#its the 1am devil talking in my ear
heartfils · 5 months
ngl sometimes i wanna write qi rong again.... insufferable stinky man.......
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randomkposts · 1 year
Im probably going to finish watch SMT imagine tonight. A seven hour movie.
For Law. Snakeman raising probably reincarnated Azura to be a better devil buster then protag is kind of cute. Snakeman just wants to be dad, let him be dad.
Im probably missing a lot of the fine details of this game, but given searching the internet has not given me the details of a neutral ending, I can live with watching this as my main interaction with it.
If you feel I need more info though, feel free to info dump to me about it in notes or reblogs.
Chaos so far seems to be a bunch of NPCs not Gaian aligned telling you that you fucked the future and brought strife and despair? Regardless of dead or alive status. As protag stares off into the bleading sky?
Is protag Lucifiers other half of the soul, or is something else going on? Reincarnation is def mentioned. No wait, egyptain gids. So set?
"It will not be long before we meet again" guess protag is going to die soon?
Time for side A land of the begining, which kicks off with Snakeman giving some useful advice, that he probably should have done sooner.
So far its a missing persons case with no solid name.
I have to wonder, what is the vending machine incident this DB owes snakeman for? Translation or misinfromation? I thpought the missing DB used male pronouns?
Sorcerers can bind demons without comps.
Is that a diffrent direction for magic, or does Raidou count as one?
Oh contained them in the human body. Like a pact? Like Rei Reiho and Hitomi/ Nemissa?
Nope, I should read the whole thing before speculating. Apparantly the sorcerer manipulated the demons with the bodies.
Like puppets?
Is this lore that will come into effect, or just rumor bait?
Anyway, so three COMPS are collected in varried state of useable, and the DB is assumed Dead. Now to get into home ii, protag talks to, and then teams up with white haired feline (?) ears suit guy
Who is being tormented by a old, possibly reincarnated family friend? Whatever, hes not responsible for protags possible drowning. He'll just play with the goat. Yah you do that budda
Ok. Was not sure what to expect, but it was not zombie tutorial devil buster lady. Er, DB. Kuroe.
"Have to protect. Don't forget"
The mind numbing terror of losing your mind to becoming an abomination.
To hold her hand? Or ease her suffering?
Well this is a zombie scenario, but she is lucid . . .
Oh. Human exparaments. Joy. Looks like the sorcerer is relevent, reincarnating, and nammed Douman. Since Heian times apparantly.
Who teamed up with Ogami
Tumblr media
He wants timo reseruct seth. Oh yah, the law ending was kill the demon baby? I think?
Ok, suit ears is called Hiruki. Who has a family legacy of prison breaking methods. Surely he can destory Doumons barriers.
Wards. Whatevs.
But first he needs the catalyst. Gems. Sounding like the OG. Mitsudama?
No situation is too urgent for a fetch quest I guess.
But by the time its done the cosmic egg is broken. Whateves lets go
"After a thousand years the evil battle will be settled"
"The future of my descendents are in your hands." Odd proposal, but sure whynot, ill ship it. Its 1am.
"The great power will eat my soul, and be reborn and I will be reborn as the messiah" you sure you did your research there Doumon?
Yah, dragon Set destroyed the fool.
Hey combat! I've missed combat in this movie, its usually pretty short in this one, but combat music is always great and now I get to listen. And wipe the stove off.
Its nice to move around and take a break from the movie eith the sound of combat music.
So hetrochromic lady I forgot to mention comes in and grabs Sets orband says hes just a copy of the blade of god. Oh ok. Its Louise Cypher, dressed like a secratary. I thought you looked familar. Guess it was you doing the battle comentary as well as giving the code.
The power of satans other half? I thought. Oh whatever. Lucifer is always looking to hire. Funny how I finished Nocturne before 2.
Any other pre SMT 2 games I should know about?
And so Louise Cypher exits stage down, through the pentagram
Time to report, and wonder what possible good Seth would be as a military resource? Guess equivalent to a nuke.
Time to talk to Dilagent Judah, who has apparantly been stalking Protag.
And is talking about soul quality.
And here the idea of creating a savior is born. Doumon was the original intended messiah???
And now Judah wants protag to repent and convert. Buffie is chaos this urn, so nope.
And it seems it will end with reporting to snakeman. Fitting. Kuroe has been avenged.
Snakeman takes a diffrent vibe from earlier. And says his (maybe) catchphrase .
"Show me your guts"
Thats a wrap, unless more is translated and posted, I guess.
It is 1:55 am. I should crash
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solasulad · 5 years
Devil December 2018.
Well hello. 
How are you? 
Still doing the same things i see huh?
Guess new year never really changed me anyways.
Well.. A recap of whats been going on.. Ive been meaning to write just my nails was long as fuck and my phone still broken. :(
So.. About the cousin.. 
We been hanging out all of December. The Monday in the previous post, i texted him Tuesday and we met up around 7pm in my area. He wanted to smoke and i don't really smoke but i was like alright. He came by my area, we parked up near by and sparked the spliff. I took two pulls and called it a quit.
Before even smoking as he's rolling he was asking me about relationships. And i told him that the guys i know i don't see myself getting along with like that cause i know what i want. So then.. I asked him the same question he asked me. He then said that he's been meaning to tell me that he has a girlfriend but shes in the us. And that they kicked it off just before he came to the city so he's in a long distance relationship. I was like wow damn. If i knew i wouldn't have entertained any of that. He says its whatever and that topic just dies down. We go outside for the smoke and then as he's smoking I'm already high at this point. He tries to come in for a kiss and i back him off telling him to respect his girl. He's like you right and thats that. 
We get food and go back into the car now we both high just chilling in the cold.. 
We both in the car high as fuck and i ask him about his girl. He tells me they been together for 9 months now and that they got into a relationship before he left the states. Said they fell for each other heavy and feelings got involved, did trips together became inseparable at one point. That he tried to call a quite two times cause of the long distance but she told him to push through, she's even supposed to come to the city in jan he told me. He even told me she came to the city during the summer to come see him and that shit picked up like nothing was wrong, also that her parents are saying why you stressing over a guy not in the city to look for one local. Some shit like that. Just hurting my whole heart when he told me that. I was sad tbh. But i didn't show it. 
He plays some music and it sounded so good and different I'm relaxed just chilling in the passenger seat. I take the aux and play summer hill girls need love and start jamming to it. He laughs then i play Syd bad dream/no looking back. The whole song sounds so good to me he turns the volume up and I'm just dumb fucked at this point just the whole songs about fucking with no emotion knowing that if they fall for each other it would be over. 
So before the song can even get to the first chorus he's in my ear looking at me. Then i turn over facing him and we start making out. Whole 5 minutes of the song making out. While the backgrounds saying “We only kiss when we fucking cause we don't get to attached cause if this turns into something we know theres no looking back”
While  kissing the song changes and he stops it, we continue for a bit and then i pull back as he reaches for my pants. I say no. this isn't right, he sets back and just looks lost. So i try to contain myself and somehow we end up kissing again, i tell him that if he has a girl he should respect that and we just stop. I drive him to the station, he tells me his friends throwing a airbnb party next week friday and that i should come. I tell him i’ll see most likely not cause its just too awkward but whatever happens happens. 
I go home sad as fuck. just thinking about what happened that he has a girl friend and that I'm the side chick in his life. To make myself feel better i list all the flaws of him making him seem less than what he is. underage, not the same religion, weed head, not the same background.. ETC list went on that night.
Next morning he sends me funny memes on insta and we just end up picking the convo back. 
Second Week of December 14th. 
He messages me to come to the airbnb thing, i think i ask him about his girlfriend and he says he’ll tell me in person.. So.. thinking, there might have been something serious i end up going. We talk that whole week, like we something and actually plan to fuck.. Him having a whole mother fucking girl friend doesnt even come into picture. He sends me the address i leave work go home shower and head over. We meet for 7, i get there and we go straight at it. He comes, i come we both come as his friend comes. 
Me, him and his friend all chilling smoking outside on the balcony then i bring up his girl, he tells me that same story like he doesnt know why he's in a relationship, that she won't call him cause she pissed at him or something. And I'm just looking at him like wow okay. Trying to hold back my emotions cause that actually hurt but also trying to give advice and make him feel good.
Now i had no intention of staying the night let alone past 2am but i ended up staying till 5am.. smh...
But that whole night felt like we was a couple. We held hands, danced, smoked together, kissed everywhere and anywhere, went out the club to another see another function and got compliments left and right from random people on the streets. It felt good that night. Felt like a dream.. looking at 23 years of being alone and single to have a guy treat me like his girl felt good. to guide me in the streets and take his jacket off for me felt good. Felt like a dream...
we finish off at the club get some food from 7/11 head back to the airbnb and he's still talking about how he wants to fuck.. I tell him no your buddies here not gonna do that.. Then, as he's walking me to the elevator, we start making out. he goes for my pants once again my weak spot. finger fucks me right there in the hallway, then we take it to the stairwell, he tries to get me naked below and i stop him. I tell him no not here not like this you sicko. 
I wait for my uber downstairs with him and we just continue to make out until i call him out again for having a girl. He stops says he’ll see me soon i get in the uber and thats that. 
Monday December 17th 
We continue to text/insta message each other through the third week of December he asks what I'm doing monday night after work i say nothing and we end up going to shisha and just hanging out pretty much. I try not to kiss him and succeeded until i came home and said i should've kissed him. SMH.
we stay cool he texting and snapchating each other, i think we even started sending nudes at this point. 
Friday of that same week ^ He asks what I'm doing after work again.. I say nothing we go out to the movies this time.. We watch creed like i never seen it before but hey MICHAEL B JORDAN CAN GET IT ANYTIME BABE.
We get high before going into the theatre, we make out once again like we a couple, holding hands and shit, we went to the mall near by my area so i was kinda shook if i bumped into someone with him -_- but we watch the movie then when its time to go, i start the car we chill for a bit then make out some more getting it heated, we go to an isolated area and fuck once again.. LIKE FUCKING ANIMALS WE FUCKING ON GODT!
its now like 1am and i have a 12 hour shift in the morning, i send him off dropping him off at his place and head home for bed. 
Thursday December 27th 
I guess we spoke about hanging out Thursday night cause apparently these texts I'm reading said we met up damn..
But so from my understanding now, i told my mom i was going to buy a bag, she needed me to get her car keys and i ended up taking the keys with me and going out to see him at his area. I pull up, he has his shits rolled, he go to a park near by and he smokes, i smoke his cigg and we make out I'm all dumb cause i pressed the gas while making out making the car sound off.. We get over to his area and he's tryna do more than just hanging.. We pull up at a sketchy ass parking spot that can be seen through miles and he tries to finger fuck me.. I'm screaming cause i didn't give him head or anything, he was dumb horny, and i was so scared. I get a call from my mom like an hour later her cussing me out asking where i went talking about she needs the keys and i had to cut it quick. I told him if anything tomorrow after work he's like cool we end off again with kisses like we in a fucking relationship -_-
Friday December 28th.
We still texting/memes at this point again...
He messages me asking what I'm doing after work i say nothing so asks if i wanna chill go to the mall or something. I wasn't really tryna go cause i was tried flopped on him the day before thinking we spending to much time together.. But i already had the idea set.. He comes to my area we fuck and he goes. But this nigger likes to talk, likes to just fucking talk for days.. So. 
He comes by after work, i sneak out the house cause my moms out already, didn't want her coming home while i was gone plus she was and at me from the night before, we link up we fuck and i drop him off at the station. Bam! thats how it should be done. Sex was good not gonna lie but i was just paranoid that whole night. Cause homie wants to just chat his mouth off and I'm not tryna get in trouble with my mom for just leaving the house like that damn... son...
We get into holidays and my work places empty whole cities quite cause of the holidays besides the partying, but he invites me out for new years telling me he told abel about us and that i shouldn't worry lol NO imma worry. 
But i flop on him cause i was working new years eve and new years morning, he says its cool if he sees me new years day and I'm like yah sure.. but what we gonna do cause my pussy needs a break buddy. 
- New year same me bish.. 
Now Jan 1st 
He messages me once again, like i guess we really kicked and vibed but I'm nonchalant towards him not really tryna seem thirsty either. After all those ass snaps and twerking video i sent him i was a different person in real life. 
He asks to see me after work, I'm cool with it, told him downtown cause I'm driving and don't want to take the bus. So i park at my work place during the morning i get home get changed and go back downtown we meet at the station near by my work place and head over to the shisha spot. 
We aren't kissing each other i backed off kinda just being cool with him, didn't initiate any form of sexual expressions or acts towards him. We go to the shisha spot we chilling and just talking vibing and he's looking at me like lust in his eyes i already know that look to familiar.. I ignore it, we finish up smoking and head for the transit, i grab a candy from the counter of the spot and put it in, we walking just talking kinda holding hands cause its cold but we just chill. 
We get to the station headed to my car, and as we standing on the platform he gives me that look, i lean against the wall and we start making out. smh... We make out, he asks me what flavour my candy is asking for a taste, i drop the candy in his mouth as he sucks on it and returns it back to me. Shit was so nasty but i loved it holy. Like in that moment i didn't care he had a girlfriend, he was with me in all honesty it felt good to be held like that so i allowed it for the night. We get to my work place and we walk towards the loading dock, start the car and we make out a little before leaving. We leave, i drop him off at his place i guess cause i was feeling generous.. But we make out, before he leaves tryna start something and I'm like huh. no not now wth. So he leaves. 
Now........ That following night i get him at 10ish getting ready for bed cause i got work in the morning, i get a snap from him. Saying he wanted to say something. Im like okay? He messages back saying he didn't think i was awake but then says he wanted to talk about us? LOL HOLD UP.. When was there ever a us? 
So i message back saying okay? he's like he’ll tell me tomorrow. Im now thinking at this point like what could this lil fucker be saying? You got me horny you best believe imma ask you in the morning...
So now its Wednesday January 2nd.
I message him a good morning text - first good morning texts EVER!
he messages me back saying this “idk how to say it but I’m doin a huge mistake.. u know I’m still with my girl and idk wat to do .. and i feel like we getting too close to each other and i don’t want us to be catching feelings or anything.. cause that gonna make me feel worse. And i don't want us to stop talking either” 
i reply back along the lines like you know i got sexual attraction towards you, don't think we can be friends after.. wishing him and his girl a strong mother fucking relationship..
So the convo goes, its short says he wish i met him two years ago.. lol wha, when he was 19? gtfoh dummy. So that topic ends. Im unfazed by it kinda sad, idk i guess the idea that maybe he was unhappy with his girl friend got into my head but in reality i was just new pussy for him to realize he still loved his girl. So. thats Wednesday morning. The night it takes a whole 360 turn and gets sexual, i send him a link to a fitness studio in the city and we end up talking about my body. smh. 
The convo ends that night when it gets sexual, i ended it on my ends.. Like how you gonna say I'm a chocolate pudding when you got a whole GIRLFRIEND A G I R L F R I E N D? H u H?
Anyhow.. Next day now first Thursday into the new year. LoL. 
He MESSAGES ME! like we sending each other memes on social media then he messages me saying he wants to chill, i was like you think thats a good idea? he's like nah but fuck it. Soo.. I said i wanted to see him too, but tryna keep it professional, said we got some unfinished business too.. 
He comes by my ends round 7pm after work still wearing his duty ass uniform, i pick him up from the station, we drive over to buy some shisha flavour and head over to my sisters place, i told her he was a friend thats that she's like cool, the goes back to moms house. We chill watching tv as he's smoking and then once he finishes and i guess is high enough to barely feel anything he makes his way towards me. He starts kissing me, stripping me down and eating me out. I go down on him and we start fucking. Like actually fucking fucking to the point my back kept moving upwards from the pain. it was good but painful towards the end. He went hard on me. He tried to go for a second round like always but his dick got confused again. it was soft and hard at the same time. like just hanging there not knowing what to do... I think its cause of his guilty conscious eating him up, first nut was easy second one that never comes. no matter how hard he goes...
So we finish off sit there for a second or so i guess until he realizes what he did was bad cause its now 9ish and he says he has to go cause he got work in the morning. So anyhow i drop him off once again at the station near my place and tell him that was our last fuck. He's like “I mean nah what ever happens happens..” i said no. that was that, we kiss and i send him off. 
Now he's still in my dm’s after that keep in mind. That was Thursday night of the first week of the year. He hits me up friday night asking what I'm doing over the weekend i said nothing got little errands to do but nothing after, asks me if i wanna hang with him and abel, I'm like yah if it isn't gonna be awkward, also tried to set abel up with a girl from work but he too thirsty bruh..
So i made plans with them. Mostly josh but to see both of them. 
I invited the thot friend cause i didn't want to go alone. So she came they smoking cigs I'm smoking my mini pipe at the backyard in the cold like a dog    -_- we chilling my friend ends up leaving early cause her curfew i stay till like 1:40ish then leave after i sober up from two baby pulls of weed smh. 
Lol R. was tryna go to the club so she sent josh a whole ass video of her dancing tryna kawal him to come out like after we all got comfortable lol funny cause i told him to send a dick video but abel took the phone and he sent a dark screen i suppose. Lmao she was talking to me on the side while messaging him while i was telling him things to say to her. Basically being a little evil bitch seeing how it plays out lmao. 
But me and josh had like a little moment tho lol barely i just i brought up the video showing him me twerking then he said i needed to send it to him, i was like okay but I'm gonna need that dick video of you in the black buddy, he's like bet so I'm going thru my snap private part and showing him how dark and thick i was during the summer and he's rubbing my leg getting turned on. smh i hear able coming and he backs off we just sit there while abel says some stuff. 
i chill till like 1:40 wish sober up and give them hugs and go. I get lost on my way back home from the highway but soft. 
I get home and he messages me something on insta a video then asks me why I'm not sleeping yet. So i say send me that video he said he's gonna want one in return send him that video of me dancing in a white top and grey underwear. Tell him he better not be sitting next to abel smh. He sends me two videos lmao one of him cumming that i did not ask for and my fav black out fit video. -_-
That was saturday night going into sunday morning. lol. I send him memes he sends me some back thats that. 
Now its Monday Jan 7th 2019 back to reality. I start school today wasn't really on my phone but once i got home i started thinking about him and shit since we each others number 1 streaks besties how can i forget when i open my snap. 
I sent him a video two actually of me just with filters on snap and one he's like my curls should put respek on my name. other one he just sent me a snap back of him at work. so we haven't spoken pretty much all day. just besides that little snap chat. Im not phased by it either cause he has a girl friend and well shit its Jan she should be coming to the city too. RIGHT? like he said she was coming to see him in Jan. but its whatever my pussy still hurts from thursday night i never been fucked like that and I'm glad its just whatever cause i won't catch feelings. I think i told every bitch i know besides R. and the thot about this guy fucking me. 
I kinda wanna just keep it nonchalant tbh like i won't check for him regardless might look at my phone from time to time and be like wow. no meme today? but I'm good love. I been good. his sisters like the same fucking age as me. I'm gucci love your dick was good but I'm good. 
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