#japanese TV Show
trixiegalaxy · 3 months
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j-bubble · 3 months
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Nakamori Akina
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gaykarstaagforever · 22 days
This is one of the biggest TV shows in Japan right now: KASSO, where Japan's best skateboarders compete to win ¥1,000,000 ($6400) by seeing who can navigate downhill obstacle courses.
No drama, no bullshit, just people flinging themselves down neon ramps on wheeled boards to win not a lot of money.
The creators are uploading the episodes, with good English subtitles.
I don't even care about skateboarding, but this is rad as shit.
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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motionjames · 1 month
let me shill you japanese columbo
Do you like Columbo? Do you like police procedurals starring grumbly, slightly eccentric ossans? Do you believe in the power of shoujo manga?! Well, do I have the show for you!
Introducing....Furuhata Ninzaburō!
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Written by genius playwright Koki Mitani and starring the extremely charismatic jidaigeki star Masakazu Tamura, Furuhata Ninzaburo is a detective drama directly inspired by Columbo (not to be confused with...Shinano no Columbo, which yes, exists). Its got the murders, its got the mystery, its got an unreasonably good theme song, and there's middle aged man with the mannerisms you love to see. The formula usually goes as follows:
Furuhata-san stands in the dark void, talking about riding bicycles or something or another to setup the theme of the story.
You see the baddie do the murder and try to cover it up. Yesiree, you see the murder-- because the fun comes from watching it all unravel!
Furuhata-san appears (possibly struggling with a vending machine, or bicycling with some half-price daikon) and catches a whiff of something funny ahead of time.
Cue the game of psychological cat-n-mouse as Furuhata-san slowly deconstructs the whole thing.
Furuhata-san looks directly into the camera like it's the office to ask the audience what the final piece of the mystery is (this is briefly addressed)
The killer spirals ace attorney style as the audience screams GOT THE BITCH! and Furuhata-san escorts them off screen to purgatory... or, you know, prison.
Yup, it's pretty standard fair detective drama stuff, but the writer Mitani is able to construct some seriously compelling, twisty mysteries that keep you on the edge of your seat. By the end of first season, the direction finds its style and you'll get plenty of jaw-dropping musical cues and camera cuts that make you feel like you're full immersed in some deluxe, spicy juicy awesome mystery fiction action!
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Okay... but who is the man of the hour? A good mystery needs a good detective, and there is hardly anyone as wonderful to watch as the black-clad oyajisan.
Tamura aces the role of Furuhata. It's just too good. As he's based off of Columbo he's of course a disarmingly scrungly genius with terrible posture and a grumbling-mumbling way or speaking, but he was plenty of other traits to set him apart. He's a fan of shoujo manga; he's an excellent chef but only knows how to prepare three mismatched dishes; he loves konbinis but is cursed by vending machines; he's terrible at baseball and is totally unsportmanlike; he is often seen on his beloved bike CELINE (since he was in the area anyhow)... I could go on, but the character is well realized and so fun to watch. His head tilts, forehead taps, and drawn out ええと。。。are perfectly captured, and all do a great job at annoying his victims. A stand out trait of Columbo is his unique relationship to the culprits; he's described as being very buddy-buddy or even respectful, using his friendly ho-hum manner to weedle his way to the truth. Furuhata-san is similar, but more... salty? Bitchy? The man frequently makes underhanded remarks towards the culprit or acts offensively relaxed until he find a contradiction in their words, in which he will then pursue to the ends of the earth. It gives a kind of "c'mon, can't you do better?" attitude reminiscent of a disappointed teacher.
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But even with all his sass (which he has in spades), Furuhata-san will always sit down with the killer and offer a smile and a bit of light conversation before the credits roll. The killers are usually afforded a bit of dignity. Most famously a radio show host tells the detective "the funniest joke there ever was"-- but as a small revenge, she refuses to tell him the punchline. Credits roll, theme plays, it's just another day on the job.
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Oh, there's also Imaizumi. Imaizumi is a big dummy and always falls for the red herrings the killers leave behind. Because of this, Furuhata-san is relentlessly mean to him and slaps him on the forehead as punishment. He forces the guy to do menial tasks and be victim to his many tests. Imaizumi, however, is just happy to be here. His special skills include knitting, flower arrangement, not reading the room, and having hemorrhoids.
Okay, now have some Furuhata-san crying and reading shoujo manga.
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Truly the guy of all time.
You're probably totally in love with this show because I've described it so beautifully, right? Right? So you wanna watch it, riiiiight? Well lucky for you it's all totally subbed on internet archive!
Watch this awesome show ENGLISH SUBBED and FOR FREE you won't regret it! This link is so full of oyajisans! Please! Join me in Japanese crime fiction hell!
(Personally speaking, the first episode pilot thingy is a bit slow and does not represent the rest of the show very well, I would suggest skipping to the second episode "The Kabuki Murder" to get a real taste and then maybe return to the previous one later. Just my thoughts!)
Also, there was a really awesome remix of the main theme made for DDR. Here's that, but with Haruka Amami from the idolm@ster dancing over it.
Ah yes.... I have spilled my love... I suppose I should go now. Please enjoy this wonderful show, and remember: Don't you ever fuck up ever or else Furuhata-san WILL get you and you WILL go to super hell! Bye!
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jako-jako · 8 months
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Ossan's Love new season will start next January! (This is japanese TV show)
In the new season I can see my favs's marriage life, I CAN'T WAIT.
They holding hands, omg...
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I love them so much...They are such a lovely couple❤️💍
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itsthatonegreekgeek · 5 months
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【KASSO】Japanese Skateboarding TV show  (English Subtitles)
This is actually so fucking cool omg, I was searching for the death pit game cuz I know there were others like it but found this instead XD and then someone in the comments reminded me of Takeshi's castle like omg the memories! I wonder if they are still doing it
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jiro-jiro-jiro-jiro-jp · 10 months
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VIVANT relationship chart ?
VIVANT 相関図みたいな...
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trixiegalaxy · 2 months
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nmemory · 2 years
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6t-sixtones-6 · 2 years
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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trixiegalaxy · 2 months
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trixiegalaxy · 2 months
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