soundoftherain · 2 years
14, 27, 39 for your Spotify Wrapped!
14. Waves by Mattia Cupelli (this is probably because I had the excellent soundtrack to the awesome namgiseok fic delta on repeat while reading!)
27. More by j-hope
39. Arson by j-hope
Feels appropriate that you got not just one but two Hobi songs ;)
For the spotify wrapped top 100 meme
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universallongings · 2 years
There are a lot of good ones on this list! 10, 24, 29
10. 3 things you like eating with coffee
This should surprise no one, but the answers are all sweet: 1. Croissant of any kind (preferably plain or chocolate) 2. Cheese danish 3. Cinnamon roll
24. 3 places that makes you feel peaceful
1. The Land in EPCOT 2. Literally any hotel balcony (but the Cosmopolitan's in Vegas is my favorite) 3. My car on a highway when I'm by myself and my radio is turned up really loud
29. 3 characteristics of the person you aspire to be
1. Open (to new paths, new experiences, new versions of myself, love in whatever forms it wants to arrive in, life in general...I tend to close in on myself when I'm not feeling great, so being open is always a path toward a stronger version of me) 2. Brave (I'm getting better at this one, but I definitely aspire to be even braver) 3. Content (When I think of what I want to feel like, that's the word that comes most to mind—and that is not something I used to strive for. I used to think content meant complacent, but I know now that I move forward in my life only when I know there's a real chance of me feeling content on the other side. It's what I want to run toward and not turn away from.)
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theladyragnell · 4 years
Have you read any Guy Gavriel Kay? Politics-heavy fantasy of my teenage years. Though the fantasy skin he pastes over historical politics can be verrrry thin in some books, so that may or may not work for you. I think you’ve already read most of my standard recs though!
I haven’t! He sounds potentially intriguing, though, so I will keep my eyes peeled.
And to continue with some replies from last night!:
bnjymouse said: Have you tried the expanse book series? It deviates a fair bit from the show, particularly in terms of the awesomeness of the  ladies! Chrisjen avasarala deserved so much better…
I haven’t! I find the show a bit exhausting, honestly, so if the books were going to be more of the same I didn’t necessarily want to get invested in them? But I’ve been pondering it anyway, so we’ll see!
mr-chatterboxs-column said: Megan Whalen Turner’s Queen’s Thief series is incredible alternate-universe Greco-Roman politics (the first one is a road trip about politics, but the series gets more diplomacy all over the place very quickly. Lots of twists, not good to research too much in advance)
I find fantasy of manners books often have enough intrigue to feel politicky? All of Ellen Kushner, Crown Duel (court politics), Caroline Stevermer’s College/Scholar of Magics duology (both academic politics and international), Delia Sherman’s The Porcelain Dove (court politics)
You and I clearly have similar taste in books! I love fantasies of manners and definitely get the right intrigue feel from them. I haven’t read College of Magics since high school and haven’t read the sequel, so thank you for reminding me to find them again! And I’ve never heard of The Porcelain Dove, but considering you’ve mentioned some of my favorites in Crown Duel and the Queen’s Thief series, I am definitely intrigued.
kekela717 said: I loved the Centenal Cycle trilogy by Malka Older, which is all about elections, leadership, and information flow in a world where technology is very available and country borders have been replaced by micro-democracies. The Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells also deal a lot with court leadership in the face of difficulties with a lot of found families and polyamory.
I’ve never heard of the Older books, which sound very intriguing! I’ll have to look into them. And I’ve loved Wells’s Murderbot so much that I took note of some other series names from her but haven’t tried them yet. Found families, poly, AND politics, though? That’s definitely moving up my list!
attilarrific said: A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland, if you haven’t read it, and A City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennet! (The second one is a little more action-heavy, but it’s still pretty politics focused.)
Also Kushiel’s Dart, but those books are, uh, obscenely long, so only if you’re in the mood for something extensive. (Also, check the warnings, there’s some nasty stuff in there.)
And there’s a second on City of Stairs! I’d never heard of it before, but it definitely looks like it could be very much up my alley. The Rowland is on my longlist of things to acquire, I should see if the library can interlibrary loan it for me now that it’s been out for a while.
And I’ve read the Kushiel’s Dart trilogy! Sometimes I think about trying some of the other trilogies in the world, but as you say, they are obscenely long. A bit much of a commitment! (Though the Cherryh books that kickstarted this are probably in the same ballpark.)
shadaras said: Gamechanger, by L. X. Beckett. Near-future sci-fi about reversing climate change, VR games, and AI rights (sort of). All nice and queer, too!
This looks really interesting! Maybe a bit engaged with reality for my current desires, but still super cool and one I’ll have to make a note for when I’m feeling a bit more resilient.
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
You're an angel and I love you 💖
hi boo *squish* can you believe it’s been over a decade now that we’ve been friends? I promise I’ll narrow this down to just one thing that I love about you ;) for today, it will be the way you love and support the people in your life. I know I cannot be the only person you make feel so cherished and special, it’s just who you are and how you treat the people you love. We are so lucky to have you caring for us, especially me 💖
let me love you for my birthday
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tulipsandlilacs · 7 years
For the song meme, 5 and 23 :)
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
anything by Fall Out Boy hahahaha I feel like you can’t play their music low ever.
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Beautiful Love | The Afters (probably, definitely my all time favorite song)
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mego42 · 7 years
kekela717 replied to your post: hello hello i was tagged by @sakuramelting and...
Seeing the Masons on your list of favorite characters made me ridiculously happy. Newsflesh is one of my favorite series and Georgia means the world to me.
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bisexualalienblast · 5 years
hey babe, I know your fandom love day is pretty over but I have a couple people I need to send love to — firstly sabrinachill who is one of the most lovely people I’ve ever met, and so talented with her writing, and so welcoming to everyone. secondly to kekela717 who I watched the original Roswell with years ago and watch RNM with every week, she’s my partner in crying. And lastly you, Amanda. You are one of the most incredible women in my life. You’re so warm and generous, and I truly love you.
Oh it’s ok!! Never too late for love. @sabrinachill @kekela717 (you may have to tag them I can’t get it to work whyyyy tumblr) HERE’S SOME LOVE. 😘😘😘
And babe, I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you in my life but man oh man am I never taking it for granted. You’re so kind and enthusiastic and just an AMAZING friend to have. *my heart is so full* love you FIERCELY!
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hollye83 · 5 years
tag nine people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by  @kekela717
Tagging @ghostcat3000 @askedforanything @cassiesinsanity
favorite color: purple, light blue
top 3 favorite ships: Let’s just do the 3 ships I’m into at the moment, otherwise I’ll never get this narrowed down: David/Patrick, Beth/Rio, Tony/Steve
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick. I have a weakness for lip colors.
last song: Killing Me Softly - The Fugees
last movie: Captain Marvel
currently reading: The Defiant Hero by Suzanne Brockmann (romance novel), Naked in Death - JD Robb (re-read), The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers, The Radical King - Martin Luther King, Jr, edited by Cornel West
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potentialworldruler · 7 years
I was tagged by @kekela717
Rules: tag nine mutuals you want to get to know better! If it tickles your fancy, naturally!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. Like as of Monday last week.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Purple (and silver)
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK?: Big believer in red lip classic thing that you like
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: Ligaya-Eraserheads (I was on a 90s-00s OPM trip)
TOP THREE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Buffy Summers, Lady Mary Crawley, Logan Echolls
TOP THREE SHIPS: like ever? Buffy/Angel, Matthew/Mary, LoVe. But right now Kabby, Widow/all of the Badlands, Hiccstrid
BOOKS I’M CURRENTLY READING: Hamilton by Ron Chernow, Station Eleven, and gonna start Crazy Rich Asians
Tagging: @lala-kate @whilethemusiclasts
@klarinette49 @kavan30013 @bloowind @miscreantrose
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kay-emm-gee · 6 years
kekela717 replied to your post “If no one has written a Leverage-based AU for Feyrhys & the Inner...”
I didn't know how much I needed this until this moment.
I cannot watch Leverage anymore without thinking about this?! It’s such a problem, but like, an excellent one to have haha
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lauralaurel228 · 8 years
F, X, and Y :)
F-Longest I’ve been in a fandom is 7 years. All My Children-I really really really loved Kendall and Zach! (Actually I still do love Zen. And I got a reply from Alicia Minshew-Kendall herself- last week which totally made my day/week/year! :))
X-Hmm this is hard! I feel protective of Snow White, Jane Doe, Felicity Smoak, Jane Villanueva. I also feel like I’ll be protective of This Is Us’s Kate and Rebecca.
Y-Secondhand fandoms.. Doctor Who, Sherlock, Pretty Little Liars and Scandal
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soundoftherain · 2 years
I was supposed to sweat you out / In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground / But it's been two thousand one hundred and 90 days of our love blackout / The system's breaking down
Glitch by Taylor Swift
do that thing where u send me ‘hey’ and i put my music on shuffle and give u my fav line from that song [ask box]
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universallongings · 2 years
Tumblr media
Today is one of the best days of the year: @kekela717​′s birthday! I will take any excuse to shower my Beautiful Tropical Fish with love and compliments, so here it goes!
This has been a YEAR, babe, and all I can hope is that this next trip around the sun brings you more joy, more peace, and an even stronger sense of just how loved you are. To know you is to love you, so thanks for letting me know you in even more ways this year because then I get to love you in even more ways. 
You inspire me every single day to choose love and happiness and kindness for myself even when things are hard. You are forever the Yoongi to my Hobi, the Jin to my Joon, and the Ann to my Leslie—the calming, grounded presence that gets me out of my own head and gives me a space to be my fullest self and to love as big as my heart wants to love (which is A LOT when it comes to you). 
I am so grateful for every Google doc and video shared, for every hug and snuggle session, for every sleepy Starbucks line conversation and animated story over cocktails (both in person and on Skype). You have been a part of my best memories of this last year, and I cannot wait to make so many more with you in the next year.
So on this special day, I want to wish you a day filled with love and laughter and a year filled with good food, new adventures, airport hugs, balcony views, and the safety and stability that comes with knowing you are seen for all that you are and every single part of you is loved and precious to me. 
Happy Birthday, babe. May this next year be another year of us being *really* good at this and all the joy, comfort, and security that comes with that knowledge. I love you so much. <3 
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
tbh you're one of the very best humans around and make my life better and happier every single day
heatherbooooooo, you’re making me blush 🙈thank you for putting up with my messy, soft heart for the last decade.  This feeling is 100% mutual, my life would be miserable without you in it :)
write me a tbh (to be honest) in my inbox stating a thought you feel about me
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tulipsandlilacs · 7 years
kekela717 replied to your post: OMG SUPERSTORE IS SERIOUSLY TOO DAMN GOOD HOLY...
IT IS OMG. AND I LOVE AMY SO MUCH SHE’S SUCH A WONDERFUL CHARACTER. It’s such a good thing I’m sick in bed w/ the cold right now because I can binge-watch and not feel bad about it lmfao. 
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mego42 · 4 years
Tagged by @sothischickshe who is clearly psychic and sensed I was desperately looking for any excuse to stop doing what I was doing (writing, hating it, I’m stuck, hELP) so thank you for the emergency rescue
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Top 3 ships: sticking with the current fandom I’m going to have to go with Dean/an open manhole, Max/froyo, Rio & Beth/the brain cell they fight to the death over when in proximity to each other
Lipstick or chapstick: Neither for the most part, lipstick when I get all fancy
Last Song: Monster - Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nick Minaj, Rick Ross, Bon Iver (constantly forget that last one, crack up every time I remember)
Last Movie: I rewatched Knives Out the other night and it remains amazing (cannot recommend it enthusiastically enough) (a  d o n u t  😂) (the social commentary! the flawless whodunnit! entire aesthetic!) (also, generally a sucker for movies where you can tell everyone is having the time of their life) (if you are a sweater bisexual boy howdy is this the movie for you)
Reading: Nothing currently but I’m trying to decide between rereading either the Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta or The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern (I’m v much in a re-experience my all time favs zone)
3 random things to make me happy:
Nicki’s verse on Monster, it never gets old
Taking a nap next to an open window while it rains aka my afternoon, it was lovely thanks for asking
Scrambled eggs aka the superior way to prepare eggs. I know I’m right, no need to affirm
I am pretty sure I have successfully counted to nine here but no promises, it’s not really a counting day 'round these parts @nickmillerscaulk, @blainesebastian, @hereliesbethboland, @riosnecktattoo, @inyoursheets, @foxmagpie, @pynkhues, @elixir448, @kekela717​ with the caveat that you are under no obligation to participate
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