#jadu was more than thrilled
eorzeashan · 2 months
Hey! I saw a post where you said Eight and Koth dated. *shocked* So I was wondering if you could do a post on Eight's love life 👀
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Looks like everyone's got similar questions on their minds. XD @magicallulu7 Koth's relationship will be in the middle if you want to skip to it, but I've decided to summarize a few more to answer the full question (excluding the more questionable villains with which he's had dalliances with this time since I feel they've gotten enough spotlight). Without further ado....
Eight's (Not-So) Complicated Love Life:
Shara Jenn/Watcher 2
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Shara, Shara, Shara. What agent doesn't share some sort of relationship with her, working or otherwise? For Eight, she might've been his first bout of feelings--feelings that he never acted on or acknowledged deeply enough, but ones that did make both of them realize that he admired her. She would've called it a compromise of a good agent. He would've pretended not to hear her. The thrilling part was that he was never ashamed or unabashed about his affection, and would never forget to show it to her either, whether in the workplace or somewhere more intimate. One could call him attached, but she knew better. Someone like Eight could never hold such a weakness, or so she falsely assumed. Perhaps the truth of it was too bitter a pill to swallow.
Time and time again, he's come at her request or her aid without really examining why; all he knows is that she's someone he always wants to look out for, the same way he does the Minister. Her and Keeper were Intelligence to him, and Intelligence was his family. He sold his soul to Jadus to keep her safe, even when she saw it as a betrayal of what she'd fought for, and that was the turning point in their relationship. Though Eight's care for her is unconditional and deeply loyal, the things they've left unsaid between each other--and themselves-- have slowly fractured the relationship they once had.
2. Koth Vortena
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Excitement and a whirlwind romance sum up these two. Freshly out of carbonite and curious about Zakuulan culture, Koth was a whole new world to Eight, and the gentle, roguish touch that he'd seemed to been sorely lacking his whole life. The Alliance brought them closer together on more than one occasion, but it was the introduction of Koth being....Koth, a new element in a sea of familiar faces, that pulled Eight into his arms. It was sweet, young, fresh, and wide open. Things that being an agent just didn't ever bring to the table. People like Koth weren't a dime a dozen, and even rarer did they ever cross Eight's path. One could call him a bit shallow for gaining interest purely out of the need to gather intel on Zakuul from their resident Zakuulan, but it was done with genuine, honest intent from Eight. The smooching and cute pet names were....an unintended consequence of that.
In some ways, they were both innocent and a bit naive in certain ways to one another. Eight with his eccentric and antisocial habits, and Koth with his lack of exposure to others from other worlds. The other was a big adventure to them, and it showed, with the two often sneaking out to eat Zakuulan night market foods without notifying Alliance personnel. Though an unlikely pair at first glance, Eight's quiet nature contrasted strongly with Koth's vibrancy, and it was as they say: opposites attract. Koth loved him for his strength and bravery among other "adorable" traits that Eight denied existed, and Eight adored Koth's warmth and adventurous, open nature that seemed like everything he wasn't.
Alas, the latter sentiment spelled misfortune for the lovers, as Eight's hands grew bloodier from the war with Zakuul and their relationship began to feel the strain of it. Eight's thoughts that Koth came from another world entirely--a normal life with light and love and honesty--began to weigh him down heavily the more the fighting progressed, as he'd done nothing but kill his people and escalate the violence in service of the Alliance. Eight would never deny that he was a weapon made to kill, and that the world he hailed from was one that Koth and their relationship could not survive. He feared that Koth would see his true colors as unbending, bloodied steel made to cut down enemies and allies alike, and that Koth would reject him in disgust, as the Alliance had begun to. Day by day, their relationship descended into cold silence, as Eight slowly shut him out.
Koth tried to understand, pleaded for him to stay, that they could work it out together if he only let him help him--but Eight was not ready, and his heart trembled at the thought of such vulnerability. They left with incensed words and half-assed goodbyes that only left Koth with confused thoughts and dark emotions.
That's not to say their breakup ended their friendship entirely. Koth, to this day, retains his affections for Eight and calls him those silly petnames, if just to see the smile on his face again. Not being together hardly stops them from sharing the same close touch they had when they were and the occasional lingering glances, but hey, Koth is confident he doesn't need to be kissing Eight to show how much he cares. Just the way the world works, as he might say.
3. Rass Ordo
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The newest in the line of Eight's love interests is the stunning Mandalorian, Rass. In some ways, he reminds Eight of Koth--playful and witty, with the addition of being a strong warrior, something an Echani such as he is privy to. Strength of character and heart are big factors when it comes to Eight's attraction, and it's just a bonus that he's quite nice on the eyes as well. Their relationship is still in the early budding stages, but they've shared more than a few moments in the heat of battle--or as they call it, the Echani and Mando love language.
Rass is attentive and sweet. Eight doesn't feel as if he has to hide anything from him, and their similar cultures makes him feel at home when he's by his side. Strangely enough, he feels compelled to fire back when the other flirts, like they're in one big battle dance with one another. Only time will tell where it takes them, and whether they're more than bursts of adrenaline in each other's veins.
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serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
As much as I enjoy fluff, I'm in mood for fucked up relationships so for Aris/Jadus: Did Jadus try to do things to make the relationship more "normal" like dates/romantic gifts/etc. If yes, what were these dates or gestures like and how did Aris react to them at first/later on?
Ah yes, villain with benefits with a side of fucked up relationship, let's gooooo.
Gosh, this is.... one big, complicated mess between them that had been retconned from original development years ago.
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Yes, there's 100% chance that Jadus would organise and arrange schedules for themselves and Arisaira during off-duty hours to "spend time together", going out of their way to make the relationship "normal" with her.
It all started when one night Arisaira let the instincts get the best of her to indicate the first move to kiss Jadus out of the blue. Arisaira, of course, mentally slapping herself when she pulled away from the kiss as she acted on the mean to avoid any punishment or humiliation after the first time she saw Jadus unmasked.
Though, Jadus welcomed it and secretly enjoyed the attention. They took upon this and reciprocate their own attraction in return--truly believe she was into them--much to Arisaira's disbelief.
Jadus made it explicity clear that anything between themselves and Arisaira are strictly private behind closed doors--Arisaira forced herself to play along in fooling everyone that she's just a professional assistant to Jadus.
Making her as their Hand was the first thing they did. Followed by buying a city apartment closer to Intelligence HQ under their name for Arisaira to reside in. Possibly explain how they knew where she lives and needed an excuse to get away from Lachris' escorts.
And there's the petname Jadus likes to call her affectionately with "darling" and she doesn't like that at all. (I will be honest as this was actually inspired by The Groom from Outlast's DLC, which seriously creeps me out).
Dinner dates are apart of the schedules. As for romantic gifts? Well, Jadus does lavish her with expensive dresses and jewellery to pamper and spoil her. One would say that Jadus would get possessive over her and look into courting her one day...
It's complicated as fuck because Jadus was in love with Arisaira, and well.... Arisaira in a way found this situation very conflicting. Though, she indulged Jadus along on what they want from her, letting them dote on her, getting accustomed to their compliments and touches because seduction would play a key part in Cipher Agent's line of work (riiiiiiiight?).
She wasn't really thrilled at first until she had gotten used to Jadus over the time and kept her guard up--not allowing them to read her mind which they had tried--then again, she only had herself to blame for puting herself into this mess. Of course, after she indicated the kiss, she repeated the same thing by allowing to take things further and slept with Jadus on more than one counts.
all in all, Arisaira is pretty much all like what have I gotten myself into?! to "fuck you Jadus. I'm not saying because you're attractive as fuck or have great tits". The latter amused Jadus as they countered back with "fuck me yourself, then."
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magioffire · 3 years
One thing I like about Vali, is that he's very expressive. And you never fail to write him as such. Like stoic characters are pretty cool, don't get me wrong. But they can be a little hard to play with, when there very little range of reaction to work with.
But Vali reacts to everything in some way or another. He's literally broadcasting his thoughts and feelings like a radio station. And it's just such a thrill to tickle new reactions from him!
what is something you like about how i play vali ; accepting
well i guess then me adding antennae to valeriu's design is not very far off, if hes already a human shaped radio station lmfaooo. like tune into vali's inner monologue at 8pm est!! but yeah....honestly over time vali has become a lot more expressive and emotive person, he has A LOT to say and he feels BIG and its funny because while mahesh jadu fits perfectly into how i imagine vali's general appearance in my head, hes not very expressive in his roles since he often plays the stoic serious type character. while vali is just like :D >\ D< :') OvO like.....its hard for me now to use mahesh jadu as a faceclaim. not because he isnt perfect in every way for valeriu's appearance, but because he just doesnt make enough expressions and i eventually just found it easier to just stick to describing his emotions and only putting an icon if it actually fits his expression.
now, valeriu *can* very quickly become serious, stoic and have a very impressive poker face, he can turn it on like a light, which probs makes it all the more *scary* when he is being absolutely serious, which makes those moments more effective rather than if he was just like that all the time.
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revivalrp · 4 years
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You’ve inherited the Olympian’s INTELLIGENCE but also their UNYIELDING STREAK.
NAME: Jaidev Acharya
AGE: Thirty-five
OCCUPATION: Heist mission coordinator
PLACE OF BIRTH: Larissa, Greece
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis male & he/him
FACECLAIM: Mahesh Jadu
They can, by seeing an ability at work, intuitively understand how it works, how to control it, and how to master it. The user can teach others how to control their abilities once seeing their power. Alternatively the user can also be able to develop a countermeasure if they understand an ability long enough to figure out its weaknesses. It requires seeing the ability in use first-hand and it may take time to fully understand the mechanics of that ability. The range may be limited.
How does one come to do what Jai does? The mastermind behind the most elaborate heists — art, diamonds, cold, hard cash — with a winning streak that’s startling, a reputation that is frightening. The answer is quite simple; you’re ambitious, you’re irreverent, you’re wildly intelligent, and you’re ruthless to boot. Jai’s story doesn’t start the moment he receives his power. In fact, if you ask Jai, his power doesn’t allow him to do much more or less than what he can’t do on his own.
With his parents knee-deep in academics, one would think that that’s what they wanted for him as well, and surely, he has the aptitude for it. He’s always been terribly intelligent, but his parents — a classical archaeologist and a symbolic anthropologist, born in England, but who moved to Greece for work before Jai was even born — urged him to do with his intelligence whatever he wanted to do with it. Find your passion, Jai, find something you’re good at and never, ever let it go, and happiness will find you. What he used that advice for most likely isn��t what his parents had in mind for such a clever mind.
But we’re going a little bit too fast. As a boy, Jai never had friends. Perhaps others would disagree with him there, there certainly were people who would look at him and think, yes, that is someone I want to hang out with. The feeling has never been mutual, which is what caused most of his relationships to burn sooner rather than later; unsympathetic and brutally honest, Jai has never seen the point to tell people anything but the honest truth of his opinions. No one would ever accuse Jaidev Acharya of being a charming individual.
School showed his parents that their child certainly wasn’t made to be an academic; intelligent, yes, but thoroughly unmotivated by rote learning and the dull memorisation that the average education heavily relied on, he often frustrated his teachers because while it was very clear he could earn top marks with a little more effort, effort in schoolwork was simply never something that interested him. Could he do it? Yes. Was he competitive? Yes. Was something as fleeting as homework and grades worth his time? Absolutely not. Jai is unrelenting in his pursuits only for as long as he deems his pursuits worthy of his time. Academics didn’t count among them.
Strategy. Tactics. Being able to outsmart those who think they’re so goddamn smart. That’s where the thrill lies. And if you get paid for it, then that’s just a bonus, isn’t it? Someone like him was never meant to be kept in a stifling environs like Larissa. That’s what he tells himself at age twenty-one, when he leaves his parents and their Hellenism, and ventures out into the world. A world that’s tough but challenging, a world that he’s more than ready for. Or so he thinks; the first time he sees someone shot is the first time Jai feels fear, yes, but thrill, urgency, like a slap in the face that finally wakes him after years of being asleep.
Jai wouldn’t call it a life of crime. It’s only illegal if you get caught, and they didn’t. Narrowly, of course. It’s how life as he knows it now started anyway. Because of ‘narrowly’. Narrowly isn’t acceptable. Narrowly means someone made a mistake, someone didn’t pay attention, someone is a goddamn idiot. You know that age old saying, spoken by prideful people who don’t know what they’re getting into or what the work really requires? ‘If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’. And he did want it done right, but unlike prideful people before him, Jai has always had the dedication, the diligence, the attention to detail to actually do it right.
Not to mention the intuition to foresee possible outcomes and plan for them, as well as the inability to just let things rest. The research it requires, the planning, the strategy, making sure everything is right. Months of planning, when an actual heist takes no longer than a few hours. When you’re in that zone of full concentration, scanning for activity in real-time, guiding your team through their objectives, knowing that you’re the eye in the sky that keeps this mission from breaking down… it’s very difficult to not feel more powerful than a god, even.
So maybe it’s not far off to say he’s addicted to everything his job is. Outsmarting the law, finding the flaws, telling people exactly what to do and how to do it. Find your passion, Jai, his mother once said to him. He doesn’t know if it’s his passion, or if it particularly makes him happy, but he knows it makes him feel alive, it’s what energises him, it’s what he’s good at. The reputation he’s built in the international criminal community is something he feels especially smug about; just like in his youth, it doesn’t matter whether they like him or not. They need him, his capabilities, his competence, his insight, his mind. There’s only one who can do what he can do, and it’s all for dedication
His return to Larissa years ago wasn’t from some misguided sense of homesickness. For the five years he’d been away, Jai hadn’t once thought of his place of birth, nor spoken to his parents. Does he hate them? Certainly not. It’s simply that they don’t often cross his thoughts, and when they do, he’s far too busy to actually do anything with it. No, he returns to Larissa because there’s nothing left for him there; his parents have moved to the South of Greece, and his childhood home has been sold. He’s not sentimental, so Jai doesn’t care.
There’s nothing left in Larissa, which makes it the perfect place for him to remain unconnected. And safe, at that. Aside from history and myths, Larissa has nothing that anyone would connect to someone so ruthless like Jaidev Acharya. Which makes it the perfect place to live as he plans his heists, and the week it takes to put his plans into motion is the only time he’s not at home.
No one needs to know what he does. In fact, no one needs to know him period. Which is the exact notion that annoyed him so much the moment he received his powers. Now this is something, undoubtedly, that connects him to others. Something he’d failed to predict.
It’s like he was made for this. His entire life has been spent watching, calculating, planning, finding the flaws and seeing the exploits. Despite this new ability, Jai doesn’t see it as an awakening. He woke up years ago; his parents and their Hellenistic views would insist that this is a gift from Athena, that she specifically chose him. Jai doesn’t know whether or not to believe. He’s never been wholly convinced of the gods of old like his parents are; what he does know is, wherever this came from or whomever bestowed it upon him, it’s a tool.
A tool he intends to use and, like everything in his life, take to its very limits, consequence be damned. Pity anyone who stands in the way of the stampede of his unrelenting will.
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lavampira · 5 years
4, 7, 15, 39 and 50 for Thalia and Edelie??
thanks charlie!
[half of this is under a cut because it got very long and rambly lmao]
oc questions
4. what are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
for most of her life, she’s been used to having to look out for herself because nobody else was there, so the fact that torian is a constant and stable presence - and she knows without a doubt that he has her back, that he’s always reminding her and proving it to her - is one of her favorite things about him. and she loves the deep blue color of his eyes and how sharp they are, always keeping watch for trouble.
7. is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
she’s a grumpy butthead who scoffs and huffs at people in conversation so often that she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it half of the time.
15. is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? the very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
her father. I can’t say too much without giving spoilers, but I’ve been rewriting chapter 3 to make it more personal for her? she never knew her father, and everything she thought she knew about him was false - he’s an assassin who gets a thrill out of the kill, finds out about her from the ‘republic’s most wanted’ broadcast on the holonet (and recognizes her mother’s surname and the obvious resemblance), and shows up in her life for the first time. the general idea is that he makes her feel like a field mouse being hunted by a lion and he angers and terrifies her in equal measure.
[if anyone also reads dc comics, it’s kind of like the dynamic between deathstroke and rose wilson]
39. when people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? is that assumption correct?
the first thing that people see is her mandalorian armor, and the second thing is that she’s half-zeltron (and looks more like it in my canon than the game obviously allows), so they probably get a few stereotypes in their heads on both counts that boils down to hedonistic, war-mongering killer. which, of course, is a mistake. one that she is very willing to break a few noses for if someone is stupid enough to voice them.
50. if your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
honestly? she would flat out say it. there’s absolutely no subtlety to this girl.
4. what are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
luna: she appreciates how sharp luna’s mind is, not only how she can work a situation so carefully and expertly, but how she can pick thalia’s mind apart to know when something is wrong. she loves how tiny luna is because she gets to easily wrap around her and hold her close.
saganu: she’s very attracted to how passionate he is - about the mission when they first meet, about his duties as aristocra, about her as they get involved. she loves his shoulders and back, and sometimes while they’re together, she’ll run her hands across them just to feel him there.
vector: she adores his kind heart and caring nature, especially how they break past the walls that she builds around herself. she loves the sound of his voice when he talks to her, too.
7. is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
“as I said…”
she’s, uh. kind of a condescending asshole most of the time.
15. is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? the very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
anger-wise? hunter. for what thaston (or in our AU, for what luna) had to go through. and she’d never admit to it out loud to anyone, but she’s most terrified of darth jadus - despite being his hand, and actually, probably the real reason why she agreed to be his hand - only second to vitiate.
39. when people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? is that assumption correct?
all the usual chiss stereotypes: elusive, distrusting, petty, better-than-you attitude. they’re right, of course, but they shouldn’t lump all chiss into the same category. and her fashion sense is fairly simple but striking in its dark and sleek way, making her look as mysterious and aloof as she actually is, too.
50. if your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
well, even reaching the point of admitting it to herself takes a looooong time of getting past layers of denial and repression (which is hilarious given the amount of people whom she falls in love with over the years). she doesn’t actually tell anyone that she loves them, though. but the ones she loves probably can tell - the time she makes for them, the concern that she shows around them, the softer side of her that only they can see - which is basically as close to telling as she’ll ever get.
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chivalin · 6 years
Could I get Dark Council members proposing to (or being proposed to by) their s/o ^^
Dark Council Members Proposing To Their S/Os (1367 words)
Notes: Anything for you, haha
DarthThanaton has set up a fancy but private dinner, and his nervousness is quitevisible even if he tries to hide it. When he pulls out the ring box, he onlyslides it towards you on the table, not being able to go down on one knee forthe fear of you denying him. It’s much easier to just play it off if you’re notinterested by being right where he is.
But when you smile at him, inquiring if this means what you think itmeans, he whispers the words with some difficulty. You agree to them, and helooks at you in shock for a few seconds before rising from his seat in haste. Hemakes his way to you in a rush, pulling you into a deep hug that eventuallyevolves into a kiss.
DarthAcharon doesn’t do fancy dinners or similar types of things. He just shoves the ringbox in your hands one day, telling you that he wants you. There’s anticipationand outright heat in his eyes as he waits for your response. When you say yes,he pulls you into a deep, hungry kiss. He places the ring on your finger afterwards,murmuring in your ear that he didn’t realize how good it would feel to claimyou like this too.
DarthMarr brings the matter out in the open when you two are alone. He pulls outthe ring box and opens it, showing you the simple but expensive ring inside. Hiswords after that are quiet and deep, making you shiver since you can feel his convictionbehind them. He tells you how much you mean to him, and that he has never feltthis enamored about anyone. Which is the reason why he wishes to spend and dedicatehis life for you the same way he’s dedicated it to the Empire. With burning,unwavering passion.
DarthRavage is more boisterous than usual the few days before the actual proposal. He’seager to impress you anyway he can, and it’s equally sweet and amusing. When heactually proposes you, he gets down on one knee, and the background noise fadesfrom your mind as you only focus on him.
He’s looking at you intently, with want and desire, but there’s also somenervousness in his features and movements. When you say yes, he freezes for afew seconds before a huge grin appears on his face. He enthusiastically jumpsup, crushing you into an embrace and a passionate kiss.
DarthJadus invites you to his private study to talk. In there, he sits you down, andyou feel his presence heavy all around you, signaling that he’s burning up withemotion. He takes a few steps away from you and begins pacing, eventually tellingyou how you have had a particular effect on him that he doesn’t quiteunderstand but wants to.
After managing to say that, he advances closer to you again, giving youthe ring that you slip on your finger eagerly. He doesn’t say anything, but hisForce begins to feel even heavier around you, bringing tingles down your spineand making you breathless.
DarthMortis does it the old-fashioned way in a sense. He takes you to the fanciestrestaurant in the city, where you two have an exquisite dinner, with appetizersand all. When the dessert is brought to the table, he rises from his seat andcomes to you nonchalantly, going down on one knee.
He’s socalm and composed while taking out the ring box, saying that the time you twohave spent together is invaluable, and that he doesn’t want anyone else toexperience the same with you. So, with earnest but cool demeanor, he proposesyou. When you agree, he slips the ring to your finger, kissing you deeply.
DarthBaras works on theproposal for weeks. Not that he’s nervous, definitely not, but because he wantsto make sure everything will be perfect and just the way you like it. He sendshis spies after you to get even the tiniest details right, not wishing to spoilthe big surprise by asking you things himself. So, when the time for theproposal comes, he spends the entire day before that doing things that you love.
Eventually,he takes you somewhere beautiful where the sky is clearly visible, and he asksyou to look up when a ship is flying over you. You discover that it has theproposal written on it. When you turn back to him, he’s absolutely smug and hasthe ring in his hands. He tells you how he planned this, and even if you beratehim for using spies, you must admit that you’re definitely impressed by all theeffort he has put into this.
DarthDecimus doesn’t see the need to do anything outrageously fancy as that wouldn’treally be him. But, he will make sure to do something simple, like buy you somethingyou have always wanted. He would give this gift at the start of his proposal,saying how much he has enjoyed spending time with you. And, that he wishes tocontinue being together and have something to show for it to everyone. When yousay yes to his proposal, he smiles widely and slips the ring to your finger,before rising up and kissing you deeply.
DarthRictus grabs your hand one day just as you two are about to part, pulling youfirmly back to him. He just keeps you there, gazing you with his almost hypnotic,intense eyes. You slowly sense how his Force begins to curl around you, pullingyou even closer to him. You can feel his desire, yearning for something deeperin the thoughts that passes your mind.
When you wordlessly tell him that you want the same, his Force wrapsaround you tight. It slips into every possible crack of your essence, bindingyou to him and him to you for what you know will be an eternity. He later givesyou a ring he made himself, to signify your bond with each other.
DarthVowrawn’s proposal is flamboyant, big and something that will render youcompletely speechless. Even if there’s bound to be a crowd while he does this,he doesn’t care about them as he’s only truly interested in you. He doesn’ttake his eyes off you, wanting to witness how overjoyed he makes you with thisbecause he loves to see you smile.
When he’s on one knee and shows the ring that is the most expensive thingyou have ever seen, he’s positively glowing. He asks you to spend the rest ofyour days with him with the biggest and charming grin on his lips.
DarthAruk loves the idea of proposing you so much that he couldn’t keep it as asecret even if he tried (which he doesn’t). He talks about it excessively,wanting to make it fitting for you but still honor the sith traditions. Heeventually ends up taking you to a place that you love while taking a few philosophyworks with him.
He quotes the ancient sith from them, drawing comparisons between yourrelationship and the sith code, saying that the bond you have will make youachieve victory together. After his thrilling and captivating telling, he takesthe ring and finally proposes you with a wide smile on his face.
DarthHadra brings up the idea of proposing casually, without buying any ring oranything. She’s only interested in knowing what you think about it because shewould be down for it. When you agree, she will nod and say that she’s going to arrangesomething for a proper proposal later on.
So, a few weekslater, she takes you out to eat to a fancy restaurant. You’re surprisinglygiddy about it, even though you know what is going to happen. Not to mention,that you two went to pick out rings together too a few days back. She makes herproposal quite dramatic, just for the fun of it and to show off, and you can’thelp but do the same. Your proposal easily becomes the talk of the month.
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onestowatch · 4 years
Join Millions in Stepping Into the Haunting World of Sub Urban [Q&A]
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Photo: Vixxion
In 2019, a then 18-year-old Sub Urban released his debut solo single, “Cradles.” Cue just over a year later and the New Jersey alternative singer, songwriter, and producer’s single has been streamed over 150 million times on Spotify alone and is one of the most popular songs on TikTok, with over 1 billion uses on the micro-video sharing platform. It is a testament to the platform’s undeniable influence, having helped launch the likes of Lizzo, Lil Nas X, and others, as well as Sub Urban’s own haunting vision for a genreless music landscape.
The world of Sub Urban is one where the ominous origins of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales and the visionary production acumen of the 19-year-old creative come to play. It is a world that comes to life in his debut EP, Thrill Seeker. Actively defying simple classification, traversing the sprawling hallways of Thrill Seeker serves as a look into the vulnerable and enthralling mind of the rapidly rising artist. Imagine if the theatrical elements of vaudeville and modern-day anti-pop and alternative influences had a definitive soundtrack.
I caught up with Sub Urban, remotely from the safety of our own homes, to get an inside glimpse into the fantastical mind of an artist who is doing music on his own terms. From how he spending his time in isolation, his thoughts on TikTok’s rapid ride in the music industry, to the story behind Thrill Seeker, this is Sub Urban. 
Ones To Watch: Who is Sub Urban?
Sub Urban: I’m the kid who’s about to rock your fucking world. I’m an artist, singer, and producer but most importantly, I’m a gamer. I was born in Nyack New York and raised in Ridgewood New Jersey. I dropped out of high school in 10th grade then decided to pursue music and since then I have not looked back.
I think one of the first questions that immediately comes to mind to is how did you land on your haunting sound?
Funny enough, I wanted to be a DJ when I first started producing, I was 15 going on 16, and I was very invested in the underground electronic scene and I drew a lot of inspiration from the beat making scene, Mr. Carmack, Sam Gellaitry and a lot of producers that stemmed from those sort of productions. Verzache, Dilip, inimicvs, and thook, vague003 come to mind. From the EDM world, productions from Skrillex, Flume, Koan Sound, Louis the Child and Whethan and a bunch of dubstep, neuro and trap producers from anywhere in between those. I had a knack for taking niche sound design and applying them to a pop formula, and I was doing this before I even realized what I was doing. When I made Sub Urban in 2016-2017, I knew I wanted it to be dark, whether emotionally vulnerable and raw or twisted and theatrical, I knew nobody at the time was doing it the way I could do it.
A lot of your lyrics could be defined with the line “I live inside my own world of make believe.” Were you really into fairytales as a kid?
I was a creative kid, I wrote fairytale-esque stories as a child and I designed my own lego sets that to this day I still believe could’ve sold as legitimate sets. I have dealt with a lot of mental illness most of my life, I still don’t accept reality for what it is most of the time, existence is phenomenally terrifying if you start to think about it too much.
Speaking of potential early influences, what’s your earliest musical memory?
I couldn’t really tell you, earliest memory of me writing a melody though was when I was three or four on my mother’s keytar, I remember it sounding Egyptian.
A lot of people’s first introduction to you was likely due to the viral success of “Cradles.” Did you ever expect it to blow up like it did?
I expected it to do 10 million within a year, that was going from an artist who had only touched the 100,000’s place beforehand, I was ambitious, guess I wasn’t ambitious enough because I wasn’t prepared to have a hit song this early.
From SoundCloud to now TikTok, music discovery is more democratic than ever. What do you think about the recent influx of artists blowing up through the video-sharing platform?
I think people often discredit anything that blows up on the platform due to its tie to music.ly and just in general a lot of cringey content that has been birthed from the internet through tiktok, but I’m here to say that the actual songs that blow up on tiktok are objectively just good songs, it’s literally the people choosing what song they want to popularize next, it could be any challenge, it doesn’t matter, the song itself is the thing making ripples. And I’m honored to have one of the most used songs on the platform. I love democracy.
What is the story behind Thrill Seeker?
Thrill Seeker is a collection of songs I wrote from the ages of 16-18. They were all meant to be singles at one point or another with an exclusion for the outro song. It ended up coming together as a project. Lyrically, a lot of the songs express common themes, but the one that made itself apparent to me was the subject of feeling stuck, almost like some sort of limbo, whether it be waiting, watching or being caught in a cycle that can’t be broken. Thrill Seeking is temporal, filling a hole that can’t be filled and chasing one’s first high.
No two songs on your debut EP sound quite the same, and I feel like that’s quite the feat nowadays. How would you describe the sound of Thrill Seeker without using genre terms?
Naïve, contorted, playful, distorted, catchy, longing, swingy, baroque, industrial (not the genre).
What do you hope people take away from your debut EP?
I hope people can hear something new and try to understand the inside of my head, I know only so few people do.
From the music, production, to the visuals, there is a sense of attraction to fantastical theatrics. What exactly drew you to expressing yourself in this fashion?
I was raised on classical piano and a little bit of classical violin. I’ve always noticed a bit of classical influence in my pop writing so I guess I’ve kind of connected to the imagery of the 19th and 20th centuries a bit. I also was a huge fan of bioshock and bloodborne.
How have you been staying sane and safe while under lockdown?
I haven’t left my house for a whole month and have taken this opportunity to nonstop play Call of Duty with the boys.
Who are your Ones To Watch? 
brakence, underscores, verzache, Aries, Sebastian Paul, Jadu Heart.
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iliadshq · 4 years
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                                     𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐙𝐄𝐔𝐒, 𝐎𝐋𝐘𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐘.
— NAME : hermes.
— AGE : immortal.
— GENDER : m/nb.
— FACE : mahesh jadu, arjun gupta, lakeith stanfield.
Swift-footed Hermes, chthonic psychopomp, emissary to the Gods—there are many titles mortals have given you, but the one you love most is perhaps divine trickster: a name that paints you as a lovable rogue, some slithering and sly thing that ought to be looked at with a certain degree of understanding. Harmless, or so you tell yourself, but you can never really resist the soft singing of temptation, that almost reckless urge to meddle in things that should be left alone by the likes of you. There is a need, a hunger in your soul for the type of violence that once pleased your divine kin in ages men past—forgotten by the passage of time, yet present in their indubitable reflexes that record a more brutal era; the hair standing up on the back of one’s neck, that frozen pause when one recognizes danger. When all is said and done, you are still longing for that brand of worship cloaked in horror and respect. Perhaps it is nothing but misplaced reverence, gleaned from conducting souls after death, a task that led you to gaze at the twin faces of fear & desperation more than most. It is not your fault, this you have come to believe.
✹ ARES  —  They are reckless, a raging tempest of a god who will sooner ensure total destruction than entertain any notion of serendipitous peace. You two have been locked in didactic opposition, but such a match up thrills you for the endless possibilities it provides, a chance to pull tricks the which would astound even your fellow immortals. You feign interest in currying favour, if only to survey how it will serve your cause all the more.
✹ ODYSSEUS  —   There is a certain regard that passes through you, a fondness you thought you've long past. From their features, you can reassemble the features of their mortal mother, that darling woman who outwitted you. At times, an urge makes itself known: wanting to take them aside, ask questions of their life, whom they love or lost. But since you cannot help being yourself, you deny them the fabled reunion of father & son.
✹ PRIAM  —  The Trojan King is at odds with the cause you chose to support, their own child deigning to play for Helen’s enviable hand—a worthy goal, but one that runs in contradiction with yours. Truthfully, you do not know why they allowed their child such freedoms so as to upset the balance of nations. Even more curiously, you do not know why you think of them at all. Perhaps because you are also patron of lost causes ?
✹ ERIS  —  If the full brandishing of your tricks is to be successful, why not strike up an agreement with the immortal that has started all this ? You admired their righteous anger from afar, escorting many souls their dominion dispatched to Hades. Perhaps now is the time to come into some sort of accord. After all, spurned children cannot help their nature.
This skeleton is currently OPEN.
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keldae · 7 years
Spooky Prompt 7 - At the crack of thunder Person A wakes up, they discover that the other beds in the stronghold are empty.
The crash and rumble of thunder overhead woke Reanden up out of a sound sleep. His eyes flew open, scanning his side of the room and the window looking out over the valleys toward Syward. Lavisar didn’t have too many storms- but when the storms did happen, they were huge and unnecessarily violent. Half surprised one of the boys isn’t trying to crawl into bed with us, he mused to himself as he rolled over to see if either of his sons had sought refuge with their mother. At twelve and ten years old, they kept switching between I’m almost a grown-up, Dad, quit treating me like a kid! to I don’t know what I’m doing and adulting is scary, Daddy!, and he suspected it was only going to get more chaotic when he had two teenagers in the house.
He frowned when he realized his wife’s side of the bed was empty, the sheets mussed. “Honey?” he asked as he sat up, squinting into the shadows. Lightning lit up the room as thunder rolled again, letting him see that he was, in fact, alone. “Bioscan,” he whispered to activate one of his cranial implants, and his frown deepened when the scan turned up nothing. Aerna was not within range of the scan. It’s the middle of the night, and in a thunderstorm. Where would she be?
With a grunt, he got out of the bed and padded across the carpeted floor in bare feet, clad in only a pair of grey sweatpants. For a second, he considered grabbing the blaster pistol he kept behind the headboard or the vibrodagger under the mattress- but Lavisar was safe, and his wife was a Jedi. He wouldn’t need his weapons. Besides, if she was with one of the boys, it wouldn’t do for them to see him armed and paranoid.
He slid open the bedroom door and crept down the hallway to his sons’ rooms. Both doors were closed, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Reanden slid open Sorand’s door and poked his head in, hopefully quietly enough to not wake up the boy- then felt a thrill of fear in his heart when he realized his younger son’s bed was empty. A quick check into Korin’s room confirmed that his other son was also not asleep as he was supposed to be. “Aerna!” he shouted as he turned back around, fighting to keep the panic at bay. The house rang with the echoes of his shout, but he heard no answer from his wife or his sons. He hurried back to his room and checked the security panel beside the door- no signs of a disturbance or a forced entry (or exit). His family had to still be inside the house, right-?
A tiny, stifled noise behind him made him whirl, and his heart leapt into his throat when he saw the shadowy, faceless man holding Sorand by the scruff of his neck just a few paces away. Reanden took a step toward his son, then froze when he saw the lightsaber hilt being pressed against the boy’s head. “No, not him,” he whispered as he looked up at the Sith holding his son as hostage. “He has nothing to do with you, Jadus! Let him go!”
“Shall I? You betrayed me, Agent. It’s only fitting that you should be punished by your own choices.” Darth Jadus adjusted his grip on Sorand, earning a tiny whimper of terror from the ten-year-old. “Your weaknesses are so exploitable.”
“It’s true,” spoke up another voice, one that made Reanden go at once cold with dread and hot with fury. He turned to see Hunter holding a blaster to Korin’s side and a smirk on his face. “Who would have thought that the legendary Legate would be so easy to break?”
“Dad…” Korin whispered, giving his father such a look of fear that Reanden felt his heart break. The boy squirmed in Hunter’s grip, then froze as the blaster dug in against his ribs. “Dad!”
“Shhh, son,” Reanden whispered as he raised his hands in surrender, desperate to not make Jadus or Hunter take his sons’ lives. “You’re going to be okay. I’ll figure something out-”
“Is that so?” Hunter grinned maliciously. “Onomatophobia.”
Pain tore through Reanden’s brain as he fell to his knees with a scream. It’s overridden, the code can’t work anymore, Watcher X said it’s disabled! “No, please! Not like this!”
“Pathetic, Cipher Nine.” Jadus sneered as he gripped Sorand’s neck tighter, earning more tears from the child. “You are soft and weak and a disgrace to Imperial Intelligence.”
“And the SIS,” added another voice, one that made the agent sink with dread. The man who’d once been his younger brother, and now only went by Darth Maglion, emerged from the shadows, Force-carrying his hostage in front of him by her neck and flipping a lightsaber hilt in his other hand. “I knew you were weak, brother- but marrying a Jedi? Betraying the Empire for the Republic?”
“Better a traitor than a kinslayer,” Reanden hissed as he raised his head and made eye contact with his wife. Aerna looked terrified, but her fear seemed to be more for their sons and less for herself. “I don’t care what you do to me, but let my family go!”
“Oh, no.” Hunter grinned maliciously. “Killing you is far too quick and easy.”
“You wouldn’t suffer enough.” Maglion stepped closer, still holding Aerna in front of him with the Force. “Your treasons must be punished by your suffering. Live out the rest of your natural life, traitor, with the knowledge of your failures claiming your family.”
“Your legacy will end with your sons’ lives here,” Jadus added, giving Sorand a pointed shake. “And you will live every day for the rest of your life knowing that your choices killed the people you claim to love the most.”
“No…” Reanden brokenly whispered, even while he clung to the one fragment of hope deep in his heart. His daughter was still alive, still safe and not here. Even if he failed to save his wife and sons, perhaps he could keep Xaja alive and hidden with the Jedi-
A lightsaber ignited behind him, and he looked over his shoulder as that last hope died. The girl behind him in the garb of an acolyte with a blood-red ‘saber had his wife’s features, but the corruption of the Dark Side made her resemble her uncle far more than either of her parents.
“Oh, we’ll let your daughter live,” Jadus said. “She serves the Emperor as she should. But the rest of your family, Cipher Nine, do not deserve such an honour.”
Thunder rolled. Lightning not originating from the storm outside crackled. A second lightsaber ignited with the distinct sound of a plasma blade piercing a human body. A blaster fired. And all that Reanden could hear was screams-
He jolted upright with a ragged gasp, sweat soaking his tee-shirt and the contents of his stomach threatening to come back up violently. Thunder rolled again, making Reanden flinch until he realized the storm was moving on, leaving only gently drizzling rain in its wake. Rishi, he realized as he re-adjusted to the waking world. Not Lavisar. Rishi. The old agent ran his hands over his face and paused when he felt the tears on his worn cheeks. He glanced at the readout from his implants and sighed when he realized the date. Over a decade later and the nightmares keep getting worse. 
It didn’t matter that he could just hear the soft, steady breathing on the other beds in the safehouse, that he’d seen his sons and daughter alive only a few hours earlier- he still got up to quietly walk to the bunks he knew they occupied, linger for a few minutes at each to reassure himself that all three of them were still alive and (relatively) safe, then pulled on a jacket and let himself out of the roof hatch, letting the rain wake him up and wash away the remnants of the nightmare. He wouldn’t be going back to sleep tonight anyway, not with the last image of his wife’s terrified face frozen in his mind, or the cruelty of his brother and Jadus and Hunter still vivid in his memory.
You’ll never be free of us, Legate. You’ll see us again, every time you think you’re safe.
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iheartmoosiq · 7 years
Jadu Heart released two EPs on Mura Masa’s record label and supported him on his European tour last year, but then the pair seemed to drop off the edge of the earth for close to a year. We’re thrilled that they’ve broken that quietude with their new single I’m A Kid, our first taste of a debut album they’ve been diligently knocking out. I’m A Kid, which arrives with a fantastic lo-fi retro styled music video, is a dreamy lush swooner. Its muggy, foggy heat is more than contagious, particularly when paired with the song’s robust bass line and slick, buttery vocals. I’m A Kid is a sticky intoxicating, dreamy gliding banger. Its funk tinged combination of jungle lush trip hop, slinky R&B pop, and gauzy electronica is utterly irresistible. You can download and stream I’m A Kid, here.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Was struck by a thought drifting in and out of sleep last night as to what kind of fear Jadus represents, if he focuses solely on that emotion, and I realized... he might represent the fears of the Sith.
It's easy to say he represents the worst of what a Sith could be. Yet he acts nothing like the rest of his peers. He hates them so much as to not have a single force-user in his power base. He disavows hate itself in Sith terms, saying it does nothing for him; when approached with the subject of Zhorrid dying like a true Sith, he says he does not care for it. He spends the entirety of chapter 1 spreading his agenda: th democratization of fear. But what does this mean, beyond simple insane chaos that most write off as the ravings of a madman?
Easy. The Sith constantly say how hate, anger, pain will free you and break your chains. It will give you power beyond your wildest dreams. Many such Sith rise to power from nothing through this code. Why hoard it for only force-users who then perpetuate this petty cycle of their society? It stands to reason that Jadus believes even the lowest of citizens in the Empire could do the same if he spread his power to them and gave them the chance to break their chains, so to speak, which is why he is so intent on only democratizing fear to those he feels would benefit from it most. The slaves. The aliens. The insignificant and nameless. These are his power base and these are the masses he wants to give power to. He sees his brand of hatred and fear as a gift; a chance to transcend your boundaries rather than mere suffering-- a fact few understand when they are broken by it, such as Zhorrid and those aboard the Dominator. In the end, few could bear his vision of the world.
His vision represents the worst fears of the Sith: of commoners that outnumber them gaining power from their own Code and overthrowing them. Not to mention Jadus' own pro-alien support, which he is right about being uncompromised in their ideals if the agent is an alien although a bit spacist in assumption: it's that difference in power and experiences that guarantee said agent not to be blind to the corruption and biased in the Empire. To know exactly what it means to be at the lowest on the rung.
Jadus wants to break Sith society in every way. He represents the deepest of fears of a people who no longer can feel such a thing, comfortable atop their thrones built on the backs of others. Others like Marr reinforce the status quo. Then some like Malgus too want to change its ways, but none so drastic as to give power to non-human, non-Sith slaves, much less treat those beneath you as a potential equal. Jadus is generous to the Agent, if you are not cowed by his pretense of fear. Other Sith would choke you where you stand, but he constantly gives the Agent opportunity to discuss. He allows a verbal victory. He does not even hold the thought of retaliation. It's clear he respects the Agent even as his enemy, though most do not read it as such if you disrespect him when he orders you to kneel (a very, very basic courtesy any Imperial save for green recruits would extend).
This does not wipe clean his sins and he is very much a being of terror and pain, but it's an interesting examination of one that many treat like any other terrible Sith when he is... nothing like them even in his ideals. As his Hand, he does not press you into constant tasks with the threat of failure like Marr; he asks you to do one thing that is quite easy if you have the time to and doesn't bother you about it afterwards. Then, there's the matter of him generously funding Intelligence even after its dissolution, which was a surprise given he could've left the Hand to fend for themselves.
Overall, Keeper is not thrilled by it as the game more or less implies you're a loyalist lapdog if you do choose Jadus, which is a bit strange given your master's plans which are very much not that.
Anyhow, it's all food for thought. Jadus is an interesting, one-of-a-kind Sith that I'm glad wasn't shoehorned into death or reuse. His element of open mystery serves him better than most.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
man I've been trying to latch onto the story beats for KOTET but mostly failing; and I think it's because Eight's whole deal with it only worked for KOTFE. would he beat Valkorion's ass for trying to hijack his and Jadus' bond? absolutely. would he be there for the Vaylin stuff? not... so much.
The way he sees it, he's repaying a life debt to Lana (since Koth pretty much opted out of it by taking the Gravestone as his reward) that is equal in worth to Arcann's death. Once that happens, he's out. And he hasn't enjoyed this whole stint one bit either; in fact, I can say he's even more miserable than he was under the Castellan Restraints. At least there he was thrilled by it and motivated by his own purposes. Here, he feels trapped. Alone.
You could say he has a choice to walk away, but at this point he's too mired in the war and it's...well, he takes burdens. He has that code to always repay what he owes even if he hates it. Lana doesn't realize it either-- or she only noticed one time via that letter, but didn't do much about it because what she asks him to do is so tied to what she doesn't give a second thought about: it's necessary. She thinks he has a personal stake in this and projects her own frustrations at the state of the world onto him because she doesn't know. And perhaps, that means.... she doesn't know him, either.
Their relationship was basically the same before too, only this time it's tipped drastically in her favor because he no longer has that choice to disobey. He could've had worse masters, but Lana's pragmatism and way of pointing him at what needs to be done (killed) has been horrible thus far. Even Jadus/Acina were both more receptive and open to him and while Lana does in essence, care, she does not hesitate and doesn't question her motives or the one she's shouldering these tasks to.
It's mostly the BuyowareTM effect of mission-ordained bestie and the plot railing, but it also does feel like... she doesn't realize how satisfied she is when he's finally following her orders after a long, long time of him openly resisting and making no effort to respect her chain of command, which was like a subconscious reaction on his part each time he sassed her because he didn't want to be under her thumb. Then when he agrees and does what she asks, she's more than pleased, happy even.
Yet from Eight's pov, it does something to him each time where he sinks even further into being that unfeeling weapon who no longer wants to think.
Would she be mortified if she knew how miserable he was having her as a taskmaster? Most likely. She's just doing what she thinks is best for the people she knows and her galaxy-- but it's her unawareness of this, her extreme pragmatism and eagerness to use him to the best of her ability that shifts their power dynamic to something less benevolent. Even under the kindest of Sith who treats him as a friend, he suffers because of his nature as a weapon to be used by her and her iron-clad ideals.
It's also a detriment on his part where Eight makes no effort to sway other people or change them because he believes in witnessing their true selves without his interference, and when Lana admitted she only saved him so he could save them, she sealed her fate and his. In that way, he tends to enable the worst in others around him because he lets them go unchecked, convinced it's who they are at their core. It's made worse by Eight honoring his debt to Lana, as he can only follow what she wishes and not completely override her decisions as he did before in SoR.
You could also say Theron helped to balance that out but as he's taken a backseat this time, it's also become damaging to him to watch Eight lopsidedly defer to a much colder side that clashes with Theron's way of doing things. So much so he's started "other"-ing him and blaming it on heartless Imps. That's another reason why every time Eight gets separated from them, he briefly considers using the opportunity to run away, but of course, he never does. Using Dromund Kaas' assassination attempt as a cover for his death was so tempting, and how bad does it have to be if you want to fake your death to your friends of all things?
I feel like this is all going to reach an untenable point somewhere as it has to, I'm just unsure as to what form it'll take given the unpredictable nature of the current story to either provide me with all the story revelations or nothing at all.
The current idea i'm entertaining is that Theron puts the pieces together of Eight's downturn into extreme coldness and avoidance of them, an overhead discussion involving Koth once again arguing with Lana over her treatment of him (i.e. that one letter), and then the final subplot where he is given the extra mission during the Traitor Arc to not only destroy the Gravestone but take away their other weapon, Eight himself, by convincing him to leave the Alliance-- only that isn't a ploy from Theron because he catches onto just how bad this is for his former friend and ends up helping Eight "get out".
That's probably too messy of a story to write, but we'll see-- but also because the Traitor Arc would hit much differently if Lana simply sic'ed Eight on Theron like she did on Arcann and Senya and Vaylin to some essence. For one, he might end up dead. And nobody likes a dead Theron. Two, Eight really is the Alliance's other weapon, and much less of a personality as the game makes out the Commander/Outlander to be. Vinn Atrius might have noticed by then who that white-haired attack dog is who keeps entering the battlefield and killing their top contenders: another one of the Alliance's trump cards. He and the Gravestone have been synonymous in their effectiveness and use from the beginning, so it's only natural they'd want to take him out of the picture.
Lastly, I just really want these two to reconcile. It kind of broke my heart that Theron used to find common ground with him and now doesn't see him at all, and I also thought the idea of a little bit of truth being behind him being a traitor was spicy if... the Outlander was one who was more burdened by the Alliance than protected or saved by it. The idea of taking down everything you've built thus far because it's hurting the person who made it all possible... it's sweet, isn't it? It's the kind of thing the last spy with a heart would do. Maybe that's ooc. But I do like the idea of exploring just how far all of them are willing to use weapons who may even be their own friends just to get ahead in this damn galaxy, and course-correcting from that when you realize you'll never stop having another Arcann or Vaylin, with too many Senyas and Master Surros in between.
This has to end somewhere, but mostly I just want the Rishi trio to come to terms with the way they are now :'I.
#swtor#oc: orradiz#kotfe/et au#accidental long winded ramble about eight's relationship with lana and theron in these times#but also. imagining theron going 'it's over. be free' and Eight silently staring at him in that unreadable way#then taking his smiling proffered hand#which theron thinks is going to be a handshake but instead he just holds his hand very delicately#and then kisses his knuckles.#he fucking explodes into confused bisexual panic ofc but eight just smiles genuinely at him and says thank you#eight follows up with ask me to fight for you any time and theron scoffs after what he just saw with lana#like 'im flattered but I won't. ever. you've done that enough.'#hueghh anyways this is just me wishing eight could be seenTM#esp since this side of him was the one his Nine self never wanted to show theron out of fear he wouldn't understand or accept him#so this is a bit cathartic LOL#anyways. this probs makes zero sense#and just so you know this isn't bashing lana she's not evil for doing this#she just has no idea what it meant to choose Eight of all people to be her champion#I think it would be a good wakeup call for her though#to go 'I never realized...I didn't mean to-' ' he says it wasn't your fault.' ' but it was Theron! all of it!'#I think it might help finally rectify the same reasons she used theron as bait albeit more drastically#10 years to crack that one though...wow#i also want them to make up. but it won't be done if neither of them do anything about it :'o#also also also this is the negative consequence of the concern lana might use an imp underling but NORMALLY most would have told her#since she wasn't informed here the worst played out
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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HK-55: Analysis: scan reveals no evidence you possess a secondary personality matrix, master. It is possible your brain is simply malfunctioning.
I've been dwelling on these words since last night in comparison to Eight's whole deal with not having an original personality and how the way his mind works is a great deal more similar to droid processes rather than an organic kind, but that's not to say he's robotic. It's just a similar idea when you forcibly change your own while being self-aware. For droids, this is called Metaprocessing: where you run a second code against your baseline, which lets you edit your process against what you were originally designed for, making a unique personality over time.
He may not have a secondary personality matrix, but he can metaprocess, and it's more as if he has an interchangeable personality matrix with multiple processes. That's what SCORPIO would notice about him and why they relate to one another more than his other companions. (I'm not sure how Eight ended up so functional as an organic being, but it may be my fault that I based him off Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell fame and added my own experiences of dissecting being human to the mix).
Another thought I've had is that Jadus, during Eight's long sleep in cryo, would fixate on this greatly.
He's well aware he could lose his prized Hand, a one-of-a-kind being and the only person he could ever call a companion. I headcanon'd that his hobby is techno-organic surgery as made evident through the faceless cyborg servants he remade in uniform image; so I was struck by the thought that he would try to replicate Eight himself, but mostly out of idle thought rather than a true project while waiting for him to reawaken.
In Jadus' laboratory, there are countless synthdroids that all were based off Eight in some way. Appearance, ability, function, personality. All failures of course, but when Jadus joins the Alliance, he gifts a few simple androids to Eight.
It's nothing more than a beautified doll that resembles the parts of him Jadus' finds most attractive, but keeping it around amuses him, and Eight soon finds it serves as a great body double if needed-- or a practice dummy. They serve tea quite well if commanded to, but Lana and Theron don't seem to appreciate their work as much as he does, with Theron immediately suggesting he get a restraining order for Jadus.
Eight: I don't know what you're talking about. (smiles) I find it sweet he thought of me.
Theron: personally, I would not be thrilled if someone made a droid that looked and acted like me except obedient.
Eight: Is that so? I see your kind walking around base everyday.
Theron: are you calling me a gonk droid or a mouse droid? because either way, I'm offended.
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