#its tempting
amielot 4 months
except it鈥檚 Hob and Dream 馃槀
This has been making the rounds and YES!! I love it!! I adore it!! Thank you for thinking of me and sending it hehe <3
Based on their coloration it almost looks like a human Dream riding a centaur Hob. but I could also see this with HGAU Dream and Hob :3
here's the link in case anyone wants it!
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hardly-a-p3rson 2 months
songs to listen to when you get on a train and leave your entire life behind
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council-of-beetroot 2 months
Eclipse reminder to not look at the sun during the eclipse or the light will reach your eyes and reflect back into space and the heat energy will hit the moon and cause it to explode.
Source: I made this all up but don't look into the sun
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r0achezz 3 months
Sometimes I get this sudden urge to go outside and eat the nearest bug.
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sanitizarium 5 months
what if i.......edited official splatoon agents art to have my guys in it
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djmousewife 7 months
what if i got phallo but started presenting femme..... what then?
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pnuk-r0ck 8 months
Pete shoe馃枻 Cause of death: Victor walking
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sweetronancer 2 months
hear me out. pibtlw (puss in boots the last wish) ronance au
with robin as puss, nancy as kitty and vecna as death? or nancy as puss and robin as kitty..
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mrjesuschris 2 months
I was having a short conversation with my dad and somehow we got on the discussion of trans folk and he said and I quote....
"Your either born with a dick or boobs"
....I was planning to come out of the closet at some point but I think I'll just stay in the closet....
He's not homophobic bc he knows about my girlfriend but I'm not 100% sure that he's not transphobic馃槶
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vern-a 7 months
my cousin might be a Straight Man but sitting in his car while hes doing car drifts and while dlc by stray kids plays on radio is a transcendental experience
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lemonyinks 5 months
i'm always tempted to go watch tv shows i liked as a kid, you know, see if it was any good or if kid me had bad taste
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ahonice 8 months
ok so me and my friend are thinking about going to jersey for a devils game because they have a student discount on their tickets
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stankyler 1 year
i wont lie i鈥檓 hardcore eyeing my old kyle cosplay
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oasisofgalaxies 8 months
tempted to go out to CVS just to get icecream sandwiches
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sphinxiswinxis 11 months
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Okay so...firstly I've seen too many ads for this game where none of them make real sense. Now it has followed me, like the immortal snail, to tumblr and precedes to use a classic pose to try and convince me to play when I KNOW that I will not see the classic titanic pose in my harem building game....cruelty
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pub-lius 2 years
im going to bite someone
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