#katherine's memories
feral-ballad · 2 years
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Katherine Larson, from Radial Symmetry; “Lake of little birds”
[Text ID: “We touch each other briefly / and depart. As if memory / wasn’t a wound to bear.”]
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kiwibirdlafayette · 11 months
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have some sillies… i miss my starbornes
(also bonus o!flower husbands cause why not.. thinks about avian-starbornes)
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dontyoulistentome · 6 months
How cute would it be for Phillip to lend Visander his clothing?
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amiablesummer · 1 year
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Memory as a wound
Katherine Larson, "Lake of little birds" from Radical Symmetry (via @feral-ballad) // George Seferis, tr. Edmund Keeley & Philip Sherrard, "Memory I" // Alex Eckman-Lawn, A Cut Paper Collage (via @satanasaeternus) // Carl Phillips, "Givingly" from Wild is the Wind: Poems // Yves Olade, "Hunter's Moon" from Bloodsport // Rosario Castellanos, "Memory of Tlatelolco"
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lilareviewsbooks · 5 days
4 SFF Books For (Humanities) Nerds
Hey guys! I know I promised this like, last year, but life got in the way :( But now I can finally present to you - my list of books for humanities nerds!
To put it simply, these are books I think broach topics that are close to the humanities nerds' interests - sociology, history, art, anthropology, political sciences... And sure, they could be considered "boring", but if you're into the humanities - you'll have a ball with them! (and, of course, anyone can enjoy these!)
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The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison
5 stars | 446 pages | standalone, but there are spin-offs | queer side character
This is the book that spurred this list, so, if you want a longer review, I have it on my blog. But suffice it to say that The Goblin Emperor is a fairly long and detailed account of what happens in the court of a country of elves when the youngest, unfavoured and half-goblin son of the king ascends the throne. This book is masterful. It seemlessly weaves in personal and political concerns as we follow Maia, the newly crowned emperor. The writing style is slow - we follow the emperor's every day life. We are with him when he rises in the morning until when he wakes up. It waits for something to happen, and is quiet and slow. It's absolutely delightful: despite his politicking, Maia is mostly and more ardently concerned with kindness. He wants to treat people fairly. This not only makes for a sweet main character, it also means the book is a fascinating character study, as well as an incredible feat of world-building. I think nerds will enjoy its slow and traquil pace, its dedication to politics, language and customs of this world and its charming main character.
A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine
5 stars | 462 pages | completed duology | queer main characters
For a sci-fi twist, I think A Memory Called Empire is the way to go. The duology follows Mahit, a citizen of a small satellite of the Teixcalaan Empire, who is chosen as the next ambassador for her home. She must journey to the capital with a very important mission - find out why her predecessor mysteriously disappeared. Again, what there is to enjoy here is lush, expansive world-building. The Teixcalaani feel so, so real. Every little detail was thought of, from their language to their smiles. It's truly impressive, and the prose, I remember, is also beautiful, making these details pop out even more. This is also incredibly political, as Mahit descends into the belly of the beast, so to speak, in search of answers. But it is framed by a pretty straight-foward murder mystery, which might be fun for people used to mystery stories. And the second book broaches first contact! - it's just so much fun! I also have a longer review for this series, if you would like more details! Nerds will be drawn to the expansive world-building, attention to detail, and reflections on empire, memory and legacy.
Elder Race, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
4 stars | 201 pages | standalone | no one's queer, I don't think :(
This one might be a good pick for veterans of SFF - it has a fun gimmick! You must've heard the phrase "any science advanced enough in undistinguishable from magic", attributed to Arthur C. Clarke. This book takes that concept and runs with it. For Lynesse, a princess in a medieval society, Elder Nyr's "giant tower" is magical, and he, a magician. For Elder Nyr, an anthropologist come from a different planet, his interests are scientific, and his "tower", a spaceship. The fun of the novella is that we flip-flop between these two people's perspectives, so that half the story is a sci-fi, and the other half, a fantasy. I found this story to be unique, and to understand its place in the speculative genre quite well. It defies expectations and conventions in a creative way that I think nerds familiar with them will enjoy!
The Traitor Baru Cormorant, by Seth Dickinson
5 stars | 399 pages | uncompleted series | queer main characteres
Another good bet is The Traitor Baru Cormorant, the first installment in the Masquerade Series, which is not finished yet. It follows Baru, who, as a child, watches her country be colonized by the Masquerade Empire. She vows revenge, and to destroy the empire from the inside out. In this installment, she is finally trusted to be sent as an Imperial Accountant to Aurdwynn, a famously ungovernable territory... This one is very, very brain-y. It's dense political fantasy, and I admit I had some trouble following the economics, sometimes - that was never my strong suit!! The tapestry of betrayals, alliances and twists is rich, intricate and realistic. People have diverse interests, are multi-faceted individuals, and yet have a reason to be acting they way they are acting. This makes for satisfying plot lines, and incredible twists. I still haven't recovered from what the first book did to me, to be honest. Nerds, if you want to be dazzled and made to work for it, pick this one up. The Traitor Baru Corumorant will have you scratching your chin, thinking hard and having a lot of fun with (yay!) economics and accounting!
I have a couple more of these if anyone is interested :) And as always, if you need a book rec, feel free to send me an ask!
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nevinslibrary · 23 days
Weird & Wonderful Wednesday
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Okay, so we’ll title this week, ‘unintentional early 1900s week’. Oops…
This book takes place around the great war though, not the Jazz age, 1917, 1918, and it was intense. Laura was a field nurse until she was discharged because she was wounded. She goes home, and, then, she gets a message that says that her brother Freddie has been killed, except, maybe she hasn’t. So, she goes back to Belgium and seeks to find her brother. Meanwhile, Freddie is going through his own thing that not just involves an interesting alliance with a German, and a mysterious man who maybe has some weird supernatural sort of power?
The story was told from both siblings’ points of view as Laura tries to find Freddie and Freddie goes through his ordeal, trying to make it back to the world and to Laura too. As I said, it was intense, and such a different look at the issues that were present during, after, and around the First World War.
You may like this book If you Liked: The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner, The Haunting of H. G. Wells by Robert Masello, or The Witch's Lens by Luanne G. Smith
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
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kafkasapartment · 2 years
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Katherine Ross (notable films; The Graduate, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,The Stepford Wives, They Only Kill Their Masters) , 1967. Bob Willoughby, 1927–2009. Silver gelatin print (1986).
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bat-in-the-machine · 1 year
My mother died Wednesday. For the past few days I've been sharing her art and stories on Twitter, but now Twitter crashes every time I try to tweet.
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Yesterday it didn't seem real that the woman who created dragons and elves and fairies with the same matter-of-fact ease of someone building their thousandth stone fence was somehow gone.
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Yesterday, the mind behind the Magnificent Tuttle, that ancient scholar of all things magical and mundane, who once wrote, "that dragons are myth is a myth, itself," will write no more.
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But it's true.
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The story will not follow. The storyteller has gone. There are no more tales. Fantastical or mundane.
I can't call her and commiserate on the latest horrific political news anymore.
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There will be no more tales of the clever merchant Buffo, who has a deal worked out with the fae, who let him sell them in easily escapable cages, over and over, leaving their buyers with lovingly-crafted empty wooden cages.
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krystaln78 · 2 months
You don’t remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened.
— John Green, An Abundance of Katherines
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mafia-kay · 2 months
so you have wings and won’t let us see them :( ?
[ [ Connection terminated. . . attempting to connect with THE INFORMANT. Please stand by. ] ]
Kay looked down, feeling her wings shift, she almost forgot she had these. She looked around at the blank area, the only other noises being the small chitters of puffs, and the other small beings in the distance. She leaned forward a bit and looked back at her wings unfolding, left being a black feathered wing, whist the right was a white and more bat-like or ‘dragon’ like.. “…so weird…” she murmured, tail flicking behind her, gently hitting against the ‘floor’ of the between.
Kay crossed her arms and hugged herself a bit, closing her eyes as she stretched her wings behind her, the mismatched set becoming smaller if by will, Kay didn’t like it. The feeling of the feathers moving on one wing as she stretched, the flaps of the non-feathered wing felt like skin. Her brows furrowed as she glanced to the side and saw a few black feathers with their tiny white spots littering them, on the ground.
“Stupid… fucking stupid. Fênkī.” Kay huffed under her breath, gently kicking away one of the feathers.
[ [ connection successful! ] ]
Kay just rolled her eyes, “Eh, it’s my problem, isn’t it? Not like you guys have the right to seeing them. I don’t want you to see them, end of story.”
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itsmeimcathy · 2 years
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{ klarolineauseason } - week 6: crossovers/fusions
The Good Place AU. Caroline opens her eyes and finds herself alone in a non-descript waiting room with no memory of how she got there. A soft elevator music masks the awkward silence, and in front of her, on an otherwise empty wall, there's a green writing: Welcome! Everything is fine.
It doesn't look that fine to her.
A man named Silas welcomes her inside a boring beige and brown office that could belong anywhere: there are potted plants and pretty paintings and it just feels as if someone has decored it to calm and reassure its guests. The man keeps smiling and making off-kilter jokes, and in the end Caroline remembers her life and understands that 1) she's dead, 2) this is the afterlife, and 3) according to her previous moral conduct when she was alive, she has apparently scored the best part of it, that is - the Good Place.
Except, how did she end up there? She's pretty sure there must be a mistake - an identity swap - since all of the informations Silas has about her are wrong. But she's not about to turn down this gift and risk ending up in hell, right?
Silas walks her through the neighborhood where she will spend the rest of her eternity, shows her her house - a small monstrosity filled with clown paintings, a clear evidence of that fact that someone else was supposed to be there - and introduces her to her assigned soulmate, Enzo, and the couple living in the mansion nearby, Klaus and Katherine.
And as time passes and life in the supposedly peaceful afterlife becomes progressively worse, Caroline is even more certain that it's because of her - plus, she can't help but being drawn by not-her-soulmate Klaus, and this can't be happening, right?
Hopefully, if they work together and help each other she can avoid an eternity in the Bad Place...
"Welcome to the Good Place. Sponsored by: otters holding hands while they sleep. You know the way you feel when you see a picture of two otters holding hands? That's how you're gonna feel every day."
[The Good Place, season 1, episode 1]
"I'm not supposed to be here."
Klaus rolls his eyes, decadently sipping the bland whisky they have been served. "Of course not, sweetheart. It's such a lovely party and yet you dragged me to a broom closet..."
"No, you don't understand," Caroline hisses, raising on her toes to whisper against his ear - he tries to ignore the shudder that follows. "I don't belong here - in the Good Place. That's why everything is messed up and Silas is stressed out and I made shrimps rain! And I can't even do anything because Bonnie is always nearby-"
"Did you call?"
They both jump, turning to the mysterious entity - not a human, not a robot - whose only purpose seems to be accomodating their needs and/or potentialy spying on them. Her sudden apparition has made the closet all the more cramped, squishing them together.
"No, Bonnie, thank you. You may go," Caroline tells her wearily.
The - Bonnie - continues to smile brightly. "Okay." And she's gone.
Caroline puts some space between them as she glares at him, in a see-what-did-i-tell-you kind of way.
But Klaus is frowning, evidently thinking back to what she has just told him. "What do you mean, you don't belong here?" He keeps a low tone of voice, for which she's grateful. "And why are you telling me this, instead of - your soulmate, for example? Aren't you afraid I might go to Silas?"
He then blinks, perplexed, when Caroline puts her hand inside her dress - rummaging around her décolleté - until she fishes a folded note and hands it to him, nervous. "This is why."
Klaus abandons his glass on a shelf near the door and carefully opens the note, fingers smoothing the paper with her pretty handwriting on it.
Caroline - find Klaus.
She twists her fingers as she waits for his reaction, hoping that her past self had made the right choice in pushing her towards this man - a man who wasn't even her own soulmate, according to what Silas claimed. Not that Enzo wasn't great, but there was something in the back of her mind that kept nagging at her and made her question everything.
Caroline just wishes that he has the answer she's looking for, because otherwise she might just resign herself to the fact that she's going crazy in her life after death.
She speaks again before he has the chance to. "I think - something may have happened here, and I lost my memories, but before that I left myself that message. And honestly I feel that it's the only thing that makes sense, for me to trust you, so I'm with my gut feeling on this. And, and... I'm scared, okay, I don't want to end in the Bad Place, and I don't know what to do, and it seems like you have your life - or, well, death - together. So, that's why I'm here."
They remain in silence for a few agonizing seconds, looking at each other, Klaus holding the note close as if it were something precious instead of a random scrap of paper. A muscle twitches in his jaw and suddenly his hands grab her shoulders, delicately, drawing her near.
"Caroline, love, take a deep breath," he instructs, speaking softly. "Now, listen carefully - there is no need to be scared. I'm on your side, alright? We're friends. And I think you're right - something is definitely wrong here, because I can remember my life perfectly well and I assure you that I am not supposed to spend eternity in paradise."
Caroline widens her eyes, caught off guard. "What - you too? How is that possible? And how, how..." She stutters, on the verge of a panic attack. "Are they going to punish us when they find out?"
His thumbs are drawing small circles on her skin in a soothing way. "None of us will end up in the Bad Place if I can prevent it, sweetheart. Look - we should probably go back to the party, in case our soulmates or Silas are wondering where we are, and then we'll meet up later to discuss it, okay?"
She nods, biting her lips. "Yeah, sure, that's a good idea. I mean, it's not as if the neighborhood is falling apart, right? Mistakes happen all the time, why would heaven be any different?"
Klaus tries to smother a smirk. "Yes, exactly. Are you feeling a bit better?"
"I mean, I'm already dead, what's worse?" Then she closes her eyes, wincing. "Wait, don't answer that."
He smiles a bit, fondly, then takes a step back and slips her note in the inside pocket of his jacket. "Let's go now. Meet me afterwards at the lake behind our houses?"
Caroline nods again, then grabs his sleeve before he can open the door. "Klaus - thank you."
His answering smile keeps playing in the back of her mind for the rest of the evening, quieting her inner turmoil and making her feel hopeful for the first time since she has woken up in this place.
Too bad he wasn't her soulmate - right?
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
But pretty soon it all started running together in her head—what had happened and what she was scared would happen—until it became one big ball of everything awful that her mind contained, imagined or real.
Katherine Arden, from Empty Smiles
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baura-bear · 1 year
I have a little worm in my brain telling me to cast newsies with Muppets so... you’re welcome? (I’m sorry?)
Jack- Kermit
Crutchie- Fozzie
Davey- Gonzo
Les- Rizzo the rat
Katherine- Human
Medda- Miss Piggy 
Race- Scooter
Spot- Animal 
Wiesel- Uncle Deadly
The Delanceys- Humans
Hannah- Janice
Pulitzer- human
Nunzio- The Swedish Chef
Bunsen- Sam the Eagle
Roosevelt- Rowlf
Snyder- Human 
ensemble newsies: assorted muppets because this was hard enough as is
Medda’s announcer- Pepe the King Prawn
Bowery Beauties- Camilla and her chickens 
Cops/Goons- full-bodied muppets (Sweetums, Thog, etc.)
Some notes because that was a lot:
this took,,,,, so much fucking brain power
 I really wanted to cast Dr. Bunsen as Bunsen because ha ha funny, but I didn’t so you’re welcome. Toyed with the idea of the Delanceys being Statler and Waldorf or Bunsen and Beaker but neither were quite right. I also wanted to make everyone in Pulitzer’s office a member of Electric Mayhem but it just didn’t work out that way. 
Piggy Medda was simultaneously the easiest and hardest decision to make. I felt weird about her being in a mother role towards Kermit but Piggy wasn’t right as Katherine so I had to surrender Medda to her. 
during intermission Statler and Waldorf make comments like “Splasher? what is this? finding nemo?” and “Crutchie? More like cringey!”
Also I scribbled this in class when I first had the idea so Miss Piggy Medda
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travelonourown · 1 year
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geffenrecords · 6 months
rereading the fault in our stars because i read it when i was like 11 and cried so hard for an entire night but i watched the movie with my sibling last year and it was so crazy bad i was like dude this is not right no way it was this bad . and yk I think the movie is a lot worse and more annoying but the books fine . can't say it's great and it's John green so it's super annoying but like it's really not that bad . it's okay. the Anne frank house part is SO fucking terrible though so that kind of cancels everything out.
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silent-partner-412 · 1 year
by far the best way to experience Something To Believe In from Newsies is backstage dramatically performing it with your castmates while Jack and Katherine are performing it on stage. it is also the only situation in which i will enjoy listening to Something To Believe In
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