisting your hands together nervously. He reached out and took your hands in his.
“Who are you comparing yourself too?” he asked.
“It may be quicker to try and list who I’m not comparing myself to,” you said with a little rueful smile. “I love that you are a renowned entertainer. I’m so proud of you and all that you’ve done and I genuinely believe that you love me. But… sometimes it’s hard to understand why you do. When I look at who you’ve loved before.”
Jaskier shook his head, lifting his hands to your face.
“Y/N,” he said, cornflower blue eyes gazing into yours, “I fell in love with you, not them.”
He stopped your protest with a kiss and when he pulled back he fixed you with another look.
“You are wonderful. You’re funny and smart and lovely and brave and I am so lucky that you love me,” he said. You fought back happy tears and pulled him back in for another kiss.
“Now, we should return,” Jaskier said, “Before Geralt notices you’re missing and comes for my head.”
You chuckle and the two of you walked back, holding your head up a bit higher than before.
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softkaimin · 5 years
When are you updating the standard merlin imagine? Its soooooooo good and I need to know what happens
Hey! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. It is currently on hiatus as I try to figure out a balance between life, school, and writing. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t upload every now and then. Maybe a one shot or something, but since Stranded is three separate parts so it does take a little longer
I actually have an idea involving Stranded and AO3, but I haven’t fleshed it out enough to make a formal announcement about it. Either way, Stranded is coming back, but I just don’t have an exact date for when.
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I have an idea, could you do #48 fluff w/ Jaksier? The reader has been really moody lately and crying over everything then being hurt since they dont understand she's on her period. And one day the 3 of them stay at an inn & jaskier orders her food cause she went to take care of business and when she comes back she throws a fit since he got her order wrong? I know that's a lot but could you make it work? Please and thank you lol
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x ReaderWord Count: 1,305Rating: T for swearingTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock a/n: I have never been more physically, mentally, or emotionally prepared to write a fic in my life. I feel you and I see you and we will get through this, @kennahbunny.
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“We’ll be passing by Willock afternoon. We can get a warm meal and then be on our way before it gets dark,” Geralt said. You’d been journeying for a week now. The first four days were alright but on the fifth you’d woken up covered in blood. You wished it was from an ambush but tragically it was just your courses which usually came with fair warning but not this time. You’d been able to wash in the river and change and the men you traveled with were none the wiser but it was getting harder to hide the pain. Jaskier had asked a few times if you were alright when he caught you wincing or pressing a hand to your side and you’d successfully waved him off so far. The chance of staying at an inn, getting a proper bath and rest and, gods willing, a warm meal, was one you couldn’t afford to pass up.
“Let’s stay,” you said. Jaskier looked up from his lute in surprise as Geralt looked down at you from Roach, a similar expression on his face. You never spoke up or suggested different plans, always trusting Geralt to guide you through it. You’d hoped the fact that you were usually so lasses-faire would work in your favor.
“We have to keep going if we want to make sure we get to Posada in time,” Geralt said, and then turned back towards the road. Roach halted, hearing the sound before Geralt did. A sniff. And then, seconds later, another. Geralt turned back around and looked at you, your head bowed and the hood obscuring your face. But he saw the tear fall onto the front of your cloak and he sighed heavily.
“Y/N are you alright?” Jaskier asked, reaching out a hand to touch your arm comfortingly. You snatched your arm away and bit out a “I’m fine” and started marching ahead determinedly.
“We can stop in Willock,” Geralt said. He didn’t know why you were crying or what was going on, but he was smart enough not to question it. “One night won’t put us too far behind.”
When you didn’t say anything Jaskier piped up, “Oh that’s excellent! I for one am exhausted and a night at a proper inn will do wonders for my morale. Not to mention my overall wellbeing.”
You walked the rest of the way to Willock in silence and when you walked through the doors of the inn you’d be staying at you felt hopeful.
“Jaskier, I’ll be right back but could you please order me potato soup, brioche, and a strawberry tart,” you said before hurrying off to the privy. When you returned Geralt was still in the stables with Roach but Jaskier sat at the table, waving you over.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” He asked as you took your seat gingerly.
“I’m just tired,” you said, giving him a reassuring smile.
“You’ve looked a bit pale. You would tell me if you were sick, right?” he persisted.
“Yes Jaskier, I promise,” you replied, “There is nothing abnormal going on.”
Before he could press further your food arrived.
“Stew,” you said.
“Yeah that’s what you wanted right? Stew and bread and, oh damn I forgot that last thing…”
The pain and stress and frustration of the last three days came to a boil as you watched him nonchalantly shrug and move to eat his food, glancing back up at you when he felt your burning glare.
“I said soup. Potato soup. Soup with potatoes. And brioche. And a strawberry fucking tart.”
Jaskier froze bent over his bowl, a spoonful of steaming stew halfway to his lips. He had seen terrors untold but he had never seen anything like the way you looked at him.
“I’m sorry but it is… soup, yes?” he offered. You laughed and Jaskier recoiled from the sound. It was a biting laugh, incredulous and angry and filled him with uncertainty of what was going to happen next.
“You had one job, Julian,” you said, your voice low and dangerous, “You. Had. One. Job.”
“I can see if they have-”
You were on your feet and moving off to the room before he could finish his sentence, your anger ebbing into despair. It was a stupid thing to be mad about, you knew that deep down, but you wanted this one thing and he didn’t even seem to care. You threw the door closed behind you but it caught on Jaskier’s outstretched arm as he followed you, his concern for you just barely outweighing his survival instincts begging him to stay back.
“Right, something is wrong and I’m not leaving here until you tell me what it is,” Jaskier demanded, hands on his hips as he regarded you severely. When you turned around to face him he saw your eyes were red and puffy and tears streamed down your face. His face went ashen and you watched the anger melt off of him in an instant.
“Why are you crying?” he asked, moving closer.
“Because I’m fucking bleeding, Jaskier, is that what you want to hear?”
“No! Of course not! Where?? I’ll get Geralt!” Jaskier sputtered, wheeling to run after the witcher as you grabbed his arm to stop him. That was the last thing you needed, Geralt finding out.
“Jaskier it’s my bloody courses. No pun intended,” you explained. He stopped and turned back to face you. You waited for a look of disgust to overcome him or for him to recoil from your touch but instead a dawning realization showed on his face.
“Oh Y/N, dearest, of course,” he said, “Oh I’m so stupid.”
You usually would have chastised him for saying that but you felt no such urge to do so currently. He pulled you into a hug that you entered at first begrudgingly but then burrowed your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he held you tight, rocking you slightly in a way that should have felt silly but was actually rather soothing. Too soon he pulled back and gave you a determined look.
“Right. We’ll handle this. First of all, we are not leaving in the morning, we will wait until it is done,” he said.
“But Geralt-”
“I will handle Geralt,” Jaskier said in a tone so commanding you nearly swooned. “I don’t know how you usually manage this but I think you should slip into something more comfortable while I find you some potato soup, bread, and something sweet. I will then bring it back here to you where I will either stay to keep you company or leave you to eat in peace.”
“That sounds nice,” you said. Jaskier gave you a smile and then hurried out the door. He made it halfway to the bar when Geralt stopped him, a tray in hand.
“Ah yes Geralt, just who I needed to find,” Jaskier said, pulling himself up to his full height, “We are not going anywhere for the next 24 hours.”
“I know,” Geralt said simply.
“Right! Good! Well! That… is all!” Jaskier said, taken aback, and moved to head back to the bar when Geralt stopped him with a free hand.
“Take this to Y/N,” he said, holding out the tray that held a bowl of potato soup, a beautiful looking golden roll, and a bright red strawberry tart.
“How did you know?” Jaskier asked.
“Hmm,” Geralt answered.
“Well why don’t you take it to her then?”
“She doesn’t want me to know. But I’m assuming you forced her to tell you,” Geralt replied. Jaskier took the tray from Geralt’s hand.
“Well, regardless, thank you. I’ll make sure she gets it. You big softie,” Jaskier muttered the last words under his breath and hurried back towards you before Geralt could respond.
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kennahbunny · 4 years
Masterlist Updated:02/10/2020
Harry Potter Fandom: 
How you guys met 
Relationship Development
Harry Potter: 
Ron Weasley::
Draco Malfoy:
Fred Weasley:
George Weasley:
-Dating George Weasley Would Include
Neville Longbottom:
Cedric Diggory:
-Dating Cedric Diggory Would Include
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Hi again! 🤗 I'm obsessed with your blog and your writing also Jaskier is my new fic crush lol and I'm greedy for more fics or yours but I can find your prompt list. Do you mind reposting it please?
Oh you’re so sweet!
I’m accepting requests from these prompt lists or just anything you dream up that you want to read. I also do AUs as shown with my Punk!Jaskier fic (please see the amazing artwork of him by @heroics-and-heartbreak - another author you will love if you like my blog). Also as you may have noticed my masterlist is out of date but I will be updating it later today!
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kennahbunny replied to your post “I have an idea, could you do #48 fluff w/ Jaksier? The reader has been...”
Omg! Thank you so much
You’re very welcome! <3
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