#ive been accidentally really cryptic and suspenseful in all my answers today 🤦‍♀️
toribookworm22 · 10 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday, Tori!
What counts as supernatural in your setting? How common are supernatural phenomena? Would an average citizen ever witness one?
Hey, Sam! Thanks for the ask, love!
Pulling from The Animatronic Saga:
Supernatural events would be much the same as ones today. Ghosts, hauntings, creepy things happening for no discernable reason, etc. I think the biggest difference is that most people on Earth no longer believe in that stuff. They've become very scientific in the past few centuries and so most supernatural things are quickly debunked, thrown out as false, never believed in the first place.
And they're right. There are no supernatural events happening on Earth.
But even though occurrences on Adenrore are no more common, the people there react with much more caution and belief. Because the planet was inhabited before humans from Earth started traveling there. Who knows what lingers?
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