#just my silly spontaneous ideas for a possible mod
vilochkaaa · 7 months
If you made a mod that made willow a npc in SDV i would download that shit asap omg
you just gave me a great idea, and motivation to learn a programming language--
teehee >:))
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therunawaykind · 1 year
Right everyone, Hello people! This is a long post so buckle up!
You all know or at least have heard the basic idea when it comes to this little project/initiative within the server which was kinda inspired by what missmonsters used to do on her discord server as well as just Jo…just a constant inspiration.  As of right now, this is a project initiative thing that is starting up/being held on my Discord Server and hopefully maybe sometime in the future it'll be posted/work somehow through Tumblr
This is a fun initiative for writers both experienced and inexperienced to take part in! We all know writing can be very fucking tedious at times…so why not add prompts into that mix? That always has the chance of being quite ridiculous and crazy! That’s all part of the fun, right?
As of right now the plan going forward is there will be prompt drops a few times a month there isn’t a set schedule for this initiative like it is all subject to change and adapt if people feel like they’re getting too many prompts or maybe even possibly not enough prompts! In addition to that the only time there should some sort of schedule is if someone or multiple people who is participating want to start a prompt challenge with one person or a group of people it is in those circumstances there is a deadline aka a schedule. 
Now I imagine the prompts on some occasions are probably gonna be wild, crazy, ridiculous and whatever else you can possibly think of. With that it is in my head that maybe once a month at least at some stage throughout this lil project there will be prompts…ideas?....inspirations? Given out…picked? For people taking part in this and what I mean by that is I do like the idea of fics being inspired by movies, books, TV Shows literally any medium you can think of. I do think it would just be a really fun and cool experience for people and seeing the progress of it all. 
One thing I do wanna make clear is there is no one set person running this thing, I didn’t wanna risk the chance of ruining the fun and spontaneity of this lil project by just assigning one person to be in charge. Unless there is like a big announcement or like as I mentioned before the assigning of prompts for fics such as a movie, TV shows, books etc, it is all between the group of people taking part which I’m hoping will be a nicer experience and rules won’t be needed. Though if it is needed I feel like you all know by now you can contact me or one of the mods and we’ll get whatever it is under control. 
I think that’s everything…..besides well okay the tumblr blog @runawayswrite that is going to be used for reblogging the fics that were created and written using the prompts discussed in that channel. The tags that will more than likely be used for that blog/submissions will probably be #RunawaysWrite and #RunawayPrompts. Now I’m also including #RunawayPrompts because I’m thinking depending on how the prompts go I will also post them to Tumblr for the vast amount of writers on this hellsite, just for an added thing for fun even if it was just random followers adding a silly lil thing to this whole initiative that I thought would be nice and fun especially if they didn’t have Discord or straight up didn’t wanna join. 
This post is just letting people and other writers know on the off chance that they do wanna join the discord and participate or just participate through Tumblr at some stage even if that is at a later date. If people do wanna join my discord do just send me a message!
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runawayswrite · 1 year
Right hello! As you've probably seen from my other blog @therunawaykind this is the blog for the RunawaysWrite & #RunawayPrompts initiative project thing.
This blog will mainly be used for reblogging & sharing the fics of all the writers that are taking part in this little project thing. As well as possibly at a later date sharing the prompts for followers and possible participants that just wanna take part via Tumblr. It's all just a bit of fun at the end of the day!
Under the cut will basically be the exact same post that you have seen on my other account @therunawaykind I just want to make sure that people know the purpose of this blog is and what this whole project is about. So with that I bid you adieu!
Right everyone, Hello people!
You all know or at least have heard the basic idea when it comes to this little project/initiative within the server which was kinda inspired by what missmonsters used do on her discord server as well as just Jo…just a constant inspiration. 
A fun initiative for writers both experienced and inexperienced to take part in! We all know writing can be very fucking tedious at times…so why not add prompts into that mix? That always has the chance of being quite ridiculous and crazy! That’s all part of the fun right?
As of right now the plan going forward is there will be prompt drops a few times a month there isn’t a set schedule for this initiative like it is all subject to change and adapt if people feel like they’re getting too many prompts or maybe even possibly not enough prompts! In addition to that the only time there should some sort of schedule is if someone or multiple people who is participating want to start a prompt challenge with one person or a group of people it is in those circumstances there is a deadline aka a schedule. 
Now I imagine the prompts on some occasions are probably gonna be wild, crazy, ridiculous and whatever else you can possibly think of. With that it is in my head that maybe once a month at least at some stage throughout this lil project there will be prompts…ideas?....inspirations? Given out…picked? For people taking part in this and what I mean by that is I do like the idea of fics being inspired by movies, books, TV Shows literally any medium you can think of. I do think it would just be a really fun and cool experience for people and seeing the progress of it all. 
One thing I do wanna make clear is there is no one set person running this thing, I didn’t wanna risk the chance of ruining the fun and spontaneity of this lil project by just assigning one person to be in charge. Unless there is like a big announcement or like as I mentioned before the assigning of prompts for fics such as a movie, TV shows, books etc, it is all between the group of people taking part which I’m hoping will be a nicer experience and rules won’t be needed. Though if it is needed I feel like you all know by now you can contact me or one of the mods and we’ll get whatever it is under control. 
I think that’s everything…..besides well okay the tumblr blog RunawaysWrite that is going to be used for reblogging the fics that were created and written using the prompts discussed in that channel. The tags that will more than likely be used for that blog/submissions will probably be #RunawaysWrite and #RunawayPrompts. Now I’m also including #RunawayPrompts because I’m thinking depending on how the prompts go I will also post them to Tumblr for the vast amount of writers on that hellsite, just for an added thing for fun even if it was just random followers adding a silly lil thing to this whole initiative that I thought would be nice and fun especially if they didn’t have Discord or straight up didn’t wanna join. 
But this post is just to let people and other writers know on the off chance that they do wanna join the discord and participate or just participate through tumblr maybe…though I may not start that aspect till a later date
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: F Boy (again)
Debut: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
It feels so strange to look back on my very first post for this blog! It’s so... dry! Where’s the passion? Back then I really had no idea what I was doing and was just kind of imitating Mod Chikako hoping nobody would notice... but thanks to all the love this blog has received, I think I can write with a lot more confidence now! Not to get all sappy on the first paragraph, but I really appreciate everyone who reads this blog with all of my heart. And that includes You!
But if I’d known I’d spend several years using the moniker “Mod F Boy”, I probably would’ve put more thought into the name I picked, huh? I’m not even sure I’m a boy anymore! I just thought the name was funny and that was that! But given how indecisive I can be, maybe it’s a good thing it was so spontaneous... Like it or not though, I am more attached to the concept of “F Boy” then I was three and a half years ago, so it’s only fair I give F Boy the post he deserves and write a whole lot more about him! 
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Believe it or not, F Boy is a fire enemy! A single flame with dot eyes, the classic design they’ve been using since Fire! I’ve expressed love for them in the past, but this little dude is a little different... it isn’t found in a lava or castle stage like you might expect, but the spoooky scaaary stages, AKA Pumpkin Zone! Why’s that?
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Enter the hitodama! Literally using the characters for “human soul”, these ghostly wisps of fire from Japanese folklore are probably something you’re familiar with even if you don’t know it! The Litwick Pokémon line, the flames on Jibanyan’s tail, the little flames around the boy from the toilet anime, or even the Embers from Paper Mario... that’s really just a couple of specific examples off the top of my head, but they are in basically anything associated with Japanese ghosts! 
Though... all this time I’ve always called them hitodama, but I should probably specify they aren’t the only kind of ghostly fireballs! Onibi (demon fire) are often described similarly, and I’m not totally sure what the difference is! I suppose they would be more demonic hence the name, and probably less of a good idea to get close to. Also, if they're made by fox demons, they’re kitsunebi (fox fire)! Isn’t that neat! But there are no foxes to be found here, so F Boy definitely isn’t that (Unless it stands for Fox Boy...?).
However, you might be more familiar with the concept of will-o’-the-wisps, a similiar kind of legend from Europe- in fact, a whole number of cultures around the world have stories of ghostly lights and flames! There’s two explanations for this, either that it is a misunderstanding caused by some chemical reaction (boring, lame) or that hitodama are real and really exist for real (fun, exciting)! I encourage everyone to go outside with a net and catch as many as they can. 
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Even though hitodama can be red or orange in some traditional accounts, they’re mostly described as blue and most modern media sticks with that! Which makes it quite weird that F Boy... isn’t! He is a rather fetching orange of course, and without the added context of spooky old Pumpkin Land you wouldn’t be mistaken for thinking he is a lava enemy that just got lost or something! 
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Now, moving on to a completely different topic, something else that is great about F Boy is his little cheeks. Have you seen them? Here is the picture one more time in case you forgot after all that. He doesn’t have one in the sprite, so isn’t it quite weird to give a fireball enemy such distinct little cheeks? I want to squeeze them, even if they are probably intangible. 
And finally, we come to the part we’ve all been waiting for- the name! You were thinking it, I was thinking it, it’s probably the only reason I chose to write about him in the first place! Because F Boy is a funny name for an enemy! I think it’s just quite silly to describe a fireball as a “boy” in the first place, as a term of endearment. It is just a boy! A little guy! He’s not hurting anyone! 
But then they add to that name- one letter. That one letter, F. It changes everything. All of a sudden, there’s a question floating in the air- what, pray tell, does the F in F Boy stand for? 
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If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you might remember we added an addendum to the original F Boy post, saying the mystery had finally been solved- the English version of the Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia lists his name as Fireball Boy, which is a pretty definitive answer right?
But since then, it’s been more or less exposed that this translation took a bunch of unsourced and conjectural names from the Mario Wiki, leading to something of a controversy and a Mario Wiki page that is essentially just roasting the whole thing! If even the Wiki doesn’t accept this book as an official source, I wonder if there’s any merit to the name Fireball Boy at all! Either way it’s odd how this is the ONLY name they changed... do they know something we don’t? I dunno! 
My next evidence to present to the court is something that isn’t really related to F Boy at all! Rather, in Super Paper Mario, the Lava Bubble enemy has a tattle that reads the following:
It's a Lava Bubble. This fiery magma boy loves the heat... Max HP is 1 and Attack is 4. Obviously, it's quite immune to fire... It pops out from below when people approach, so take care when jumping over lava...
Fiery magma boy! The chances of this bit of text being intended as a reference are very very slim, but what if, you see? What if? It’s still a fun coincidence, but what if though??
But of course, my favourite possibility is that it isn’t a word related to fire at all and is actually something completely different! I looked up a list of adjectives beginning with F and I’d like to highlight ones I want F Boy to have. Fabulous! Friendly! Faithful. Fantastic. Fascinating! French? Fresh! Fun, and Funky! Faultless. Fetching. Feminist! Festive. Formidable. All these and more describe the complex soul that is F Boy. 
After all is said and done, that is F Boy! Who would’ve thought that a little monochrome fireball enemy from a Game Boy game could have kicked off so many months of writing for this blog? I said in the first paragraph that I would not get too sappy, but now we are in the last one I can be as sappy as I dang well please! This blog has brought me such incredible joy and friendship that you can’t even imagine, and my only hope is that I can convey these feelings to even one person who reads these silly posts. If you are reading this? I hope you have a wonderful day! I hope you have a wonderful life! I hope you never forget to be passionate about the things that really don’t matter at all, because no one else can decide for you what is worth caring about! Mwah! A kiss goodbye. I’m not sure how to end this post. 
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V3 Boys celebrating hannukah with their s/o?
Hey Anon! I really enjoyed doing this request. A little bit of trivia about M. Junko: I recently learned I was half Jewish, so I’ve really been trying to study Jewish culture and connect with my roots, so writing headcanons about Hanukkah really made my night! Speaking of which, happy second night of Hanukkah!
❤ Mod Junko ❤
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NDRV3 Boys celebrating Hanukkah with S/O!
Shuichi Saihara
Truthfully, he doesn’t know too much about Hanukkah. Or winter holidays in general. His aunt and uncle were always too busy to really put on any festivities. But now that he’s able to have a celebration with you, he’s really excited.
He researches everything. From traditional foods, to how to light the Menorah, to WHERE you place the Menorah, to games. He wants this celebration to be perfect.
He’ll help you out with the food and decorating, and whatever else you ask him to do. He’s just happy to be included.
Also will without a doubt get you a gift on all eight nights. Nothing too big since he isn’t made of money, but he isn’t the type to just throw a pair of socks at you and call it good.
All and all Shuichi enjoys himself immensely, and after that week, he declares Hanukkah his new favorite holiday.
Kokichi Ouma
You can bet your ass this will be one hell of a celebration. Somehow, Kokichi did have some Hanukkah knowledge prior to getting together with you, and he’s gonna use it to give you the best week of your life.
He invites all of DICE over on the fifth night to have a huge party. There’s tons of food, tons of gifts, a few people are in the corner screaming at each other for cheating at Dreidel - which is incredible, considering there’s no logical way to cheat at that game - and throwing chocolate coins at each other. And the curtains caught on fire briefly.
Things don’t get too out of hand, though. Kokichi still wants this to be a special night for you, and everything quiets down once it’s time to light the candles. Speaking of which, he is absolutely enamored with you when you say the blessing. He’s in awe at how perfect your Hebrew is.
Doesn’t skimp on presents in the slightest. Happy Hanukkah darling! Here’s a Nintendo Switch!
Kaito Momota
He doesn’t know jack shit about Hanukkah, but that won’t stop him. Truthfully, he can get a little over zealous when it comes to preparing something special for his S/O. He always ends up trying too hard and it becomes a mess, but you can still feel the heart behind it.
First, he got the wrong candle size, so you had to stick tinfoil in the candle holders to make him fit. Then he thought latkes were just flattened hashbrowns (which is fair, but still incorrect), and lastly he didn’t even know what a dreidel was and forgot what Google was, apparently.
But God, he was so excited to be celebrating such a sacred holiday with his favorite person in the world. You didn’t have the heart to tell him he messed up, so you decided to have a talk with him the following year to prepare in advance.
His presents are space related of course, I mean what else would you expect.
Rantaro Amami
Has the second most knowledge of Hanukkah out of everyone, second only to Shinguji. He’s been to Israel a few times, and other places with a higher population of Jewish people, He even participated in a celebration a couple of times.
His idea of a successful Hanukkah celebration is a lot more calm than most of the boys’. Maybe a small gathering on the fifth night, but for the most part, he wants this to be your thing.
Taro does the cooking. The way he makes the jelly-filled donuts is indescribable. He really should consider opening up a restaurant.
If his sisters are around, he’ll invite them over. His family is loaded, so expect the presents to be plentiful. But they all have a sense of humbleness to them. With every gift Rantaro gives you, you can always feel the love and thoughtfulness behind them.
Oh boy, he obsesses the most about it. He’s a robot, so he has access to all sorts of information, including the Festival of Lights.
He can’t eat, but for some reason the food is the thing he’s most concerned about. It’s like if you dislike the taste or texture of anything he’ll take it as a sign from God that he’s failed. He’s just... unique like that.
Kiibo doesn’t know everything, though. He’ll confidently state false information about Hanukkah to your relatives while they try to hide their snickers. It’s actually kind of hilarious.
He probably won’t get you a gift every night, and when he does they’re... weird, but come on, it’s Kiibo, your boyfriend, who loves you unconditionally, you gotta love it.
Gonta Gokuhara
The sweet boy, he’s just so excited to be spending time with you. He’ll want to know everything about the holiday, and I mean everything. Gonta will ask you why you celebrate Hanukkah, what you eat, what you wear. He’s just so fascinated.
He’s not the best cook in the world, but he’s not the worst either. He’ll want you to teach him how to make the traditional meals, if not anything else, then just because he wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
He gets along great with your family when they come over. Granted there’s more somewhat silly questions directed towards them, but it’s blatantly obvious how much he’s enjoying himself.
Like Kokichi, his favorite part is when you light the candles. The pretty candles, the way you recite the blessing so effortlessly, it’s all wonderful to him.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Unsurprisingly, his Hanukkah knowledge is nowhere near limited. If you so desire, he’ll leave most of the preparation to you since, well, it’s YOUR family’s tradition, not his. But if you request his help, Kiyo will do a fantastic job at setting everything up.
He knows exactly what food to make, exactly what blessings need to be recited - hell he probably even has a couple memorized - what kind of Menorah is needed, and basically everything you can think of.
Notably, he acts... a little less strange during the big celebration. Sure, he’s still his usual eccentric self, but you noticed that none of your family members seem to be afraid of him or anything. You could even say he’s being charismatic.
Maybe it’s because he’s trying extra hard to please you, maybe it’s because he’s genuinely enjoying himself. Who knows?
Ryoma Hoshi
This is one of the few times you’ll actually see him invested in something. He sees this is important to you, and the cultural aspects of the holiday are interesting to him, so Ryoma gets off his sorry ass for ten minutes and makes an effort to help you with your week.
Most of his time is spent running errands for you to grab ingredients or decorations, or a new dreidel since your cousin lost it last year. He’s fine with it though, despite having to stop for gas 3 times since you had him running through the entire town, he knows the ending result will be worth it.
On the last night, he even had a genuine smile on his face. He said he felt warm, something he never used to feel.
Ryoma also isn’t the most spontaneous when it comes to money, so his gifts will be fairly small, but he still wanted to get you something you’d like.
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