#joya is a white witch
nightmareworks · 10 months
hi i made more lancer smallfic
This one is about Lana Paradiso, Eternal Champion, and Everybody's Idol. An olympian gladitrix, astride the angelic weapon Joya. Together they rule the arenas.
She stood atop a black mirror, and the crowd roared when the lights hit her. From beneath, the mirror writhes and flows around her. She stands on the back of something humanoid, the black mass writhing over it like a sheet. And then she is rising, standing still and eying the crowd. She loved to see them. They loved to see her. The announcer was going over her accomplishments. She couldn't hear him. All she heard was the roar. She raised a hand and it peaked. She waved, and she smiled. She saw their faces. Each eye she could meet, she did, and her wave and her smile did not change.
She, like always, wanted to be perfect for them.
The ink flows up her legs, and blossoms in razors. She is uncut, but the crowd hushes as the black ferrofluid flows and writhes and grows into the shape of lotus blossoms. Foot by foot, Joya is revealed. And at the same time, the lotus blossoms beneath Lana. She moves, snapping her feet together and blowing a kiss to the crowd. A massive motion, both hands, both arms, swept out to embrace them- embrace them all. Her crowd, their champion.
And then she is gone, swallowed by the dark ferrofluid, engulfed and carried deep into the ceramic bone and synthmuscle frame of Joya.
And then Joya rights itself, rolling its shoulders as the mass of ferrofluid shapes to cover its right arm. The famed dueling cloak of the champion's weapon, a shifting and roiling mass that covers the great machine as it begins to stride forward to the center of the arena. It holds out its left hand, palm flat and to the air. And then there is a spear, hovering perfectly millimeters above the palm. And the crowd roars again as Joya lowers its hand, and the spear disintegrates to nothingness. It throws its arms up wide as it walks, sweeping to take in the crowd for its master. The cloak billows as it does, and beneath the stadium lights, the serene face of the Buddha smiles from Joya's chest.
The vocal link hisses for a moment and the crowd dies down- "Good evening, my darlings" Lana begins, body bobbing in the fluid cockpit. The camera, floating in the oxygenated liquid, catches her good side as she winks. "I am to understand someone has come to challenge me this night! I applaud their bravery, and surely you must as well?" The crowd booms back in response, the demes taking shape once more as they remember there are idols not named Lana Paradiso. She clasps her hands and tilts her head, eyes narrowing to glare down the lens, into the soul of every trideo-viewer paying for the experience of her live feed.. "I have heard some very unkind things from the demes of my opponent. I am grateful, ever and always, that we Idols have our demes."
The smile returns, and Joya's cloak settles again around its body.
"But I won't let any of you forget who is champion. Not tonight."
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manon-de · 1 year
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15 notes · View notes
bloodys44 · 3 years
Silence and Cigarette Smoke
Original story and bonus content found here! ↓↓↓↓
(Also I’m so sorry the last chapter posted all jumbled together like that. And also that I’m to garbage to fix it)  The issue with chapter 7 not being viewable though ff.net also seems to be resolved so feel free to read some more if you enjoy. :)
Chapter 4: The Post Birthday Bloodbath
The dull thundering of a train traveling over laid track had always sounded soothing to Lucy. Whether it was a version of simple white noise or one of few comforting memories from her days of running, she could never tell. Something about the rhythmic sway of the train car, mixing with the light hum of the metal hovering. She would argue that she never slept better, besides maybe sleeping near Natsu during the cold winter months. A perk she had come to favor about him over the years. And yet, the rattling of their train compartment lacked its usual lulling charm, her mind wired yet not focused on anything in particular. The dark of the sky had crept up slowly, tearing apart the wicked blue that it had previously embodied. Stella wasn't overly far away, a neighbouring continent overthrown by the Fiore army. Majority of the land was underdeveloped, a cluttered mess of forest and mountains. A singular city near the center was all that resided on the vast land, thus keeping the name of the continent itself. Their train wasn't due to reach the platform until the early hours of the morning, and Lucy couldn't help but let an annoyed sigh escape at the thought. There were at least four more hours of traveling remaining, and time seemed to be passing at half it's regular speed. Not to mention the fact that her companions were sleeping soundly, letting the night slip away without a worry.
They had lucked out with a train equipped well for travel, small, but personal compartments lining down each side of the train's cars. The compartment's themselves were nothing extravagant, simple cloth-covered benches mirroring one another. The sliding door creaking obnoxiously when it was opened. If anything, it's most astounding feature was the lingering smell of old shoes and musty wood.
Lucy glanced over to her pink-haired partner, smirking with slight pity for the boy. Natsu had never served well with travel, a rather astonishing relationship with motion sickness. Even in his sleeping state, she could tell he was miserable, clutching the edges of his stomach with purpose. Porlyusica, the guilds head medical attendant had explained it stemmed from his dragon-slaying abilities. Supposedly his senses were so over heightened, the motion of vehicles rattled his own sense of balance. Still, it didn't make it any less enjoyable to tease said boy about it. Currently, he was seated with his shoulder blades pressed heavily into the cushioned backrest, leaning his head against the chilled window pane. A frame of light fog splaying from where his skin connected, the contrast in temperatures causing the reaction. Natsu was always warm, his average body temperature running much higher than that of a regular human. Though when he slept, it usually spiked much higher, his concentration lacking, barely keeping his own skin under control. He had never voiced it to Lucy, but she knew it was a draining task for him, his wild emotions always causing it to fluctuate. When he got overly flustered or rageful he became damn near scalding. Lucy never really minded it, especially in situations like this, his natural body heat making for a cozy effect. She was curled up on the opposite side of the bench, her back resting against the wall connected to the sliding door. With a muffled groan she moved to remove her freezing toes from the constraints of her boots, deciding to take advantage of the living heater across her. Tucking her feet under his left thigh carefully, she relished in the heat before his sudden jolt startled her. Almost instantly the warmth retracted, simmering under his pores. A slight pout overtaking her lips while she stared at his wide, yet sleep-filled eyes. Of course, he would wake up from the sudden change in atmosphere, the boy always on edge while away from the guild.
"Sorry," He mumbled sheepishly, "Did I get too hot again? I didn't mea-"
"No, it's alright, I was just warming my toes." She cooed, interrupting his typical nervous ramblings. "Sorry I woke you."
"S'all right, wasn't sleeping that good anyway." He shifted in his seat, stretching his strong arms wide with a rough yawn before facing her again. His eyes trailed over the compartment quickly, stopping briefly on all the exit points. The door, the window, and the emergency exit placed snuggly between the roofs panels. His shoulders taking on their practiced tense state as he strained his hearing. Lucy could barely hold back the amused smirk that danced over her face when she saw his nose twitch. Her lips only pulling back wider as he continued his practiced motions, checking the surrounding area for any danger. The nose on that boy could beat that of trained hound any day.
"What, afraid the black wizard might get ya?" She teased, wiggling her fingers at him for emphasis.
Natsu only sighed embarrassingly, scratching at the side oh his throat. Subconsciously acting on his traditional nervous habit."Sorry, Stella always-"
"-Makes you nervous," She finished easily. "I know." She slid her feet deeper under his leg, adjusting until she felt comfortable again. His on edge behavior wasn't unusual when they traveled through Stella, always becoming an anxious mess that intensified greatly the closer they got. He never delved into details about it, always stomping her curiosity with a simple defense. Just a bad feeling. She could practically feel her eyes rolling, hearing his voice clearly pronounce the words in her head.
"Honestly, it makes me nervous too," Lisanna added on a whisper, sluggishly pushing herself up from her resting position. Delicate fingers brushing the sleep from her electric eyes. "After all, its where Zeref was born."
Zeref. The great black wizard. A mage trailed only by the stench of death, or so the legends say. Though he hadn't been sighted in years, his very name still struck fear into the hearts of mages and non-magic users alike. A young boy with the tongue of the devil. His very words a magic vice on your mind. He controlled what he wanted, and that was that. "They say he's immortal." The white-haired woman started again. "A blade couldn't pierce his heart."
Now Lucy's eyes really did roll in their sockets. "Please, your only going to rile him up more." She gestured over to Natsu who served her a practiced annoyed frown. "He'll be on edge until we hit Magnolia again."
Lissana giggled slightly, turning her attention to him. "Don't worry, nobody's seen him in years, it's nothing to stress over."
"Doesn't mean he's gone." He bounced back. "Regardless, there's enough to worry about in Stella with or without him." Lissana's brow arched, curiosity plain as she questioned the statement. "Stella's crawling with royal knights, it's the second base from the border of Bosco."
"I thought there was a ceasefire?" She pressed, to which Natsu scoffed.
"They won't stop until they find Mavis's grave."
"What do they want with the holy goddess?"
"Mavis was the first grand witch," Lucy interjected. "It's rumored her grave carry's the secret to eradicating all enchantments."
Lissana hummed in understanding. "So basically mages should be avoiding this area?" She laughed weekly, crossing her arms with lazy movements. "What a perfect place for us."
"If we keep our hoods up we should be fine," Lucy stated pointedly. "Stella's train station is the major rest point between Seven, Bosco, Iceberg and Joya, there's lots of travelers with new faces. Makes it pretty easy to blend in. Besides, nothing remotely bad has ever happened to us while traveling there. It'll be good to keep our wits about us, but Natsu's major anxiety is a little overkill."
"I just have-"
"A bad feeling?" She finished for him again, rather cheekily. "I know." She nudged him with the top of her foot at his exaggerated eye-roll. "I have no doubts we'll make it back just fine. Lissana peeled her legs from the front of the bench, pulling them upwards to rest her chin on her knee.
"Aren't you from Stella, Natsu?" The man grunted slightly, stiffening and sending the woman a warning look before granting a structured nod.
"Did you ever see him as a child? The black wizard I mean. I think he would have been a few years older, but still a child back then."
"No." His response blunt and harsh, pushed over his teeth. Lucy quirked a brow, scanning over Natsu intently. He crossed his arms at her curiosity, a blank statement that he wasn't planning on explaining the situation further. Lissana sighed, placing a hand under her delicate chin.
"Stella is where Gildarts found Natsu as a child." She explained to the blonde. "He grew up there."
"Come on Lissana." He hissed back. His arms twitching as they stretched over his chest.
"How come you never told me that?" Lucy pressed, fixated on the man's jittery movements. "I thought you didn't remember your childhood?"
"I remember bits and pieces." He slumped backward obnoxiously, deciding that he was definitely stuck in this conversation now. "I just never thought it was important."
"You know where I grew up." She defended shortly.
"Geeze," he scoffed at the blonde playfully. "Like that was a hard one, Princess of Fiore."
The blonde found herself pulling a pout. She wasn't trying to be rude, only holding genuine curiosity about her best friend's life before her. "Well, maybe we could stop at your childhood home before we leave? It would be nice to see where you grew up." Her face warming as she beamed at the boy.
"It doesn't exist anymore." The words forced roughly from his tongue. "I burned it down." She didn't miss the slight twitch of his shoulders, or the way his voice threatened to crack. He puffed out a never mind before claiming he was getting some air, the trains rattling my stomach. A blunt end to their conversation. He was up in a single movement, pushing through the door and ignoring the wine of the sliding mechanics as it slammed back to its original closed resting state.
"Don't take it personally, Natsu's very protective of himself." Lissana tried, (as if Lucy didn't already know that) hopping over to sit next to the blonde. "I shouldn't have brought it up, I only know because I was there the day he arrived. I thought maybe he would have told you, finally opened up to somebody."
"Why would he open up to me? You've known him much longer."
Lissana huffed playfully, tossing her hair with a flick of her wrist. "Even I can see the way he looks at you, all doe-eyed and bashful. It's hard not to notice really."
"Natsu is anything but bashful." Lucy scoffed, giggling slightly. "Though I'm sure I could say the same for you."
"That's sweet of you to say," The fair-haired maiden flushed, "But I have my theories." Lucy stilled for a moment. Was she making a joke? Natsu had never pushed the boundaries that they had established over the years of their friendship, unlike he pushed for the fair-haired woman. Maybe it was because her feelings were so blatant, easy to play off of. Not to mention the comfort fo the family dynamic he shared with her siblings. It's not like she could find any reason she wouldn't want to notice casual pining in her direction, especially from somebody like him, any girl could dream of being so lucky. It was just that it didn't happen like that, and she didn't see any change for the future.
"You're ridiculous." She decided as a response, to which Lissana chuckled fondly. The rest of the trip remained rather silent, even after the dragon slayers return.
Meeting with the client went well, no arguments or concerns from the traveling wizard trio. The client himself was nothing out of the ordinary, a common man whose mother had been a successful wizard. Though he possessed no enchantment of his own, he held the secret of magic secure. The man owned a gracious amount of property in the city, majority of the population's homes falling on his land. Expressing his concerns for the people he bid the group luck as they headed to find the feverish bandit group that had been terrorizing them. Natsu didn't remove his face-concealing cloak, let alone speak during the whole exchange which only left the blonde wondering if he recognized the man from his childhood years. Unlikely as it was, she couldn't shake the suspicion; her friend's body language balancing on peculiar.
The bandit group, Twilight Oger (or so they called it.) had taken up residence in the city's abandoned mine. Converting the tunnels into a makeshift base. The group had established a rather daunting reputation with the city of Stella, the citizens growing too weary to attempt to run them out on their own. The royal guard batting an unusually blind eye. The rumor of their supposed sex trafficking didn't sit well with Lucy either. "We should set up a plan," Lissana suggested lightly. Her voice a much-needed contrast to the silence they had been walking in.
"Walk through the front doors and knock some heads."
Lucy shook her head playfully at the brash fire-breather, shoving his shoulder slightly. "I think we should split up," The peppy white-haired woman continued. "It would be easier to sneak around, a stealthy approach might be best considering we don't know how spread out in the tunnels they are."
"Also easier for one of us to get caught off guard. Aren't these thugs notorious for trapping woman?"
"You aren't traveling with common woman Natsu." The fair-haired woman retorted back. "Don't be so degrading, we can handle ourselves just fine." The peaceful smile she sported did little to sweeten her harsh words. Though Lucy found herself nodding slowly in agreement. "Plus it'll allow me to try out my new spell without you two getting in the way." She winked cheekily.
"I dunno," the dragon slayer mumbled, scratching at his throat in practiced fashion. "I really think we should stick together, I have a bad feeling about this place." Lucy could practically taste the anxiety of his words as they dripped over his chin. They should probably listen, Natsu's suspicions usually turned out to be right. But his overly annoying constant worrying from the city made it hard to distinguish his keen senses from his blind panic. Nothing ever happened to them in Stella. A nieve approach yes, but also a chance to prove herself to the man that always seems to protect her.
"I think it should be alright," the blonde finally interjected. "The tunnels should echo enough to hear one another if we call for help." Natsu simply shook his head muttering an annoyed Whatever under his breath. She felt kind of bad, gaining up on the man. This was supposed to be his birthday mission after all. But in all honestly, Lucy found herself surprisingly excited, an opportunity to show her teammate how far she'd advanced. A fully-fledged Fairy Tail member that could handle her own.
The group traveled to their destination at a quick pace. The air filled with Lissana's constant enamored pestering towards a certain Salamander. Lucy more distracted by the winding paths of the city's streets, decorated sporadically with aged trees and vegetation. She thought it was rather sweet, how well her two teammates were getting along. Even with Lissana's words on the way over. It was nice to see Natsu's pleased expression towards the woman. A long-time childhood friend and admirer. Though their newest member still bristled her, Lucy made a silent promise to invite her out with them more. It was nice to travel alongside another female, and if it made Natsu happy, then she was sure she could live with it.
The sun was beginning to set by the time they arrived, the night sky pouring out for its time to play. The stars blessing Lucy's soul, her magic vibrating deliciously under her skin. Her power almost doubling in the light of the night. The moon's shift was her favorite time to cast. As they stepped through the taped off mine entrance she could practically feel her excitement begin to bubble over. Traditionally she held a rather level head during missions, keeping her partner's explosive personality in check. Yet she found herself letting go, ready to show off her own power.
"I really think we should push through together," Natsu mumbled under his breath. The words so foreign on the rambunctious man's tongue; always ready to run ahead of the group in search of action, yet never far enough away that he couldn't protect those closest to him. It wasn't a secret that he was much stronger than his usual travel partner Lucy, but she didn't want him to feel obligated in protecting her when he already does so much.
"Come on, it'll be fun!" Lissana bubbled, already skipping off towards one of the winding shafts. Lucy's lips pulling into a smile as she began following her lead towards another turn-off.
"Lucy." Her name pronounced like rocks on cement, jaded and sharp. She spun on her heel carefully, her smile falling at the dragon slayer's serious tone.
"I can take care of myself Natsu." She mused. "You don't need to hold my hand all the time."
A low grumble resounded in the boy's throat as he ran his rough fingers through spiked locks nervously. "Geeze Luce, I know I don't." She raised her eyebrow at his cautious tone. "It's just.. last time you were on your own I found you beaten half to death in the middle of the forest."
All mocking aside, Lucy felt her temper skyrocket. Of course, he didn't think she was capable. "I'm not a fragile little princess anymore. That was years ago." She spat, anger boiling over. "You don't need to save me all the time."
"I know, I know... I just want you to be careful. Sometimes you have trouble keeping your magic under control during the night."
"Like you're one to talk, you burn everything around you the second your emotions get out of wack." Internally she knew her anger was getting the better of her, words falling from her jaw faster then her mind could process. He was just worried about her, as a caring teammate should be. The pained expression he was now wearing only verified that fact. Mindlessly her fingers began fidgeting at her belt. Her lungs pushing her spitfire attitude out with a breathy exhale. "I'm sorry Natsu, that was uncalled for. I shouldn't have said that. I'm just excited is all. I'll be careful, I promise." Natsu's deep onyx gaze burned into her for a moment before he nodded, although reluctant, it was an agreement none the less. She reached out, squeezing his wrist confidently before turning back to face her chosen path. "You be careful too! Mira will surly cut off my head if I bring you home needing more stitches."
The forgotten shafts were confusing, to say the least. The floorplan coming across as sporadic and unplanned. There was little that argued what a great hideout it made, trapping its victims in a maze until they were prayed upon by vicious ogres. The lack of security flowing down the halls only proving that their targets felt the same way. Lucy had only run into two men along the way, their skills lacking, making it an easy victory for the blonde. The lack of scream's echoing offered that her teammates were fairing the same. Even with their earlier agreement that stealth was the best option, Natsu had never been the quiet/silent type. Especially when fired up in a battle. Either the mine shafts didn't share sound as good as Lucy had estimated, or he hadn't run into anyone just yet.
The must that surrounded her intensified greatly as she progressed, the smell practically suffocating her. Senses dampened by its nature. The only sound around her was the clack of boots connecting to the rocky earth, and the creaky hinge of the lantern strung to her hip. The ground becoming less and less traveled. It was peculiar really, with the placement of the mine so central to town. One would think at least a few curious teenagers would have come to poke around before rumors had sprouted about Twilight ogres appearance. And yet her footprint's were the only evidence of human life.
Groaning loudly, Lucy spun, heading back towards the entrance. Agitated that her luck pulled her towards one of the unused routes. Expectedly her group had already rounded up majority of their targets while she wandered around uselessly. Placing her palm to her forehead she let out an embarrassed huff. All her big talk was for nothing, the harsh tone she had used against her friend making her mood plummet even farther. All she could do now was pick up her pace and hope she could make herself helpful with tying up loose ends. Lucy always hated when jobs turned out this way, especially when Natsu insisted she collected her portion of the reward despite her actual effort. Not that it mattered today, this mission was supposed to be for Natsu after all. And truthfully after Lissana had decided to join them she had done nothing to make the trip enjoyable for her pink-haired friend. Silently she promised to the empty halls that she would apologize to him when they finished their job.
When Lucy rounded the corner back to the entrance she was debating which tunnel to follow. Pacing back and forth in front of Natsu's entrance before resolving that his nose probably led him exactly where he wanted to go. With quick steps she bounded down the winding hall's, trying her best to stay along the path of the firebreathers signature sandal footprints.
A scream that caused her blood to run cold echoed around her with striking prominence. Lissana's sweet tone coming across shrill and ragged. There wasn't a moment to process before Lucy's legs propelled her forward. The sound of angelic sobs guiding her path. Any and all excitement she had previously been consumed with smothered like a candle without oxygen. The shaft began to blossom with light as she rounded each corner, the weight barring planks becoming more and more re-enforced. If that wasn't already enough clues she was approaching the center of the base, the newly constructed grand entrance that appeared before her did.
Acting quickly, Lucy pressed herself against the corner of the doorframe, analyzing the situation before charging headstrong into the commotion. Obviously, the treacherous group had put some work in. The cavern dugout to be much larger than anything man-made underground should be. Large metal lanterns decorating the ceiling with patterned placement. Casting enough light to see, but not enough to dismiss the eerie atmosphere. Small beds, makeshift furniture and gang members coating the outer walls while the center remained bare. Except of course for the probable main event of their evening.
A rugged-looking man stood center a wooden stage-like platform. Greasy hair curling over knarled shoulders. Even in the dim light, Lucy couldn't miss the disgusting gleam of the man's golden teeth. Oh so typical of a rich bandit. But what really caught her off guard was the squirming woman entrapped by his rugged arms, top strewn aside leaving her covered only in lacy white undergarments. His chapped lips smirking into her cheek while he pinned her against his bare chest. His one hand prying dirty fingers into her supple mouth while the other pressed a rusty blade to her exposed stomach. Though not enough pressure to break skin, it was just enough to make Lucy's mouth run dry.
"Let her go." Natsu's enraged voice scrapped over every surface, demanding attention from all living things. Lucy cast her eyeline off to the side, finally noting her partner's presence. His clothes looked slightly battle-torn, but overall he looked un-worrisome. His expression was firm, lips drawn into a tight line while his eyes trained on the enemy standing before him. Even from her placement on the other side of the cavern, Lucy could feel the scorching waves roll off of him. A terrifying might in the face of adversity.
"What are you going to do about it fire boy?" The man's shrill voice causing Lucy to shiver. "Even if you get rid of us, more will come. Those royal soldiers are very eager customers. And there's plenty of women to go around here." Natsu lunged forward, feet indenting the ground with sheer pressure. The man howled playfully, cackling like a madman as he sidestepped out of harm's way. Lissana squeaking at the sudden movement." Natsu spun quickly, fang-like teeth bared while he coiled his muscles, ready for his next pounce. "Make a move like that again and I might have to carve up your little girlfriend early!' The blade against her stomach pressed deeper, causing Lissana to jolt, a high pitched screech crawling between the man's fingers. A sloppy line of red spilling from her torso down the hilt of the blade. Natsu looked frozen, his eyes never daring to stray from the glint of metal. Mind fighting with his anger to consider the safest course of action.
Shit shit shit. This was definitely not how Lucy had expected to reunite with her teammates. Instantly her fingers shot into the confines of her purse, searching desperately for the lone piece of white chalk she always carried. Mind racing dangerously through her memorized incantations. Though her magic wasn't necessarily designed for hand to hand combat like Natsu's, she held a natural talent for spellcasting. Confident that she was capable of at least making a big enough distraction for Natsu to proceed, she started scratching the lines of a practiced magic circle. The white of the chalk easily visible over the dark rock beneath her. Her frantic hand movements made the lines far less legible then she preferred, but it would do for now. The blonde dropped her weight to the floor, careful in her attempt to stay silent as she crossed her legs. Delicate palms slapping against the earth over her created circle. Her eyelids slamming shut in concentration while her lips parted for the whisper of incantation. Almost instantly the very ground beneath them shook with purpose, guiding cracks up the walls and spewing rocks from the ceiling. She didn't worry about frightening her teammates, she knew Natsu could smell her, even with his focus concentrated elsewhere. Hopefully, they could get this situated and escape to safety before she brought heaven's wrath down atop their heads. The spell itself was no easy feat, calling upon the gods light to alter the earth. Lucy only capable of casting it under the light of the moon. No doubt it would bring attention from the townsfolk their way, but at this moment the blonde thought it was the best course of action. She could feel the shudder under her legs as the shafts hidden deeper under the earth collapsed, the roaring sound of rockfall scattering through the cavern.
Natsu's strong tone carried over easily as he sneered cheekily, "Now you really fucked up. Gone and made the angel mad." Even in deep concentration, Lucy felt a smile drum at her lips.
"I already knew there was three of you. We thieves hear of all magic activity in Stella. She's no threat, pesky fairies lack the resolve to drop the ground over the heads of their 'comrades'."
"Bet." The dragon slayer's singular cocky reply sang like a choir to Lucy, pushing her magic to expand outwards. A sickening crack bestowed over them, one of the main support beams snapping under pressure. The scared cries of ogres screaming far louder. The blond's brow furrowed slightly as she felt her very skin vibrate, her magic fluctuating drastically. "You're okay Lucy." Natsu's voice rang true, obviously taking notice in her power surge. Yes, she was O.K. She wouldn't falter so easily when her friend's lives were on the line. She just had to keep the main cavern intact a little longer, enough time for them to escape. She was strong, and she could do it.
The man continued to cackle hysterically, bouncing his weight between his feet. "Bad move fire boy." He taunted. All Lucy could hear was Lissana's blood curtailing wail and Natsu's panicked shouts when she realized they had lost. Her lashes fluttered open, eyes rolling uncomfortably as her vision was obstructed by blinding light. She couldn't stop. She was losing control, just as her partner had foreseen. Her own magic blinding her sight.
"Lucy!" Natsu's worried screech reached from the main cavern. "Cut the fuse!" A pit burned its way into the depths of her stomach, fear of how this situation was going to end if she couldn't regain control. All she had wanted to do was help, and now the situation was only going to get worse. Splinters of support beams rained furiously over her, enraged with being disturbed after so many silent years. She felt her body shake with the earth's pure ferocity. "Please, Lucy!" He tried again, his voice swirling with Lissana's wild screams. She still couldn't stop. She was going to kill them all.
Lucy wasn't sure how many agonizingly slow minutes had passed when her vision finally re-focused, disturbingly strong hands clamping around her delicate wrist's and pulling her back to earth. And god, what an unpleasant sight to be greeted with. Two men that reeked of whiskey and sex smirking greedily at her.
"You's a pretty scary witch when you're casting, eyes going all white and shit. Body twitching like an addict." Lucy scrambled back frantically, her spine slamming into the stone arch. The men leaping upon her with a timed pounce, pinning her tightly against the frame. The first man stretching his fingers around her chin. "But yet, your so pretty. I'd have fun breaking a little thing like you." His alcohol glazed tongue searing along her creamy cheek. Lucy screeched vividly in disgust, springing her knee upwards to the man's groin. He recoiled with blunt movements, swinging his arm around to backhand her. The ferocity splitting her skin. "You sly bitch!" He fired another shot to her jaw. "You's makin' enemies with the wrong person." She tried to pry her head away from the man's violent swings, eyes scrambling to take in her surroundings. Small pebbles and dust still gave way from the ceiling, but the ground seemed to have relaxed, her magic cut out at the roots. The tunnel she had originally traveled down lay in ruin, barley leaving enough space for a full-grown adult to crawl back to the light. Thankfully though, the traumatizing screams had stopped, Natsu's much calmer voice the only thing ringing out.
"You okay Lucy?!"
If the blonde hadn't received another painful blow to her lower lip she probably would have snickered. "A little preoccupied at the moment." She grunted, purposely spitting the blood that was pooling around her gums over her assailant's face. She bucked her legs intently, thrashing around like a child until she freed one of her arms. With a sinched brow she slammed her palm over the first man's chest, muttering a simple incantation that caused her hand to pulse. Holy light rained down again, this time pin-pointed above her enemy's lungs and flinging him backward through the semi-demolished doorway and into the main cavern. A short victory smile produced from her mouth before she felt her body tremor. A light, yet firm reminder of how much magic she had just finished exerting, and how fragile it made her body.
Sucking in a deep breath she tried to muster strength from tomorrow, using her free hand to claw into the dirt. Muscles protesting annoyingly while she pulled herself away from the remaining man. "Not so fast witch." His tone twisting the word to sound like a vulgar insult. The hilt of his own blade striking into the round bone of her ankle. A torn wail exhaled from her, reacting to the pain but thanking the heavens that she hadn't heard the crack of her bones splitting. It wasn't much, but it gave the man an opening, tucking his legs in only to spring them out into her back. Shoving her ungracefully through the frame to join the rest of the crowd. Lucy cradled her ribs carefully, attempting to regain the air that man had so rudely ripped away from her. She was only able to catch a glimpse of her dragon slayers unreadable expression before more greedy hands tore her from the ground, dragging her center-stage to join the 'show'.
"Well fire boy, I suppose thanks are in order." The leader mewled again tapping his now drenched blade against a whimpering Lissana's torso. "Bringing me two of the most beautiful woman in Fiore and barely puttin up a fight to keep them." He was taunting now, voice never losing his deranged laughter. "Don't know why to maidens of this caliber are slugging around with someone like you, but I guess I should give you a little credit," Natsu growled darkly, his body growing tenser (If that was even possible), muscles coiling dangerously. The leader followed Lucy with hungry eyes, watching as Lucy was strung up by another man in the same manner as Lissana. The only difference was the blade pushing fearfully hard against the pulse point of her throat, leaving her stomach out of harm's way. Honestly, she wasn't sure which she would prefer more. She watched Natsu's dark anguish filled orbs bounce back and forth between her and Lissana. She tried to capture his attention, pleading with him by expression that everything was going to be alright. That he should focus on the more injured of the two and leave her to her own devices, but his glance never lasted long enough. "I know!" The leader piped up again excitedly. "It seems a little unfair to steal away both your girls after that pathetic display," He toyed, "So, how about I suggest a little game?"
"I ain't playing shit." Natsu responded bluntly.
"Don't be such a downer fire boy, this will be fun."
"Every time I hear that, things don't usually end up being that 'fun'." He spat. relaxing his tight fist momentarily before clenching it again.
The leader only smiley devilishly, continuing his frantic knife tapping over Lissana's stained skin. "I'm going to let you pick one." He decided. "Pick a girl to take home while one rots away under some pompous sex-deprived guard." The look on Natsu's face practically shattered Lucy's heart. One of absolute horror that something like that had even been offered to him. His singular broken reply of sick bastard weighing heavily on the limited oxygen.
"It's okay Natsu," Lucy offered dumbly, wincing when the tip of the blade punctured her skin. Hot thick liquid oozing down her neck, threatening to break her resolve. "Take Lissana out of here, I'll be alright." She tried to produce a weak smile but Natsu's sad cold eyes froze her as he shook his head. She gulped loudly, feeling the blade press deeper with her every word. Her captor obviously not pleased with her speech. "Please." She tried again, but Natsu only shook his head faster.
"No way in hell."
"This is so not the time to be stubborn." She retched, cringing at the sticky feeling coating over her chest. She tried to ask him again but the blade slid uncomfortably under her skin and all she could summon was strangled yelp. Surprisingly, it did nothing to help the exchange.
The dragon slayer's eyes bulged, raising his arm's defensively, voice frantic and lost. "Stop!" He yelled, "Don't hurt them anymore, give me a second to think!" She had never seen the man look so uncomfortable.
Lucy slammed her eyes shut at her holders' increasingly wild movements, jerking the blade against her without a care. "This is ridiculous lover boy," The leader spat over his laughter. "I, out of the goodness of my own heart offer you back one of the women you practically dropped in my lap. And you cant even decide which pussy you'd rather ride? Pathetic!" He hollered, the rest of his goon's joining in. "I'm good and bored now, you sucked all the fun out of this. I don't even need these girls!" At this point, it was hard to distinguish words through his manic howls. "You have three seconds before I just kill them both." Natsu's attention snapped back to him like his mind was finally processing the events that were about to unfold.
The cold-hearted cheering of a slow count sprouted from the other members. Starting at Three and barley pronouncing the O in One before all hell broke loose. The roaring sound of metal clad boots slamming into the earth above, signaling the extremely overdue arrival of the royal army. Bandits screaming and crawling over one another like wild animals in search of escape from a rabid predator. And Natsu's scalding shoulder crashing into her sternum, throwing her away from the wicked man's grasp. She rolled roughly against the dirt, hand shooting to her throat to pressurize the bleeding. She was gulping greedily for air when she heard the stomach flipping joyful voice cry out above the commotion. "Good choice! I think I would have picked her too." Nothing but freezing, blood-curdling cries followed. Lucy felt her limbs stiffen at the sound, her chocolate irises the only responsive part of her body. Taking in her horrific environment with shocking detail. Natsu was only a few steps away from Lissana, His body recovering quickly from surging towards her, propelling him back to the remaining prisoner. But a few steps was a few too many, and Lucy and her partner could do nothing but watch as their friend was quite literally gutted before them.
Blood had always been red. But nothing compared to the deep scarlet pooled around the stark white of Lissana's being. An enraged bloody titan plucking the clouds goddess right from the sky and dragging her to the fiery pits of hell. That is, if hell consisted of somebody shredding your torso to smithereens and hysterically laughing as vital organs spewed through the skin. Lucy was sure that in this world, nothing would ever hold a candle to the vile scene displayed before her. The grotesque sound of a lifeless body crashing limply over its inner parts. The ferocious roar of a wounded dragon casting thieves to scaper away, a high pitched squeal on their lips. All the while a daunting march of hungry war men encroached on them.
Lucy's head snapped painfully back to reality. They couldn't stay here, the army would swallow them alive. The Ogres were sprinting out of a tunnel near the back of the cavern, no doubt another way out laid beyond it. They still had a chance. With a silent prayer to all that was holy, she pulled herself up from her shambled mess on the floor. Taking rushed staggered footsteps towards her partner and the offending carcass in front of him. "Natsu..." She croaked. "We need to get out of here." She rested her palm on his shoulder, placing most of her weight on him. Her ankle lacking in its career of helping her walk. He didn't seem to notice her. Lips quivering as he muttered under his breath, fingers twitching, coated in the blood he had tried to prevent. "Natsu, we need to go..." She tried again, giving the man a light shake.
"We can't just leave her here..." His broken cry pleaded, head-spinning to meet her gaze. Never, in all the years Lucy had known Natsu, had she seen him cry. His deep onyx eyes swimming with salty tears, his raging passion extinguished. Her strong motivator completely shattered before her, frantically attempting to scoop spilled organs back into a frayed body. The footsteps of soldiers drawing ever closer as her own tears spilled over.
"Please Natsu." She sobbed, gaging slightly as blood bubbled from the split in her throat. She thought his previous expression succeeded in breaking her heart, but the look he was giving her now practically split it in two. A mangled pain-ridden yell erupting from his chest while he grasped Lucy's wrist, dragging her away from their murdered friend and the on slot of guards that inadvertently let it happen.
Again, check out the full story here! ↓↓↓↓
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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ITV ha renovado McDonald & Dodds por una tercera temporada
FOX ha renovado Duncanville por una tercera temporada
CBS ha cancelado MacGyver tras su quinta temporada
Noticias cortas
Tatiana Maslany (Sister Alice) no estará en la segunda temporada de Perry Mason.
Jodie Turner-Smith abandona The Witcher: Blood Origin debido a un retraso en las fechas de producción.
Netflix adquiere The 39 Steps, la adaptación de la novela de John Buchan (1915) protagonizada por Benedict Cumberbatch.
Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Hateful Eight, Single White Female) se une a la segunda temporada de Hunters. Será Chava, cazadora de nazis.
Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Devs) será Uncle Miltie, quien ayuda a Rand (Seth Rogen) a distribuir la sex tape, en Pam and Tommy.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) protagonizará y producirá el drama The Second Home, la miniserie adaptación de la novela de Christina Clancy (2020) que sigue a dos familias separadas a raíz de un fatídico verano en Cabo Cod, Massachusetts.
Samantha Morton (Harlots, The Walking Dead) será Catherine de Medici en The Serpent Queen.
T'Nia Miller (Years and Years, The Haunting of Bly Manor), Charlotte Riley (Trust, Peaky Blinders), Alex Hernandez (UnREAL, The Son), JJ Feild (Turn, Lost in Space), Eli Goree (Riverdale, Pearson), Gary Carr (The Deuce, Death in Paradise) y Adelind Horan (The Pioneers) se unen a The Peripheral.
Renée Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist) se une a She-Hulk. Interpretará a un personaje llamado Amelia.
Hayley Squires (Adult Material, The Miniaturist), Frak Dillane (Fear The Walking Dead, The Girlfriend Experience), Clémence Poésy (Genius, The Tunnel) y Jamael Westman (Anne Boleyn) se unen a The Essex Serpent.
Wayne Brady (How I Met Your Mother, Colony) será Del Cooper, un comediante convertido en productor y el nuevo interés amoroso de un personaje aún no desvelado, en la quinta temporada de The Good Fight.
Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery) y Calam Lynch (Mrs. Wilson) serán Mary Sharma, la madre de las hermanas Kate (Simone Ashley) y Edwina (Charithra Chandran); y Theo Sharpe, ayudante de un impresor; en la segunda temporada de Bridgerton.
Sebastian Roché (The Young Pope, The Originals) y Michelle Ventimilla (Seven Seconds, Gotham) serán recurrentes en Big Sky como Wagy, el sheriff de Lochsa County; y Rosie Amaya, hija de Gil Amaya, el gerente del rancho de los Kleinsasser.
Adepero Oduye (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, 12 Years a Slave) y Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal, God Friended Me) serán Karen Wynn, enfermera jefe en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y líder del comité ético; y Bryant King, especialista en medicina interna y uno de los pocos doctores negros del hospital; en Five Days at Memorial.
Karen Robinson (Schitt's Creek, Tiny Pretty Things) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de A Million Little Things como Florence, una dulce viuda con sentido del humor.
Kareem Green (It's Showtime at the Apollo) será recurrente en Flatbush Misdemeanors como Kareem, padrastro de Dan (Dan Perlman).
Patricia Hodge (Miranda, A Very English Scandal) sustituye a la fallecida Diana Rigg en el papel de Mrs. Pumphrey en la segunda temporada de All Creatures Great and Small.
Ebonee Noel (FBI, Wrecked), Karen LeBlanc (Ransom, Departure), Yaani King Mondschein (Saving Grace, Blood & Oil) y Rance Nix protagonizarán The Kings of Napa.
Peta Sergeant (Snowfall, The Originals) se une como regular a la sexta y última temporada de Supergirl. Será Nyxly, una prisionera de la Phantom Zone.
Max Osinski (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Last Ship) será recurrente en la segunda y última temporada de The Walking Dead: World Beyond como Dennis, un soldado dedicado y disciplinado que trata de recuperar su vida.
Tom Kenny retomará su papel de narrador en Powerpuff. Robyn Lively (Twin Peaks, Light as a Feather) será Sara Bellum.
Sinéad Keenan (Being Human, My Left Nut), Lola Petticrew (Bloodlands, My Left Nut), Amy James-Kelly (Gentleman Jack, Safe), Genenieve O'Reilly (Tin Star, The Honourable Woman), Colin Morgan (Humans, Merlin), Owen McDonnell (Killing Eve, The Bay), Prasanna Puwanarajah (Doctor Foster, Patrick Melrose) y Kerri Quinn (Come Home, Coronation Street) protagonizarán Three Families, antes conocida como When It Happens To You.
Nicholas Burton (Dave & Theo) y Aaron Jeffery (Wentworth, McLeod's Daughters) se unen como recurrentes a Pieces of Her. Serán Andrew Queller, el hijo pequeño de Martin Queller (Terry O'Quinn); y un misterioso y potencialmente peligroso personaje que aparece en la vida de Laura (Toni Collette) y Andy (Bella Heathcote).
Barbara Alyn Woods (One Tree Hill; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show) será recurrente en Chucky como la alcaldesa Michelle Cross.
John de Lancie (Star Trek: The Next Generation) volverá a interpretar a Q en la segunda temporada de Star Trek: Picard.
Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine (The Chi, Treme) será recurrente en The Lincoln Lawyer como Raymond Griggs, un intenso y tenaz detective de Los Ángeles que investiga un asesinato.
Osy Ikhile (The Feed) y Caoilinn Springall (The Midnight Sky) se unen como regulares a Citadel. Stanley Tucci (Feud, The Lovely Bones), Nikki Amuka-Bir (Avenue 5, Luther), Susan Lynch (Happy Valley, Apple Tree Yard), Sara Martins (Death in Paradise), Leo Woodall (Cherry), Gráinne Good (The Other Lamb) y Leo Ashizawa (A Discovery of Witches) serán recurrentes.
Raff Law (Twist) será el sargento Ken Lemmons en Masters of the Air.
Tammy Townsend (K.C. Undercover) se une como regular a la sexta temporada de Queen Sugar. Paula Jai Parker (A House Divided, Family Time), Marquis Rodríguez (When They See Us, Iron Fist) y McKinley Freeman (Hit the Floor, Samantha Who?) se unen como recurrentes.
Thomas Barbusca (The Mick, Chad) y Adrienne Wells se unen como recurrentes a la tercera temporada de Black Monday. Serán Werner, un joven republicano del equipo de Blair (Andrew Rannells); y Nomi, una joven talentosa que pronto se convierte en la joya de la corona en el nuevo negocio de Mo (Don Cheadle).
Vic Mensa será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Chi como Jamal, alguien que quiere ayudar a su novia y a su hermana pequeña.
Eugenio Mastrandrea (All Cops Are Bastards), Keith David (Greenleaf, Future Man), Danielle Deadwyler (P-Valley, Watchmen), Kellita Smith (Z Nation, The Bernie Mac Show), Judith Scott (Snowfall, Dexter), Lucia Sardo, Paride Benassai y Roberta Rigano se unen a From Scratch.
          Nuevas series
Peacock ha encargado un reboot de Queer as Folk centrado en un grupo diverso de amigos de Nueva Orleans cuyas vidas cambian tras una tragedia. Creada, escrita y producida por Stephen Dunn (Little America, Closet Monster), que además dirigirá el piloto. Produce Russell T. Davies (Queer as Folk, It's a Sin).
Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Homecoming, Lo imposible) protagonizará y producirá la primera temporada de The Crowded Room (diez episodios), antología de Apple TV+ que contará historias reales de personas que aprendieron a vivir con enfermedades mentales. Esta primera tanda, basada en 'The Minds of Billy Milligan' (1981), la biografía escrita por Daniel Keyes, trata sobre la primera persona absuelta por su desorden de personalidad múltiple, conocido ahora como trastorno de identidad disociativo, en los años 70. Escrita por Akiva Goldsman (A Beautiful Mind, Fringe).
Justin Timberlake (Inside Llewyn Davis, The Social Network) interpretará al productor y presentador de concursos de televisión Chuck Barris. Según sus memorias, publicadas en 1984, esta profesión era una tapadera para ocultar su verdadero trabajo como asesino de la CIA en los años 60 y 70. Creada y producida por Jon Worley (Justified, SEAL Team). Escrita y producida por David Hollander (Ray Donovan, The Cleaner). Hubo adaptación cinematográfica en 2002.
HBO Max encarga King Shark, spin-off de The Suicide Squad. Escrita y dirigida por James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, Scooby-Doo).
HBO Max encarga diez episodios de Minx, comedia ambientada en Los Ángeles en los años 70 y protagonizada por una feminista joven y formal (Ophelia Lovibond; Elementary, W1A) que se alía con un editor de poca monta (Jake Johnson; New Girl, Stumptown) para crear la primera revista erótica para mujeres. Con Idara Victor (Turn, Rizzoli & Isles), Jessica Lowe (Wrecked, Miracle Workers), Lennon Parham (Lady Dynamite, Bless This Mess), Michael Angarano (The Knick, This Is Us) y Oscar Montoya (Bless the Harts). Escrita y producida por Ellen Rapoport (Desperados). Produce Paul Feig (The Office, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist).
HBO Max desarrolla Deeds, comedia negra sobre una agente inmobiliaria desesperada (Kristin Davis; Sex and the City, Melrose Place) que se embarca en un camino cada vez más oscuro cuando se ve obligada a aliarse con una pareja de sociópatas jóvenes y drogadictos que pronto descubren que en el mundo de los bienes raíces de Los Ángeles, en lo que se refiere a inmoralidad y comportamientos despiadados, les llevan ventaja. Escrita por Michael Davidoff (Working) y producida por Kristin Davis (And Just Like That...) y Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy).
HBO Max desarrolla una comedia ambientada en un campamento de verano en la que cuatro amigas de toda la vida que se preparan para ser monitoras jurarán mantener su amistad tras la llegada de una chica nueva desde otro campamento. Escrita por Lauren Herstik (American Vandal, Pearson).
Showtime desarrolla Mabel, serie precuela de Madea en la que Mabel Simmons se muda a Atlanta en 1972. Escrita por JaNeika James y JaSheika James y producida por Tyler Perry.
The Downstairs Girl, la novela de Stacey Lee (2019), tendrá adaptación televisiva. Ambientada en Atlanta en 1890, sigue a una joven que vive con su guardián en un sótano y trabaja como criada para una de las familias más adineradas por el día y escribe anónimamente en un periódico por la noche. Escrita por Aminta Goyel (Ghostwriter).
La décima temporada de Call the Midwife se estrena en BBC One el 18 de abril
El estreno de la 2ª y última temporada de Selena: The Series se adelanta del 14 al 4 de mayo
Girls5eva se estrena en Peacock el 6 de mayo
Run The World se estrena en Starz el 16 de mayo
La quinta y última temporada de The Bold Type se estrena en Freeform el 26 de mayo
Panic se estrena en Prime Video el 28 de mayo
La tercera temporada de Sistas se estrena en BET el 9 de junio
La undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead se estrena en AMC el 22 de agosto
Tráilers y promos
Selena: The Series - Temporada 2 y última
Run The World
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Temporada 2
The Mosquito Coast
Pose - Temporada 3 y última
The Chi - Temporada 4
Jupiter's Legacy
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gayllamafromspace · 4 years
I dunno if anyone would be interested in this at all, but I have an original project I've been mulling over for the past few months. I mean COMPLETELY original. Original characters, world, cultures (that take inspiration from some irl religions and practices), gods/religion. Literally everything.
Anyway, I have some OCs that I've been trying to flesh out a story for. Their names are Lyra Cygnus, Raith Vera, and Tori La Joya. There are some side characters of course (Quinton La Joya, Elaena Cygnus-La Joya, Susane Roe-La Joya... then the gods: Melanna, Ludor, and Zara)
Lyra is cannotically a Lesbian, Raith is Pan, and Tori is Demi/Polyamorous.
At the beging of the story Lyra is 19, Raith is 70(she's a vampire, physically she is 20), and Tori is 12 - almost 13. This is when they all get together and meet.
When the real shit starts happening, Lyra is 22, Raith is 73, and Tori is 15.
By the end of the story, I'm thinking that Tori should be 19 or 20. So that would make Lyra 26/27, and Raith would be 77/78.
So the whole story takes place over the span of 7 to 8 years, with a few flashbacks and junk.
What will the plot be? I'm still trying to figure that out. I do know that there will be war/battle/prophecies/magic and things like that.
Basically though, there's a prophecy about a human gifted by Zara with magick who would end the war between man and magick(a human hasn't been directly gifted for over a century, all witches at the current time are hereditary magick users - descended from the witches who were blessed well over 100 years ago.)
Now, all of the strings attached to that shit weren't accounted for. I'm trying to be as vague as possible lol. I do have pictures of my lovely children tho! I will reblog this with them.
Anyway, people die, people get hurt, horrible shit happens. There will be racism and political problems, along with religious clashes. Humans basically decided they they are the superior race and had begun worshiping their own God - a fake one, but it's all really a political sham in order to keep control and stuff. Only magical races, and some humans, worship the REAL gods.
The Gods:
Melanna, the first God. Goddess of creation, light, darkness, love, and authority.
Ludor, the second God, created Melanna (he was once a mortal Nymph, they fell in love and she made him a god) he's the God of life, death, reincarnation, balance, and change.
Zara, the child of Ludor and Melanna. She is closest to the mortal races of Renowyn (the world they live in), she's the Goddess of peace, magick, mortality, and fate.
Mortal Races:
There are of course all of the animals from this world.
Avians are a race of winged humanoids that were created in Melanna's image. They are diverse, and basically the messengers of all races. (Think Angels, but less ethereal) They were the first race created, they have free thought and individuality. The only thing Melanna asks is that they always seek new knowledge and insure that freedom is never stripped from those undeserving. Avians can live a very long time, 300 years at most. An Avian society can be best compared to one of ancient Rome or Greece. Avians can use magick.
Nymphs were the second race Melanna created, and the race that Ludor came from. The Nymphs have horns, pointy ears, and tails. The are humanoid, like the Avians, but lack the defining wings and longer life spans. Nymphs can only live up to 100 years. The Nymphs were created to bring peace and fertility to the earth. They're culture can be best compared to that of Native Americans. There are 4 different types tribes. The forest tribe, the desert tribe, the valley tribe, and the snowy tribe. Ludor had been a descendant chief of a forest tribe, he united all of the tribes and became the head cheiftan of the Nymphs.
(Avians and Nymphs have long been at odds, they eventually had built a wall separating themselves from eachother. The wall built to avoid further conflict, like the kind that created humans)
Humans were created by Melanna striping traitorous avians of their wings and magick. They were exiled to another continent. The former avians, now humans, in question had enslaved and tortured nymphs under the impression that "they are inferior and do not deserve to exist in their disconnect from Melanna" (Avians have a closer relationship with Melanna than Nymphs do). The rebel Avians shunned the knowledge of the Nymphs and stile their freedom, so Melanna saw fit to punish them. They went directly against her wishes. (This all happened before Ludor was made a god) Human society is comparable to medieval times - kingdoms, kings/queens, lords/ladies, dukes/duchesses, etc.
Witches/seers were created by Zara. Humans who she saw as worthy to give the gift of magick and foresight too. (She asked her mom first, don't worry) Witcher are the reason that Werewolves and Vampires exist. Their culture is comparable to paganism/Celtic/nordic traditions. They are a race of discovery and practice. At one with nature.
Werewolves were created when a coven of witches attempted to punish human criminals by turning them into wolves so that they would be hunted. (The criminals were rapists, murderers, pedophiles, etc) the coven was tacked during the ritual which caused the curse to go wrong. Instead of being turned into wild wolves, they were turned into bloodthirsty monsters that would be to shift during the full moon. Pure blooded werewolves have no control in their wolf form, and the only remaining pure blooded werewolves are all incestuous. Werewolves with delluted blood (werewolves that crossed with humans) gain more control and less monstrous forms as the gene is passed down. Lyra is decended from werewolves and has more humanity in her blood than beast, so she can shift whenever she wants (there is still the urge to shift during a full moon, but she can resist) and she is full conscious and aware of what's going on while in wolf form. The diluted gene can only be activated if someone descended from werewolves is scratched or bitten by one. If a normal human is bitten nor scratched the would will get infected and kill them. The saliva of a werewolf attacks the white blood cells and would prevent the wound from healing on a normal human. They would bleed out and die.
Vampires were also created by witches through a curse. A man, basically Jeffrey Dommer, was supposed to be cursed to never walk in the light of day again, least he die. He would forever be hungry and never be able to sate his hunger. There was a miss pronounciation, and the whole thing went to shit. He was indeed always hungry, but he would feed off of the blood of humans. He could not walk in the light of day or he would burn and die. But he gained unimaginable speed, agility, strength, and heightened senses as well. He went off on a murdering spree, but on his way he had accidentally turned some people. These new vampires were furious and killed him in his own palace. They turned their families. Vampires could live virtually forever, because their body would no longer decay over time. Like the werewolf gene, as the venom was passed down from vampire to human, it's potency would lessen. Within 4 generations of vampires, they had developed a tolerance for sunlight, they could easily get a sunburn, but they would not die. They could feed on the blood of animals rather than humans, and even live off of human food. Garlic though became a common allergy, ingesting it could give them a severe stomach virus and possibly burn holes into their stomachs. Raith is one of the most humanlike vampires of the time, so human that she actually has full functionality of her womb. She does still need blood though, and she can tolerate werewolf blood in small amounts.
Shapeshifters are the species created when werewolves and witches have children. They have a weakness to magick, but they can shift their appearance to look however they imagine it. If wounded, they will revert back to their original form until healed. Their original form is just like a humans.
Fae are the more reclusive species of Renowyn. They are created when Nymphs and witches have children. They are nature spirits at heart and have close relationships with the earth, their magick is plant based. They can turn invisible. Sirens are a rare subspecies of Fae. They live in the depths of the ocean and only come on land during the high tide. Many are the love children of Fae and shapeshifters. Normal Fae have pointy ears (down cast... I'll show a picture in the reblog), sharp fangs protruding from the bottoms of their mouths (think orcs?). Sea Fae/Sirens have webbed ears, fingers, and fins on their arms. During low tide they sport the usual fishtail or tentacles, but during high tide that are more humanoid. They can camoflodge, but they can't turn invisible.
ANYWAY!!! I just wanted to share my random stuff. I guess show that I do kore than just fan projects? I dunno, I just wanna talk about this stuff with somebody, get opinions and see if anyone is interested.
Please, please I'm begging, no one steal this from me. I've poured my heart and should into this, please don't take away and call it yours. I know that's a massive risk when putting my stuff on here... but please, have a heart and leave my story be, this passion project is more than just a drabble. It's a life goal, I want to create something from this and share it with world. Dont be an asshole and crush my dreams by stealing it and making it your own... I will condone making your own OCs out of the taxes and stuff, just credit me with #Renowyn or just #GayLlamaFromSpace Original Project or whatever... or just @ me lol. That is if anyone would be interested in creating (a) character(s)? I dunno. Just... this is here now. I'll probably be posting more about it.
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dejoyaenjoya · 5 years
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Another funny jewel by the Japanese brand Gimel (Karouru Kay Akihara) 🧙‍♀🧹💎🧹🧙 witches flying on their broomsticks made in platinum and 18k gold with white & yellow diamonds of different shapes and cuts. . . . Otra joya simpática de la firma japonesa Gimel (de Karouru Kay Akihara) 🧹🧙💛🧙🧹 brujas volando sobre sus escobas realizadas en platino y oro de 18 quilates con diamantes blancos y amarillos de diferentes formas y tallas. . . . #DeJoyaEnJoya #Gimel #GimelJewelry #OneOfaKindJewelry #OneOfaKindJewellery #HighJewelry #HighJewellery #HauteJoaillerie #FunnyJewelry #funny #simpatico #gracioso http://bit.ly/2HacS3u
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bewitchingbooktours · 5 years
A Bewitching Tuesday
INTERVIEW WITH DARK MISTRESS AURORA (True Scary Stories-Volume One) #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/rz2O30pMZ6J
INTERVIEW - URBAN FANTASY PARANORMAL - I AM JADE (Jade Sinclair, #1) by Victoria Danes #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/kfAU30pNovW 
Pictures of Dorianna Catherine Stine #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/ucdN30pNoAL Haunted Halloween Spooktacular & #Giveaway ~ Shivery Playlist for a Creepy Halloween by Jeri Westerson, Author of The Darkest Gateway (Booke of the Hidden, Book Four) #BewitchingBookTours @RoxanneRhoads #UF #PNR http://ow.ly/ReKR30pNoyP CELIA BRESLIN (JASMINE MOON) and her top ten TV/MOVIE WEREWOLVES! #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/WMkg30pNowQ Flesh by Laura Bickle #MonsterDonuts #Spotlight #Halloween #YAHorror #Giveaway #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/AbE930pNou5 The Famished Trilogy Box Set by Annie Walls #postapocalyptic #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/qqse30pNotL Vampire Detective Midnight Book One by JC Andrijeski ---It’s hard being a cop in the future. It’s even harder when you’re a vampire.- Paranormal Mystery - Science Fiction - A Haunted Halloween Spectacular Post - Excerpt - Giveaway #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/LSZP30pNoGA Virtual Book Tour: I am Jade by Victoria Danes http://mommasaystoreadornottoread.blogspot.com/2019/10/virtual-book-tour-i-am-jade-by-victoria.html TRUE SCARY STORIES BY DARK MISTRESS AURORA - BOOK TOUR + GIVEAWAY #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/XoD030pNoFD Shades of Red Books 2 and 3 by T.L. Christianson - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/ZPYZ30pNoBw Book Spotlight & #Giveaway ~ Pictures of Dorianna by Catherine Stine ~ Urban Fantasy, YA Paranormal Romance ~ @crossoverwriter #BewitchingBookTours http://ow.ly/wtlY30pNoAe Haunted Halloween Spooktacular & #Giveaway ~ Downtown Flint’s Five Most Haunted Locations by Roxanne Rhoads (& Joe Schipani), Author of Haunted Flint (Haunted America Series) ~ #Ghosts #Hauntings Roxanne Rhoads #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/LgJl30pNovA Perfect Punches for Your Halloween Party by Luna Joya #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/qLoC30pNovi
True Scary Stories: Volume One by Dark Mistress Aurora #Giveaway! #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/zrb230pMZaj Virtual Book Tour: The Sound of Blue: Four Science Fiction Stories by Michael Duda #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/kbkk30pMZ4O The Famished Trilogy Box Set by Annie Walls #postapocalyptic #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/eKin30pMYTK I am Jade The Jade Sinclair Series Book One Victoria Danes https://booknerdbooks.wordpress.com/2019/10/28/i-am-jade-the-jade-sinclair-series-book-one-victoria-danes/
I Am Jade by Victoria Danes Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/39vg30pNowd ORIGINS by Celia Breslin - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/NZ2s30pNouF Haunted Halloween Spooktacular: Enemy Games by Marcella Burnard #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/UrUj30pNotw Haunting Cripple Creek, Colorado and A Magic Redemption A Demon’s Witch Series Book Five Tena Stetler #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/gniP30pNot2 Flash Fiction White Knight by Suzanne M Sabol #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/Spq630pNosr I am Jade by Victoria Danes https://simplykelina.blogspot.com/2019/10/i-am-jade-by-victoria-danes.html Haunted Halloween Spooktacular, #Excerpt, #Playlist, & #Giveaway ~ Vampire Detective Midnight (Book One) by JC Andrijeski ~ Paranormal Mystery, Science Fiction ~ JC Andrijeski #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/uQJq30pMZaB
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shirotdezainathings · 5 years
YA ESTÁ DISPONIBLE NI NO KUNI: WRATH OF THE WHITE WITCH EN SWITCH, PS4 Y PC #Juegos #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #ElMundoDeShiro #NINOKUNI
YA ESTÁ DISPONIBLE NI NO KUNI: WRATH OF THE WHITE WITCH EN SWITCH, PS4 Y PC #Juegos #ElMundoDelNeko #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #ElMundoDeShiro #NINOKUNI
El día de hoy, 20 de septiembre, llegan bastante joyas al Nintendo Switch. No sólo tenemos el lanzamiento del Switch Lite y el remake de The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, sino que uno de los mejores RPG de la generación pasada, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, ya se encuentra disponible en la eShop, aunque no es la versión remastered.
Por su parte, los usuarios de PlayStation y PC…
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pharphs · 6 years
Mejores álbums 2018 (so far)
Ya que estamos en tiempos de elecciones, decidí armar una lista eligiendo los diez álbumes que más me han gustado en estos seis meses que llevamos del 2018. Sí, está sesgada (es arte y es subjetivo, duh) y sí, es más que nada Rap (whatever).
10. Bad Witch - Nine Inch Nails
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Reznor había lanzado dos EPs con NIN en los últimos años y buenos soundtracks (Gone Girl y The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). Cómo era de esperarse, excelentes. Sin embargo, la capacidad de un artista de sorprender e innovar es, en mi opinión, un factor clave para admirar cualquier expresión artística. Reznor sorprende volviendo al mejor rock electrónico industrial que realizó en los noventa (escuchar el álbum The Downward Spiral), e innova con instrumentales que mezclan sintetizadores y saxofón que recuerdan esas grandes bandas sonoras (el mejor ejemplo, la canción final del álbum, Over and Out). 
9. Everything is Love - The Carters 
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La pareja más poderosa en la música contemporánea nos había regalado ya arte conjunto. Esta relación artística y sentimental comenzó con Crazy in Love hace ya casi 20 años, ahora nos regalan, por fin, un álbum colaborativo y, cómo era de esperarse, es una joya. Beyoncé viene de sacar el mejor álbum de su carrera en 2016 (Lemonade) y Jay-Z, con 4:44, viene de escribir las mejores letras desde, al menos, Watch the Throne. Ambos álbumes (4:44 y Lemonade) abordaban, como tema central, el derrumbe de su relación amorosa.  Beyoncé empleó esa situación personal para evidenciar la discriminación y opresión hacia las mujeres (con énfasis en las afroamericanas); mientras tanto, Jay-Z evidencia la opresión de las clases sociales altas blancas hacia los pobres y minorías, narrando cómo esa opresión muchas veces conlleva que el hombre afroamericano, perpetuando la violencia, oprima a sus parejas. 
En este álbum, Beyoncé y Jay-Z utilizan su poder para expresar la cada vez mayor supremacía musical del arte afroamericano sobre los demás en el mainstream. Qué mejor forma que con un video artístico en el Louvre (museo ícono del colonialismo europeo) en donde Beyoncé nos da sus mejores rimas (demostrando que probablemente sea la mejor rapera contemporánea) y, junto a Jay-Z, demuestra que el presente, y probablemente el futuro de la música, es dictado por la cultura afroamericana.
8. Redemption - Jay Rock
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El gangsta rap está muerto, o al menos así lo he leído en muchos medios. Jay Rock demuestra lo contrario: el gangsta rap no está muerto, simplemente, ha mutado. Si eres fan de Kendrick Lamar, has escuchado ya a Jay Rock (Money Trees). Jay Rock fue el primer rapero firmado por TDE, disquera a la cual pertenece Kendrick, Schoolboy-Q o SZA; sin embargo, injustamente había sido un ignorado. 
Bien, este álbum nos brinda el mejor gangsta rap en años en un álbum donde Jay Rock aborda el realismo afroamericano. Sus letras expresan, no la idealización de guerras entre pandillas, sino la oportunidad de una segunda oportunidad en la vida, ya sea salir de la cárcel o demostrar que está a la altura de su disquera o sacar a su familia adelante. La vida de Jay Rock no ha sido fácil y sabe que, para ponerse a la altura de sus compañeros de TDE debe esforzarse al máximo. Con este álbum, Jay Rock inspira y demuestra que debe tomarse en serio como máximo representante de este subgénero.
7. 7 - Beach House
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Me considero un apasionado de lo que algunos catalogan como dream pop. Un subgénero del rock que no se caracteriza por la estructura o temas líricos o por el uso particular de un instrumento. Este género se caracteriza por las sensaciones que causa: hace sentir, mientras lo escuchas, que estas soñando (”It makes you feel dreamy”).  Beach House es, en mi opinión, la banda que mejor representa este género; aquella que te hace soñar más vívidamente. 
7 es el séptimo álbum y si bien no soñé con él como la primera vez que escuché Teen Dream, 7 te permite soñar de una forma distinta. Un sueño ansioso y con nerviosismo pero que, en cualquier momento, puede mutar a uno alegre (notar la transición entre Dark Spring y Pay No Mind). Con este álbum Beach House demuestra que un sueño es un abanico de emociones y, aunque a veces incomoden, son esos sueños y canciones incómodas los que mayor efecto generan, como con Dive.
6. Lush - Snail Mail
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La primer artista nueva en esta lista y, muy probablemente, la que tiene mejor futuro. Snail Mail es el proyecto que lidera Lindsey Jordan de 19 años. Sí, esta obra artística la hizo una mujer que todavía no se gradúa de la prepa; sin embargo, escribe con honestidad, inteligencia y accesible. Lindsey, acompañada de no más que su guitarra y una batería, describe los sentimientos que cualquier persona experimenta en la adolescencia pero con una madurez y autocrítica que casi ninguna persona experimenta a esa edad ni mucho menos tiene el valor de expresarlo en público.
Lindsey recuerda a Patti Smith con su poesía y talento instrumental, a Fiona Apple con un arte de alta calidad pero accesible y a mi amada Taylor Swift con el talento puro a tan temprana edad. 
5. Testing - A$AP Rocky
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A$AP Rocky es polarizante en su actitud, estilo de vestir y declaraciones; sin embargo, las reacciones a su primer mixtape (Live. Love. A$AP) y su primer álbum (Long. Live. A$AP) no fueron polarizantes, fueron sumamente positivas. En este álbum, Rocky no busca el consenso. En múltiples entrevistas para promocionar este álbum, Rocky declaró que el álbum podría no ser bien recibido debido a que era un álbum para el futuro. El argumento era que la producción no sería similar a nada que estuviera actualmente en el rap mainstream.
En mi opinión, el álbum sí innova y debe escucharse múltiples veces para obtener el mayor provecho. Canciones como Praise The Lord, Fukk Sleep o Changes deben escucharse varias veces para apreciar la innovación en la producción, en el caso de las dos primeras, o de la lírica, en el caso de la tercera. Existen canciones que claramente destacan como A$AP Forever o Purity; sin embargo, creo que Rocky es un artista que, como su actitud lo intenta demostrar, siempre debe exigírsele el máximo. Contrario a innovaciones recientes en el la producción dentro del género como Flower Boy de Tyler, the Creator o Big Fish Theory de Vince Staples, Testing se queda corto porque, en su conjunto, no percibí el álbum como revolucionario. El álbum llega a una velocidad de 80km/h cuando, hablando de Rocky, es 100km/h para el 90% de muchos raperos. El asunto es que Rocky pertenece a ese top 10%.  
4. Isolation - Kali Uchis
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A Melting Pot. Después de meses de escuchar este álbum, sigo sin poder clasificar a qué género pertenece la música de Kali Uchis. Este álbum mezcla R&B, rap, pop, rock, electrónica y, sí, hasta reggaeton. Aquí hay colaboraciones con Tyler the Creator, Damon Albarn y J Balvin. Sin embargo, Kali explota las fortalezas de cada uno con el objetivo de brindar varianza al álbum pero permaneciendo siempre ella como el centro de atención.
Una colombiana con años viviendo en Estados Unidos creó uno de mis álbumes favoritos a partir de su identidad: una mujer migrante en un país en dónde lo distinto representa cada vez más desconfianza. Contrario a lo que cree la mayoría de la white America, Kali Uchis sabe que es mucho más rico y provechoso para la cultura norteamericana el mezclar identidades. Ella lo hace mezclando su lírica junto a producciones de distintos géneros, artistas y temas. La diversidad en el arte, y no la homogenización, es una de las ventajas de Estados Unidos y Kali Uchis es prueba fiel.
3. Daytona - Pusha T
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En sus inicios a finales de los setenta, el rap necesitaba, forzosamente, de un duo. El DJ y el MC. Con sus inicios en la música disco, el DJ era la figura clave para brindar el beat y las transiciones necesarias para que el MC (master of ceremony) pudiera, mediante su lírica, expresar su opinión política, social o cultural. Sin cualquiera de los dos, no existía el otro. Simbiosis.
Daytona es una de las mejores expresiones en el rap de esta simbiosis en años. Ahora, ya no es DJ y MC, es productor y MC. Kanye, el primero; Pusha T, el segundo. Pusha T es, desde por lo menos hace 15 años (si no han hecho, escuchen ya la obra maestra de Clipse, Hell Hath No Fury) , uno de los mejores MCs. El flow de Pusha T, lento y claro y siempre político, es inmediatamente reconocible. Contrario a otros raperos con lírica política, las barras de Pusha T son claras y comprensibles para cualquiera. Casi no hay metáforas. Para él, algo tan relevante debe ser reconocible de inmediato.
De los cuatro álbumes que produjo Kanye y salieron este último mes, con este queda claro que, debido al momento personal que atraviesa, lo mejor que ahora puede realizar Kanye es producción. La química con Pusha T y el adecuar samples y beats para que encajen con la narrativa de cada canción del álbum se percibe como natural. Aunque este álbum aparece como uno de Pusha T, es un álbum colaborativo. Sin uno, no tiene sentido el trabajo del otro. Pusha T opaca cualquier colaboración lírica de Kanye; sin embargo, sería injusto exigirle a Kanye lo contrario. Aquí, cada uno conoce sus fortalezas y, así, esa unión, lleva al mejor proyecto colaborativo del rap en años. 
2. Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts (Kanye West & Kid Cudi)
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A lo largo de mi vida, he creído que, en la medida de la posible, siempre debe separarse el arte de la vida privada del artista. El problema es que en la cultura hip-hop y en el rap, la expresión política es un componente, casi siempre, necesario. Cuando Kanye recita lírica con contenido político, es natural y comprensible que realicemos comparaciones con sus expresiones en público sobre el tema. No coincido en que la esclavitud fue una decisión, en que las mujeres deben vestirse de cierta forma para evitar el acoso, no creo en que el triunfo de Donald Trump sea un caso de éxito en la política estadounidense ni mucho menos creo que Bill Cosby es inocente. Así, y como ya lo mencioné, estamos en un punto que lo mejor que puede proveer Kanye es para lo que es mejor: producción. 
Kids See Ghosts deja claro a lo largo de todo el álbum colaborativo que es un proyecto de dos personas con problemas psicológicos severos que, después de estar en el fondo, buscan salir a la superficie. Y, lo mejor, es que el álbum cumple, en mi opinión ese objetivo. Es un álbum que aborda traumas psicológicos como la depresión y bipolaridad en un género que, desafortunadamente, cuenta con un componente histórico de machismo. A Kanye y Cudi no les importa y abordan un tema tabú. 
La producción de Kanye es sombría y tétrica en muchos momentos del álbum; sin embargo, los samples y, más importante, la lírica de ambos aborda cómo curarse de una enfermedad y renacer (Reborn). Cudi es valiente en las letras, aceptando que ha estado viendo fantasmas en los últimos años, fantasmas que lo dejaron al borde el suicidio. Este álbum es único porque ambos artistas dejaron de lado la crítica política y se enfocaron a la recuperación psicológica a partir del arte.
Kanye y Cudi no son los primeros raperos, ni mucho menos afroamericanos, en sufrir depresión. Sin embargo, este álbum ocupa el segundo lugar en mi lista debido a que decidieron abordar el tema directamente a lo largo de un álbum completo en lugar de narrar que enfrentaron el problema mediante drogas y pandillas, evitando así la idealización de la violencia como la válvula de escape para los problemas que enfrente la mayoría de los miembros de cualquier minoría. 
1. Dirty Computer - Janelle Monáe
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Janelle Monáe es la persona con mayor coraje de toda esta lista y, probablemente, de mis artistas favoritas. No le importa vestirse con el estilo que se le da la gana o peinarse como quiere aunque rompa con identidades de género impuestas. No le importa decir que es pansexual porque cree que uno ama a humanos sin importar su género. No le importa hacer una canción y video completa sobre la masturbación femenina. No le importa romper las reglas establecidas sobre género, política, sexualidad y música; de hecho, desea romperlas. Ojalá tuviera la mitad de la valentía que ella.
Dirty Computer critica los estándares de vida establecidos por el sistema político norteamericano, el racismo y el patriarcado. Ella sólo quiere una Crazy, Classic, Life aunque ella y sus deseos no entren en el concepto de vida clásica de Estados Unidos. Janelle canta, produce y rapea; y todo lo hace bien. No por nada fue la última, y más exitosa, protegé de Prince. Como Prince, Janelle no viene a cumplir con lo establecido y a adaptarse al molde; por el contrario, su arte no busca cambiar el molde sino que no exista. Prince era gay? Bisexual? Who cares. Lo mismo con Janelle: no es que debamos crear etiquetas que se adapten a la diversidad sexual sino que no existan esas etiquetas.
Si sólo seguimos las armonías y melodías del álbum, parecería un álbum alegre. No lo es. Janelle realiza fuertes críticas políticas al concepto del American Dream y toma una posición clara respecto a la definición que ella tiene de ese concepto. Es una paradoja que el arte más consumido actualmente por el mainstream occidental sea aquel creado por los afroamericanos, y por otras minorías, justo cuando esas minorías nunca han dejado de ser oprimidas y, ahora, viven en un país liderado por un supremacista racial. El arte de Janelle pinta perfectamente esa paradoja mediante una producción alegre y una lírica crítica y fuerte. Janelle expresa su deseo por un mundo en el que no se requieran feministas; sin embargo, en el viaje a ese momento, ella es una de las feministas más vocales. Necesitamos más personas, no sólo mujeres, así. 
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de agosto 2020
En agosto, la segunda unidad a la mitad. ¡Estamos de saldo! De nuevo, un mes algo ligero, pero nada que no hayamos visto otros años a estas alturas. Verano equivale a sequía. De todas formas, como siempre, seguro que sabéis encontrar alguna joya oculta.
¡Feliz agosto!
Verde: series nuevas.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
3 de agosto: 
The Deceived (1T) en Channel 5
The Fugitive (1T) en Quibi
Immigration Nation en Netflix
4 de agosto: Little Birds (1T completa) en Sky Atlantic
6 de agosto: 
The Rain (3T y última completa) en Netflix
An American Pickle en HBO Max
Star Trek: Lower Decks (1T) en CBS All Access
Semi-Detached (1T) en BBC Two
7 de agosto: Alta mar (3T completa) y Work It en Netflix
9 de agosto: The Alienist: Angel of Darkness (2T finale) en TNT
11 de agosto: Stargirl (1T finale) en DC Universe
12 de agosto: (Un)Well en Netflix
13 de agosto: Mandy (1T) en BBC Two
14 de agosto:
Ted Lasso (1T) en Apple TV+
3% (4T completa), Teenage Bounty Hunters (1T completa), Fearless y Project Power en Netflix
16 de agosto: Lovecraft Country (1T) en HBO
18 de agosto: The Fugitive (1T finale) en Quibi
20 de agosto: Biohackers (1T completa) en Netflix
21 de agosto: 
Lucifer (5aT completa) y The Sleepover en Netflix
Chemical Hearts en Amazon
22 de agosto: Love in the Time of Corona en Freeform
23 de agosto: 
The Vow en HBO
Love in the Time of Corona en Freeform
24 de agosto: Reno 911! (7bT) en Quibi
25 de agosto: Trinkets (2T y última completa) en Netflix
28 de agosto: All Together Now y Orígenes secretos en Netflix
30 de agosto: Wynonna Earp (4T midseason finale) en Syfy
Estrenos de series
The Deceived (Channel 5)
Ophelia (Emily Reid, Belgravia, The Trouble with Maggie Cole) es una estudiante británica que se enamora de un profesor casado (Emmett J. Scanlan; The Fall, In the Flesh), viendo en él todas las respuestas a sus necesidades. La aventura resulta en una trágica muerte y Ophelia se ve atrapada en un mundo en el que ya no puede confiar en su propia mente. Completan el reparto Catherine Walker (Cursed, Versailles), Eleanor Methven (Little Women, Normal People), Ian McElhinney (Game of Thrones, Derry Girls), Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery) y Dempsey Bovell.
Escrita y producida por Lisa McGee (Derry Girls, Being Human) y Tobias Beer y dirigida por Chloe Thomas (Victoria, Harlots). Cuatro episodios.
Estreno: 3 de agosto
The Fugitive (Quibi)
Es una adaptación de la película de 1993 que seguirá a Mike Ferro (Boyd Holbrook; Narcos, Logan), un hombre acusado de organizar un atentado en el metro de Los Ángeles justo seis meses después de salir de la cárcel por otro crimen. Se le puede reconocer perfectamente en las grabaciones de las cámaras de seguridad justo antes del atentado, y la periodista Pritti Patel (Tiya Sircar; The Good Place, Witches of East End) informa antes de tiempo de su autoría. Clay Bryce (Kiefer Sutherland; 24, Designated Survivor) es el agente de contraterrorismo encargado de perseguirle. Completan el reparto Natalie Martinez (Kingdom, Under the Dome), Brian Geraghty (Chicago PD, The Alienist), Genesis Rodriguez (Time After Time, Entourage), Glenn Howerton (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, The Mindy Project), Daniel David Stewart (Catch-22) y Keilani Arellanes (Euphoria).
Escrita y producida por Nick Santora (Prison Break, Scorpion). Catorce episodios.
Estreno: 3 de agosto
Estreno en España: 3 de agosto en Quibi
Little Birds (Sky Atlantic)
Inspirada en la colección de historias eróticas de Anaïs Nin, publicadas póstumamente en 1979, sigue a Lucy Savage (Juno Temple; Dirty John, Vinyl), una americana recién llegada a Tánger en 1955 que desea liberarse de la prisión en la que le ha mantenido la sociedad y consigue la dolorosa pero necesaria independencia al mismo tiempo que el país. Participan también Rossy de Palma (Julieta, Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios), Hugh Skinner (Fleabag, W1A), Nina Sosanya (Marcella, Last Tango in Halifax), Jean-Marc Barr (Dancer in the Dark, The Cellar), David Costabile (Billions, Breaking Bad), Amy Landecker (Transparent, Doctor Strange), Matt Lauria (Kingdom, Parenthood), Yumna Marwan (Submarine) y Raphael Acloque (24: Legacy).
Escrita por Sophia Al-Maria (The Girl Who Fell to Earth) y dirigida por Stacie Passon (The Path, Transparent). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 4 de agosto
Semi-Detached (BBC Two)
Comedia en tiempo real que sigue a Stuart (Lee Mack, Not Going Out), un perdedor que está malgastando su vida en un barrio de las afueras. Solo quiere una vida tranquila como DJ de bodas, pero su familia parece tener otros planes. En el piloto, ya emitido, su esposa April (Ellie White; The Windsors, The Other One) se ponía de parto, y Stuart debía pedirle ayuda al novio de su exmujer (Patrick Baladi; Marcella, Breeders), que vive en el barrio, para llegar al hospital. Con Neil Fitzmaurice (Brassic, Mount Pleasant), Clive Russell (Game of Thrones, Cursed), Samantha Spiro (Sex Education, London Spy), Sarah Hoare (Chewing Gum) y Geoff McGivern (Quiz, Free Rein).
Creada por David Crow y Oliver Maltman y dirigida por Ben Palmer (The Inbetweeners, Breeders). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 6 de agosto
Mandy (BBC Two)
El sueño de Mandy es criar perros dóberman. Para superar los obstáculos que se lo impiden, intenta llevar una vida más saludable, alquila su habitación en Airbnb y coge varios trabajos de corta duración y sueldo escaso. Por suerte, cuenta con Lola (Michelle Greenidge; After Life, Code 404), su amiga y confidente del salón de manicura.
Escrita, dirigida y protagonizada por Diane Morgan (After Life, Frayed). Seis episodios. Estreno: 13 de agosto
Ted Lasso (Apple TV+)
Ted Lasso es un personaje que creó Jason Sudeikis (Saturday Night Live) en 2013 para cubrir la Premier League en NBC Sports. Es un entrenador de fútbol americano universitario de Kansas. Repitiendo la idea, Ted es contratado por un equipo inglés de fútbol (soccer) pese a su nula experiencia. Le acompañarán Hannah Waddingham (Game of Thrones, Sex Education), Brendan Hunt (Bless This Mess), Jeremy Swift (Downton Abbey, Wanderlust), Juno Temple (Dirty John, Vinyl), Brett Goldstein (Uncle, Drifters), Phil Dunster (Humans, Strike Back), Stephen Manas, Colin Blyth (The Crown), Bronson Webb (Strike, The Aliens) y Nick Mohammed (Uncle, Drifters).
Idea original de Sudeikis y Bill Lawrence (Scrubs, Cougar Town). Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de agosto Estreno en España: 14 de agosto en Apple TV+ España
Teenage Bounty Hunters (Netflix)
Sterling (Maddie Phillips; Van Helsing, Supernatural) y Blair (Anjelica Bette Fellini; The Gifted, The French Dispatch) son dos hermanas mellizas de dieciséis años que se alían con un cazarrecompensas (Kadeem Hardison; Black Monday, Love Is___) y conocerán qué es saltarse las normas mientras experimentan el amor y el sexo adolescente.
Creada por Kathleen Jordan (American Princess), escrita por Robert Sudduth (On My Block, American Princess) y producida por Jenji Kohan (Orange Is the New Black, Weeds).
Estreno: 14 de agosto Estreno en España: 14 de agosto en Netflix España
Lovecraft Country (HBO)
Adaptación de la novela de terror de Matt Ruff (2016) en la que tres afroamericanos viajan por Estados Unidos en los años 50 enfrentándose tanto al racismo de los blancos como a espíritus malvados. Leti Dandridge (Jurnee Smollett-Bell; Underground, Friday Night Lights) es una artista que quiere echar raíces tras protestar por los derechos civiles a través de todo el país. Le acompañan Atticus Black (Jonathan Majors; When We Rise, Hostiles), que está buscando a su padre (Michael Kenneth Williams; The Wire, Hap and Leonard); y su tío George (Courtney B. Vance; American Crime Story, Law & Order: Criminal Intent).
Completan el reparto Wunmi Mosaku (The End of the F***ing World, Kiri), Aunjanue Ellis (Quantico, Designated Survivor), Jamie Chung (The Gifted, Once Upon a Time), Jordan Patrick Smith (Vikings, Neighbours), Jamie Neumann (The Deuce, Jessica Jones), Erica Tazel (Justified, The Good Fight), Mac Brandt (Kingdom, Arrested Development), Tony Goldwyn (Scandal, Ghost), Abbey Lee (Mad Max: Fury Road), Marcus A. Griffin Jr., Chase Brown y Jada Harris .
Escrita por Misha Green (Underground) y producida por Jordan Peele (Get Out) y J.J. Abrams (Castle Rock, Westworld). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 16 de agosto Estreno en España: 17 de agosto en HBO España
Biohackers (Netflix)
Mia (Luna Wedler; Dem Horizont so nah, Blue My Mind) decide estudiar medicina en una importante universidad alemana para acercarse a una profesora (Jessica Schwarz) que podría estar relacionada con su tragedia familiar, pero acaba inmersa en un peligroso mundo lleno de experimentos genéticos ilegales y tendrá que decidir entre la venganza y proteger a sus nuevos amigos.. Con Thomas Prenn (8 Tage), Adrian Julius Tillmann, Caro Cult (Babylon Berlin), Jing Xiang, Sebastian Jakob Doppelbauer y Benno Fürmann (Babylon Berlin, Hanna).
Escrita y dirigida por Christian Ditter (Girlboss, Vorstadtkrokodile). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 20 de agosto Estreno en España: 20 de agosto en Netflix España
Love in the Time of Corona (Freeform)
Limited series sobre la búsqueda del amor y el sexo en tiempos de distanciamiento social. Con Leslie Odom Jr. (Smash, Person of Interest), Nicolette Robinson (The Affair, Hart of Dixie), Tommy Dorfman (13 Reasons Why, Jane the Virgin), Rainey Qualley, Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal, Patriot), Rya Kihlstedt (Charmed, One Mississippi), Ava Bellows y L. Scott Caldwell (Lost, How to Get Away with Murder)
Grabado desde las casas reales de sus protagonistas. Escrita por Joanna Johnson (The Fosters, Good Trouble) y producida por Christine Sacani (The Fosters, Good Trouble) y Robyn Meisinger (Prisoners, Slender Man). Cuatro episodios.
Estreno: 22 de agosto
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