thomaswaynewolf · 1 year
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fatchance · 7 months
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fullscoreshenanigans · 10 months
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We lose a number of things in the transition between the manga and the anime such as all the minute details Demizu puts into the architecture, but for me it's worth it in season 1 for little animated nuances like this. Both Emma and Norman are completely caught off guard by Isabella being there, but it only takes Norman a second to shift between that initial shock to sorrow over realizing what it means that the woman who he’s viewed as his mother his entire life is here casually talking with demons and not recoiling in horror at what’s taken place. The way it creeps into his features is heartbreaking.
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Another thing we unfortunately lose in the anime is confirmation Norman is the one who designates the demons as demons as opposed to settling on it as a term of convenience in episode 2 after having some time to muse on it (though Emma does tearfully ask Norman how are they supposed to escape from those monsters in her shared bedroom later).
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There's a chilling, sinking horror upon reaching that conclusion with the moral connotation he associates with the term after witnessing the casual, gleeful indifference at his sister's life being snuffed out by these unknown creatures. Demizu's use of dark negative space as opposed to the backdrop of the inner gate's floor and the bottom of the truck further enhance the haunted, hollow feeling that's settled in his gut and etched into his expression as he whispers it into existence.
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It's probably why Sonju reacts like this to Ray using the term in chapter 46, back before the promise when humans would openly regarded them as such despite their mutual participation in slaughter. "Monsters" can potentially overlap with this, but it seems to be more associated with mindless chaos unattached to any moral code, less severe in degree and scorn. Demons consciously choose to inflict cruelty and suffering, and it's a visceral, near-immediate designation from Norman founded on all the information and media he's been exposed to over the course of his short life.
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(Director Mamoru Kanabe in the Minerva Confidential Report from the S1 Blu-ray)
I do understand why it was cut since the scene was reduced to less than a fourth of the episode's run time, and being in an audio-visual medium the grunt demons not picking up on their whispering on top of missing their scents becomes a bit harder for the viewer to ignore, but I still find it lamentable, especially with the differences that crop up in a later scene in the middle of episode 2 and the ending of chapter 2/start of chapter 3.
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In the anime, Norman and Emma are presented as being on the same wavelength regarding Isabella as an enemy, and while weary of what now stands before them, their anger is more muted.
In the manga, Emma is having more difficulty reconciling the woman who raised her for over a decade with the one she saw at the gate the previous night.
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Norman, though, emphatically renounces her. "Demon" is an extremely loaded designation for him, and it's spat out with such complete bile in his voice and reflected in his body language. He's physically revolted by her. I've talked about how rigid his morality is before and how badly his pride takes a hit at being deceived and left in such a vulnerable state (coupled with the horror of losing children he considers family), so it's regrettable to lose those insights into his character for the sake of episode runtime.
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speedyz3 · 6 months
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One nice thing about being home and recovering from my surgery if looking through older photos. This was an amazing trip with some good friends. We hiked the Wire Pass Slot Canyon near Kanab, Utah. I can’t wait to get back out and create some more memories.
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asbestieos · 1 year
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sorry for how scrunched this is, ill transcribe all the writings below the readmore <3 but tomokoi is my everything,, eventually ill draw their unit stuff and more time-line accurate portraits but for today you get this reflection on current tomokoi politics
-> Q: caretaker for, loves wholeheartedly // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: admires, will always offer help // “bad boy” duo
i can explain that second part fhgbhfgb "bad boy" because the public perceives them as delinquent-adjacent like bad boy (romantic) and they both find this funny and often pull a bit where they'll rip on each other's nonexistent rap sheet. this bit gets less funny after Shinji gets framed and jailed for attempted murder
-> Minami: kindest friend
-> Luka: confidant // unknowingly enemies
Q (founder and former leader of Tomokoi; current leader of XIV)
-> Heart: adores // couple behind closed doors
-> Shinji: less than trash // leaders
-> Minami: missed, fave member (of Tomokoi)
-> Luka: suspicious of // unknowingly enemies
Shinji (current leader of Tomokoi)
-> Heart: indebted // “bad boy” duo
-> Q: apologetic… // leaders
-> Minami: grateful, wants him to trust his feelings w/ others
-> Luka: ILY but stop being secretive
-> Heart: reliable ☆ (repressed crush)
-> Q: he has changed…
-> Shinji: sympathetic, unconditional support ;P
-> Luka: we take care of each other! ♡
-> Heart: knows their secrets, monitors their activities // unknowingly enemies
-> Q: scared of // unknowingly enemies
-> Shinji: too hard on himself
-> Minami: good friend, trusts w/ health
Heart and Q are currently members of a separate unit, XVI (“sixteen”), with two other members, while Shinji, Luka, and Minami carry on as Tomokoi !!
the story of Tomokoi is v smaddening and heartbreaking. this was back when Minami still went by ‘Hide’ short for.. their name ^_^; he also did not have those facial scars at this time.
Tomokoi began in junior high with five friends who wanted to become idols. Q founded the group and came up with its conception, believing it was the best way to popularize themselves. Tomokoi was only ever meant to sustain their dream while in junior high and to help them all develop their skills early to get ahead of the pack
for Q and Minami, they were perfectly able to maintain and dissociate their persona from their lives; for Shinji, Heart, and Luka, they struggled to live with their respective persona and how the public saw them. Minami becomes Q’s favorite, Q considered him skilled and determined enough to become an idol and sets him as the group's center; Heart as Q’s personal caretaker unconsciously becomes neurotic over it, Shinji gets jealous of his other unitmates for having an easier time with their persona than he with his own. Tomokoi ends up being very turbulent bc theyre all middle schoolers forced to play people they arent for the sake of a far-off dream they might not get to achieve. Luka is literally just Standing There (very upset that their friends are constantly at each other’s throats)
but the ultimate goal of every Tomokoi member is to audition for Reimei and to be accepted as individuals. they gave themselves individual personas to act out through Tomokoi to make themselves shine, so they hope that with the transition to high school, the tension that’s between them all will disappear along with Tomokoi; they’ll still be friends, but Tomokoi embodies the painful struggles and agonies and horrors they put themselves through as literal kids, and by moving on to individual work, they hope to move on from that painful part of their lives and to mature into idols
well, every single member of Tomokoi is accepted into Reimei - except Shinji, due to family history issues he was unaware of (blah blah blah sins of the father) and his own behavior (lashed out at judges). Q immediately gets on his ass for fucking up, Luka tries to defend them, all three get a distress call from Minami who, as it turns out, has been lying to his family the whole time about his future career path but that's not important, it's more urgent that he's terrified his family is about to kill him and themselves and needs help
lots of shenanigans happen. Shinji gets caught with the Madoka family's blood on his hands, Q frames Shinji for the assault of the Madoka family for very petty reasons, Minami is unconscious and hospitalized due to injury for the whole three weeks Shinji's trial takes. you may ask where Heart is during all this? Germany, trying to find their birth family (fruitless effort) (also didn't tell anyone they were going) (entrusted Luka, Shinji, and Minami with Q's health but really only Luka tends to Q).. it is a lot! by junior high graduation, Shinji is in juvenile prison, Q suffers a mental breakdown that Heart has to tend to, Luka disappears entirely, and Minami is left to care for what remains of his family, most of whom now rely on him due to disability.
this summary really doesnt do their individual stories justice i dont think i could do them justice but (shakes tomokoi) THEYRE EVERYTHING TO ME!!! THEYRE VERYTGHIGNGT TT OT MEEEAU AUAAUAGAG UAUA
ill also,, write up shit about their individual characters and personalities later i just wanted to get this relationship sheet out there so everyone knows theyre. not ok. ever
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fredvanhoof · 1 year
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Kanab Utah 200 South
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Anonymous sent:  Pushes over a chest filled with treasure. "I have an amazing suggestion for you, fine sir! See this shiny big chest here? Well, it is yours!  That's right you can have but only if and IF you eat a bowl of purple soup that Boji makes~ " c:
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Just the mention of it has Despa nearly turning green. “Dear heart, as much as I did - er, do - appreciate Bojji’s attempt at taking charge of cooking, I think just a spoonful was enough, bribe or no bribe. Come back after Kage’s taught him about what should and should not be eaten.”
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kittykichi · 1 year
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Warming up again with Reidaro shaped chibis~
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iamdesertpaul · 1 year
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When you hear about a hot air balloon festival within driving distance, you kind of have to go, right?
📷 Lecia MP
🎞️ Kodak Portra 400
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branddmc · 1 year
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Snowtem Pole
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ososperezosos · 2 years
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September 12, 2022.
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fatchance · 7 months
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travelella · 24 days
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Kanab, Kane County, Utah, USA
Benoit Debaix
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speedyz3 · 10 months
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Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all have some great adventures planned.
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asbestieos · 1 year
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quick doodle break
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fredvanhoof · 1 year
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Kanab. Utah.
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