general-kalani · 7 months
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{ @kaiju-crimson-storyandask ETHAN CANNOT BE STOPPED AAAA- }
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"Deputy Hadassah, may we take a walk outside? There's a lot for you to see of the new world that... Well, perhaps evidence of how everything's changed will benefit you more than me talking about it."
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therelignedstars · 2 months
Yin: “Child, N O”
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"I could handle it. Come on!"
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codenamejudas · 8 months
Nikos: *eye twitch* I’m starting to wonder how you live if you eat things like that…
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musesbykai · 1 year
Hey, Oron! Got anything to say about your recent friends?
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“They are all a bunch of weirdos. Affectionate.” Oron laughed a little. “I mean, how the hell else would I describe a netrunner merc who seems to be in the same situation as me while dressing like they are from the 1970s; A giant half bird, half machine creature that spits molten metal; A hybrid of a giant monster and a talented engineer; A teenager who seems to get stuck in the worst situations and a guy who lives in a car that uses my war machine as a personal microwave…”
“I like them all. A lot. Don’t really throw the word ‘friend’ around too much anymore but it’s what they are.”
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fucktyrants · 2 years
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@kaiju-crimson-storyandask​ cont from [x]
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The absolute incompetence of this one only seemed to anger the engram further, the aforementioned pencil and paper was swatted from beneath the other’s hands, replaced by a now crouching image of an angry rocker almost nose to nose with his host.
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“Rockerboy!? YOU?” A laugh of almost superior nature, disgust even, he flickered away post a rather violent shove and following scoff.
“You call yourself that and don’t even know who I am!? Johnny fuckin’ Silverhand! The one and only! taking residence in your fucked up head! Believe me choom! I ain’t fuckin’ happy with this deal either!”
Another fizzle of code and blue light, the engram of Silverhand now stood over the other’s sleeping friend, almost mockingly.
“Should have let him rip the damn chip out! fuck, maybe i’ll do it myself! You know what they say, if you want something right, do it yourself!”
He flicked across the room again, chrome hand bundling into Adonis’ hair.
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monster-or-man · 2 years
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“I am not a rat...”
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themanofgloom · 2 years
(Something a lil soft for Oscar to see, siblings bonding for once!)
It’s been raining heavily for about an hour. But Nekuma and Seven are not indoors. Instead, much like the monster who created them, they could both be seen outside. The two of them drenched from head to toe in their human forms. They don’t mind. The cool rain felt nice, both sat comfortably on the ground at a respectable distance.
For once, all is calm. At least for a short while.
Suddenly the air is filled first with the sound of a scuffle. Then with bubbly laughter! Rolling around in the mud, wrestling one another. One pouncing on the other when they escape.
Play fighting. Nekuma and Seven are actually having fun with each other for once. No glares or unspoken threats. No tension in the air. Just innocent fun between two experiments. No, not experiments. Siblings. Enjoying each other’s company and messing around in the rain. ~ Kaiju-crimson-storyandask
When he saw the two outside the window, he had to take twice as long to process it was them. The both of them? Wrestling one another? Having fun and smiling? He was so used to seeing Nekuma give Seven and uncomfortable glare from the side of the room, and he was so used to Seven shifting away from her presence. Oscar wondered, then, what was it specifically that brought them together. Did they just both share their liking of the rain?
He smiled. But then it faded. It did remind him of Nicholas, and it hurt the wound that was still healing beneath the bandages Oscar had forced onto them. He let the rain from the sky mute his thoughts, and instead he watched what were essentially his two kids.
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They were a good distraction from those bittersweet memories.
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adara-of-the-flame · 4 months
(Late Valentine’s Day ask!)
SilSol whistled a sweet lil tune as he approached Adara from behind. All four hands delicately held and simultaneously hid a gift he had been working on for quite a while. He lowered his head to rub his cheek against hers. It looked like today, both halves were in complete agreement on something, seeing as the Urskek looked closer to his original appearance. Even with the swirls of wrinkles that his separated halves share still visible.
“Happy day of hearts,” he hummed before holding up the gift in Adara’s view. It was small compared to his hands, but it could be comfortably held in both of Adara’s hands.
The gift in question was a light pink, quart’s like structure with a red rose trapped inside. Magically preserved by the surrounding mineral and once loose petals meticulously arranged to resemble a flame. The quarts was vaguely shaped like how he saw hearts, with any imperfections left alone to be genuine.
“For you and your bright heart.” ~ kaiju-crimson-storyandask
To see Adara's eyes then...
No, to see her heart...
She kept it 'on' more often now, when it was just the two of them. And, it was aglow with radiance. Her warm cheek rubbed in open reciprocation against his.
"Oh, Sweet-heart..." He was 'Sweet-heart' now, to her. 'Dark-Heart' was a thing of the past. She took the prize delicately, like a fragile thing, like a newborn baby.
She eyed it carefully. So much detail. Organic. Inorganic. Arranged in eternal unity. Not unlike a couple of lovers.
Not unlike them.
Not unlike him.
"It's beautiful! I think...I think I'll put it right here." In the kitchen window. Where all the family will see when they gather, when they cook together. To shine on them all.
"I...I got you something, too." The flame woman admitted. "Though, I didn't make it." She pulled a smalish, hinged, velvet box out of her pocket. For months, Adara had searched, and saved. What she was looking for wasn't easy to find.
Inside the box was a heart. Strung on gold, perfectly cut with 59 sparkling facets. Pink tourmaline. Radiently pink, flawlessly clear. "I read pink tourmaline is supposed to calm anxiety and uplift moods. And, I always felt bad that you couldn't eat sweets durring holidays, so I thought....pink tourmaline light might taste sweet to you. Like candy?"
The heart on a strand already caught the light of the sun, reflecting a thousand tiny chips of pink.
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Kitten sees people screaming and starts yowling at the top of her lungs.
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sins-of-the-sea · 6 months
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Haughtily eating popcorn while watching shenanigans from the Crow's Nest through a spyglass. All while keeping his eye on a clock to see how long it'll take for shit to hit the fan.
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general-kalani · 1 month
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"... I didn't think I'd have to hide my back from the Deputy..."
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therelignedstars · 2 months
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"Honestly being a god sounds like fun."
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codenamejudas · 1 year
Yin: Yes, and I already accepted my fate.
"It's for the best really." The prophecy is being fulfilled as Judas sinks his teeth into Yin's forearm.
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musesbykai · 1 year
Smasher, who’s convo are you spying on?
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"The Cyber punk and a new party. The pair know each other."
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fucktyrants · 2 years
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“Not my best moment.”
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redjaybird · 24 hours
Yin: “I’m, for one, happy that you can’t.”
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"And why is that?"
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