bishyofskye · 2 months
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More Monster Hunter stuff! Happy Monster Hunter 20th anniversary!
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flamingskia · 2 years
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Some pixels for characters in the Monster Hunter Riders ARPG server
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rimmi1357 · 8 months
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Wanted to let my ming get loose and draw something. Just anything. So...Meet Holga. She is an older SwagAxe huntress. She is also a demi-jaggia (Gijiinka). Lady has an attitude with everyone that isn't her partner( in crime eheheheh )
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roaxes · 1 year
Curse ALL Jaggi kind.
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robotgoat · 1 year
Vote for the best little bird wyvern
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sciatu · 5 months
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Chi jè l’amuri, s’amuri nun è? Picchi l’amuri è vuliri dari pi du santu beni chi tra dui c’è ma c’addiventa quannu poi scumpari?
Quannu l’amuri nostru sinni mori cu iddu si potta u to passatu tu votiti, sduvaculu du cori a vita nun è sulu u lassatu.
a idda ommai, lassala stari u beni i ieri, no fari raggia nun vuliri cuntu, nun ci spiari non fari du passatu na jaggia.
Spiati si ci dasti u giustu si ci dasti u dovutu rispettu: l’amuri non è piaciri o gustu è impegnu, sacrificiu, affettu
Picchì si sulu pigghi ma non dai si ogni cuppa è sulu a soi si a ragiuni sulu tu l’ hai nun è l’amuri chi d’idda tu voi
Voi na criata, chi mai si lagna chi sempri t’avi diri sulu si muta e mansa tu voi na cagna chi mai spia, mai voli un picchì
Voi sulu na fimmina i pezza fatta i rasta e tutta pittata chi mai ridi mai parra o schezza fossi bedda, cu anima stutata
Nuddu ni zigna ad amari nuddu sapi vuliri beni ma na cosa tu t’ha nzignari nun ama cu dugna peni
nun ama cu si fa patruni cu giusta tuttu nzuttannu cu voli sempre ragiuni cu voli fari sulu dannu
L’amuri è semi da giustizzia in nomi soi nun si po' mazzari non si dugna lacrimi e malizia quannu poi ni veni a mancari
Lassa a sciarra o a to ragiuni non ti luddari i mani du so sangu l’amuri mossi? finiu na stagiuni u mali chi senti ti fa liuni.
Cos’è l’amore se amore non è? Perché l’amore è volere dare, per quel santo bene che tra due c’è, ma cosa diventa quando scompare? Quando l’amore nostro se ne muore, con lui si porta il nostro passato, tu voltati, svuotalo dal tuo cuore, la vita non è quello che hai lasciato. A lei ormai lasciala stare, non far diventare il bene di ieri rabbia, non volere spiegazioni, non chiedere, non far diventare il tuo passato una gabbia. Chiediti se le hai dato il giusto, se le hai dato il dovuto rispetto, l’amore non è piacere o gusto, è impegno, sacrificio, affetto. Perché se prendi solo senza dare, se ogni colpa è solo sua, se la ragione ce l’hai solo tu, non è l’amore che vuoi da lei Vuoi una serva che non si lamenta mai, che ti deve dire solo di si, muta e mansueta vuoi una cagna, che non chiede mai, che non vuole mai un perché. Vuoi solo una donna di pezza, fatta di coccio e tutta dipinta, che non ride mai, mai parla o scherza, forse bella, ma con l’anima spenta. Nessuno ci insegna ad amare, nessuno sa voler bene, ma una cosa devi imparare, non ama che dona sole pene. non ama chi si fa padrone, chi aggiusta tutto insultando, chi vole sempre ragione, chi vuol fare solo danno. L’amore è il seme della giustizia, in suo nome non si può ammazzare, non si da lacrime e cattiveria, quando poi ci viene a mancare. Lascia la guerra o la tua ragione, non ti sporcare le mani di sangue: l’amore è morto? È finita una stagione, il male che senti, ti renderà un leone.
What is love if it isn't love? Because love is wanting to give, for that holy good that exists between two, but what does it become when it disappears? When our love dies, it takes our past with it, turn around, empty it from your heart, life is not what you left. Leave her alone now, don't let yesterday's love become anger, don't want explanations, don't ask, don't let your past become a cage. Ask yourself if you gave her the right love, if you gave her due respect, love is not pleasure or taste, it is commitment, sacrifice, affection. Because if you only take without giving, if everything is to blame only her, if only you have the reason, it's not the love you want from her. You want a servant who never complains, who only has to say yes, silent and meek, you want a bitch, who never asks, who never wants a why. You just want a rag woman, made of earthenware and all painted, who never laughs, never speaks or jokes, perhaps beautiful, but with a dull soul. Nobody teaches us to love, nobody knows how to love, but you have to learn one thing, it's not love if you gives only pain. you doesn't love if you make yourselves masters, if you fix everything by insulting, if you always want to be right, if you only want to cause damage. Love is the seed of justice, in its name one cannot kill oneself, one cannot give tears and malice when it then fails in us. Leave the war or your reason, don't get your hands dirty with her blood: is love dead? A season is over, the evil you feel will make you a lion.
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indentedheartner · 4 months
Ken was, frankly, a bit young too young to be fighting a Nargacuaga.
Even at a glance from the skies, he was several dozen times too small for a hunter, shorter than his insect glaive and swamped by his Jaggi pelt clothes. Panting like hell and covered in bruises.
He was, in point of fact, eleven years old. Your average Jaggia was bigger than him.
Even the giant cat he was in a cowboy staredown with must've known this wasn't a fair fight.
The Nargacuaga launched a barrage of spikes about his own size at him. To which he most certainly did not shriek as he bolted away.
"Fine, fine, you can have it! Christ!"
Ken was almost as fuming mad as he was frightened. Why couldn't it go get it's own food!? That was his kill!
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wayward-delver · 2 years
The Monster House Stories (Owl House x Monster Hunter):
(Quick disclaimer, Demons/Beasts/Palisman will be monsters themselves, Witches have monster partners)
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Luz Noceda has an unhatched Egg.
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Amity Blight has a Nargacuga.
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Edalyne Clawthorne’s Owl Beast form is replaced by Seregios (Malfestio was too surface level)
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OwlBert is a Cahoot.
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King is a baby Lao Shan Lung.
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Augustus Porter has a Qurupeco.
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Willow Park has Pukei-Pukei. (And perhaps has an insect glaive for Clover)
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Hunter has a scarred Rathalos,(P.S. It’s Flapjack)
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Hooty is Khezu.
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Lilith Clawthorne has a Yian Garuga. (The Raven Beast form is a much larger one)
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Edric Blight has a Paolumu.
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Emira Blight has a Mizutsune.
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Adalor Blight has a Garangolm.
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Odalia Blight has a Velkhana.
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Gwyndolin Clawthorne has a Silver Rathalos.
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Dell Clawthorne has a Golden Rathian.
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Raine Whispers has a Najarala. 
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Darius has a Aldranon.
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Boscha has an Odogaron. (Or is one, there isn’t much of difference)
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Viney has a Yian Kut Ku.
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Jerbo has Ash Kecha Wacha.
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Barcus is a Palumute.
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Mattholomule has a Kula Ya Ku.
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Steve has a Great Jaggia. (but since they also call Seregios “Steve,” feel free to use that)
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Skara has a Great Izuchi.
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Bria has a Barroth.
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Vee is a Somnacanth...
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...or Barlagual. (First for aesthetic, second for it’s bloodsucking and power-stealing ability)
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Kikimora is a Melynx.
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Tiny Nose is a Gajalaka. 
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Warden Wrath is an Anjanath.
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Princess is Plesioth.
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The SlitherBeast is Blangonga.
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StoneSleeper is a Duramboros. 
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Selkidomus is a Royal Ludroth.
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Belos was human, but now is Shagaru Magala.
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Young Belos is Gore Magala. (I don’t know when he changed)
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Devolves into Chaotic Gore Magala due to his curse.
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The Collector is a Xeno'Jiiva. 
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demondaydreamer · 6 months
Monster Hunter Stories concept:
Ok so I never write anything down on this site but I wanted to jot an idea I had for the (superior) mh stories series.
Since the concept of befriending monsters is such a recent game spinoff, (don't know how "new" it is in the monster hunter universe) but it would be so cool if you could revisit old game locations with monsties as a way to breathe new life into the next mh stories game and also appeasing old fans.
I've got a few examples from the old games (at least ones that I myself have played, feel free to drop your own ideas in if you've played any others, that'd be really cool) but imagine revisiting Moga Village from mh3u and introducing the scared, mistrustful folk of Moga to your Lagiacrus monstie, teaching people not to fear monsters but to respect them and that they can be befriended as helpful companions.
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Another example is to revisit old characters that you could breathe new life into by pairing their characters with suiting monsties. Such as the mh4u quest maiden with Brachydios, as OGs will remember her having a special quest where she admired Brachy.... "Admired".
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Like even if it seems weird because it "feels" like such a long time ago, since it's an older game, they could just fix this with the introduced rider being their child/grandchild. They've done a similar thing in mh Rise with the Sunbreak smithy being an ode to the mh4u Smith girl you have with your caravan team.
Another NPC/monstie duo I thought would be cool would be Julius (Ace Commander from Mh4u) with Kushala Daora, since his Master had to retire due to an attack from one, it could have such enemies-to-friends character ark potential!
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Anyway, other than the potential for unearthing old locations and characters for older MH fans, there's potential for new game mechanics, story concepts and side quests by letting other people in the MH universe be taught/discover monstie bonding/riders, rather than keeping it exclusive to one tiny tribe in the middle of no where. You could have villages, towns and cities coexisting with monsties in order to help them in their lives and with their occupations, examples:
Royal ludroth coast guard
Lagiacrus with a fishing company
Mizutsune soap shop
Glavenus sushi bar
Basarios/Gravios helping a mining company
Kulu chicken farm??
Pukei insect exterminator
Great Jaggi (or any dog wyvern ig) school tour guide (and the kids could be on jaggias dude that would be so cute)
Qurupeco for finding endangered species using their calls
Zamtrios/jade barroth/gammoth for travelling in and clearing snow on roads and the like
Diablos/uragaan for bulldozing or agriculture
Generally loads more ideas, any of the flying monsters could be used from things like search and rescue to postal service. I guess anything you can think of that we do with animals you could incorporate into the stories universe with monsties. This includes all the bad stuff too! Like animal pitting, or breeding for rare colours/traits at the expense of health, or weaponising for war n selfish ideals, which I know has already been done in the first Stories but yeah.
Anyway those are my thoughts, I might draw these concepts, might not. Let me know if there are any monster hunter fans that have any thoughts, that'd be cool :)
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ideas-on-paper · 10 days
Monster Hunter Tri Diary, Part 5: Slaying Jaggi(a) & supplies for Kelbi horn medicine
For previous entries, search for #monster hunter tri diary
I've only realized now that "Moga Woods" is the proper name used in English instead of "Moga Forest". It's technically not that much of a difference, but I went back and edited it in my other entries to avoid confusion.
Also, I've summarized everything interesting from the villager conversations under "Village Talk".
Disclaimer: Text is paraphrased from my localization and might slightly deviate from the English version.
Quest: Farm Aid
Before starting out with the quest, I cleaned up my inventory a little. I threw out the harpoons and the BBQ spit, so now I only have potions, steaks, bugnets, and pickaxes in my bag. As for the whetstones, I know where to find those on the Deserted Island, so I can gather them myself if I need them.
I could already upgrade my Iron Sword+ into a Buster Sword, but since the second path with the Rugged Great Sword gives more damage and sharpness, I'll wait for now. (For the upgrade to the Rugged Great Sword, you need Great Jaggi Claws, so I'll have to hunt a Great Jaggi first.)
Head Farmer in the quest description: "A stubborn herd of Jaggi has infested my farm!" Hilariously, the actual quest is about hunting Jaggia, not Jaggi (if you don't take the subquest into account). I guess technically, Jaggia are just female Jaggi, but it's still a bit odd since the Head Farmer insisted they're having trouble with Jaggi.
"The vermin eats whatever it can find - roots and stuff like that." Whaaat? Now you're just pulling my leg - why should carnivorous bird wyverns eat roots? All of this seems kinda fishy somehow... (Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Jaggi attacking the farm is just an excuse to get rid of them. Like the villagers were annoyed by the Jaggi, submitted some vaguely plausible reason to the Guild why they want them gone, and the Guild approved of it and made it into a quest.)
Man, these Jaggi got skills - one of them just attacked me, spun around in my direction and bit me! They must've been training while I wasn't looking.
When all the Jaggi in area 2 are dead, the Aptonoth return. Sweet - I guess they feel safe now that there aren't any carnivores around.
Jaggia are tough - I need so many hits with the Great Sword until they go down. Good thing I already upgraded it once!
It's cute how some of the small monsters share moves with their big counterparts. For example, the Jaggia have the same hipcheck as the Great Jaggi, in miniature format.
And there we go - kill quests are usually over pretty fast. xD Still, I always like to use the opportunity to snatch some other stuff from gathering spots as well. If you can't carry everything, make sure you at least pick up the stuff from the blue ones.
Return to Moga Village (day)
Head Farmer: "The Guild informed me you've taken care of the Jaggi herd. Nice of them to make it official and all that, but I rather would've liked a visit from the cute receptionist." Wait... Is that? This old geezer just was lovesick for the Guild Sweetheart (whatever you may think of that), so he made up a quest and hoped she’d come over? Jeez...
And then he just hands me some bomb casings as a reward. I mean, I'm grateful, but... How did you get these? Why do you even have them? Couldn't you have used them to make something to scare the Jaggi away yourself? (What are you hiding from me, Head Farmer?!)
And the biggest disappointment: I didn't even get any new Felynes (I would've at least expected that, since the Head Farmer claimed it would make them "feel better".) So basically, I just killed a bunch of Jaggi(a) because the Head Farmer wanted a date with the Guild Sweetheart he didn't get anyway. Great.
Btw, the "rarer" plants also cost more resources to cultivate. Waterblock Seeds cost 20 resource points per cycle, and Might Seeds cost 80 per cycle (in fact, if I were to cultivate Might Seeds for 3 cycles, it would use up all of my current resource points).
Out of curiosity, I carried the Poogie to my house before the last quest to see if it would stay there. Turns out it doesn't - I suppose I'll always have to go to the farm before setting out on quests to cuddle my Poogie, then. (Because even if it's just a rumor, we will religiously cuddle our Poogies to get that bonus chance for rare quest rewards.)
Also, I bought the first Book of Combos from the item shop. The irony is that when I had the book in my box, I actually failed to combine a Bugnet once and an Iron Pickaxe twice. xD (Considering this, it's almost miraculous how I managed to combine an iron pickaxe in the field twice, with just 75% success.)
Quest: Prescription Pick-Up
For the purpose of this quest, I'll bring along my Sword & Shield again so I can stun the Kelbi (even upgraded it once for a little more damage output). Also, I threw out the potions for now, since the first-aid meds should be enough and the Kelbi most likely aren't going to tear me to pieces.
Medicine Man: "Congestion, back aches, performance anxiety - my patients are going to the dogs! Two Kelbi horns would cure all of them." I thought Kelbi horns only helped against stomach problems. Now they're said to work against back aches and psychological stress as well? What kind of wonder drug is this?
Guild Sweetheart: "Come back safe and sound, alright?" Aww, don't worry - I will. :-)
I only realized now that you actually get 5 first-aid meds from the supply box instead of the usual 3. Very generous.
You only get Warm Pelts if you slay the Kelbi. Makes sense, since you can't skin them without killing them.
However, stunning them also adds to the kill count, apparently? (At least the Kelbi I stunned were counted as "kills" for the subquest.)
There are lots of Kelbi in area 7. Time to farm some Kelbi horns for my own stock, now that I've got the two required for the quest safely in my bag. (As the Guild teaches us: Never help someone without taking something for yourself.)
If you hurt the female Kelbi, they just try to run away. Meanwhile, if you attack the male Kelbi, they actually fight back. I guess that's because male Kelbi are more aggressive when provoked? (They are MH's deer, after all.)
After farming some horns and materials from the Kelbi (and probably almost driving the Moga Woods’ population to extinction), I'm gonna do my usual round to gather some items for extra cash. (The Red Coral Stones you find in the underwater areas are - as their description says - a great way to make quick money. You almost always get some from piles of bones strewn across the ocean floor, so you can easily get a stack of ten which is worth a good sum.)
Funnily enough, touching the tentacles of the jellyfish (like swimming below them) doesn't do any damage.
Contrary to their description as "submissive herbivores" that "panic when danger is present", the Epioth defend the other members of their flock if you attack them! (They'll give you one swipe with the tail, then swim away.)
If you're fighting close to the surface and the camera is positioned outside the water, the fighting sounds are actually muffled. I gotta say, that's a really cool detail!
If you stay around for a bit, you can watch the Epioth grazing on the ocean floor. Their description does say they "subsist on water grasses and moss", so I suppose they're something like the manatees of the MH world.
Another thing that's great about the subquests is that especially during the early game, they're a great way to earn some extra money. I've got 1100 zenny from the total quest reward, as opposed to just 500 from the main quest. (Plus 2450 zenny from all the account items I gathered.)
Village Talk
Guild Sweetheart: "How's the hunt going? I was super busy around here. Taking a walk, yoga... Oh, and I played with the piglet on the farm. Such a cute thing! Yeah, this was really an exhausting day." Yeah, relaxing is really a tough job. (Also, Idk, but it's hilarious to me that she seems to go to the farm pretty regularly. So, you know, it shouldn't be such a rare thing for the Head Farmer to see her?)
I gotta say though, the Head Farmer gives off serious grandpa vibes. He just forgot about what the special fertilizer does and says "I'm getting too old for this..." xD Maybe you should just start drawing your pension, eh?
Village Chief: "Hold on! Don't say anything. I can read it in your face: "She wants me to pluck mushrooms!""  Well, he obviously knows how things work in the Hunter's Guild... xD
"Don't forget that the Lagiacrus out there is still a danger. You never know when it shows up and... HELP, BEHIND YOU! Haha, just kidding, hunter!" Very funny.
"Everything can happen on a hunt, so you've got to be ready for anything." Perfect summary of Monster Hunter, actually. (However, more often than not, "be ready for anything" actually means "be ready for all kinds of exceptionally stupid coincidences".)
The Chief tells us that the farm is situated on a "cliff near the village". That actually makes sense, since you can see a panorama of Moga in the background at the farm's entrance; so, it can't be in the immediate vicinity of the village. Still, since there doesn't seem to be a path directly connecting the village and the farm, I wonder if they also go there by boat?
"The Outfitter only thinks about the ultimate weapon. If there really was something like an ultimate weapon, of course every hunter in the world would use it. Actually, it's only about preferences. Somewhere out there, there's the ideal weapon for YOU, and that one you have to look for!" Nicely said. Everyone has a different playstyle, so the weapon which is ideal for you might be entirely unfitting for someone else. It goes even farther than that, too: The definition of "ideal" is literally different for every person, so although it might sound cheesy, you really have to listen to your heart and do what's fulfilling to you.
Chief's son: "These torches from the fireplace are for the villagers, but... It's too dangerous bringing them into the village. Do you want to burn everything down?" Would you care to tell me, then, why there's a large torch standing right behind you?
"These buzzing Bnahabra are so annoying." Oh, trust me, they're not nearly as bad as the Vespoids from the 1st and 2nd gen. The Vespoids paralyze you, like, with every second sting - until now, the Bnahabra haven't paralyzed me once. (Tbh, I have a feeling the Bnahabra might be the response to MH fans raging over the Vespoids; so, Capcom just decided to make something like a "Vespoid light".)
Item vendor: "You can use barrel bombs underwater, too. A triumph of science!" Now that you mention it: It actually is noteworthy that you can use barrel bombs underwater. Back in Freedom Unite, you literally couldn't use them if it was raining in the jungle at night. Considering that Large Barrel Bombs are made with gunpowder, this actually makes sense, since gunpowder won't ignite if it's wet. I suppose they finally figured out how to put the gunpowder in a waterproof capsule, then.
"A Needleberry works wonders against stress at acupuncture points." So Needleberries are used for acupuncture - nice to know.
Gossip Lady: "Whenever monsters get to close to the village, we scare them with bombs." Since you're all so adamant about not bringing any torches/fire into the village, the same would probably go for bombs. So, if they're blowing up any bombs, they're most likely doing near the entrance to the village in area 1 (where you start out if you go hunting in the Moga Woods).
So, the Gossip Lady tells me about stunning Kelbi to cut off their horns (a little late, but thanks anyway), and there's a little pun at the end where she says "You don't know if the Kelbi are "down" for it? I don't get it." (Funny that she doesn't seem to understand any wordplays aside from her own. xD) I'm not sure if my translation above is accurate, but this line is actually pretty funny in my localization: It uses an idiom that means "up for it", but the literal translation of the word would be "buck", as in roebuck (the closest English adjective I can find to it is "horny", but that has kind of a different implication... xD).
Smith: "All products that leave my artisan shop have a hundred years gurantee!" Well, I hope so - I'll make sure to hold you to it.
"Be careful about storing iron equipment! It rusts in the salty wind!" I believe that - also, it's gonna make the job of my Felyne housekeeper so much easier if I take good care of it myself.
Chamberlyne: "I make your bed every day so you can always take a nap. And then there's the laundry and cleaning everything up... You're lucky that Felynes love cleanliness!" You know, if it was up to me, you'd get a medal for "employee of the month". Housekeeping may not be the most popular job, but without the help of our trusty Felyne, our daily routine would most likely be a mess. (That Felynes love cleanliness is kinda a cute detail, though; it definitely shows they're cats. xD)
"Did you see the large windmill over there? It's my job to repair it if it's broken. Quite a lot of work." What?! Not only is the Felyne charged with doing all the housekeeping for me, they're also obliged to step in as a construction worker if need be? Seriously, give this kitty a break...
Meanwhile, I can't afford to take a break since I still have some quests to do. Next time, there's gonna be some more aquatic action when we tackle the Sunken Treasures and Goldenfish quests. See ya then!
To be continued
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sometipsygnostalgic · 11 months
WIP Wednesday but it’s Thursday
This was written for @phosphoricbomb and we call this Crimson Valstrax Catrapta AU
yes you read that right
Catra and Scorpia tied ropes to the Tetranadon’s carcass, multiple long cuts across its body. Catra rushed to complete the task as fast as possible, and Scorpia took her time, careful to not snip the ropes with her claws.  Catra was still soaked in water from the battle. Gross!
Tetranadon was not their first rodeo. It had been a long week.
First, a kulu yaku had made its nest in the middle of the food supply route, and they had to repel it. Then, a Great jagras AMBUSHED the food supply route, and they had to kill it and free Kyle from its stomach. Then they had to divert a herd of Rhenoplos which were going to run straight over town. And, THEN, this Tetranadon had the AUDACITY to attack, and now catra was covered in goo and going to scream. At least Scorpia seemed to be having a good time.
Catra was thirsty for the BIG hunts. Tetranadon? Small game, infuriating. But she needed to take on these small quests. She couldn't afford to wait - She NEEDED to beat Adora. She needed to reach Master Rank first!
Catra finished her work and laid flat on her back. Scorpia smiled and sat next to her, offering her some water. Catra waved her away. She closed her eyes and listened to the sweet song of the woods, pushing back her blood rage. And then, AND THEN, she heard some annoying squawkings, and a Jaggia jumped on top of her, knocking her out of her rest.
"Ugh." Catra picked up her dual blades.
Scorpia took out her book, accidentally ripping out a page, then quickly trying to put it back in as if nothing happened. "Uhh... Oh yeah, their behaviour!" She pointed to the jaggi, which were hopping around. "They seem to be more skittish than usual! Do you think there's a predator nearby?"
Catra rolled her eyes and picked up her twin swords. The small monsters surrounded her, but she knew they were no match for her superior reflexes.
As one jumped for her back, her ear twitched, and she turned to strike---
Before Catra knew it, the Jaggia had been knocked out of the sky.
And then another fell. And then another.
Arrow fire.
Her gaze dashed towards the woods, and there, sure enough, stood Bow the marksman. He gave a happy wave.
Adora and Glimmer were close behind him, hauling... no... A zinogre!!! Blast it! While she had been hunting small game, Adora had taken the opportunity to hunt a true monster! She had been one-upped again.
"Hi Catra", said Adora, bashfully. Catra gave a glare to her mortal rival.
"Guess you always have to get the final word in, huh, Adora?" Catra crossed her arms.
Before Adora could bite back, Glimmer let out a chuckle. "No, it's okay, you're welcome for us saving your life AND the village again!"
Catra hissed. She prepared herself for a catfight with the hot headed gunlance user, while Adora, Bow, and Scorpia mentally prepared for holding them back.
But then.... a DEEP RUMBLE came from the woods. Catra's shackles raised and everyone turned to the woods. There was a smell of burning fire.... and then, it REVEALED itself....
"Oh snap", said Scorpia. "This must be the predator that the jaggia were running from. I'm right! Right? Catra?"
With a great jump, an ANJANATH tore across the clearing raining fire and death, and Bow jumped out of the way of its initial attack. Everyone readied for action, Scorpia reaching for her lance. Bow raising his bow, Catra licking her lips as she grabbed her favourite swords.
"An Anjanath?" She laughed. "I could eat that for breakfast!" She lowered her torso, swords at her side, moving one leg back and preparing to jump---- DOOOF! Shit!! She slipped on the tetranadon water, scrambling for purchase, but her swords were in her hands and she fell forward, arms sprawled to her side.
Anjanath was racing directly towards her, drawn in by the dead monster. It breathed in, smoke coming from its mouth.
"Catra!" yelled Adora. "Wildcat!" yelled Scorpia. They raced to reach her--
Catra heard it first, the unmistakeable hum of a perfect engine. It accelerated and raised in pitch, still so quiet, but high enough that now Glimmer turned her head to look up too.
Oh no.
Adora dived out of the way just in time, the crimson comet DESTROYING everything in sight. Her head vibrated from the sound. The first thing she could see through the smoke was the red streaks... and then... the dust cleared, and revealed - picking at the neck of the destroyed anjanath - was a great dark dragon. Its wings were rimmed with fire.
She had seen it in the books.
"Catra, WATCH OUT!" she yelled, immediately jumping back in to protect her feline friend. "It's a Crimson Glow Valstrax, an incredibly dangerous elder dragon--"
"What the hell!" shouts Catra, pushing Adora out of the way. "What did I say about interfering with my hunts? I HAD this!" The valstrax made little noises and turned its head as Catra continued berating it for.. whatever it just did.
Adora, Glimmer, and Bow stared, completely perplexed. "Is she arguing with it?" started Bow. "Oh no! Is Catra hallucinating?" He plucked his tranquilizer arrow at the ready.
"Who cares?" roared Glimmer. "It's a big monster, and wer'e hunters, so let's kill it! RWWAAAAAARRRR---"
At that moment, Valstrax perked up its head, and bit Glimmer's gunlance by the stick. It picked her up and tried to wag her off like a fly. "HEY!!" yells Glimmer, holding on desperately to her favourite explodey weapon. After seven seconds of sheer grit and determination she is no hope for Valstrax's stamina and is forced to let go, sliding across the floor into a tree. "Holy shit!" She pouted at the monster. "You stole my weapon! That's not fair!"
Catra rolled her eyes for the sixteenth time as the Valstrax started fiddling with the gunlance, poking its trigger with its giant claws, and huffing when nothing happened.
Adora raises her greatsword.
"I'll get it back", she says, with the sheer determination of someone who MUST succeed at their goal. "For you, Glimmer! RAAAAAAAAAAA---"
Catra burst into mad laughter, falling onto the floor.
"Y-You're laughing", said Bow, voice breaking. "A Valstrax is going to eat all our friends and you're LAUGHING!"
"Oh, she's harmless", said Scorpia.
"She?" said Glimmer.
Suddenly the valstrax stops fiddling with the gunlance, and picks it up with its valstrax teeth, and hovers over Glimmer. Somehow, its eyes are filled with expectation and eagerness.
Glimmer, confused, extracts the weapon from Valstrax's teeth and wastes no time reloading it. Valstrax does a happy loud yelp that makes everyone jump and sits there watching again.
“Well go on”, said Scorpia. “Fire it!”
Glimmer aims the gunlance at Valstrax. Before Catra can say anything, she fires, but instead of being dead on the floor, Valstrax is two metres away, covered in gunpowder. It blinks, dazed, and yelps happily again.
“Wh... how.....”
“Yeah that weapon isn't going to do shit”, said Catra, “she just wanted to see how it worked.”
“See-- See how it worked?” squeaks Adora.
“Catra, can you explain what is happening here?” says Glimmer, very done with the situation.
“Oh that's Entrapta”, says Scorpia. “She's Catra's hunting partner!”
“She is NOT my--”
“You gave it a NAME?”
“Catra has a hunting partner??”
“Why does she hate my sword?!!!”
Catra sighed. “Entrapta hoards weapons and RAIDS my hunts”, she said sharply, “but she doesn't know how to USE any of the weapons, because she's a giant dragon. So she forces me to show her and periodically HIJACKS my hard earned victories.”
Catra glares at Entrapta the Valstrax, who gave her a dopey innocent look and was totally not trying to sniff her way into Catra's bag to steal her sushifish.
“So.... you've been cheating?” said Adora.
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mhcoolfacts · 1 year
Monster Hunter concepts Pt. 2: The Raptors II
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After covering the raptor monsters from earlier gens it's time for those introduced from Monster Hunter Tri onwards. That brings us to the Jaggis and co.
The young males are known as Jaggi, the adult females Jaggia, and the alpha is known as Great Jaggi. This updated naming convention, using "Great" instead of the "-drome" suffix is not the only significant change in early bosses. It is clear that these small pink dinosaurs are an improvement over the Preys of previous generations, with a less rigid posture that feels bird-like and natural. Their pink and lilac colouration is also an interesting choice and somehow doesn't feel so out of place, and the frills on the sides of their head are a nice alternative to a crest. The Great Jaggi also improves the evolution of an leader design, as unlike Velocidrome, it isn't just a larger Velociprey with a larger crest: its body is way more robust and heavy, it has large hooked claws and bigger spikes on its tail, as well as a more prominent frill and a white mane running through it's neck and tail. It feels more menacing, or at least, menacing enough for a first boss fight. Can you hear it? AUGH AUGH AUGH. This monster is beloved by fans (despite being a punching bag) and it is definitely deserved, hopefully it will come back in future games.
Then we have Baggi and Great Baggi from the freezing Tundra (and also the Frost Islands), blue-yellow relatives of the Jaggi with a forward facing crest, their design might not be as elaborate, but the different limb shape and patches of fur are nice little changes that make them feel different enough. The Great Baggi doesn't fail to appear as a stronger boss either, thanks to its piercing yellow eyes, large crest and thicker limbs. The sleeping spit of these blue beasts also offers an additional level of difficulty.
Lastly for 3rd gen we have Wroggi and Great Wroggi, these are the most odd-looking of the bunch. Like Ioprey and Iodrome, their design has more amphibian traits, with a shiny orange skin and inflatable throat sacs. Wroggis sport two blue sacs on the sides, while Great Wroggi has a single, large purple sac as display structure. They are also poisonous, but unlike Iopreys, they emit this poison in a cloud that stays for a bit, making the fight against Great Wroggi a bit more interesting, breaking the throat sac of Great Wroggi also reduces its spitting ability, adding a tactical advantage to the break. Other elements on their design, including their narrow snout and multiple flaps on the forelegs and tail, kind of give it a feel of being semiaquatic despite being terrestrial.
While I wanted to talk about the etymology of the 3rd gen raptors, the truth is that it isn't really known. Theories include that Jaggi comes from "jagged" (due to their jagged tails), baggi comes from, well, "baggy" (referencing its sleep-inducing ability) and Wroggi (Furogi in Japanese) seems to come from "froggy" (ribbit ribbit). But honestly, it possibly is something less obvious.
In 4th gen we didn't get a new raptor until MH Generations with the Maccao and Great Maccao, these jumpy fellows have a pretty fancy design based on tropical birds: a yellow crest, vibrant red skin and green feathers on the body. They are also feisty and use their spiked tails and scuted limbs to hit you. The Great Maccao also uses a variety of movements including kicks and punches, something that previous raptors didn't really do, this makes its fight incredibly fresh and fun (if only it didn't last less than 5 minutes). The theme of this monster is clearly based on martial arts, and the name Maccao reflects this: while you may think it comes from "macaw", you couldn't be more wrong, as it is actually a combination of the taiwanese words Màt (punch) y Káo (knee).
Lastly we have the Izuchi and Great Izuchi that were introduced relatively recently in Monster Hunter Rise. Following the theme in the game around the yokai, it is quite obvious that this monster is based on the Kamaitachi, a weasel-like yokai with sickle-like limbs that travels in whirlwinds and leaves small cuts on people before they notice. Its chestnut fur is clearly based on a weasel, while the sickle tail on Great Izuchi is its predominant trait and main weapon. The most innovative gimmick of its fight, however, is that it always travels with two Izuchis and combines attacks with them. This raptor fight is by far the one that feels the most like a team fight. Lastly, to mention its etymology, unlike other "dromes" and "greats", the Japanese name for the Great Itachi isn't Dosuizuchi, but Osaizuchi, this is a combination of 長 osa (leader), 飯綱 izuna (weasel) y 窮奇 kamaitachi. Pretty cool right?
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
If you're not too busy with asks, can I request something?
Wholesome dad Alwin with a young reader who was raised by monsters? It doesn't matter the species, but I just think that'd be cute
I can try!💖 Hope you like it! Always love to write for dad Alwin, but sorry if it kind of sucks
Born of The Forest
A group of wyverian riders bring back a child they found in the Wendwood, but the situation is far from normal.
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“Has the patrol not returned yet?” Alwin asked the elder, walking over the stone bridge towards the smaller wyverian. The elder was just coming to terms with Zellard being gone, and Alwin having took over as top rider. He jumped a little at the sound of Alwin’s voice.
“Hmm...not that I know of. But they better hurry...a rain is beginning to fall.” Maolo said as he glanced up at the skies. True to what he said, raindrops began to fall from the sky. Alwin could feel the droplets gently dusting his face as a cool air began to settle.
“I hope nothing is keeping them.” Alwin said and the elder hummed in agreement as they both watched the village gates. Little did they know, there was one thing that was keeping them. One thing that would change Alwin’s life.
You were a young child who has grown up in the woods of Alcala since forever. It was a wild pack of jaggi that raised you. Jaggia had strong maternal instincts, so when they found you as a baby they chose to raise you instead of eat you. It really could’ve gone both ways. 
But with the outcome that was chosen, you were raised with a pack of wild monsters. You were never around humans and acted like a young of the pack alpha. You ate like them, made sounds like them, and behaved like them.
So much so, you tried to bite the hand of the wyverian rider who thought he was saving you. Buy hey, they figured children always get lost in the Wendwood.
However, they eventually managed to snatch you from the pack and take you back to Rutoh...
“Ah, there they are.” Alwin stated with a relieved smile as the group of three riders came through the village entrance. However, they all seemed out of sorts, and when Alwin came closer, that’s when he realized there was a child with them.
And not one from Rutoh.
“Hey...Hey calm down!” Alwin heard the rider shout as he pushed through the crowd that began to surround the situation. Upon getting a closer look, Alwin saw that you were indeed a young human. One with some rather violent tendencies as you lashed out at the man holding onto you, the monstie underneath all in a stir.
“What’s going on?” Alwin asked, but suddenly, you went for him with your teeth bared like an animal. Luckily, you weren’t strong enough or quick enough that Alwin couldn’t grab you beneath the arms and hold you away from him as you thrashed, his eyes wide with shock.
“We found this kid out in the Wendwood, surrounded by jaggi. Thought they were in danger but...” One of the riders started to explain, rubbing the back of her head, just as confused by the situation as other wyverians seemed to be. The crowd began to leave the situation, mostly out of fear or disturbance, not liking having to see a child like that.
However, Alwin guessed what was going on here.
The way you were acting was animalistic, attacking people you viewed as threats. You haven’t said a word since arriving, appearing like you couldn’t speak at all. Your looks were disheveled and wild-looking, and you appeared rather malnourished. And the way you looked at him...like you’ve never seen a person before. That confirmed it for him.
“This child was raised by monsters.” He said, his looks becoming less shocked and more pitiful as he stared at you. All the wyverians looked at each other in confusion.
“The jaggi took them in and raised them like a pack member...they grew up without any influence from another person. This is why they act so feral.” He explained and now it was starting to make sense for everyone. However, the realization of how dire the situation actually is now raised another question that one of the rider’s voiced.
“What do we do with the child?”
Alwin thought about that. Returning you to the pack is probably what you would prefer, but the wyverian knew that it was no life for a human. The conditions, the diet, the everything...it would kill you. Here in Rutoh, Alwin knew it would be a lot of work, but you could live normal. You weren’t too far gone to the point where you couldn’t learn.
“They can stay with me.” He said with a soft smile, looking at you. Everyone started to whisper to each other in shock, but ultimately, no one had any objections. The elder wanted to say something, but seeing how Alwin looked at you made him stay silent.
He’s never seen the young wyverian look so hopeful at someone, not even Red.
So Alwin took it upon himself the difficult task of taking care of you. It was very difficult at first. You wanted nothing to do with him or this place, constantly lashing out. And maybe not so good for him, but you knew how to walk, considering jaggi walk on two legs. It made you more maneuverable and harder to deal with. He couldn’t look you in the eye or do much of anything. But he kept calm and kept talking to you in a soothing voice, hoping it would calm you and get you to trust him. 
But one day, he was struggling himself. It seemed you weren’t changing at all and he was losing hope.
“Please...please understand that I want to help...” Alwin pleaded from his place at your doorframe. You had gotten to stay there, and recently, your wild ways have dulled to isolation and you usually were huddled up in the corner with your back to the wall.
You only shuffled slightly at the sound of his voice.
“You don’t belong in that world. You belong with people. Those were monsters...” Alwin said again, but he knew you didn’t understand. As far as you were concerned, the jaggi pack was your only family.
“Yes, I know they saved you and raised you, but you must see that you are different...you’re like me.” Alwin plopped onto the ground in defeat, sitting cross-legged as he brought his hands to his face, shaking his head slightly. 
But something in his words...stirred you slightly, and you turned around to look at him. This man who’s become a constant in your life.
You didn’t understand much of what he was saying, but seeing him so depressed, well, it impacted you. It made you feel icky yourself. He hasn’t harmed you, so you figured he couldn’t be that bad of a man. But this was the first time you’ve seen him like this, and perhaps against your better judgment, you began to crawl towards him, brows knitted in concern.
Alwin was surprised to feel your skin on his when you reached up to touch his hand.
Upon looking up, Alwin was able to look into your eyes for the first time without you getting feral with him. They were a beautiful shade of e/c. He was beginning to think you were unsavable, but this sudden calmness, it gave him hope. However, what happened next...he will never forget.
You spoke to him for the first time. Your very first word was his name.
It was enough to nearly make him cry. If anything, it brought a smile to his face as you gazed at him with care. In a parental sense, you mimicked him; smiling back instinctively when you saw his smile. You could say this was the first time you guys truly bonded.
“Y/N...Your name is Y/N...” Alwin soon said, gently placing his hand in yours, interlocking the fingers to show that you guys weren’t any different. This time, you smiled all on your own, and slowly moved closer to him.
That led to the very first hug.
As years went by, it would be hard to believe that you were ever raised by wild monsters. You could talk, act like a person, and didn’t eat any raw meat or growl at people. I mean, you still had some tendencies like getting uneasy when people stare you in the eye or snapping at the monsties when they get to close. But Alwin did a good job in raising you.
You still thought of your original jaggi family, thanking them for saving your life. But more importantly, keeping you alive to this point. 
Because in the end, it was truly that wyverian who gave you a shot at a real life.
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beatcroc · 2 years
monster thoughts: alcala
royal/ludroth | prior familiarity: plenty | name[s]: Danger, Hayaza a long-standing fave. i didn’t realize just how much these things Are Iguanas. interesting they take after green iguanas more than marine iguanas. very straightforward design; 1 basic beast+1 weird trait, solid execution and does its thing very well. 9/10
jaggi family | prior familiarity: somewhat | name: Meteor I like the little jaggis most bc of that funny little barking animation they have in battle and they have a very fun posture in general. jaggia looks kind of bad. great jaggi is Okay. i like it Enough. one of those ones there’s nothing standout good or bad.... by this point i think theropod designs are hard to make Not Generic feeling unless you do something really weird with ‘em. jaggi’s solid, but all it’s really got is funky colors and the crest. fur might've been a cool opportunity to get wild with it but it’s whatever. 7/10 i feel like jaggi more than most is hurt by stories’ being an rpg; hard to get a feel for what its pack tactics are like when its flavor is limited to ‘just have another one show up’.
apceros | prior familiarity: none | name: Stattle Again just kind of a dino. They're really good at making these herbivores be like nice normal believable Animals, but not so great at making them standout designs. turtle/ankylosaur is a great combo on paper, but the execution is almost TOO seamless? there’s just not much to talk about here. 7/10 it’s actually lot nicer in mhworld style? 8.5/10 for that one ‘cause the shapes are stronger and the shell is much more noticeably a Thing
arzuros | prior familiarity: plenty | name: Helix Solidly cannot figure out how I feel about this thing. Negative, generally, I think, but I can't find any actually bad things say about it. A lot of the traits and shapes are cool individually but on the whole it's just kind of weird and unappealing to me. the punches and uppercuts are funny though. 6.5/10
qurupeco | prior familiarity: none | name: Turango Fuck Yes. Already had a separate more detailed post about this one. 9/10
paolumu | prior familiarity: plenty | name: Pongus... Another I'm not sure how I feel about. Umm. much as i love bats this is such a weird take on one. Really can't make heads or tails of the inflatable neck pouch. It's there/10
basarios | prior familiarity: maybe? | name: [forgot to hatch one apparently] It's there. pretty neutral on it. head’s neat, main body has some wonky and fun shapes as a rock monster, moss is cute, but my gripes with the wings really take it down a peg. 5.5/10
yian garuga | prior familiarity: maybe? | name: Leafy Definitely my fave of the yian family, it's like unnecessarily edgy but we do take those. The spikes give some much need accenting to the rest of its body so the head detail feels more balanced out. I like the purple also. 8/10
non-rideable under the cut. lot more substantial this time, some faves in this region!
slagoth | prior familiarity: none monhun has this weird habit of slapping dog noses onto random shit. the rathalos family has it, zinogre has it; it always looks a little goofy but most of the time it’s whatever. this is not one of those times though, i fuckin hate this thing’s face. dog nose dog jowls, weird eyebrows, triceratops crest feels really slapped on. The skin folds thing is a cool gimmick but there's not much to the look in stories art style. colors are also... eh? they’re not bad but it’s not doing anything to help the look and sort of just winds up reading as a weird caterpillar.  4/10
gargwa | prior familiarity: none please god fucking bird bird bird bird bird. this dumbshit? this motherfucker? he is so goddamn round. I love his shitty useless little wings and stupid wide beak and the lines of green highlight feathers. Pinecone type of guy. 15/10
tetsucabra | prior familiarity: none also gave longer thoughts in another post but im reiterating they did him dirty making him unrideable. 12/10
duramboros | prior familiarity: none There’s a big difference between guys I've never heard of before, and guys who SURPRISE me. All the other ones I had no familiarity with have been like. "Yeah ok that's a monhun type beast, I could have seen that coming". This one is a 'wooooah ok now what is THAT'. it does the "being a literal mountain" thing really really well and just has bonkers shapes and ornamentation and awesome color use across every part of it. 11/10 design, 9/10 only cause it isn't entirely to my tastes.
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textileebook · 3 months
Business Statistics: Communicating with Numbers, Fourth Edition PDF by Sanjiv Jaggia and Alison Kelly
Business Statistics: Communicating with Numbers, Fourth Edition Sanjiv Jaggia and Alison Kelly CONTENTS PART ONE Introduction CHAPTER 1 DATA AND DATA PREPARATION 2 1.1 Types of Data 4 Sample and Population Data 4 Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data 5 Structured and Unstructured Data 6 Big Data 7 Data on the Web 9 1.2 Variables and Scales of Measurement 10 The Measurement Scales 11 1.3 Data…
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sciatu · 1 year
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Russu - quasi cento versi d’amore
I russu, focu e passiuni vesti u to cori i liuni cu du russu culur du sangu chi duma a to anima i rangu chi ti fa signura e rigina ill’anima mei, a patti divina. Russa a to bucca i lava ca mei sempri disiava nte jonna chiù niri e dispirati ca vita era jaggia pi dannati, unni a to bucca era l’unica potta chi putia canciari ogni mala sotta da bucca chi sempri sugnava e chi era focu sa baciava. Russu focu, comi russu ranatu russu comi cori dispiratu russu comi u silenzio da motti a luna nova nto scuru da notti. Russu u to ricoddu a to essenza du surrisu ca me anima penza chi è luci, gioia, spiranza e disiu a fozza chi nuddu sapi o vinciu picchì, unni a mei arriva e finisci, dà a toi, ncumincia e ciurisci. Russu, comi curallu o rubinu senzu priziusu d’avitti vicinu, russu comi raggia, comi a gilusia picchì non po essiri vita senza i tia chi si tuttu, du me tempu signura piaciri, gioia chi sempri dura, si u me mari unn’ alleggiu affunnu si u cielu, c’abbrazza u me munnu si a rosa russa chi duma l’estati di jonna i focu, di notti ncantati. Russu comi curallu st’amuri, da vita sangu, ill’anima sapuri chi vinci lacrimi e malanova chi nte jonna biddizza trova e a mia ma dugna senza pinsari senza pritenni, senza limusinari picchi pi tia sugnu luci, sciatu, acqua, ventu attia ncatinatu. Russi i paroli a me lingua, i me vessi russi l’occhi toi disiati e mai pessi russu stu bisognu senza fini chi inchi u cori, a testa, i vini. Russi i labbri supra a canni janca u to ciauru chi studdi e mai stanca russu stu disiu chi nasci e mai finisci brucia l’anima e studdi quannu brisci. Russu stu to rispiru nto scuru chi è u me passatu, u me futuru. russa a to vaddata, chi voli e disia chi è patruna, chi è mavaria. Russa a to buci quasi na carizza vita mivuta , brizza dopu brizza. russu, u focu intra u to cori unni u mei brisci e sinni mori. Russu a poesia chi m’arrigali chi è u me rispiru i me ali chi tu cunfunni, studdi, spasci   ma chi sulu cu tia, sempri rinasci. Russu come a puma nvilinata comi na storia fausa e strammata russu pumadoru, russu girasa russu fragula, russu tettu i na casa russu u sangu di Cristu sabbaturi a so curuna i spini u so duluri, russu jammuru e russu calamaru russu stu pinzatti duci e amaru russu comu u pipi spizzeri chi bampa comi l’occhi toi chi nenti scampa russu u tempu chi passa viatu chi è patruni d’ogni cosa du criatu u tempu chi tuttu crea e cumanna chi ogni surrisu, mbrogghia e scanna Russu comi na stidda o funnu mari comi u vinu chi fa ridiri e cantari russu comi mantellu di nu paladinu comi a camicia di nu garibaldinu comi u curaggiu c’amu aviri p’essiri libbiri e a vita sapiri. Russu i to silenzi quannu l’amuri finiu e ca passiuni u focu eccu muriu resta na paci chi nuddu capisci chi bola pu munnu tuttu nzittisci e sugnu na fogghia motta, menza sicca tu u ventu ca pigghia e picca a picca auta nto cielu liggiera dà a manni cancillannu ogni duluri i sta me canni puttannumi unni nasciunu i stiddi unni i suli sunnu sulu spisiddi unni nenti dugna luci e piaciri dà, unni tuttu quantu pari finiri e i da supra, unni tuttu è nicu nicu capiri ca fini, tuttu quantu dicu avi pi sensu u nenti chi poi sugnu picchi sugnu, sulu l’amuri chi ti dugnu amuri chi jè focu, ranni, immensu amuri chi è ragiuni ed è sensu puru quann’è mussu contru mussu, amuri russu, russu e russu!
Di rosso, fuoco e passione rivesti il tuo cuore di leone, con quel rosso, colore del sangue che accende la tua anima di rango, che ti fa signora e regina, della mia anima, la parte divina. Rossa la tua bocca di lava che la mia desiderava sempre in quei giorni neri e disperati quando la vita era una gabbia per dannati e dove la tua bocca era l’unica porta che poteva cambiare ogni sfortuna, quella bocca che sempre sognavo, che era fuoco se la baciavo. Rosso fuoco come un rosso melograno, rosso come un cuore disperato, rosso come il silenzio della morte, la luna nuova nel buio della notte. Rosso il tuo ricordo, la tua essenza, quel sorriso che la mia anima ricorda e che è luce, gioia, speranza e desiderio; la forza che nessuno conosce e vince, perché dove la mia forza arriva e finisce, lì la tua incomincia e fiorisce. Rosso come corallo e rubino, il senso prezioso di averti vicino, rosso come rabbia, come la gelosia, perché non può esistere vita senza di te, che sei tutto, signora del mio tempo, piacere, gioia eterna, sei il mare dove lento affondo, sei il cielo che abbraccia il mondo, sei la rosa rossa che accende le estati, quei giorni di fuoco, quelle notti incantate. Rosso come corallo è quest’amore che è sangue della vita e sapore dell’anima, che vince le lacrime, la sfortuna, che trova la bellezza nei giorni e me la dona senza pensarci, senza pretendere o elemosinare perché per te sono la tua luce, il tuo respiro, l’acqua, il vento a te incatenato. Rosse le parole della mia lingua, i miei versi, rossi gli occhi tuoi desiderati e mai persi, rosso questo bisogno di te senza fine, che riempie il cuore, la testa e le vene rosse le mie labbra sulla pelle bianca, il tuo profumo che stordisce e mai stanca, rosso questo desiderio che nasce e mai finisce, che brucia l’anima e stordisce appena nasce. Russo il tuo respiro nel buio, che è il mio passato, il mio futuro, rosso il tuo sguardo, che vuole e desidera, che è padrona, che è magia. Rossa la tua voce, quasi una carezza, vita bevuta goccia dopo goccia, rosso il fuoco dentro al tuo cuore dove il mio inizia e muore. Rossa la poesia che mi regali che è il mio respiro, le mie ali, che tu confondi, stordisci, rovini, c+ma che solo con te rinasce. Rosso come la mela avvelenata, come una storia falsa e stupida, rosso pomodoro, rosso ciliegia, rosso fragola, rosso come il tetto di una casa, rosso sangue del Cristo salvatore, la sua corona di spine, il suo dolore; rosso come gambero e il rosso calamaro, rosso questo pensarti dolce e amaro , rosso come il peperoncino che brucia, come gli occhi tuoi da cui niente si salva, rosso il tempo che passa velocemente, che è padrone di ogni cosa nel creato, quel tempo che tutto crea e comanda che ogni sorriso imbroglia e uccide; rosso come una stella in fondo al mare, come il vino che fa ridere e cantare, come il mantello di un paladino, come la camicia di un garibaldino, come il coraggio che dobbiamo avere per essere liberi e conoscere la vita. Rosso il tuo silenzio quando il sesso e finito e che con la passione, il fuoco è morto lasciando una pace che nessuno capisce, che vola per il mondo e tutto azzittisce ed io sono come una foglia morta, quasi secca, e tu sei il vento che la prende e poco a poco, alta nel cielo, leggera la mandi, cancellando ogni dolore dalla mia carne, portandomi dove nascono le stelle, dove i soli sono solo scintille, dove nulla dona luce e piacere, lì dove tutto quanto sembra finire e da lassù dove tutto è piccolissimo capire alla fine, che tutto quello che dico ha come senso il niente che sono, perché io sono solo l’amore che ti dono, l’amore che è fuoco grande, immenso, amore che è ragione e motivo, anche quando è labbra contro labbra, amore che è rosso, rosso e rosso.
Red, fire and passion cover your lion heart,  by with that red, blood color that lights up your noble soul, which makes you lady and queen and, of my soul, the divine part. Red your lava mouth that mine always desired in those black and desperate days when life was a cage for the damned and where your mouth was the only door that could change any misfortune, that mouth I always dreamed of, which was fire if I kissed her. Fire red like a pomegranate red, red like a desperate heart, red like the silence of death, the new moon in the dark of the night. Your memory is red, your essence, that smile that my soul remembers and that is light, joy, hope and desire; the strength that no one knows and wins, because where my strength arrives and ends, there yours begins and flourishes. Red like coral and ruby, the precious sense of having you near, red like anger, like jealousy, because life can't exist without you, you who are everything, lady of my time, pleasure, eternal joy, you are the sea where I slowly sink , you are the sky that embraces the world, you are the red rose that lights up the summers, those days of fire, those enchanted nights. Red as coral is this love which is the blood of life and the taste of the soul, which overcomes tears, misfortune, which finds beauty in days and gives it to me without thinking about it, without demanding or begging because for you I am your light , your breath, the water, the wind chained to you. Red the words of my language, my verses, red your desired and never lost eyes, red this endless need for you, which fills the heart, the head and the veins Red my lips on white skin, your perfume that stuns and never tires, red this desire that is born and never ends, that burns the soul and stuns as soon as it is born. I snore your breath in the dark, which is my past, my future, red your gaze, which wants and desires, which is mistress, which is magic. Your voice is red, almost a caress, life drunk drop by drop, the fire inside your heart is red where mine begins and dies. Red is the poetry you give me which is my breath, my wings, which you confuse, stun, ruin, but which is reborn only with you. Red like the poisoned apple, like a false and stupid story, tomato red, cherry red, strawberry red, red like the roof of a house, blood red of Christ the savior, his crown of thorns, his pain; red like shrimp and squid red, red this thinking of you sweet and bitter, red like burning pepper, like your eyes from which nothing is saved, red the time that passes quickly, which is master of everything in creation, that time that everything creates and commands that every smile cheats and kills; red like a star at the bottom of the sea, like wine that makes you laugh and sing, like a paladin's cloak, like a Garibaldian's shirt, like the courage we must have to be free and to know life. Your silence is red when sex is over and that with passion, the fire is dead leaving a peace that no one understands, that flies around the world and silences everything and I am like a dead leaf, almost withered, and you are the wind who takes it and little by little, high in the sky, sends it lightly, erasing all pain from my flesh, taking me to where the stars are born, where the suns are only sparks, where nothing gives light and pleasure, there where everything seems to end and from up there where everything is very small to understand in the end, that everything I say has meaning in the nothingness that I am, because I am only the love that I give you, the love that is great, immense fire, love that is reason and sense, even when it's only lips to lips, love that's red, red and red.
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