#jb reaction
kpopimaginings · 5 months
Goodnight Kisses - JayB
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You knew JayB would berate you for still being awake when he got home, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Recently, you'd got into such a routine of going to be together that it just felt wrong trying to sleep when he wasn't there. You'd done everything you normally would before sliding under the covers, but without your  good night kiss and the warmth of your man beside you, you just couldn't drift off.
JayB always promised you you'd still get your good night kiss if you were asleep when he got home but it wasn't the same. When you heard the front door open, you had a brief debate with yourself as to whether or not to feign sleep. As his gentle footsteps approached your room you decided against it, opting to greet JayB instead. You could tell he was trying to be quiet as he entered but you spoke up.
"Ah, jagiya, why are you awake?" he whispered. There was a slight smile on his face as he spoke, negating any air of annoyance in his words.
"Can't sleep," you complained. "Not without my goodnight kisses."
"Just let me wash up and get changed and you can have all the kisses you want," he replied.
You groaned and stretched your arms out in his direction, hoping to summon him closer.
He chuckled as he approached you, shaking his head. "You're always so clingy when you're tired," he said running a hand through your hair.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his fingers in your hair. All too soon he was pulling away again. Your eyes snapped open as you reached out to grab his hand and put it back. Unfortunately, in your sleepy state, JayB was quicker.
"I'm just getting ready for bed, jagi, then I'm all yours."
You still whined a little as he left you to head to the bathroom but you were for too tired to launch any sort of actual protest.
After far too long, he was climbing into bed behind you, enveloping you in his arms as a kiss was pressed to your shoulder.
"I love you, my needy jagi," he whispered.
You grunted at his teasing and snuggled further into his embrace.
There was a moments silence before you felt his finger tips digging into your waist and tickling you slightly. You squirmed but JayB didn't relent.
"Say it," he demanded.
"Who's needy now?" you retorted.
He tickled you again.
"I love you, too." You told him what he wanted to hear to stop the attack.
"That's better," he replied. "Sleep well."
With one last kiss placed gently on your neck, he held you tightly again, allowing you both to drift off to sleep, comforted by each others presence.
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mykoreanlove · 3 months
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things that made him run to you // coming back to you // .starved // I wanna know everything, all about you
on being real // 🥃 realizations // on Kinjaz // daddy fever // acts of intimacy // nightmares // backseat love. // conversations with love // AM hours // you're sick
can I see you tonight?
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fadedin2u · 5 months
it feels like this blog has been growing crazy quick and i just really appreciate it :) thank u guys for giving me a space to be horny on main
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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bambikisss · 2 years
Royal Flush
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-> In which your best friend sneaks into your castle and keeps you company before he goes off to war, leading to feelings being revealed.
SMUT WARNINGS: Choking, oral (both receiving), slight degradation, mentions of impregnation kink (keep it wrapped ladies and gents), unprotection sexy time, hair pulling, biting.
I will defend your honor every way I can, Y/N. In exchange, I want nothing more than you.
To you, love was something you thought you could live without.
You had been so focused on being by your mother's side as she ruled the kingdom that you hadn't even thought about searching for someone. You had only small crushes that would fizzle out faster than lighting would flash across a sky during a storm, leaving you with a cold feeling at their affection. Your mother would sometimes talk about how she was worried that you would end up alone ruling, and you would comfort her that you would find someone before then, just waiting for the one. She admittedly didn't believe you but would let it go as to not listen to your speech about being independent.
Your sister, however, wasn't so accepting of your answer.
She was always on you about marrying as you were the older one, talking about how men wouldn't wait forever for you to decide on who to marry, you always ignored her words as you found them stupid. Soon, though, after bringing it up once more at dinner, she snuck out into the town to tell one of the many popular journalists that you would be looking for a husband, the news coming back to you early in the morning as the house staff gossiped about who would come to try and get your hand in marriage. You tried to deny the rumors, but your mom and sister convinced you to seek someone for once. "Take this as an opportunity to find your soulmate, dear Y/N. If not for yourself, than for me," your mom smiled. She knew smiling at you always worked on you, clapping happily when you accepted your current fate.
You worked daily with the staff to prepare for the ball, finding yourself relaxed as you picked out a dress for the large ball.
Then felt yourself tense up again when you arrived.
The large ballroom was filled with your favorite colors and snacks with drinks, everyone turning to you as you entered with your family. The room went silent, only the orchestra playing in the background as everyone stared at you in awe. You felt almost small in everyone's gazes. You walked with your parents to the table filled with drinks as conversations resumed. You knew you weren't allowed to drink, but you were craving alcohol. Before you could try and convince your mother to let you drink, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to face a man with large sideburns and pristine white teeth. He looked much older than you, almost around your dead father's age. "May I introduce you to my son, Rain?" You turned to your mom, who nodded, giving you a "behave yourself" look behind her fan, making you put a smile on your face and follow the man into the deep sea of men, knowing it would be a long night before you could get the alcohol you wanted.
"None of the guys tonight were any good, mother."
You sighed as you changed into your nightgown and matching robe, your mom and maid lecturing you about trying harder at the next ball. You only nodded and wished them goodnight to get them to leave your room, sighing as you leaned against the door of your room. You let your eyes close as you enjoyed the silence, then ripped them open when you heard a noise from your open window. "Hello?" you asked the moon as if it had spoken to you, walking carefully over to the window as you leaned over the stone opening to stare up at the moon as the moon's light hit you. You were about to go back into your room when you felt a hand hit your's making you jump as you looked down at the hand, then had a hand coming to stop your scream as the male figure jumped into your room.
"Jinyoung! What are you doing in my room so late?"
You asked your best friend as he doubled over in laughter, his hand coming over to cover his mouth, making you shove his shoulder.
Jinyoung was one of your closest friends and confidants, being your personal guard whenever you went anywhere. He always had been by your side no matter what, including jumping into your room late at night to check on you. He was also the man who found your dead father in the fields and alerted everyone about his death, then comforted you as you cried for days.
"I came to see the swan of the season. The moon sent me," he chuckled, you shoving him again before walking back to your bed, bouncing as you fell back onto the bed. Jinyoung followed you, kicking your toe gently as he leaned against your bedframe. He looked you over, his cheeks becoming slightly tinted when he noticed your breasts pushed together and almost not fully covered by the lace at the top of your dress. He cleared his throat, closing your robe so it covered your chest, before his eyes me yours. "So, you're really looking for a husband now?" He asked, you turning to lean on your arm as you looked at him, drawing random shapes on the sheets. He knew how you fell in love, then quickly fell out of it, dealing with the angry broken hearts who tried to harm you.
You nodded, looking up at him as he sat down next to your head, moving your head to his lap. It wasn't weird for you guys to be so physically close, being friends for so many years.
"I just hope I find someone like you, Jinyoung. A caring soul who is also funny and carefree." You looked up when he scoffed, his head turning to stare out the window as he didn't want to meet your eyes. "I am not carefree, Y/N"
"You know what I mean," you sighed, sitting up as you pushed him off your bed so you could lie down. Jinyoung chuckled as he walked over to the window, preparing to leave before he turned to look at you. He mulled over mentally asking you on a date as he had grown feelings for you over a few years, deciding against it as to not ruin your friendship. "Well, whoever you marry now has to deal with getting food for you all the time from the town," he chuckled, tossing a red bean bun onto the small table you had next to the window before carefully climbing out, leaving you to smile at him as he disappeared beyond the stone window.
You hadn't felt your heart drop so hard since you were told that your father died.
Your heart was so low that you were sure it was about to exit your body, your hands shaking as you ask your mom to repeat what she had told you as you followed her through the large halls to the meeting chambers.
"Lord Mingi and his kingdom of ruthless pirates declared war on us."
You couldn't understand why anyone wanted to declare war on your kingdom, unable to speak properly as she pushed to doors to the large chamber, revealing the large army waiting for instructions from her. You continued to try and comprehend the situation as your mom raised a hand to silence the voices, including the ones in your head. "I'm sure you all have heard about what Mingi has declared to do to us. I shouldn't need to stay here and give instructions on what to do. Jinyoung will lead you all to the battlefield and I expect victory."
You turned to face Jinyoung, who didn't meet your eyes as he nodded, then told everyone to go outside and gather their weapons and horses. You couldn't help but stop him and grab his arm to stop him from leaving with the rest of the army, afraid that you'd lose him like you lost your father. He turned to face you, placing his free hand onto your head as he smiled at you, then gently gripped your wrist to remove your grip from him, walking away without speaking any words as he followed his army, the doors echoing shut as his back was the last thing you could see of him.
You paced your room all day and barely ate anything, all too worried about Jinyoung and the fate of the kingdom as so many things could go wrong.
You couldn't think about what life could be like without him, your eyes filling up with tears as you looked out at the orange-painted sky, the sun slowly descending, leaving you with the moon and the stars that seemed to shine a bit brighter that night.
You had walked all day that by nightfall, you could only lay down on your bed as you let your tears silently fall down your face. You realized that you couldn't live without Jinyoung. It reminded you of how your parents looked at one another. Your mom was so sure that she would pass before your father but crumbled when his death graced her ears. Your mom told you that it was a sign of love; their permanent absence can bring you to your knees and to tears, even if you believe you are the strongest being in the land. You had only come to terms that you loved him an hour ago and now you could lose the only man you ever truly loved the same day.
You thought about all the times he came to see you, how you both would hide your tinted cheeks and star-filled eyes. How he would sneak you out to the gardens and dance with you all night long if you wanted and would sing to you or tell you stories. You loved him.
You had no idea what time it was, nor how much time had passed when you were startled awake by a hand gripping the top of your window, covered in blood as their veins popped. You quickly sat up, reaching over to the side of your bed where you had your sword Jinyoung had insisted that you kept for protection, teaching you how to use it if he was unable to get to you. Before you could stand up, you heard Jinyoung's familiar groan, dropping the sword as you rushed to the window, helping him inside, his body resting against yours as you helped him to your bathroom. You placed him on the floor next to the sink, quickly panicking as you noticed the amount of blood that was on his body and clothes, along with the noticeable rips in his uniform. You took a cloth and wiped his face, listening quietly to his quiet groans of pain, his eyes closed as he let you wipe his face. You took your time to admire his face as you had it so up close and so relaxed, taking note of the cut on his puffy lips and a past scar on his jaw. You didn't realize that you had stopped cleaning him up until he opened his eyes, staring into yours as he tried to sit up. You rushed to help him, Jinyoung telling you to give him a moment as he carefully stood up, leaning against the wall as he looked at you. His hair had fallen to cover his eyes, your fingers gently moving it as he only stared at you, Jinyoung then catching your wrist as he placed a kiss onto it.
You both said nothing else, the kiss charging both of you as he pulled you into a kiss, your lips moving messily against one another as he let go of your wrist, moving to grip your hips as your hands moved into his hair. He wasted no time pushing his tongue into your mouth, moaning softly against your lips as his hands squeezed your hips. He pulled back so you could both catch your breath, your breaths hitting one another as you both stared at each other, Jinyoung's hand moving up your body carefully, pulling up your nightgown as he does, his eyes moving to your hip. He leaned down to kiss it, biting the skin around your underwear, taking his time as he kissed around your hip, moving closer to your ass making you sigh as your hand moved into his hair. He gently wrapped his arms around you, picking you up before carefully placing you onto the bed as your lips connected again, his hands slowly pushing up your nightgown again as his lips moved to your neck, his hands now massaging your bra-covered breasts. You chose to speak the first words since he returned to you, gasping as you felt his teeth bite onto your skin. "Jinyoug, I love you." You confessed, his movements not stopping as he looked up at you, his hands still massaging your breasts. "You mean it?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of lust and love, giving you the confidence to nod. He nodded, looking down at your breasts as you removed your bra, moaning as you felt his hands make contact with your hot skin. He bent down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, making you arch your back as Jinyoung slipped his hand behind you, grabbing your ass as he massaged it. "You tortured me so long, Y/N," He mumbled around your nipple, his eyes meeting yours as he bit down on it gently, making you whine as he licked it to soothe it before switching to the other one, kissing and biting along the valley of your breasts before his lips wrapped around your nipple. His free hand that was on your ass moved to the front of you, chuckling as his finger gathered wetness as he moved it up and down your slit. "You're so wet for me, love. I bet you wanted this so badly, hmm?" You nodded at his voice, your eyes shut as you enjoyed the pleasure, your eyes then popping open when you felt his hand connect with your clit, slapping your clit as his finger then soothed it as he sat up to stare into your eyes, smirking. "Words. Say it to me," his eyes drilled into yours. You wanted to look away from his gaze, his free hand coming up to quickly grip your jaw as his finger moved faster against you, making you whine. "I want you, Jinyoug. I've wanted you for so long."
Jinyoung chuckled, keeping your eyes meeting his as he pushed his finger into you, biting his bottom lip at the sound of your moans as he moved his finger faster. He watched you as he moved, watching your body move around the bed as you tried to move away from his finger, yet grip his forearm so he didn't stop. You wanted more, though. You waited so long for him that you wanted all of him.
"More Jinyoung, please" you whined, Jinyoung raising an eyebrow as he slowed his finger down, placing his free hand on the bed next to your head as he leaned down to you. "More?" he asked, his voice laced with fake confusion as he added another finger into you, making you gasp as he moved his finger faster. He kissed and bit around your neck, groaning as he felt his pants tighten at the sounds you and your pussy was making. He moved his fingers for a bit longer, ripping off your underwear as he climbed onto the bed, laying down on his stomach before he placed your legs onto his shoulders, diving into you. "So sweet my baby. So wet for me, huh? You're so tasty just for me," he groaned, making you grab the sheets as he pulled you closer to his lips and tongue, not giving you a chance to move away. You gripped his hair as you moved your hips against his face, Jinyoung murmuring filthy things against you as he licked you. Right before you could cum, he pulled back, leaning back on his legs as he ripped off his shirt, your eyes staring at his toned body and abs. You felt a rush of energy as you sat up and crawled over to him, your hand running down his abs as he kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. You let your hand move into his pants, gripping his dick as it twitched in his underwear. You watched as he pulled back from the kiss, tossing his head back as his hips moved to meet your hands, his tongue moving to lick his bottom lip. You took it as a sign to help take him out of his underwear and pants, leaning down to lick and suck his tip, the precome being salty and sweet.
"Look at you, so eager to suck my dick." He moaned, pushing your head down more as his hips move slowly, giving you time to adjust to his cock moving down your throat. You looked up at him, winning as his hand moved into your hair, Jinyoung shushing you as he pulled his cock out of your mouth. "Stop being such a whore for it. You'll get more in a second."
You had never heard Jinyoung speak to you like that, your thighs closing against one another as you moaned, watching as he got off the bed to remove his pants and underwear, then removed the rest of the nightgown, tossing it with his clothes before climbing back onto the bed.
"Are you going to be good for me while I fuck you?" he asked, rubbing his cock up and down to gather your wetness as his eyes bore into yours. You realized that he was giving you a way out just in case you didn't want to go farther, your heartwarming at the gesture. You nodded, your hands moving into his hair as you bit your lip. He nodded, pushing into you then placing his hands onto the pillows next to your head, capturing you in a soft kiss as he fully pushed in. You both moaned into the kiss as he waited to move, his lips moving to your neck as he began to move, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he rolled his hips to meet yours.
He looked up to your eyes as he moved his hips faster, groaning as he felt you tighten around him and your nails dig into his shoulders. "You feel so good, Jinyoung. Faster, please" you whined, wrapping your legs around his waist as he began to move his hips harder. Jinyoung sat up as his hips moved faster, his hand moving around your throat as he watched you. "Are you gonna cum, baby? I'm gonna cum too" he whined, leaning down to kiss you deeply, swallowing your whines as you tightened around him. You couldn't make words as you felt his hands tighten around your throat, giving you a heightened feeling as you came, moaning his name loudly. You looked up at Jinyoung as he moved his hands to grip your hips, moving faster as his eyebrows furrowed together, staring at where you both met. "Gonna fill you up so good baby girl. Gonna give you a fucking baby" he seemed to just be talking to himself as he came closer to his orgasm, gasping as his eyes connected with yours as he pulled you close to him as he came, his hips halting against yours. You moaned at the feeling of him filling you up, shuddering as he kissed along your shoulder. "I love you too, Y/N" He whispered against your ear, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he let his hands move around your body.
You leaned back against the pillows as he pulled out and went to go grab a cloth to clean each other, coming back to wipe your thighs and his softening dick before laying down next to you, holding you close as he kissed you softly. "I was so worried that you wouldn't come back, Jinyoung" you whispered, your lover nodded as his hands ran through your hair. "You were all I thought about while I fought. I wanted to tell you how much I loved you but I didn't know if you felt the same." He whispered, pulling you closer as he kissed you softly, his hands coming to cup your cheek. You felt the familiar butterflies in your stomach he sometimes gave you, making you move to kiss him more, Jinyoung chuckling against your lips.
"Hey Jinyoung?" You asked, your lover humming as his lips moved down your neck to your collarbone, his hands moving down your body. "How soon can you go again?"
"Very nice to meet you, Sir Lay."
You bowed as you waved away another suitor, sighing as you turned to face your mom, who only shrugged. You had spent a good half of the ball just interacting with more suitors, wanting nothing more than return to your bedroom and sleep. If anything, your sister was more interested in the guys than you were.
"Excuse me?"
You turned to face Jinyoung, who smiled at you as he nodded to your mom. He held out a corsage to you, your eyes lighting up as he offered you his hand, tilting his head to the dance floor. Many men eyed him with annoyance as he was the first man who you looked to have your full attention. "May I have this dance, Y/N?"
You turned to your mom, who nodded with a smile, letting you grip his hand as he led you to the floor, kissing her hand. "You look gorgeous, my love. Keep your eyes on me."
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
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His reaction when you are teasing him in public/in front of members.
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Mark Tuan
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You loved training with Mark. What could be sexy, you thought as your eyes run over your boyfriend's hot body. But even more, you enjoyed teasing him while he taught you the martial arts. You kept casually stroking his ass or thigh, almost reaching his crotch as he taught you a new move. He gave you a warning look every time you kept teasing him. But it turned you on even more. You couldn't concentrate while he explained the new hold to you. You watched as a drop of sweat from his hair flowed down his neck to his chest, which was bare due to the kimono being too open. You chuckled as you walked around him from behind, following his instructions. You wrapped your arms around him, but instead of clasping your hands into a lock on his chest, you slipped your hand into his kimono. You ran your nails across his chest, brushing against his nipple. Mark practically growled at your actions. He grabbed the collar of your kimono, throwing you over it. He stopped you in the air before your back touched the floor. "Baby, don't you think you're in bad position to tease me like that?" he growled, making you chuckle as his eyes darkened with excitement. He let go of you, letting you plop down on the floor as you giggled contentedly at the reaction you received.
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Lim Jaebeom
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You teased him all evening at the family dinner. To say that Jaebeom was overexcited is an understatement. The way he tried his best to calm down only made you want to tease him even more. That's why you smiled widely when you were in the elevator right in front of him, due to the crowd. You move your hand behind your back and squeezed his hard cock with your fingers. He groaned softly as he squeezed your wrist. "Don't you think you've got carried in your game, baby?" he whispered in your ear, squeezing your hand tighter You just giggled softly, continuing to run your fingers along its length. You took your hands off his cock and, making sure no one was looking at you, lifted the hem of your short dress from behind, teasing him with your ass. You heard a low growl that sent goosebumps to your skin. Jaebeom gripped your shoulder tightly, pulling you towards him. His fingers dug into your skin, hurting you as you rubbed your ass against his cock. “Congratulations my kitty, you just hit the jackpot. And don't even think that your safe word can help you tonight!" he said in a low voice, and a chill went down your spine as you realized it wasn't a joke.
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Jacksom Wang
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You sat in a restaurant and had dinner with all the members. You continued to fiddle with the pendant, drawing the eyes of Jackson, who was sitting opposite, to your deep neckline. You practically snorted in frustration as he continued talking to the guys. You smiled as you took your glass of wine. You didn't look away from Jackson, running your glass over your bottom lip. "Daddy" you said wordlessly with just your lips before taking a sip. You chuckled as it made Jackson freeze for a second before he returned to the conversation. You took a slice of the cake, deliberately leaving cream on your lips. You said wordlessly "Daddy" running your tongue over your lips. You bit your lip slightly as Jackson gulped looking at your lips. Perfect, you thought, realizing that your little game was working. You took off your shoe, running your foot along Jackson's ankle. "Daddy," you said again as he looked sharply at you. His jaw tightened as you ran your foot across his crotch. "Daddy" you chuckled, making him squeeze the glass in his hand. You sharply returned your foot back on floor as he slammed hard his palm down on the table. “Are you really could handle it if I turn into your daddy right now?!” he growled glaring at you, causing the guys to stare at Jackson with their mouths open. You smiled broadly as you returned to your cake, getting exactly the reaction you were hoping for.
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Park Jinyoung
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You rested your elbows on the table as Mark and Jaebeom prepared dinner. You turned around and smiled when you saw Jinyoung staring at your ass in short shorts that were barely visible from oversize T-shirt. You turned your head to make sure BamBam and Yugeom were totally into playing on PS. You spread your legs slightly and leaned forward, arching your back just enough for Jinyoung to see your ass and crotch completely. You pulled your shorts up, letting them dig between your folds. You couldn't help but laugh when Jinyoung cleared his throat. You turned slightly towards Jinyoung, meeting his glare. You saw how white his fingers were when he squeezed his phone, tapping his leg nervously. Jinyoung closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Perfect, you thought as you watched Jinyoung try to keep his arousal under control. You ran your hand down your ass, lightly grabbing the hem of your shorts, completely exposing your buttocks for Jinyoung's gaze. “Baby,” he warned you in a stern voice. "You talking to me?" chuckling asked Mark turning towards Jinyoung before returning to cooking. You were glad that because of the kitchen island you leaned on, Mark couldn't see your little show you put on for Jinyoung. You heard a low growl behind you as you ran your fingers along your crotch. You chuckled when you heard Jinyoung's chair creak as he stood up. “One more move like that and I’ll show the guys how much you love being punished!” Jinyoung growled leaving a hard slap on your half-naked ass before lowering your shorts down, leaving all the guys staring at you practically with their mouths open. “Nerd” you snorted as Jinyoung left the kitchen heading for the restroom, causing Mark and Jaebeom to laugh out loud.
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Choi Youngjae
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You chuckled as Youngjae sat on the floor instead of joining everyone at the table. You knew that he could see your legs under the table, unlike the others. You spread your legs wide, pulling your skirt up your thighs. You noticed how Youngjae's jaw tightened as his eyes caught your movements under the table. You ran your fingers over your crotch and almost laughed as Youngjae's jaw dropped. He turned his gaze to you, completely blushing from your actions under the table. You almost moaned when you saw the pleading in his eyes to stop teasing him. You bit your lower lip, causing him to swallow loudly. "Are you okay?" asked Jaebeom "No!" Youngjae practically groaned. You giggled contentedly as Youngjae fell to the floor, turning his back to the table, trying to hide his boner.
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BamBam didn't react at all to your attempts to seduce him while you were hanging out together with members. But you had a secret weapon that always worked. You selected one of your underwear photos and sent it to BamBam, quickly slipping your phone into your pocket. BamBam gasped loudly making all the members look at him. You barely kept a smile, making the most surprised look, while BamBam drilled you with a look. "Are you okay?" asked Jackson, clapping BamBam on the shoulder. “Yes,” BamBam cleared his throat, slowly blushing without taking his eyes off you. “You seem to blush. Are you sure you're okay?" You asked innocently looking at him. You ran your fingers along the stem of the glass, forcing BamBam to follow your every move. Now whatever you do it will tease him even more. "Yeah, I'm fine," BamBam practically growled looking into your eyes. "Got a notification that I wanted to watch the movie 'Love and Leashes' tonight!" answered BamBam. You bit your lower lip and BamBam unconsciously leaned towards you but quickly stopped when he remembered that you weren't alone. You laughed softly at his angry looks as you continued your little torture to seduce your boyfriend.
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Kim Yugeom
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You couldn't help but laugh as Yugeom watched open-mouthed at you while you sucked on the lollipop. He tried to keep the conversation going with the other members, but his words were constantly confused, making the others laugh at him. “I'd be scared of him if I were you,” Jinyoung said while pushing Yugeom in the shoulder. “He looks at you like he's a maniac... ouff” You laughed at Jinyoung's comment that made Yugeom resent his hyung. “How can I even look at her differently when she does something like this!” Yugeom growled as he snatched the lollipop from your hand. “From now on, lollipops are forbidden for you,” Yugeom snorted as he tossed your lollipop into the bin. You couldn't hide the amusement that your boyfriend's cute reaction caused.
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That ass…
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chocolvte · 2 years
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GOT7 REACTION — what the members would be like as older brothers
REQUEST — Hi, so if it's cool with you could you do a headcanon about what got7 would be like as older brothers?
LISTEN TO — don quixote by seventeen
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facetimes you like once every three months but always answers you when you call him
seems like the type to text you “how do i do xyz” and it’s like the simplest shit ever but he’s simply a boomer and gets confused aww (KIDDING)
gets super pissed when you tell him about any friend drama
and he’s always on your side, no matter what
honestly very sweet to you. medium forgets you exist for a little while but he treats you very well otherwise LOL
「 jaebeom 」
why do i have the feeling y’all had beef when you were younger??
like he’d definitely have bullied you as kids
pulling the ‘i’m older so you have to do what i say!!!’ card all the time
but as you both got older and wiser things got way better between you and now you’re his little bestie
he takes you everywhere with him and you have the same sense of humor so you have lots of inside jokes. you’re even friends with lots of his friends. everyone jokes that they like you more
「 jinyoung 」
the most PROTECTIVE older brother ever
feels the need to vet everyone around you for whatever reason. and it’s always something stupid too like after driving y’all somewhere he’d be like: nah they didn’t pass the vibe check. they didn’t know that one song i played 😒😒
and if you wanted to start dating???
he’d treat everyone you brought over as if they were the sketchiest person ever. acts way tougher than he is and definitely would be passive aggressive until they won him over
but also he always pays for your dinner and he always wants to know what’s going on with you
「 jackson 」
jackson has the chillest older brother energy in my humble opinion
like i think he would definitely be protective of you and your energy. he never wants to hear that anyone has done you dirty
that’s when he’d get aggressive but if not then he thinks your life is your business
but also he wants to know EVERYTHING. like mf is NOSY bahaha but he wants to seem like he doesn’t care too much
「 youngjae 」
jae definitely has that shows up in your room, touches three things, then walks out and leaves the door open brother energy
never communicates his feelings directly
but he’d peel your perilla leaves for you, cut your food into bite size pieces, tie your shoes for you if your hands are full, take off your makeup if you come home too drunk to do your skincare
basically acts of service is his love language
he never wants to say that he loves you because he thinks that’s weird but he still thinks you’re the cutest younger sibling ever
「 bambam 」
the type to sit with you while you’re getting ready and just play different songs and gossip with you. then proceeds to say that he helped LMAO
always takes your pictures for you. and he’s so well trained. he always knows the right angles
probably would try to date one of your friends but he’d give it a rest if you really get angry and yell at him about it
but also all of your friends would like him because he’s so easy to hang out with and somehow he’s just always around
also it’s giving: don’t worry kiddo. this one’s on me.
but only after he pretends not to have his wallet on him or something 💀
「 yugyeom 」
like a silent little bodyguard
he’d be the type to unknowingly be a really scary older brother to everyone else, but to you he’s just this little softy
as kids he always read you bedtime stories and got you ready for school in the morning
low key gets emotional that you’re growing up
i think you guys would just be super close and have that relationship that everyone wishes they had with their sibling
but when you fight you FIGHT. like you rarely argue over stupid things so if y’all are beefing it’s definitely over something major
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nichoswag · 2 years
Hey there I have some got7 scenarios/reactions that I'd love to see you do... How would they approach someone they are interested in at a house party?
hey anon! i decided to use the term crush in place of 'someone they're interested in,' i hope that's okay. i actually like this scenario a lot but i wasn't completely sure what to write, so here's my attempt 👀 also sorry for the wait, i was stumped so it did take me a bit to be creative and complete the request :3 enjoy!
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how got7 would approach their crush at a party
warnings: cursing, fighting (in jayb's), flirting, terrible pickup lines (jackson 👀), not proofread bcs i'm tired af
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jaebeom probably wouldn't even approach you - he'd be subtly watching bcs he just adores you sm. subtle until he notices a guy getting too close and you seeming uncomfortable. he makes his way to you and pulls the whole "babe, is this guy bothering you?" and you play along until the guy grows frustrated and calls you names, which is when jb throws hands (fists). after he defends you and leaves the guy slumped on the ground, you're actually the one who asks for his number.
mark would probably be really straight forward. sumn like "hey, you're cute, could i get your number?" but in the least creepy way possible. you can't help but say yes - he's so fcking cute omg and he texts you as soon as he gets home from the party to make sure you get home safely
jackson would be so extra ong. he'd slide in with the horribly tacky pickup lines but it still gives you butterflies. something like "hey, what's your name?" "y/n, why?" "oh, i could've sworn it was mine." so cheesy but so fcking cute bcs its jackson anywhores y'all exchange numbers after flirting a bit and that's how it goes down :D
jinyoung would definitely be the most smooth - you couldn't even tell if he's nervous (he is). he approaches you with a slight smile to appear friendly (rbf fr) and sits next to you and your friend on the sofa. he attempts to make small talk and by the end of the night, you both share a few drinks and exchange numbers.
youngjae seems like a pretty shy person irl esp around people he doesn't really know so he'd have to be comfortable with you to approach you - and you have to be alone bcs he's afraid of messing up around you, much less your friends or other strangers 🥺 he'd probably ask for your number so you could plan a hangout at some point (not a date, he wouldn't be that straightforward)
i take back what i said about jinyoung - bam is def the most smooth with all that flirting he does, and that's definitely what he does with you. mans waltzes right up to you and starts flirting (so extra pls) he'd def ask for your number and plan out a date on the spot 😩
bb would prob try to act so confident but be vv nervous :3 mans does not have enough experience with dating despite his constant flirting smh... probably stutters a bit but ultimately plays it cool. you end up giving him your number bcs he's just so cute!!
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yaoi-angel · 7 months
just finished a little life!!
been staring at a wall. thinking.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 2 months
there's a lot of asks I have built up that just stays in my inbox because I don't know how to respond to them and I apologize
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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maybe just...let people like/dislike things and live and let live, folks
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verytalented · 1 year
What would Got7 do pt.4
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1 2 3 4 A/N: This is the last part of this request If you would like to request anything here is my Master List, and Ask List
Request- At a house party, what kind of person is each GOT7 member? And where would they be?
JB - Jay is the type to not want to go to a party because he would either be going to work or just doesn't wanna waste his time at a party. But at the same time, he wouldn't want to miss out on the fun and he would be the DJ or some shit.
Mark- Mark would be the so would sit in the corner and just watch everything unfold, but somehow he would still contribute to whatever happened at the party. Or would be dragged into the mess at the party.
Yugyeom- He would drink some much to the point where he make the stupidest decisions of his life. I feel when his drunk he would get a tattoo and wouldn't remember how when he got it or how he got it..
BamBam- I feel like bambam would make the party more welcoming and would be talking to everyone there as well as pranking every last one of his friends. Bambam would differently be the type to be so loud even though there is music playing.
Jackson- My man would most likely be the one drinking it up all night but still wouldn't get drunk. Jackson would never get drunk because he has so much experience from so many parties and most likely be the one who started the party from the start.
Youngjae- He would always be late to the party and would always forget that there is a party. Or he would never get invited to the party. And even if he did show up he would be so awkward and wouldn't know what to do.
Jinyoung- I feel like he would be very emotional when drunk. You'll probably find him outside somewhere and he would be thinking about his past actions. And as soon as you start talking to him he starts venting to you even though he's not the type to do things like that. And here's a plus the next day you would ask him about it and he would act like he didn't talk to you about his problems. And he would most likely be awkward for a while.
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grungnr · 2 years
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it’s still wednesday, my dudes. 
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fadedin2u · 5 months
Modern Ellie is so jb coded
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crowley1990 · 1 year
Stop using the /pos tag I am always going to read that as piece of shit it’s just upsetting
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bambikisss · 2 years
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Jaebeom was one of the newest inmates in the Seoul Prison, and with all of the new inmates, he had to go through psych evaluation…you just so happened to be the one doing it. Will you find the truth about why he was really there or will be one of his newest victims?
Story Warnings: blood, violence, mentions of murder, slight mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of self-harm
Smut Warnings: choking, degradation, oral (male/female receiving), unprotected sex (keep it, safe people)
Your heart knew better than how it was acting when it came to Jaebeom. It knew not to race when he touched your arm or when he brought up the fact that you were wearing the ring he left you after that faithful day you both had the best sex you had in a while in the office. Your heart knew better, yet it let you fall for him.
You fell for someone who was not only a murderer, but you didn't know him fully.
You knew what he told you about himself in the hour sessions you had with him a couple times a week. You had to remind yourself that every time your heart skipped a beat when he smiled at you.
You both would never be able to walk out of the office and go on a date, you both would never be able to cuddle in your bed when it rained, and you would never be able to take him home to see your parents.
He was a convict.
You had arrived in the office the same way you had for the months you had been coming, it now being December. You removed your scarf as Jaebeom was let in, his smile on his face as he sat down. Even though you had asked the guards a while ago to stop putting chains on him when he came into your office, they insisted for safety reasons. You never saw why they needed it but, didn't argue.
"So, what are your plans for this time of year, Y/N?" He asked as you sat down. He had grown comfortable with using your first name, always asking how you were doing when you guys meet. You returned the smile as you let him know that you were going to spend the holidays probably either alone or with your parents, making him frown. He never understood why a gorgeous woman such as yourself was alone. It always shocked him. You shook your head at his try to make you feel wanted, going back to your notes. The meeting went by as fast as the other ones did, you asking about his recent activities rather than digging into the wound that was the murder case. You knew that was why you were brought in, but you just didn't like seeing the pained look on his face every time you brought it up.
You didn't know why, but you just wanted to block out his whole reason for being in the prison in the first place.
"Miss L/N? May I talk to you before you leave for the day?"
You were packing up after your last client left for the day, nodding as the prison's owner came in, closing the door as he sat down. He looked annoyed, playing with his keys that were wrapped around his belt on his big belly. "I take it you found out the reason Mr. Jaebeom committed the crime? Have you gotten my confession?" He asked, making your heart stop as you shook your head. He sighed, his keys slinging back to the belt as he stood up. "I want my answer by Friday, Miss Y/N. Don't let him fool you. Don't let this prime opportunity slip for a great rating to go on your record over a murder's feelings." You nodded, wincing as he slammed the door shut. You couldn't help but tear up, thinking about the hurt you'd bring him the next session. This could deeply affect your job and it will go on your record, but you couldn't stop the tears as you thought back to his pained eyes when he told you about his brother. How they fought, how he was so abusive; you would never want to put him through that kind of pain...
But you had to.
You decided against going home that night and being alone, instead of going to your parent's home. They both were more than happy to not only welcome you in for dinner but to stay the night. You tried dodging your father's asks about work and if you found someone to bring home to him yet. Your father always said that he was getting old and that he wished you'd date more, but your heart only hurt and thought of Jaebeom. "No, dad, there's no one, yet." You hid your disappointment and sadness as you wiped your eyes with a napkin as your father talked about having you meet someone he worked with son.
You had gotten to sneak away to the comfort of your room after helping clean the dishes and listening to your father continue to name eligible bachelors he knew. You fell back onto your old bed, wiping your face as you looked up at the ceiling, trying to figure out a way to ease into the conversation with Jaebeom when your mom knocked on the door, coming in with a small smile. She sat down at the edge of your bed as if to give you space. She held your hand as she helped you up, offering you a smile as she rubbed your hand. "Who is it, Y/N?" Your eyebrows furrowed as she laughed softly, mentioning the uninterested look you gave your father during his rant about finding you a man. You broke down, the feelings you kept bottled up coming crashing down as you fell into your mom's embrace, telling her everything. Meeting Jaebeom, the sexual moments, the ring; everything that you found meaningful about the two of you, you told your mom. She said nothing as you cried, patting your back and offering you her shoulder as you did. You appreciated your mom at that moment as she was able to listen well unlike your worrying father.
When you had regained your voice and emotions at that moment, your mom finally spoke. "Y/N. You're talking as if you've caught genuine feelings for him. Like you both have a connection I've always wanted you to have with someone. But, don't forget. You have to do your job not only because you must but for yourself. You have to know if this relationship is even feasible. You may love him, Y/N. Love is not blind – it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less." You nodded, wiping your tears, stopping as you felt the cold ring come into contact with your face, almost as if his cold hands were comforting you as well. "You also need to figure out because if your father found out you fell in love with a murder then he would lose his lid"
You didn't need to see that.
You tossed and turned all night, thinking about what to say and how to say it as you only had one day to get in to either get a confession from him or to hear him plead his case. You needed to hear the truth; there was no more time to push it off.
You arrived at the prison a bit earlier the next morning to get more time with Jaebeom in, rushing the process as you wanted to hurry and get him into the room. You weren't lusting after him; you wanted the truth.
You hurriedly told the guard to bring him in, removing your scarf and paced the floor, your teeth fiddling with the ring he gave you. When he came in and the door shut, you both made no moves to one another. Your eyes looked down at his free hands and feet, not chained up and restricted. "Oh, since I've been on good behavior and since you kept suggesting that we do these meetings without them, they let me take them off" He smiled, your eyes going back to his happy and hopeful ones. He looked so much happier to not be in the chains and to be in the room with you. It made you wonder what he looked like in regular clothes as he walked the streets. You cut him off before he could say anything else, hugging him tightly, which startled him. You hadn't been so close to him with his clothes on since the first encounter in the hallway, your head resting on his shoulder as you continued to hug. His hands stayed in the air for a bit as he registered the hug, his hands then moving to wrap around you tightly as he returned the hug. That's how you both stood for a while, wrapped in each other's tight embrace.
"Something is going to happen to me... is that the reason you're hugging me?" You pulled back to cup his cheeks, your thumbs rubbing his cheeks as you both stared into each other's eyes. He let his hands move to your waist as you led him into a kiss, your lips molding with his like puzzle pieces. In your mind, this would be the last kiss with the image of him you had in your mind. The last kiss with your version on Lim Jaebeom.
You pulled back breathlessly, his lips trying to chase yours as you shook your head, pulling back and moving from his grasp. He let you as he touched his lips, his eyes filled with heartbreak and confusion. You moved behind your desk as you tried to not let your heartbreak show on your face as you checked the time, realizing how little time you both had left.
"Jaebeom. I need you to tell me if you committed that murder. If you don't you are going to be admitted here for the rest of your life and I will never visit you here or answer your calls ever again" You said in the sternest voice you could muster, his eyes widening as he realized the situation. He shuddered, trying to ask you questions but you cut him off as you begged him to tell you. "Jaebeom. I love you but you gotta tell me so I can go on dates with you, meet your cats and do all the things you love. In order for us to do this, you gotta tell me right now."
He sat down in the chair in front of your desk as he had done so many times before, running his hand over his face as he sighed. His hands rested on his head as he closed his eyes.
''My brother had asked me to come over to see him. At that moment, we weren't on speaking terms so I thought he was apologizing so I went over to his home. When I got inside, all the lights were off and the place was dark and I could smell pennies. I turned the living room light on to see his girlfriend on the floor dead. There was so much blood everywhere. He came from a connecting room and told me to help him clean up the body and when I refused because that's crazy he.."
Jaebeom paused as if he was holding back tears. You looked back at the time, telling him that you understood that he was in pain but he had to tell you everything in order to save himself.
He took another deep breath before continuing. "He yelled at me and tried hitting me with some bat or something. I started yelling and he hit me and I blacked out. The next thing I knew I woke up with cops arresting me, calling me a murder and my brother no where in sight."
The door busted open right as he finished, the prison owner coming in and calling for two guards to chain him up to be sent to the farther part of the prison where he could wait for death. Your eyes both filled with worry as you played his confession that you had recorded on your phone back to everyone, the room becoming silent as his voice played back from the audio. The prison owner scoffed kicking Jaebeom to his knees as he walked over to you, slamming his hand down onto the table, stopping the recording. "He's lying. There's no way he did it with a bat because the autopsy came back that-" "she died from multiple stab wounds" you both turned back to Jaebeom, who was now being held down on the floor by the guards. "My brother used to be a chef and owned many knives. My prints were on the bat because he placed mine on there, but there's no way it did it as the blood was older as she had been there for longer than I was laid next to her with a bat gash wound on my head." He grunted, your eyes widening.
"As he said, his brother was the one with many reports against him for abusing her, right? So why would Jaebeom all of a sudden kill her?" You asked, making the prison owner order the guards to get off of him. He stood him up, pinning him against the wall. "What are you saying, Jaebeom?" He spat, Jae's rolling his eyes as he cleared his throat. "My brother killed his girlfriend with one of his cooking knives, then hit me with the bat then left me for dead and to take the blame as he bailed. I mean, why would I kill her and then bash myself in the head at his house?"
The room became silent at his question, the beeping from your recorder being the only noise as the two men had a stare-off. "There, you got your confession. Now put him down" You said, putting your hand onto the prison owner's arm, urging for him to let Jaebeom down, who was still staring at you with almost ashamed eyes. He was let down, you rushing to offer him water as he coughed, the boss calling for his guards to call the local police department that handled the case to come to meet with him as soon as possible. You didn't care though, your eyes carefully scanning Jaebeom as he drank his water. He smiled at you, letting you know that he was alright.
You were in the room when the cops came and listened to his confession, taking him into another room for a poly test and more questions. You were instructed to go home as he was getting tested, not giving you the chance to say goodbye or check on him. You both made eye contact as you passed by the window, his eyes being drawn to yours before one of the testers put down a curtain, blocking your views of one another. You contemplated going into the room, but you knew that if you went into the room, it would expose you both and it could ruin your career. So, you went home.
You weren't called back to the prison to meet with Jaebeom, nor were you offered any updates. You contemplated every day doing back to check on him but you became so scared. What if he wasn't there anymore? What if no one believed him? You didn't think you could handle it, deciding to look for work elsewhere to take your mind off the situation. '
Off of Jaebeom.
You were offered a great job in a neighboring city in a mental health center, which you accepted. You had sold your home and had packed up and had your parents help you pack up and put your items into the car. Your dad asked if you wanted to take off the ring as you complained about how it hurt when the heavy boxes it against it, but you declined. It was the last thing you had of him and it reminded you of him. You had put your last box into the car when you did a last check on the house to make sure it was empty, memories filling every corner as you walked around. You smiled before joining your parents outside, listening to your mom yell at your dad for offering to buy a security camera for your next home. You laughed at your father, assuring him that you'd be fine as he scoffed. "At least this place sold fast. There seems to be someone already here to check out their home."
You turned to where your father was motioning to, your eyes widening.
In plain clothes and no chains stood Jaebeom. He smiled, getting off what you assumed was his car as he made his way up the driveway meeting you halfway as you rushed to meet him. You both shared no words, only staring at one another as if it was a dream and either one of you would disappear in that moment.
"Hello Miss Y/N L/N"
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