#just the idea of them being 17 when they (presumably) ran off to do music makes me relate them to this song
writings-of-dumpy · 3 years
George Weasley and the Girl in Ravenclaw: Part 1
A/N: So basically I started in Goblet of Fire, which is Fred and George’s 6th year, sooo yeah. This is going to be a long series, so buckle up! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!
“Come on!!” George yelled in the stands as the bunch made their way to their seats. Raven giggled at his enthusiasm and smiled to herself. She had always gone to Gryffindor’s games and even cheered them on despite being in Ravenclaw house. She’d never forget the first match she had attended between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw in her third year. She cheered on her twin best friends from the opposing team’s stands. She saw George protect Oliver from a Bludger and prevented Ravenclaw from scoring a goal and she cheered for their move despite her housemates surrounding her booing. She laughed to herself.
“Look, it’s the Irish!” Ron said from a few people away. Music blared through the speakers and a team adorned in green robes flew through the air and sparked fireworks in the shape of a leprechaun that then began to dance. It was then that Raven noticed how far up they all were.
“Oh god, don’t lean so far, you might fall!” she warned Fred.
“Don’t worry, Ven, I’ll hold onto you,” Fred said with a sly smile and slung his arm around her waist. She blushed as his large hand smoothed across her back and secured itself around her opposite side. He saw George’s eyes narrow at his brother slightly, but the three of them were distracted by the deep drum sounds of the Bulgarian team’s entrance and the crowd chanting the seeker’s name. As his face pooped up as an image across the stadium, Hermione and Ginny shared and impressed look with each other and turned to Raven, who gave them a thumbs up.
Throughout the game, Raven noticed George and Fred getting increasingly riled up and when Ireland won the match. When the snitch was caught and the game ended, Ireland still came out on top and the twins cheered and hugged Raven close between them.
After a short walk back to the massive tent, Ron started to gush about how wonderful Viktor Krum was during the match and the twins teased him endlessly.
“I think you’re in love, Ron,” Ginny mused.
“Shut up!” he said to her in return.
“When we’re apart my heart beats only for yooouu…” Fred, George, and Harry sang to the younger redhead. Raven laughed harder than she had in quite a while and caught George’s eye as he sang the lyric. Shortly after, Ron started beating Fred with a pillow.
“Stop it! Stop! It! We’ve got to get out of here. Now,” Arthur said in a rush as he came practically running into the tent. Raven quickly stuffed what she had pulled out of her bag back in and ran with the Weasleys out of the tent.
“Get back to the portkey, everyone! Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility!” Arthur barked as flames and explosions surrounded them. An explosive spell landed just shy of her head and hit a metal beam of a nearby tent. It feel away from her and she looked back to where the spell had originated. Arthur rushed to fight off the attackers, and in the chaos, Raven lost sight of him. She pulled out her wand and prayed that the ministry wouldn’t notice if she put out a few fires.
“I’m not risking you getting hurt,” she heard George shout over the screaming from beside her just as she was about to perform the enchantment. She felt his hand grip hers and he began to pull. With a shake of her head, they ran back up the hill together with their fingers locked together.
George looked over at Raven as they reached the top of the hill with the rest of the group minus Harry to make sure she hadn’t been injured.
“We have to go back and find him, he could be really hurt!” Raven protested and dropped her sack and began to head back toward the flames.
“No!” George said sternly as his adrenaline rushed through him. “YOU could get hurt too. I’m not letting that happen. Dad’s still down there, he’ll find him. We need to get back home.”
With a sigh, Raven nodded and once again took George’s hand and followed him to the portkey.
“That’s rubbish!” Fred and George called out among the boos from courageous but underaged Gryffindors and Slytherins after the age restriction was made on this year’s Triwizard Tournament.
George was livid. The tournament sounded like something he would kill to be a part of. Eternal glory? Riches beyond wildest dreams? Dangerous tasks requiring brave and creative solutions? Sign him up. He wasn’t a Gryffindor for nothing. But he fell a year short. He’d be 17 in April, but the tournament would have been well underway at that point.
Dumbledore shushed the hall and George stopped paying attention as he was already figuring out ways to circumvent the rules, as usual. The following day, he and Fred approached Raven after their potions lesson.
“Hello, love,” George greeted with a beaming smile.
“Cleverest witch we know,” Fred continued.
“Brightest in the school, I’d say,” George complimented.
Raven shot them a suspicious smile. “What are you two on about?”
“Well I’m sure you’ve heard of the Triwizard tournament,” Fred began. “And that horrible rule.”
“The one meant to keep children safe? Seems a bit hypocritical to me,” Raven said and the trio sat on a bench in the courtyard.
“Oh?” George asked.
“If they really wanted to keep children safe, the tournament wouldn’t be held at schools,” Raven said. “Now, what about it?”
“Well, Georgie and I want in on it,” Fred said. “One of us has to be champion enough, eh?”
Raven’s eyes went wide. “You’re joking, right?”
George felt slightly guilty and looked at Fred, who pressed on, “Not in the slightest, my dear.”
Raven scoffed. “Thank Merlin you’re too young to put your name in that goblet.”
“But that’s where you come in, darling,” George said with a sweet tone, remembering his goal.
Raven raised her brow at them in a quizzical manner.
“We need some ideas about how we can get our names in there. Got to be a way to do it, and who better to ask than the most intelligent person we know,” Fred said and began to put his arm around her. She shot up and looked at them both with a disapproving and shocked expression.
“Do you honestly expect me to help you get yourselves killed? I will absolutely not help you, and I can’t believe you two would think this was even a remotely good idea. What would Molly say? I’ve already lost my mother, and you two would have me help myself to lose more people I love? No,” Raven exclaimed with watery eyes. Before George could say anything, she turned and walked out of the courtyard and presumably to her dorm. Even though she was angry with them, George couldn’t help the butterflies he felt when she said she loved them.
A while after the butterflies subsided, George felt horribly guilty. He didn’t realize the kind of pain that Raven was feeling and he didn’t realize that by wanting to put himself in harm’s way, he would hurt her. As he and Fred scoured the library for an idea, he looked up at his brother.
“Hey Freddie?” George said in a hushed tone.
“Yeah, Georgie?” Fred replied without looking up from his book.
“I’ve been thinking… Raven may have a point. Putting ourselves in danger could hurt more than help,” George reasoned.
Fred looked up. “Think about the reward, though. Not to mention how fun it could be. If we win, we’d be richer than we could imagine! Finally be able to get mum the life she wants. And I’m willing to get hurt and die for that chance, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am, I’m just weighing options,” George said. “Raven just seemed so upset. I didn’t expect that from her, I suppose.”
“She’s unpredictable, that’s for sure. Part of what makes me like her so much, I guess,” Fred smirked and turned the page.
George’s head snapped up. “You what?”
“Like her. You do too,” Fred said with a sly smile and looked at his twin. “Why else would we call her our best friend?”
George stayed silent as he tried to understand what Fred meant. He knew he was developing feelings for Raven, but was Fred? He couldn’t pick between his brother and her, it wasn’t fair.  He knew Fred had often been the more mischievous of the two and certainly a charmer as they both were, but what was he playing at?
“An aging potion!” Fred said with glee. “That’s it!”
12 notes · View notes
nicolewrites · 4 years
We Stand, Fate-Tested - X
how do i say this got out of hand in like twelve languages. also i should probably learn how to apologize for emotions. 
Rating: T+ Genre: Mystery, Friendship, Romance Characters: [Byleth/My Unit, Dimitri B.], [Byleth/My Unit, Claude R.] Words: 6,328
It's time to wrap up the dig, finally. / It's time to storm Shambhala.
X - To Fall Apart
Garreg Mach Town - 16 Lone Moon, 733 AU
A car skidded to a halt at the entrance of the alley as the thugs scattered. The passenger side door opened and Edelgard flew out of the vehicle, eyes wide. She sprinted towards both Byleth and Claude and scanned the area around them. 
“What the hell happened?” she asked, out of breath as she looked between Byleth and Claude. 
Byleth sighed deeply and rubbed at her jaw which was still aching. “I believe we were just jumped,” she muttered dryly. 
Claude forced a laugh. “How I love the racism that permeates this country.”
Edelgard folded her arms as she assessed the two of them. “Racism?”
Claude leaned against the side of one of the buildings. He closed his eyes and raised his hands to make air quotes. “Almyran shithead,” he recalled. 
Byleth frowned. She thought about what the man had said to her, but the words made her deeply uncomfortable, especially considering what she had learned from Seteth earlier that evening. She turned to study Claude again. 
“You hit your head. Are you alright?” 
Byleth raised a hand to touch Claude’s face and his eyes snapped open. He jerked back a bit out of reflex and Byleth froze, her hand hanging stupidly between them. There was a spark of something warm in Claude’s eyes before they iced over with a forced indifference. 
“We don’t need two people with concussions,” Edelgard cut in, ignoring the strange tension between her former TA and her friend. “Let’s get you guys to the hospital and then to the police to report the incident.”
“No,” Claude said sharply. “We’re not reporting it.”
“What?” Byleth and Edelgard demanded together. 
“Claude,” Byleth continued. “Maybe you’ve forgotten, but those men were carrying knives. They would have killed both of us.” She touched the red line on her throat. The blade hadn’t broken skin, but it easily could have.
Claude set his jaw. “I’ll have my head checked,” he conceded, “but, if we report this, they’ll only go after more Almyrans. It will piss them off and they’ll take it out on more innocent people. It’s better to just let it happen.”
“He has a point,” Hubert replied. 
Byleth’s head snapped towards Edelgard and saw that Hubert had appeared from the vehicle as well, presumably from the driver’s side. It was mildly disconcerting that she hadn’t even heard him approach.
Claude nodded and then winced, touching his temple. “I’m going to need a nap,” he muttered. 
Byleth frowned. “That’s never a good thing after a head injury.”
Edelgard folded her arms. “Let’s go then. Hubert will drive. You two can sit in the back and, Byleth, do not let him fall asleep.”
Garreg Mach University Hospital - 17 Lone Moon, 733 AU
Despite his arguments, Byleth waited with Claude in the hospital. At around one-thirty in the morning, a doctor finally came by, prescribing him some mild painkillers and doing a last check of his head and his still injured arm. She had then dismissed them, saying Claude was thankfully not concussed, but she told Byleth to make sure that he didn’t head home alone just in case. 
They walked through the hospital in silence together towards the front door. Byleth had called Leonie, much to Claude’s frustration, and his roommate was on the way to the hospital to pick him up. She wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to get home, but it wasn’t too far a walk from the hospital to a bus line. 
As they exited the entrance of the hospital, both of their phones chimed with email notifications. Claude’s brow furrowed as he pulled out his phone first. Byleth watched his face as he scanned the email and noticed how it dropped, disappointed. 
“I guess that’s that then,” he mumbled. 
He turned his phone to her and Byleth scanned the email from Seteth. It detailed how the National Museum and University had decided to end the dig. Apparently they were being allowed one more day to wrap up and Seteth was turning it into a small send-off party. In a week, the entire team would gather on the dig site to share drinks and thanks for everyone involved before the project would be officially ended. 
Byleth sighed. “I was expecting this,” she admitted. 
Claude slid his phone away and shrugged. “I’m not surprised,” he agreed. “It’s just frustrating. There’s so much history that’s hidden just under our fingertips and it’s getting buried all over again. Who knows how long it will be until there’s another expedition approved.” 
Byleth smiled at Claude’s passion. “You’re sure you’re not interested in the archaeology program after graduation, right?” she teased, trying to lighten the mood. 
Claude’s lips twitched. “I’ve considered it,” he said. 
Byleth almost laughed until she noted the seriousness on his face. He wasn’t joking. “You’re serious?” she questioned, almost disbelieving. 
Claude’s posture stiffened and his tone turned almost defensive. “Is that a bad thing?”
Byleth twisted a hand in the hem of her sweater. “I didn’t realize that,” she trailed off.
Claude turned to face her, green eyes glittering under the harsh fluorescent lights. “That I could have that choice?”
Byleth swallowed. “You’re a prince,” she said quietly. “I assumed,” she corrected, “you had a duty set out before you.” Claude shifted closer to her. The glint in his eyes changed from curiosity to something deeper and more intense. “Is that why you ran away from me?”
Byleth’s breath caught. This conversation had veered drastically into territory she hadn’t expected. Claude’s breathless confession from Ignatz’s birthday echoed through her mind and Seteth’s explanation doused all of her senses in icy cold water. 
She stepped away from Claude. 
Mild irritation flashed on his expression. “What are you afraid of, Byleth?”
They were bathed in warm yellow light from the headlights of a beat-up truck before she could respond. Byleth lifted a hand to block the light as the driver jumped out. Leonie jogged towards them, wearing a GMU Archery hoodie and grey sweatpants. 
“Hey!” she called. “Are you guys alright?”
Claude stepped further away from Byleth and rubbed his temple. “All good. I have a thick skull after all.” Leonie crossed her arms and glanced at Byleth. “Do you have a ride coming too?”
Byleth shook her head. “My bus is just down the street. I’ll be fine.”
Leonie snorted. “Like hell. I’m guessing you’re planning on being alone at your apartment too?”
“I was,” Byleth conceded after a pause. 
“No way,” Leonie said, shaking her head. “Both of you get in the truck. Byleth, you’re welcome to come hang out at Golden Deer House. I don’t think any of us will be getting much sleep tonight. Cyril’s over too and Hilda and Lorenz have headed to Fhirdiad.” 
Byleth glanced at Claude, silently asking if he was okay with it. The irritation he had displayed earlier was gone, replaced with something softer as he nodded subtly. Byleth nodded overtly to Leonie and the trio made their way to the truck. 
“What happened to you guys anyway?” Leonie asked as she turned her key in the ignition. 
Byleth and Claude exchanged a look before Claude replied. “Got hit by a cyclist. Cracked the old noggin against a building.” Byleth pressed her lips together in distaste, but her disapproval went unnoticed in the dark of the night. Low tinny music filtered from the car’s speakers, but no one moved to turn it up or down as they sat in silence for the short drive through the university suburbs until they reached the Golden Deer house. 
Leonie led the way inside the house, kicking off her shoes and hanging her keys on a hook by the door. Byleth hesitated by the door and Claude glanced at her as he awkwardly removed his shoes thanks to his sling. 
She inhaled and stepped inside, shaking her head. “I’m okay,” she mumbled. “Today has just been a lot.”
She could hear chatter from the living room of the house that sounded like Leonie and Lysithea and someone else. Claude led her into the living room and she saw Raphael lounging on the floor by an armchair, Lysithea and a boy she didn’t know huddled on the couch. Raph sat up when he saw Byleth and Claude enter. 
“Hey Claude, and it’s Byleth, right?” he called in his booming voice. 
Byleth nodded and offered Raphael a small smile. Before she could greet him back, Lysithea let out a cry of protest as the boy she was with snatched her phone and shoved it away from them. 
“You’re not making this better, Lysithea,” he said calmly. He had a mild Almyran accent which almost caught Byleth off-guard, but she concealed her surprise. 
Lysithea frowned and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I know, I just hate not knowing what’s happening.” 
Leonie coughed and looked between Byleth and the Almyran boy. “This is Cyril, Byleth. And Cyril, this is Byleth, the archaeology TA.”
Cyril smiled at her grimly and Byleth nodded in greeting. Claude moved past Byleth and sank onto the loveseat couch. He grabbed the remote for the TV and clicked it on, pulling up a channel that was playing a stupid kids movie. 
“Let’s not think about horrible things,” he suggested.
Leonie sat in the armchair and Raphael leaned against the arm of it as they focused on the TV and Lysithea and Cyril both seemed to calm at the idea, settling in to watch the film. Claude glanced at Byleth where she stood at the entrance to the room and then motioned for her to sit next to him on the couch. 
Byleth hesitantly took a seat on the small sofa. Claude didn’t seem interested in making it weird at all so she slowly relaxed as the movie played in the background, effectively distracting them. Sometime later, when her eyelids were getting heavy and the movie was nothing but static in the background, Byleth felt Claude’s arm slip around her as they curled into each other. 
She let her discomfort and uncertainty drift away as she leaned against him, drinking in his warmth. Claude’s head pressed against hers and Byleth let her eyes close.
It didn’t feel wrong anymore. 
Old Monastery Excavation Site, Garreg Mach University - 25 Lone Moon, 733 AU
Byleth wasn’t the first person to arrive on-site, but she was still early. There were lots of hugs and handshakes being exchanged as colleagues from the National Museum and the University were saying their farewells. Someone had opened a bottle of champagne, despite the fact that it was barely afternoon and Byleth found herself sipping from a glass as she flipped through an artifact catalogue. 
“It’s too bad that this is how it ends,” Dimitri said, interrupting her thought process. 
Byleth placed the catalogue down and smiled at him. “It’s unfortunate,” she agreed. “But, without funding and staff, there isn’t much we can do.” Dimitri sighed. “I wish I would have known about this sooner. Perhaps some of my family’s funds could have helped keep us open.” Byleth raised an eyebrow. “Fund the trip personally? Seteth would never let you do that, Dimitri.”
The blonde smiled and sipped his own champagne. “No, he wouldn’t, but it would have been nice to try.”
Dimitri looked tired, as he often did, and Byleth wracked her brain for something that she could say to him. She was saved from her thoughts when Claude and Edelgard approached them, Edelgard’s arm linked through Claude’s good arm. He had finally gotten his sling removed, but his left arm was still in a slim cast. 
“There you are, Dimitri,” Edelgard said as she approached. “We were going to get a picture of the undergrad team together.”
Claude glanced at Byleth. “Maybe you could take it, Teach?”
Byleth nodded. “I’d be honoured to.”
The four of them quickly made their way to where the rest of the team was waiting and Byleth had them all squeeze into frame as she snapped a few photos on Ignatz’s camera and then Edelgard’s phone. She was just checking over the photos on Edelgard’s phone to make sure no one had blinked when a figure in the back of the frame caught her attention. 
It was a security guard wearing the usual uniform, but Byleth didn’t recognize him. She had recognized most of the guards by this point in the dig, but this one was unfamiliar to her. She didn’t have long to ponder it as Edelgard quickly took back her phone, thanking Byleth for the photos. 
Her attention was then drawn to the tapping of something against glass. Seteth was standing at the entrance of the dig, tapping a pen against a half-full glass of champagne. Slowly the chatter around them died to nothing as he gained the attention of the room. 
“This is not exactly the send-off I had planned when I first received my approval for this project,” he began. “But, I do still have a few things to say regardless of this. I must first extend thanks to the Fhirdiad National Museum of Unification for funding and green-lighting this project and for all our colleagues from the museum who have been a part of the expedition. And of course, thanks also go to Garreg Mach University and my fellow academics in the archaeology department.” Seteth’s gaze landed on Byleth and he smiled. “To my post-grads, Harriet and James, I thank you for putting up with my chaotic planning of this trip for the last couple of years. To Byleth, who stepped up as a TA for me last semester so I could iron out the logistics and who was my administrator for the undergraduate program. And, of course, to our undergraduates who stepped up to learn and assist exactly as they were needed.”
Byleth lifted her own glass. “And to Seteth! Who put in so much work to get us here and pulled so many strings that the project never would have gotten off the pages of a notebook without you!”
Seteth’s smile broadened as he lifted his glass in her direction. “To all of us and the success we had in a short time.”
Cheers erupted across the room and glasses tapped together as people toasted to the end of the project. Byleth drained her glass and it was almost immediately replaced with a full one by a winking Harriet. Byleth rolled her eyes, but sipped again from the glass. The champagne was definitely cheap, but it still did the job in giving a pleasant buzz to her system as it was consumed. 
More photos were taken and a few more people gave speeches to celebrate the end of the dig. Some of the equipment began to get dismantled, but most people were still just talking and theorizing about all of the things that they hadn’t been able to get to during the dig. Byleth was chatting with James and a historian from the National Museum when a hand on her elbow stole her attention. 
Claude stood just behind her, wearing a small smile. Byleth excused herself from the conversation and turned her full attention to Claude. He slid a hand to her back and guided her further away from other people until it was just the two of them. 
“How are you doing?” he asked. 
Byleth shrugged. “Mourning the loss of an interesting project. Dreading finding a new information source for my thesis. Normal things, you know.”
Claude pursed his lips and his hand dropped away from her back. “Why are you being weird?”
Byleth blinked. “Weird?”
Claude glanced towards the front part of the excavation site where Seteth was chatting with Ignatz and a few university faculty. “You’ve been acting strange since you spoke with Seteth last week. I didn’t push it then, but, Byleth, it’s been more obvious recently.”
She crossed her arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Hurt flashed across Claude’s face. “Every time with you. Every time we take one step forward it’s followed by six steps back. I don’t know what to say, Byleth.” Her throat tightened. “What are you saying?”
Claude ran his good hand through his hair. “I think I’ve been pretty clear with how I feel about you,” he began and Byleth’s face flushed. “If you would say the word, I would give you the world, Byleth.”
She bit her lip. “Claude,” she whispered. Her chest constricted and she wanted to say something kind or to touch him gently like she had the night they had fallen asleep in the living room. He shut his eyes and sighed. “I don’t know what you want from me or what I’m supposed to do anymore, By.” He stepped back from her and Byleth realized how closely they had been standing with a jolt. “If you figure it out, let me know, okay?”
He started to walk away from her and Byleth couldn’t make herself move. Her eyes followed him for a moment before they wandered until they landed on the security guard she didn’t recognize. The man was studying one of the statues at the edge of the main room and Byleth instinctively walked towards him. 
“It’s a statue of one of the ancient Saints,” she said when she was close enough. 
The man turned to her. His expression stayed perfectly neutral and calm, but there was something about his face that seemed vaguely familiar. “Is it?” he questioned. 
Byleth nodded. “Haven’t you been on-site before?”
He shook his head. “Filling in for a friend who was sick today.”
She hummed faintly as she looked at the statue. “It’s a shame it’s ending like it is.”
“I suppose it is,” the security guard agreed. 
Ice crawled through her veins unexpectedly and she stepped away, glancing over her shoulder. Dimitri was standing nearby, talking to a faculty member of the university. 
“Excuse me,” she said politely and then walked away, headed in Dimitri’s direction. 
Dimitri glanced up as she approached and smiled. He opened his mouth to say something, but then his expression slackened with what looked like terror. Byleth didn’t get a chance to so much as move before he lunged forward, tackling her around the middle. They hit the ground behind a supply crate just as the pop of gunfire filled the air. 
Someone screamed and chaos broke loose.
Goneril Territory - 24 Great Tree Moon, 7 AU
The encampment was bustling. Soldiers and battalions were moving around in what was almost complete chaos. Byleth herself was directing the Knights of Seiros to where they would be staying. They were one of the last groups to arrive since they had wanted to ensure the monastery’s safety for as long as possible before making the trek to Goneril territory. 
Seteth remained at the monastery since Byleth was still angry with him. She and Dimitri had simply told Seteth that they had more business in Sreng, which was a clear lie, but her advisor had either bought the story or didn’t want to argue further. Ignatz had arrived a day prior, but without Flayn, as Byleth had asked him to tell her to visit her father without explaining everything fully. 
“Byleth!” a familiar loud voice called. 
Byleth spun and saw the glinting armour and elegant long hair of Ferdinand. Dorothea was at his side, wearing modified Warlock’s robes and looking just as beautiful as ever. Byleth quickly pushed her way towards her former students and smiled. 
“You came!” she said. 
Dorothea pulled her into a hug and then Ferdinand bowed respectfully. 
“Of course,” Dorothea agreed. “You asked for allies and who are we to argue with that.”
“Yes,” Ferdinand agreed. “It was easy enough to find someone to watch the boys so that we could be here. We have brought our finest Aegir soldiers to fight in your service.”
Byleth nodded. “Thank you.”
“We’ll let you go,” Dorothea said. “You’ve got to be bouncing off the walls busy. We can make ourselves useful elsewhere.”
“Mercedes was setting up the infirmary if you wanted to help her, Ferdinand, and I know Annette and Lysithea were coordinating the magic battalions if you wanted to step in there, Dorothea.”
“Of course, Your Grace,” Ferdinand agreed. With another bow, the Duke and Duchess disappeared into the throngs of people. 
They were quickly replaced by Felix, who fell into step with Byleth as she walked to the central command tent. 
“Caspar and Bernadetta arrived a few hours ago as well,” he reported. 
Byleth shook her head. “And Leonie’s here and so is Raphael.” She laughed. “When I requested help, I hadn’t imagined they would all jump at the chance to come fight.” She glanced at Felix. “You all have families now. We would have understood.”
Felix shook his head. “Dimitri is our King and you are the leader of the Church. None of us will ever forget that or what you two have sacrificed for us over the last 12 years.”
Byleth nodded to her friend. “Thank you, Felix.”
Felix nodded and pulled aside the door of the Command tent for her. She stepped inside and he followed her in. Holst Goneril was inside, discussing with Claude as they moved pieces across a map. Dimitri was absent, but Areadbhar was on a weapon rack in the tent which meant that he wasn’t far away. Felix stepped forward and said something to Holst which caused the former Alliance general to nod and add a few more pieces to their army on the map. 
Claude looked up at Byleth as she approached. “Ferdinand and Dorothea?”
She nodded. “And Caspar and Bernie apparently.”
Claude shook his head, looking mystified. “Lorenz and Marianne arrive today as well.”
Holst laughed. “Look at you all. My sister was right when she said you guys had the most loyal class at the Academy all those years ago.”
Felix crossed his arms and adjusted one of Holst’s pieces which caused the Goneril noble to frown before nodding and accepting the move. “That’s all Byleth,” he admitted gruffly. “They wouldn’t have rallied around anyone else.”
“We’re all proud to be here,” a new voice said. Byleth turned and saw Leonie and Alois standing just inside the tent. 
Byleth smiled and moved to hug both of them, cautious of Alois’s clunky armour. “And we are proud to have you all.”
The tent entrance behind Claude and Holst billowed and Dimitri entered, flanked by Sylvain and Ingrid. Alois clapped a hand on Byleth’s shoulder and dipped his head in respect to the newly arrived nobles. 
“The Knights are ready when you have our orders,” he said confidently. 
Byleth nodded to him and Alois quickly left, leaving the tent to the group of former students. She turned to her husband. 
“Do we have a final tally?”
Dimitri nodded. “We have the Duscur Cavalry, Dominic Mages, Galatea Pegasus Troops, Fraldarius Soldiers, Gautier Soldiers, and the Blue Lion Knights from the Kingdom. I believe we also have the Varley and Bergliez troops in addition to the Aegir Knights. Hilda said she would round up the final tally of Alliance forces once Marianne and Lorenz arrived.”
“Add in the Sauin troops and my mercenary band,” Leonie advised Claude who was in the middle of rearranging some pieces on the map. 
Ingrid and Felix set about helping him and Byleth watched the size of her army grow. Wearing her armour and standing in a command tent, she felt years younger and stronger than she had in a long time. 
“And Brigid,” Byleth added after a moment. “Ashe and Petra arrived yesterday.”
“Shall I take a scouting party out?” Ingrid asked, turning away from the map. 
Dimitri nodded. “Yes. The Victor Troops are excellent scouts if Ignatz is to be believed so take them with you on the ground.”
Claude and Leonie both affirmed the capabilities of Ignatz’s scouts and Ingrid bowed briefly to Byleth, Dimitri, and Claude before she lightly kissed Sylvain and disappeared from the tent. Holst studied the map for a moment longer before he turned to Sylvain.
“Let’s go coordinate wyvern formations with the Almyrans, shall we?”
Sylvain nodded and beckoned to Felix. “You like bossing people around, Felix, you may as well come with us.”
The three of them disappeared from the tent, leaving just Leonie, Claude, Byleth and Dimitri. Claude hummed under his breath as he watched Duke Fraldarius, Margrave Gautier and Duke Goneril leave. 
“Then there were four,” he mused. 
Leonie snorted a laugh. “Make it three. I’m going to go get my men settled. Maybe Mercedes could use some more help at the infirmary too.” She nodded. “Your Majesties.”
As the tent flap waved with her departure, Dimitri let out a weary sigh. 
“I know we should be glad for their presence, but I can’t help but feel we’re leading them all into danger.”
“That’s natural,” Claude agreed. “This enemy is elusive. Lysithea and Linhardt are two of the brightest people I’ve ever worked with and it still took us a considerable amount of time to decipher Hubert’s notes.”
Byleth slid her hand into Dimitri’s and squeezed it reassuringly. “Claude,” she began and the Almyran King looked up at her. “Thank you for not letting me do this alone.”
Claude’s gaze skimmed between Dimitri and Byleth as he absorbed her words. He smiled faintly. “You two are a team,” he acknowledged. “You have equal stakes in this fight.”
“And thank you,” Dimitri continued, “for doing this at all. You brought us the knowledge we needed and you cracked it and you’re contributing your own countrymen to this fight despite the fact that you don’t need to.” 
Claude shook his head. “We have a stake in this too. It’s like Felix said. We rally behind Teach and you and the new Fódlan you’ve created.” He held out a hand for Dimitri to shake. “You saved my ass in Derdriu. This is me repaying the favour.”
The two kings shook hands and Byleth squeezed Dimitri’s hand again. Claude dropped the grip and glanced back at the map. The formations seemed mostly outlined, leaving room for the full battle strategy to be envisioned. 
“I’ll leave this in your capable hands, Teach.”
Byleth tensed. “Claude, these are your soldiers too.”
He tipped his head to the side, considering her with a calculating glint in his green eyes. “Maybe,” he conceded, “but, they’re your army.”
Shambhala - 27 Great Tree Moon, 7 AU
The battle for Shambhala was the craziest battle Byleth had ever led. The tight underground space led to struggles for mounted units, and the massive flashing lights threw off archers and mages. The base was designed to be defensible and unfriendly to invaders, but they pushed through. 
The Almyran troops broke the line first, taking out a massive mechanical beast that had been hurling javelins at ranged units. The Aegir troops followed, using their speed to overwhelm enemy archers. The Duscur Cavalry followed them, striking heavily at magic users from close range. 
Byleth slashed and cut a path with her sword so viciously she felt ten years younger. Something about the chaos of the fight had revived something inside of her that had been lying dormant for the 7 years since the war had ended. She fought like a machine, cutting down anyone who came too close and striking out with her magic against those who wouldn’t come near her. 
She helped Annette and Felix topple another large mech and assisted Bernie in incapacitating a turret that shot lightning. She cleared paths for Ashe and Petra to move their nimble Order of the Blue Sun through tight corridors. She laid her glowing hands on Raphael to keep him on his feet and she blasted lightning of her own at mages who targeted Alois and the other knights. 
Claude’s wyvern screeched above her head as he fired arrows of pure energy from Failnaught to fell enemies around them. Dimitri roared as he sliced with Areadbhar at her side. Battle cries echoed through the strange streets of the underground base. 
Ashe yelled for Byleth’s attention as he worked open the door to the inner sanctum. Byleth fought off the War Master who had tried to attack him while he worked. As soon as he had the door open, he ripped his silver bow from his back and fired three shots in quick succession. Claude’s wyvern landed next to them and Dimitri reappeared from the throng of fighters. 
“Go,” Ashe said, gesturing to the door. “We’ll hold the outside. You take out the sanctum.”
Byleth and Dimitri exchanged a look and she glanced at Claude. “You’re coming with us,” she insisted. “You have a stake in this too.”
Claude nodded and leapt from his large beast. He patted the creature’s neck. “Ashe, she’ll fight with you since she’s too big for this door.” He nodded to Dimitri and Byleth. “Let’s go.”
Shambhala Inner Sanctum - 27 Great Tree Moon, 7 AU
The inner sanctum was populated by only a few mages who fell to Claude’s arrows and Byleth’s magic and Dimitri’s lance. Energy was rippling through Byleth and she felt like she could feel every inch of movement around the room from Dimitri’s breaths to Claude’s twitching fingers on his bow. 
The chamber was dimly lit with flickering blue lights like the rest of the city. Claude stepped closer to her and Dimitri and kept his voice low. 
“There has to be something more here,” he hissed. 
Dimitri’s hand tightened on his lance. “This isn’t it,” he agreed. 
Byleth set both her hands aglow and pressed one against each King, giving them a small reprieve of healing. Her head pounded as she did so and she shook it off, frowning. Before any of them could move, there was a piercing shriek as the earth around them erupted, throwing them all backwards. 
Byleth landed half on top of Dimitri as the dark magic crackled across both of them. It burned as it seared over her skin and she screamed out before she could stop herself. Dimitri grunted heavily beneath her, but he recovered faster and pulled them both to their feet. 
The ground had exploded violently upwards, and, through the flickering lights and settling dust, Byleth couldn’t see Claude. Chunks of the ceiling had also been dislodged, sealing her and Dimitri in the deeper half of the sanctum. She could only hope that Claude was clear on the other side, not crushed beneath the rock. 
“Fell Star,” a grizzled voice called from ahead of her.
Byleth spun, clenching her hands on the Sublime Sword of the Creator. Standing at the top of a dais that had previously been concealed in shadow was the man who had saved Kronya in the chapel outskirts and the man who had knocked her off the cliff at the start of the war.
Dimitri tensed next to her, obviously also recognizing the man. 
“Or should I call you Sothis?” the man prodded. 
Byleth snapped the sword against the ground with a loud snap. “You’re Thales,” she guessed. Hubert had mentioned the leader of the underground faction by name a few times in his notes. “You were impersonating Arundel. I killed Arundel.”
Thales’s eyes narrowed viciously. “You thought you killed him,” he corrected. “It turns out that illusions work in the caster’s favour when the target has other priorities.” His gaze slid from Byleth to Dimitri and he smiled wickedly. “The Goddess Reborn and her Champion of Beasts,” he mused. 
“Shambhala has fallen. We will take the stronghold today,” Byleth said firmly, stepping closer to Thales, her blade raised. 
“Solon had the right idea with you, I think. The wrong execution, but the right idea,” Thales sneered. 
Before Byleth or Dimitri could move, Thales snapped his fingers and fire ignited in Byleth’s veins. She crumpled immediately, screaming at the top of her lungs as pain rocketed through her more intensely than any pain she’d ever felt before. She writhed on the ground and Dimitri knelt next to her, looking utterly distraught. 
Finally, the pain stole her voice away completely and Byleth could feel the life sapping out of her body. The burn of the Crest Stone in her chest intensified as it consumed her mortality with a brutal passion, emblazoned by whatever Thales had just done to her. 
“Stop!” Dimitri howled. 
Byleth, weakly, tried to grab for him, but Dimitri was strongest when he was protective and raging. There was a dull crash behind them as someone pounded against the rocks. Thales laughed and continued to focus his magic on draining Byleth’s life away. 
“Poor little goddess wasn’t built to survive,” he snarled. 
Dimitri hurled himself forward, slashing viciously with Areadbhar and Thales dropped his spell on Byleth to call a shield to protect himself. Dimitri harried him with blows, yelling in rage and pain. Byleth gasped for air as she tried to regain some of her strength, but it felt like someone had stolen the life right out of her. She rolled to her side and propped herself up on her hands and knees, trying to rise. 
Her eyes landed on Dimitri as her love pounded at Thales’s shield. Byleth watched in horror as Thales’s left hand slid back from the shield that was maintained by his right. As Dimitri reared back for another ferocious strike, Thales struck, planting a hand against the king’s chest. Red light exploded between them and Dimitri was sent flying. 
“NO!” Byleth screamed. Her throat was raw and it burned when she cried out. 
Dimitri did not rise from the ground. 
“No,” she murmured faintly. Only half-risen, she heard Thales’s footsteps approach her. 
A cold hand grasped her jaw and lifted her up so that she was practically dangling in his grip. He wrenched her face towards him so she stared into his dark eyes. He was smiling. 
“Goodbye Fell Star,” he said simply. 
Byleth grabbed the front of his robes and closed her eyes. Sothis’s radiant power, the power that had been suppressed by the Crest Stone inside of her since their merging, exploded out of Byleth, concentrating in a spear of light that burst from her palm, burying itself in Thales’s chest. The mage’s face slackened and his hand dropped away. The nerves in Byleth’s hands burned from the excess energy and Thales’s body smelt like burnt flesh. 
She dropped him and staggered on her feet. She nearly collapsed immediately and her vision went completely black for half a second before she regained her balance. Power hummed inside of her as her veins literally glowed with divine light. She stood, shakily, staring down at the leader of Those Who Slither in the Dark and her light faded, leaving her lightheaded and exhausted. 
Sheer, unadulterated terror raced through her chest as an icy fist closed on her unbeating heart. 
“Dimitri,” she breathed. 
Wobbling, she sprinted to his side and pulled him into her lap. There was a boom behind her as the stone slab separating them from the rest of the underground city shattered. Byleth ignored it as she ran her hands over Dimitri’s face and neck and chest. 
“Dimitri, look at me,” she whimpered. Her vision blurred with tears. 
Dimitri inhaled slowly and raggedly. His eye opened and he noticed she was holding him. “By...leth...” he wheezed slowly. 
“You’re going to be okay,” she said fiercely. She called to the sacred power within her and tried to heal, but there was nothing. The act of trying to summon the magic caused her vision to darken due to her weakness and she almost collapsed. 
“I am sorry,” Dimitri breathed. 
Byleth cupped his face and shook her head. She tried to ignore how bloody he was and that her palms were sticky with blood as she held him. “You have to live,” she insisted. 
One of his gauntlet-bearing hands lifted and dropped weakly on top of her hands. His hands were also sticky with dark red blood. “You were radiant,” he murmured. 
Lingering pain pulsed in all of her joints. “Can you stand? We have to get you help.”
“Byleth,” he said gently. His hand guided hers down from his face to his stomach where there was a gaping hole in his amour, blackened flesh, and far, far too much blood. “I love you.”
“Don’t say it like you’re dying,” she ordered as tears rolled down her cheeks. 
There were tears in Dimitri’s good eye as he smiled faintly. “I’ll say it as your equal then.”
Byleth kissed his forehead furiously. “Why would you sacrifice yourself for me? You know what’s happening to me anyways. I was already doomed.”
“Maybe I’m a fool,” he said quietly. “But I am a King of Beasts and I had to protect you.” 
His breathing shuddered. Byleth whimpered and clutched his hand tighter. She stared at the red painting both of their hands. 
“I’m sorry, Dimitri,” she said tearfully. 
“You,” he breathed slowly, “are not to blame. I have enjoyed every moment of this life with you, Beloved.”
“Don’t say it like you’re dying,” she repeated. Her voice cracked and she shook her head. 
“Father,” he murmured. There was a glazed look in his eye that Byleth had seen a few times in her life, but it vividly reminded her of 12 years ago when Jeralt had bled out in her arms. “Step-Mother, Glenn,” he gasped. 
He stared straight up like he couldn’t see her. “I under...stand...” 
Dimitri’s chest stilled under her touch and his heartbeat faded. Byleth gathered him in her arms and pulled him so he was leaning back against her. She pressed her face into his bloody hair and exhaled shakily. 
“Shambhala falls with the king and the goddess sees it completed,” she whispered for only Dimitri to hear. 
He didn’t move or acknowledge her. 
Byleth’s arms tightened around him and she suppressed the sob building in her throat. She pulled the tie from his hair and smoothed it out as she held him. 
“Sleep well, my beloved.”
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calorieworkouts · 6 years
25 Runners Share the Biggest Mistakes They Made as Beginners
Running seems simple sufficient: Merely grab a pair of tennis shoes and also placed one foot in front of the other? Well, any person that's had a hard time to obtain with a mile or even the very first 5 minutes (that's right, we've been there) recognizes it's not that straightforward. The concept of running for fun or also a social activity can be strange. And also establishing an individual record in a race? That looks like it's just for the pros.
If you have actually ever taken into consideration signing up with the sweaty, endorphin-fueled tribe of runners but are also the smallest bit frightened at the thought of running a 5K or figuring out what the heck a fartlek is, we're right here to aid. We asked now-seasoned runners to admit the biggest mistakes they made as newbies to the sport, so you could prevent them as you start pounding the pavement.
1. Only Running
During my first two months of marathon prep, I didn't incorporate any kind of other kind of training besides running. My legs were regularly aching, as well as I began to hate running. I realized I had to run less as well as integrate more cross-training into my routine.-- Alyssa Arnold, marathon finisher
2. Not Relocating Article Exercise
My largest regret was plunking down on the sofa as well as not moving after my very first 10K. My legs obtained so rigid I can hardly walk for a couple of days, as well as staircases were abuse. I have actually found out to keep the blood flowing by strolling, mild extending, and also foam rolling in the hours after a hard run. It's actually assisted my recuperation!-- Jen Batista, serious 5K and also 10K jogger training to overcome the half-marathon
3. Eating New Foods Prior to a Run
I attempted a brand-new morning meal the morning of a future. I failed to remember to purchase bananas for my typical bagel, peanut butter, as well as banana morning meal, so I improvisated. I was cramping after the first 45 minutes as well as threw up later.-- Christopher Lopez, multiple marathon finisher as well as co-leader of The Surge NYC
4. Being Too Ambitious
I got excited and enrolled in a half-marathon with a few more-experienced runner close friends, but I wasn't appropriately ready and also really did not educate effectively. I ended up with blisters the size of children on my feet. I could not put on shoes for 2 days!-- Cali Lavey, leisure runner
5. Forgetting to Take Day of rest
Training excessive and not relaxing enough zapped me for months. I was exhausted, and my stoke levels for running were at an all-time low. I have actually because discovered how to run, remainder, and hold your horses more compared to being remarkable as well as radical.-- Dominic Grossman, expert runner for Injinji
6. Disregarding Your Type
I really did not do adequate kind job and stamina training until I got a few injuries. Currently I proactively do a bunch of type drills and also fortifying of the hips and glutes to stabilize out my all-natural propensity to overpronate.-- Marnie Kunz, CEO of Runstreet and run trainer
7. Attempting to Race Every Run
When I first started running, I attempted to Public Relations [run a personal document] whenever I marched the door and do speed up deal with the treadmill as often as possible. It worked great for a number of weeks-- until I obtained a stress crack.-- Ron, runner for 14 years
8. Avoiding Leg (or Hip) Day
I had IT Band syndrome throughout training due to the fact that I didn't do any hip strengthening. When I aimed to maintain running with my weak hips, I eventually wound up with a tension fracture in my back. In addition to good kind, stamina training is crucial.-- Meredith Harclerode, two-time marathon finisher
9. Believing Your Tennis shoes Are Immortal
I only bought one pair of sneakers to educate for my first marathon, assuming their shape degraded based on how lengthy you owned them, not the amount of miles you run in them. On my final 20-mile training run, I had so much swelling as well as discomfort in my feet I needed to stop. After a doctor-ordered MRI, I uncovered my tennis shoes had been "dead" for over a month. I then had a choice: to run the marathon on dead footwears or purchase new ones. I chose new footwears, but following time I train for a marathon, I will have a few footwears in turning!-- Kate Barry, four-time half-marathon finisher, one-time marathon finisher
10. Choosing not to Quit
After weeks of hardly having the ability to run due to IT band pain, I aligned for the San Diego marathon. When I found myself hindering at a 20-minute each mile slog, I still chose not to stop. I thought, "Joggers don't stop, we press with!" As a result of my 'powering via' to the coating, I could not compete 6 months. Now I know that one race or run isn't worth months of stress.-- Amanda Brooks, eight-time marathon finisher, individual instructor, and also writer of Go to the Finish
11. Not Sustaining Very carefully
I ran a military-style race as well as brought a goo packet along for fuel. It took off when I opened it mid-race, which made every little thing sticky and also smelling like a sour apple for 5 miles. Gross.-- Lavey
12. Waiting to Get Pain Examined Out
I've constantly been athletic and I've never been terribly hurt, but one day I felt a mild pain in my knee. I overlooked it for a month up until I realized I was having a tough time placing weight on my ideal leg. I ultimately went to a physician and also discovered out I had an IT band issue. It took 4 months of regular physical treatment to recover. I shouldn't have actually waited as long to obtain it looked into. I put a damper on my training, and it ended up taking longer to recover.-- Arnold
13. Blindly Complying with Fads
I purchased minimalist shoes without understanding exactly what minimalist also was, I felt in one's bones individuals suched as the shoes. Just what occurred? You presumed it: I finished up wounded.-- User TheRunningTroll on LetsRun.com
14. Letting Your Playlist Obtain Stale
Music helps set the speed of your run and makes it a lot more satisfying. For every single race or tough run, I learned I have to update my playlist so I can anticipate brand-new songs that help press me to the coating. Whenever I fail to remember, I can noticeably see my pace and attitude decrease.-- Arnold
15. Not Moisturizing Correctly
I chose to go out for a run throughout the most popular component of the day. At the time, I told myself that it would certainly be refreshing to sweat a little, yet I really did not bring sufficient hydration. I returned sensation completely review, dried out, as well as worn down. If you need to go out on a run during negative temperature, put on proper attire and bring sufficient water to keep you feeling strong.-- Sarah Robertson, Advertising and marketing Education and learning Organizer at Precor and also recreational runner
16. Cannot Change It Up
It took me six years to understand that I actually improved at running when I was running longer distances. I started out running shorter ranges as well as squandered a couple years attempting to conquer the mile.-- Customer X Trackster on RunningAhead
17. Utilizing the Same Shoes for every single Run
I ran my very first and just road marathon in a set of really structured, overbuilt, as well as cushioned route footwears. I had no idea what I was doing, but I believed I required the additional security to conserve my knees. In reconsideration, I recognize why I felt slow and also sluggish!-- Joe Grant, Buff UNITED STATE Ultrarunner
18. Assuming Resting Suffices
After experiencing some discomfort in my right knee during a half-marathon, I took off for a number of weeks. When I started long-distance training again, I had the same problem. I realized I couldn't fix it by merely resting. Since I recognize exactly how to extend effectively, the majority of my IT problems are fading away.-- Mary Rose, leisure jogger as well as triathlete-in-training
19. Not Familiarizing Yourself With the Route
I have actually obtained lost and also misled more times than I can recall, so if something speaks up or looks wrong-- specifically on trails-- go back to where things looked right and also begin once again.-- Michael Wardian, runner for Injinji
20. Alleviating Running Like Other Sports
My most significant blunder was alleviating running like football technique: If I had not been worn down by the end of technique, I felt as though I really did not work hard sufficient. I 'd run all my runs at 80 percent initiative, or the equivalent of just what I currently call tempo runs. I wasn't warming up to the pace or cooling down efficiently.-- Customer stadjack at RunningAhead
21. Cannot Benefit from Public Relations Opportunities
I did not strike when the iron was warm. I was at my height physical fitness during a period, and also currently I regret deeply not aiming to Public Relations across the board.-- Seth Ariel Environment-friendly, former Department III college runner
22. Not Valuing Recovery Runs
Recovery runs should be done at an easy, moderate speed. My most significant mistake in my very early years of running was doing a lot of quick exercises and letting specific runs develop into mini races themselves.-- X Trackster
23. Neglecting Anti-Chafe Cream
... particularly "down there." During the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc ultramarathon, I had to use mud in my nether areas.-- Wardian
24. Overlooking Safety and security Measures
I neglected to change the batteries in my head lamp prior to a race that required me to run in the dark. It cost me a great deal of time.-- Michele Yates, Ultimate Instructions run ambassador
25. Not Having a Leave Plan
I did a future without a train card or cash as well as wound up getting stuck in the rainfall with no way to obtain house. I had to rest as well as wait until the rain slow down enough to see. Afterward, I got lost and wound up running an extra eight miles(!) due to the fact that I neglected my train card.-- Kunz
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storiesbybrian · 7 years
Dad Rock (January, 2017)
With company expected, Tilden’s patience with his daughter was especially, pathetically delicate. Like so many people he knew, and unlike the few he admired, he was aware of how counterproductive his harsh reactions to his child’s childishness were, but instead of calming him down, that awareness only made him ashamed of being a bigger baby than her.
“Jesus Lucy!” he said from the kitchen. “It’s really not that hard!”
Lucy was eight and she had asked him for help with her homework. Tilden could never keep track of how smart Lucy really was. Sometimes she grasped sophisticated concepts and seemed capable of greater concision than her father by far. For example, when Tilden spent five minutes explaining why his opinion of the mayor was so different than the media’s, Lucy said, “So you should be suspicious of what somebody’s enemy says about her.” But other times Tilden expected Lucy to respond to obvious cues and was almost contemptuous of her when she did not. At a recent Christmas party, she just missed colliding with a college student carrying a tray of spring rolls. Tilden had raised his eyebrows and assumed Lucy would stop running around. But 30 seconds later she was swinging a two year old boy to and fro and one of his feet knocked a drink off the arm of a very nice couch. Guests halted conversations to stare at him when he yelled at her. After the party, Tilden wondered if he would have been less angry if the college student with the hors d’ouvres hadn’t been so attractive.
He left a half-sliced carrot to go over the homework assignment with Lucy. 24 matchsticks were arranged in a grid of three by three squares: Remove eight of them so only six squares remained. The squares could be different sizes. Tilden solved the problem quickly in his mind, and then waited for Lucy to figure it out. He wanted to watch her apply deduction with what her teachers referred to as grit. Grit would send him back to the kitchen without feeling torn. But instead she seemed enthralled by her own dauntedness, as if the incentives to be vexed were greater than those contingent on mastery. It was true that the problem was more challenging than the pedestrian fare she normally brought home. And he still had an hour before anything had to go into the oven. So he pulled up a chair and availed himself to Lucy.
Immediately, Tilden recongized her slavish respect for the perimetric three stick by three stick square, and attributed the fear of undermining the master structure to Lucy’s mother, who was at work while he was at home trying to prove of equal worth despite contributing no revenue to the family coffers. Their marital therapist, whom they could neither afford, nor afford to fire, talked a lot about mutual traps, and certainly Tilden’s eagerness to resent Fiona constituted one of those. So while he knew better than to deprive Lucy of the challenge, his social and love lives were somewhat dependent on the quality of his own work in the kitchen. So he gave her a sizable hint.
“You know how you have small squares, medium and then the large one?”
“Yes Daddy?”
“Well you don’t need the large one.” He started back to the kitchen.
Only then did Lucy start extracting matchsticks from the outer frame of the grid. But she still had no vision of what six squares should remain. And that lack of vision rendered her whole approach diabolically ignorant of logic.
“No!?” Tilden said, settling back into the chair.
Lucy’s hand hovered over the dining table that doubled as her school desk, and tripled as his writing desk, and quadrupled as Fiona’s ultimate leverage when he had the temerity to issue a marital expectation during Top Chef. All she had to do was glance at the shoddy varnish and he would retreat back to their room, where his guitar sat on their bed, in tune but out of ideas. He might have to strum it for their guests tonight, to play the fascinating friend, not solvent enough to join them for weekends on the slopes, but just so damn entertaining, and not the least bit socially desperate. Maybe the nice tablecloth should cover him instead of the table.
Tilden knew, more than vaguely, that he was joining a long, sad line of fathers who projected their failings onto their children. He had recently read half of a book about the means by which global elites rigged the economy to capture larger shares of capital before it filtered to working people all over the planet. And Tilden wondered if he was so fucked up that he had coopted the book’s message to exercise this same kind of bullying over his own daughter, belittling her in subtle ways to compensate for his own pathetic, self-induced insecurities. And as per his secret policy, he conceded that anything he suspected of himself was damningly true, warranting full inward confession.
Tilden ran into the kitchen to finish slicing carrots. Fiona had taught him to slice them on a bias, to maximize the surface area exposed to heat.
He returned to the living/dining room to find Lucy beaming with her arms folded. Her solution had the sixth square sharing a side with one of the other five, leaving one matchstick bristling inharmoniously in the lower left quadrant. Tilden asked Lucy if that stray would be necessary if her sixth square did not share any sticks with the other five, but that presumed they agreed on which square was the sixth. So Tilden rolled his eyes and pointed with the knife he was still holding to the square he was taking about, a chimney jutting from the two by two grid she had spared from her haphazard groping. Tilden tried to ignore the all too slight difference between the quality of wood in the matchsticks and that of the table on which they, and so many other aspects of his family life, sat. Taking a deep breath and counting to 10 was actually effective, but it did not occur to Tilden at the moment. He recognized that he wanted to get angry, that even if it wasn’t productive or helpful or nice, it would feel good in a way that he guarded from the incursion that logic already made on so many of his choices. The irony that his anger was mitigated by the blade he was wielding, that being more dangerous goaded him to become less so, was not lost on him.
“OK,” he said, storming back to the kitchen. “Why don’t you take a break and come back when you’ve decided to turn on your brain?”
To Lucy’s credit, she remained at the table. Tilden sliced fennel bulbs, pretending to ignore her. Lucy knew she was not as correct as he wanted her to be, and that striving made Tilden put down the knife. He was so ashamed of his treatment of his own daughter that now above all else, he wanted her to recognize that he was not worth pleasing. But eight years of parenting had taught him that this was the last thing he should try to impart, that it was incumbent on him to perpetrate whatever fraud he had to to maintain Lucy’s trust and respect.
Tilden came back to the table. Lucy put all the matches back into their spots on the grid. They had established that five of the squares would be comprised of four small ones with the fifth being their perimeter. She removed matchsticks from the upper right and lower left corners.
“Good,” Tilden said, wondering if his tone mattered more or less now that he’d already allowed it to get so raw. He wanted to start all over, and wished he knew the cumulative affect that his denigrations, both forceful and subtle, had had on Lucy so far. Or maybe if he were overly sensitive she would turn out too fragile. Or maybe eight year-olds have already turned out however they are going to turn out and her succumbings to hard drugs and promiscuity were set into motion long ago. Tilden could already see himself blaming her for the bumps in the road she was now destined to hit, because he would be too cowardly to acknowledge the depths of his own failure as a dad. Even these private self-flagellations were probably totemic introspections, enabling him to avoid addressing more fundamental failings. And, per the rule, by probably he meant definitely.
Lucy still had four more matchsticks to remove. She inspected the ones she was holding. Tilden ran back to the kitchen to finish slicing fennel, hoping a match would accidentally strike, and shoot a spark into his bedroom to immolate his guitar. Until Lucy was five, he had enjoyed a career. He was never a rockstar, but he licensed enough of his music to avoid giving lessons, and he and Fiona could afford a nanny. He kept a running estimate of how many people had heard him play, both live and broadcast. Gigging at venues to audiences between 10 and 400 people on average of 15 times per year for 17 years, he had reached approximately 50,000 ears in person, plus more than 200 million via video games and a juice commercial. And then the tunes just stopped flowing. And then he exhausted his backlog. And then they let the nanny go.
He could trace the shriveling of his output to an early May evening with his friend Jerry. Jerry was an artist who had lured, there really was no other word for it, Tilden to the biergarten at Whole Foods. Tilden had vowed never to shop there but Jerry insisted the beer selection and rooftop setting warranted greater flexibility. Plus, Jerry said, isn’t it more punk rock to have no rules? So Tilden convinced himself to participate in a racket he despised, which required convincing himsef himself that he was neither a sucker for the trappings that tricked Whole Foods’ customers into embracing 125% markups, nor very serious about his initial boycott, so that he could convince himself he was at liberty to change his mind rather than vacating deep principles for an hour or so in a synthetically pleasant environment that supported the retailers of his craft beer to an even greater extent than its crafters. But the entire contortion had felt too easy, and any pain that was supposed to be entailed in shrinking the gauntlet of compromises down to almost nothing would have to be manufactured by Tilden, which seemed too unnatural to feel convincing.
He related the whole thing to the first time he and Fiona took Lucy to an art museum. Lucy had been small enough that Fiona could wear her and, standing in front of a Van Gogh, Tilden’s eye focused on Lucy’s little shoe, relegating the painting to a background blur. He knew the brushstrokes beyond the shoe were exquisite and that comparisons between the industrial marketing committee that had designed Lucy’s footwear and the genius who had painted the canvas hanging on the wall were absurd. But finding greater appeal in the painting than the crimson and chartreuse stitching on the faux suede maryjanes encasing his daughter’s tender feet required a vigilance that, exhausted from a productive morning, he just didn’t feel like mustering. And now, here he was on the roof, suspecting himself of innate preference for easy, synthetic pleasures over the soul-nourishing of true art. But what did that have to do with drinking beer with his friend? Was a dive bar true art? Perhaps because it welcomed the craggy locals that Whole Foods whitewashed, yes.
But Jerry was seductive, and beneath the easy flow of their conversation, Tilden wondered whether Jerry was testing him on purpose. And delighting in Tilden’s failure. Because Tilden preferred to enjoy himself with Jerry. Why was that a subversion of principles? But somehow it was. And maybe he’d never been an artist to begin with, certainly not one as comfortable in his creativity as Jerry, who could be crass and shallow without it marring the quality of his work. They had said good night, slightly drunk, and Tilden went home feeling like he’d been fucked by someone who would never call him again. He hadn’t written more than a few measures of decent music since.
Within a year they’d let the nanny go, and that summer Fiona suggested day care for Lucy and an office for Tilden. Now salting the chicken before trussing it, he wondered if whatever damage he might have incurred wedged between flourescence and a desk would have spared Lucy any of the dings she picked up from spending too much time with her unstable father.
“Daddy!” she said.
He put down the chicken and surveyed her configuration.
“Aw, good job honey!” He waved his greasy hands and shrugged, meaning he wanted to hug her, but… salmonella. Did she understand? He went back to the kitchen.
Lucy stood in the kitchen doorway. Tilden put garlic and half a lemon into the cavity. Then he pulled a strand of twine from its ball, nodding Lucy toward the scissors on the cutting board. She stayed in the doorway.
“Wanna cut the string?” “Oh, sure.”
He trussed the bird, salted it some more and nestled it among the biased vegetables. Dinner went into the oven in time for the evening meal. Tilden washed his hands, smiling at Lucy.
Lucy bobbed at the knees. Now it was his turn to decipher what she wanted but preferred not to say. Pausing only briefly enough to notice he wasn’t hesitating, Tilden took Lucy’s hand and marched her into his room. He grabbed his guitar and sat on the bed. Lucy sprawled along his back. Her dad began to play.
1 note · View note
newyorktheater · 5 years
  Therapists were busy reassuring theatergoers after seeing Dame Judi Dench in the trailer for the movie CATS. (See below.)
Meanwhile, three shows opened Off-Broadway last week about real-life world traumas – “the way she spoke,” about the murdered and missing women of Juarez, Mexico; “The Rolling Stone,” about anti-gay hysteria in Uganda, and ‘Mojada,’ which adapts “Medea” to tell the story of an undocumented immigrant family from Mexico.   This prompted a question, which was close to a dilemma, for me: When (if ever) is a play’s subject so urgent and important that its quality as a work of theater feels irrelevant?
The Week in New York Theater Reviews and Previews
“Mojada” is sometimes clever in the ways in which it transposes the specifics of Euripides’ story and characters; sometimes the contemporary parallels feel forced.   But the main strength of “Mojada” is in presenting the details of the experience of the 21stcentury Latinx exile in scrupulous and credible detail — often harrowing, sometimes amusing.  By telling this story as an adaptation of an Ancient Greek tragedy, the everyday and oft-ignored traumas of the undocumented are invested with the aura of significance that they deserve.
Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow
Halley Feiffer’s loud, broad, hip, hyperactive, foul-mouthed, unconventionally cast, aggressively playful and generally off-beat adaptation of Chekhov’s “Three Sisters”… the bells and whistles of the production make it a challenge to engage in the hopes and fears of the characters.
The Bacchae
What would Euripides say about the liberties being taken with his tragedies in New York? Medea,one of his last and most-produced plays, has been turned into the harrowing tale of an undocumented immigrant to Corona, Queens at the Public Theater. The Bacchae, one of his first tragedies, never performed during his lifetime, has become an entertaining pop, rock and hip-hop spectacular in an outdoor amphitheater in Harlem.
The Classic Theatre of Harlem has mounted The Bacchae free to the public at the Richard Rodgers Amphitheater in Marcus Garvey Park, in a version by Bryan Doerries. It would be hard to argue that it brings home the full force or horror that is the usual province of Ancient Greek tragedy. But what is a better tribute to the play’s principal character Dionysus, the god of ecstasy, wine…and theater, than a theatrical production with such intoxicating singing, dancing and design.
The Rolling Stone
“These people recruit, rape and spread disease,” Mama says about homosexuals, not realizing she’s talking to one, in Chris Urch’s play, which takes place in Uganda in 2010.  That was the year that a group of college students led by Giles Muhame launched a newspaper in Kampala called The Rolling Stone that ran photographs of gay Ugandans, with their names and addresses, under the headline “Hang Them.”  One of those named, David Kato, was murdered…. The plays uses these true events of homophobic hysteria only as a backdrop to a fictionalized story that focuses on an 18-year-old gay Ugandan named Dembe. And that counts as a missed opportunity….
The way she spoke
“There is no better place to kill a girl than in Juárez,” says Kate del Castillo in the way she spoke, currently running at Audible’s Minetta Lane Theatre. The well-known Mexican actress is making her English-speaking stage debut in Isaac Gomez’s solo drama about the epidemic of violence against women in the Mexican city. Under Jo Bonney’s direction, she plays some 15 characters, including the mothers of las desaparecidas, missing young women presumed murdered in Ciudad Juárez; a man accused of killing eight of them and even the Virgin Mary.
“This is the biggest challenge in my career for sure,” says del Castillo…. “It is physically, mentally and emotionally demanding to live these people every day.”
The Week in New York Theater News
Beautiful: the Carole King Musical. will close October 27, 2019 after 60 previews and 2,428 performances.
And it’s too late, baby now, it’s too late Though we really did try to make it Somethin’ inside has died, and I can’t hide And I just can’t fake it, oh, no, no
Waitress will close on Broadway Jan 5, 2020 after 33 previews and 1544 performances. This is a shame. The score is sweet in all the right ways. Why not keep going via Chicago-like stunt casting w/ a twist: Every major star who was ever a waitress. Bad Idea?
Five years after All the Way brought President Lyndon Baines Johnson to Broadway, he is back with Robert Schenkkan’s 2014 follow-up play “The Great Society,” starring Brian Cox as LBJ, Grantham Coleman as MLK Jr, and Richard Thomas as Hubert Humphrey. It begins Sept 6, 2019 for a 12-week run at Vivian Beaumont
At 77,  Paul McCartney is writing his first musical — a stage adaptation of Frank Capra’s 1946 movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” with book writer and co-lyricist Lee Hall (Tony winner for Billy Elliot, screenwriter of Rocketman)
The Beatles on Broadway….from John Lennon at age 28…to Paul McCartney at 78?
  Oscar Isaac and Greta Gerwig will star in Chekhov’s Three Sisters directed by Sam Gold at New York Theater Workshop in Spring, 2020.
  Christian Borle
Jonathan Groff, Tammy Blanchard and Christian Borle will star in an Off-Broadway revival of Little Shop of Horrors, opening October 17, at The Westside Theater.
2019 #KennedyCenterHonors will go to @sesamestreet, actress @sally_field, singer Linda Ronstadt, R&B band @EarthWindFire and conductor @mtilsonthomas pic.twitter.com/E1L6RbBDU7
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) July 18, 2019
Nick Robinson, the cuddly star of the coming-out-of-age movie “Love, Simon,”, will succeed Will Pullen in portrayingJem Finch, Atticus’s kid, in To Kill A Mockingbird,starting Nov 5th. Oddly, he made his stage debut at age 12 as….Jem Finch (in a different production)
CATS the movie trailer
7.8 million views in three days; 83, 000 thumbs up; 203, 000 thumbs down.
seeing reports that cats are filing a class action suit against tom hooper
— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) July 18, 2019
why do the cats in the new Cats movie look like bad Medieval cat paintings lmao pic.twitter.com/mIHbJbrIhi
— rae paoletta (in 🇨🇱) (@PAYOLETTER) July 18, 2019
” Is this what late-stage capitalism looks like? I just don’t get it.” reaction to “Cats” by Michael R. Jackson, usher of The Lion King for four years (which he hated) and playwright of “A Strange Loop.” Jackson on the new Lion King movie: “I don’t understand these live-action remakes just on an artistic level. That’s just me. I’m a little curmudgeonly that way.”
Rest in Peace
Hugh Southern, 87, a creator of the TKTS booth
CATS Attacks. Trauma on Stage. Beautiful, Waitress Closing. LBJ back on Broadway. #Stageworthy News of the Week Therapists were busy reassuring theatergoers after seeing Dame Judi Dench in the trailer for the movie CATS.
0 notes
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
"Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does car insurance cost?
How much does car insurance cost? In average?
Why do people spend so much on insurance?
I mean other than general health and drug insurance.
First time insurance on following cars?
im 17 and looking for my first car at the moment as i just passed recently. ive looked at a few but when i do insurance quotes on the net i get some crazy quotes like 5000 for a 2004 fiat punto 1.2. i no insurance is expensive for first timers and being a male, and 17, its even more. however all my frineds who have cars pay way less, eg my friend also 17 and first car has a 1.6L vw polo 1998 and he pays only 1,500 also another has a 2004 punto 1.2 and pays 1,700. another has corsa 2005 1.4 and pays about 2000 all above are fully comp and with them as first and only driver on policy. who is the best company for my age and experience group. also whatinsurance prices can i expecct for following cars, if you know or have one etc.. live in a good, low crime area and it will be garaged at night so insurance should be lower with this. corsa polo punto clio 206 fiesta all from about 2000- 2005 plates thanks""
How much would yearly insurance cost for a 16 year-old dirver with a mitsubishi eclipse?
How much would yearly insurance cost for a 16 year-old dirver with a mitsubishi eclipse?
Can I apply for California Unemployment Insurance?
i was working two jobs, and part time permanent position, and a full time temp position. i was layed off of my part time permanent position. i am still working full time at my temp postition, but at times i don't work that position for a couple weeks at a time. can i apply for edd now so when i have those weeks off i can claim edd. or do i need to wait until i have those weeks off and then claim i was layed off from my permanent job?""
People who can't afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
A cheap car insurance? USA?
im looking for the minimum required.
Best non-owner liability coverage insurance?
What is the best non-owner liability coverage insurance in New York ?
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
Will I be paying two deductibles or one for two car accidents different insurances?
Hi, Today I hit a car that is of a stranger and we exchanged information about each other's insurance. That person's insurance company and mine are different. We didn't ...show more""
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
Cheapest way to get car insurance?
we know of a family that is going through tough times. Mom works 3 jobs, daughter (18 y.o. works 2 jobs and goes to school full time) while the dad has two DUIs on him. Of course the daughter can't get insurance(because its too expensive). Around $2k a year. Know of any other viable options?? Its in California. Thanks!""
How does Driver's License affect insurance in Washington State?
I'm 18 and just recently moved in with my grandparents so I can go to school. I would like to get my driver's license, but they are telling me I can't because it would make their insurance rates go up. I don't think that makes any sense because I don't have a car, and I don't drive theirs. Would me getting a driver's license affect them at all actually?""
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?
Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?""
How to become an insurance agent in california?
How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
How to get car insurance cheaper for new drivers?
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Do i need insurance to clean a church?
do i need insurance to clean a church?
What is the lowest average cost for health insurance?
Im a poor 22 year old college student, and I am looking for health insurance at a very low cost- any ideas?""
Costco car insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars/month on her full coverage car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
What kind of insurance should I get?
I need dental braces but can't afford them. Is there dental insurance that I can get so that I wont have to spend so much out of pocket??
What is the difference between insurance and coinsurance?
I'm on a website looking up health insurance quotes and it also has a column listed for something called coinsurance. What is coinsurance? Here's the site I'm looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement.""
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
What do car insurance companies use to determine car value?
I just bought a 2008 used car. I bought GAP insurance (pays the difference between what the car is worth and the amount of the loan if the car is totaled) for $600. I have 30 days to cancel the insurance for a full refund (to my finance company). Do insurance companies use Kelly Blue Book retail value, private sale or trade-in value to determine the value they will pay for a totaled car? If they use retail or private sale, I can cancel and be okay if I get totaled, but if it is trade in, I will be $3000 in the hole with no car.""
Is there a such thing as Cheap online insurance ?
I'm looking for some auto insurance for my car. I can't use the general aare there any sites that offer cheap auto insurance?
Where can I get affordable life insurance with good benefits?
I have 4 boys 19,18,15 and 13. So I will like to insure my kids. I live at SF, California. Any advice?""
Insurance and leasing for teens?
if a teenager (16) wants to lease a car I'd he allowed to or do his parents have to lease it for him?and what is the cost for insurancev insurance
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
Insurance rates for 19 year old?
what would the insurace rates be for a 19 year old driving one of these cars. all cars would be sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 honda civic 97-01 subaru impreza RS 96-98 BMW 318 94+ acura integra 98-01 honda accord 00-03 nissan sentra
Where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
where can i get health insurance to cover accutane in nyc?
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
How much will my car insurance go up by?
I have a mazda mx5 and it has been scratched all over very deep. I have asked my insurance to claim it and will have to pay my excess, which is fine. I have been told that my insurance will go up a little bit when it is renewed in aug but they say the cant figure out how much it is now to tell me. I am wanting to know just in case they really put it up and its not worth claiminmg through them. Has anyone done this and what amount do you think i am looking at to go up a month. Thanks""
If I borrow my friend's car for a day...? insurance?
I need to borrow my friend's car for a day. I'm wondering about the insurance since my name isn't on there and borrowing it for a day. What happens if i get into a car accident??
What would be the insurance rates for a 16 year old with aford maverick?
I have good grades no felonies pretty much no anything. How much would it be for a 1971 ford maverick
Car accident I have liability the other involved had no insurance?
I got into a car accident today which pretty much totalled out the back half of my van, seeing as the insurance agent will probably call it as totalled out. Here is my question the other party told us that he had no insurance at all and I only carry liability insurance whats going to happen with my vehicle, how are my damages going to be paid?""
Car insurance questions (Still on parent's plan)?
I have a few questions... Is there a set age where I can no longer be on my mom's car insurance? Or is it completely up to her? For example can two adults (both in their 40's) be on the same insurance? I am 19. I currently live with my mom. If I were to move out, can I still be on her insurance? If I don't go to college, can I still be on her insurance? I heard you need to be a full time student to be on a parent's insurance? If I were to buy a car, would it have to be in her name?""
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
Credit scores taking a hit from homeowners insurance checks?
Hubby and I called around checking what rates would be for homeowners insurance, but I got a little ahead of myself, seeing that our closing date isn't until August! I called about 4 places, they all ran our credit and said it will be a light hit on the credit scores... Well how much of a hit will our credit scores take?? The bank wants our credit scores updated since them, since we want that late August closing date.. Anyone know how much of a hit it will be?""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?
I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score?
Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn't want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don't respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.""
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
Can a car insurance still charge me if there was no police report and the guy ask me for money to let me go?
I turned right in a street when I got hit on my rightdoor it got just a littledented.But the other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side of where the tire is at did get kind of ...show more""
""My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advis?""
car: renault megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, black, 5dr, before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....""
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Does a Bank of America auto loan require full coverage insurance on the car?
If I were to take out an auto loan from Bank of America would I have to have full coverage insurance on the car until the loan is paid for? Or would I be able to just have liability coverage? Thanks!
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
Is GEICO auto insurance tougher (more expensive) than Progressive if you have an at fault accident?
I have one at fault accident on my record. It was a rear-end collision and it is a 2 pt. accident in California. I was shopping for new insurance. I made this statement about the at fault accident when filling out the forms for a quote online. At first GEICO the GEICO rates were looking way better than Progressive or other insurance companies so I thought I'd go with them. But when I went to go pay online, they did one last DMV record check, and came back with a higher rate. Even though I had stated the accident in the form previously. They waited to verify this at the very end and not earlier which I found annoying--they had my driver's licence earlier in the application process, so why wait till the very end! When filling out the Progressive quote forms, I also stated the info about my accident where asked. At the end, the form still considered me a Good Driver and the quote was much cheaper than Progressive. I went to pay and it did not recalculate my quote after a DMV check like GEICO did. I paid and am wondering if I am going to hear back from them saying I need to pay more. But I gave them all the info and I do now have a policy. So it appears that GEICO is tougher when it comes to having an accident, and Progressive doesn't let one at fault accident ruin a good driver discount? Does anyone have experience with this?""
How many year does it take for auto insurance to lower young driver rate?
if i start at 16
Life Insurance?
If someone has life insurance and also has a home mortgage, does the life insurance goes to the mortgage?""
I need some advice on car insurance...?
I am purchasing a used car, worth about $3,000.00 I am trying to decide what level of car insurance I should get. Money is kinda tight. Do you think full coverage is neccessary? What type of coverage do most people opt for on low value cars like this? I've always driven new ones.""
Why is it that insurance rates are so high in the state of New Jersey?
The insurance rates in New Jersey are higher than any rates in the entire United States. I demand an answer to this outrage! It makes no sense that in California you can pay like $140 for the whole -year- to insure a car, while in NJ you pay like $140 every month.""
Car and insurance question..?
If I had lost my car insurance with my car can someone who is insured still drive my vehicle or does the car itself still have to be insured?
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
Can insurance find out you have a license if you don't tell them about it?
hey guys, i'm about to get my license but before i do i was wondering:can the insurance company find out if you get your license without you telling them and jack up your rates? the reason i ask is because i'm not interested in getting insurance for myself at the moment i just wanted to get the test out of the way.""
When looking for car insurance..do I need a car to find car insurance?
I am planning on buying a cheap used car. I dont have it yet so I dont know the make and model yet. Also..is it better to say I got my license at 16? or at 22? Why do they ask all this? What is a good price for car insurance for a 22 yr old full time college student with a 2.98 gpa, im also a part time worker. i only make around 400 bucks a month. Can even afford it?""
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
What is the health insurance like in Vermont?
Some people are saying that it's like Canada's health insurance, where anyone can have it for free. Some others are saying that it's restricted to only certain incomes, ...show more""
How much is the average car insurance per month?
Ok so im 18 years old, i still live with my parents and im looking to get a car. SO how much would insurance be per month? I plan to get the car in my name so i am wondering if i can get the insurance in my name or will i go under my parents insurance? My parents don't have a car at the moment so if i get my own car under my name can i get insurance in my name even though im still living with them?""
What is a cheap car insurance company in Arizona?
I'm looking to find a cheap insurance company to insure my car in Arizona. I was paying 116 a month for it at the general and I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheaper place.
What Insurance Company Insures Someone With Only A Permit?
I bought a car yesterday and I'm 18 with a permit and I can take the test but I have to learn and I have my own car to learn with now. But I need insurance to get tags. Now I need to know what company will insure me? I want the insurance in my name.
Problem with car insurance?
This isn't my car. So sorry if I'm fussy on details. Basically in the snow a car lost control of their car and crashed into my friends car. Which was parked up. They were decent and called their insurance company. Unforcantly there's a problem with the door that needs to be replaced. They said they will give her 600 and she has to cover the rest. Surely it all should be paid by their insurance not just some of it? Her father wants to demand money off the bloke which I don't thinks right. But I wanted to know where they stand on getting money off the insurance. And what advise I can give them. Why pay insurance if they don't give out. Doesn't make sence. Anyone been in a similar situation? What was the result? Cheers.
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
How/or where do I compare car insurance quotes?
I'm 21, and looking to get car insurance for the first time. I don't know how, or where to go, to get car insurance quotes. Can you help me?""
Car insurance for a peugeot GTI?
Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!""
""In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
What motorcycle insurance should I get?
I recently got KLR650 and was wondering what kind of insurance should I get? What is the most common coverage? Also what insurance company are you using and are you happy with them when it comes to price and service? Thanks for all the answers
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
Can I have two cars under two separate car insurance companies read my situation please!?
I have my own insurance on my own car with Farmers Insurance. However, my best friend just bought a new car and her insurance rate sucks. Can I insure my friends car under my name with Gieco and add my friend as a secondary driver and keep my Farmers insurance under my own car? Also, is there any way that Farmers would no if I did this? Do I have to tell anyone I have two insurance companies? Just put insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
How much would motorcycle insurance on a yamaha r6 in nj be?
Idk how old I'll be when I get one, can I get an answer for ages 18 and 21 please? thanks!""
How much would my car insurance be in new york?
i'm 27, this is my first buying a car, thinking buying a honda accord ex 2003 2 doors. but i'm a little concern about the cost of my car insurance for this particular one? please serious answers""
About how much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I was just informed that I was going to have to pay for my insurance when I get a car. I was wondering how much insurance would cost me monthly. If it matters the car value would be about 15-23k. I don't know if the car value affects insurance.
""I want to purchase a nice USED car, but I want insurance from out of state? How can I get that?
I want to buy a car directly from the seller and a good running car and I want to be insured out of state. I have a few questions: 1. What is the best and cheapest insurance I can go for? 2. How can I get out of state insurance? 3. What type of used car that you highly recommend me to by?
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Insurance deposit for an auto insurance?
I received a quote for an auto insurance and they require a deposit and then the first premium payment..Will the deposit be refundable? Why is there a deposit? Thank you!
Why would a African America have to pay more for car insurance?
Me and my friend writes for the school news paper. We did our own investigation like the local news will do sometimes.We both at two different times went to see a local and same agent for a car insurance quote . We are both the same age, No record of bad driving, No criminal record, also wanted insurance on the same car and same gender. The only different variable was race. I don't think time would of played part since it was only 1 hour apart. This offends me how the car companies can do this. I wondered why? Any information or missing links that can help us write this story?""
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
Car insurance for a 17 year old? HELP?
Im 17 in the uk and passed my test 2 months ago and have been insured as an additional driver on a parents car since then (2500 for one year on a ka what a piss take). no claims or convictions, nothing. I've been looking to buy my own cheap car but the prices insurers are asking for on comparison websites are absoloutley ridiculous, 10,000 annual for a ford fieta worth 900! I've tried choosing cars with small engines like a citroen c1 but STILL ridiculous quotes. How ar other youngsters complaining of their annual insurance of 3000 when I cant even find one under 10,000!!!! WTF. How are 17 year olds driving their own cars at my college? from what I've seen its financialy impossible unless their parents are millionaires. Half the insurers I go to online are 'unable to offer a quote', and theres no point in me taking pass plus because that'll only take 100 off of a giagantic quote which'll make no difference whatsoever. WHAT THE HELL. my postcode is RM7 if that makes any difference? Is there any kind of specialist young driver insures that I can go to who'll give me a better deal? I mean even if it was 5000 annual I'd be happy! Or insures that do that black box in your car thing? Because Im actually a very safe driver and having to pa astronomical amounts because of statistics is rather annoying. So any ideas of insurers I can go to direct to try and get a decent deal? thanks""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
What are some names of some cheap 3rd party Auto Insurance companies in Texas?
Tittle say it all, best answer 5 stars""
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
Is getting the cheapest possible car insurance a good idea?
Like SafeAuto.
What would actually be the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 2011 challenger srt8?
I need to find out what car insurance company located near Covington, Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST full coverage car insurance that would be paid in full every 6 months for a fully loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 with an automatic 5 speed transmission with the fuel saver technology feature? Any suggestions?""
Anyone know of affordable health insurance that is not a scam?
im in florida - sunrise
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
Should I put my car insurance under my name or my dad's name?
I'm 22 years old male, clean driving record, my dad just give me his 97 Lexus ES300, and we own the car together, so both his and my name are on the car registration. The ...show more""
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 and I need insurance for a car so I can own it. How much is it usually for an kinda old car like 2010 or older?
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
Inexpensive car insurance for person driving MUCH less than 2000 miles a year?
My brother is on disability income and has about $600 a month to live on. He really needs to have a car because he lives in a rural area and there is no public transportation whatsoever.He doesn't have much money for gas, but the insurance is really the killer, it's about $150 a month at state farm (and he insures his home with that company also). does anyone know any good options for him to save money? Is it legal if he just ditches the car and the insurance and drives one of my cars some of the time, or is that fraud? He does not drive to work or school, only to get groceries/prescriptions etc. The county workers just roll their eyes and sigh and say transportation is a problem.And they don't help. Can I add him to my policy? He's in the same zip code, about 8 miles away. He already doesn't have collision or comprehensive, it's an old car.And he has great credit and no accidents/moving violations. Thanks for any help you can give!""
Can I buy life insurance for my grandmother?
She lives in Alaska and is 82yrs old. She wants me to have a little money and take care of the funeral expenses when she passes. She's in very good health. I was thinking a term life 10yr $100,000 policy. The monthly payment is rougly $572.00 a month. Is it possible if I make the payments on her life insurance?""
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
Cabin John Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20818
0 notes
I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
"I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does leasing a car affect insurance more than financing?
So because I don't technically own the car, will leasing a new car be more expensive than buying a new car... insurance wise? Or is there a negligable diffenence?""
""Fast, fwd or awd, reliable, manual car that's cheap on insurance?
I already thought of a few possibilities. RSX Base 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion TC Legacy GT Celica GT (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live in NJ) RSX type s WRX EVO Just looking for ideas. Preferably cars that are cheap on insurance and easy to mod.
Where can I get a fair priced car insurance for a first time driver at the age of 17 and Male?
I'm just about to do my second test, I failed the first with only 4 minors but I misjudged a speed limit and got failed for dangerous driving when doing 40 in a 30. I've been looking at a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 16V that I would really enjoy to have except I can't find insurance anywhere cheaper than 2700 and I think it's ridiculous because I'm not a maniacal driver and I don't see why I should have to pay that much until proven that I will cause that sum of damage. Is there any way I can get a cheaper premium? It's really putting me off driving because the price is just absolutely horrendous. PS UK ONLY PLEASE""
Best car insurance out there?
im gonna be 18 soon, have had my licenses for a while, never been put on her insurance cause she wont let me drive. i want to buy a car but i don't want to buy a car and can't afford the insurance make about 30 bucks a week. whats the cheapest car insurance for a person with a 3.0""
How can we get our own health insurance?
What do we need to do to get our own health insurance and how much is insurance usually?
How do I deal with my car insurance company after a crash?
An elderly man stopped in the middle of the street with his car. I couldn't stop in time not to hit him. So we collided. Now my insurance company refuses to pay for storing the car while their adjustor and the other insurance adjuster come to look at the car. I think it is totalled, but not positive. My apartment building has an ordinance against putting crashed cars in the parking lot. I live in West Los Angeles, which is highly populated, and I will get a ticket if I leave it on the street. It is not driveable. The storage places here cost $100 per day. I don't know what to do. Is there a car storage facility in West Los Angeles that can charge me a small amount until the adjusters come to look at it?""
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
Looking for a good insurance company to represent in California?
I'm a licensed insurance agent in California. I've been through 3 firms in 3 years and did not make much money at all. Now I'm working retail waiting to get back in the game while my license is just wasting away. Please, no AFLAC or World Financial Group referrals. Training is non-existent at AFLAC and the WFG people were absent of integrity. Could anyone recommend a good company to work for that is structured and has a good training program. Thank you.""
Insurance rates going up?
If there is a licensed driver in a home where ppl have auto insurance would the rates go up? I really need to know.
How do you get car insurance if you dont have a car?
How do you get car insurance if you dont have a car?
How soon does actors get their health insurance?
How soon does production company offer health insurance for their workers? And, what other insurance does the production company offer their workers; and, how soon?""
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
Quote for insurance>seats?
when getting a qcar insruance quote when its askes how many seats for a 3 door car would that be 4 seats? ta x
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
Car insurance comparison websites - aaaaaaarrggghhh!!!?
why so many adverts for these price comparison websites. sonn we will have a comparison website, for comparison websites. is this just me or does this piss everyone off in a big way""
What happens when two people get in a car accident and one driver has no insurance?
I got into a car accident, the other driver refused to show me her insurance. Her insurance people are calling me that they are investigating her because she got insurance a couple of hours after the accident. What will happen. Also I was found 100 percent liable for the accident because she laid about the accident. What will happen if she did not have insurance at at the time of the accident. Will I get my deductible back? What are the laws for this in CA.""
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto ..insurance?
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto insurance?
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
Why dont we get a refund from car insurance companys when we dont make a claim?
i pay more for car insurance than i do for house insurance yet my car is worth a fraction of  to my house ????
Car insurance is it sexist?
why is car insurance cheaper for woman ?i know lots of woman say there safer drivers but i dont think thats always the case
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
What is a good month by month health insurance company in Central FL?
I need health insurance hand don't have a job. What is a good pay by the month insurance company that has decent coverage and is affordable, by affordable I mean between $30 and $80 a month.""
Where can I find affordable car insurance in PA for college students?
I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students.
Can my parents insure my car that is titled and registered under my name?
I am 18 and in college and can't really afford to pay my own insurance. The car is titled and registered under my name. Im a full time student in college.
I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
Price for health insurance?
I found out today that my health insurance each month though my company is going to be $234 a MONTH. It's $468 but the company pays half. I'm not married or have any kids so it woul be just for me. I can't take it because it would cut too much into my paycheck. Is this a ridiculous price or the average?
Cheap insurance for someone who had foreign licence?
Do you know any insurance company which will insure a small van (suzuki carry), and will recognise my previous 8 years driving experience in Australia? I have only just got around to getting a British licence (as the road rules and driving standards are similar, I can just trade my Australian one in, no test), and been living in the UK just over a year. Have tried a few insurance quote websites, and they all seem to be quoting me the same as a brand new driver who has just passed their test - i.e. extremely expensive! thanks for any tips!""
Car accident but driver isnt under my insurance?
Last month my boyfriend and I were driving and someone rear ended my car. I am insured under Mercury insurance and the car is owned under my moms name. My bf has his own insurance but not for my car. We were not at fault but I'm nervous about filing a claim with the insurance company cause he is not under my insurance and was driving my car.. A police report was filed.. But what will happen if I file a claim with Mercury insurance? Will I get charged or fined for letting someone that wasn't on my insurance drive my car? Or can I not file a claim to the other company cause he isn't insured under the car that was damaged ? and if I ask my representative from Mercury what will happen will she report me even if I don't file a claim for letting someone who isn't under our insurance drive the car?
Insurance for teen driver?
i live in california and i just turned 18 and i got my license back in december. i want to know if say my parent's car has insurance, does that mean anyone can drive it? or is there such thing as each individual person needs to have insurance along with insurance for the car for it to be driven legally?""
Can i drive my friends car without insurance?
Hi, I am 17 years old and I've had my G2 for almost a year. Can I drive my friends car without being under that cars insurance? i have insuracne on both my cars but is it cool if i use his? i live in ontario btw.""
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
Can someone ballpark what car insurance would cost for a 16 year old male with a jeep cheroke?
Insurance at sixteen?
How much would it cost for me to insure an irocz at sixteen its a three fifty five speed stock?
If car insurance goes with the car technically does that mean an uninsured driver can drive an insured car?
I have a license but no insurance. I drive my dad's car which is insured in his name. If he is aware that i am driving the car and i get into an accident, does that mean I am insured?""
Ontario motorcycle insurance help?
im a 17 year old male wanting to get my m1 and buy a 1985 yamaha virago, and i really don't know where i can insure it for cheap because of the year most insurance places in ontario wont insure it, id have the Absolute bare minimum so it would be cheapest. please help""
Can an employer charge women employees more for health insurance than men employees in a group plan?
I was offered a job and I asked to review the companies health insurance information prior to accepting the job. I found out that for their group insurance it's broken down by age and gender. A man my age's employee contribution monthly would be $140 cheaper per month than mine just based on gender and not taking any lifestyle choices into consideration. Everything about this screams lawsuit to me but I've found some differing information on this. With the Affordable Care Act Gender rating is not allowed in the individual market but it does nothing to ban this practice in the group setting from what I've found. Thoughts? Ideas? I've turned down employment with this company based on my personal beliefs.
Insurance and Licence Plate?
So my mum brought me a licence plate for my car last year, and the latest I can put it on my car is the 17th July. If I pass my test this week and set my insurance up for it to start 2 weeks later it will cost me a lot less. Can I set my insurance up with the licence plate I have now, send the form off for my new licence plate, and then ring my insurance company up later and tell them that I've changed my licence plate? If they charge for this has anyone got any idea of how much? I know its slightly complicated, so if anyone doesn't understand just ask.""
""How many billions will obamcare cost to insure the poor ,the crack heads the people who can't afford it?
how much is the fine if you can't afford to buy obamacare
Which car would have higher insurance premiums?
I'm trying to figure out what car i want for my 16th birthday.. I've absolutely fell in love with the subaru wrx hatchback. the only thing im worried about is the fact that the insurance rates Might be high. i also like the mazda speed 3 and i was wondering which would be more expensive insurance wise. Also what you think about them being first vehicles. and please no<, you should get a POS for a first vehicle... Thanks in advance!!""
Need to know where to quote car insurance!?
I have a teenager and would like to know what website I can use to find insurance quotes for him without giving personal information like my address and name etc. and a car type (he doesn't have a car!). I don't want to call my insurance place or give personal info because I really don't want my insurance premium to go up! Thanks
Health Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.?
I live in New Jersey. I'm 20. I havent had health insurance since i was about 15, and I live with a friend's family because I have no parents. My Mom died in 2008, and my father is absent. Is there anyway i can get medicaid or any type of affordable insurance ? I read that Medicaid is only available to the elderly, disabled, and people with children. If thats correct, do i have any other options ? (My mom had medicaid and i was on her policy before she died). Also, im in school full time, but not at a university, so the school doesnt offer healthcare. Any opinons/information is appreciated.""
Which auto insurance company offers the best six month rates for a 19 yr old male?
im looking for a company public or private where i can get a 6 month premium for under $2500. the rates i get or ridiculous. am i expected to cough up $6500 for a 1 yr premium at minimal coverage with all discounts (6 hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included in the premium? thanxxx in advance for ur help""
How much does it cost for postal insurance?
How much will it cost me to get $5000 usps insurance for my package? Im in the usa tx.
Can I drive in the USA on UK car insurance?
We are taking our vehicle to the USA and travelling around for up to 12 months, can we use UK car insurance or do we have to insure the vehicle when we get to the States?""
Which company have cheapest auto insurance?
Which is cheapest auto insurance
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
How much will my auto insurance rate go up after an acciedent?
i have lieability insurance and pay 55 a month
How much does it estimately cost for a car insurance?
Please don't give any stupid answers. All I want is to get an estimate because I have not got ANY ANY clue about it. You can just give a range like 100-200 pounds per [unit time]. Hint: I will get my car when I am 17 so roughly how much will it be annually/monthly? The most sensible and reliable answer gets 10 points for best answer.
I only have liability insurance and was hit by another car?
I only have liability & when the other guy hit me he ran away on foot leaving the car. I made a police report and they gave me the other party's info. Now his insurance is saying they can't help me until they know who was actually driving his car. What can I do to get my car fixed because it is not drivable? Can I get a rental car? Can his insurance deny me completely if they don't find the driver?
Looking for Affordable Health Insurance Rates?
I'm looking for a website that offers affordable health insurance rates.Please suggest me the best site
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois?
I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
What would the insurance cost be for a toyota MR2?
im lookin at buying a 1991 toyota mr2 but i need to figure out wat an average cost for insurance would be?? any help??
What are some cheap auto insurance companies in florida for teenage drivers?
I am 17 years old. I currently have liberty mutual insurance with my parents for $5,901 annualy (about $550 per month for three cars). Is there any cheap car insurance?""
Where can i get some free car insurance quotes?
I'm doing this project on cars and i need to calculate a monthly payment for all 3 cars and i need insurance quotes for all 3. who can i talk to.
17 Yr Old Car Insurance?
Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay""
What number do you call to file an insurance claim with Verizon?
I flushed my phone down the toilet. sounds ridiculous but i managed to do it. i have insurance, what number do i call to file a claim?""
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
What does your car insurance company do for you?
If you are not at fault in an accident, what will your insurance company do in order to get your car fixed? How much help will they give you, or are we supposed to settle everything, make the calls etc. with the other carriers insurance. I was hit from behind while I was stopped at a yield sign. The other drivers fault ( a no-brainer). Yet I am getting different information from my agent, the other drivers agent, and even the auto-repair shop !!! Any feedback will help greatly.""
How can i lower my car insurance?
how can i lower my car insurance fee monthly when i payed off my car already
How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a v6 2010 camaro?
My mom is either giving me her car which is a 2006 Lexus gx 470 which she bought for $50,000 or she will buy me a 2010 v6 camaro. Would insurance be lower if I recieved the lexus or camaro?""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
Best way to find affordable therapy for a teenager with depression?
I'm seventeen years old and I think I have depression. All teenagers are emotional, I get that, but I know this is more. When I'm occupied and around people for a few hours at a time or less, I'm fine and usually even happy. Then when I actually have time to stop and think and let my mind wander, I usually feel kind of hopeless and just very sad. I also have other emotional issues, like the littlest things seem to enrage me. Also, I read somewhere that depression can cause physical issues such as digestive issues (which I have been having a lot of the past four or five months). I cancel plans a lot now, either because my stomach is acting up or I feel too sad to go anywhere and I just dont want to be bothered with people. Ive been sleeping a lot more than normal lately because thats the only time things dont bother me. When I was about thirteen I had an issue with cutting, I would talk to my guidance counselor (which is not an option now because I did home schooling and now am done with school until college next fall) and when she realized that I may have some more serious issues, she called my mom. My mom always brushed it off. She talked to me a total of one time, only when I went to my older cousin and my cousin forced my mother to talk to me. Basically, my mom got mad because I said I didnt feel comfortable talking to her and she refused to send me to a counselor, then she said she would send me to a counselor (at that time I had insurance) but she never actually ended up doing anything. So I went back to doing what I always do, pretending to be fine, and for the most part I controlled it. I stopped cutting until about seven months ago, which was also when all my other issues started popping up. I havent cut myself in a few months now, but I still have the urge to which is not okay. Depression and other mental health issues run in my family, and I keep thinking of one particular relative who got so bad that she took her own life. I know that at some point she must have been like me, where it was difficult but still somewhat manageable, and it just scares me that I could get to the point she was at. I have no insurance, and we have very little money. I know Yahoo Answers isnt the ideal place to seek advice, but I dont know where to go. I only have one true friend that I trusted enough to tell, and obviously she is my age so shes just as clueless as me. Then I have tried talking to my older cousin (not the same one I mentioned before, she and I dont talk anymore) but in her world even if the money is not readily available, when its needed they find a way, so she doesnt get the concept when I tell her I really do NOT have the money for a psychologist or insurance. Is there any websites or anything that provide information on free or more affordable counseling for teens? Im ready to admit that I need help I just need to find somebody actually willing and able to give it to me.""
How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?
I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.
Is Progressive a good insurance company?
My mom seems to think it's not based on what she heard almost 10 years ago. We currently have Allstate which is costing us $265/mo whereas Progressive could cost us $171/mo. IDK why she won't even try it
What kind of fine do you get for driving without car insurance in California?
My older brother recently bought a brand new car, and just two days ago the insurance he purchased from the dealership's insurance company expired. He has liability insurance underneath a separate insurance company, but that has not expired. We were stopped for something minor the other day, and the police officer noticed my brother's insurance was expired. What kind of fine will he face?""
Does a driver under 25 in the state of NH need car insurance? if they live with parents?
i know nh drivers don't need car insurance, but does a driver under 25 that lives with parents need car insurance?""
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
Health Insurance Disability ? How long does one have to file a claim ?
under most policies is there a time limitation to when a person can file ? is it retroactive ?
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
How much does insurance cost on super cars??
How much does insurance cost on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc.""
""If I already have health insurance, but my deductible is way to high $4000?
and I am eligible for medi-cal...am I supposed to cancel my other insurance or how does that work?
How long do I have to pay this expensive premium?
I don't know much about car insurance, but I have a six month premium and it is pretty expensive. I have had the insurance for 5 of the 6 months. My real question is after six months will I pay a least expensive amount or how does it work?""
What is the best insurance to start off on?
I'm 20, and thinking bout after college and trying to get ready to be on my own. So I was wondering of what is the best insurance company to have at the moment, and any advice I would love to have.""
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
Where can you get insurance for a 16 year old travelling alone?
Hi, a group of my friends and I, five of us, are travelling to Germany and are looking for a place that would insure us, we are all 16 years old. Thanks :)""
Would you buy Health Insurance from Billy Mays?
First it was OxiClean, then there was Orange Glo, and then KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, your favorite infomercial personality is endorsing iCan, an affordable ...show more""
I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance?
How bad would a honda civic hatchback (94) be on insurance?
Male 17 North Carolina any ideas on a monthly and yearly price?
Cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance from personal experience, Please and thank you!!""
Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?
My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
How do I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2001 Toyota Rav4L with 65K miles on it and paid for. The Kelly Blue Book value gives me an average estimated value of $9,000. My insurance now with Liberty Mutual is $113/month. So a little over $1,300/year. I called last time to get a lower rate but they convinced me that this is the minimum I should stay with and lowered it from $150 by increasing my deductible. I put my specifics in progressive and quote-net and ended up with half the rate for nearly exactly the same conditions that liberty is offering me. I plan to take public transportation more and park the car. I just want to be able to legally drive it to get somewhere in case of emergency and be covered if the car is hit. What would you suggest?""
What car insurance quote should I accept ?
I have a competitive quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would you use and why?""
Does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?
does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?? i got in a accident with a motorcycle and my insurance is way up that i cant afford it. if i buy a car would my insurance be up like my motorcycle since i got a accident in it? or is it two seperate insurance's
""I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
Will making on time car insurance payments electronically help my credit?
I recently got my car insurance in my own name. Once I start making on time payments will the credit bureaus see that as an account in good standing with on time payments and ulitmately raise my credit score?
How much is the insurance for a '01 pontiac firebird?
i wanted t know how much the insurance is for a teen on a '01 firebird?
What kind of insurance should I get?
I just got my drivers license yesterday and I am going to buy a car from a friend. It is a 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE with 205,000 miles. I am 17. What kind of insurance should I get and with what benefits? (I want it to be cheap)""
If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?
If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?
Car Insurance in Kentucky?
i've got a 98 red dodge advenger,, one of the sports one.. i'm 16 and my parents are going to make me pay for my insurance i think, i make good grades, like a,b,c's. but does anyone know how much insurance would be? we have allstate.""
How does a new independent insurance agent get appointed/chartered by insurance carriers?
I'm starting a new independent insurance agency in NJ and foresee difficulty getting appointed/chartered by insurance carriers. Can anyone confirm this to true? Also, if this is the case are there any other options for a new agent? I've heard of 'brokers' that will fill this void and have access to many carrier however they keep 33% of the commissions. Any other options for new agents that anyone might be aware of? - Thanks a lot for any input!""
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
Insurance + Payment options?
I would like to purchase a used car, but I would have to open up a loan. It would be good for me to open up a car loan to raise my credit a bit, since I have no prior loans out. Anyway, would I be able to buy the car on my name with the loan, and have one of my parents as the driver so that the insurance will not be so much since I am only 20? Or will I just have to have them buy it? How does this work?""
Can a ticket for no insurance be reduced?
Friend of mine got a ticket for no insurance 9 yrs ago.....i know long time......but after all this time is there anyway a good lawyer can.get the ticket reduced to a lesser one?
Volkswagen beetle (2004) insurance?
I'm 17, starting to drive... All the quotes I have been getting for small cars like yaris's, cluo's, ka's etc, have ranged from 5 to 9 grand. I checked Tue insurance for a 2004 vw beetle, that ranged from 2 to 4 grand. Why are they cheaper than smaller cars?""
Will my car insurance premium increase for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
How can i get cheaper car insurance quotes at 17?
Hi,i have just passed and got my driving license but when i ask for a insurance quote its to expensive and too much! Is there anyway to get me a cheaper insurance quote is there any tricks or advice that can help? Please Please reply""
How to get proof of financial responsibility?
I'm 21 a year old university student from California and I am graduating soon. I have always put off getting a license before college and once it started, I have been busy but because I want to get a job after graduating I really need my license pronto! My parents back home already taught me how to drive but I'm signing up for a driving school in my area just to practice and get the local roads down. I made an appointment for behind the wheel test next week and one of the things I need to bring is proof of financial responsibility. I know it's not insurance because I need a license to get that so how do I get it? I'm also probably going to borrow my friend's car for the test.""
Cheaper car for insurance?
I have a 98 eclipse spyder right now, and I'm paying about 700 every 6 months on insurance. Not only that but about 40 a week in gas and other various maintenance. I've put some custom things into it, just wondering with 115k miles on it, what would a good trade be for a reliable car with good MPG and lower insurance?""
How do i mail in insurance card for a ticket i received?
How do i mail in insurance card for a ticket i received?
I gave a urine sample for life insurance, want two more samples on different days. Why??
I gave a urine and blood sample about a month ago for life insurance. I received a call yesterday from the company that takes performs the physical and takes the samples...they said my insurance company wants to more urine samples on two different days. Why is that?? It has me really worried and I can't call the insurance office until tomorrow to find out why. I would assume that they had messed up the sample if they just wanted one more but they want two on two different days. :/ I informed them that I take birth control and sometimes take Ibuprofen. I don't use any other drugs or smoke and very rarely drink alcohol. I also have not been having sex (only with 2 people) and have been tested for STD's and visit the gynocologist every year and am always fine. I didn't receive anything from my insurance company about my blood tests which means those didn't show anything (would only send to me if something wrong). Any ideas about what's up with the urine sample requests???
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