#just dance panda
karis17love · 4 months
Maybe one day 🤞🏻❤
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justdancekid · 1 year
Checking Up! A look into how the other people in the Danceverse is doing: Pan-Pan, Rudolph, and Brock - A JD Fanfiction
Series: Just Dance 2023 Edition
Characters: Pan-Pan, Rudolph, and Brock (Wouldn't It Be Nice)
Rating: K
Type: Humor, Adventure, Friendship
Description: Pan-Pan found a river to adventure, so he grabs his friends to go on this adventure
The sun was shining on the hut. Pan-Pan woke up and looked at the sky. "Wow! The sky looks so blue!" He exclaimed as he got out of bed. He saw the mail pigeon coming through and caught the mail. He flipped through the mail he got until he saw something that caught his eye.
The River That Grants Wishes
The Wishful Waters
These words lit Pan-Pan's fuse for adventure. He got on his board and flew to where his two best friends are, their special tree. Pan-Pan landed down towards his friends.
"Hey, guys!" Pan-Pan greeted them.
"I recognize that look on your face" Rudolph started to speak "You've found a new place to explore."
"Yep!" Pan-Pan responded "It's called The Wishful Waters, it's a river that grants any wishes! I wanted to grab you guys to see if you wanna go with me?" He asked
"Uh, guys." Brock started to speak "I think that I have to use the outhouse, I'll catch up with you guys-" He said as he started to run away but Rudolph picked him up and kept him from the ground
"Nope! You used the outhouse 5 minutes ago. Of course we'll go with you." Rudolph said
"Fine. I'll go too" Brock said
"Alright!" Pan-Pan said as he, Rudolph, and Brock fist bumped "Traveling Buddies to the end!"
3 minutes later
Here we see the trail to The Wishful Waters, which is a long lake and then take a right and continue down. And on the water trail, is a log, and on the log.
Are the Traveling Buddies
"Oh, man. I can't wait to grant my wish!" Pan-Pan said
"I could wish for a lot of logs!" Rudolph said
"And, I could wish for a portable outhouse" Brock said "What about you Pan? What would you wish for?" He asked
"Heh, I won't tell, yet" Pan-Pan said they saw a lot of bumpy rocks
"Oh, dear. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" Rudolph said as he was correct, it was bumpy ride, as Brock fell off
"HELP ME!!" Brock yelled out
"GRAB MY HAND, BROCK!!!" Pan-Pan yelled out to him as Brock tried to swim over, but was unsuccessful. Rudolph saw a long branch, broke it off and gave it to Pan-Pan. Pan-Pan then pulled it towards Brock, he then grabbed it and pulled it towards the log. He got on the log and hugged them both
"Thank you guys." He thanked
"It's okay, we're your friends, we won't let anything hurt us!" Pan-Pan replied "At least the hard part's ove-" Rudolph said before they saw the large drop on the river
"Oh, no...." Pan-Pan said worried
"WE'RE GOING OVER THE FALLS!!!!" Brock yelled out as they fell down the river.
"Is.....Is everyone okay?" Pan-Pan asked
"Yeah." Rudolph and Brock replied
They saw the water glowing and realized that it's The Wishful Waters.
"I'll make the wish" Pan-Pan said as he clasp his hands together and made his wish. The water started granting Pan-Pan's wish. After it grant his wish they saw that nothing changed about them
"Waitaminute! What was your wish?" Brock asked
Pan-Pan smiled as he looked at them
"That we'll be Traveling Buddies forever." He said
Rudolph and Brock but chuckled at eachother and started to laugh
"Ah, never change, Pan-Pan. Never change." Rudolph said
"Come on guys, let's go home." Pan-Pan said as he, Rudolph, and Brock got up from the water and started walking back to the woods. Now being closer than ever.
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iggypancakes17 · 7 days
Reasons I’m A Furry
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the-triggered-lizard · 6 months
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They just straight up chilling, as they deserve😌
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acemodri · 5 months
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Just dance doodles 2 the main character edition
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total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
AU where, during the pinball challenge, Team Chris + Harold sneak off to the nearest arcade in Tokyo and play DDR together.
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halfratsalready · 1 month
Jack: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Wanderlust: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Jack: You mean the ring bearER, right?
Jack: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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redclaok · 8 months
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delphinus-dancer · 6 months
Why Mihaly’s [spoiler] form is different, and what it could mean
Sorry for the clickbait-esque title, but I’m not sure on the state of the Jd 2024 storymode spoilers with the fandom, so spoilers for the storymode ahead (including images)!
It’s also a bit long because I’m back on my bs of overanalyzing Mihaly
I’ve already made a post about Mihaly in the 2024 story mode with elements of their journey and uniqueness of their interactions with Night Swan- which grants them a lot of depth, in terms of their dances and character. With Night Swan’s corruption at the end of 2024 altering the costumes of Wanderlust, Brezziana, and Sara as well, the refs posted via the YouTube short allow for several details to become clear. (Shoutout to the costume department- they’re gorgeous!!) As pointed out in another post by @phoenixriaartemis , Mihaly’s headphones become the belt in their Dark form, and without the earbuds, Mihaly would be unable to connect with their headspace. I initially thought this was the case as well, since Mihaly’s maps both begin by placing them in their ears to enter their space of contemplation, practice, and growth. (More on that in a moment.)
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As I noticed when I did the other post, Mihaly is the only one of the corrupted dancers to maintain elements of their original outfit. I initially thought it was only the leggings and wraps, but after comparing the concept art, those parts have changed too- the pants are shorter with rips cutting up, and the wraps come up further. While part of it could be chalked up to a different dancer portraying Mihaly in their dark form and requiring an alternative costume even for similar pieces, I think those elements are more deliberate. Looking at the headphones, pants, and wraps, they can be viewed as something Mihaly retains, but is twisted by a vision of perfection- just to a lesser extent than the others, who don’t retain any aspects like that.
It wasn’t until a Rather Be rewatch that I noticed something that I completely overlooked: the details of Master Panda’s design.
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Although Mihaly’s design mimics his closely, there are some notable elements where they are different. There are two small ones of note: the piercings on his left ear, and the headphones. When Mihaly assumes the panda form in Never Be Like You, they gain almost all elements of his costume, barring some colors. Their hair color is retained in his hairstyle, and while their pants lighten to dark blue, they become looser to match his. However, there are two elements unique to the panda that they do not gain: the headphone belt and the two piercings. (Sorry for the image quality below.)
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Instead, in its place are two over the ear headphones, which seemingly combine those elements into one- the headphone component and the piercings/ear adornments. As a result, the headphone belt and piercings are absent, even in the form where Mihaly seemingly achieves mastery of a milestone in their training. While this could be chalked up to Mihaly’s individual understanding of the Flow, its commonality seems more significant.
Let’s consider the Panda’s costume to represent mastery of the Flow. Since the headphones are used as a belt rather than their practical purpose, this indicates that instead of needing the headphones and the music they provide to connect with the Flow and be transported to that higher plane, it can be done by mastering the Flow within oneself. After all, the Master Panda appears in both maps independent of Mihaly’s music, and appears/disappears on his own time. Even when Mihaly gains the Panda form, they still keep the over ear headphones, binding them to the music, even in their supposed ascension.
Going off of that, let’s look Mihaly’s Dark Form again. (Sorry for the same photo again!)
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It’s easier to see in the art than the photo, but since the headphones have become a belt, Mihaly has also gained the earrings in their left ear. Between this and the dark feather elements being the least prominent out of all the corrupted dancers, including Jack in Treasure, Night Swan’s vision of perfection is not very present.
Instead, Mihaly’s Dark form is ‘tainted’ by Night Swan’s influence with the creeping feathers on their robe and the alternations to their leggings and wraps, but the overall costume is Mihaly’s own idea of perfect: a master of the Flow. With the headphones as the belt, this represents their goal of connection beyond the confines of music, and piercings of the Panda could possibly symbolize mastery of the spiritual and physical realms they inhabit in their maps.
By gaining both of these elements that they have yet to achieve and lacking as much of Night Swan’s influence, it seems to imply that Mihaly has retained a degree of control over their identity that the others lack. In the other post, I speculated this could be because of how they were initially corrupted. Rather than passively falling to the smoke Sara brings in, the smoke comes from offscreen (presumably from Night Swan herself), and they send out the message to Jack while actively losing their color. They also have a degree of control and agency throughout their part of Swan Lake that Wanderlust and Brezziana lack, since Sara does not actively defeat Mihaly or control any smoke during their part. Night Swan also may not have subdued them as much, with the short interval between losing their color and the Dark forms appearing, causing the perfection imposed on Mihaly to have more elements of their own than Night Swan intended.
Going off of that, as I said in the last post, Mihaly could be the easiest coach to return to normal, as they have presumably retained the most of their former self. While they could be reached through the usual method of dance fights/battles, they may also be brought back by the true, pure Flow they aspire to practice. If they are returned to normal before the other coaches, maybe they could achieve the true mastery they’ve sought after by freeing them.
Whatever the story mode holds for Mihaly and the other coaches, I have a feeling the true mastery of the Flow they’ve sought after is somewhere in cards for their future appearances, both literal and physical.
If you’ve read this far, then thank you for listening to my rambling! Hope you have a great day/night and feel free to fire back with any ideas or questions!
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jdshipoftheday · 1 month
How about Brock, Panda and Rudolph from the claymation songs? I love them so much!
JD Ship of the Day: Brock x Panda x Rudolph
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Requested by @fiction-is-queer
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Just Dance Ship Bracket - Round 1 Side 1
Maybel x Panda VS. Brezziana x Mihaly
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I call this one 'girl x panda'
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surr3al1sm · 2 months
Just Dance coaches's favourite Efteling Attractions, pt. 2
I thought of these while at work today (at the Efteling). So I decided to turn this into a little series lol.
"No one cares about this hyper specific thing." Didn't ask :)
Like last time everythings below the cut to save your doomscrolling
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The attraction I chose for Cygnus is called Baron 1898. It's a dive coaster and probably the most popular attraction in the park. I choose this one 100% based on vibes. Cygnus is very much a steampunk enjoyer and this coaster is theme is quite frankly a mix of steampunk and mining. So it felt really fitting. He also knows the preshow off the top of his head and quietly talks along with it.
The traveler
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The attraction I chose for the Traveler is called Carnival Festival. Its a dark ride that takes you through some countries in the world. Kind of like Its A Small World in disney but like Efteling and better. I think he liked the traveling aspect of it. The song is constantly stuck in his heas though and he finds that a little annoying
Si'ha Nova
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The attraction I chose for Si'ha Nova is called Piraña. It's a rapid river ride that doesn't completely drench you but you do get wet to the point its a little annoying. I really don't have any good reasoning on why I chose this for her besides that she likes to splash Wanderlust and her husband in it. Also the song is hella catchy and she just vibes to it in line.
Vester De Ville
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The attraction(s) I chose for Vester are Spookslot (It translates to ghost castle basically) and Danse Macabre. Spookslot was a show set to the song Danse Macabre. Danse Macabre is going to be a dark ride that shows you different scenes that fit to the music. I chose the spooky gothic attractions for the vampire. Wow what a surpise. Anyways, Vester cried when the Efteling announced that they were going to get rid of Spookslot, but he also absolutely loves what we already have regarding Danse Macabre.
(Master) Panda
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I did Wanderlust's parents and Night Swan so I figured it was only fair if I did Master Panda aswell lol. I chose Fabula for him. It's a short 3d movie that shows the importance of different animals through fun little adventures. I feel like he always took Mihaly to see Pandadroom (Pandadream, the predecessor) when they were younger and he just loved it ever since. If you've come this far: thank you for reading this post and listening to me ramble about this for as second time. There will probably be a third time.
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phoenixriaartemis · 2 months
Just saying that the day when I finally have more Time to do them
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That day I will Throw myself off the window💀
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karis17love · 8 months
Imagine being Mihaly.
They met both of their idols, I'm jealous... Like it's Master Panda AND Night Swan, come on! I want to meet them too!
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anja-the-sane-panda · 2 months
what things do you want to know about certain coaches? like lore-wise and random stuff like that is what I meant
I need to know more about Wanderlust and his relationship with the deities on Floworld
How Scarlet met her drag children
How Mihaly met Wander and Master Panda
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averokage · 1 year
lemme just go on a tangent abt  the call me maybe just dancer lore
so the call me maybe just dance takes place in a PHONE, this is very established
theres also another version where its kinda the same setting but the coach just has a jacket, that really isnt important
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(also side note, that person on the magazine is the one from Mas Que Nada)
BUT, the coach from call me maybe, who is named Maybel (i know its horrible but i didnt make the name blame ubisoft) is shown in other just dance routines
where she isnt in a phone
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i need answers
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