#itv passenger
vampirekilmerfic · 3 months
Barry Sloane in ITV's new show "Passenger".
Thanks to arzgior for the amazing video edit.
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valkyri · 3 months
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I am so ready to become unhinged about this guy
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lanasgirlfr · 2 months
i need him
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pfhwrittes · 16 days
just dropping this snippet for wip wednesday (because i haven't forgotten). i'm still on my eddie wells x female!reader kick for now.
“‘m goin’ upstairs.” your voice is a weak, reedy thing, an echo from half a decade ago. the words are the same but the tone has changed, gone is the defensive edge but the urge to flee your mother’s probing gaze remains. another echo. 
you thunder up the stairs nearly tripping in your haste and throw yourself onto your bed fully dressed. your heavy coat bunches uncomfortably in the middle of your back and you stare sightlessly at the cracks in the textured ceiling of your bedroom as you allow yourself to remember exactly how you got into this mess in the first place.
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samuelroukin · 2 months
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BARRY SLOANE as Eddie Wells in PASSENGER (2024 — ) Episode 1.04
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morsesnotes · 1 month
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Endeavour Morse + crouching
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fanartist666 · 2 months
Idk if passenger is really a thing on here or if Barry Sloane gets any love on this app BUT I literally adore that show already.
Passenger. Oh my fucking GOD. I've watched it so many times. Eddie Wells has altered my brain chemistry. The tears I shed over that sweet, beautiful man.
The way he didn't even remember doing it, but thought he must have done because he was told he did, because everyone else was so fucking sure he'd done it, he believed them. He was branded evil, a monster, a freak, and probably everything else under the sun for something he didn't even remember doing. The guilt he felt. The staggering loneliness in those five years. It isn't discussed but I bet you any money his family didn't go and visit him once. In five fucking years. (I do understand why, I totally understand Joanne, Katie and Lily's motivations but that doesn't make it hurt Eddie any less)
Then he got out, and all he wanted was to be a part of his own family again. He wanted to be a husband and father again. He missed his little girls, he missed his wife. He missed his home.
And what did he find, what was his open and welcoming heart met with? Coldness, tension, conflict. His family is everything to him, and they didn't want anything to do with him. He wanted to bring Joanne a sandwich to her work, just to be nice, and she asked when he was leaving. Later his eldest daughter nearly threw boiling coffee in his face, his little girl, ready to cause him serious harm. A few days after Lily asks if she can tell him a secret.
He looked so delighted to be trusted with one. To be let back in just a little by the baby of his family, his darling baby girl. And she tells him "I wish you were dead." The TEARS I SHED when he looked up at her and visibly broke. (Barry Sloane is fucking slept on as an actor i swear to god, he is literally incredible). You could see something die in his eyes. The resolve when he stood up.
He went to end his life in the icy lake. 'This is what monsters deserve'. And who saved his life? But Jim, his 'victim'. Jim pulled him from a terrible death.
Because he was owed an answer.
Because Eddie was the beast that attacked him for no reason. Because Eddie was evil and did an evil thing, and Jim wanted to know why.
And then it turned out he was fucking innocent.
The whole time, HE DIDN'T FUCKING DO IT. 5 years in prison, in a 6x8 shoebox. For a crime he didn't even commit.
If you've read this far, do you get why he's changed my brain chemistry forever? He was pushed away, shunned, got himself beaten up, nearly killed himself over something he didn't fucking do.
Eddie was broken by the people of Chadder Vale. Even his own family. And none of it was his fault. 5 years stolen from him, his relationship with his family stolen from him, his reputation stolen from him, his life stolen from him.
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I'm sobbing all over again. Don't even get me started on the 'it felt real, no?' When Joanne rejected his affection so harshly, because my boy was fucking devastated. (Again. I can empathise with her, I do get it, I do understand her point of view. Eddie has just messed my brain up and I adore him.)
Sincerely, I love him. Thank you Barry for him. I'm going to sob in my corner and think about giving Eddie a hug until there's a season 2.
I am never going to be the same.
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swallowedabug · 2 months
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WUNMI MOSAKU as Riya Ajunwa | Season 1 of PASSENGER (2024-)
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upthelagan · 6 months
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Endeavour. Passenger.
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abnormal-vacuum · 2 months
okay not that anyone really asked here’s my full review of the passenger series from itv. obviously spoilers under the cut.
i went into this series with pretty low expectations seeing the general reviews of it on google, but the further i got into the first few episodes of the series the more excited i got. i was really enjoying it! i thought it was shot really well and the colors were very appealing. lots of bold, warm oranges, reds and blues. overall i think the visual aspects are done incredibly well. everyone’s acting in it is great, too, something i didn’t expect. the banter is fun and gets you interested / attached to the characters as well as makes them feel real, like someone you’d meet in your day to day life. i like that a lot.
i’m a big fan of the ‘small town, big secrets’ trope, and no matter how many times its been done before i still eat it up every single time. every single person in that town has their own baggage and something that makes them the monster of chaddervale. i would have loved to see everyone realizing / being told that eddie really didn’t attack jim. we (both us as the audience and them as the characters) didn’t get enough time to settle down and think about that. all we got was a scene with eddies wife, joanne, saying something about revenge. that’s pretty much it.
there are so many plot points in this series, most of which i’m interested in, that are established in only 6 episodes, most of which go unanswered. does it leave for a good cliffhanger? no. it doesn’t. it leaves for a frustrating, unsatisfying watch with so much potential its almost painful. and you know, maybe, just maybe i could forgive this if the big reveal of the series wasn’t so stupid. my opinion on this is definitely skewed due to personal taste but i think only a bit. instead of following along the plot of the ‘curse’ or even a cryptid they instead went the route of some black web company doing experiments on anxiety riddled screen addicted youth? that feels like such a unearned, unteased ending. that’s not what i came to that series for. it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t make sense. the previous episodes and the twist don’t fit together. just because something is unexpected doesn’t mean its a good twist. i understand that so many stories have been told before and people want to create something that’s new and unique. but i just don’t think this was the way to go about it. and like i understand the commentary about young people being lonely and spending too much time on their phones but haven’t we had enough media about that? like at this point you’re saying something that’s been said time and time again without adding anything of value. sorry.
i’m being a bit harsh. maybe i would have enjoyed this twist more if it didn’t feel so rushed. six episodes isn’t a lot for a mystery series. you need more time to establish things, to build up tension and intrigue. they’re only given a certain amount of episodes and they just have to make do. i empathize with them, its the plight of modern shows. gone are filler episodes and month long runs. but i still feel as if there could have been a much better job done with the story— twist aside. like i’m still confused on if the 6th episode was the end of season 1. because it really didn’t. it wasn’t like a fun cheeky little cliffhanger, it was just a gaping hole left.
here comes the part where i throw what i would have done with the series at you. they’re a bit silly, yes, but i think they’re more… in line with the series than what actually happened.
i would have maybe done that there’s an underground worldwide cryptid / monster smuggling ring that takes them to be expirmented on or even used as weapons and maybe the bread factory was involved in it and due to negligence one not native to the area! thats why its being violent because its in an environment its not used to and its scared because everything seems hostile to it. maybe the monster could be friendly as a fun twist! that could also be a parallel to eddie who’s in a new environment where everyone hates him and he’s also not really a monster.
another thing that they could have done is maybe people are being turned into werewolves by that company! they’re trying to make super soldiers and they’re kidnapping young people to experiment on them and see what happens and if they can fit into normal society. this could also go into the whole “everyone is the monster of chaddervale” thing i was discussing before.
or!! it could be an alien show!! maybe people are being abducted by aliens and that’s what’s wrong with them!! i don’t know!!
in conclusion i did enjoy this show despite all of the harsh things i said above i just wished it was better. i honestly do recommend watching it if you enjoy mystery shows and aren’t upset by bad writing or whatever. i hope it gets a season 2 and i hope all of the plot points are resolved. so. whatever. needed to get this out of my system.
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
City of Death
While taking in the sights of Paris in 1979, the Fourth Doctor and Romana sense that someone is tampering with time. Who is the mysterious Count Scarlioni? Why does he seem to have counterparts scattered through time? And just how many copies of the Mona Lisa did Leonardo da Vinci paint?
even if your not a classic who fan, you have seen moments from this, “wonderful butler, he’s so violent”, “youre a beautiful woman, probably”, “if you wanted an omelette I’d expect to find a pile of broken crockery, a cooker in flames, and an unconscious chef”. The location shooting, iconic, the music, iconic, the plot, so iconic I was once watching something (non doctor who) that referenced it as a fake historical event. Dare I say duggan is the greatest side character of all time. Romana’s outfit, the design of scaroth, the implication time lords can fly. it’s not my favourite overall, but its damn near close, it deserves AT LEAST the semi finals, AT LEAST. If you’ve not seen it or any classic who, go watch it, its so good, one of the best of the era. Also, how could I forget, the most watched episode on broadcast out of all of doctor who, including new who. (yes it was because itv was off the air due to strikes, but im glad its this episode that holds the record) (anonymous)
The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble go to the leisure planet of Midnight for a simple, relaxing holiday. However, life with the Doctor can never be that simple, and things go horribly wrong for the Doctor when he decides to go off on a bus trip to see the Sapphire Waterfall, starting with the bus shutting down. When a mysterious entity infiltrates the shuttle bus, no one is to be trusted. Not even the Doctor himself...
Midnight is amazing. So thrilling. The monster was human fear and it cost the life of two innocent women. (plus two men on accident, well, more or less) And we never know what the midnight entity was. Perfect. My absolute favourite episode. The best thing is that it tricks you into liking the passengers before it slowly, slowly turns that into horror of what they're capable of. Chills every time. (Plus it's totally what inspired among us if you ask me) (anonymous)
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valkyri · 3 months
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The audacity of this man to look so good with tattoos 🙄
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glennk56 · 3 months
William Hootkins in the 1980s (2 of 5)
In 1983 William Hootkins guest-starred on 3 American network TV shows. They were Taxi, Cagney & Lacey and Remington Steele.
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In this Remington Steele episode, William Hootkins and Stephanie Zimbalist played it for laughs as Hootkins portrayed his drunken, horny man.
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He also appeared in an episode of Philip Marlowe, Private Eye which was a collaboration of UK, Canada and US production and ran on UK's ITV and HBO in 1983.
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Later in the year he appeared in Curse of the Pink Panther. Ted Wass played an American bumbling detective in search of Clouseau. Hootkins played the same cab driver as he did in Trail of the Pink Panther. This time his passenger was Wass and his cab was actively being fired upon.
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Hootkins also appears in the premiere episode of 1983 UK Agatha Christie whodunit mini-series Partners in Crime.
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William Hootkins was in British Comedy-Drama movie Water with Michael Caine in January 1985.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
Prince William will meet Windrush passengers in a new documentary to mark the 75th anniversary of Empire Windrush's arrival in the UK.
The Prince of Wales will join celebrities including newsreader Sir Trevor McDonald, Mel B, Alesha Dixon and comedian Judi Love to meet members of the Windrush generation and hear their inspirational life stories for the ITV documentary.
Each will meet people from the Windrush generation and hear their stories to provide a powerful and eye-opening insight into the experiences of a community of more than 500,000 who arrived in Britain between 1948 and 1971 initially to work in the NHS and on transport networks.
Contributors will also be invited to the Pride Of Britain Awards in October where they will accept a special award on behalf of others in the Windrush generation.
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One of the contributors is Alford Gardner, a 97-year-old, who moved to the UK from Jamaica when he was 22 in 1948.
Filmed across the UK and produced by Multistory Media [part of ITV Studios], the 1x60 film, the Windrush Generation, will bring together stories that celebrate their contributions to British life and culture, as well as shedding light on the reality of the struggle many faced to gain citizenship despite having lived and paid taxes in the UK for many years as a result of what became known as the Windrush scandal.
The film is being made in association with Pride of Britain and the Daily Mirror. It is commissioned for ITV by Nicola Lloyd, Factual Commissioning Editor and Sue Murphy, Head of Factual Entertainment.
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andrew-buchan-fansite · 4 months
First look at Andrew's comedy horror Passenger!
Synopsis: Riya (Wunmi Mosaku) arrived in the quiet town of Chadder Vale five years ago and has since been searching for something, anything that will make her feel alive again. Then one night local girl Katie Wells (Rowan Robinson) mysteriously disappears. The town barely has time to register her absence before she reappears the next day, apparently safe and sound. The townsfolk ask few questions and normal life resumes. But for Riya, a relative outsider to the Chadder Vale way of life, none of this sits right. As a series of strange happenings and increasingly shocking crimes start unfolding within the town, the resident’s resort to short-sighted theories and blame outside influences such as the fracking site and its manager Jim Bracknell (David Threlfall). As things become stranger, Riya fights hard to convince the villagers that all is not as it seems. But what are they so afraid of?
Passenger, created by Andrew Buchan, lands on ITVX and Britbox in March, and will also air on ITV 1.
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morsesnotes · 7 months
One more point about this scene, and then I promise I'll shut up about it, lol. I just want to highlight what Shaun Evans does with his voice here. It's so different to Coda, Lazaretto, and Harvest where he's super nervous and stumbling. He's confident, actually demands "you come here", and goes into a flirty mode he hasn't really tried with Joan other than a couple little moments in S2. He was a man with a plan, and I think if she'd walked over he would've gone for it.
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