#jade chaumont
mogranet · 5 months
Red Hood and the Outlaws (The New 52) - Jade Nguyen (Cheshire) (Jade Chaumont) Cosplay
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ambrozians · 5 months
how do you feel about Jade's half brother + will he be showing up in any of your fics ?
whoa, anon, are you in my head or something? i was literally thinking about him last night 😭 luke chaumont has only appeared one time in comics and it’s enough to send me into a late night spiral about jade and her family.
tw / abuse mention, trafficking mention
luke is someone i would love to see brought back into the fold because he opens up a lane where we can start to dig into jade’s story more. in only one appearance there are a few things we can glean about the chaumonts and luke in particular: jade’s family moved to australia after selling her, the chaumonts are wealthy, luke is her older brother, he is a respected (and likely high-ranking) agent in checkmate, and is aware that his sister is cheshire. all of that can be understood in one story and it makes for so much room to explore. it’s also worth noting that luke is clearly white-passing and a man while jade is neither. luke growing up in australia and becoming very successful while his sister was being subjected to multiple forms of abuse is a stark contrast to say the least. his entire life is the exact opposite of jade’s. basically, if you bring luke back into the fray then you can start examining andré and anna more. i really like the idea of all three of them knowing that she’s alive and knowing that she’s cheshire because that makes her a ghost made real. she’s always there, lurking, haunting, (staring back in anna’s case); a reminder that whether it be death or imprisonment, their reckoning is inevitable.
as for including him in my fics, i’ve been trying to figure out how to factor him into structural integrity (which will be published soon) but there’s so much i want to explore within that story since it’s the one that takes place in the “present”, and i have to be careful not to detract from the main point of the story (which is building a home literally and figuratively). so, i don’t think he’ll “physically” appear in that story but don’t be surprised if you see mentions of him because i am itching to write and explore jade’s reaction to lian and roy knowing luke. cause it’s like, her long lost brother has been to her daughter’s birthday parties, and is in a position where he can contact her and he just. hasn’t. crazy.
there is definitely a story idea that has lingered in my brain for quite sometime though where jade takes it upon herself to go find her family and possibly enact some much-needed vengeance (justice, really). something very cathartic, you know? again, jade functioning as the ghost of chaumonts’ past that is very much alive and in a position where her mere existence threatens whatever andré and anna have created in regards to their livelihood now is just too good.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“You can wait to kill each other when this is over.” - Cheshire
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Real Name: Jade Nguyen
Jade Chaumont
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
Poison Specialist
New Earth
Citizenship: Vietnamese
Andre Chaumont; father
Anna Nguyen ; mother
Marital Status: Widowed (Kruen Musenda; husband)
First Appearance: New Teen Titans Annual #2 (August, 1983)
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Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Cheshire excels at hand-to-hand combat, and is proficient in various acrobatic and martial arts skills.
Martial Arts
Acrobatics: Her joints are extremely flexible, making her a skilled acrobat.
Poison Specialist: In addition, she is also an expert on poisons, preferring to douse her fingernails into a vast variety of deadly chemicals.
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Born to a French father and a Vietnamese mother, Jade Nguyen had an unhappy childhood and was sold into slavery. This trauma ultimately drove her insane, and paved her way into becoming one of the world's most ruthless mercenaries.
After killing her master, Jade was informally adopted by Chinese freedom fighter Weng Chan, who taught her all he knew about guerrilla fighting. She acquired knowledge of poisons from Kruen Musenda, a famed African assassin known as the "Spitting Cobra" and to whom she was married for the two years prior to his death.
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Teen Titans
She was a long-standing rival of the superhero team the Teen Titans. However, when Roy Harper, a.k.a. the archer Arsenal, went undercover for the government in a mission to get her confidence and turn her over, the two fell passionately in love. Knowing he would not be able to turn her in, he walked out; Cheshire would not learn his true identity until years later. The result of their romance was a daughter, Lian, whom Roy is raising. Despite her own shortcomings, Jade loves her daughter.
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Deathstroke and Ravens
Returning to her mercenary ways after leaving Lian behind for Roy, Jade saved Deathstroke's life so he could help her in stealing nuclear weapons from Russia in an attempt to blackmail the world. To prove she was not bluffing, she obliterated the Middle Eastern nation of Qurac, reasoning that since Qurac was a stronghold for Muslim terrorists, the Western countries would secretly be grateful. Cheshire's plans were foiled when her base came under attack and she was forced to flee. She later created her own team, The Ravens.
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Cheshire volunteered to join Tartarus, a group created by Vandal Savage with the objective of destroying the Titans. During a confrontation with the Titans and the H.I.V.E, Savage shot Cheshire to distract Arsenal. She recovered, but was taken into custody for her crimes including the devastation of Qurac. Sentenced to life imprisonment, she was broken out by the Ravens. Arsenal, however, forced her back into custody.
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Secret Six
She later escaped custody and became a member of the Secret Six. At this time, she developed a relationship with Thomas Blake, a.k.a. Catman, and became pregnant. She later betrayed the Secret Six to their archenemies, "The Society." However, she was shot and critically wounded by Deathstroke shortly afterwards, who did not think the Society needed traitors like her in their ranks. Though apparently killed, she later resurfaced, living in a mansion in the Himalayan Mountains with her new son. Working with Vandal Savage again, she put out hits on the other members of the Secret Six except for Blake. Taking matters into her own hands, she stabbed The Mad Hatter, who was working with the Six. Her blade was poisoned and she later bartered the antidote to the poison to Catman in exchange for her safety.
She was later sent back to prison, but she received visits from Roy Harper and Lian occasionally. Her incarceration was only temporary however, and Cheshire was soon back out on the streets as a member of the new Injustice League. She was among the villains deported to the prison planet during the events of Salvation Run.
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Brightest Day
Cheshire returned as a member of a small army of villains attempting to collect massive bounties on the heads of the Secret Six. She manages to poison the meals of her targets, but is defeated by Jeannette. Later, Star City is destroyed by Prometheus, and Lian is apparently killed. Jade had joined Deathstroke's new team of Titans and was later seen fighting Atom and kills him. After finding out about her daughter's death; Cheshire attacks Roy, outraged at not keeping Lian safe: injuring him and threatening to do worse as revenge.
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At some point after the death of Lian, Cheshire took a job to assassinate a cult leader, but was unsuccessful. Her target began to pursue her. Slade told her that she had lost her edge after her daughter's death. He offered to take care of her pursuer and help her get her edge back. She accepted membership in Deathstroke's new team of Titans.
Their first assignment was murdering Ryan Choi. She later contacted Roy, forcing him into joining Deathstroke's team so the two of them can kill Deathstroke. Cheshire rationalizes that Roy "owes" her for Lian's death, but while it appears Roy double-crossed her, it is part of Cheshire's plan. Afterward, Deathstroke and his team arrived at South Pacific Island to kill cult leader Drago over the arena production of blind warriors; however, his team, Cheshire, and Roy betray him, revealing that they had been working with Drago. Cheshire and Roy's plan backfired, as Drago never intended to give Cheshire her freedom back. Their attempt to defeat Drago and escape failed miserably. Later, Drago explained to Cheshire that he needs an heir, and she was going to provide him with one. Drago tries to convince Cheshire to succumb to him, but Drago was reading her mind and using her thoughts against her, but she is ultimately rescued by Slade and his Titans. Drago was defeated, Deathstroke allows him to live and the Titans then leave from his island but Cheshire and Roy choose to re-join the Titans. Upon returning to the labyrinth, Deathstroke reveals to them that his proceeding items were used to create a healing machine called "Methuselah Device" for his dying son, Jericho. After healing Jericho, Deathstroke claims the machine can also resurrect the dead, offering Cheshire and Roy the chance to revive Lian. Cheshire accepts, but Roy refuses, tells that he has punishing himself for his daughter's death and that Lian is in a better place. Joined by Tattooed Man and Cinder, Cheshire and Arsenal fought the other Titans to destroy the Methuselah Device.
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Fun Facts
Black Canary once called her "the second most deadly assassin in the world", only topped by Lady Shiva.
Jade routinely poisons her nails.
While on an assassination mission, Cheshire contemplated her relationship with Roy Harper, who was getting in the way of her mission as Speedy. While she decided she should probably kill him, Jade noted that it would be a shame since he was "so, so good" of a lover.
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nekokats · 2 years
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I've just found out Jade had a brother called Luke
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thequiver · 3 years
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[Image ID: a text block that says “What is your opinion on Cheshire? In modern comics, what would you like her relationship with Lian to look like?”]
I love Jade as a character. I think she's really compelling and has a lot of room for growth that goes underutilized. I was gonna include comic panels, but I got lazy, and was just looking forward to ranting so here we go.
I touched on this a little bit here in my answer to my thoughts on DC possibly bringing back Roy/Jade- but something I feel gets ignored or forgotten a lot is just... how traumatic Jade's childhood was. Jade's character was introduced in 1983, the Vietnam war had just ended in 1975, and while French forces officially pulled out of Vietnam in 1954 this does not mean that all the French left. We see this time and again with occupying forces, once the occupation officially ends on paper, there are always those who stay behind. For these reasons I think it's very telling that Jade's parents are a Frenchman and a Vietnamese woman (yes I know that in Birds of Prey: Sensei and Student it was revealed that her biological father is actually a US Senator, but the point still very much stands), there is a reason why Jade chooses to go by her mother's name, Nguyen, as opposed to her "father's", Chaumont. It's very telling that Jade's childhood was not a happy one, and that it was not a happy one even before she was sold into slavery. We don't get many details about her time enslaved, but we do know that the trauma drove her "insane" and that she became free by killing her master. She was then informally adopted by a freedom fighter named Weng Chan, and then at only 16 years old was married to Kruen Musenda (Spitting Cobra) who taught her his poisonous craft- and she killed him two years later. That's a lot to unpack. Jade takes on the mantle of Cheshire not because it's what she wants to be, but because it's what she's had to become, and it's what she's had to embrace being. 
And this trauma in no way absolves her of her sins. She's a terrorist, she's an assassin, she's done horrible things. But she's also experienced terrible things- her character is really set up in such a way that her narrative continues to show these little peeks of vulnerability, ideas of what Jade could be without Cheshire, of a Jade that wants to heal from what was done to her and leave the violence and the pain behind. There is room in her story for growth, and so many of these opportunities for growth come when she lets herself be seen by others instead of disappearing like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Her story is one of finding freedom, and she constantly has to fight for it, but in her bid for freedom she becomes something that others use (in Titans (Volume 2) #34 Drago wants to use her to produce an heir). Jade's story is about having and finding freedom, but her choices often put her in a position where she isn't free, and where she no longer has a choice.
This gets me every time, because it's a glimpse into Jade's mind that we don't often get this clearly, we're not having to read between the lines to see what Jade thinks or feels for once- and here Jade is behind bars and in captivity, and she's thinking of her family- of her time spent loving Roy Harper and with her daughter. I choose to interpret this as being what Jade would choose if she could- but a big part of her character is that she doesn't really know who she is without Cheshire, I think it would be really interesting to give her the chance to explore that on the page more. 
I'm really tired of just seeing posts about her that are like "love my murder wife" or "sexy assassin babe" or like.... literally nothing about her as a character and just focusing on the fact that she's hot. Which she is, but there's a lot more to her character than that, and I think it does her a disservice to only focus on her being a sexy evil lady. I also think that newer comics have strayed away from her backstory which I don't really like, because there are elements of it that you can keep and easily modernize, and parts of it that you can let go of without taking too much away from what makes her Jade. (Also Young Justice really did her dirty and I'm gonna bitch about that forever).
 But onto the second part of this question. What would I want Jade's relationship with Lian to look like? I do like the physically distant but loving thing Jade has going on with Lian, and with modern comics that have modern communication options it would be significantly easier for Jade to keep in contact with Lian from a distance, and I think there's a lot that could be done there. And I've mentioned this also in this response which I've also linked above, that I think Lian being allowed and able to see the good in Jade is very important. I think a big part of what I would like to see, especially from a narrative perspective, is that Lian will receive unfounded judgement because of who her mother is and because she loves her mother, and part of overcoming that I think would have to include Lian questioning Jade about why she became Cheshire and learning that story would be a really good character moment. I don't personally think that Jade (or Roy) would really want Lian learning the details of Jade's trauma until he's in her late teens and can really be at an age where she can understand and process it. But, and again this is from a story telling perspective, I think it would be really poetic and fitting if Lian were to take on the mantle of Cheshire, but as a hero- to take the manifestation of her mother's hurt and rage and to take it on out of love instead, and to use it to prove others wrong, and to showcase lessons she learned from her mother. Lian exists because Jade fell in love, and because Jade is someone a JLA member was able to fall in love with, and for her to combine her father's fighting style with her mother's name and mantle would be a touching and poetic way to sort of showcase their relationship I think. Because Lian and Jade's relationship really is about love- and it's about how love is hard, and fraught, and full of sacrifice. 
Lian and Jade shouldn't have an easy relationship. Lian needs to see the good and the bad in her mother, but from what we've seen on Lian's character, and of the way Roy and Jade interact and their relationship, there will hopefully be attempts at understanding motivations without using that as a way to excuse actions. Lian should be allowed to be angry at her mother for putting her in this position, and for doing horrible things, while also acknowledging that her mother loves her and is good to her and that she loves her mother in return. These emotions can coexist and they make for great story telling, and I really think that if Jade won't find out who she is without Cheshire for herself that she would do it for Lian.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Friends can be Family
For Maribat March 2021, day 19 Prompt Guardian.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng has barely been the Guardian of the Miraculous for a year when she senses a disturbance at Master Fu's old parlor. She didn't realize that going to check on the parlor would lead to her becoming a mother, that going to the parlor would lead to her finding her closest friends.
Let me know if you want to see more of this fic/AU. I had fun writing this and I kind of want to expand on the idea (like so many other things I've written for Maribat March).
Anyways, enjoy~
Marinette Dupain-Cheng had always known that she was destined for greatness. That she was destined for more than just being a baker like her parents, and her destiny started one day shortly before she graduated from Lycée.
Marinette was minding her own business just trying to finish her homework when she felt a jolt go through her. She glanced behind her, her eyes looking for the source of the jolt, and when she found nothing she just went back to her homework. She had several things to finish before she could leave the school but she felt compelled to simply finish the sheet she was working on and pack up to leave. So, that’s what she did. She hurried through what was left on her math worksheet before packing up to leave. She slung her bag over her shoulder after she was sure she had everything secured, picked up her purse where Tikki was still sleeping, and walked out of the library.
Marinette was on her way home when she felt drawn towards Master Fu’s massage parlor so she corrected her course to take her to her former master’s parlor. She would usually avoid going to the parlor since the building itself was filled with nothing but painful memories of happier times, but she knew that something in the parlor was calling to her so she picked up her pace and was practically running.
The moment Marinette stepped into the parlor, there was the tip of a sai at her throat. Her eyes went wide as she took in the situation.
The woman holding the sai was beautiful but looked world-weary as though she had always been looking over her shoulder. She had long black hair and beautiful green eyes but her face was twisted in pain as she let out a groan. The hand not holding the sai to her throat was cradling her abdomen.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked, her eyes scanning the woman for what could be causing her pain.
“Who are you? How did you find this place?” The woman demanded through gritted teeth.
“I’m Marinette, this was my Master’s parlor. I can help you, with the delivery I mean.” Marinette placed a hand on the woman’s arm and hurried to wrap her arm under the woman’s arms to catch her when a wave of pain knocked her legs out from under her.
The woman, who gave only the name “Jade” in response when Marinette asked what to call her, lay atop a futon with several blankets around her. Her brow was covered in sweat but laying against her chest was a healthy baby girl.
“What’ll you name her?” Marinette asked as she collected her tools. “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
“Lian Harper. Lian Marie Harper.” Jade looked at her baby before looking up at Marinette.
Marinette nodded and began to write down the information she’d need to register the birth certificate. “I’m going to need your name, and her father’s, so I can register her as a legal person.”
Jade’s eyes darkened momentarily before pressing a kiss to the top of Lian’s head. “Jade Chaumont. Her father’s name is Roy, Roy Harper.”
Marinette nodded. “I’ll fill out all of the paperwork with the government and then we’ll figure out logistics.”
Marinette stared at Jade in shock. “So, you’re telling me that you have innate magic that resonates at a similar frequency to the Miraculous. And when you discovered you were pregnant you spent months searching for the Guardian of the Miraculous. But when you were unable to find them you decided your best case of action was to find the place with the most concentrated energy from the Box of Miracles and you found the massage parlor. Did I miss anything?”
“Just that I was searching for the Guardian so that my child and I would be safe from our enemies.” Jade turned back to Lian and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’ll take care of her for me, won’t you?”
“Of course. I would rather throw myself on top of a blade than let Lian be hurt. You will always be welcomed back into her life.” Marinette smiled sadly at Jade, Jade had become one of her closest friends in the time Jade had been in Paris. However, the two friends knew that Jade would have to go back to the League of Shadows at some point, or they would track her down and kill whomever she was with.
“Thank you for this.” Jade quickly wrapped Marinette and Lian up in a hug before pulling back and collecting her bag. “This isn’t the last you’ll see of me.”
Marinette moved Lian into her apartment after Jade left Paris, but she always made sure that Lian knew about Jade. They would scarcely see Jade, for their own safety of course, but it was starting to weigh on the pair of friends. However, it would be just after Lian turned three that Jade would pop back into their lives for more than just a handful of stolen moments.
Jade would crash in the massage parlor the first night and when Marinette went to check the next day she would take Jade back to her apartment. Marinette would protect her friend from the League of Shadows, and help her deliver a healthy, beautiful, baby boy.
“Do they have the same father?” Marinette would ask while writing down the information she needed to register the boy.
“No. His father is Thomas Blake, and he’ll be Thomas Blake Jr.” Jade kissed her baby’s forehead. “You’ll take care of him for me when I have to leave, right?”
“Of course.” Marinette pressed a kiss to Jade’s forehead and knew she would help her friend however she needed to.
Jade’s visits became more sporadic after the birth of Tommy, but Jade left the phone number of Lian’s father with Marinette for just in case of emergencies.
Marinette woke up one day and just felt off. She whispered with Fluff about precautions she should take. So, just before the force of the aura of the Lazarus Pits crashed over her, she asked Fluff to open the Burrow and stashed her children within its safety because she knew Fluff would be able to keep them safe.
“Tikki, spots on.” Marinette uttered barely above a whisper. She blinked and suddenly she was Ladybug, heroine of Paris.
Her suit had changed since her debut, and it had changed drastically. The base of it was a dark red kimono with a long red haori over it covered in black polka dots with visible black armor covering her chest, waist and shoulders. The lower half of her face was covered by a face veil while her eyes were simply obscured by black face paint.
Ladybug scoured the area, looking for the threat, before letting out a puff of air. She had barely gotten the first syllable of “Tikki” out when she was suddenly blinded.
Lady Shiva stood over her as she laid on the ground in pain. Lady Shiva scoffed before kicking Ladybug in the gut. “Pathetic.”
Lady Shiva turned and left the apartment, but Ladybug didn’t drop her transformation until she stopped feeling her aura.
“Tikki, spots off,” Marinette cried and felt her friend sink down into her outstretched hands. “Tikki, I’m so sorry.”
Marinette packed up their stuff, knowing that her apartment was no longer safe for her and her kids. She was waiting for Roy to pick up as she balanced her phone between her ear and her shoulder.
“Who is this and how did you get this number?” A man who Marinette assumed was Roy growled as soon as the call connected.
“I’m sorry, I’m looking for Roy Harper?”
“Why’re you looking for my boyfriend?” The same man continued to growl before Marinette heard a second man’s voice come from the background.
“Jason? Who’re you talking to?” The other man’s voice was thick with sleep and Marinette could only hope the other man was Roy.
“I’m sorry, I just really need to talk to Roy Harper. I was given this number by Jade Chaumont to only use in case of emergencies. I was just attacked by Lady Shiva and I need to disappear. I was hoping he would be able to help me and my children.” Marinette hoped the men were who she thought they were.
“How do you know Cheshire?” The second man asked, his voice turning hard with anger.
“I helped her deliver her children. Lian Marie Harper and Tommy Andre Blake. Please, I need to know I have a place to go after I leave my apartment.” Marinette moved to Lian’s room to begin packing her clothes into a bag.
“Lian, Harper?” The second man, the man Marinette was hoping was Roy, whispered to himself. “Is she, is she mine?”
“Legally, according to the country of Paris her birth parents are Jade Chaumont and Roy Harper but I adopted Lian soon after Jade left her in my custody. I did the same for her little half-brother.” Marinette took the bag with her to Tommy’s room and packed him some clothes. “I just, is this or is this not Roy Harper?”
“Yes. Yes I’m Roy, Roy Harper.” Roy’s voice rose an octave, his joy clear in his tone. “Cheshire told me that we had a daughter but I never believed her.”
Roy, Jason, and Kor’i met Marinette, Lian, and Tommy at the airport. Roy and Jason were holding their bags while Marinette passed Tommy to Kor’i so she could more easily guide Lian through the crowd and securely hold her carry-on which held the Box of Miracles.
“Where are we staying while here?” Marinette clutched Lian’s hand as she spoke to the men who were escorting them out of the airport.
“Technically, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Lian Dupain-Cheng, and Thomas Dupain-Cheng are staying with an estranged relative of the elder Ms. Dupain-Cheng.” Jason muttered while keeping his eyes peeled for danger. “We’ll stash you somewhere safe where the League won’t dare try to retrieve you from.”
Jason ushered Marinette and her kids into the car they’d brought with them to pick them up. Jason waited for Kor’i to get into the backseat before he closed the door and got into the driver’s seat. Roy got into the passenger’s seat and made eye contact with Lian in the rearview mirror.
“So, Lian, how old are you?” Roy asked his daughter.
Lian held up six fingers with a grin, displaying a missing tooth. “I’m this many! And Tommy’s this many!” Lian put down three of her fingers and giggled.
Jason, Roy, and Kor’i helped Marinette get the kids out of the car and helped them into the manor.
“My grandfather will help you set up new identities.” Jason said after he closed the doors behind him. “We’ll set you up in one of the ground floor rooms so you don’t have to remember the floor plan of more than one floor while you’re getting settled.”
“Thank you. So much for all you’ve done.”
Marinette, Lian, and Tommy Dupain-Cheng became Martha, Auriane, and Remi Hensley after a day of filling out paperwork. Martha traded her earrings for a thin, open ended, rose gold ouroboros bracelet, and agreed to let her kids eventually wield a Miraculous.
Martha debuted as Vipère shortly after learning that the Waynes, the family she had somehow found herself adopted into, were the Bat Family. Vipère was mostly seen accompanying Red Hood and Arsenal but was also seen following Nightwing and Starfire on occasion.
If Vipère occasionally had shadows of her own, then no one aside from the family needed to know that they were her kids.
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oliviadesme-blog · 5 years
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he sat beside me and all I remember is strawberry blond hair the way sun hit freckles on an antiquated playground white skin, brown eyes masking tape on carpet head on the ground to sleep this, the first boy that caught my eye • the time I learned how to make calendar O’s October, Jack-o-lanterns the plaid he wore with overly gelled hair (it was the 80’s). a dark brown painted beard teen werewolf, baby cub I still remember his name, Brandon • and we’re whispering through pines and timelines, I still don’t like bananas maybe he held my hand without thinking it would be “too much” days before life made us all jaded but I think of this whenever I feel too jaded, and this is my return to innocence (at Parc des buttes Chaumont) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByoaElplzCk/?igshid=1hojoxqi99m1s
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earth489 · 3 years
Earth 489: Andrea Chaumont
Current Timeline
Andrea Anna Chaumont is the daughter of Ophelia Chaumont and a man named Mark Ross and the granddaughter of Anna Nguyen and Andre Chaumont. Her father died before she was born and her mother spent the next seven years taking care of her daughter alone. That is, until, she was murdered by assassins. Now an orphan, Andrea ran away, escaping the assassins. Andrea spent the next few years on the streets, going by the nickname Shoes. When she was 13, Andrea was kidnapped by the very same assassins who murdered her mother, intending to finish the job. However, Andrea was rescued by Tigress and Cheshire, visiting Gotham for reasons unknown. Andrea took a particular liking to Cheshire, idolizing her, despite the red flags. The two sisters took Andrea to Bruce Wayne and his wife, Selina Kyle, figuring she was best left with the two billionaires. Although Andrea declined their offer to be their daughter, she did accept Selina's later offer to join with her ward, Holly Robinson, in Park Row. Modeling her costume after one of her saviors, Andrea now goes by Cheshire Cat, patrolling the streets alongside Holly, the latest Catwoman, Carrie Kelley, an orphan who calls herself Stray, and Kitrina Falcone, Selina's adopted daughter and the eldest of Catwoman's sidekicks known as Kittyhawk.
Future Timeline
Andrea tracked down her savior and offered herself as a ward to the former villain. Jade, despite her reservations, agreed and trained the girl. Eventually, Andrea became the next Cheshire, working with the Justice League and various other heroic organizations.
So I planned to adapt Shoes when she was first introduced, but I had no plan for her or anything. That was, until, she was revealed to be Lian Harper, alive and well (aside from a slight case of total amnesia). That didn't exactly work well with my plans for Lian, so I expanded the Nguyen family. Paula Nguyen (Cheshire's mom in Young Justice) now has a sister, Anna Nguyen (Cheshire's mom in the comics). Anna married a man named Andre Chaumont and they had two kids, Luke and Ophelia. Ophelia got with a man named Mark Ross, but he died before their daughter was born (as mentioned above), and Ophelia named the girl Andrea Anna Chaumont, after both her parents. So yes, now Lian Harper, Tommy Blake Jr, and Isabelle Mahkent (also Irey & Jai West, but they already have one in canon) have a second cousin.
Her father, Mark Ross, was named after the writer and artist for Lian Harper in Kingdom Come, Mark Waid and Alex Ross.
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ambrozians · 1 day
jade’s entire life is violence. violence, violence, violence. she was born because of it, molded because of it. a heavy hand is more familiar to her than a gentle one. she’s so good at it. it disgusts her. she didn’t ask for any of it but she’s still here in spite because of it. all she really wants is to be free of it all, but violence means survival. how do you unlearn that? how do you contend with a life where violence is normal and love is so much rarer than the stone she’s named after?
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ambrozians · 5 months
it just occurred to me that, iirc, the only time we see anyone use jade’s full name on-panel is when roy goes to rescue her brother and he refers to her as jade chaumont, not nguyen. naturally that leaves me with more questions than answers but that implies that she was going by chaumont when they met and now i’m going to start spiraling 👍🏾
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ambrozians · 15 days
wrt jade’s family, i think i’m pretty set on the idea that she finds out the truth about + existence of her family sometime in her adult life. the answer to the question of "how did i get here?" doesn’t come until some years after lian is born. more than likely, learning about luke would have prompted her to investigate and the findings that investigation yielded is what leads to her taking her mother’s maiden name instead of carrying on as "jade chaumont."
tbqh, i wish i could pinpoint when she made that decision because i do find it significant that, if i’m not mistaken, the first time she is addressed by her full name, she is using chaumont rather than nguyen. i think i’ve talked about this before so i won’t risk sounding like a broken record but something had to be discovered, experienced, desired, or otherwise for her to choose to change her name, and i don’t believe the reason is necessarily work (cheshire) related.
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ambrozians · 3 months
brief list of wips that are on the way :)
to be an organ and a blade — the first (chronological) installment of the cat and the coyote series. it’s essentially a "cheshire: origins" story that details her childhood and the creation of cheshire.
hotel crashers — that one time the arrowfam accidentally crashed jade’s annual birthday trip. inspired by a modern family episode.
ma đói — the haunting of the chaumont family, except the "ghost" is very real and a very good assassin. three-part story with the povs of luke chaumont, anna nguyen, and jade.
the harder they fall — set after the bg3 epilogue. god!gale comes to ask for tav (ambrozia) to be his chosen, she makes a last ditch effort to convince him that mortal gale was always enough.
there are some more ideas that i have that i just haven’t titled yet and probably won’t until i finish them, but some of those are: the D&D au with jaderoy & dickkory, sen. pullman story retold, the backstory for my tiefling tav cain, and a story that reveals the parallels between the titans’ childhood and jade’s.
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ambrozians · 3 months
shoutout to the luke chaumont anon from a month or so ago, a fic is now being written involving jade, luke, and their shitty parents
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ambrozians · 5 months
still having very insane thoughts about the chaumonts so i need them to be written back into canon like now so jade being ghost of chaumonts’ past can be a real thing
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