#kay burley
redvelvetwishtree · 15 days
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
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They don't want to answer the question, so they answer a different one. It's a problem as old as time when it comes to our friendly neighborhood politicos, but like most things it got significantly worse over the last six years or so. The complete and utter shamelessness of our most prominent public servants was captured most succinctly in speech by Donald Trump's "EXCUSE ME," which he used to interrupt people whose line of questioning he did not like by accusing them of interrupting him. Then he'd say some random crap he thought was more advantageous to him. But even less masterful scammers have learned to either start yelling at their interlocutor that they're a biased hack who hates America, or just start talking about something else.
The main way to combat this, it seems, is to ask the same question over and over. We saw a bit of this when Jonathan Swan of Axios pressed Trump on his COVID response in the summer of 2020, inducing something of a toddleric meltdown. We saw it with Paula Reid of CBS, again on COVID, in the White House Press Briefing Room. (In fairness, Reid did actually interrupt Trump before his "EXCUSE ME" there.) And we got a dose of it again this month, first with an interview Jared Kushner did to promote his book on Sky News. His interlocutor, Kay Burley, again made the case that the Brits (and in Swan's case, the Aussies) tend to be much better at this stuff than we are.
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Maybe there's a whole study here in how the British have a monarch to honor and politicians to grill, as opposed to the weird deference Americans seem to have for the elected leaders who serve at their pleasure. But for now we'll just observe that, when repeatedly asked why Trump had a bunch of top-secret documents in his Mar-a-Lago basement, Kushner had no answer. His attempts to make this about previous investigations and the like were foiled when Burley simply asked again why Trump was stacking up national secrets at some trashy club. And for the millionth time, the feds did not descend on Trump's property out of nowhere. He had repeated opportunities to turn this stuff over across months and months, and he refused.
Another example of the form arrived this weekend courtesy of former Senator Al Franken. His exchange on CNN with Republican strategist Alice Stewart was also revealing in that it pointed to the kind of institutional brinkmanship, powered by shameless bullshitting, that Mitch McConnell pioneered well before Trump came on the scene:
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Franken laid out the situation simply: Republicans, led by McConnell, refused to give Merrick Garland a hearing in 2016 on the basis that it was an election year and voters should get to decide who would choose the next Supreme Court Justice. Then, four years later, they confirmed a Supreme Court Justice a week before the election. There was zero governing principle in play here besides "Republicans want seats so they can enact conservative policy through the Supreme Court," but Stewart attempted to throw out some smokescreen about how this has happened before to legitimize the power grab. Franken broke down the screen by simply asking Stewart the same question, over and over: When did this happen before? By the end, she was wilting on-screen, exposed for defending the indefensible. Just admit you wanted the seats at any cost!
Anyway, we could all take a page from this in the future. Next time Joe Biden gets flaky at a public appearance, somebody should just keep asking the same question.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Sky News Breakfast: Kyiv hit by series of explosions
Sky News Breakfast: Kyiv hit by series of explosions
On Sky News Breakfast with Kay Burley: – Ukrainian capital Kyiv targeted by missile strikes for the first time in months – Could the warning on winter blackouts lead to our coal power stations being fired up again? – And as Taiwan’s President says the country will bolster its defences amid tensions with China, we speak to the island’s Deputy Foreign Minister.  Plus all the day’s headlines and…
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alpha-mag-media · 6 months
Kay Burley’s remarks about Palestinian ambassador receive 1,500 Ofcom complaints | In Trend Today
Kay Burley’s remarks about Palestinian ambassador receive 1,500 Ofcom complaints Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 7 months
Kay Burley sparks outrage over ‘inappropriate’ video | In Trend Today
Kay Burley sparks outrage over ‘inappropriate’ video Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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"As you can see, lots of demonstrations there, 'Not My King' says some of the banners" Kay Burley
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28whitepeonies · 2 years
Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) has been in the media all day talking about the rail strikes and god what a great spokesperson he has been for them.
Here he is handling some ridiculous line of questioning from Kay Burley who is trying to suggest the union will be encouraging violence on the picket lines and referencing the 1980’s miners strikes, which is pretty absurd for a whole host of reasons:
Here he is calling Chris Philp, a Tory MP and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport a liar approximately 900 times for spouting nonsense on Newsnight (I can only post one vid so these will be links)
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Here he is telling Richard Madeley he’s talking “twaddle” for asking him if he’s a Marxist, which tbh I think was polite because imo Richard Madeley is just a c u n t xx
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And if you’ve any uncertainty as to why rail workers are striking, these two clips will be a good place to start
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emcgoverns · 4 months
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elizabeth mcgovern (with sadie & the hotheads, kay burley, & harry shearer) on “the kumars” (january 2014) | 📸: sky one
watch interview here.
watch their performance here.
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ptseti · 10 days
Iran’s not allowed to retaliate for Israel bombing its consulate in Syria on 1 April, that killed seven including two top commanders, according to British Foreign Secretary David Cameron. A prominent advocate of the so-called ‘rules-based order,’ he refused to provide a clear answer when Sky News host Kay Burley asked whether Iran had a right to respond to the destruction of its sovereign property. However, when asked how Britain would react to a country flattening one of its embassies overseas, Cameron replied that his government would respond ‘very strongly.’
This telling exchange has for many online exposed Western double standards with regards to international law.
On 13 April, Iran sent a barrage of missiles and drones into Israel to retaliate for Israel killing 16 people at its Damascus consulate on 1 April.
Cameron avoided answering the journalist’s question about Iran’s right to retaliate—per international law—and implied Tel Aviv doesn’t have to honour the Geneva Conventions, which protect diplomatic and consular installations and their personnel.
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don-lichterman · 1 year
Sky News Breakfast: England and Wales to face off at Qatar 2022
Sky News Breakfast: England and Wales to face off at Qatar 2022
On Tuesday’s Sky News Breakfast with Kay Burley, – The battle of Britain… England and Wales prepare to go head-to-head in the first ever home nations World Cup tie – The golden era is over as Rishi Sunak signals a new approach to China, and criticises Beijing’s crackdown on anti-lockdown protesters – The government removes a section of its new Online Safety Bill, so that technology firms will no…
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yo-kai-zazel · 1 day
Why are most of these yo kai complaining 😅
Well this one is from Sergeant Burley, he’s upset that there’s been less funding for them recently.
Oh here’s one about what we decided to do with Azriel…
Ed Zoff has been making daily complaints about a horse. And not like in a euphemism way, I have no idea what he’s talking about.
Look at this, it just says “you took my fucking horse”, everything else is blank. I wasn’t even aware he HAD a horse
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alpha-mag-media · 7 months
Kay Burley sparks outrage over ‘inappropriate’ video | In Trend Today
Kay Burley sparks outrage over ‘inappropriate’ video Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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lepartidelamort · 2 months
C’est désormais officiel : en Palestine, les juifs affament les enfants à grande échelle
Les juifs, le peuple qui a organisé l’Holodomor en Ukraine, a décidé de revenir aux formules qui ont fait son succès du temps de l’Union Soviétique.
Désormais, ils affament les enfants de Gaza.
La situation est si répugnante, que CNN a dû se résigner à en parler pour ne pas perdre le peu de crédit international qui lui reste.
« La mort, c’est mieux que ça ».
Des images choquantes d’enfants affamés et émaciés provenant de l’intérieur de Gaza mettent à nu le désespoir qui règne dans la bande de Gaza, comme le rapporte @nadaabashir.
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Tout le monde peut admirer la nature des juifs à l’oeuvre.
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Depuis le lancement de leur campagne d’extermination à Gaza, des milliards de personnes ont découvert les juifs tels qu’ils ont toujours été.
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Ils en sont très fiers, au plus haut niveau.
Kay Burley : « Que faites-vous au sujet des enfants qui meurent de faim ?
Porte-parole du Premier ministre israélien : « Tout d’abord, permettez-moi de dire que le problème humanitaire numéro un dans la bande de Gaza en ce moment et depuis le 7 octobre est le sort de nos otages. C’est le problème numéro un »
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La bande de Macron semble ne pas vouloir être associée de trop près à ces crimes de masse. La chaîne du milliardaire israélien Patrick Drahi a inhabituellement reçu l’ordre d’en parler.
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C’est purement formel, mais ce recul macroniste indique que même les shabbat goyim les plus serviles commencent à pressentir que suivre aveuglément les juifs aura un coût colossal.
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En dernière instance, peu importe leurs hésitations, ils devront suivre leurs maîtres jusqu’à la catastrophe finale.
Les juifs ne sont pas seulement en guerre contre la Palestine, ils sont en guerre contre l’humanité entière et si cette guerre était froide avant le déclenchement des hostilités en Ukraine, puis à Gaza, elle est désormais ouverte. Pour les juifs, c’est une question de vie ou de mort. Perdre en Palestine et en Ukraine entraînerait la désintégration rapide du système démocratique occidental, donc leur ruine.
C’est la raison de leur acharnement à vouloir déclencher une nouvelle guerre mondiale. Le temps joue contre eux. La vengeance des peuples contre eux sera terrifiante, inédite, ils le savent et prennent directement les choses en mains. Contrairement aux guerres mondiales passées où ils tiraient les ficelles dans les coulisses, les juifs ne se dissimulent plus, ils sont en première ligne partout pour retarder l’inévitable.
C’est ce qui fait de cette Troisième Guerre Mondiale la plus juive de toutes les guerres.
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mrb52563 · 2 years
For the record it was the press advising to then bullying princess di like they try to play me but as shown with jolly jill dildo 99 was a press years as nick ross chelsea all the way
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yhwhrulz · 1 month
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