#jaxon reed
vievecorcityrp · 7 months
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THE LYCAON PACK is looking for their EX-PACK LEADER
CHARACTER NAME: First name is [up to player], Lycaon
FACE CLAIM: Carla Gugino, Julianna Margulies, Hannah Waddingham, [up to player] 
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Werewolf (Alpha)
AGE: 280 years and above
SEXUALITY: Heteroflexible (details in background)
OCCUPATION: [up to player] 
DISTRICT: Chissob Hills
She was the leader of the Lycaon pack in Vievecor City for about 200 years until her son, Caleb challenged her to pack leader status 2 years ago. She lost this fight and Caleb assumed pack alpha status. It is still unclear to Caleb if she tossed the fight, but she insists that she did not.
She has 5 children in total with her husband (omega). The eldest is a beta male, followed by an omega female, then Caleb (alpha), Gwen (alpha) and finally a beta female.
When her alpha son Caleb challenged her to a fight about 2 years ago, she lost and he took over as pack alpha. She has been living in Vievecor City as a lone wolf ever since.
PERSONALITY: Strict, disciplined, traditionalist, [up to player] 
With Caleb: Once Caleb manifested late as an alpha, she overlooked his younger sister Gwen and chose Caleb out of her two alpha children to train with the intention to have him take over from her as pack leader. He has always been an obedient child when it comes to her and they are closer to each other in certain ways than she is with Gwen. That said, Caleb is still intimidated by her on most days, even up to the day he challenged her for pack leader status. Caleb had the intention of losing this fight, but he ended up winning and had to take over as pack alpha in the aftermath. Caleb still visits her even though she is not part of the pack anymore and asks for her advice when he dares to. Whether she gives it to him depends on her mood. With Gwen: Your character is the reason why Gwen has mommy issues. Ever since Gwen first began showing signs of being an alpha, your character always pressured Gwen to be great. Gwen was initially chosen and trained to lead the pack, until Caleb’s Alpha traits began to flourish. From there, your character constantly pit the two alpha’s against one another, far past the bounds of a sibling rivalry. Gwen has never felt good enough in the eyes of her mother,  feeling as though her success was often overcast by Caleb’s. Even though she is a semi-famous and successful chef in the culinary industry, started her own rock band, and even owned her own restaurant, it wasn’t good enough for her mother. This is why Gwen finds herself closer to her father, and often avoidant and standoffish with her mother. Gwen has always been loyal to the pack, even when she was passed up for Alpha, and the betrayal of Caleb challenging their mother. To add to this, Caleb passed up Gwen as second, only to choose Jaxon was another irritant for Gwen. Although he did nothing but try to love Gwen, she never felt that she could trust him due to his deep rooted connection with her mother. Now that Gwen is aware of just  how deep that connection truly went… Gwen is anything but stable. With Jax: Jaxon met your character a long while ago when his old pack merged into Lycaon. Back then, he was still a relatively young wolf but his experience and strong character soon made him stand out from the rest. Eventually, this resulted in her choosing him as her second in command.  Over the years, their friendship grew. Jax was there for every big decision. He was there to help raise her kids, took to Caleb and Gwen as though they were his own, and being everything an alpha would expect their beta to be. Their connection was obvious to anyone who cared to notice but it was always assumed to be nothing out of the norm. This was the case for many years; until she and Jax slept together during heat and started what would become a rather short-lived affair that has remained latent to this day. Said affair would result in Gwen being conceived - something she kept from Jaxon and her husband in an effort to keep the good Lycaon name and save her reputation in the process (there may have been other reasons, such as not wanting Jax to leave the pack/lose him, but that is up to the player). Even if things did get rocky as a consequence of unresolved feelings between the two when the affair ended, Jaxon has love for her and has remained loyal up to this day, taking his old role as Caleb’s right hand unaware of Gwen being his blood…until now.
Players who wish to play this character should contact @caleb-lycaon @gwen-lycaon @thejax-reed to plot before sending in an application!
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hxlfcrxzy · 1 year
Closed - Jaxon Reed // @thejaxon-reed​ - The New Clinic
It had probably been all night that Fox stood observing the newest location to spring up on the Southside: H.R. Medical Care. Curious, why a wolf of all the species would want to open a place like this and open invite any one through the doors if they sought medical help. Considering the humans more than likely had their own facility hidden within their Hideout, and many other species had healing factors of some kind, it felt...out of place, and Fox could not work out if that was a good or bad thing.
Not yet anyway.
He’d studied from the shadows those that entered and those that came out again, those who appeared to be staff and those who wandered in with a slight sway in their step and an injury somewhere on their bodies obscured by clothing. The faintest smell of blood following a lot of them in, all kinds of blood...wolf, human, fae. He hummed, watching a woman enter clutching her stomach, and moved a single hand from stroking his chin, to wrap around his wrist and sit neatly against the small of his back.
It was only after the woman left his sight that his attention was drawn elsewhere, someone observing him while he had been observing the building. A presence that was very familiar to him. “You may approach lobo. I know I am encroaching on your territory....a necessary danger if you will, for the good of my people,” he turned his head only slightly as the Alpha approached, corner of his thin mouth twisting into a smile. “According to my sources, this place is open to everybody. Anyone who seeks help. Am I wrong?”
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thejax-reed · 9 months
Husbands | AU verse
Vievecor University. It had been years since Jaxon had come anywhere near that place -longer still since he'd picked up his husband from it, but that evening was going to be the start to the change they had both needed. At least, Reed felt that way.
Their marriage had been on the rocks for half that long. He had been a bad husband; distant and unhelpful both at home and elsewhere..and that had hurt them greatly. Especially Elijah. So yes, there he was, standing by the classroom the professor was said to be at until all students had exited..and waiting a moment or two to make his own entrance.
Knocking once, the businessman perched himself on the door frame, silent..as he watched his handsome man collect his stuff and then, cleared his throat. "Hey teach," he teased, "I came for the extra credit..you still offering?"
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esmeraldabheriya · 1 month
[text] JAXON REED: Sounds awesome. 😇 [text] JAXON REED: And cool. I'd like that, actually. I only hope they don't mind me being close to their mom. I've kind of missed her. 😉
[ text: Esmeralda Bheryia ]: Oh, they'll mind but I won't. They're all adults but they still squirm at the sight of romance [ text: Esmeralda Bheryia ]: Plus I really do want to introduce you to them, or at least some of them. I don't want to overwhelm you with all that.
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vivian-ambrose · 7 months
Who: Vivian x Jaxon ( @thejax-reed )
When: Approx 11PM, VC Halloween Party
Where: Around the Concession Area
Vivian gulped as she saw Jaxon among the crowd of Circus-goers. Releasing a sigh at what she was about to do, the vampiress shot the rest of her alcoholic blood back, resisting the urge to order another. The folded envelope in her clutch felt heavier in her hands now as she made her way over to him. Vivian had brought the envelope in case she had run into him, but every dead cell in her body had hoped that she’d somehow managed to evade him. When the results she held in her hands had been given to her, in utter disbelief she’d instructed her team to run them again. The same results came back, however, which meant that Vivian now had to break the news. With a deep inhale for courage, she tapped Jaxon on the shoulder to get his attention.
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gwen-lycaon · 6 months
Who: Gwen x ( @thejax-reed )
Where: Jax’s Pub
When: Aprox. 1:30 AM
Gwen stuffed her hands deeper into her bomber jacket’s pockets the closer she got to Jaxon’s pub. It was all she could do to keep herself from spoking another cigarette, already halfway through her fresh pack. She tried doing some breathing exercises as she neared the building but her heart still raced as she opened the door. It had been almost two months since she’d spoken to Jax since Halloween, when their lives were blown to bits.
She gulped anxiously to quench her dry throat as she glanced around the bar; eyes landing on the man behind it. Gwen knew that she had to get this over with now. The two had been awkward at the last few pack meetings, which had started to raise suspicion. Everyone in the pack knew Gwen wasn’t exactly in Jaxon’s fan club, but not to this degree. She cleared her throat again, both in need and to get Jaxon’s attention while she saddled into the barstool. The face that greeted him was one of a child being forced to tell a kid sorry when they weren’t sure if they meant it. It was hard for her to make eye contact as she spoke “Hey…”
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eremington · 9 months
Jaxon acted naturally, welcoming the man into his space as he was leaned on, and offered a kind smile. He was still very much reading the room but..so far all he gathered was that Elijah was lost in his thoughts..and not hungry, apparently. "You sure? It's damn good pizza. Italian, for one." Still, silence. Okay, he didn't like that.
Setting the plate down on a nearby surface, Reed pulled the other around into a hug, his back pressed against his chest. "I'm doing great...and you? You seem troubled about something, dear." he said as he kissed him on the cheek.
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Elijah gave a considering hum. It was strange; he knew everything now, but still felt like he could trust Jax, even though in real life they hadn't been close. The situation was false, but he couldn't help thinking the emotions attached to it still had some truth to them. "Keep talking and you might convince me."
He sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into the embrace. 'I just came to the realization that we are all sharing a dream right now and I'm worried that I'm using you by letting you comfort me.' Because even with his revelation about their reality, the way Jax was holding him still felt good. He didn't want to outright lie. "I came from the memorial so I think I'm just in a weird mood."
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augustine-lycaon · 10 months
[text] JAXON REED: Do I need to bribe you to get you to catch up with me too? I want to know how you've been Augustine.
[text] And here I thought maybe you’d lost my number.
[text] Not everyone in the pack still associates with me, so can you blame me for erring on the side of caution? Presuming you’ve already chatted with Caleb?
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matthew-alexander · 10 months
stroll | jax & matthew
for: @thejax-reed​ location: somewhere in garond
There was a face Matthew had not seen in awhile, the fallen deity thought to himself when he noticed a certain werewolf just up the street in front of him. Matthew knew Jaxon Reed to have been the right-hand of the Lycaon pack previous leader, one who had been mysteriously sent away a few years ago. Being the curious-minded person he was, Matthew had tried to find out why through his various sources but no one seemed to know the answer.
Although it seemed that he might not need to wonder for much longer, especially since the man had clearly returned. 
“Hello, Mister Reed,” Matthew said in greeting as they drew closer to each other. “Fancy seeing you back in Vievecor City again. I’d wondered where you disappeared to... Did you just return?”
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caleb-lycaon · 8 months
hangout | jaxon & caleb
for: @thejax-reed location: the lycaon family home
Despite Jaxon being one of his two dads in that dream world, Caleb had not managed to find the time to sit down and talk to the beta about it. Recent events in the supernatural world had been keeping the Lycaon pack leader busy, especially when it came to trying to find these hunters who were hunting them. As an elder, they had all come to a consensus to try and find out, but Caleb had a feeling that the vigilantes would probably have an easier time of it since they were not beholden to any stringent rules.
Caleb finally some time to himself that day, a rare day off, and he invited Jax over to his place for a much-needed catch up. He had been upstairs finishing up a meditation session when he heard the sound of the front door open and Jax's scent let him know that his right-hand had arrived.
He still took this time to finish though because Jax had arrived a little early and it was only when Caleb's allotted meditation time came to an end ten minutes later that he finally allowed himself to go downstairs to greet his guest.
"Jax," he said in greeting as he stepped into the living room. Caleb still had a small urge to call him 'father' because of that dream but he refrained. "Thanks for coming over. I thought that we could catch up and relax a little. It's been awhile since we've had a proper sit down."
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thejaxon-reed · 1 year
Jaxon placed his coffee cup on top of the table and bend forward, still thinking..still very much hesitant. It was not an easy subject and he did want to be as honest as possible while keeping things ..what was the word? Ah, nevermind. “There’s no revenge to be had anyway. We..took care of it. But it is good to hear you say that, P.” the alpha nodded as he reached to gently squeeze her knee. Then, he leaned back again and exhaled. “..you know that it was a hunter- Christopher Liu. That was his name. Things were a lot different then. Humans..they were bolder back then...a lot less cowardly. From what I gathered, Liu just took it upon his own hands to kill as many of us as possible. That’s all. There were no other motives. I believe he just saw the chance and did it.” Reed’s eyes softened as he looked at the gamma. “It wasn’t fair..but our pack got him back, Peyt.”
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vievecorcityrp · 11 months
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GENDER: Cis-male
SPECIES: Werewolf | Beta | Lycaon Pack
AGE: 200+
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
OCCUPATION: Owner at the Lunar Heights Pub, a wolf establishment situated on the edge between Inner Vievecor and Chissob Hills.
DISTRICT: Chissob Hills
Jaxon Reed became a member of the Lycaon pack many, many years ago. One might even say that he has been there practically since the very beginning but that was not always the case. He started out as a lone wolf -a rogue, born wolf who used to hang around Aurora, the daughter of one of the Alphas in the area. Rumors said that they were close. Intimate, even, but nothing was ever made official. In fact, not long after those rumors began, the she-wolf was married off to someone else. A necessary means to unify packs, they said, and as if that didn’t break his heart enough, Reed soon learnt she was carrying their kid.
The truth, although unknown to anyone but the couple, made Jaxon distant but not reckless enough to do anything that might put her or their child in danger. So, after a tumultuous exchange, the wolf agreed to keep the whole thing under wraps and did everything right by them…even when it came to respecting her Alpha or the fact that he had a hand in raising his own child. Jax was always there for them and after her husband passed, he took the kid right under his wing, protecting them and continuing to raise them for years to come.
It was shortly after those events, that their pack merged with Lycaon and Jax, too, became part of it. Aurora  and him fooled around for a while then but they were never fully together and, eventually, went on different paths, with her taking on the job of leading a pack of female rogues someplace else. Reed, on the other hand, stayed and worked hard to prove himself to the Lycaon alpha, who took him in as his right hand. Over the years, the two developed a close-knit friendship, being there for each other during the most difficult of times and for every big decision. Their connection was obvious to anyone who cared to notice but it was always assumed that it was nothing out of the norm.
This was the case for many years until one night during heat. To call it an accident was a bit of an understatement, especially with her and her husband having grown apart and what became a rather short-lived affair, but they both felt it best not to make anything out of it. Things got a bit rocky after, as they tend to do. The two wolves were still close but jealousy began to creep up and Jaxon was not ready to go through the same thing that he had in his past and, of course, it was expected that her husband noticed something too. That, led to a rather drastic solution.
To this day, Jaxon has been gone for years -enough for people to start wondering whether he was ever going to return but he is finally back and he is to pick up the reigns of his old project: the Lunar Heights Pub. He never offered anybody much of an explanation. All they needed to know was that the Alpha had given him a mission and that it was crucial for him to leave. The truth is between him and Caleb’s mother -but it is rumored that part of the motivation behind it was to put some miles between one another.
Reed does not care much for the Golden Rule but he does respect it as it is in his interest to live by however he chooses to. The only thing he cares about more than anything is to protect his pack.
PERSONALITY: Loyal and charismatic but also somewhat callous and distant to those he does not truly care for. Other words to describe his personality are unpredictable, witty and over-protective.
BLOG: @thejax-reed​
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hxlfcrxzy · 2 years
continued from here - @thejaxon-reed​
“Nobody is immune to flattery. Flattery of any kind activates the striatum,” he tapped at his temple, “one area of the brain that becomes stimulated by praise. Like a...reward area of sorts. Words that make you feel good. Nobody is immune.” It was a key part to some manipulations. If people could trick the brain into thinking they were being rewarded, they were more likely to repeat behaviours, and in the case of this wolf, it seemed it may just work. “I do,” Fox said blankly, smile fading instantly, “one of the few in this cesspool state that does.” Of course the wolf was straight to business, and Fox liked that: no dithering on small talk. “Fox Lucero. If you feel leech is more appropriate, that is up to you. As for what I offer you, is this brief exchange of information. Tell me what I want to know, and I can offer you information in return. Quid pro quo. That, or something as simple as leaving you be. After this, consider it a promise that I shall never bother you or your pack again. Your type could always use one less vampire to concern themselves over, no?” The smirk returned. While selling secrets was not Fox’s business, he know the importance of knowledge, and that often was more precious than anything physical. “So, let me ask you this:
I show the past and the present,
with my roots at the top,
if all parts of me die,
my growing will stop.
What am I?”
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thejax-reed · 10 months
Shocking as that was, Friday morning hadn't seemed to come soon enough for Jaxon. He was looking for a bit of normal, for once. A harmless few hours browsing through books in the company of a beautiful woman. An alpha, no less. He was..damn curious about that, too. Was this, like he said, a harmless get to know one another type of thing? In any case, Reed figured he would leave it be. Let the books and their shared taste do the talking.
As he crossed to the other side of the street dressed in black jeans, a grey shirt and a plain jacket, the beta brought two coffees with him. Black with two shots of espresso and a creamy late. He..was right on time too, his shoulder pushing past the door before he looked around, trying to spot Esmeralda. When he did, Jax walked over.
"Black or Latte?" he asked as he stopped in front of her, smile stretching the second they were facing each other. His eyes glanced to the two objects in his hand and back up, realizing they were not exactly alone there but almost. "Hi."
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esmeraldabheriya · 9 months
date night | jax & esme
for: @thejax-reed location: esme's home
Their coffee date had ended early but that had always been the plan. Jax had lunch with his niece and Esme had to get back to work. It was probably for the best considering how distracted the wolf made her. Luckily for Esme, little old ladies and the romance novels were enough of a distraction that she didn't give in and do something stupid. It didn't mean that she didn't want to see him again but there were nerves there as well. The last time she had gone on dates, it hadn't ended well so she was trying to do the responsible thing and take it slow.
The wolf had waited over a week before reaching out to Jaxon and inviting him to dinner. At first she was undecided by it but it was still a small, friendly date. Still, Esme had spent the better part of the day cooking and cleaning her home before focusing on making herself presentable.
Since the weather was still warm, Esme had lit up the lights on the footpath to her cottage home, deciding they could eat outside in the garden. Pulling the door open, she smiled seeing Jax there, glad to see him and not one of her nosey children. "Hello, would you like to come in?"
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I really feel like a weighted blanket could fix me but also could imagining (warning. OC thoughts dump. I'm getting all of this out.)
Emery, during the bodyguard time, partaking in almost spy like behavior. Eavesdropping, exposing those threatening the crown, taking out the bad guys, etc.
Morgan, being taught how to navigate the entire giant resistance ship and a lot of the machinery on it by Haven. Maybe the oldest sibling (Morgan) can get a small support system going by the older members of the resistance.
The twins (Ellis and Everest) hanging out in the wilderness of their very dangerous planet and just. Living. Seeing the sunrise early, climbing giant trees for a cool view, looking in to the reflection of the multiple moons on a surface of water, seeing non dangerous nature just thriving.
Magni just full on infodumping to anyone they meet and enjoy the company of. This includes all of their siblings and the boyfriend who would totally be baking and trying to keep up with the biology of spiders or whatever they'd be going on about.
The Opaque twins, Nich and Finley, playing puzzle games together involving knowledge on the stars to complete patterns, and generally combining their interests together. Nich teaching Finley coding, Finley going over a rock/crystal collection with Nich.
Elira being a middle child but still getting a whole lot of attention from the four older siblings and the three younger ones. Painting each other's nails, talking on about books she had read, trying to sew up a cute little pillowcase because gift giving is certainly a way to show affection.
Honey and Maroon just hanging out outside, Honey petting a random animal and running around occasionally, while Maroon is just happy to be with one of his fellow triplets while making a nice wood carving of whatever animal that Honey was petting.
Jaxon and Clemmy having race matches where they just get all of the pent up energy out. running until their legs are sore and then they go inside and talk more on Jaxon's writing and any car projects that Clemmy has going on while they both make bad attempts (but not too bad) at cooking something to eat.
Rowan taking Jonah to do a lot of things they do regularly but he never got a chance to. Rowan teaching Jonah simple dances and some nice music they like. Jonah finally finding joy and things he likes while enjoying the company of Rowan. The two being support for each other. Jonah meeting Rowan's family possibly. Rowan's family getting better at talking on the whole emotions thing.
Nathan, Reed, and Issac keep going back to Amelia's haunted theater place even after the first night when they dared each other to sleep there. Hearing more of Amelia's tales rather than just the ones about her death and how she made bad decisions in life. Amelia giving the three boys tips on really living, and things to do that she sadly never got the chance to.
That is all my mind has right now relating to the OCs I think you know most about in case you read these. I actually hope you'll be able to make sense of this, I was just dumping out the nice fluffy thoughts.
Yes;!!! You can also tell me about anyone else!!!
I read all of these, even if I can't respond to them all <3
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