parameddiediaz · 7 years
harryshumjr.co.vu → raphaelsantiago.tumblr.com
this is not a url change, just a domain change
hey guys, i’m coming up on a year with the domain name harryshumjr.co.vu (which i love, of course) for my blog, which means that after a little while, my blog will no longer be found at this address. any links that i may have posted that lead to harryshumjr.co.vu/someaddress will no longer work*, so please take those links and replace the “harryshumjr.co.vu” part with “raphaelsantiago.tumblr.com” while keeping the rest of the link the same. this should redirect you to the same post/page on my blog. i’ve tried to go back and adjust incorrect links as much as possible, but please let me know if you see one that is linked to harryshumjr.co.vu and not to raphaelsantiago.tumblr.com
please reblog to spread the word and thank you all so much!! <3
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lightwoodisabelle · 8 years
Tumblr media
Hello! So after time we choose the members of THE JALEC NETWORK. We are really glad that so many of you entered, unfortunately we coulnd’t choose everyone. However maybe in june we will choose another 5 people to join us! We had super hard time with choosing the members because all of you are so great. So if you don’t get in don’t be sad! You will have another chance.
@argentiebae @parabrotaii @matthewdaddario-s
@bellamyblake  @buckyromanoff   @natsbuck
@harrys-shums@jxcelightwoods @alecsgay
@raphaelsanttiago @octaviesblake  @isabellelgthwood
@mathhewdaddario @izzylightwcod @alecxizzy
Submit to me these information:
your name
a short description about you
and send me an icon 160x160 (if you don’t know how to make an icon or you just don’t have a time, just tell me and i will do it, just told me with who or/and what scene do you want me to use)
You don’t have to follow all of the members but check them out!
You can now track/post in the #jalecsnet tag!
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parameddiediaz · 8 years
mathhewdaddario → raphaelsantiago
i’m super excited about this url and i just wanted to let you all know i’ve moved! i will be tracking both #mathhewdaddario and #userraphaelsantiago for a little while, but i’ll probably switch to only #userraphaelsantiago soon :) 
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