alechans-cutetickles · 4 months
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🇺🇸:bruh thx u sm @jav-animations for make make this mega adorable tickle art of me tickling zooble ☹️ ///💕💕💕💕💕
(🇮🇹:bruh grazie tantissimo @jav-animations per questo mega adorable disengio solleticoso su di me cha faccio il solletico a zooble ☹️ ///💕💕💕💕💕)
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36 notes · View notes
klyoma2 · 2 months
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Trade with @jav-animations!
190 notes · View notes
wheresarizona · 9 months
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Learning to Live Part 23
summary: Javier is living the fucking dream and has never been happier with the woman he planned to marry—until the mistakes of his past are brought to light, and his world comes crashing down. 
rating: E (18+! Age gap (about ten years), Soft Javier Peña, Protective Javier Peña, Angry Javier Peña, explicit smut, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, oral sex (m receiving), masturbating (f), deepthroating, spanking, dirty talk (he talks you through touching yourself), praise kink, breeding kink, spit mention, mentions of assplay, canon typical violence (Javier punches someone), angst, Chucho being the best dad, Javier being cute with baby animals, Javier saying very romantic things during sex)
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 12.1k+
a/n: I’m just going to say I’m sorry. This will be part 1 of 2 for the Colombia arc. This chapter is all in Javi’s POV, and the next will be in reader’s. Thank you to @juletheghoul for betaing!
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
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The fifth of November landed on a Thursday this year, and the temperatures were finally beginning to come down—just not enough for Javier to turn off the air conditioning in his truck or wear his suit jacket on his drive, the navy blue garment hanging over the back of the middle seat with his burgundy-colored tie. 
The news radio station was a low chatter while he had his left palm gripping the steering wheel, the other holding up his Nokia cellphone to his ear, waiting for the other person to pick up. 
“Murphy,” his old partner, Steve, answered. 
“Hey, it’s me.”
“Hey, Jav—it’s earlier than you usually call. Are you off work already?” For the other man, it was a little after five o’clock his time, and from the sound of it, he was on the road heading home to his wife and kids. 
Javier’s hand squeezed so tightly on the wheel it made the leather creak at imagining getting to do the same, his heart picking up in pace and a smile curling up on his lips that someday he would. 
On Thursdays, he called Steve when he got off work—he did it when he worked for his dad, talking to his best friend while having a cold beer in the kitchen or cooling off from the hot day on the couch in the living room, always checking up on how Steve, Connie, and their three kids were doing. Once he started dating the woman who’d be his wife, the phone calls started taking place on his drive from the ranch to her apartment, then from his job at the Sheriff’s office to their shared apartment. 
“Yeah,” he answered. “I had something to do and couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of there. I spent my whole fucking day prepping for that stupid fucking meeting tomorrow.”
The one with the DEA. 
The one with the DEA that he didn’t want to have. 
Communication with them over the phone was fine because it was easy to get out of the calls—feigning he had meetings to attend, or another call coming through from his boss, or he just didn’t answer and let it go to voicemail since he recognized the numbers.
And maybe there might have been a time or three when he just hung up on them simply out of annoyance. 
But tomorrow was in person, and he had no choice except to sit through the asshole of an agent questioning every little fucking thing about the busts the narcotics unit made and having Javier try to explain why they still hadn’t found out how the drugs were getting smuggled into their region. He didn’t understand why he was getting grilled about it when there were multiple agencies in the area, including the fucking DEA, trying to figure it out. He knew this meeting would put the irritating shit he sat through as attaché in Colombia to shame. 
“I still can’t believe he’s asking so many goddamn questions,” Steve replied. “You’ve been handing him busts on a silver platter, and if I were him, I’d be thanking you, not giving you so much shit.” 
Javier sighed. “Yeah, you’d fucking think. Why does this guy even give a fuck about me?” 
He could hear the smile in his friend’s voice. “Like I told you the first time you called about this asshole: it's his first big assignment, and The Javier-fuckin’-Peña is one of his contacts—” Javier scoffed. “He’s just trying too fucking hard and is jealous of all the arrests you’ve made. Plus, you work for a law enforcement agency, Javi. The DEA has relationships with law enforcement agencies, and yours is smack dab on the border of a country with a history of smuggling, so you’re gonna be popular whether you like it or not.” 
“I fuckin’ hate it,” he grumbled. 
Steve chuckled. “I know, but suck it up, and tomorrow, scare the kid shitless with that mean ol’ glare of yours so he’ll leave you the fuck alone.” 
His eyebrows rose, nodding his head. 
“That’s definitely an idea...” 
His friend laughed. 
“I’m serious,” Javier said. “He wouldn’t take the fucking hint when I hung up on him. I could just… scare him a little.” Frowning, he whispered, “Mi Cielito can’t know.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Steve chuckled. “Things still good with you guys?” 
The thought of her had him going soft, picturing her perfectly in his mind. 
He smiled. “Things are going so fucking good.” 
“I’m glad to hear that, Jav. She seems like a great girl.” 
Taking a deep breath, he slowly let it out. “She’s fucking amazing, man—perfect, beautiful, wonderful. I love her so much and can’t wait to marry her.” 
“Then propose to her already.” That made Javier frown. “You’ve known for months now that she’s the one, and you’re holding off, for what? A future date, when you can just do what you really wanna fucking do and marry her whenever you want. You’re not beholden to that date, Javi. Do what makes you happy.” 
“When did you become a fucking motivational speaker?” 
“When I became a dad—gotta give fatherly advice and pep talks. When you have a kid, you’ll become one, too.”
That made him smile again, thinking of his conversations with his father and how the older man always had wisdom to bestow upon him or knew exactly what to say. It was the same with his mom, almost as if once you became a parent, a plethora of knowledge was imparted on you to pass on to your child when, in actuality, it was just your life experience you were using to make sure your kid succeeded in life as best they could. 
“I guess I will,” he replied. “Speaking of kids. How are mis sobrinos (niece and nephews)?”
The Murphys had three children. 
Olivia was their eldest, who they adopted as a baby nine years ago in Colombia while Steve was working down there. Steve Jr., or Stevie, was three and their only biological child. Nathaniel, Nate for short, was just adopted the prior year and had turned one not too long ago. 
Their kids (who could speak) called Javier ‘tío Javi,’ and he loved them all like they were his blood, sending presents on every birthday and Christmas that he double-checked with Connie they’d enjoy. Before the Thursday phone calls, it was a random day of the week calls when Javier had time while in the middle of trying to take down the Cali cartel, and they were a nice reprieve from the stress, especially when Olivia excitedly told him about her school day. 
He spent a lot of time with them when he first got back to the States and even got to meet their new baby, but it’s been months since his last visit. 
“They’re good. Pretty sure Olivia and Stevie are still on sugar highs from all the candy they got on Halloween.” That was the previous Sunday. 
“What’d they dress up as?” 
“Olivia was some princess from a cartoon movie with a beast, and she wore a pretty yellow dress—”
“Belle,” he interrupted. “She was Belle from Beauty and the Beast.” 
“Yeah! That’s it. Wait. Why do you know that?” 
“Lucky guess—what were Stevie and Nate?”
“Stevie was some blue spotted dog, and Nate was a lion.” 
Javier was frowning. 
He never celebrated Halloween growing up since Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) overshadowed it, but if it was something his future wife wanted to do with their kids, he’d like them to have some kind of theme for their costumes… If he could get them to. 
“I can’t wait to see the pictures,” he said, which was true. He kept all of the letters Connie sent with photos of their family while he’d been in Colombia and after he returned home. His girlfriend suggested putting them in an album after he’d taken her to the ranch and pulled out the small box containing the collection—so they got one that now lived on the bookshelf in their living room, hanging some of the pictures on their walls. 
“Bring your girlfriend over here for Thanksgiving. We’d love to have you both.” 
“Thanks for the offer, but we’ve got plans with my family.” 
All his family members who lived in Laredo were getting together at his tía María’s, who had the biggest house, a good-sized patio space, and backyard to accommodate the dozens of adults and children who’d be in attendance to eat. He and Cielito would be spending the night before and morning of making pies and side dishes at the request of his three tías. 
“Alright. But remember, our door is always open, and we’re dying to meet the woman that’s gonna make an honest man out of you.” 
He snorted. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’re thinking sometime next month.” 
“Any time is fine.” 
“You want us to visit that bad?” 
“Since the moment she found out you had a girlfriend, Connie has been on my ass about getting you to bring her here. For the love of god, Javier, please come visit us so she’ll leave me the fuck alone.” 
“I’ll figure something out.” 
“Thank you. Any time, Javi.”
“Probably right before my birthday.” 
“Any time, just get your ass over here.” 
“Will do.”
“I’m home, so I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Give Connie and the kids my love.” 
“Of course. Tell the future Mrs. Javier Peña we’re all excited to meet her.” 
Javier smiled. “I will.” 
“Bye, you asshole.” 
“Adiós, pendejo (Goodbye, asshole).” 
Clicking the end call button, he set the phone in the seat next to him and turned back up the radio, the top news stories being all about the latest midterm elections. 
Minutes later, gravel crackled and popped under the truck tires as he drove down the long driveway past his father’s house to the back, parking in the empty spot beside his dad’s rig that, since he’d started driving, had always unofficially been his. 
His door squealed when he opened it, his feet hitting the ground as he got out of his seat with his aviators sitting on the bridge of his nose, his phone put back in his pocket—the first few buttons of his white dress shirt were undone, taking a second to roll the sleeves up his forearms to make him more comfortable. Lifting his left wrist, his eyes narrowed to get a better read of the silver watch face, seeing he only had an hour before his future wife would be expecting him home, and by now, his family out here should’ve returned from checking on the herd of cattle; his father would either be in the small office across from the house doing paperwork or shirking his responsibilities elsewhere in the vicinity.
Javier went with his gut on where to find Chucho, the truck door slamming shut, the small rocks crunching under his steps as he made his way around the back of the vehicle heading toward the barns.
Passing the large paddock, all the horses, including his own, Sombra, and his tío’s, Enrique the Asshole, were stretching their legs and roaming around. His attention moved ahead to his primo (cousin) Diego, coming out of the new barn, wheeling a wheelbarrow full of hay his way. 
The younger of his uncle’s sons got the Peña genes—brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin. The oldest, Sebastián, had a striking resemblance to his tío but was light-skinned and green-eyed like his Spanish mother. Their baby sister, Alma, and tío Ángel’s pride and joy was a mix of her parents—her mother’s beauty and eyes with her father’s tan skin and brown hair. 
A beaming smile appeared on Diego’s face when he spotted Javier. 
“¿Qué tal, Javi (What’s up, Javi)?” he asked as he approached. “¿Dónde está tu esposa (Where is your wife)?” he asked, looking around for Cielito and making Javier grin. 
“Mi futura esposa está en nuestra casa (My future wife is at home). Estoy aquí para ver a mi papá (I’m here to see my dad). Necesito hablar con él (I need to talk to him).”
“Oh, él está allí en el granero de ganado (Oh, he’s over at the cattle barn),” he said, pointing in the direction with his thumb. 
That was just what Javier suspected after something his dad said the previous day. 
“Gracias, primo (Thank you, cousin). Tengo prisa (I’m in a hurry). Te veré el domingo en casa de tía María (I will see you Sunday at aunt Maria’s). ¡Adiós (Bye)!” 
“¡Hasta luego (See you later)!”
His strides were long as he made his way toward the older barn, its wooden exterior wearing a new coat of bright red paint and the trim snow white. His father was standing at the pen’s fence, his straw cowboy hat shielding the sun’s rays as usual, holding a small plastic bucket in one of his hands, the other feeding carrots to the animals. Javier smiled that his assumption of what Chucho would be doing was correct as he approached, hearing his dad softly cooing words in Spanish. 
“Stop spoiling mis hijas (my daughters),” Javier said, getting closer. At the sound of his voice, the two calves came bounding toward him on the other side of the fence, shoving their heads between the metal bars at him. He chuckled, crouching as he gave Daphne and Velma pets, their hair soft under his palms. “Hola, mis preciosas (Hello, my lovelies),” his tone was sweet. “Tan lindas que estan  (You two are so cute). ¡Están creciendo tanto (You’re growing so much)! ¿Me extrañaron (Did you miss me)?”
At dinner the night before, Chucho had told them he was planning on bringing the girls in for a long weekend since they weren’t treated like the rest of the herd and didn’t live out on the pastures with them 24/7. His dad sometimes had them stay in the pen at the barn or hang out in his backyard. They were kept more like pets than cattle and spoiled as such. 
He could hear his father’s footsteps coming near. 
“I will spoil mis nietas bovinas (my bovine granddaughters) as much as I like since you haven’t given me any human ones to spoil… yet,” Chucho replied, holding the bucket toward him. 
Javier groaned, this being a constant conversation they were having. “I know, I know, you’re not getting any younger—it’s gonna happen.” He took a couple of long orange carrots and started feeding them to the girls, who were happily munching away. “Like I’ve told you before. There’s just some shit we gotta take care of first, and fuck, we’ll need to buy a house.” The thought of hunting for one sounded like a real pain in the ass, especially with everything they’d want it to have. 
His head tilted up to meet his dad’s eyes. “Yeah?” 
“Have you guys thought about building a house?” 
Javier’s eyebrows dipped together. 
They’d discussed what their future home would need—a big backyard for garden space, a spacious living room, and a good-sized kitchen. They also planned to move into a house around the summer of the following year. If they were to build, though, it would be to their specifications. He could give his future wife the kitchen of her dreams, a big sunroom for her plants, and a soundproofed master suite. 
“We haven’t…” he answered slowly. “We’d have to find land, an architect, contractor, whatever fucking else is needed to build a house.” 
“The land is taken care of,” Chucho said with a wave of his free hand like it was no big deal.
Javier knew he had to look confused. “What?” 
Daphne and Velma had finished eating, and he was back to petting them. 
His dad smiled. “I’ve got all this land, Mijo.” He held out his arms. “Be my next-door neighbor, or live up the road. Don’t stress yourselves out over finding the perfect house when you can just build it—and with us living so close together, it’ll be easy for you to bring mis nietos humanos (my human grandchildren) over all the time.” 
Javier’s eyebrow arched. “How do you know we’re gonna have more than one kid?” 
He hoped they would and wanted as many children with her as she was willing to have. 
There was a sad smile on Chucho’s face. “Because you’ve always wanted to be a father, Javi,” he answered, and Javier’s heart clenched hard. “That whole mess all those years ago before you left? You didn’t want to marry her, and I don’t blame you. She told you she was pregnant, and you just wanted to do what was best for your unborn baby—they were your main priority, and you were willing to do anything for them. Yes, you were scared about becoming a dad, but we could see you were excited, too, and how much you loved that child you thought existed.” His dad put a comforting palm on his shoulder. “You were ready to devote yourself to being the best father to them.” Javier’s eyes were watering because it was true he always wanted to be a dad, and he didn’t think anyone knew. “I know her lie hurt you deeply, Mijo, and also gave you relief, but it’s such a good thing you didn’t end up marrying her because look at where you’re at now.” The older man was softly smiling now. “You found the right woman who truly loves you, and your mother would’ve loved—I sure do, and when you hold your child for the first time, you will fall in love with them immediately and want ten more,” he chuckled.
Javier laughed through the tears, taking off his sunglasses to wipe at his eyes with the back of his arm before putting them back on. 
“Also,” Chucho continued, “I know you’ll have more than one because the two of you can’t be left alone for more than five minutes—it’s surprising she hasn’t fallen pregnant yet.”
“She has good birth control.” 
Too good, in Javier’s opinion. 
He started to stand up, involuntarily grunting from the ache in his knees and lower back. 
His dad’s eyebrows rose, nodding his head. “Well, that explains things. You were just here yesterday. I wasn’t expecting to see you again until Sunday. Something on your mind, Mijo?”
Therapy had been a fucking godsend, and Javier no longer constantly worried about shit, feeling like he was finally in control of his thoughts and emotions. Still, sometimes, he just wanted to drink a beer with his dad and talk about what was on his mind.
Javier smiled cheekily. “More like someone on my mind.” 
Chucho laughed. “She’s always on your mind!” 
“Yeah, she is, but, uh—” He scratched at the back of his head. “—I needed to talk to you about something alone…” 
The elder Peña sobered up immediately, putting a hand out to squeeze his arm. “Is everything okay, Javi?” 
Javier gave him a smile. “Everything’s fucking amazing—especially with her, and that’s why I’m out here…” 
His father’s face lit up with a huge grin as the realization dawned on him. “¡No puedo esperar para decírselo a tu mamá (I can’t wait to tell your mom)! Vamos a la casa y me lo puedes contar todo (Let’s go to the house, and you can tell me everything).” 
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On the drive to their apartment, there was a lot to think about between the meeting the next day and plans for the future. The whole building a house was a great idea that he wanted to run by Cielito to see what she thought about it, then there was the other thing he needed to figure out…
Arriving home at his usual time, it wasn’t a surprise her car was already parked in her spot when he pulled up since she was usually off a little earlier than him. His truck took the space beside hers, towering over her tiny Honda that Javier had to contort his body in order to drive when he took it every weekend to fill the gas tank. 
Before leaving the ranch, he washed his hands and hoped his cologne masked any kind of animal smells, not wanting her to know where he’d been—if she happened to ask, he’d tell her the truth of his whereabouts because there was no reason to lie. 
Walking to the apartment, his suit jacket and tie were dangling over his arm, the other hand holding his keys that jingled as he unlocked the front door. Once inside, he shut the door and locked it, tossing his ring of keys into the large bowl on the long, narrow console table in the entryway, toeing off his Chelsea boots in front of the shoe rack on the floor beside it. 
His body completely relaxed, a long, relieved sigh leaving him at finally being home. 
The familiar smell of the apartment calmed him—he was safe here, he was loved.
“Cielito?” he called, turning toward the rest of the room and immediately jumping in his skin at her standing right there in front of him. “Jesus Christ,” Javier breathed, his heart pounding in his chest, pressing his hand over it.
She wore a deep purple oversized t-shirt that had faded and thinned over being washed and worn so many times, her legs bare beneath it. 
A laugh sputtered from her lips. “I’m sorry for spooking you,” she said, moving forward to wrap her arms around his middle. He hugged her back with his free arm, a smile turning up on his mouth. “This was supposed to be horny, not scary.” 
“How is you scaring the shit out of me supposed to be horny?” he asked, kissing her forehead. 
Pulling back, there was a mischievous grin on her face. “Give me your jacket and tie.” He handed both over, watching as she turned to toss them on the couch behind her. When her attention returned to him, she said, “Okay, so you carrying your jacket kinda threw off my groove. Now, pretend you just took off your shoes and are super happy to be home.” 
“I did just take off my boots, and I am happy to be home…” he replied with knitted brows. 
“Yes, I know, but turn this way—” She made him face the shoes again. “—Okay,” she said, taking steps away from him. He turned his head toward her. “No! Don’t look at me yet!” Her outburst startled him, making him look forward once more. 
“Mi amor (my love), what are you doing?” he asked. 
“You’ll see, and you’re gonna love it. Trust me.” 
“I trust you, Cielito. I trust you more than anyone else.” 
And he did. 
There wasn’t anyone else he trusted more or with whom he felt comfortable being genuinely vulnerable. Yes, he still hadn’t told her about Colombia, but he just wasn’t ready to open all of the old wounds and muddy her with the blood of all of the awful shit he’d seen and done—honestly, he didn’t want to think about any of it or bring her into that world, he liked keeping her separate from it all. 
She was heaven. Colombia had been hell. 
So, he was biding his time. 
“I know, you big cutie,” she said. “Okay, now turn.” 
He was beyond confused and unsure what was going on, but she was excited, so he was more than willing to go along with it, knowing she’d make whatever it was good. 
Turning in place toward her, he was met with a look of determination on her face as she came at him quickly, his eyes widening when she grabbed the open collar of his dress shirt, shoving him back against the front door, smashing her mouth against his as she kissed him hard. 
Smiling into her lips, one of his arms pulled her close, the other hand going lower to grab a handful of her ass, groaning when he found no underwear. 
She was right. He definitely loved this. 
Blood rushed to his groin, his cock twitching when she slipped her tongue into his mouth to tangle with his own. Her hand slithered down the tight space of their bodies to rub over his hardening length, making him moan when she nipped at his bottom lip, arousal igniting in his belly.
Her mouth was a hair's breadth away from his as she breathily whispered, “I wanna suck your dick. Can I, Javi? Can I choke on this big cock?” She ended the question by lightly squeezing it in its half-hard state. 
“You can do whatever the fuck you want to me,” he answered huskily, feeling her smile when she kissed him. 
Both of his hands were now under the hem of her shirt, groping her bare backside. 
“You don’t know what you’re offering when you say that,” she murmured into his lips. 
“Yes, I do,” came his muffled answer. “Anything. You love my ass as much as I love yours.” He squeezed her asscheeks in his big palms.  
The revelation he was into assplay was surprising, to say the least. Now in the right circumstances, he loved when she used her fingers while going down on him, or there was that one time she experimented with her mouth, and he about lost his damn mind. 
“I do love your ass and you, but I didn’t bring lube.” 
He smiled. “Later then, and I love you, too,” he replied, kissing her harder. 
He deepened the kiss, their tongues moving together in a practiced dance while she made sounds in the back of her throat that went straight to his cock, loving how her scent was enveloping him—knowing he’d smell her all over him by the time they were done, it permeating his clothes,  his hair, and  his skin, hating that he’d have to wash it all away later. 
When her lips left his to take a breath, the plush softness of them met his chin, then her teeth lightly nibbled, making him smile while both of her hands went to the front of his pants—his belt clinked as she expertly undid it, popping open the button of his slacks, unzipping them, his dick now completely hard.
“You’ve been on my mind all day,” she said in that sultry tone she knew drove him wild, unable to keep from giving her a quick kiss. 
“What were you thinking about, Cielito?”
She looked up at him under her lashes, crookedly smiling. 
“Sucking this beautiful dick,” she answered, stroking it over his pants, the sensation making his breath hitch in his throat. 
His tongue wet his bottom lip, wanting nothing more than her mouth on him. “What else, baby?”
“Well, we haven’t fooled around since Monday—“ Fuck, had it really been since he tied up her hands and fucked her in the kitchen? “—because you had to work late Tuesday, and we went to your dad’s last night.” Her free hand went up his chest. “So I’m really in the mood for you to make me feel it tomorrow.” She bit her lower lip. 
“I can do that,” he replied. He covered her hand on his cock with his own. “This is yours, and you can have it any fucking way you want it, mi amor (my love).” 
Her mouth collided with his, saying as she kissed him, “God, you’re so hot—I love you so fucking much.” 
It made him smile. “I love you, too.” 
One last kiss, and she was crouching in front of him, yanking the navy blue material down his thighs, leaving his dick confined by his white boxer briefs. She rubbed him over them, his chin dropping to watch as she mouthed at his hard length over the cotton, the warmth of her mouth causing his own to go slack and his skin to heat. 
Her hands went up his thighs, the color of her neatly trimmed nails catching his attention. 
His words came out rougher and deeper, a smile on his lips as he picked up her hand and inspected it, “You’re wearing the nail polish I picked out.” It was bright cherry red, and he’d chosen it the prior day at the drugstore before they’d gone out to the ranch, the cheesy name on the cap of the bottle reading, ‘Not Red-y for Bed.’ “It looks fucking gorgeous on you, baby,” he continued, swiping his thumb over the tops of her fingers. 
She grinned up at him. “Thanks. My future husband has excellent taste,” she replied with a wink. “Now stop distracting me from sucking your dick.” 
“Yes, mi reina (my queen),” he said, letting her palm go and watching as her beautiful fingers pulled down his underwear, his cock springing free. Moving onto her knees, he was glad they were cushioned by the soft, thick runner rug they’d invested in, her spitting in her palm and taking him in hand, his mouth falling open at the first stroke. 
He started working open the buttons of his shirt, keeping his eyes on her as she languidly jerked him, getting glimpses of her red nails when she’d twist on the upstroke, and fuck, they looked good wrapped around his dick. 
She took him into her mouth, and Javier forgot how to breathe. 
There was only one button left to undo on his dress shirt, but that didn’t matter with her gaze on him, watching as she hummed in enjoyment, taking him further and further into her hot, wet heat. Her other hand slipped between her legs, and his cock twitched that she was touching herself. 
“Fuck, hermosa (beautiful),” he rasped, his hand resting on the back of her head. Javier gulped hard at the pleasure. “It feels so fucking good, Cielito—you’re so fucking beautiful playing with your pretty little pussy while my dick is in your mouth. You gonna make yourself come, baby? Can you do that for me? Come all over those gorgeous fingers.” 
She moaned while continuing to blow him, doing this swirly thing with her tongue around the tip and on the underside of his cock that had him groaning loudly. His hips were rocking, knowing she was on her way to turning him into an absolute mess.
Her eyes were watching him through her lashes, all heavy-lidded and dark, the arousal evident in her gaze while her lips stretched around his dick and her head bobbed, twirling her tongue around the head on each upstroke. Her hand worked what couldn’t fit, the other moving at the apex of her thighs. 
“Are you rubbing your clit?” he roughly asked. “Does it get you off sucking my cock? You like this, don’t you? You like getting yourself off while choking on it.” 
That made her moan again, and he could see on her face how much she was enjoying this. 
Truth be told, before her, Javier didn’t really care for blow jobs—not that he didn’t like them, he loved them; the problem was he could tell when his partner wasn’t into it, and there was no bigger turn-off than someone doing something they didn’t want to do. 
But Cielito was different. 
He was pretty fucking sure she had some kind of addiction to sucking his dick with how often she wanted to do it, and the thing was, every, single, time, he could tell she was having the best time—he had never seen someone enjoy blowing him more. 
Javier loved it when she wanted to go down on him, her enthusiasm making it incredible. 
All of a sudden, her mouth came off him, a string of spit keeping them connected as her eyes closed, and he knew that look on her face. Her free hand left him to pluck at her pebbled nipple through her shirt. 
“Are you gonna come for me?” he asked, curling his fist around his wet cock, slowly jacking off as he watched. “You gonna be my good fucking girl and come for me?”
“Yes,” she moaned, nodding. “So close.”
“I was gonna get down there and eat you out—make you come on my fingers and tongue, but I think you’d like it better if I didn’t loosen you up before I got my dick inside you. Isn’t that right, baby?” Her breath stuttered, a sheen of sweat coating her forehead. “It’s been three fucking days, and you want to feel how big I am—how much I stretch you open.” Soft sounds were spilling from her lips that were getting louder. “You’re my dirty fucking girl and want to feel me all day tomorrow while you’re at work.” He could tell she was close. “I bet you’ll want me to fuck you again tonight in bed and tomorrow before work so you’re stuffed full of my come—”
Her body tensed up, coming with a gasp of his name, and he smiled. 
“There it is,” he said. “Such a good girl—you did so good for me, mi amor (my love). God, you’re amazing. It’s fucking sexy how hungry you are for my dick.” 
Her eyes blinked open, smiling dreamily at him. “Because it’s perfect,” she replied. “And you’re perfect—you make the best noises when I go down on you, and you never try to fuck my face without asking or are ever pushy.” Her eyebrows furrowed. “I honestly don’t think you’ve ever asked me for a BJ, which is shocking.” 
He was smiling. “I’ve never needed to, and I wouldn’t.” 
Her brow arched. “You wouldn’t ask for a blow job?” 
“I only want one if it’s something you want to do—otherwise, I’d rather just fuck or eat your pussy,” he answered with a shrug.
“I am living the fucking dream. Now move your hand; I wanna feel you in my throat.” 
He chuckled, doing as she said, and was not at all surprised when her lips wrapped around his cock. She bobbed her head, working him inch by inch into her mouth until she swallowed him down into her throat, taking him all the way to the root, Javier groaning. 
Those bright red nails were digging into his thighs, the knot in his belly was beginning to wind tighter, and his cock pulsing in the tight space. Sweat coated his brow, a flush crawling up his chest and neck, his heart pounding in his chest. 
Her eyes were on his, tears gathering at the edges, saliva escaping at the sides of her mouth, and he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. 
“My good fucking girl,” he praised, feeling where he was bulging in her throat. “Such a good fucking girl taking my dick down your throat—god, I love you so much.” 
She gurgled around him like she was replying, ‘I love you, too,’ then her head was coming up, sputtering as she coughed.
“You okay?” he asked. 
She gave him a thumbs up, finally answering, “Yeah.” Saliva was coating her chin and around her lips while she breathed hard. 
His thumb slid along her bottom lip as he smiled. “Hermosa (Beautiful),” he said.
“Messy,” she corrected.
“Still beautiful.” 
Playfully, she rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’m not done.” 
Not wasting another second, she took the tip back into her mouth, circling her tongue around the sensitive ridges. Javier swallowed thickly, feeling the pleasure build inside him, entranced with her stroking him again, the flash of red as her hand easily glided up and down his spit-slicked shaft. When her other hand started lightly massaging his balls, his cock jerked, a shaky breath leaving his lips. 
He didn’t want to come like this. 
Quickly, he got the last button on his shirt undone, shrugging it off and tossing it toward the couch, it landing on the floor. 
“Baby?” he said, her eyes immediately meeting his while pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses down his shaft. 
“Hmm?” She hummed. 
“Don’t make me come.” 
The power was in her hands. 
“You close?” she asked before being fucking mean and dipping her head low to lick at his sack. 
“Fuck,” he moaned. His throat bobbed as he thickly swallowed, trying to control his breathing and the tightening in his gut, not wanting to blow his load so soon. There was no other choice but to gently push at her shoulder. “Stop,” he gasped, and she did immediately, hands and mouth coming off him. “Thank you,” he panted, swiping at the sweat on his forehead with his arm. She shuffled back on her knees, looking up at him. “Do you want me to eat your pussy or give you my dick?” he asked. He was fine with either and was pretty sure she was going to choose—
“Dick,” she answered immediately. 
He smirked. “Fucking knew it.” His thumbs went into the waistband of his boxer briefs, shoving them and his slacks down to his ankles before peeling off his socks. Groaning, he straightened and held out his hands to her, saying, “Come on, mi futura esposa (my future wife). You deserve better than getting fucked on the floor.” 
She accepted his help, Javier grunting as he pulled her up to stand in front of him. 
“Fucking on the floor is hot, though,” she pouted. 
“Sometimes,” he said, grabbing her hips and turning her the other way. “Most of the time, it just fucks up my back and knees, and I don’t want to deal with that shit tomorrow. Let’s go.” He smacked both of her asscheeks to get her to start moving, earning a giggle as he followed her to the bedroom. 
Their first big purchase as a couple was upgrading the queen-sized bed she’d already had to a king. They’d gotten a sturdy frame that Javier tweaked to ensure there’d be no squeaking and a white metal headboard that was arched with thin vertical slats for obvious reasons, precautions made so it wouldn’t bang against the wall—yes, he did spend an entire Saturday morning sex-proofing their new bed for the sake of their elderly next door neighbor who glared at him every time they crossed paths. 
Late afternoon sunlight was slipping through the cracks in the closed blinds and illuminating the blue linen curtains covering them in their shared room. The only lights on were both bedside lamps—her watch, a paperback, alarm clock, and a corded telephone accompanying hers; a small framed picture of them kissing with fireworks going off above their heads that his dad took at the town’s Fourth of July event, a book with his extra pair of reading glasses on top of it, and his alarm clock beside his. 
His attention was on her ass as she crawled up onto the bed, his knees sinking into the mattress when he followed. Once she was far enough up the bed, he pounced, gripping handfuls of her backside and tackling her to lay flat on her stomach, making her laugh when he sunk his teeth into her plump flesh. It made him smile, placing a loud, smacking kiss over the indents of his teeth before he sat up and helped her flip onto her back, his hips nestling in the space between her thighs. 
Their noses were almost touching, his arm beside her head holding him up while his other hand rubbed up and down her belly over her shirt. 
“Hi,” he said. 
She smiled, sliding her fingers into the hair at the back of his head, making him shiver. “Hi, babe. I love how we get so horny we forget to greet each other.” She quickly pecked him on the lips. 
“Or you decide to scare the shit out of me.” 
“I really didn’t mean to. I was just trying to channel my inner Javi.” 
His eyebrows dipped together.
“You know, just showing up and going zero to horny in under thirty seconds. Like Monday, when you stormed into the kitchen and started making out with me? That was so hot. I was trying to be like that.” 
He smiled. “You’re cute,” he said, nuzzling her nose. “Don’t sneak up on me next time, and it’ll go better.” 
“Noted.” She pulled him in for a kiss, and he happily reciprocated, deepening it quickly with a slide of his tongue along her lip for her to open. His cock was still hard, pressing into her skin, his hand moving up to palm her shirt-covered breast, listening to those sounds he loved coming from her throat while they kissed, and kissed, and kissed. 
His lips left hers to catch his breath, moving them along her jaw to nibble at her chin. 
“I love you in this shirt,” he said into her skin. 
“Thanks,” she panted. “It’s comfy. Now please, fuck me, Javi.” 
“Need my dick, Cielito?” He kissed over her pulse point, feeling the steady beat of her heart beneath his lips. 
“Yes,” she answered. 
That was all the answer he needed, pushing up with a grunt to sit up on his knees while she turned onto her stomach, which required him to help move her legs around him. Her hips rose automatically without his help, presenting her glistening pussy, and that had a shock of arousal hitting his gut at how ready she was for him. His cock throbbed between his legs, wanting to feel her squeeze around him. 
One hand smoothed over her ass, spitting on the fingers of the other that he rubbed over her entrance, repeating the action to slick his dick up, notching himself at her drenched hole.
“You ready?” he asked. 
Her head was resting on her crossed arms. “Dámelo (Give it to me).” 
“Es tuyo, mi reina (It’s yours, my queen),” he replied, pushing in. 
His eyes slipped shut, and his mouth went slack as her hot, velvety walls embraced him, smoothly sliding all the way home in one thrust. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, it feeling like her tight heat was trying to suck him in deeper. 
“God, that’s good,” she moaned. 
Pulling out halfway, he pushed easily back in. “Fucking love this pussy—sit up with me.” He tapped her hip. 
Her legs were on either side of his, getting her up on her knees to have her back to his chest, his arm going across her front to hold her breast, the other palm gliding down the soft cotton of her shirt to the apex of her thighs. 
His pace was slow; there was no hurry, wanting her to really feel him by keeping his cock buried deep inside her, barely thrusting in and out while moving his hips in a circular pattern. He welcomed it when she reached behind to dig her cherry-colored nails into his ass, her other set doing the same to his arm as she softly moaned, the fire in his belly slowly building. 
Had he really gone three days without this? Feeling her warmth, the way it rippled through his body, and her softness, having her so close to him, and the connection. He needed to feel more of her. He needed more of her skin on his. He needed it all. 
His thrusts didn’t waver as he pressed his lips to the shell of her ear, whispering, “Mi amor (My love)?”
“Yes?” she gasped. 
“Do you wanna keep the shirt on?” 
Even though he told her constantly how attractive he found her and her body, there were still times when she felt more comfortable wearing a shirt during sex, and he respected that. 
As soon as the word left her lips, he was tugging it up, her arms going over her head for him to get it off, tossing it to the floor. 
Pulling her back, her skin on his felt amazing, languidly moving in her while he kissed along her shoulder and neck and up to bite at her earlobe. His fingers between her legs were rubbing at her swollen clit, his other hand plucking at her hardened nipple, feeling her arousal dripping down his dick.
His lips were back at her ear, panting hot breaths against it as he asked, “Did your needy little pussy miss me, baby? Did it miss being stuffed with my cock or my come?” 
“Both,” she moaned. 
With the way her cunt was starting to flutter, he knew she was getting close. Their bodies were sticky with sweat, not caring how they stuck together or the wet sounds where they were joined, Javier smiling at hearing the wet suck of his dick moving in and out of her sopping pussy.
The angle was awkward, but he kissed her cheek, and she turned her head to chase his lips, kissing him while he built her up higher and higher, his own orgasm taking shape at the base of his spine. 
His mouth went back to press at her shoulders, Javier in heaven. 
“I love you so fucking much,” he said through heavy breaths, muffled into her skin. “So fucking much. Eres todo para mí y siempre lo serás (You’re everything to me and always will be). Te daría la luna si pudiera (I would give you the moon if I could). Te daría todas las estrellas del cielo (I would give you every star in the sky).” He started moving a little faster, putting more pressure on her clit, her moans getting louder. “Te mereces todo y más y movería cielos y tierra para dártelo si pudiera (You deserve everything and more and I would move heaven and earth to give it to you if I could). Pero solo soy un hombre así que te estoy dando todo de mí (But I am just a man, so I am giving you all of me). Cada parte de mí te pertenece porque yo soy tuyo y siempre seré tuyo (Every part of me belongs to you because I am yours and I will always be yours).”
Her pussy seized up tight around him as she came with a cry of his name, his fingers gently swirling over her sensitive bundle of nerves to help her ride out the wave. 
“So good to me,” he softly said, kissing the side of her neck. “You did so fucking good for me, my good girl—god, I love you.” 
It took some seconds for her to speak, her voice sounding rougher than usual. “Javier, why would you say absurdly romantic shit you know is gonna make me cry while you’re balls deep inside me and on the cusp of making me come?” 
“I don’t know,” he panted, shrugging. “Felt right. Still got you off, though,” he pointed out. 
“Yes, and cry at the same time, which is rude.” She wiped at her eyes.  
His hands were rubbing circles on her hips. 
“I don’t see that as a bad thing—are you still wanting the special thing you say I’m good at?” 
“The Javi special, that you know the name of and refuse to use—” That was true. “—Yes. Pretty please.”
He smacked her thigh. “Hands and knees, baby.” 
His cock was still achingly hard inside her when she lowered onto her arms, figuring he could go a bit longer before he’d come. Gripping the flesh of her hips, he moved, watching as he pulled almost all the way out, seeing himself shining in her juices and fucking back into her hard. She loved getting pounded from behind, and he was more than happy to oblige with his dick slickly moving fast in and out of her tight, hot heat, carving out space inside her with every stroke that had her mewling.
A layer of sweat was coating his forehead and chest, feeling a drop slide down his cheek while he grunted in exertion, fucking her how she wanted, her moans of his name spurring him on. His big hands grabbed onto the cheeks of her ass and squeezed them, gripping them to pull her back and fuck her on his cock. One left her, coming back down on the jiggling flesh with a loud smack that had her cunt clenching around him and her crying out in pleasure. He kept up the punishing pace, his heart thudding in his chest, spanking her again in the same spot, then on the other side, feeling her getting wetter. 
“You gonna give me one more?” he asked through bared teeth. 
Her arms and legs were trembling, and he was pretty sure he could make her come one more time. It looked like she couldn’t hold up her weight anymore, moving onto her forearm, her head resting to the side on it, noticing her other arm had gone under her body to play with her clit. 
“Javi?” she gasped his name. 
“Yeah?” he answered. 
“I want you to come inside me.” 
Pleasure was curling and knotting in his gut, and her words ramped it up. 
“I will.” 
“I wanna feel you come inside me.” 
That sentence confused the fuck out of him in his wrecked state, not knowing at all what she meant since he already said he was going to do it.
“I’ll fill you up, baby,” he panted, now focusing on chasing his high, closing his eyes, needing that sweet release more than anything. “I’ll fuck you full of me, stuff you full of my come, and get you preg—” The sentence cut off into a strangled moan as she reached between her legs to cup his sack, the sensation tipping him over the edge, hitting the point of no return. He pushed into her all the way as his balls tightened, and he came, his cock jerking hard, pumping spurts and spurts of his spend inside her. His mind had gone blank, euphoria taking over every molecule in his body, feeling her cunt spasming and tightening around him as she went with him.
When a coherent thought came to him, it was that he needed to lie down—a hiss slipping through his teeth when he pulled out, moving to fall onto the mattress beside her. 
The second thing to cross his mind as the cool air in the room felt chillier on his sweat-dampened skin was he missed her warmth—frowning, he sat up with a groan, his heavy-lidded eyes seeing she was sprawled out next to him.
“Lay back down,” she said, turning her head toward him with a little smile and looking just as wrung out as he felt. “I could feel your sad eyes on me.” She yawned, speaking through it, “I just needed a second to be able to move—I was heading your way, baby.” 
He didn’t have to be told twice, lying back down and getting comfortable with his head cushioned on a pillow. Seconds later, she was in his space, making herself at home with her body half on top of his, Javier smiling when her fingers slid into his sweat-dampened hair, wrapping his arms around her. 
His words were rough. “That was new.” 
“Robyn told me about it.” That was her best friend and co-worker. “But I just made it extra horny by feeling them while you came.” 
“I liked it.” 
She cuddled closer to him, sighing happily as they laid there. 
If someone asked him what his favorite thing in the entire world was to do, his answer would be what they were doing right now—not the sex, but the being naked, holding each other in their relaxed, happy states, enjoying the other's company. 
This was also when he was most vulnerable physically but mentally, too. All his carefully built walls crumbling, aware that he’d answer any question she asked him and ignoring the one on the tip of his tongue that he could taste the words of. 
“Yes,” she said, tilting her head up to kiss under his jaw, and his heart started hammering that maybe he said aloud what he was thinking. 
His lips pressed to her forehead. “Yes, what?” 
“Just practicing how I’ll answer when you finally ask—I wanna be ready.”
He smiled.
“I do.” 
“Just practicing how I’ll answer when I’m asked if I’ll take you as my wife.” 
She sat up to hover her face over his, looking him in the eyes. “That was really fucking smooth.” He smiled. “I love you, Javi, more than anything.” Her lips met his, kissing him tenderly, his hand cradling the back of her head. 
They separated after a few seconds. “I love you, too,” he replied. 
Her red-nailed fingers pushed the hair off his forehead while she looked at him fondly. “I know you do. Let’s go shower, and then we can make dinner.” She started to get up, moving to the edge of the bed. “Does pasta sound good?” she asked as she stood. 
His back protested when he sat up and got out of bed from the opposite side. “Sounds great. We’ve got stuff for salad, too.” 
“We do.” She nodded, her head turning to look at him. 
“Go start warming up the shower. I’m gonna go grab my clothes from the living room.” 
Her mouth turned up in a grin. “What a good, responsible man, cleaning up after his sexcapades. Okay, hurry up!” She started heading for the en suite, and he went to grab the pile he left by the front door, taking out his wallet from his pants pocket and putting it in the bowl on the table, picking up his dress shirt from the floor, grabbing his suit jacket and tie. 
He could hear the overhead fan blowing and the water running in the bathroom, light streaming out from the door that was almost all the way closed. 
Tossing his clothes on the bed, he kept his pants in his hands as he walked the few steps to his dresser beside the bedroom door, glancing toward the noises over his shoulder before pulling open the top drawer that contained his socks and underwear. His hand went into the pocket of his slacks, pulling out the small white leather ring box, popping it open to see the gold band with a modest-sized diamond in the middle with two smaller ones on each side. 
“You don’t know that you’re gonna get to answer that question a lot sooner than planned,” he whispered, “and I can’t wait to see you wearing this.”  
“Javi?” she called from the bathroom. 
Quickly, he shut the box. “Coming!” He dug into the back of his drawer for the old pair of wool socks he never wore, bundling the ring box inside of them and stashing it away in the depths. 
Now, all he had to figure out was when. 
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Friday, November 6, 11:58 AM
The conference room didn’t have a fucking clock.
He needed a cigarette, his fingers itching for one, thinking he could probably bum a smoke off of someone when this was over. His reading glasses were sitting on the bridge of his nose as he brought up his wrist to read his watch for probably the thirtieth time in the last fifty-eight minutes he’d been in this pointless meeting.
The DEA agent he was currently half-listening to and who has been the bane of his existence since he started this job, had come in on some kind of power trip, thinking he had authority over Javier and the people he worked with—it’s been an ongoing issue and a reason there was animosity between the two men. 
It all made sense when he finally put a face to the name of asshole DEA agent Jesse Clemons. 
The other man was in his late twenties, if he had to guess—definitely too young for the assignment he’d been given since there was no way he had enough experience, and he was hiding it by being a grade-A dick. In terms of looks, the kid was smaller than him, thinner, shorter, with the face of an average white male, and had the attitude of someone whose parents paid for him to get into an Ivy League school—which made Javier think he had connections that landed him this job since something about the guy screamed ‘nepotism hire.’
Javier put him in his place before they even sat down and made it clear he was the one in charge here—possibly scaring him too much because the kid was stuttering and stammering through the whole meeting. 
Glancing at his watch, he saw the hour was finally up. 
“Well,” he said, interrupting the agent as he closed the files before him, putting them into a stack. “I’ve got another appointment to get to.” Standing, he took off his glasses, sliding them into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, and picked up the manila folders. “It was nice to meet you in person, and we’ll see how your suggestions play out.” They wouldn’t. “Doors this way.” He held out his arm toward it. 
The agent looked relieved it was over, quickly putting his things away in his brown leather briefcase and letting Javier usher him out of the room. 
They paused just outside the door. 
“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me, sir,” Jesse said, holding out his hand that Javier quickly shook. 
“My, uh—“ He scratched at the back of his neck. “—My nana sends her regards.”
That had Javier’s eyebrows pulling together as he tried to figure out who he could possibly be talking about. 
“Your… nana...?”
“Yes, my grandma Noonan. She was a former ambassador in Colombia…”
Javier huffed out a breath—there it was, the reason this kid was hired. His grandma was a real hardass but pretty decent at her job, and with her connections, it’s no wonder her grandson had such an important assignment.
“Yeah, I remember your nana. You give her my best. Thanks for stopping by.” 
The younger man nodded, retreating down the hallway. 
Javier sure as fuck didn’t miss the DEA and their bullshit, the meeting turning out to be just as irritating as he’d expected it to be. He’d been prepared for the questions and had the files to back up his answers and prove they’d been working their asses off. 
The only good thing about this was that the kid would probably leave him alone now, or at the very least only be in contact when necessary, which is what Javier hoped. 
Once the agent disappeared around the corner at the end of the hall, he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in, his eyes closing for a moment. 
He didn’t actually have another appointment. It was lunchtime for him and the woman he loved, who he needed to talk to in order to calm his nerves. 
“Never thought I’d see you again.” That voice hadn’t spoken to him since he uncovered just how corrupt the Colombian government was. His eyes flew open, turning his head toward them. 
“Why the fuck am I seeing you, Stechner?” he practically spat out. 
Bill Stechner looked balder and his beard longer, standing half a dozen steps from him down the hall. His appearance had Javier’s heart speeding up and jaw clenching, knowing that nothing good would come from this. 
The older man walked a little closer as he spoke, holding a file in one hand and the other in his pocket, “I was in the neighborhood on business and heard you were working here. Wanted to stop by and see how my old friend was doing.” 
His eyes narrowed. 
“We’ve never been friends, and how I’m doing is none of your fucking business.” 
“What? I can’t be happy for you?” 
Javier’s blood ran cold—what the fuck did he know? 
Stechner removed the hand from his pocket to open the folder. “You know,” he continued, glancing down at it. “That girl of yours is too good for you.” 
Dread came over him, feeling the heaviness of it in his gut and having to swallow hard because there was a chance he might throw up. 
“I know she is,” he answered. 
“No, no, I mean she’s really too good for you and is another woman with questionable taste in men. Did you know she graduated top of her class in college?” He didn’t. “She had the pick of any hospital in the country, and she chose Dallas, which, let me tell you, is quite far from her family, but I’m sure you know that.” He did. “Speaking of her family—” Stechner flipped a page. “—talk about notoriety and wealth. I’m honestly surprised you live in that tiny condo with all of the money she has. Looking at this, she should be with a doctor, or a surgeon, hell, even someone from a family as affluent as hers.” An opinion her parents shared. “I’m not seeing why she’d choose a disgraced farmer boy.” His teeth clenched, the sentence repeating over and over in his head, ‘Because she loves me. Because she loves me.’ The other man looked up to meet his eyes. “But you, the only reason you’re with her is the money, right? Because someone like you isn’t the settling down type. You can’t stick to just one woman, and with that kind of cash, you can afford more pussy than you were paying for with Uncle Sam’s money in Colombia.” 
What money? What money was he talking about?
The jabs about his sex life were fine; he was used to it, but he was beyond confused at being accused of only dating Cielito for her money since he’d seen her bank statements—they sat at their kitchen table writing checks to pay bills together every month, and balance their checkbooks. Her accounts weren’t anything crazy, and his savings was even bigger than hers from not having to pay for a lot in Colombia. Her job did make more than his, though; that was a fact and understandable with the work she did.
But she wasn’t some millionaire, which was what was being implied. 
Maybe he was assuming that since her family had money, she did, too? 
Too bad his research didn’t tell him her relationship with her family was strained with them all being a bunch of uptight, snobby dicks and that there was a chance she’d been written out of her parents' wills due to her life choices (dating him)—so, she didn’t have access to their money.
Everything else Stechner said had him taken aback at how he’d managed to tug at Javier’s relationship insecurities—he knew he wasn’t good enough for her, that his career was lacking, his wealth was mediocre, that his past should be a glaring red flag. 
But she still chose him despite it all.
Despite it all, she still loved only him. 
His face had heated as it pinched in anger at the fucking audacity of this fucker trying to mess with his relationship, rage roiling in his belly that Stechner misused his authority with the CIA to get information on his future wife and invade her privacy. 
“I don’t owe you any explanations,” he gritted out. “Leave me and her the fuck alone.” 
“Oh, you didn’t know about the money.” The file closed in his hand. “Like how she didn’t know about all you did in Colombia? I could tell I caught her off guard when I brought it up.”
Panic erupted inside him, his eyes widening, papers scattering on the floor when he dropped the folders in his hand to take the strides and grab the other man by his dark green jacket lapels, slamming him into the wall. “What did you tell her?!” The words roared from his throat. 
His mind was racing, thinking of all Stechner could’ve told her and knowing without a doubt he’d twist things to make Javier look like a heartless monster—he was so fucking scared he could cry. 
It irritated him how calmly the other man spoke. “Well, I couldn’t believe she didn’t know why you weren’t there to catch Escobar with how ‘serious’ you two are and figured it must’ve slipped your mind, so I just told her the truth of how you got a lot of innocent civilians murdered by helping Los Pepes—men, women, children. I also brought a copy of Judy’s interview for her to read as proof.”
This was his worst nightmare. 
That interview pinned all of the leaked intelligence to Los Pepes on him when they were also getting it from other high-ranking members of Search Bloc, the police force in Colombia dedicated to taking down drug lords. It made him look responsible for all of the carnage and innocent casualties, including the war that happened between Pablo Escobar and Los Pepes that had the former setting off a bomb at a busy shopping center a week before schools were starting, killing a bunch of kids. 
“You’re looking awfully pale, Javier,” Stechner continued. “Do you need to sit down?”  
He didn’t have a chance to explain the truth to her. 
She was going to leave him over his past mistakes. There was no way she’d want to be with someone who fucked up so badly—he was going to lose her, and his heart felt like it was breaking into a million tiny pieces he’d never be able to put back together. 
He was spiraling, his eyes burning with unshed tears as he let go of the man, turning around with his face in his hands, screaming into them FUCK!
Why was this happening to him? Why was Stechner trying to ruin the only good thing in his life? Was this payback for disobeying and taking down the Cali cartel? For revealing the corruption in Colombia? Or was this just for his own fucked up amusement? 
His entire world was crumbling. He should’ve told her sooner. She should’ve heard all of this from him and gotten the truth. 
She was everything to him, and without her, he was nothing. 
He had nothing left to lose if he already lost her, and now he was just angry and fucking tired of people ruining his life. His blood was boiling, rage bubbling up inside him over this vindictive motherfucker who wouldn’t leave him the fuck alone. 
His hands fell, and he turned on his heel to face the bastard. 
“I should’ve done this a long time ago,” he said. 
Stechner smiled. “What’s that?” 
His right fist was tightly clenched, and then he swung, hearing and feeling the sickening crunch as it connected with the other man’s face, who yelped in pain. 
Javier was numb, shaking out his hand as it flexed at his side while Stechner tried to staunch the bleeding coming from his nostrils, the file he had tucked under his arm. 
Javier glared, his tone menacing as he raised a finger, “Leave me and her the fuck alone. If I see you around here again—” He jabbed the other man in the chest. “—I’m getting a fucking restraining order.” 
“I could have you arrested for assaulting a government agent.” He sounded nasally. 
“And how will the CIA feel about one of their agents using government means to harass a civilian? You get me arrested, you lose your fucking job for being a creep. Leave. Us. The. Fuck. Alone. You got what you wanted. She’s probably at the apartment packing my shit as we speak.” He snatched the folder from Stechner. “I’m taking this—now fuck off.” 
With that, he turned around, his heart pounding, heading to where he dropped his files. 
Sheriff Arturo’s assistant, Joy, came out of the conference room, holding her notepad to her chest with wired-rimmed glasses on her freckled face. He’d forgotten she’d been taking notes for her boss at the meeting. 
“Go to the hospital and talk to her,” she said. “I’ll clean up the mess here and make sure he—” She glared at Stechner. “—is escorted out of the building.” Her eyes came back to him, the fresh college graduate looking worried, when she continued, “Whatever is going on sounds bad, and you need to go right now and fix it, Javi. Go to her! Hurry!” 
She was right. 
“Thank you,” he replied and started jogging down the maze of hallways to get out of the building. 
By the time he made it to his truck, sweat was coating his forehead, and he didn’t bother putting on his sunglasses, tossing the file Stechner had on the passenger seat, the tires screeching as he turned onto the roadway. His hand tightly squeezed the steering wheel while the other dug his phone out of his pocket, holding it up to his ear as he speed-dialed Cielito.
“Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system—”
“Fuck,” he hissed, redialing. 
“Your call—” He hit the end call button, glancing at the clock on his dashboard. 
She should be on lunch right now and have her phone. 
She should be answering. 
She always answered. 
She always answered. 
He dialed again. 
Dread filled him once more. 
“Your call—” He clicked the end button. 
Was she screening his calls? Was she letting him go to voicemail? 
Was she done with him? Was this all over? Was she even going to be at the hospital when he got there? Or did she leave work early to go home and pack his things?
He didn’t want to call her work, but he needed to know if he was heading to the right place, scrolling through his cellphone’s phone book until he found the number he was looking for and pushed call. 
“Doctor’s Hospital of Laredo, how may I direct your call?”
“Post-op nurse’s station.”
“One moment.”
“Post-op. Robyn speakin’,” her cheery voice answered. 
He let out a relieved breath. 
Robyn would know where she was at. 
“Robyn, it’s Javi—“
“She can’t talk right now,” she interrupted in a serious tone, her change in demeanor jolting him and making his stomach drop. 
“Just…” His throat felt tight, swallowing hard while his eyes watered. “Just tell me if she’s there, please,” he all but begged. 
“Of course she’s here.”
“Okay… Thank you…” he numbly replied, ending the call and setting the phone on the bench seat beside him. 
A tear rolled down his cheek. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, hitting the steering wheel. 
How was it that hours ago, his life had been perfect? 
Everything had finally fallen into place—he’d found the perfect woman who loved him and who he loved; he’d gotten his mother’s ring from his dad the day before and was going to take it to the jewelry store Monday to have it sized and altered, actively planning how he was going to propose so it’d be perfect. 
She deserved perfection. 
He’d been living the fucking dream, and now he wasn’t even sure if he still had a girlfriend. 
She wasn’t answering his calls, and she’d roped in her friend to keep him from talking to her. 
She promised him she’d still love him after finding out about his past, and he believed it, but he also knew Stechner was a sadistic prick, and Javier didn’t know what she’d been told—what lies, and exaggerations were said to make him look as horrible as possible. 
It must’ve been jarring for her, and she wanted space—what she needed was to hear the truth, the whole truth of everything he went through down there, that he should’ve fucking told her months ago. He felt like a real piece of shit that he put her in this position. Javier knew her better than anyone else, and had she known about Los Pepes, and all the other shit he’d been keeping from her, he knew for a fact she would’ve sniffed Stechner out right away and ripped him to fucking pieces for trying to sabotage their relationship. But she didn’t know, and that rat bastard got what he wanted. 
The traffic light turned green, and he laid on the horn when the car in front of him didn’t immediately go, passing them when he could as he sped over the speed limit. 
All he could think about was how he had to get to her and straighten this all out—hell, if he needed to, Steve could corroborate everything he was going to tell her. 
He would fix this. He had to fix this. 
There was no other option. 
He couldn’t go back to how he was living before her, which wasn’t living at all; it was just existing with no purpose. There was a purpose now; there was more than a purpose, expanding to hopes and dreams for their future together. 
She was his sun, shining brightly, giving him life, warmth, and helping him grow. He was her moon, faithfully following her anywhere she’d go, reflecting her radiant love, loving her day and night in her best and worst moments. 
He loved her more than anything, and he would do whatever it took to make this right. 
His eyes were burning. 
“Tengo miedo, amá (I’m scared, mom),” he whispered under his breath. “Me duele el corazón (My heart is hurting). No puedo perderla, amá (I can’t lose her, mom). La amo más que a nada en el mundo y no puedo vivir sin a ella (I love her more than anything in the world and I can’t live without my her).” Tears fell down his cheeks. “¿Puedes hablar con alguien en el cielo o dondequiera que estés (Can you talk to someone in heaven or wherever you are)? ¿Por favor, amá (Please, mom)?” He wiped at his face, sniffling. “¿Por favor (Please)? La amo y haré cualquier cosa para recuperarla de vuelta (I love her and I will do anything to get her back).”
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
Phone Sex..Amirite?
Sex Escapades With Agent Peña
(Javi Peña x f!reader NSFW)
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A/N: Javi Peña has been giving me brain rot lately, and the filthiest part of this is that I came up with this idea at work. Who the hell comes up with toe curling smut while in the office? This girl right here does. Enjoy, you filthy animals (;
Summary: phone sex with your boyfriend, Agent Peña
~word count: 4.2k~
Warnings: smut with no plot, established relationship, phone sex, semi public masturbation, Javi is clearly the dom but the reader wants to get in on the action, slight power dynamic (if you squint) teasing, edging, slight degradation, some fluff at the end, nicknames, a huge fucking praise kink, fingering, cream pie, cum play, cum eating, unprotected p in v (my Javi is clean okay y’all) oral (male and female receiving) Javi really loves your pussy like really really loves it. This is straight up filth and porn and is NSFW. Do not open this around your boss, or coworkers please. (+18) minors dni !
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You weren’t sure what exactly inclined to call your boyfriend Javi when you knew he was at the office, working another late shift. Perhaps it was the fact that you missed his presence, and yearned for his touch. Or maybe you just wanted to play a little game with him. Or perhaps you were just feeling this way after you had a warm, relaxing bath. Your thoughts drifted off to your boyfriend and soon you were working your pussy into a sweet orgasm, with his name echoing off the walls of your quaint bathroom.
The wall phone in the kitchen had a cord just long enough for you to comfortably sit against the cool countertop, with your feet dangling over the edge. You were in nothing but a pink fluffy towel as you dialed his work number, bringing the tip of your thumbnail, to rest between your teeth, as the dial tone rang.
Javi wasn’t too happy about being stuck at the office this late either. He was begrudgingly put on phone duty till 2a.m. It was only just midnight when his phone on his desk rang. He had his shirt open a few buttons down, revealing his smooth, tan skin. Of course he had a cigarette pursed between his plush lips, as he brought the phone against his ear, resting it between his chin and shoulder.
“Peña” he rasped through the speaker.
“Hi baby..” you twirled the long phone cord between your manicured nails as you let out a light giggle.
You could imagine your boyfriend's lip quirking up, and his brow rising suggestively at the familiarity of your molasses sweet voice.
“Cariño? Hi baby..to what do I owe the pleasure? Shouldn’t you be asleep my love? It’s pretty late..” he let out a hum, taking in a deep drag from his cigarette as he leaned back into his worn down office chair.
“I can’t sleep, baby. I had a nice hot, relaxing bath, and all I could think about was you..”
Javi glanced around the small, open office space he occupied. No one but him was in the building, sans a few security guards upfront, and maybe a lone janitor.
“Mmm..you were thinking about me, sweet girl?” He mused as he crossed one leg over the other, still holding the cigarette between his lips. “What were you thinking about me when you were in the bath?..”
You let out a soft sigh that he could hear through the speaker as you leaned back against the counter, resting your weight on your elbows. “Are we really about to do this Jav?”
“Do what? Have phone sex? Well, Cariño..you were the one who called if I remember correctly..” he chuckled.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me what I’m wearing baby?” You asked with a teasing tone.
“Ohh my apologies, sweet girl. What are you wearing? Something pretty I bet..”
“Nothing but a fluffy pink towel baby.”
You could hear him hum deeply at your response.
“No panties or anything? That’s awfully naughty of you, cariño. You wearing no panties just for me baby?”
“Yes, Javi. No panties..just for you..”
“Tell me, cariño. Did you touch yourself in the tub while you thought about me?..I bet you did..you miss me that much huh sweet girl?”
“I did baby..I played with my pretty little pussy that you love so much and thought of you the whole time. Wished it was your fingers instead..”
“Fuck me.” He hissed under his breath at the thought of you touching yourself and thinking about him. “You’re fucking filthy, you know that baby?” He could feel his cock twitching in his ridiculous tight jeans, begging for relief.
“Are you okay, baby?..Is this too much for you to hear right now? I don’t want to distract you from your work..” you spoke with faux disappointment in your tone.
Javi growled lowly through the receiver, harshly putting out his cigarette into the nearby ashtray on his desk that was cluttered with papers. “You’re a goddamn little tease baby. Don’t act so sweet and innocent now. You asked for this.”
He could feel you grinning against the receiver and he wondered if you were wet for him already. If only he was there to drag his fingers through your slick folds, replace them with his hot, sinful tongue.
“Just wanted to check and make sure baby.”
Javi pressed his thumb and forefinger against the bridge of his nose as he inhaled deeply, exhaling through his nose, his nostrils flaring slightly. His voice had dipped down an octave and the way it warmly dripped through the receiver, had you clenching your thighs together tightly.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me right now cariño? You’re workin’ me up already baby and I’m stuck here for 2 more fucking hours.”
“If you ask nicely I’ll be a good girl for you, Jav.”
“So now you think you get to go and call the fucking shots baby?” He was already popping the button off his jeans to give himself some form of relief. He didn’t hesitate to palm himself through the tight material, taking his lower lip between his teeth.
“C’mon baby, will you pretty please let me have a little fun for once?”
“Okay, cariño. Just this once alright?”
“Thank you baby.”
“Will you please be a good girl for me? You’ve got me feeling so fucking hard already. Absolutely killing me over here, cariño.”
“See? Was that so hard?” You giggled and the sweet sound caused his cock to twitch painfully again. “Do you want me to play with myself for you?”
“Yes, baby. I want you to play with your pretty little pussy. I want you to get yourself all wet for me baby..think you can do that for me? Wanna hear her purring for me through the fucking phone.” He rasped.
His words alone had you immediately slipping your hand between your thighs, propping them open along the counter with your feet firmly planted so you had better access.
“Nice and slow baby. Want you to close your eyes, drag your fingers through your slick folds for me. I wanna hear how wet you are already.” He demanded.
You did as you were told, slowly sliding your fingers through your slick folds, collecting your arousal between them as your eyes fluttered shut, lips parting as a soft sigh slipped out.
“That’s it baby. Good girl. Want you to tease yourself a little for me, okay sweet girl? Play with your clit for me..be gentle with her because I’m gonna fucking wreck her later when I get my hands on you.”
Javi’s filth induced words dripped deep into your core as you dragged your fingers over your clit, rubbing slow, gentle circles around the bundle of nerves. “Are you gonna touch yourself for me too, baby?” You let out a soft moan.
“You want me to cariño? You wanna picture me fisting my thick cock while you play with your pretty little pussy for me?”
Your thighs quivered slightly as you moved your fingers faster, even though Javi told you to be slow, and gentle with yourself. “Yes please, baby. Touch yourself for me Javi. I want to picture just how hard you are for me and my pretty little pussy.”
“Are you being a good girl for me, cariño? I don’t remember telling you to move your fingers faster..” he tsked. “Can hear your soft little breaths picking up already baby. Naughty naughty girl.” He had slipped his hand under the tight confinements of his jeans and briefs. He swiped his thumb across his tip that was already leaking with precum.
“I’m sorry baby..I can’t help it..if I’m being such a naughty girl, then you’ll have no choice but to come over and punish me..” You had slipped your two slick fingers inside of your pussy. From your earlier orgasm, you were absolutely dripping as you curled your fingers upwards against the spongy spot against your walls. Javi could hear the delicious sounds of your squelching pussy gripping around your fingers.
“Are you fucking yourself right now baby? God, your pussy sounds so pretty cariño..listen to how fucking wet she is for me..” he let out a sigh as he wrapped his fist around the base of his cock after he spit on his hand for some last minute lubrication.
“I wish it was your fingers fucking my pretty, tight little pussy right now. I’m so wet for you baby. I wish you could see how i’m dripping for you..want you, and your cock so fucking bad.” You moaned, spreading your thighs open further as your towel slipped from around your body, exposing yourself to the humid, muggy air.
“Don’t you dare fucking cum baby. Don’t you dare. Not until I fucking tell you that you can. ¿Tienes esa querida? Me estás conduciendo contra una maldita pared en este momento, cariño.” (You got that darling? You’re driving me up a fucking wall right now, baby)
“I’m so close Javiiii. I can’t hold on much longer baby, will you please let me cum? Picture me cumming around your thick cock baby..picturing me squeezing every last fucking drop out of you.” You moaned, pumping your fingers faster inside of you, while your thumb worked your clit.
“Bring the phone down to your fingers fucking that pretty little pussy. I want to fucking hear you fucking yourself. Want to hear those pretty sounds your pussy makes for me baby.” He pumped his hand around his cock a few times, twisting his wrist as his head tilted back against the headrest of the chair.
You used your freehand to pull the phone away from your ear and shakily dropped it between your thighs so he could hear just how wet he made you.
The sounds of your fingers pumping inside of your pussy had your boyfriend's eyes rolling back into his skull as he let out a low groan. “Fuck baby. You weren’t kidding when you said you were soaking. Gonna fucking destroy that pretty little cunt of yours later. Tell me how you want me to take you. Wanna hear it in fucking detail cariño.”
You brought the phone up to your ear once more, feeling yourself grow flustered from his request and your building orgasm in the pit of your stomach. “Ohh..baby. I want you to bend me over the fucking counter like the dirty little whore I am. I want you to play with my pussy. Tease me a little with your fingers, and tongue. I want my hips to dig into the side of the counter top. I want to feel bruises form as you fuck into me.” You mewled against the receiver.
“Yeah cariño? You want me to fuck you against the counter? Mmm..I can do that and make sure that it’ll hurt to walk the next morning. That you’ll be feeling me between your thighs for a few fucking days after I’m finished with you.” He growled.
“Yes, please baby. I want that so fucking bad. Want your cock Javi. Please please give it to me. Before you cum, I want to feel you down my throat, want to taste you on my tongue and swallow every last fucking drop.”
“Oh fuck.” He groaned, forcing himself to slow the rate he was pumping his fist around his cock. Your filth had his balls tightening as he thought about spurting his hot, sticky cum past your pretty lips and down your throat. “You wanna be a good little cock slut for me baby? I want to feel you gag around me cariño. Want to see tears flow down those pretty little cheeks as I stuff your throat with my cock. You’d love that, wouldn’t you baby? I know you fucking would.”
“Yes Javi. I want to be your good little cock slut for you baby. I want to get down on my knees for you. Can I cum please? I’ve been a good girl for you haven’t I? Please Javi..I’m so fucking close. Please baby..” you moaned out his name as your fingers continued to pump inside your pussy as you threw your head back with your eyes squeezed shut, nearly dropping the phone from where it rested against your shoulder.
“Shh..baby don’t overdo it okay? Need you to be ready for me later okay? Go ahead and let yourself go cariño..cum for me baby..cum for me..” he squeezed his cock lightly then feeling a hot spurt of cum leak out from his tip as he groaned out your name, deep within the cavern of his chest.
You cried out his name as your second orgasm of the night rippled through your body, causing your thighs to tremble, and shake as you slipped your fingers out and collapsed against the cool tile against your sweat soaked back.
“There she is..there’s my pretty girl. You just rest up and wait for me, okay cariño? I’ll see you in a couple hours, pretty girl.” He hummed against the receiver before he ended the call and immediately grabbed his box of cigarettes on his desk and pulled one out as he lit it and took a deep drag. His softened cock laid still against the denim of his jeans as he tilted his head back with a content sigh.
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It was half past two when you heard keys jingling outside of your quiet apartment. You had passed out on the couch sometime after your call with Javi and you didn’t actively expect him to follow through with coming to see you. Your orgasm, that induced, sent you straight off into a deep slumber.
You thought you were dreaming when you heard your boyfriend whisper your name through the quiet darkness. “Cariño?..you sleeping baby?” He whispered as he sank down onto the couch alongside you, placing his badge, cigarettes and gun alongside the coffee table.
“Jav?..” you mumbled as you slowly sat up, and took in his appearance. His hair was disheveled and sweaty and his shirt was untucked from his jeans.
“Hi baby, my sweet girl. That post orgasm sleep probably felt amazing hmmm?” He gently grasped your bare thigh giving it a light squeeze.
“Mhm..what are you doing here Javi?”
“Had to come over and see if you were all talk about what you wanted me to do to you baby.” He chuckled, watching your expression change in the dark as your lips parted open.
“Oh..well I didn’t think you were umm..actually gonna show up..” you reached over for his pack of smokes on the table as you slipped one out and placed it between your lips while Javi grabbed his lighter and lit it for you, watching as you took a deep inhale.
“You know those things are bad for you, baby. Can’t say you don’t look sexy smoking one of my cigarettes cariño.” He purred.
“It’s your fault Javi..always smoking these around me..look what you’ve turned me into.” You shot him a playful wink before you were quietly getting up from the couch, revealing that you were completely bare underneath the thin quilt.
Javi’s eyes immediately followed your naked silhouette into the kitchen as you leaned back against the counter, crossing your ankles over one another. “Jesus fuck baby. You gotta warn a man the next time you wanna stride around in the nude like that. Fucking killing me right now.” He was already up and following you into the kitchen, stepping between your thighs as he leaned down, plucking the cigarette between your lips to have a quick drag before he blew the smoke off to the side, gently placing the cigarette back between your lips.
“What happened to all that confidence you were exuding through the phone cariño? Cat got your tongue or something?” He mused with a teasing tone as he brought his hands around either side of the counter, leaning in close enough that you could smell his intoxicating cologne.
You were grasping his growing bulge between his tight jeans, eliciting a surprised gasp to slip past his lips. “Just wanted to have a quick smoke before we got started, baby. I meant every last word I said..” you took one last drag from the cigarette before reaching behind you and put it out in the ashtray on your counter.
Once your lips were free, Javi was immediately kissing you, slipping his tongue into your mouth without warning as he grasped your waist in his warm hands, pulling you flush against his chest. Your teeth clashed together as you wasted no time to pop the button off his jeans and drag the zipper down.
“Turn around for me, cariño. Bend over the counter and spread those legs for me baby.” He mumbled against your lips, breaking the kiss away as you turned around so you were facing the counter, bending over with your thighs spread.
“Good girl. Such a fucking good girl.” He hummed as he sank down to his knees underneath you, wasting no time to drag his fingers through your slick folds, spreading them apart before his tongue was on you, getting a proper taste finally as you lurched forward.
“Oh—fuck.” You gasped, leaning forward on your elbows as Javi lapped at your pussy, like a man starved. You let out a mewl when he slipped two fingers in your wet cunt, curling them inwards.
“Mmm..absolutely still soaking for me baby. I knew you would be. Had to have a proper taste of this sweet little pussy..she’s all mine..” he hummed against your clit, sending vibrations up your spine.
“J—Javi, baby. If you keep this up I’m not going to be able to—fuck. I’m not going to be able to cum on your cock.” You moaned out, feeling your pussy clench around his fingers.
Javi let out a low chuckle as he slipped his fingers out, seeing how wet they were with your arousal, before he pressed a chaste kiss to your clit before he stood back up.
His chest was firmly pressed against your back as he leaned over you, brushing his fingers coated in your slick against your lips. “Taste yourself for me baby. You taste so fucking sweet.” He whispered as you wrapped your lips around his fingers, licking them clean.
He wasted no time to pull his shirt over his head before he dropped his jeans to his ankles, kicking them off to the side as he nudged his tip through your slick folds, pressing in slightly.
You arched your back into him when you felt his tip teasing your folds and you reached around, grabbing the back of his thigh and pulled him in closer. “Please Javi.” You begged.
“Shh. Patience, my sweet girl. You’ll get my cock in a moment. I’ll fill you up just like I promised, okay?” He pressed himself further, letting just his tip sink into your warmth before he slowly sank himself deeper till he was buried at the hilt.
You let out a delicious sound between a moan, and cry as he finally filled you up to the brim. Your thighs were already trembling and he hadn’t even began to fuck you yet. Javi was by far the best cock you had ever had in your life. He stretched your pussy in ways that no man could ever dream of doing. “Move, please baby. I can’t fucking take it. Please fuck me, Peña” you said between gritted teeth.
“Since you asked me so nicely cariño” he snapped his hips forward into you, hearing the sweet sound of your skin slapping together. He did this a few more times before his hand was reaching around, grasping your throat and pulling you flush against his chest. He turned your head just enough that he could capture your lips in a heated, tongue and teeth clashing filled kiss as he fucked into you.
You could barely focus on kissing him as he fucked into you. You could feel him everywhere at this deep angle and the way his teeth nipped at your lower lip had your mind reeling. “Oh—oh fuck yes! Yes baby! Right there!” You let out a loud moan as his lips broke away from the kiss and pressed your body back down against the counter. Your cheek was pressed firmly against the cool countertop as he rammed into you. Your hips were painfully pushed into the counter, but it was a delicious sensation that you never wanted it to end.
“You’re doing so good for me baby, taking my cock so fucking well, cariño. Your pretty little pussy is squeezing me so fucking tight. Can stay buried in you like this all fucking night long.” He groaned as he let his hand slide down between your shoulder blades, keeping you pressed into the counter.
It wasn’t long before you could feel his thrusts begin to get sloppy but he refused to slip out till you were cumming around him. He slipped his fingers between your legs and vigorously rubbed your clit between his fingers. He felt your thighs tremble and shake as you collapsed forward, screaming out his name mixed with a slew of curses. “That’s it baby. That’s it my pretty girl. Look at your pretty little pussy coating my cock. You did so well for me cariño..” he continued to praise you as he leaned down and pressed a kiss between your shoulder blades before he slowly slipped out.
You could feel your cum dripping between your thighs as you shakily sank to your knees in front of him. Your mind was hazy from the orgasm you just experienced, but you wanted to make sure that he got to cum to after how well he had taken care of you. “I’m ready for you baby. I’m ready to be your good little cockslut.”
Javi nearly collapsed from how pretty you looked, sitting on your knees for him. Looking up with those eyes, your pretty little lips parted and waiting for his cock. “Jesus fucking Christ, cariño. You’re gonna send me to an early grave looking so pretty on your knees like that.” He leaned down, giving you a quick kiss as he brushed his thumb against your lower lip, tugging it out gently. “You ready for my cock baby?”
You eagerly nodded, already salivating at the sight of him. You never used to enjoy a dick in your face like this with other guys, but with Javi? You absolutely loved it. “Always am ready for your cock, Jav.”
“Mmm. I love hearing you say that baby. So filthy for me.” He hummed as he dragged his tip across your pretty lips, watching with blown pupils as your wrapped your lips around him, dragging your tongue across the head.
You were already grasping the back of his thighs as you pulled him in close, opening your mouth more as he slowly sank into you. You could feel him hitting the back of your throat as you sucked him off. You knew how much he loved it when you would lightly scrape your teeth around him, so you did just that.
He grasped a fistful of your hair in his hand as he began to rock his hips into your face. Hearing the way you gagged around him had his eyes rolling back into his skull. “Oh—oh fuck. That’s it baby. Fuck. You—you always know how to take me so well. I’m so lucky to have you, my sweet girl. My sweet, little eager cockslut. You’re so pretty with my cock shoved down your throat. So fucking pretty for me.”
You hummed around him, quickly working him up to his own orgasm and when he was close to his own release, he quickly slipped out, giving himself a few quick tugs before his hot cum spurted into your awaiting, open mouth. Some of it ended up along your lips, and down your chin, as you dragged your finger through the sticky residue, gathering it all up before you slipped your finger into your mouth and licked it clean.
Your boyfriend gently helped you up from your knees, wrapping your legs around his waist before he was carrying you to the bathroom. You showered together and he may or may not have used the detachable shower head against your pussy to coax just a few more orgasms out of you, because he simply just loved to hear your pretty little moans.
By the time it was 4a.m, you and Javi were half asleep in your bed while he finished off another cigarette. Your head was comfortably resting against his bare chest while his arm was wrapped around your middle, holding you close.
“Cariño?” He whispered.
“Mmm. Yes baby?”
“We should do that phone sex thing every week. Loved every second of it.”
“Yeah? Me too..it was super fucking hot. We can make it our thing.”
“I’d love to.”
“Next time, I want you begging me to let you cum.” You said with a soft giggle as he scoffed in response.
“Mhm..we’ll see about that querida.” He grumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, causing all the warm fuzzy feelings to erupt in your tummy.
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
My special prompt is for Javier Peña Ranch with a special combo for fluff and smut! If you're up for it! 😍💜
Fluff prompt: #6
Smut prompt:#6
Can't wait to see what you bring us!! Happy Sunday and happy writing!!! 🥰❤️
SKYEEEEEEEEE ohhohohohoh let me tell you I saw ‘ranch” and then I saw those prompts and my brain said LET’S FUCKING GO. going back to the ranch is always so much fun for me, and this was the perfect opportunity for something delicious, sexy, and deliciously sexy 😍 I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting my love!! xoxoxo
strawberry shortcake - the ranch - javier peña x fem!reader
word count: 3k
warnings: explicit smut, lots of teasing, shower sex, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), I regret NOTHING
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It all starts in the morning.
As usual, Javi’s out the door with the sun, getting done the few things that need doing on the weekends, the Saturday sun beating down on his back with every step. By ten o’clock, he’s heading back to the house, the animals fed and watered. Getting closer to the house, he can hear music on the radio, and when he steps up the porch, he can see you through the screen door, dancing around the kitchen.
Every little thing she does is magic, everything she do just turns me on
Javier chuckles under his breath, pulling the door open and stepping inside, tossing his hat and his gloves onto the bench beside the door. You don’t notice at first, preoccupied with whatever it is you’re baking. There’s a bowl of cut strawberries on the counter, and the heat lingering in the air tells him the oven is on. He leans against the kitchen doorway, crossing his arms over his chest, one boot propped over the other, just watching as you unhook a bowl from under the stand mixer. The whisk attached to the mixer drips with whipped cream.
You curse, wiping the white off the counter with your finger and sucking it between your lips. Javier inhales sharply, watching your tongue dart out when some cream lingers at the corner of your mouth. It takes everything in him not to stick his hand down the front of his suddenly too-tight jeans.
“You’re up early,” he calls, announcing his presence. It makes you jump anyway, nearly dropping the bowl as you turn to set it on the island. You smack a hand to your chest, eyes going wide.
“Christ, Javi!” you half-shout, but there’s a smile on your face. “That whipped cream was nearly all over the floor.”
“Didn’t mean to spook you,” he says, stepping forward until he can twine his arms around your waist, leaning down to fit his face into your neck. You hum happily as he does it, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I was hoping you’d still be in bed when I came back.”
“Well, we have to leave for Connie and Steve’s in an hour or so,” you reply, “and this shortcake isn’t gonna make itself.”
Javi groans into your throat. Right. The party. He’d partially forgotten. 
Connie and Steve moved to Laredo recently — further into the slowly-growing suburbs than the ranch was — and were throwing a house-warming party of sorts. You’d gone into the city one night this week to pick out a gift, returning with a few tasteful picture frames and a stuffed bunny for Olivia, and had reminded him last night you wanted to stop at a florist on the way there to get flowers for Connie.
“You agreed, Jav,” you laugh, tipping your head back while he lets his mustache scrape along your pulse. “Besides, it’ll only be a couple hours, then we can come home and you can have me all to yourself all night long.”
The mere idea of it makes his jeans tighter still, and he nips at your skin, earning himself a smack to the shoulder.
“Watch it! You know Connie’ll give me hell if I show up covered in hickies.”
“Love bites,” he corrects, pulling his head up, meeting your eyes. A strand of hair falls in your face, and he brushes it away, leans in to kiss your mouth, tasting the cream on your lips. “Mmm, sweet.”
“Love bites, sure,” you repeat, rolling your eyes. “Go get in a shower, cowboy.”
He pulls away from you reluctantly. “Does that mean you’re not joining me?”
“If the cake is done before you’re out, then maybe.”
“Querida,” he pouts and you push him in the direction of the stairs.
“Enough with the puppy dog eyes!” you laugh, still grinning. “Go!”
Ten minutes later, the cake is cooling on the counter and he has you pressed against the shower wall. The wet rope of your hair curls around his wrist as he holds you in place, your feet outside of his, your back arched and your moans filling the bathroom. His other hand is curled around your hip, grunting with every snap of his hips, the smack of your ass against the tops of his thighs.
He cums fast, driving his cock deep, and then yanks you up, banding his arm beneath your tits, his other hand moving to your clit, drawing fast circles that have you keening in his arms. You shower fast after that, taking turns beneath the spray, and you slink out first after kissing him soundly.
The bathroom is still full of steam when he gets out, and Javi takes his time, checking his discarded watch to see how much time he has. He brushes his teeth, combs his hair, shaves the bit of stubble from his jaw. When he walks back to the bedroom, towel wrapped around his hips, you are nowhere to be found, but you’ve laid out his red plaid shirt on the bed, along with a dark pair of jeans and his black leather belt.
Half an hour, and he’s walking down the stairs, fingers hooked into his belt as he turns down the hall to the kitchen.
His jaw nearly hits the floor, and his jeans are tight all over again.
You look absolutely edible.
Javier is pretty sure he’s never seen this dress before. His mind is a rolodex when it comes to you, full of details and moments and lists. Among those lists is his favourite outfits of yours — most of which are for bedroom use only, but there are a good few others that are outside-friendly. But this dress…he’s never seen this dress before.
It hangs off you perfectly, accentuating every curve of your body. It’s a pale turquoise colour, with little peach flowers all over it. There are buttons down the front, and the straps are thin, thin enough for him to know you’re not wearing a bra underneath.
Javi wolf-whistles, and you jump again, tilting your head back with a laugh as he walks into the kitchen, stepping toward you. “Don’t you look at me like that, Javier Peña,” you chide, pointing a finger in his direction. “You already had your way in the shower.”
“My way?” he repeats, lifting a brow as he moves behind you, letting his hands rest on your hips. The fabric of the dress is impossibly soft. “Pretty sure we both got our way, didn’t we?”
“We did,” you say, giggling as he presses his chest to your back. “I’m just saying, you got what you wanted, and we don’t have time—” The end of your sentence cuts off with a gasp as he slides his hand between your legs, pushing the heel of his palm against your cunt.
“Time for what, querida?” he asks, dragging the tip of his nose along your neck. “You know as well as I do I could make you cum right here and now.”
“Javi.” Your fingers curl around his wrist, and for a moment he thinks you’re going to pull his hand away, but you don’t. “You’re gonna make us late.”
“And Steve can give me hell about it all afternoon if he likes,” he replies, stepping away from the counter and the half-finished cake, taking you with him. You go willingly, melting into his arms.
Two minutes later, and he has you bent over the arm of the couch, eating your pussy from behind, the skirt of your dress bunched in his fists. Your thighs quake against his face, your underwear hooked around one ankle, and Javi lets one hand glance down the back of your leg as you cum with a shout, one arm reaching around to bury your hand in his hair.
Satisfied, Javier leans back on his feet, leaving a wet kiss on one cheek and delivering a quick spank to the other. It makes you moan and he grins, helping you back into your underwear, letting your skirt fall back down over your ass. You straighten slowly, still catching your breath, and Javi grabs your chin, kissing you hard, enough that he hopes you can taste yourself on his tongue.
“Ready to go, baby?”
Twenty minutes later, and you’re both in the truck, the gifts in the backseat, the strawberry shortcake boxed and resting at your feet. You turn up the radio as Javier drives, rolling down the windows to let the summer breeze waft through the truck cab.
Before you make it into the busier streets of the city, you pull your feet up under you, loosening your belt slightly so you can lean over the middle console of the truck. Javi lifts his brow as your hand curls around his bicep, skimming up and down his arm.
“I really love this shirt on you,” you mutter, leaning closer until you can press your lips beneath his ear. “Looks so fucking good, baby.”
He opens his mouth, but no words come out, only a low groan as your hand moves down between his legs, cupping him through his jeans, the heat of your hand seeping through the material.
“Cariño,” he mutters, gritting his teeth as the blood rushes south, cock twitching in his pants. “I will pull this truck over, I swear to god.”
Just as the words are past his lips, the streets grow busier, the countryside giving way to the suburbs, and you sink back into your seat, returning your feet to the floor, resting your hand over his on the gearshift.
“Are you okay, Javi, sweetheart?” you ask, your voice falsely sweet as you lace your fingers through his. “You look a little flushed.”
He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and presses the gas a little harder. You just laugh.
Connie and Steve are excited to see you both, and Olivia doubly so. You’ve seen them a few times since you and Javi became an official item, and while Livvy loves her Uncle Javi, she loves you even more. The afternoon is spent in the Murphys’ large backyard, filled to bursting with lawn chairs and tables, a little inflatable pool for the kids, overflowing coolers filled with beer and soda for the adults. Steve pulls Javier in every direction, introducing him to their new neighbours, Steve’s new colleagues and the like. A few are familiar faces to Javi, and there’s the inevitable conversation of how it’s such a small world, inquiries about Javier’s parents, the ranch, etcetera.
And the whole time, Javi keeps an eye on you.
Connie has commandeered you as much as Steve has Javier, introducing you to all her friends and the neighbours. He’s watched as you’ve done the rounds, chatting with people, offering Connie help with refilling the coolers or setting out snacks. Olivia has most of your attention, however, and Javi watches more than once how she wobbles over to wherever you’re standing, wraps her little fingers around yours and pulls you over to the blanket of toys Connie laid out for her. You go willingly each time, a beaming smile on your face.
Now, Javier watches with a grin on his own mouth as Olivia giggles wildly, her little feet kicking while you blow raspberries on her little belly. Connie sits beside you on the blanket, the two of you chatting between Olivia’s requests to stack blocks or give voices to her stuffed animals.
“So, when are you gonna put a ring on that girl’s finger, Jav?” Steve asks, the words almost too loud, handing Javier another beer. He feels his ears go red as he takes the bottle, taking a long sip before Steve touches his boot to Javi’s. “Seriously, man. She’s an angel.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Javi quips, glancing at Steve before his eyes dart back to you. “I’ve been thinking about it.”
“Think less,” Steve tells him, tipping his bottle toward Javi. “It’ll just get you into more trouble. Just ask her. Honestly, Javi, I’ve never seen you this happy.” His ex-partner lifts a brow. “Or is the sex just that good?”
Javier chokes on his beer. He sputters, instantly wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt. “Shut the fuck up, Murphy.”
More conversations are had, more of Steve’s friends joining the circle to talk shop, football games and the new sports bar that opened downtown. It all sort of fades into the background for Javier as his gaze continually returns to you. Eventually, Connie pulls Steve away to help with something, the others go to make conversation elsewhere, and Javi is left alone in his chair.
He’s not lonely for long, however, because just as he’s setting his empty beer bottle down on the ground beside him, you materialize in front of him, dangling a fresh beer in front of his nose, the condensation dripping down the glass.
“Querida,” he grins, taking the beer before reaching for you, curling an arm around your waist. “Come here, you hot little thing.”
You throw your head back and laugh, falling into his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck. He leans in and kisses the hinge of your jaw, inhaling the sweet scent of your skin, the flowery smell of your hair. It’s intoxicating. You sink fully into his lap, leaning against his chest, moaning as you go.
“Ugh, that feels good,” you groan, tilting your head back so the sun pours over your face. “These shoes are killing me.”
Javier nips at your earlobe. “Moan for me again; it sounded nice.”
You smack his chest, straightening slightly. “Javi.”
“I’m just teasing.”
“Aren’t you always?”
He just chuckles, shaking his head as you lean back against his chest again. Javi rubs his hand up and down your back, drawing circles on the bare skin between your shoulders, letting his fingers dip beneath the fabric of the dress just a bit.
You hum quietly, resting your head on his shoulder. “Honestly, Jav, how are you so comfy? I could sit on you all day.”
Javi presses his lips together, feeling your face grow hot as you realize what you’ve said. He tightens his arm around your waist, squeezes your hip through the fabric of your dress. “You know you have an open invitation for that, querida.”
He can almost see the goosebumps rise across your skin, and you wiggle your hips slightly, adjusting yourself in his lap. His cock twitches at the friction and you drape both arms around his neck, leveling your face with his. You peck the tip of his nose, but then your mouth slips south, kissing his top lip softly. He can tell you’re restraining yourself, and it only makes him harder.
The hand not curled around your hip starts rubbing up and down your legs, and when your knees part slightly, he finds his opening, glancing around to make sure no one’s paying you any mind before he lets his hand slide right up your skirt, fingers skimming up the inside of your knee.
He pushes his face into your neck again, making it look like he’s whispering something to you, a secret for your ears only. “You think anyone would notice if I started fingering you right now?” he asks, and you don’t reply, but he hears the quiet gasp, the hitch in your breath. “You can be good for me, can’t you, querida? Let me play with that pretty pussy, but don’t let anybody know what we’re doing. Hmm?”
You twine your fingers in the back of his hair and tug, hard enough that his head lifts from your throat. “Javier Peña, you’re a menace.”
“You’re the menace, cariño,” he responds, raising his brows. “Who gave you the right to look so fucking delicious in that dress, hmm? I oughta teach you a lesson.”
The corner of your mouth quirks. “Mm, I think I’d enjoy that lesson.”
He gives you a quick peck. “I’ll make sure that you do.”
Your grin turns full-blown. “And speaking of delicious, my shortcake was a hit, but I really think we should get home soon, Javi. There’s lots more whipped cream in the fridge, and I’d hate for it to go to waste.”
An hour and a half later, and you’re home. You’re home, and you barely made it through the door, a trail of clothes leading from the front porch and into the kitchen. The tile floor is cool against Javi’s bare skin, but he feels like he’s on fire all at the same time.
The bowl of whipped cream sits off to the side. You’re as naked as he is, sitting astride his face, your knees pressing against his shoulders. Javi’s got his hands on your hips again, holding onto you tightly, groaning into the inside of your thigh as you drop another dollop of whipped cream at the base of his cock. It’s cold — almost too cold — but the coolness turns to heat as you close your mouth around him again, the warmth of your mouth almost too much to bear. Your tongue rides the veins of his cock, laving at the base while the tip hits the back of your throat, cleaning the whipped cream from his skin.
He yanks you down hard, sealing his mouth around your cunt, pushing his tongue into your dripping hole. You keen, moaning around his cock, and the vibration makes him moan right back into you. You don’t let up, not until he’s cumming hot down your throat, and even then, you pull off him with a quiet pop, instantly dropping your head to lick the rest of the whipped cream up. It sends chills through his whole body, leaves him writhing on the floor, and he taps your thighs, signaling you to get off.
Javier doesn’t let you go far, pulling you back against him as soon as you’re upright, both of you on your knees on the kitchen tile. With one hand, he smears whipped cream around your nipple, mouth lowering to lick it up a moment later, and the other finds its way between your legs, thumb circling your clit, two fingers sinking into you.
“Javi,” you groan, your head dropping back on your shoulders, one hand diving into his hair as he scrapes his teeth against your nipple, reaching for more whipped cream before moving to the other. “Oh my fucking god.”
He drags his tongue against you before flicking his eyes up to your face. “Moan my name again, querida,” he grins. “It sounded nice.”
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cawhawhaw · 25 days
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Friendly Fire part 1 for @jav-animations!
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fluffystuffovo · 7 months
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Lovely trade artwork piece I received from my bud @jav-animations tysm!!!!! I really love this piece sm!!!! 💙💙💙💙✨✨✨✨✨
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blazehedgehog · 7 months
Do you have a preferred design for Samus outside of the power suit? Not in a "what's most attractive" sense (seems like a necessary qualifier,) but design-wise, if that clarification makes sense.
Like a lot of people, I really like that Super Metroid promo art.
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We see she's this big, strong, frankly pretty normal woman. Built more like a basketball player or a wrestler or something. Tall, a bit of muscle, and not overtly sexual. You can even imagine she's maybe a little awkward outside of the suit.
I think I've probably said it before, but it really bothered me that, as of Metroid Zero Mission, Nintendo realized that Samus could be a "hotted woman."
I hate that this exists so much. They were trying so hard to crack the Metroid franchise in Japan that they turn her in to this JAV idol and make sure to focus on three different shots of her butt in the first six seconds. And since then, they never really let go of the idea that Samus has to be this hot anime babe in a shiny catsuit that accentuates all of her curves.
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Like I'm not asking for Samus to be ugly but Zero Suit Samus always feels like a bridge too far for me. They were originally trying to evoke the feeling of, like, Ripley at the end of the first Aliens where she's vulnerable and in her underwear, not as a sexual thing, but as a "nothing will protect her" thing.
And then they turned that one specific look into, I dunno, a super hot Playboy centerfold and that became her defacto depiction from now until the end of time. You know? It's weird.
Like if you search for, I dunno, statues of Ellen Ripley, you don't get a lot of her in her underwear outside of weirdos selling homespun STL files for 3D printers. But Nintendo will gladly sell you a $200 Zero Suit Samus statue.
I like it when Samus looks like a normal lady and not a supermodel with perfect hair and a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark.
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lavenderrvalleyy · 10 days
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Title card I made for my super sweet friend @jav-animations, featuring their character Trix <3
Click for better quality... tumblr is awful at previewing gifs like these aughh why is it so crunchy >:(
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ticklishshenanigansau · 4 months
( @jav-animations It looks like your sweet ask disappeared from our inbox — sorry about that! — but I remember you wanted to hug/tickle the bros to see them smile <3 )
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numberonelittlechild · 2 months
"You gotta laugh, dude!"
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DJ-Gabby: "Hey John, I know you're like.. an stubborn cop, but... how you keep on grabbing your cigarette everytime?"
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John: "Listen up young girl, I don't wanna talk about this that it's my personal attitude for me and my partner Jack but it's hard to understand, if me and Jack should-"
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DJ-Gabby: "Did I heard a personal attitude? No, huh?"
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DJ-Gabby: "I think I found of your sensitive spots, right?"
Yep, that should cheer him up. This was inspired by @jav-animations old arts from Amino Apps
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cawhawhaw · 25 days
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Friendly fire part 2 for @jav-animations >:3
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fluffystuffovo · 8 months
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Wonderful art trade with @jav-animations my part of the trade I had a lot of fun drawing this for my buddy! 💙✨
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yadchi-i-guess · 3 months
I accept challenge (@jav-animations) :]
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Worker drone! Just a typical one, but they all need more comfort in their lives.
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yallmakemyassitch · 6 months
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This is dedicated to the friends I made this past year and this year as well, you guys have been the best things that's ever happened to me and I hope we can improve together as individuals. Now onto gift giving!
@jav-animations - you get... infinite supply of hugs, flowers, and plushies (you've been struggling and I see that, stay strong, it will get better)
@pretend-you-never-saw-me - you get... a poster for each fandom you're fixated on! (Along with that, your sona is so cool and I love the design, thanks for sending it to me)
@tickletr-ash - you get... 20 whitty plushies! (I put you in a bear onesie lol)
@bill-bath - you get... every video game you have ever wanted, along with the CD edition to Hotline024
@yarnprism - you get... a kiss from your favorite British woman along with a present she personally gifted to you (idk what's inside, probably a really nice tie)
Now unfortunately my gift for you guys won't be completed today, but never more, it will be here tomorrow! I hope you guys got some awesome shit (I got a new bag, some cash, and some designer perfume LOL) Merry Christmas! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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