#jewish and proud
yoyoyoav · 1 day
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applesauce42069 · 2 days
The Jewish definition of Zionism is very different than the popular definition of Zionism. For Jews, Zionism has its roots in a 3,000 year old tradition of wishing to return to our homeland. I would argue that while the political Zionist movement is not integral to Judaism, Zionism, by its Jewish definition is. You do not have Judaism without Israel. Jews traditionally call themselves and the land they come from Israel.
To be a Jew and call yourself antizionist, you must necessarily isolate yourself from your community. You believe that your community has been brainwashed en masse by “Zionism.” You stop going to community events because they’re too “Zionist.” You try to create your own way to mark Judaism without Israel but it falls flat and meaningless, breaking from the tradition of thousands of years of ancestors who yearned for Zion and who each slowly helped create Judaism as we know it today. You either have to be in denial about harm to your community or you have to accept it on some level. You have to be okay with throwing the majority of your own people under the bus, and definitely at least all Israelis. You have to deal with people who tell you your own history with half truths, who know nothing about your culture and have no respect for it.
I called myself antizionist for several years as a teenager, and this coincided with a complete removal from my community and a stark stop to my education about Jewish history and peoplehood. When I re-engaged, the more I learned about Judaism and Jewish history the more “Zionist” (in the Jewish sense not the popular political sense) I became. Within a few months of actually dealing with antizionist activists, I stopped calling myself an antizionist, because I realized very quickly that I was being tokenized and that for all the people around me claimed to know, they were deeply ignorant about anything to do with my culture and people. When I left my on campus group they replaced me with another token Jew almost immediately. When he fucked off they found another one, whom they weaponized against my campus Jewish community to try and evict our Jewish student centre.
So don’t you dare talk to me about the Jews in the encampment protests. Just don’t.
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spreading-stardust · 15 days
I will never apologize for who my ancestors where, and I will wear my heritage with pride. I no longer have trembling knees
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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We are Jewish and we are proud.
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Hear me when I say that the more people tell me to be a Good Jew and separate myself from my people and my culture, the more I will dig in my heels and take joy and pride in us, our survival, our diversity, and our heritage
Am yisrael chai
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pettytiredandjewish · 2 months
Y’all I just had an amazing conversation/venting session with a coworker of mine. We were just talking about how fucked up the world is and how no one prepared us for this shit. I brought up how stress I’ve been since 10/7 and dealing with antisemitism/etc…and they just lended an ear to me and just listened. I was actually able to open up about all this shit and there was no judgment/interruption. It was just nice ya know. They listened to me about what I’ve been dealing with/ how scared I’ve been/worried about the future- it was just nice to talk about it out loud to someone. They even told me if I wanted to talk more about it/vent that I could go to them…
Also shout out to the kiddos at my job who was happy to see me wear my Magen David out and proud! Had 3 kiddos ask if I was jewish and was so happy when I said yes!
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confusedjewishnoises · 2 months
Me levanto todos los dias y me acuerdo que soy judio, bailo rikudim y educo jovenes de manera no formal y soy un poquito mas feliz...
pero despues abro las redes sociales y me acuerdo que vivimos en un mundo antisemita que usa su desinformacion y odio injustificado hacia mi pueblo para llevar una bandera de la cual no saben nada, gritando ser "antisionista no antisemitas", pero despues dicen que la unica solucion es que Israel deje de existir, como si la paz no hubiese sido e intentara ser una opcion. Pidiendo paz por el pueblo palestino pero reclamandole al gobierno equivocado (no defiendo al gobieno de bibi nethaniayu porque es la peor mierda que le paso a israel), que yo recuerde gaza es gobernado por un grupo terrorista que pone municiones en incubadoras, tira misisles desde departamentos, pone tuneles abajo de escuela y mata a aquellas personas que intentan huir o buscar ayuda humanitaria. Asi pensemos bien, no seria mas facil dejar su odio hacia un pueblo lastimado desde hace milenios, para ayudar a otro a recuperar su democracia y libertad de estos terroristas?. no es mejor pedir que liberen a los secuestrados? Que nos digan que paso con Kfir y Ariel? que tienen 1 (kfir cumplio el año en cautiverio) y 4 años y son ls unicos niños que siguen secuestrados, lo que significa que Hamas (para sorpresa de nadie) no cumplio con su parte del trato de liberar a TODOS los niños.
Por que ustedes pueden caminar con baderas palestinas y carteles que piden el exterminio de un pais entero (el unico estado judio, el cual esta rodeado por mas de 5 paises arabes que varias veces en sus 75 años quisieron destruirlo) y yo me tengo que preocupar si se me ve el maguen david o las letras en hebreo o digo una palabra en yidish, porque tengo que ver como un nene de 10 añostuvo que ser expatriado por su seguridad y ser traido a un pais donde nadie habla su idioma, donde tiene miedo y no sabe cuando es seguro volver a casa, porque le tengo que explicar a mis alumnos que hacemos una ceremonia con duelo porque se murieron miles de personas. les parece justo que la primer vez en la historia de las marchas del orgullo argentinas que iba a haber una carroza de las juventudes judias tuviese que ser cancelasa, porque estaba la posibilidad que nos lastimen, nos piedreen, nos pintara o nos balearan? mientras que las personas antisemitas caminaban con carteles y carrozas pidiendo que deje de existir el unico estado que realmente me protege como judio. Mi primer marcha y la tuve que vivir con miedo y escondido para que no me lastimen
Piden el cese de fuego, sabian que despues de la liberacion de algunos secuestrados, hubo un cese? Ah no? Sabian que Hamas rompio ese cese de fuego bombardeando una ciudad israeli 30 minustos despues de que haya arrancado el cese? Y quw cada vez que se pidio un cese con la unica condicion de que se liberaran a los secuestrados y los cuerpos de los muertos HAMAS se nego?
No hay que "liberar" a Gaza de el falso apartheid israeli que los medios nefastos inventaron, hay que liberarlos de los terroristas que no les permiten huir, comer, vivir en paz, VIVIR. Les mismes gazaties les piden a las FDI que saquen a Hamas. Esto no es una guerra contra un pueblo es una guerra contra terrorista, no voluntaios, no luchadores por la libertad, no martires ni heroes ni nada de eso, TERROSITAS, que se visten de civil y se rodean de civiles para que sus muertes parezcan una masacre intencional.
Estoy cansado de ver como el pueblo judio sufre, como desde hace mas de 4 meses lo unico que queremos es que la pesadilla pare y todo vuelva a como era antes del 7, pero no se puede, porque los muertos siguen muertos, los heridos heridos, los niños traumados, los padres sin hijos y los hijos sin padres, mi amiga sin sus tios, las casas siguen quemadas, kfir sigue cumpliando meses en un pozo, los soldados siguen cayendo, las bombas tambien, el pueblo israeli y palestino sigue sufriendo por culpa de Hamas, les judies de la diaspora sigue escondiendo su maguen david y llorando a gente que nunca conocio y aun asi esta contectada a todes nosotres. Pasaron mas de 4 meses y no vamos a parar hasta que la ultima persona vuelva a su casa
Y hoy mas que nunca grito y gritamo
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inklingm8 · 4 months
South Africa strikes yet again with more “antizionist” bullshit by expelling their Jewish captain from their cricket team.
This was never about Israel, but Jews as a whole. I urge South Africa’s Jews to leave.
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fdelopera · 5 months
In honor of Pink being an iconic badass, I want to share one of her songs that's gotten me through a lot. "I'm Not Dead."
It feels especially relevant right now.
We will outlive them.
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rulerofsilence · 5 months
Haven’t been here for a while because this is the most antisemitic, problematic and dark place on the internet right now…
But in the spirit of Hannuka I want to be loud and proud of my heritage, my ancestors and my people. I want to be a light in the dark for all my jewish brothers and sisters still using this platform who may be hurting and terrified right now.
I see you.
I love you.
We hurt together and we will prevail together!
Our light is stronger than their hate!
חג חנוכה שמח
עם ישראל חי
May we get another miracle and all the hostages will return home safe and sound 🙏🏻❤️🕎
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applesauce42069 · 8 days
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Found some old schoolwork from Jewish kindergarten
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petitegoose · 5 months
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we've got long memories
I am not the least bit surprised by any of the tidal wave of antisemitism the left has spewed since October 7th. Every single post saying Hamas did nothing wrong; every single targeted attack on my fellow Jewish people on this site; the number of people who proudly paraded misinformation and disinformation to the extent of funding organizations actual Palestinians have said outright don't help them in any way just because it's against Israel which means that it must be good. None of this is surprising to me.
Now, maybe you could say that I'm a cynical bastard, and you'd be right. But you'd also completely be missing why I'm a cynical bastard. I learned this from my mother, who was beaten up just for being Jewish as a child. I learned this from family who disappeared between my ancestors fleeing the countries they came from and looking to see who made it with them. I learned this from the story of one of my grandfathers picking a new birthday because his birth certificate had been burned when the Shul was destroyed so he had no idea when it was. I learned this from people using "Jewish" as an insult in school and watching a girl I knew break down in tears because people were calling her a Jew when she wasn't. I learned this from holiday after holiday that repeated the same verse of people trying to destroy us and us celebrating our survival.
We remember these things because the rest of the world is very good at deliberately forgetting them.
"It's not that bad because it happened to the Jews. It's not an actual problem because Jews are white anyway. Was the Holocaust really even so terrible? Why do you want to be oppressed so badly if not to use it as a weapon against people who you're oppressing yourselves?"
Some variety of every single one of those is something I've seen in recent memory.
So, dear Passionate Goy Internet Leftists who have spent the last few months attacking and accosting every single Jewish person who dares to speak on the issue in any way that doesn't make them a Good Jew?
My dear friend, just know that we will remember you. You can try to go back to normal. You can try to just sweep it under the rug. You can try to act like it was all just business as usual and there was no harm done to any "Good Jews" and just to the "Evil Zionists" (both of which deserve their own rant post and have multiple of them from people a lot smarter than I am).
We will remember what you did
You will never be able to make us forget you calling for our deaths
And most of all, we will outlive you, just like everyone else who ever bayed for our blood
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pettytiredandjewish · 2 months
Every time someone is antisemitic towards me, I just become more Jewish. I’m loud and proud baby! Poke the wolf and see what happens 🙂
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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