#kalim spicy alphabet
cloudcountry · 11 months
JDFGDGF YES IT’S BEEN A WHILE!! It’s just that I’ve been really busy lately 🤧 
But!! I’ve had these weirdly specific TWST images in my head for a while now and I need to share them with someone- And yes, it’s a whole list-
-Proposing to Azul in the middle of a TWST McDonald’s (A TwstDonald’s, if you will)
-Playing Just Dance with Floyd at midnight
-PowerPoint presentations about mushrooms with Jade
-Reader doing a PowerPoint presentation on why Kirby is actually the strongest character in the Nintendo franchise and telling the Kirby lore to Ace, Deuce and Grim. The presentation’s shockingly informative. Deuce is disturbed at the Zero and Zero Two boss battles (in case you don’t know, Zero is literally a giant bleeding eyeball. Zero Two is the same giant bleeding eyeball but now it’s Biblically Accurate™. And yes, this was rated E for Everyone.)
-Teaching Kalim how to do the laundry
-Reader carrying Leona like a sack of potatoes
-Ring toss, but with Malleus’ horns being the pegs (🚶I know how super disrespectful this sounds, really, I do-)
-Jade/Lilia cooking with Gordon Ramsay. Enough said.
-I have this weird headcanon that Jade can’t handle spicy foods for the life of him,,
-Reader dancing and singing along to ABBA songs in an empty Mostro Lounge while cleaning up after a shift, not knowing one of the Octatrio members is watching them sing wholeheartedly- (Bonus points if ABBA songs don’t exist in Twisted Wonderland, so they have no clue what song it is they’re singing,, More bonus points if Reader drags them in to dance with them-)
——(*cough* Speaking of ABBA, I’ve also been thinking of the choreography/final scene of Waterloo in the first Mamma Mia movie,, and I’ve been thinking of TWST characters + Yuu iterations doing the dance-)
-Jamil finally getting that vacation he deserves✨ 💅 
-Screaming and gushing about fictional characters to Grim who’s just like “🧍 Henchman, pull yourself together” “JOKES ON YOU GRIM, I LITERALLY CAN’T”
-Playing Uno with the Board Game Club
-Throwing slices of ham and cheese out the window with Floyd. That’s it. That’s the thought.
-Sorting the dishes in alphabetical order with Riddle
-Imagine there being a Polyglot!Reader in Twisted Wonderland. And like,, half or more than half of the languages you speak straight up don’t exist-
And yes, the Octavinelle brain rot is still going very strong, and you can tell 😩 I am developing a soft spot for Jade- Maybe it’s from the animatics I watch,,
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
WAIT ALL OF THSO EIDEAS SOUND SO COOL.,.,.,.,., i really like the abba one in particular because i think about the differences in music a lot C: LIEK SINGING THEM A SONG THEYVE BEVER HEARD BEFORE FR
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
BURP-CANON: Kalim Al-Asim
Ah, Kalim…everyone’s favorite precious Baby Otter. (Or “Sea Otter,” as the official English translation calls him…I prefer “Baby Otter,” because…well…Kalim is SUCH a sweet whittle schnookums. ^^ ) Kalim is a character I’m actually NOT super into kink-wise, somewhat surprisingly, and it’s for a reason I touched upon in an earlier burp-canon: my kinks ultimately trace back to vore. I like stuffing and burping and facesitting and all that good stuff, but ALL of it sort of comes from the root fantasy that is vorarephilia. This is MY perspective, NOT the perspective of others, mind you: several friends, followers, and acquaintances of mine love Kalim for kinks, because while he doesn’t suit vore too well, on the whole, he seems tailor made for stuffing. Kalim is one of the most vocal greedy-guts of Night Raven, and not only is he a big eater himself, but he’s a big eater with a big heart. He loves to not only stuff his own face, but enjoys making a party out of every meal: food just tastes so much better when you’re enjoying it with others! As much as Kalim loves eating - and considering how much he ADORES spicy food, in particular - I think it’s fair to say that tummy of his can be pretty bubbly and gassy. Kalim is a playful, fun-loving sort, and he can almost (ALMOST) give Ruggie a run for his money in the trick department: Kalim can belch up the whole alphabet and even full sentences, just like Ruggie can…buuut he can’t do it as easily or as loudly. This isn’t to say Kalim’s belches can’t be loud: in a room full of people having a great time, dancing and chatting and laughing away, Kalim has been known to let out absolute MONSTERS that make everyone halt in their tracks. He giggles and blushes each time. “Ha ha ha! ‘Scuse me, everybody…that was a big one, huh? Sorry ‘bout that!” Or, if people seem to enjoy it, and start cheering him on, Kalim will grin broadly and start showing off. He’s not doing it to BE a showoff though, necessarily: he just sees it as another way of entertaining his guests. They’re all laughing and having a great time…why not give them what they want? It’s in such scenarios where Kalim will get involved in belching contests: he wins about 50 to 60% of the time, it depends on who he’s up against. If he loses, Kalim will pat his opponent on the back (possibly working up a final after-burp from them in the process) and congratulate them on their smelly victory, maybe fanning the air and laughing about how bad those smelled. Then he just moves on, maybe offering them some sort of prize…since this is Kalim, that could mean anything from more food to money to even just giving his friend a belly rub. Hey, they look like they could use it. If Kalim wins, he’ll cheer about his victory, but he’ll also make sure his opponent knows they did a good job…aaand probably still offer them something, just for being a good sport and playing along. Kalim is FAR too generous for his own good. As myself and others like to headcanon in general, Kalim is far too innocent and, perhaps, far too dimwitted to fully get the concept of “kinks.” So if somebody he loves has a thing for his gas, Kalim probably won’t notice. He’ll be the sort to burp heavily, giggle and excuse himself…then start showing off just how much he can do, when his S/O encourages him…then pauses and gets concerned when he sees how red and feverish they appear to be. Bless his sweet little heart. In regards to smell, Kalim’s belches are not too dissimilar from Jamil’s, but there’s more consistency to the odor. His breath isn’t bad, but it can SOMETIMES get a bit stale and extra spicy if he absent-mindedly forgets to brush: he eats so much, he probably has strong breath quite frequently, in general. His gas makes the smell and heat twice as potent…but compared to the extremes of his not-best-friend, that’s not necessarily saying much.
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mobagehelllocal · 3 years
Can i please have C, H, N, V and Y for best boyo Kalim? Honestly, i really enjoy the alphabets 🥰 it's so fun!
A/N: I’m glad you enjoy them anon! I recently had this idea of how nice Kalim would be as a fwb. Like straight up friends and the two of you fuck on occasion + he’ll buy you frappuccinos. It’s sexy. 
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim 
Kalim wants a big family—he’s grown up with a big family himself, so he would want the same. It’s because of that, that Kalim would certainly have a breeding kink too. It’s something that Jamil would have to sit you both down for and explain—if you can get pregnant you need to understand how important this is. You could be bearing the next heir of the Asim Family. 
On the other end, Kalim genuinely enjoys doing it raw and seeing his cum slip deep inside of you. He’ll drag his cock out, juices slipping out of you before he’ll stuff his fingers back in to ensure his cum settles inside of you. “Let’s have a big family, okay~?” 
His hair isn’t the softest—a little rough and coarse. It feels nice to run your hand through it though and he enjoys it thoroughly when you do. Whenever your hand is on his head, likely he'll push his head closer to your touch. “Mhm, yes--that feels real good!” 
As for below the belt, I imagine he’s not particularly clean. Clean enough that you know he clumsily tends to himself. Sometimes he forgets and doesn’t really clean up—he only does so when it starts irritating him. 
As open minded and willing he is to try just about anything--the one thing he can’t handle is degradation. Whether receiving or doing unto you. Sure, he’ll try it out for a bit, but he’ll almost immediately break character and frantically apologize even if you don’t feel hurt whatsoever. It’s just not something he’d want to do.
He’s pretty noisy in bed. Not only does he enjoy talking a lot during sex but he also moans without reservation. His voice is already pretty light and when he’s chasing his pleasure—his voice gets all the more pitchy.
His whines are also really cute and just erotic. It tends to send shivers down your spine because he whines about how good you feel, how warm you are—how much he loves you. “Aanh… do you… want to go together--? I want that--nnh!--too..!” 
I don’t think he has that much high of a sex drive actually. Sure he wants to be able to experiment and test things out with you but sex is not the one thing he’ll want the most from his partner.
If anything, above all else, he just enjoys spending time with you. He’ll love the sex for sure—but there are other more fun things that he’d love to do with you. Go out on dates—maybe go out on dancing—those things! 
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mobagehelllocal · 3 years
If it's not too much trouble, may I request the remaining letter for Kalim?
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim
A lot of laughter in sex with him. Especially in the beginning when the two of you are still getting used to each other and learning about each other’s bodies. He would probably use the opportunity to make sure to keep you in a good mood.
If insertion hurts a little then Kalim will hold himself steady--whispering praises across the planes of your face--and maybe even muttering your favourite joke or two to make sure he’ll see you radiant smile again. “--You’re laughing. That’s good. That’s the smile I want to see!” 
He’s pretty open minded about it in general? However, him not being able to do it anywhere is less of his opinion and more of his reputation as the Asim Heir. Jamil would be so strict with both of you with it.
Because of that, you two will probably end up defaulting to more private areas--like the bedroom or his bathroom because it’s much safer to do it there. He does enjoy it too--sex on a bed filled with pillows… or maybe in a middle of a steaming bathtub.
The thing is, is that this is actually something that Kalim would actually enjoy doing. He would love to quickly slip away with you during a party just to fuck you in a corner. He’d be really good at it too! He’ll come back to the party, all smiles while you have to attach yourself to his arm in the hopes that you won’t tumble from how hard he railed you.
That being said, your quickies… Are very fast. Primarily because you have to do things without other people noticing. It’s super easy for Kalim to be noticed. Kalim himself is very bright, noticeable--magnetic and he also has Jamil (who constantly has his eye on both of you). 
As much as Kalim will be open to any type of risk you might want to try out, both of you have an obstacle in Jamil. Jamil will always find out whatever it is the two of you are planning and in the slightest chance that it could affect Kalim negatively, he’s going to stop you both. 
Really, Jamil wants to be uninvolved. This isn’t his problem, he doesn’t want to know… but because of Jamil’s family, these things are just a part of his duty and he’s really looking out for the both of you at the end. So please don’t stress him out anymore. 
He tries his best not to fall asleep before you. He does feel a little bad because it happens half the time, no matter how much he tries not too. It’s not even because he’s completely exhausted from sex, he just really likes the bed and it makes him sleepy.
On the days he does manage to stay up and wait for you to join him in bed, he happily opens up his arms wide for you. He wants to go to sleep cuddling you, whispering to you and the night sky about how much he adores you.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
A,B,M,D,U, for Jamil and Kalim? 👀
A/N: honestly I have so much Jamil or Kalim requests now. Especially Jamil like--he’s the first one who got all his letters cleared??? Like hell yeah Jamil/Scarabia simps winning??? 
A, M, D for Jamil has been answered here!
D for Kalim, U for both has been answered here! 
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Jamil Viper
Body Part
He likes his hands/arms, and legs. His hands/arms primarily because he cooks with them, and his legs because he dances with them. In relation with sex though--he likes to use his arms to carry himself above you, and his legs... Well, you once saw his exposed thigh, and the way you looked at Jamil was a very pleasant and satisfying response. 
On you, he likes your chest--or specifically your heart. Your wrists too. He likes them because whenever he hypnotises you or he ties you up--your heart rate is always a steady (if a little escalated pace)--it’s simply a proof of how much you trust him. “I wonder what you see in me... That you believe is worth trusting so much...” 
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Kalim Al-Asim
After sex, Kalim just wants to cuddle and rest with you--but he’ll certainly wait until you finish washing yourself up first. Sometimes he’ll try to accompany you, but he ends up dozing off in the bath most of the time, so he just waits on the bed.
He’ll barely be able to keep his eyes open, sometimes he’s already asleep too--but he’ll definitely wake up a little once he feels your presence, and he’ll immediately move in to cuddle you, and tell you how much he loves you. 
Body Part
He likes his mouth--primarily because it’s what he gets to kiss you with! But its also because he knows how much you adore his smile, and if a smile from him can brighten your day--then why shouldn’t it be something he liked about himself, too? 
He likes your mouth too! Not only because of the way he loves the feel of your kisses crossing his skin--but he also adores your smile. Privately, he compares its beauty to the brilliance of the sun. 
It’s pretty unpredictable for him. He could be going about his day like a regular person, and then he’ll suddenly remember a certain something that happened another night--and he’s suddenly struck with the longing to have you in his arms for that night too! 
Other times, it’s you who would normally come up and whisper about how badly you want him. He’ll get excited immediately--after all, how else is he supposed to feel when the one he adores most wants to spend such an intimate time with him? 
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
may I ask for D I M P U for jamil, kalim and trey? I hope you have a wonderful day and do take care!
A/N: ...Yeah, I absolutely believe all these characters have hidden dimples. What? That’s not what you were asking? ... Whoops. 
I for Trey has been answered here!
D, M for Jamil has been answered here!
U for Jamil and Kalim have been answered here!
P for Kalim has been answered here!
EDIT: I completely forgot about M for Kalim! I answered it on a later ask here!
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Jamil Viper
He lets his hair down--metaphorically, and literally. Jamil is normally tensed at all times--his shoulders held stiffly, and his expression always carefully crafted. But in the quiet moments he spends with you, his shoulders relax, his face softens into something a lot more honest. 
Sex with Jamil (if he’s not particularly emotional over something) is just... romantic. He slumps against you, His head resting in the crook of your neck as his hips would undulate with yours--ever so slowly. He would press wet kisses on your neck--and after it’s all over, he’ll relax by listening to the beat of your heart, his eyes fluttering as you run a hand through his long dark hair. 
He starts off pretty slow--and incredibly sensual, especially in the foreplay. Sometimes the two of you spend a lot of time just kissing, slowly pressing your lower bodies together. He hangs right above you, pressing kisses across your face--his hair falling over both of you like a veil, keeping your moments together a secret treasure carefully tucked into your hearts.
During tender sessions, he only ever begins to speed his thrusts into you when your both about to reach your orgasms. “Nnnh... you feel so good... you’re so good to me my beloved treasure...” Other than that, he gets a little rougher, and skips the heated make out session when he’s stressed. 
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Kalim Al-Asim
He’s normally pretty noisy during sex--in the sense that he will hold conversation with you about something he did that day, or he’ll ask you about your day. “And then the elephants escaped--hngnh--” 
When you draw closer to your orgasms, Kalim gets a little quieter, attentive and just a little bit rougher. It’s probably the most attentive you’ll ever see Kalim. He’s so conscious of you, and how you feel that he works very hard to ensure that you feel completely satisfied in his embrace during the sex. His eyes go a dusky red--as he loses himself to the ministration and the warmth of your body against his. 
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Trey Clover
Dirty Secret
He’s more attracted to the idea of a Daddy kink more than he thinks he is. He thinks it’s just something of a punishment for you when you’re being too much of a tease--but really he’s starting to genuinely enjoy it.
Especially when he calls you ‘princess’ or ‘baby girl’--and you just shiver, and look at him with heavy lidded eyes... ‘Perhaps it’s worth discussing and experimenting’ is what Trey would muse. 
It’s mostly you really. It can be when you’re eating some of his sweets, and the way you lick your lips makes him want it on his body instead of the cake he made. Sometimes it’s the way tuck your hair behind your hair. Just the way you can move can suddenly get him wishing he can take you away to your bedroom immediately--alas, he’s a pretty busy guy so gets pent up a lot before he gets to hold you. 
Other times, he’s motivated by pent up stress, and he just needs to relax--by spending some steamy moments with you, really. 
When he’s particularly turned on by you, he tends to draw out your sessions for as long as possible. He wants to truly enjoy it--and that often includes edging you up until the very end. 
When he’s motivated by stress, he gets a little rougher and faster in his movements--he’s more likely to admonish you for being a brat. He might smack your ass quite a bit too (only if you’re okay with it, of course!). He gets much more kinkier too.
Oh Trey can be incredibly unfair if he wants too--especially when motivated by you. When you do something (unknowingly) he tends to draw it out and make you work for your orgasm. 
When you do something (purposely) knowing he’s already pretty stressed out from vice-dorm leader duties, he’s a lot rougher--but then he’ll suddenly slow down to a stop and tell you to “take your punishment properly, princess~” 
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
D, E, O, T & U for the Scarabia boys!
A/N: *nostrils flared* hell yeah let’s go~!
O for Kalim has been answered here!
D for Jamil has been answered here!
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim
Dirty Secret
It’s not really a secret--but there’s always a different gleam in Kalim’s eyes when he sees you interacting with Jamil. It’s a feeling that grows until he finally tells you that he thinks it would be nice to see you and Jamil fuck each other in front of him. 
The reason I can’t count it as a proper dirty secret, is because I think Kalim thinks that he shouldn’t be keeping secrets from you. So once he’s sure about how he feels about the situation, it’s something he’ll open up to you about. After that--it’s all up to you on how you want to respond. 
Kalim is both rich and a genuinely nice person--so I feel like a bunch of people have propositioned him before. I think his curiosity would be the one thing that fuelled him to explore and have casual sex with some people (read: people were likely specifically screened and chosen for it tbh--he gets poisoned. So I feel like they’d be cautious on who fucks the Asim heir, no?) All in all, I think he finds it exciting, but it’s not something he’d pick to do unless he’s feeling horny.
The difference with you, is that--likely chance--he’s romantically invested in you. And that’s why he has sex with you often--he wants to share that intimacy with you in ways he hasn’t done before. He’s also incredibly fond of holding you so--sex let’s him get that extra skin to skin contact. 
“Will it be fun?” is what Kalim would want to know. If it’s something that you can both find enjoyable, then he’ll be more than willing to go along with it--whether on you or on him.
One thing he’d dislike would be getting tied up though. Kalim loves physical affection, and he loves being able to touch you in all your most sensitive places during intimacy because it’s the only time you’d let him anyways.
He’s far from an unfair lover--in fact he’s incredibly generous as a lover. Your lovemaking is often filled with smiles, giggles and jokes in between. He treats you so sweetly, and always so kindly--every session is ended in just complete bliss.
Sometimes, he can be a little oblivious though. There are times that you’re trying to proposition him, and he doesn’t realise until you come up to whisper how much you want his cock in you. Kalim will be flustered, and his eyes will darken briefly before he’d escort you to his room.
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Jamil Viper
He’s experienced it before certainly--likely for stress relief or emotional release at the very least. It’s not what he’d normally pick to do though--he can choose either cooking or dancing too. 
He has had experience enough to know what he likes--but you’re probably his first real relationship because he hadn’t seen the point of committing...until he met you. 
It’s not something he’ll shy away from. He’s also a pretty attentive lover. So if he feels like you want it, and you’re too shy to ask--Jamil will willingly bend the knee for you. He also generally actually enjoys the sensation of tangling your fingers in his hair and tugging at it. It strokes his ego. 
He also enjoys you going down on him. He’s not the type who’ll ask for it, and will simply appreciate it when you do perform oral on him. Likely chance, he’s also going to enjoy tugging on your hair and pulling you down as deep as you can go without it being painful. 
The most likely toy he’d use are ribbons--fine silk ones from Kalim’s treasury that he knows the other man won’t mind him stealing (best let him not know what they’re used for... of course). He thinks there’s something fairly attractive in the way you’re tied up like present on his bed... He might be interested in blindfolding you too. “My precious diamond... look at you... How could anyone resist such treasure?” 
He’s probably a little sceptical about using toys on himself--but in respect for the fact that you trust him enough to let him hypnotise you and tie you up--he’s willing to at least try it out. There are days he might enjoy them, there are days he just won’t. Sometimes he likes the idea of ceding all control to you, and just not... thinking. So that’s when he lets you tie him up. 
Oh he’s actually a pretty fair lover. He’s not the type to tease to levels like Leona or Jade. He’s incredibly perceptive of you though--so he knows what you enjoy more and what not--and he’ll certainly make use of that to increase your pleasure. 
Okay--so maybe Jamil can be a little unfair--especially once he realises how much you love to hear him speak during sex. He’ll lean in as close as possible and make sure that you can feel the way his breath puffs as he exhales and moans against your ears so you could go a little more crazy for him. He’ll unconsciously smile--his heart squeezes in awe of how much he affects you.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
swx for kalim pls! Feel free ignore this if you have so many requests rn!!
A/N: I--Icantignorethis--Imreallybadatturningpeopledown
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim
Given how hyperactive Kalim is, he certainly has a lot of stamina! He might outlast you just a bit--but the moment he realizes you can’t go another round, he’ll quickly get up to get your aftercare session set up. 
He’ll try to carry you to the bathroom, but you’ll have to convince him otherwise, because you’ll see that he’s pretty exhausted himself. Either way, he’ll have enough in him to wait for you to slip back into bed with him~! “Ah~! It’s time for cuddles [Name]!~” 
Wild Card
He can give you a lap dance, and mark my words--he’s actually fucking great?? at it. Like you’ll ask him if he knows how to do it, he’ll beam up at you, nod eagerly and go turn on some music.
When he turns around, your jaw will drop--because his eyes grow heavy lidded, and he’ll move towards you with a certain grace you’ve never thought him capable of... and the way he rolls his body against yours... You will never see your lover in the same light, ever again. (You will keep asking him to do it more, and he somehow makes a new routine??) 
He has a pretty cock! It’s not particularly long, nor is it girthy--but it’s head is plump, and it fits you in all the right ways. He’s not particularly skilled at using his cock, but he’ll certainly learn how for you~!
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
K, O, P for kalim pls?
A/N: Ah yes, the sweetest boy ever~!  
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim
For sure Kalim has a breeding kink--more specifically, he adores the idea that the of you having a really huge family--because he had many siblings too. The idea of the two of you having that especially excites him. 
Sharing is caring. Kalim isn’t a particularly selfish lover, he’s not super against the idea of sharing you with someone--particularly a certain dark-haired boy... Just seeing the two of you going at it stirs something in Kalim that he’s never realised was there before.
He will dive in between your thighs with an enthusiasm second to none. He loves you, and he sees this as a way to express his love for you. He’ll get a little messy with it--but he’s the type who will learn and improve with a lot of practice. “Did that feel good~?” 
When you go down on Kalim, it’s the first time his expression changes to something raw--and vulnerable. The sheer pleasure you give him was unimaginable. It’s something he’ll enjoy, and he’ll eagerly ask for it if he’s in a particular mood!
He’s always been simply enthusiastic with dealing with everything around him--so he does the same thing with sex. He’s not particularly rough, but he’s not exactly slow at it either. 
Kalim is very gifted at slow romantic sex though. He knows exactly how to pamper you, and set the mood so your eyes just flutter at his attentive and loving ministrations. 
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
F, J, E with Kalim??
E for Kalim has been answered here!
all characters featured are depicted as 18+
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Kalim Al-Asim
Favourite Position
He likes positions that let him see you in full. So, the cowgirl would be a favourite because he gets to see you in all your glory. When you look down at him from your perch, there’s this glitter of devotion in Kalim’s eyes that will make you blush--he’s not the type to hide his complete adoration for you.
He also likes the standard missionary--he likes seeing the way you twist, and move underneath him in reaction to his actions. He likes to see you, and feel you completely
He’s had enough experience with jacking off. I do have a feeling that Kalim prefers to direct his energy to something else though--like playing games, or dancing!
That being said he’s also not that experienced, to know exactly what he does and doesn’t like about touching himself~! It’s something that the two of you will probably figure out together!
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mobagehelllocal · 3 years
Ai Spicy Alphabet Tag Masterlist
Before we get into the tags, I want to use this space as a dedication to all my friends who helped bounce spicy headcanons with me.
To my friends--El, Wyn, Mes, Liz and Ras! Thank you for letting me bounce headcanons with you! Thank you for being the quality control for all my writing. Thank you for not being tired of my ideas or my writings, I'm sorry to say that there will be more to come.
I love you guys so much and I’m sorry for being cheesy but I JUST need to express how much these people really helped and matter to me 🙏 Without them, the alphabet wouldn’t be as legendary on this blog as it is 😌
Love from mobage hell,
Master Tag: #ai spicy alphabet
Character Tags:
HEARTSLABYUL: #riddle spicy alphabet ; #ace spicy alphabet ; #deuce spicy alphabet ; #cater spicy alphabet ; #trey spicy alphabet SAVANNACLAW: #leona spicy alphabet ; #jack spicy alphabet ; #ruggie spicy alphabet OCTAVINELLE: #azul spicy alphabet ; #jade spicy alphabet ; #floyd spicy alphabet SCARABIA: #kalim spicy alphabet ; #jamil spicy alphabet POMEFIORE: #vil spicy alphabet ; #epel spicy alphabet ; #rook spicy alphabet IGNIHYDE: #idia spicy alphabet DIASOMNIA: #malleus spicy alphabet ; #silver spicy alphabet ; #sebek spicy alphabet ; #lilia spicy alphabet
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