supotsus · 6 years
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“ aomine. ” nijimura was lucky to catch the other one outside of his school , but maybe he was waiting for him. maybe he wasn’t. ( he was. ) but nijimura was worried , he had heard stories from akashi -- and well , even though nijimura was just a speck on the teiko basketball team , he still cares about his previous teammates.  even if moving to america without warning for the rest seemed foolish -- he clears his throat. he’s getting ahead of himself. quickening his step to stand next to the other , he squints , “ you’re taller. ” which , he guesses is to be expected , it’s been well three or so years.  shoving his hands into his jacket , “ what are you doing ? ” 
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     A flower shop isn’t exactly the usual place he would find himself, mostly the off time away from the precinct is for staying at home, going to bars or getting food at his favorite place.      Though, some of his coworkers suggested that he get a flower or some sort of plant to take care of--apparently it will ‘help him cheer up.’ That’s what Winter is for, company and making him smile with that wagging tail and beautiful bright blue eyes.      They won’t leave him alone until he shows proof of the plant, so, here he is in a flower shop, looking at the various flowers and grumbling under his breath. Most of these Winter will try to eat.
      @kcimizu >> Human!AU starter
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stardcstskies-a · 6 years
@ @ @ !!!!
POSITIVE VIBES//accepting!
@altaindustries // Don’t even get me started! Kelli is the one person I rp Therion with rn and honestly, it’s just good fun talking to her! I’d love to get to know her better and continue to screech about how much of a BEAN Sora is. I love her so much.
@instrumentum-mortis // TALK ABOUT A MUTUAL. The first Reaper I’ve ever rp-ed with and a pretty cool person. Plotting threads and just talking about whatever is a good time. Especially with threads because were just angst machines, I swear.
@justanaverageoc // Where do I begin? I love their oc’s first of all? And how many threads with Ginny and Hana have we done? Jokes aside! I love chatting with them about whatever and rping with stuff too! Rather it’s sims shenangins or screaming about ships, it’s fun time!
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kcimizu replied to your post: [ when you wanna keep drawing however, your hands...
Uh, if you lose your hand, i can donate mine :’) <3
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don’t u dare. i have to love on ur entire existence -- including ur hand.
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The metallic smell of his spilled innards.
The maroon tint of dried blood.
As he regained his senses, the Austrian's eyes flutter open. Where was he..? How did he get here..? After a few moments, his questions would be answered as memories came back to his mind. He remembered running.. The stinging pain of holding his entrails inside of his abdomen from a nasty gash.. He looks down, looking for the rip in his clothes.
He saw.. His own spinal column, through what appeared to be a transparent, crimson goop. He stares at it, his eyes wide as he tried to make sense of the situation. But.. That's when he remembered about that serum. Something something "survive against all odds" was told to him by the.. Rather shifty black market dealer. But as long as it worked, he figured that he should have gotten it.. But he didn't expect to be.. This. A freak. A crime against nature.
But he was too tired. He couldn't get up, no matter how much he wanted to. Who would find him..? Would anyone help him..? He didn't know, but.. He didn't want to be a monster..
Why did it have to be him?
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kqei-blog1 · 6 years
Kaei has always laughed at guns when pulled on him. Their last ditch efforts were amusing. Mortals really thought their steel could hurt him ? But now, he is staring down the barrel of a gun, and he is full of fear.
He’s been afraid before, but looking death in the face never gets easier. No matter how many times he dies, he is still afraid of it. Or, more accurately, of the pain and suffering he endures before his little body gives out. And the mist reconstructs him and the cycle continues.
But this is purifying light. He might not come back this time. He doesn’t know how to think of the thought. Was it so bad to disappear ? Was his life really worth living ? He doesn’t know but he is scared. He is just a child, quaking in his boots. 
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❛ I-I don’t know where he is. ❜ Such a pathetic stammer. Thresh would be so disappointed. ❛ Please...don’t kill me. I don’t want to die. ❜ // @kcimizu​
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     Hands rest, hidden in the pockets of his white lab coat. Part of the collar of the white dress shirt accented with thing stripes and the blue tie are visible a bit beneath the lab coat. Casual steps, in no hurry to move to the desired location. Why rush it?      Not too many would be happy with his choices, working both sides as he hacks, creates and patches wounds. No values, no morals. Maybe he lacked some morals, but he always kept his jobs separate. He’s sometimes called a thrill seeker, looking for ways to prove his superior intellect and abilities.      Though, there is another who peaks his interest, the one he has sought out. Dr. Angela Ziegler.      Robin approaches her, smiling a bit as the words are spoken to get her attention, “Dr. Ziegler, you’re not an easy woman to find-- though, I’m thinking it’s on purpose after all that conflict in the past.” Not that he blames her, he would have escaped that place long before things went to shit.
     @kcimizu → Starter
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
( @kcimizu ) WARWICK - CARO MIO
         When he’s not training, having orders barked at him, and whatever else he had to do on base, he was busying himself with music and a good smoke on one of the outside balconies of the facility. Earbuds in with his usual heavy metal blasting, distracting him from everything going on outside while he held up his hand, shielding the flame so he can light his cigarette.
         He leaned back against the wall, lips and teeth holding onto the cigarette. The smoke flared out his nose with each exhale he did. Warwick fished for his phone in his pocket after hearing it buzz once. The name read ‘ Aria ’ — typical. It went right back into his pocket so he can enjoy his music and smoke before going in again.
         But … The Devil themselves had shown up at his exact location, screaming out excitedly in loud Italian that made him roll his eyes and unplug one of the buds from his ear, the other hand grabbing the cigarette and holding it between two fingers over the edge.
         “ Si? What can I do for you? ” He hummed, tilting his head forward and looked at them with a pointed look. Warwick was about 99.99% done right now.
     Aria had done most of their tasks for the day - physical training, bothering commander Reyes, maintenance, bothering Mccree, sending their daily report to CORE, bothering Atticus - it was only natural that while wandering the base they would decide to bother Warwick after seeing him duck out onto one of the balconies. They grin as they shoot him a quick text, a photo of themselves throwing a peace sign with Warwick looking like a cryptid in the background as he was pulling out a cigarette. 
     They watch as he pulls out his phone and immediately shoves it back into his pocket. How rude! But very predictable. He must not want to be bothered during his alone time. Listening to his music and having a good smoke. So, naturally, Aria barges out of there with a happy ‘ CARO MIO ! ’ to which Warwick - sweet, sweet, handsome, good-looking Warwick - just stares at them and asks what he can do for them. Oh! The things he can do!
     “ Humor me! ” Aria exclaims as they point down to his... pocket! “ Look at your phone! I sent you a text! I assume you didn’t see it because you didn’t respond and I saw you just ignore it. ”
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curiouskinetic · 6 years
continued from x
          This kind of peace and quiet was still something of a miracle to Sora. After countless months spent in a crowded, noisy laboratory, she could scarcely believe it when she woke up every day somewhere calm. Despite that fact she was still on edge most days, save for now, when she was with him.
          Her eyes widened some in surprise at his sudden praise, and she cast her gaze downward at the cup of tea she was holding in her hands, focusing on the warmth seeping out of it. He encouraged her often, but true praise like this was rare. It made her feel special, wanted. A feeling that was still new to her, and one she couldn’t get enough of. It was the reason she pushed herself so hard to become everything she needed to be-- sometimes a little too hard.
          Does he know my implants have been bothering me lately? He couldn’t have, I never told anyone.. right?
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          “I-- I will, if I need to.” She said quietly. “But I-I’m fine, really. Just a little tired, maybe, it’s-- it’s nothing.”
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soldierwatch · 6 years
ஃ  ➡ voice-line starter call / @kcimizu
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                  “ i’ll do WHATEVER it takes. ” 
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Hit me with that GOOD RALPH/CONNOR !!
   Requesting file: c:/meme/Rating_Ships ► status: accepting
NOTP| Not my kind of tea| indifferent| interesting| cute| nice| I ship it| My OTP| I will go down with this ship
     Tbh this includes Ralph/Bryan because those two would be adorable in a ship. Connor helping Ralph to trust again, them helping each other out, doing precious things. And just Ralph helping Bryan lighten up and Bryan swearing to do anything to help protect the ray of sunshine. Alpha I’ve fallen for this save me if you can or come join me in this hole that may be my new home.
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
‘ we should change those bandages. ’ - pre-fall warwick
a little love - ACCEPTING!>> @kcimizu ( WARWICK )
     “ How sweet of you        ah…! ”
      Aria winces when those fingers touch tender flesh. This mission was not going how they expected. Then again, Aria supposes one should keep an open mind when running a covert operation especially one as this - in a place they shouldn’t be and if caught, denied ever having ties to Overwatch and left to rot. CLANDESTINE. Aria can already smell the permanent marker being used on the report for this mission. Redacted, redacted, redacted. And then a CLASSIFIED stamp on the folder. 
     They HISS when their shirt is ripped further to get access to the bandages soiled with blood on their shoulder. It was completely red and the smell of IRON hit Aria’s nose. It was a rushed job. They didn’t have a medic for this mission, but at least everyone knew basic first aid and they were all outfitted with a kit. It didn’t help that Aria had to keep moving their arm. If the blood loss wasn’t going to kill them, then another bullet would. 
     “ You know, there’s a reason why I stick to being the chauffeur. ” 
     Aria had tried to keep themselves inside the vehicle. They were always tasked with being the getaway driver if things turned south. Too bad their new friends didn’t like the idea of them jamming to some tunes in the car while business was done. It didn’t take long for it to turn to a shoot out, resulting in Aria getting shot in the shoulder and Warwick pulling them down to put pressure. There was a lot of blood due to the bullet going STRAIGHT THROUGH. There was no time to suture it, only to pack it with gauze and bandage it tightly. 
     Now that they’re RELATIVELY safe, waiting for new orders - where are we being extracted? where is the LZ? you expect us to hotwire a car and drive out of here? - there was time to suture. Warwick pulled out a morphine auto-injector and Aria quickly shook their head, which prompted a raised eyebrow. It would hurt. 
     “ I want to keep my head clear. I’ve already lost a lot of blood. ”
     Warwick gives them a level stare. He must see how much they’re sweating now. How unfocused their eyes are. He adds more pressure to the wound, ignoring Aria’s choked groan. Aria grits their teeth and places a hand over Warwick’s, the other cupping his face as they squint at him playfully. Even in times like this, someone had to smile. 
     “ Be gentle. ”
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omgkinsella · 6 years
first post for the Glitch "favorites” meme [created by @beaucooper] 
I'm doing them in a random order oops
favorite female character: Kirstie Darrow <3
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aeqcitas · 6 years
@kcimizu ♥’d for positivity!!
FIRST LET ME APOLOGIZE TO YOU FOR BEING THE FIRST VICTIM OF JACK”S DAD JOKES I HOPE YOU’LL EVENTUALLY FORGIVE BOTH OF US AAAAA. But for real, I’m super excited to be able to interact with you on this account and also on your McCree and I can’t wait to reply to our first thread! QuQ I really enjoy oogling your writing from afar and I can see you put a lot of effort and love into your muses and your responses! ♥ Here’s to future shenanigans and potential ships and suffering!
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curiouskinetic · 6 years
Send me   ��🔪
          It had happened a little too quick for Sora to react in time. She’d been minding her own business for the most part, only taking a slight detour on one of her walks to check out an abandoned building. She’d been feeling sort of adventurous that day, and of course, it almost instantly got her into trouble.
          A strangled cry tore from her throat as she was slammed against the concrete wall, something cold and sharp pressing up against her next. She hadn’t even heard anything, had gotten no indication that she wasn’t all alone in this dreary place before the attack happened. 
          Immediately she was fighting for her life, struggling to lash out at her attacker as light sprung up around her body, sparking like electricity.
          “A-- way! G-get away from me!!”
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kcimizu replied to your post: kcimizu replied to your post: ...
asdfghjkl. Rica pls. I’m trying to be a nice friend.
i love you even if i can’t move my wrist........
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