tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
Another one XD
25 - sick at work/school. Alan again of course, and Scott. Make that bro smother hen like nothing else 😂 full-on concerned, maybe a little too overprotective and panicky Scotty XD
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Double Standard
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Alan, Scott
If it had been the other way around, Scott would have gently laughed off any concern directed his way. @sicktember prompt 25: Sick At Work/School
Also requested by @justactsupernatural. More Alan... and more Alan PoV, which is unusual for me. He's not normally my go-to, and yet I've done it twice in a row now! Only short because I'm pretty busy at the moment, but it's smother hen!Scott time :D
Sicktember 2021 Prompts - I only plan on writing prompts if I get a request for them, so request away :D Doesn’t have to be TAG - characters from any fandom can be requested (although I can only guarantee I’ll work with ones I know)
He felt the sneeze before it happened, and mentally groaned even as his nose twitched instinctively. No, not now! Now was terrible timing and Alan really, really, didn’t want to deal with the consequences of it. But a sneeze was a sneeze and there was really no stopping them – even if, for one blessed moment, he thought it had bailed at the last moment and spared him.
Then it exploded out and he groaned, releasing the manoeuvring jet control for a moment to wipe at his nose, disgruntled. Now he was in for it, thank you, body.
“Alan?” His co-pilot, also known as his biggest brother, reacted immediately, peering across at him with eyes narrowed in clear concern. Alan had seen that look in Scott’s eyes entirely too many times in his life, and it seemed like the smother hen was once again surfacing – as though it ever really went away.
“M’fine.” He waved him off before returning his hand to the controls and fine-tuning their course. Not that it needed it – Thunderbird Three was sensitive, but her general environment didn’t lend itself to needing pin-point accuracy on her route the entire time. Only when space debris of some kind or other was involved. “Just some dust.”
A startled look crossed Scott’s face, before he was leaning in closer, and Alan mentally scrambled to work out why he hadn’t been reassure-
Ah. Dust. In his pristine, space-rated rocket that had just been deep-cleaned by Brains and MAX – mostly MAX – before their current mission. Nice one, Alan. Should’ve just kept his mouth shut.
“You’re sure you’re not coming down with something?” Scott was leaning across so far he was barely in his own seat any more. With one shoulder restraint raised, it certainly wasn’t a safe position to be in, and Alan would have been subjected to multiple lectures if he tried to do the same.
One rule for him, one rule for big brothers.
“You’ve been a little quiet recently,” Scott continued – was that a hand coming for his forehead? Alan ducked out of the way with a scowl. “And then there was that rescue in Sao Paulo-”
“Where nothing happened,” Alan interrupted him. “You and Virgil scanned me five times before you were satisfied.” Except Scott wasn’t satisfied, was he, because that hand wasn’t giving up, and his big brother had long limbs. Easily long enough to span the distance between their two seats and unerringly find his forehead with a gloved hand despite Alan’s best attempts to the contrary. “I’m fine, Scott.”
Surprise, surprise, Scott didn’t seem satisfied in the slightest. Alan loved his big brother, he really did, and sometimes he genuinely appreciated Scott’s desire to keep him safe, but there were times when the smothering was just overbearing and entirely too much.
This was one such occasion, not least because they were out on a rescue, and when in uniform Alan was supposed to be a fellow operative, and not the baby brother. He knew that his brothers couldn’t quite turn that switch off entirely, of course, and he himself couldn’t entirely step away from the reassurance of his big brothers’ confidence, but still. There was keeping an eye on him, and then there was this, and quite frankly Alan was very much not in the mood for Scott’s smothering tendencies.
“Stop it,” he said irritably, pushing the hand away and trying to ignore the pursed lips and concernedly considering blue eyes focused intently on his face. “I’m fine, alright, Scott?”
It was just a sneeze. And maybe there were the beginnings of a sore throat making itself known, although he was being careful not to show any hints about that one. But Alan wasn’t ill – the scanner had said so. Several times.
Scott was just overreacting. Anyway, it wasn’t like a little cold ever stopped him from going on rescues, so why should it stop Alan?
If Scott really thought he would keep meekly following the irritating one rule for him, one rule for the rest of them, his big brother had another thing coming. It was called the Tracy Stubbornness – not the Scott Stubbornness – for a reason.
Here, in Thunderbird Three – Alan’s own domain, not Scott’s or anyone else’s – he wasn’t backing down.
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
Hey, I have never done this and I don't unos if I'm asking in the right place but could you do forehead kisses with Alan and litteraly anyone else? Please?
Forehead Kisses
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Alan, Tracy Brothers
Welcome!  This is exactly the right place to send the prompts, so you’re all good :D  Forehead kisses and Alan, huh?  I think I can do that.  Once I settle on a character.
Or, I don’t have to settle for one character, I guess.  Let’s play around a little :D
Touches Ask Game
His brothers were physically affectionate.  Well, most of them were, although even John had been known to give out or accept touches every so often.  Alan grew up knowing that, more often than not in physical contact with one of his many big brothers - four was a lot, but Alan wouldn’t have any less, even if they could get a little overbearing sometimes.
Hugs were the norm, whether they be a quick squeeze around the shoulders or a full crushing embrace, but kisses interspersed the affection reasonably frequently.  Cheeks for cheeky occasions, when they were being obnoxious in their affection.  Top of the head or temples for when I love you couldn’t be vocalised, brothers burying themselves in each other’s immaculately-styled hair because transmitting those silent words was more important than a hairstyle.
Forehead kisses were reassurance.  A promise that things would be okay - because they would make sure they could be okay, no matter what the world threw their way.
Normally, Alan was on the receiving end of them.  Being the youngest, with four sometimes-overbearing overprotective big brothers, that was hardly a surprise.
Scott was the most common, big brother dishing out affection at the drop of a hat.  All Alan had to do was be a little lethargic, a little less than a hundred percent, and he’d be all over him, carrying him to bed and leaving him there with a soft kiss to his forehead and a murmured rest up, Allie.
Virgil was second, often following the theme and dropping them on him when he was ill or injured, after all the treatment was done and there was nothing left for him to do except stay in bed and pretend he wasn’t a little upset at being stuck there.  Again.  Virgil’s strong, warm kisses helped more than he admitted.
Gordon tended to play partner in crime more than big brother - Alan appreciated that; three big brothers was normally enough - but he was still a big brother, and it shone through sometimes.  The days when Alan wanted to be strong, when the last thing he needed was Scott or Virgil - or even John - breezing in and worrying over him were the days Gordon would sidle in and eye him up.  How Gordon knew when Alan needed him to be the big brother rather than the partner in crime, he didn’t know, but he did and it was in the secrecy of their rooms, away from the eldest three, that Gordon would cup his his head in his hands and promise it’s gonna be okay, Alan, with a little peck.
John was rare.  Rare with hugs, and even rarer with kisses, but not non-existent.  He had to be there in person - of course - and Scott and Virgil had to be otherwise distracted, but once in a blue moon it was John there with the soft touches and the promises.  With Gordon it happened in the secrecy of their rooms, but with John it was with the secrecy of outside, the stars their only witness.
Between the four of them, Alan’s big brothers distributed them frequently, but sometimes, Alan returned the favour.  His brothers were only human, too, and they needed their own reassurances.  Just because Alan was the youngest, didn’t mean he couldn’t dish it out himself.
Gordon was the hydrofoil, freaking out when he couldn’t move and tears streaking down his face when it all bubbled up.  They tried to shield Alan from that, but there was only so much they could do and Alan refused to be kept from his brother.  He might never have seen Gordon at his absolute lowest points, but he saw him low and when it got too much, Alan leant over slowly, gently, returned all the reassurance Gordon had ever given him.
Virgil was when the world got too much for his soft-hearted brother and Alan found him sitting out on the cliffs, staring out at the ocean with tears in his eyes and despair at whatever had gone wrong that day tipping him over the edge.  The bear of the family didn’t try to push him away, often pulling him tightly for one of his famous hugs, but Alan could tell when it was for his brother’s benefit rather than his own.  When he was finally released, he’d lean up and press a kiss to his brother’s brow in return, getting a watery smile for the action.
John was scarce, affection always on his terms, which meant Alan was often left at a loss at how to comfort him when he retreated into himself and tried to shut out the world.  But he had a secret weapon, and that was space.  Whether it be Thunderbird Three or Thunderbird Five, gravity wasn’t around and that meant he could float up at eye level with his tall, tall, brother, and edge towards him in increments that just weren’t possible on Earth.  Then he’d wait, watching John closely for a reaction.  They were always subtle, one way or the other, and sometimes John retreated so Alan would stop.  But sometimes, sometimes, John gave him a little pleading look, and he’d close the gap for just a moment.  Brief and fleeting, but enough to coax the smallest twitch of a thankful smile before John went back to whatever he was doing.
Scott was hard to pin down.  Tall, with gravity working against Alan this time, biggest brother pulled up shields and defences and promised he was fine, Alan, don’t worry.  Worming his way past those barriers was tough, Scott’s instincts to always protect him from the bad things stubborn and not easily defeated, but Alan had the Tracy Stubbornness, too.  He’d catch him at the desk, staring at a hologram but not seeing it, and sneak over until he was close enough to wrap his arms around Scott’s shoulders, holding him in place long enough to press a firm kiss to his forehead - a reassurance but also a reminder that just because he was the youngest didn’t mean he couldn’t look out for his brothers just like the rest of them.  It got flipped around quickly - Scott’s reaction always to regain control and at the very least ruffle his hair reassuringly, promising he was fine - but for just a moment, Alan could help his biggest brother.
There were other occasions as well, sleeping brothers, injured brothers, and then Dad was back and there were more kisses pressed to his forehead from a father who had missed half his life and still struggled to see how much he’d grown.  Alan hadn’t managed to return those yet, but Dad was home now.  There would be plenty of time.
All the reassuring kisses promising it’ll be okay eight years ago had finally been proven right.
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