#jess i'm still thinking about your jin crack
kiestrokes · 7 months
Kie, for the ask game:
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Hmmm...Jess, had to go to my wip graveyard for this, so I'm giving you two!
Dior You with Jung Hoseok
You’re the last one and Hoseok takes his time regarding you, gaze starting at your toes. Covered in the black doc martens he had bought you during your first autumn together. Trailing up your black tights to the Chanel skirt he had brought back from Paris as an apology for missing valentines day. To the tucked in, very fitted black turtleneck that you knew he owned a matching one to. Your outfit was a walking timeline of your secret relationship with Jung Hoseok and you have no doubt that his eagle eye recognized each of them.
Teenage Dirtbag with OT7
“I can’t believe this house will no longer be in the Min family soon.” Hoseok murmurs around a bite of melon.  He lifts the piece for you to take a chunk out, as you center yourself in this moment. Collecting a core memory for the future. Toes curling into the grass, that was a deep emerald from having been well cared for by mother nature over the summer months. The sweet juice of the watermelon bursting across your tongue, mixing with the alcohol in your stomach. Hoseok's thigh pressed into yours, the cold red juice dripping onto both of your bare legs.  “Namjoona! Can you bring us some napkins?” Hoseok shouts over your shoulders.  Namjoon emerges with your best friend trailing after him, her face flushed from the extended dance session. Hoseok takes the paper towels from Namjoon and wipes your legs before balancing the watermelon onto the wad, on your joint thighs. Your bestie collapses beside Hoseok and Namjoon settles crossed legged on your other side. “The 94 line back together again.” Your best friend smiles across Hoseok, at the three of you. “We’ll be thirty soon.” Namjoon says, taking a long gulp of his drink.  “Ugh, let’s not talk about depressing stuff right now. You’ll kill my buzz.” Hoseok wines, his heart shaped lips pulling into a deep frown. Shrugging you throw an arm around both men, “Isn’t this kind of what the party is about?” “What?” Your best friend asks.  “An end to our youth.” You answer her loftily. Namjoon laughs wryly as Hoseok and your bestie groan together. “Hey, deadbeats. Set up the blankets for the movie, the sun is close to setting.” Yoongi says giving your butt a soft kick and dropping the armload of bedding behind you. Taking another big bite of the watermelon and throwing back your second drink you slip from between the guys, reaching for a few blankets from the stack. You begin drifting around laying out the variety of rectangles.  Hoseok joins you, untucking the corners to your already placed blankets while he sips on his drink. The sky has set into a soft indigo, tinged a deep pinky-orange along the tree line as the sun sinks. You’re reminded of the fourth of July, the mismatched blankets reminiscent of evenings at the lake. All the families on blankets and lawn chairs, waiting for the moon to come out and the fireworks to light up the sky.
Pick a wip-moji and send an ask!
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