#jttw sun wukong fanart
novelcain 1 year
When you did your version of wukong did you have a specific species of monkey in mind to base him of? Or was him a mix of some monkeys?
It got me curious when you said you know a lot of monkey facts and I wondered if you used this to concept him?
EEEEEEEEE! You have no idea how excited I got when I woke up and saw this ask! I literally don't even care that it's the newest one I'm answering rn!
And also! Before I get into how I made the design for ITTW Sun Wukong, something I wanted to throw out is that a few people have asked for me to give more monkey facts after I foolishly /j divulged that I am an encyclopedia of monkeys, so I've been thinking of doing like a Monkey Facts Monday cause alliteration where I post a bunch of monkey facts on mondays! So lemme know what you guys think of that idea cause I absolutely am willing to do it! :D
In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is described to be that of demon Rhesus Macaque.
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Rhesus Macaques can come in a variety of browns, greys, whites, and blondes, but for the most part are largely this stunning platinum gold color like in the picture above. I personally love this this color and wish we could see more golden furred Monkey Kings instead of just monkey=brown.
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In addition to golden furs, a Rhesus Macaque's skin is largely a pinkish-peachy color with darker, nearly black, fingers and feet (You can see this in the first picture as well :)). And males tend to have more redish saturation around their eyes. (The saturation of this "mask" on males has been linked to levels of testosterone and therefore the dark/more red the mask the more potent the male, meaning it may be a sexual selective male trait as females have been observed preferring males with redder masks.... *looks at LMK Macaque simps*)
However, one thing about Rhesus Macaques is that they have very short tails. (As depicted below)
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And that just wasn't quite the look a was going for. So while I was thinking "Eeeeh I could just say that he's a Rhesus Macaque with a long tail" but as I was sifting through my monkey knowledge I remembered another macaque species!
The Crab-Eating Macaque! Aka the Long Tailed Macaque!
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These macaques very closely resemble Rhesus Macaques in facial features as well as fur as they also come in a variety of gingers, browns, greys, and blondes with their main color variation being this brownish-gold. (below) Tho their pelts tend to range darker than a Rhesus Macaque's.
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And instead of having mainly peachy skin with a few black tones around the hand and feet, they largely have very dark skin with the brightest parts being around the eyes and the darkest being their pitch black ears, hands, and feet.
And come on, you can't tell me this isn't a Monkey King face:
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Plus I might be just a liiiittle biased because my favorite monkey picture is a Long Tailed Macaque:
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Just look at this dude! He's so done with life! 馃槀
But along with just physical characteristics, Rhesus Macaques and Long Tailed Macaques share many behavioral qualities as well.
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They both display threats in similar ways, such as baring teeth paired with screaming to frighten predators and other monkeys. Though, Rhesus Macaques tend to be more aggressive and bold (accurate to Wukong) while Crab-Eating Macaques are very cautious and skittish. A Rhesus would much rather fight while a Long Tailed would much rather run.
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Another thing they share is their open affection for each other. Both Rhesus and Crab-Eating Macaques have extremely tight knit bond within their troop and with even form best friends from a very young age. Just look at this family unit and how the younger two hold the elder monkey! So sweet. 馃ス
All in all! In the end, I went with a mixture of these two species for my ITTW Wukong design, leaning slightly more toward his original species, the Rhesus Macaque, and gave him the proportions of a human since he's a monkey demon.
The traits that I took from the Rhesus Macaques were his blonde fur and peachy pale skin tone as well as his more saturated peach mask, which I blended with a darker blackish-red at the bottoms to pay homage to the Crab-Eating Macaque's darker faces.
The traits that I took from the Crab-Eating Macaques were their long tails and black tipped ears. (as well as the blended mask)
And the traits I took from both were the black tipped hands and feet as well as their long fangs.
While his eye come straight from the book.
And this was the result!
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eroticain 1 year
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Here's a stand alone of the sketch I made for this post
I do plan on rendering it eventually, but I have a few other things to do first *cough* wucock *cough* Ahem! Sorry about that! I think something got caught in my throat for a second there. 馃槒
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planetbiomes 1 year
So ive been playing a lot of the Wukong 2021 game in anticipation of Black Myth- and it鈥檚 so much fun omfg
I was such a big Spyro and Crash Bandicoot kid and this brought me back to those days 馃弮
The outfit swk wears is probably now one of my all time favorite looks of his so I drew it and I鈥檓 in love it鈥檚 so cool looking-
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Anyways, haven鈥檛 posted much drawings on here lately so take this, and some art of LMK S4 soon because I鈥檓 obsessed with it rn lol
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digitalagepulao 11 months
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monkey love language
i absolutely adore just how aggressively physical monkeys can be with affection. they just fully press their heads into each other, lots of tugging and pulling, almost throwing themselves at each other when they want attention. i bet it takes Wukong some adjustment so he doesn't use his full force when he gets grabbed by the need to just squeeze someone lmao, but just as much as the others need time to get used to a monkey perched on them every now and then. plus grooming is often a bargaining chip and a way to build relationships and a show of affection and trust. so, a bit of monkey love for each of the group! :D
aaaand Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing face reveal!! working on a fullbody lineup to show off their heights as well, so consider this a teaser ;3
Bajie is half wild boar, half babirusa. I love the four-tusk situation babirusa have going on, but his bristled mane is too iconic to handwave away. plus, pigs that go feral grow tusks and thicker fur, so i wanted to capture some of that with the half-and-half design.
as for Wujing, he's a complicated one to explain, but for his face i really wanted his beard to stand out as well as the six skulls necklace. i'm going for a "intermittent waters" concept with him, since he's originally connected to a desert before being made into a river demon, so i'm drawing on mudskippers for his ear fins and face spots.
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py-dreamer 2 months
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Y'know when you have to stop your husband sworn brother from vapourising your other sworn brother smack talking the both of you from across the table?
Have I mentioned that I don't really like Peng?
yea, quick wip I finished in my stacks of other wips, not much else to say
I do still appreciate @emerialyncodevenice's Peng cause that's honestly one of the only times I've liked their character: as a tired dad
But man do I wanna tie him to a skewer and grill him like a rotissarie
And fun update ig: I just went to a lego convention yesterday!
I saw lego friends, city, ninjago, lego movie
But no monkie kid.
And under normal circumstances I would've gone and went feral there but sadly my pikachu was leaking strawberry jam and it thunderbolted my tummy so I spent most of the convention clutching my stomach in agony
I got some corn though!
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maxmemer 11 days
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He didn't get cooked long enough back he goes.
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runningwithscizzorz 9 months
The Merciful, compassionate, punctual Guanyin of the Southern Sea
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I really like Wukong and Guanyin being weird buddies through the book, best writing choice
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paxopalotls 8 months
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I've been watching a lot of jttw adaptations recently and I really like the Lego one so far
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pinktrapped 2 months
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脷ltimamente he estado escuchando El Cuarteto de Nos y hay algunas canciones que me recuerdan a Wukong jjfkwjfka
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luvbutstray 10 months
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I can imagine the pain.
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novelcain 1 year
Put a cowboy hat on that monkey
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I hate how as a Southerner I just sorta know what a cowboy hat looks like
I think he鈥檇 love a cowboy hat ngl
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jaazzlaidawn1 2 months
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A quick drawing of them before going to bed!
Not a ship!
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lele-liam 10 months
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More arts I posted on twitter!!
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digitalagepulao 11 months
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The Missing Bai Longma Incident
seems like someone forgot to warn their hosts that Tripitaka's horse is also one of his disciples and can't quite have classes in the stables (it was Wukong). luckily that's a quick fix, unlike a kidnapping of some sort.
aaaand Tripitaka and Ao Lie reveal uwu
i like to picture dragons having just So Much Hair in human form because it's their mane all condensed on the top of their head. it feels fitting that Lie would also wear some sort of curlicle headband himself, and the fancy topknot is still there since he IS a prince. the long nails/talons is also a nobility signifier, so it works out.
as for Tripitaka, he gets earrings to weigh down his earlobes and well, he's the son of a nobleman. i gave him a different backstory (but only slightly) so instead of missing a pinkie toe, he has a scar on his head. I'll go into deets later on when i have a proper ref for his outfits since he got a couple in this au uwu
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h1hikari 10 months
Someday I'll draw someone other than the Monkey King, really I took screenshots of interesting moments when I was reading JTTW, and when I recently viewed them, I couldn't get past an excerpt that seemed to me an interesting idea for art
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But you are doomed to a few more arts with this mystic monkey, because I have problems with memory, and I forgot to upload here (and to my other platforms) a bunch of Wukongs that I drew for animation. People probably don't even remember that I draw it anymore, and I'm ashamed that I can forget even about important things haha馃槵
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dez-ku 10 months
Tiny :^]]
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