#its decent stuff and washes up nicely but how the hell does anyone afford it
milkweedman · 8 months
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Warp number 2. Only took 4 hours this time--just over half the time of the first warp. This one definitely went a lot smoother, and I'm happy with the arrangement.
Only thing is, I'm about halfway through the warp yarn I bought. So that's only going to be enough for 1.3 panels, and I need 3 total. And that was um. Over $100 of yarn. :/
Hopefully at least I can weave all of the first panel with the weft yarn I have.
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Anyway, that's 2 of 3 warps for the first panel done. The new one is on the right. They look similar, which I'm happy with. Ideally the whole blanket will be cohesive, but I'm also hoping that close up there will be interesting bands and patterns--hence the orange and black/green and black stripes.
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