Would love some hurt Obi-Wan and Anakin angst with this prompt. “you have to stay awake. come on, give my hand a squeeze.”
Thank you for the prompt @jediash!! I'd love to hear what you think of this!
Prompts open! This one is from the Post-Trauma Sentence Starters. My ask box is open to your own ideas always! I have also posted fever prompts and softer whump prompts!
“You have to stay awake,” Anakin said. “Obi-Wan, c’mon. Give, give m-my hand a squeeze, oka-okay?”
Obi-Wan simply stared at him, glassy eyes seeing someone who was no longer there. His cheeks were crimson but Anakin had stopped feeling uncomfortable from the heat emanating from his master.
“M’st Qui-G’n? M-master, please help us”
His voice had been rubbed raw with his throat, as raw as the whip wounds across his back and shoulders. With each inhale Obi-Wan’s ribs rose shakily, lungs rattling, and every exhale wheezed like the speeder Anakin had built back on Tatooine, shoddy and practically useless.
“Master, it’s just me, it’s Anakin.”
Obi-Wan jerked at Anakin’s name.
“The boy, the boy! I have, I have to train the boy.”
“You found me, master, you found me,” Anakin said, caressing Obi-Wan’s face over and over. Kept his master’s ridiculous hair out of his eyes. Back to the wall, cradling the man that had become his brother as much as his father, Anakin could only pray that rescue was on its way.
The hours melded together, bleeding into one. What Anakin thought was every few minutes, he asked Obi-Wan to squeeze his hand, and every now and again, Obi-Wan would squeeze without further prompting. More times, though, Anakin had to shake him or press his ear to Obi-Wan’s chest to make sure he was still breathing.
He was sure they were both pleading, with each other or with ghosts long gone, but as with time, reality had begun to tilt, and Anakin’s own demons had stepped up to bat, drowning out his senses, smothering his conscious connection to the Force.
He let himself drift only because he knew that, even drifting far away, he’d never allow himself to let Obi-Wan die.
Not him, not his brother.
Never Obi-Wan.
He wasn’t surprised in the least when he woke up in medbay, Ahsoka on one side of the bed, Rex and Cody on the other, Obi-Wan lying next to him in the double bed they used for survivors who refused to be separated from each other.
Squeezing the hand that brushed the back of his where it lay, Anakin slipped back into sleep.
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jediash · 3 years
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Rewatched Moulin Rouge last night after 10 years or so, and of course I can still recite the entire thing and sing along lol. I forgot just how GLORIOUSLY PERFECT this movie is.
Now, join me for “Deep Thoughts with JediAsh”:
1. Tuberculosis = cottage cheese lungs. 🤮 Thank you to my professor for putting that image in my head. 🧀🫁
2. Don’t know why I didn’t stress about Satine’s contagiousness before, but I feel like Christian definitely caught the teebs lol. 😷 I know too much now, thanks nursing school. 😬
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calltomuster · 3 years
I need some good ol' fashioned wounded/dying Obi-Wan with Qui-Gon freaking out. Centered on this prompt: 20. “Please don’t leave me, I can’t do this without you.” My first time requesting a prompt, seems fun!! 😉
Good ol' fashioned wounded/dying Obi-Wan? Say no more, I got you! 😉 Thanks so much for the prompt, @jediash!
From these caretaker dialogue prompts: 20. "Please don't leave me, I can't do this without you."
A red lightsaber pierced through Obi-Wan's abdomen just as his own blue lightsaber slashed through Maul's chest.
Qui-Gon was vaguely aware that he was screaming, but he was focused solely on Obi-Wan. Maul's body, halved now, tumbled into the reactor as Obi-Wan collapsed to the ground.
The ray shields cycled out, and instantly Qui-Gon was running to his Padawan's side.
"Obi-Wan!" He slid on his knees as soon as he was close enough and placed on hand fervently over the gaping wound. Obi-Wan groaned as Qui-Gon applied pressure, writhing in his arms as if he was trying to escape the pain.
"No, don't try to move, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said, quickly undoing the obi around his waist and pressing it to Obi-Wan's stomach. "Just hold on, alright? We need to get you help, we need to--"
His eyes darted around the room as if a doctor would magically appear. But he knew there was little chance. They'd been isolated by Maul, and there was a battle taking place in the palace and surrounding areas.
"It's -- alright, Master," Obi-Wan choked, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. "Had to be -- this way."
"No," Qui-Gon said, shaking his head. "Don't say that, you're going to be just fine."
Obi-Wan snorted, then groaned as the movement jolted his stomach. Qui-Gon took the comm from his belt and hailed an open channel. "This is Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, requesting immediate emergency medical attention in the main reactor room."
He waited for a few seconds. There was no response.
"Again, this is Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, requesting immediate emergency medical attention in the main reactor room. If anyone can hear me, please respond. We have a critical wound here."
There was only dead air on the comm. "Shit," Qui-Gon hissed, dropping the comm on the ground and only barely resisting the urge to throw it. Everything was spinning out of control, and his carefully-maintained calm was quickly leaving him.
Obi-Wan, meanwhile, was growing too calm. His eyes were beginning to slide closed.
"Stay awake, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon urged, touching his face. "Don't fall asleep on me now."
Obi-Wan hummed, a high-pitched, painful whining sound, but opened his eyes.
Qui-Gon needed to keep him talking. "Why did you run ahead? Why didn't you wait for me?"
Obi-Wan smiled slightly. "Was either me or -- or you," he rasped. "Better like this."
"What do you mean?" Qui-Gon asked, glancing at the ray shields again as if someone would somehow appear between them.
"Had a vision," Obi-Wan said, voice muffled like his tongue was sticking to the roof of his mouth. "You dying. The Sith. Couldn't let..."
His lips moved slightly but it seemed he couldn't muster up the energy to continue the sentence.
Tears sprung to Qui-Gon's eyes. "Foolish Padawan," he said, not meaning it in the slightest. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
Obi-Wan's eyes were sparkling. "Be mindful of the... Living Force, young Padawan," he quoted at his Master.
This was normally where Qui-Gon would huff a laugh and tell his Padawan that what he really needed to be mindful of was his cheek, but he couldn't. Not in this moment.
"'s alright," Obi-Wan said again, eyes closing. "Will of th' Force. You can..." His voice trailed off again, and when it returned, it was barely more than a murmur. "Train the boy."
His head lolled back and he became limp in Qui-Gon's arms.
"Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon said, shifting frantically. "Obi-Wan!" He tapped Obi-Wan's face, trying to get him to wake up, but it was no use. His Padawan was unconscious, or worse.
Qui-Gon bowed his head, forehead touching Obi-Wan's chest. "Please don't leave me, I can't do this without you."
He felt Obi-Wan's chest continue its weak rise and fall, and urged it to continue. Hold on. He just had to hold on...
Thanks for reading! Requests are open! (with a caveat: the latest three requests I have in my inbox all use the prompt "I know it hurts, I'm sorry," so I humbly request that future requesters steer clear of that one! I'll still write the ones using that prompt that I have in my inbox, of course, but for anyone else I'd love it if they picked another prompt on the list or came up with their own. Thanks so much!!) Requests are currently closed!
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you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
(made a new post because the other one was getting long lol)
Thank you for tagging me @shukruutsrb!!!!!!! I’m very excited to do this lol
1. Dirty Laundry - All Time Low
2. Need You Here - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
3. All We Needed - Craig David
4. Paranoid - Black Sabbath
5. Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
6. Nico and the Niners - Twenty One Pilots
7. The Pantaloon - Twenty One Pilots
8. Human - Rag’n’Bone Man
9. Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At The Disco
10. SHUM - Go_A
no pressure tags: @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 @agreekdemigod @mymblesbuir @ogjeems @tjfinnigan @annwunder @cillyscribbles @jediash @katierosefun @new-anon-rb
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Thank you for the tag @solipsism-lemonade!!!
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with
fav color: blue and purple
last song: Whatever the last song in the Encanto soundtrack is
currently reading: The Witcher: The Last Wish
last movie: Encanto
sweet, savory, or spicy: Oooooo, savory with sweet not far behind
currently working on: Nothing at this exact moment actually. I’m gonna try to work on couple ideas I have rolling around hopefully tomorrow though. One to post soon and the other to maybe work into a long-fic (long for me at least)
no pressure tags: @redminibike1 @imperiousheiress @calltomuster @kaydear @shukruutsrb @secretlyatimelady @agreekdemigod @littlescarletstar @jediash
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thank you for the tag Mikey! @chiafett
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no pressure tags @milf-maul​ @jediash​ @stolen-pen-name23​  and anyone else who’d like to!!
blank card under cut
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