#jezebel amaris wolfert
compassionatekiller · 2 years
Random Starter Call
Unohana stood in the training hall, practice sword in hand as she deftly ignored the stares and whispers her presence was receiving.  Normally she wouldn’t have bothered coming here; no one who trained in the common hall was capable of properly sparring with her, and none of the wounds that occurred on occasion were serious enough to warrant her personal attention.  However, the present situation demanded a change in her usual routines.
After all, a personal favor asked by the head of the Kuchiki clan himself was not one easily refused.
Apparently, today was one of the days he was meant to train Jezebel-san.  However, an...internal matter had transpired within the clan, and as the reigning head, he had little choice but to personally oversee the situation.  Even so, neglecting his obligation to his student was out of the question.  Thus, he had bitten the bullet and requested that Unohana attend in his stead.
Now, to be frank, Unohana was not sure that she would have chosen herself in his position.  Certainly, in terms of pure skill with a blade, she was still unmatched in all of Soul Society.  As a peerless swordswoman, she might seem the ideal swordsmanship instructor.  However, Byakuya’s blade-and thus, the blade he taught-was based on the foundation of Kendo.  Unohana’s was based on Kenjutsu.  They may have seemed similar to the untrained, but they had completely different philosophies shaping them.
Yet he had come to her, and she had agreed to his request.  He had not shared his reasoning, and he was under no obligation to do so.  Whatever questions she may have regarding his decision ultimately did not matter; all that did was to properly instruct his student in his stead until such a time that he could resume his duties personally.  One trait that Unohana and Byakuya shared was a tendency to take their duties extremely seriously, no matter what those duties happened to actually be.
Unohana was roused from her musings by the sound of the sliding doors opening, and she smiled slightly as she saw Jezebel-san being led by one of the Kuchiki clan servants.  She walked over to the pair, her soft and steady steps barely making a sound on the tatami mats she strode upon.  “Hello, Jezebel-san.  Have you been doing well?”
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commandinginferno · 2 years
👀 + interaction ideas (if we went by her mainverse, he's already gone unless you have an AU where he's still around somehow? :> )
Interaction Ideas
I do have a post-war AU for Yamamoto, actually. I am still hammering out the details for it, but I should have it in the AU page either tonight or tomorrow. Now then, let's see what I can come up with.
There is actually one other AU I have that perfectly fits with Jezebel's mainverse; the Hell arc starts right around that time, right? The arc where the gates of Hell swing wide open right as a certain Arrancar confirmed that Yamamoto's soul somehow got down there? So. Jezebel is performing an investigation regarding her family SNAFU when a gate to Hell opens in the general vicinity. Out steps an old man with magma coursing through every one of the strangely numerous scars on his body. He, too, is hunting for sinners. He and Jezebel get to talking, mostly because Jezebel wants to find out what he knows, and also whether or not the "sinners" he's hunting happen to include her "family", who are hers to deal with.
Now it's time for the fanfic bullshit: one day, while minding her own perfectly good business, Jezebel happens to find herself in front of Yamamoto's grave. An "accident" ends with Jezebel receiving a shard of Ryujin Jakka straight to the chest. While she survives and the wound doesn't damage her physical or spiritual prowess, the shard is lodged in there in such a way that it cannot be removed without killing her. She tries to investigate what the hell happened to cause the "accident," but over time, she begins hearing a voice whose source she can't pinpoint...
Finally, we'll go with the good ol' post-war AU: having taken full responsibility for the near-apocalyptic Quincy Invasion, Yamamoto officially steps down as Captain-Commander, entering semi-retirement as a "reserve military asset" while Kyoraku takes up the mantle. One day, as he is loitering around the Senkaimon, reminiscing of days long past and roads not walked, he crosses paths a strange blind woman being escorted by a Kuchiki clan servant...
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
🔥? (because why not? lol)
Attractiveness Meme
"Jezebel-san, hm? She is interesting, certainly, and I cannot say that I regret meeting her. I could see her reticence turning others away, but for myself, I could never begrudge another their secrets. That being said, she is rather a bit too young for me to consider attractive. Perhaps in time, she will have the opportunity to grow into someone truly stunning."
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Battle Quotes
Battle Intro: "Kuchiki-taichou has requested that I test your growth thus far." Victory: "Do not be disheartened. You have indeed improved a great deal." Half HP: "You have learned very well, Jezebel-san." Low HP: "Please excuse my previous hubris. I will begin taking this seriously." Defeat: "At this rate, you shall have surpassed all of the West Branch within a year." Death: "Origami?! Ah...a Fullbringer...well played..." Assist: "Please pardon me for interrupting, but I cannot allow Jezebel-san to come to any further harm." Taunt: "Kuchiki-taichou would be grimacing in disappointment at such a display." Reacting to Taunt: "Yes, yes. That is very interesting." Flee: "Please be prepared; this was but the first trial." Reacting to Flee: "Wisdom is just as important as strength. Well done." Tie: "I believe this was a suitable demonstration." Perfect Victory: "Perhaps you should start paying attention when someone is taking the time to teach you, hm?" Low HP Victory: "Very well done. Kuchiki-taichou may not show it outwardly, but he is no doubt very impressed with your progress, Jezebel-san." Finishing Move: "I apologize, but even Kuchiki-taichou's skill with a blade cannot compare to mine. Now you will experience true mastery."
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