#its been 10 months and the only visual reference we got of either of their outfits is a literal foot pic of arlecchino
clouvu · 1 year
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Missing them fr
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nathank77 · 3 months
6:29 p.m-Updated and Added to/Edited
I went to my endo today, I really love my doctor. He actually thinks I'm smart. He doesn't see me as, "psychotic," at all. He was impressed with my list of questions, and said I covered most of the things he was going to bring up.
He also said, I would be a good fit for a medical position bc of my intelligence. He didn't ask about my hallucinations, I didn't bring them up for a reason cause I got to lie to my PCP.. and I don't want to lie if I don't have to... either way it was a nice compliment. Especially given how people view me once they know i have psychosis.
Anyways, he prescribed, two different drugs for my cholesterol Atorvastatin 10Mg which is a percription and then a supplement called CoQ10 10mg. This should solve those issues on my blood work. I'm going back in 6 months and I'll have monthly bloodwork with a comprehensive metabolic panel and my thyroid. My ultrasound is April 1st to look at my thyroid. So everything is all set up.
Only thing I'm nervous about is he wants me to go to an eye doctor to assess for Graves eye disease as there are levels of it. And I could be like level 1 where it's not noticeable visually. He wants to cover all bases.. they measure your eyes with something on your eye lids. It's noninvasive. He has been trying to get me to go for years but the doctor he referred me to never called. I got the number and I'm going to advocate for myself.. even though I don't want to go. My eyes look the same as they did in 2013 before I ever had Graves but it doesn't always show. He said he thinks I have it but that's its a lower level but I know he is trying to scare me to make sure I do it. I get it, it's the final base in standard of quality care to make sure I'm completely healthy. I'm terrified of the eyelid measurements...
I'm more scared that they'll confirm that they moved a little. Good new is- as long as my levels are normal they won't change at all. Bad news is treating your thyroid is imperfect and for all I know my levels will sky rocket from every other day Methimazole. Good news is it's been 7 years untreated, it's not exactly like it's going to make it worse quickly and everything takes times.
Back in the day they used to do surgery on the eye muscles. Thank God that's stone age at this point... nowadays they do tepezza, which are like 8 infusions... that will fix the muscle if they are enlarged.... the infusion is in the arm THANK GOD.
Problem with tepezza is there is a law suit against it bc it can cause hearing loss and tinnitus... appearantly it wasn't listed as a side effect... but now it is. It happens in about 16-20% of people. All the other side effects seem mild. The benefits outweigh the risk... so I'll do it if I have to.
My doctor thinks I'll be in remission by September and off Methimazole... but remission isn't perfect. I could go right back to being hyper 1 month later, 6 months later, a year later or even 10 years later...
Either way tepezza is something i have to pursue assuming my eyelid measurement shows signs.... cause of remission being this thing that can end abruptly...
My thyroid will get smaller and so will the lump... so that's good but it won't go away.
He said once I call the eye doctor and get in to call him and they will expedite the appt..... so I could be seen as soon as possible. Now I'm debating when I should do my bloodwork. The 16th or the 23rd.
The 23rd is the day I started my new dosage which was 5mg every other day. If my test results come back a certain way. I assume me being hypo. He is going to adjust it to 5mg once every 2 weeks.
I guess we will see. I'm scared about the eye thing but I mean I guess worse case i will get hearing aids sooner. I'm already right on the line. Well right under the line. If it gets any worse I'm getting them anyways.
I'm more scared of the eyelid measurement than the tepezza or hearing loss. Either way I know he has my back and I'm in good hands.
I am scared of tinnitus though, I don't want any more hallucinations.... but hopefully I don't get more hearing loss, and if I do hopefully that's the extent of it. Just please no tinnitus.
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demovibes · 2 years
Robot dinosaur
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It’s equipped with a battery which can be recharged. It offers more interactive features that help children learn via their audible senses. We also liked how its head can shake and turn in a 360 degree motion.įurthermore, it comes with flashing lights which are very stimulating for your child’s visual senses. This enables kids to play with it in very creative ways. TEMI’s Remote Control Toy Dinosaur is able to move in all directions. It’s also a great way to teach your child the concept of cause and effect. We liked how interactive this robot dinosaur toy is.
Younger kids may need help with controlsģ years old and over What makes this option stand out?.
This is highly interactive and teaches your children about cause and effect. When your child touches the toy in certain areas, it responds by either moving its head, making noises or wagging its tail. We liked these movement features as they’re fun to control and watch while also ensuring your child is visually and audibly stimulating.Īnother one of the impressive features this toy has is the intelligent touch sensitive mode. These include an independent mode, Sucker Bullet, Fight, Auto Demo, as well as a music and dance function. It gives your child complete control over the toy throughout the different modes available. This Fistone RC Dino comes with a remote control. If you’ve got a boy or girl who loves remote control toys then you can’t go wrong with any of the RC dinosaurs below, which they’re sure to love.
3 Final Thoughts on Popular Robotic Dino Toys.
2.1 Things to Consider When Buying a Robotic Dinosaur.
2 Buyers Guide to Finding The Best Remote Control Dinosaurs.
1.17 Transformers Stomp and Chomp Grimlock Dinosaur.
1.16 Toysery Tyrannosaurus Walking T Rex.
1.15 Jurassic World Hatch ‘N Play Dinos Tyrannosaurus Rex.
1.14 Fisher Price Imaginext Dinosaurs, Raptor.
1.12 Mega Construx Power Rangers T Rex Zord.
1.11 Fisher Price Imaginext, Allosaurus.
1.5 Dinosaur Planet Raptor Remote Controlled.
1.4 Sharper Image Interactive Robotosaur.
1.3 Jurassic world INDOMINUS REX Collectible Edition.
1.1 Fistone Intelligent Robot Dinosaur Smart Toy.
1 Our List of the Top Rated Robot Dinosaurs.
Here are confirmed owners and known examples of the Robot Dinosaur on. The winning twenty Habbos were announced on January 10, 2014. Entrants could also win a badge or a month's subscription to the Builders Club. On December 19, 2013, with the announcement of the 'Santa Looks for a Workshop' competition the item was referred to as a 'Special Rare', to be awarded to the best ten rooms entered. The item was released on many hotels as part of the Christmas 2013 campaign. As of November 2020, all released Robot Dinosaurs are accounted for. Since the release in 2013, many have ended up permanently banned (such as User "Zh") or missing on inactive accounts. However, these have since been proven untrue, indicating the correct number in circulation is indeed ten to date. There were rumours shortly following the prize distribution that winner 3476 had been permanently banned for an unknown reason, meaning the number in circulation was down to nine. It also rotates two ways, left-facing and right-facing.Īs only ten of this Rare exists on the hotel, the value is typical of any low-circulation Super Rare. The Dinosaur, when doubled clicked, will grapple with its hand and open/close its mouth.
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It was a one-time release item, being awarded for competition entry during the Christmas 2013 campaign. The Robot Dinosaur, also known as xmas13_robotdino, is a Ultra Rare item on Habbo.
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0 notes
lwt28brave · 3 years
LT2 masterpost
If it was up to me, we would get an autumn or winter EP. Since it’s not up to me at all, here, enjoy this post with everything we know so far of LT2, which is to say, not much at all. Everything here is hypothetical. I’ll be updating every time I see something relevant. A little disclaimer that while this is a masterpost (kinda), it could be read as discourse (duh, it’s also a theory), AND it’s also by me, and you shouldn’t expect me to be serious at this point.
Due to me restraining myself, there’s no reference to any of the times he’s mentioned his guitar skills and him improving but I hope you know I cried every single time.
I’m also linking my old pinned here. It was written before AFHF and around the free merch thing that didn’t lead to much, but I still think I made some good points.
Possible tracks:
Copy of a Copy of a Copy
Faith in the future??
Possible names:
Faith in the future
When is the album coming out?
Your guess is as good as mine
Friday 28th of January 2022. Almost two years after Walls. It’s a Friday. It’s a 28th. What else can I say?
Here you can find @want-to-be-loved timelines for every month.
Here you can find @berlinini’s timeline of what Louis has been up to this year (2021).
The rest is under the cut. And here you can find a PDF version where Tumblr can't tell me how many pictures I can add.
He said back on May 2th 2020 he wasn’t writing anything new yet.
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Interestingly enough, he’s said many times after that that the album’s not ready cause he has no new experiences to drawn from. I won’t call him out because he does it himself.
May 4th. He liked a tweet from DMA’s Johnny Took saying they had to go write together again. Louis has been credited as an influence for them and (kind of) participated in their previous record, so I’m assuming he meant for their music and not his, but you never know.
Nothing(literally nothing??? how did we survive) until 11th of July. We all know what happened that day. We all celebrated it. Nonetheless, that’s not what I’m talking about here.
(x) So, by the beginning of July 2020 he was working on concepts and ideas for the new album. That was fifteen months ago. I know perfection takes time but…
Brief summary of important things that happened from then until the next mention of new music:
Louis left Syco!!!! 10 days later he rescheduled the tour for the first time. He followed Matt Vines on Twitter, probably so we could publicly shame him into doing something. Also, the 10thanniversary. He followed more people I wish he hadn’t.
Then more nothing until September. Not even a single tweet. The first merch drop was on the 28th of August but he just RT’ed the tweet. He first mentioned Free my Meal on the 25th of September. Then on October 1st Walls hit #1 on a lot of countries and Louis was incredibly happy and excited about it ^^
And then, that same day, October 1st, 2020, he dropped this bomb:
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He also said it was too soon to be sharing new lyrics with us (x)
And, obviously, this tweet which is actually what made me start this whole post. I would hope you know mate.
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He also told us he was cooking "banger after banger" and that he was incorporating more social themes into his music (x)(x) (I believe any social issue is a political issue but that’s not the point rn).
These next paragraphs are brought to you by my mind not remembering things and me not having any links. I’m assuming COACOAC came from those writing sessions that supposedly happened in October. Or in LA but I have no idea if he actually was in LA at any point other than a Daily Mail article putting him there on December which would have been too late, but I do remember that someone said he was in the studio in LA last autumn???? A rumor. Maybe. IDK. Did I mention already all of this is very hypothetical?? Well, this is it. I can’t even remember if this was October or November or what. So, take this with a grain of salt.
I’m also… taking the liberty to assume, if you must, that Copy wasn’t meant to be a Walls reject because it sounds more mature and darker and it has a vastly different tone that Walls songs. I know he’s said that song probably isn’t getting into the album, but I want to have faith (in the future) that I’m getting a studio version. (But also, Louis, if you’re reading this, first of all GET OUT OF MY BLOG second of all, please don’t ever feel pressured again to add a song to the album because we have already heard it before. It’s your art and it should always be under your own terms).
So yeah, I believe that Copy is either one of those four songs (then imagine the other three??!!) or was written around the 1st of October date.
---End of the Intermission---
Then not much important (other than sharing more about Marcus Rashford fight against food poverty and the 2nd merch drop) until he announced the livestream on the 24th of November. (x)
It wasn’t until a few days before the livestream date we even thought again about new music (jk, I know we’re always thinking about new Louis’ music). So, December 9th/10th, 2020. Nine months ago. We got our first taste of new music!
He made sure we knew Copy of a Copy of a Copy isn't a cover! (x) (x)
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Ok, so that’s it for 2020. (I feel like I’m missing something from September 17th because tweet was deleted but maybe he was still talking about cucumbers. We might never know. Unless I understand how Tumblr tags work). Expected, cause Walls was released in 2020. We needed to let it sit for a while.
Another Summary: Louis third tweet of the year was telling the UK government off. So was the fifth. What a good beginning. On the 26th of January, he said he prefers pancakes over waffles. I hope he meant pancakes other than his own. More importantly, he tweeted the infamous “you lot read into things too much”. Don’t get me started, Tomlinson. Don’t. Then the 31st came around and Walls was one. He tweeted this. How wise. And Project Defenceless happened!!
15th of February!! Who cares about Valentine Day when the next day we got this? ♥
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“I’m sure I will have something out this year but unlikely that will be the album”. Unlikely but not impossible. Also. A single would be good. This is the second time he mentions releasing something in 2021 and he sounds surer about it than the first time around.
He also said that he isn’t sure we will get a studio version of Copy. And that the best bridges from Walls to LT2 are Walls, OTB, KMM and Copy. Can’t wait!
Then we jump to March 6th when he announced he was going to create his own management company. “Sometimes action is needed first to encourage the motivation and belief”. As we can tell he was already manifesting some stuff which will lead us to the numerology stuff/Tesla… kidding. Or not. We might never know.
On the 22nd of March he answered some questions:
He told us music was still his main focus ♥ mwha. (x) I included this tweet to guilt-trip him into giving us music in case he’s reading this even after I told him to leave. ILY.
(x) I’d love to get a visual EP this autumn. Just saying. It sounds like a lovely concept.
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…next (I will get into it, I promise. I’m just mad).
On the 25th he left for Mexico until April 10th. You could assume it was just for the documentary where we got ten seconds of footage or admit the obvious: LT2 its a Mexican baby!!
On the 26th (so, not so far apart from that first 369) we got the first Faith in the Future mention: (x)
Back then we were innocent people who had no idea what was coming upon us. We still have no idea because what the fuck does he mean with these. Please explain. I have one braincell and I don’t use it enough for this. I’m linking some theories.
On the 30th of March he confirmed he was already working on the documentary. So AFHF was already on the works. Will it take this long for us to get the Veeps numbers? We also got this tweet: "Got a decent chorus idea down" (x).
Same person that got the “something out this year” exclusive. If you know something share with the class. Also. Is this Change? I feel like this could be Change but I also assume he wrote Change after hanging out with his friends or being in Doncaster. But who knows.
(x) And the second mention to 369.
(x) 15th of April. The second "Faith in the future".
On the 19th of April he announced that he had something BIG for us later on the year which turned out to be the Away From Home Festival ♥♥ (x) I love him so much.
Then on the 28th he announced the 369 merch drop (which it’s probably the Walls drop? Except that the TOU and KMM ones were “drop 1 and drop 2” and this was drop 369 which, again, makes no sense) but we still don’t know what 369 means.
Into May’ 21 we go.
He rescheduled tour again. And dropped another bomb (x).
He announced he has signed with BMG as an independent artist by RTing this tweet on May 10th. The article also says that he’s already working on writing and recording LT2. The timing… we don’t know. What this deal involves… we don’t know either. Bear with me here because I have a lot to say about this.
I think the deal is only a distribution one, but that BMG are interested in Louis and what he (us) could bring to the table. They were either present at the festival or watching it, but officially they had no involvement at all with it (everything is credited either to Louis own company, 78 Productions, or Charlie Lightening’s company). That’s the case for both giveaways too; the vinyl one and the tickets for the festival.
I think it would be an unbelievably bad move not to test the waters with BMG now or soon-ish. At least a single, to see how it performs. Due to the circumstances, it’s obvious there’re certain limitations on place but I want to see how they push it, whether the radio play exist this time around and if the song is playlisted and promoted and all that… I would also love to know, since it says he signed with BMG UK, but it also states it’s a global deal, how things are going to go on the US and other countries.
Yes, yes. I know those are all questions and no answers. But I know the same as you, sadly. If any of you know more than you’re letting on… again, share with the class.
Where was I? Yes, on the 25th of May Louis had a great day writing (x). Since the first time he had mentioned he was officially writing to this date there’s almost eight months. And I believe he was writing before October’ 20.
He followed Robert Harvey that day and, on the 28th of May (why is it always the 28th???) he was spotted at the studio for the first time.
June was an interesting month for the fandom ♥. Lots of LHL content which I will love and cherish for the rest of times. On June 4th, June 9th, and June 10th he was spotted at the studio, but I believe he was there more days.
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This was posted on June 6th and captioned Studio. Charlie also shared it with “Mega tunes being put down, can’t wait for this @louist91 #louistomlinson #LT2” as the caption. This gives me 2019 (Elton-Joint) vibes. I like it. Feels like we’re getting closer to something.
He added the Milano date on the 9th too which I’m mentioning because I’m going alone. Anyone wanna go with me please? I’m nice and I never eat anything before a concert so you can have my food. On other news. It didn’t come home.
During July he was at the studio at least three days too. Probably more. Feels like more with all the fan pictures we got. Or was that June? Anyway, July 1st and 9th we got some videos from Robert Harvey and wearesuperhi, which is who Louis has been working with the most, that we know of. I don’t know for sure they’re from that day. And on July 5th we got an article and lots of pictures of Louis looking really good outside the studio.
On the 12th of July the first fans started getting the free, 369 bucket hat and print. We still don’t know what the purpose was other than to thanks fans. Maybe that was it. I want answers and I still think it relates to a future project (see theories above), but it could also just be a bridge with the Walls breaking.
He didn’t tweet about anything interesting for a while, mostly because he lost his phone (he either throwed it in the air or smashed it who knows). Then on the 29th of July he announced the festival!
I’m glossing over it because there’s already been a lot of talk about it (rightfully) and while it was a wonderful thing, it doesn’t have much to do with LT2.
Let’s talk Change!
On August 3rd he tweeted this about the setlist.
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And this (x) on the 28th! I can’t stand him.
We didn’t get it, obviously. Because who was going to get that. But we read too much into things. Alright.
On the 16thof August Dave Gibson shared this post tagged #LT2 with the eyes emojis 👀👀👀. I believe this has to do both with Change but also with whatever else came out of that Mexico trip.
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(x) Last relevant tweet related to LT2 is this one.
So, on the 30th of August we got Change and we cried, and we know that Change is going in the new album. He said it. With those exact words. He also said he was “getting a feeling for it”. This has to meant he already has a general idea of the vibe of the new album and what’s going in it!!!!!! (Right? RIGHT?).
Anyway, let’s go back a few weeks because some other things happened on August. He was at the studio a few more times. Or it was suggested that he was there. On the 17th and the 18th. (Why was it so time-pressing to be at the studio instead of rehearsing for the festival? There was no studio at all on the documentary. Which makes sense, but again, then why?).
On the day of the festival we got another mention of Faith in The Future that made me feel part of a cult ngl. The words were flashing on the screen for less than a second. Okay.
And then he tweeted those words again after watching the livestream/documentary on the 4th of September (x). This is what makes me suspect it's either the name of the album or of the single.
On the same day, we got some interesting quotes about LT2 on the documentary.
“Soon I’ll have to think about me second album, which in my head I’ll get the tour out of the way and then I’ll address that. So, I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest”.
“When every day is the same is hard to feel creative and it’s hard to have any kind of proper inspiration”.
“As season started to come back, I started writing again and it was great and some of these songs turned out alright”.
And I think this is it. I might be overlooking some important details but that’s what we know and what we don’t know.
So. Conclusions. That’s what you missed on Glee. I do believe the album is, if not mostly done, partially there. And yes, this post is pointless and never-ending but it’s all in here if you need to tell Louis “Hey, you said this, mate”.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: The Top 10 Fight Scenes of 2020 According to YOU!
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  One of the defining features of anime as a medium are the fight scenes. From their diversity of visuals and dramatic staging to their use in narrative development to the off-the-wall powers and techniques their characters employ. Watching weightless CG battles in superhero flicks, it’s hard not to feel like Hollywood is decades behind. Let’s fix that by letting YOU decide who gets some accolades.
  If you’ve read this article’s companion pieces on 2020’s OPs and EDs you know the drill. What follows is a list of the Top 10 fight scenes of 2020 as determined by viewership on the Crunchyroll Collection YouTube channel, weighted at 30 days so anime from earlier in the year don’t get an advantage and to balance flash-in-the-pan popularity vs iconic moments that will continue on in the fandom’s consciousness. It’s not a perfect metric but I’ve gotta say, the results do show some great taste ...
  10. Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? - Ais vs Asterius
    Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? has always been measured with its action, honing its greatest moments into dramatic peaks, so it was great we were able to finish 2020 with not only some of its biggest battles, but Ais finally stepping on the gas for the first time on television since 2017 by battling the legendary minotaur Asterius. Ais didn’t disappoint, as she shouldn’t with her place at the very top of the adventuring world and an unreachable ideal Bell aspires to. Also, opening the fight by shearing off her opponent’s arm may be the most brutal kickoff to a Danmachi fight we’ve seen yet. This battle topped 500k in its first 30 days and I’m confident will make a lasting impression.
  9. Tsugumomo2 - Kazuya vs Kyouka
    Tsugumomo’s second season delivered some absolutely huge battles, but I gotta say I’m surprised the top fight wasn’t Kanaka terrorizing the entire cast of the series with their hunt for blood. That said, Kazuya’s battle against Kyouka had some spectacular effects, a few creative obi adaptations, a divine possession, and a shorted punch to secure the victory so it had all the primary features that make Tsugumomo fights great … And for fans of the series, yes it also had that … This fight drew 600k views in its first 30 days to secure its spot on the list.
  8. A Certain Scientific Railgun T - Level 6 Mikasa vs Touma and Sogiita
    A Certain Magical Index and its various spinoffs have a penchant for going completely off the rails very quickly. This fight in spinoff A Certain Scientific Railgun T is every bit as absurd. Mikasa is pushed into Level 6, giving her godlike power and sending her into a berserk state that only Touma’s magic destroying hand can take down. We also get a guest appearance from one of the series' best side characters in Sogiita whose ability to literally turn guts into power is impossible not to love. 
  Basically, the fight was amazing, Mikasa’s Level 6 form and its absurd power were wonderfully adapted by JC Staff and Touma and Sogiita showed off some amazing combo attacks to prevents the destruction of the city. In particular, Sogiita’s “Super Amazing” punch and princess carrying Touma drew 700k viewers in its first 30 days.
  7. Golden Kamuy - The Stenka
    The most common phrase I hear from Golden Kamuy fans is that the series is underappreciated and, as a Golden Kamuy fan, I’m inclined to agree. This series is so violent, I’m constantly surprised by what it gets away with. I’m hard-pressed to think of another series that has aired in the past five years with the same level of brutality. Basically, I’m saying I’m overjoyed to see Golden Kamuy made the list, even if it's from one of its most tame battles that is simply a no-holds-barred free-for-all where everyone gets their nose broken by a berserk Sugimoto. 
  Might have been the JoJo's reference (not really) but this battle got 700k views in 30 days and just barely beat out Railgun T by ~1k views.
  6. JUJUTSU KAISEN - Gojo vs Sukuna
    Another series I’m unsurprised to see on the list but with an unexpected battle. I would have imagined Gojo’s battle against Jogo might have drawn more attention, or perhaps more recently, Itadori’s battle with Mahito. This clip does make sense after a fashion. It was a breakout moment where MAPPA showed they really meant business adapting JUJUTSU KAISEN and the fight was between two characters that have become fan favorites. 
  Definitely, a defining moment that pulled in double the seventh placer's views at 1.4 million in its first 30 days! Since JUJUTSU KAISEN is still attracting new fans and already topping popularity lists, I imagine it would have been even higher given a bit more time in 2020. Gojo vs Sukuna has continued its upward climb to almost 3 million views, putting it only a few days away from claiming the Number 4 spot in lifetime views. Not bad for an anime in the year's final quarter!
  5. Boruto - Sarada vs Sakura
    BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS has delivered spectacularly animated battles for just about its entire run that prove this anime is no afterthought to the Naruto franchise. Despite a wide selection of quality battles that dropped in 2020, I must admit I knew this one would be at the top. What self-respecting Naruto fan wouldn’t be interested in seeing a less-than-friendly mother/daughter slugfest between Sarada and Sakura? Although theoretically a training match to help Sarada develop her Sharingan, the amount of destruction makes it clear that one wrong move and even Sakura’s medical Jutsu would have trouble putting either of them back together again.
  The Uchiha family battle secured its place with 1.5 million views in its first 30 days. Sarada's family moments, even the ones without fighting, are always winners and Sarada vs Sakura is the third youngest clip on the list so I'm guessing this one is going to withstand the test of time.
  4. One Piece - Zoro vs Hitokiri Kamazo
    One Piece has been on a tear since the beginning of its much-anticipated Wano Kuni arc. Even after delivering a huge battle between Luffy and Katakuri at the end of Whole Cake, there has been a notable bump in the frequency and quality of standout animation in the long-running series, which is great to see since the Wano arc is a series of back-to-back skirmishes that can be elevated by some explosive visuals. 
  No moment this year stands out more in my memory than Zoro’s battle against Hitokiri Kamazo and it seems the fans agree. Zoro borrowing his enemy’s weapon to pull off an amazingly animated Purgatory Onigiri may be one of the coolest sequences in One Piece’s almost 1,000-episode long run. This moment also got 1.5 million views in 30 days, narrowing beating Boruto by about 13k views.
  3. Black Clover - Everyone vs The Devil
    Black Clover has grown as a production to develop a unique visual style for magic-heavy battles and really deliver some hugely impressive battles. It’s ramp up hit a peak in 2019 with the battle between Julius and Licht and it’s been riding high ever since. The top fight of 2020 is an obvious one, as the climactic moment of the series' insanely escalating arc kicked off by Julius and Licht’s battle. It seems like half the cast piled into Hell to take on the unnamed devil and his overpowered word soul magic. To be honest I was surprised the series kept going at all after a moment this climactic (I’m not complaining though).
  The final attack of this battle drew 1.6 million views in its first 30 days and now sits proudly in the Number 2 spot for lifetime views on this list at over 5.5 million!
  2. The God of High School - Jin vs Jaegal
    With its sheer number of lovingly animated battles, The God of High School was a shoo-in for this list and might represent 50 percent or more of its total entries if I hadn’t limited it to one entry per series. Jin vs Jaegal is a natural choice, as the climactic battle of the fast-paced fighting series which delivered on the much-anticipated reveal of Jin Mori’s charyeok. This one really put the god in the high school, jumping far past One Piece to pull 2.1 million views in its first month.
  1. My Hero Academia - Endeavor vs Special Nomu
    My Hero Academia had a huge climactic battle to cap off the winter season, so I gotta say I’m surprised to see it’s the other one that secured the top spot as the Number 1 battle of 2020. Deku vs Overhaul was a huge moment for the series and definitely sits in the upper half of this list, if not the Number 2 spot — but something about Endeavor fighting a Nomu really pulled in a crowd, even putting the clip on YouTube’s trending list. It continues to creep upward at 7.5 million views. One of the most-watched moments of the entire year!
  On reflection moments that show a theoretical power ceiling of a series are always impactful, such as Orochimaru’s battle with Sarutobi or even My Hero Academia’s own battle between All Might and All for One. Endeavor definitely pulled out the guns for this battle to leave an impression before the long wait until the next season ... Or maybe it was just because he said “plus ultra?” Regardless, Endeavor blasted past even the Number 2 spot on this list at 3.7 million views in its first 30 days.
  Those were the best battles of 2020 according to you and, consequently, the last of this series of Top 10 lists. When it comes to fights there’s a lot more to look forward to in 2021. Boruto, Black Clover, and One Piece have all been building toward their current arcs' big conflicts and each seems primed to pull the trigger early next year. If that weren’t enough JUJUTSU KAISEN is about to kick off its school event and MHA is set to make its return.
  That does it for 2020. Hope to see you all at the same time next year.
  If you feel the fandom has missed a great moment, feel free to share it in the comments below!
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      Peter Fobian is an Associate Producer at Crunchyroll, writer for Anime Academy and Anime in America, and an editor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Peter Fobian
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samsoleil · 3 years
9 and 10?
ask game
V I am sending the most fond vibes in your direction I hope they make it there okay!!
10. Your favourite season and why.
Honestly? Either S2 or S11.
Season 2: Sam has psychic powers and Dean is terrified that his brother might actually be bad, but is still ride or die for him. This is where we can see their relationship flourish without the search for John hanging over their heads. But y'know what does hang over their heads? John telling Dean he'll either have to save Sam or kill him, and Sam who is desperate to be saved and willing to be killed. And then!! when Sam dies!!! Dean saves him in the worst possible way!!!! Also, it's visually gorgeous. You've got the high contrast vibes from S1 but slightly less desaturated and you've still got the grainy film texture. An excellent time.
Season 11: Listen. I still think it should have been Chuck sending Sam visions. And I don't particularly care for the B plot. But Sam and Dean peak in this season for the first time since pre-s4 and it was amazing. It's the immediate aftermath of Sam literally unleashing  "a force on the world that could destroy it" to save Dean. Codependency at its peak. And in two mid-season episodes they absolutely nail the S2 energy. I mean, establishing beyond any doubt that Dean loves Sam? And then making him think Sam is dead in the very next episode? Where Sam is also the dictionary definition of BAMF? Not to mention, Sam is just. so understanding of Dean and his messy feelings about Amara. Love that for them.
9. What episodes best encapsulates the brother’s relationship? Does this change throughout the series? Doesn’t have to be the best episode btw.
To answer the second question, the brother’s relationship very obviously changes throughout the show. It’s obviously very codependent from the get go (especially from Sam’s perspective! Literally unendurable), and it varies in toxicity. Some seasons they are very soft! Some seasons I want to shout at Sam to run for the hills and never return. And then there are some episodes in seasons where their relationship is literally awful that are wonderfully tender (like 08x21 when Dean says “You gotta let me take care of you, man”). 
Imo, S1-3 are peak brothers. S4/5 are excellent to watch but not the most tender. S6 is on thin fucking ice. S7-10 are, generally speaking, when I would absolutely be willing to kill a man (Dean), but are still SO compelling because these crazy kids are devoted and have no moral boundaries when it comes to the other. S11 is a return to the good stuff! I haven’t seen the seasons after that but from what I have seen, Sam becomes a Dean apologist and Dean just gets worse. But they’re still codependent, so that’s fine. “You were gonna leave and you weren’t even going to tell me?” and “What about me? Would you trade me?” are baller lines. Sam is a grown man but he’s out here saving the world by being Dean’s baby brother. Iconic of them.
OKAY so. First question. I originally had several episodes per season but I have to limit it to 2, this is going to be too long otherwise. Also, as you well know, I've only watched up to 12x06, so I won't include S12 here. 
Episodes (and explanations) under the cut!
Obviously, both 01x01 Pilot and 15x20 Carry On. Literally the perfect bookends for this show. I don’t need to elaborate.
01x05 Bloody Mary - Has the moment where Dean actually has an emotional conversation with his brother, because he’s switched on to Sam’s emotional needs. He was willing to let Sam blame him for Jess’ death so that Sam didn’t blame himself! And near the end it has the iconic line "You're my brother and I'd die for you." Dean, right? No! It was Sam!! Anyone with any sort of reservations about whether Sam cared about Dean in early S1 can refer to this episode. It’s episode 5!! of the whole show!! and it has that line!!
01x11 Faith - Sam has absolutely no regrets about someone dying to save Dean's life. In retrospect, this episode says a lot about how much Sam loves Dean.
02x01 In My Time of Dying - Sam can sense that Dean is there, either through psychic powers or because they are soulmates. Both are good. Also, Dean is told that he may have to kill Sam, which influences their dynamic for the rest of the show <33
02x21 All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1 - Dean, on his knees in the mud, telling Sam's corpse that it'll be okay and screaming his name. That is all. Also, after thoroughly chewing out a victim earlier in the season for selling his soul to save a loved one, Dean sells his soul to save a loved one. 
03x08 A Very Supernatural Christmas - Sam decorated a Christmas tree with pine air fresheners to give Dean a Christmas. Obsessed.
03x11 Mystery Spot - Dean dies repeatedly, then dies for good for about 6 months, and Sam becomes a ruthless hunter in order to bring him back. Dean spends longer dead in this episode than he actually does at the end of S4.
04x14 Sex and Violence - Dean's siren is literally just a version of Sam that is devoted to Dean and would do anything he says. 
04x22 Lucifer Rising - Bobby coming for Dean's life. The VOICEMAIL!! Dean acting as though them being family is a cure-all and saying he'll beat Sam up, but also apologising. I'll take it. And then, of course, the voicemail Sam hears, which is more or less what Dean said in 04x04, and that being what tips him over the edge. The edge, of course, being killing Lilith to avenge Dean’s death, which has been his quest since the end of S3. Excellent.
05x16 Dark Side of the Moon - Ohoho. This episode. You know why this episode is here.
05x22 Swan Song - Same as the above! Dean who doesn't have a plan, just doesn't want his little brother to die alone. Sam, who fights off the devil himself and (essentially) kills himself to save his brother and the car they call their home. That memory sequence, for me, gave Sam the power not to save the world, but to save his brother. The world was just a bonus.
06x11 Appointment in Samara - "Dean doesn't care about me, he just cares about his little brother, Sammy, burning in hell. He'll kill me to get that other guy back." Dean's anger at himself for screwing up and forfeiting Sam's soul was. a lot. Also, Sam begging for his life and Dean just continuing anyway? Horrific. But very testament to their relationship at this point. Dean wants Sammy back and he WILL kill this other guy to do it.
06x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much - Sam being right about the consequences of having his soul put back in. And "You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."
07x03 The Girl Next Door - I was tossing up between this and 07x02 but. this has some flashbacks to past Sam!! Unfortunately, it also has Dean punching Sam for using the Impala, the car they both rely on to get around. And Dean murdering Sam's childhood friend for killing rapists. This isn’t an episode that makes you think “Awh, they’re codependent!”, it’s an episode that makes you send Sam vibes screaming at him to get out.
07x14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie - Ever think that maybe Sam fears clowns because he associates them with being abandoned? Also, nostalgia vs reality.
08x09 Citizen Fang - The voicemail from S4 is still hanging over our heads. Dean asking “Does that sound like the Benny we know?” and Sam replying “I don’t know Benny.” Dean keeping Benny away from Sam because Sam is apparently the one who will kill monsters with no nuance or remorse. But this episode is on the list specifically because of how pivotal the line "Yes, I do – too well. In fact, every relationship I have ever had has gone to crap at some point. But the one thing I can say about Benny – he has never let me down." is in absolutely wrecking Sam's mental health down the road!
08x23 Sacrifice - For obvious reasons! “You know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down!” and then Dean’s speech of blatant lies. It sounded good, though. Dean really is that devoted, but unfortunately he has amnesia.
09x01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here - Autonomy violation. This is what advanced care directives are for. Dean being so dependent on Sam that he would violate his autonomy and trick him into consenting to possession. Dean will do anything to keep Sam alive, including destroy Sam.
09x16 Blade Runners - The parallels between Colette and Sam are unbearable. “Drop the blade.” Also, Dean becomes SO feral when Sam’s cheek gets cut.
10x19 Book of the Damned - Sam’s speech! “But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t….”
10x24 Brother's Keeper - Ahahahahaaa. Sam kneeling down in front of Dean and letting him kill him, if he wants. Dean not doing so. Please do not emulate this relationship in your real human lives.
11x04 Baby - Obvious reasons. Also, the perfect example of how these two communicate. Dean clearly states his opinion so that Sam has something to base his arguments around, and then Sam provides his perspective. That meta about how Dean and Sam communicate and how Sam is the major decision maker opened my eyes. Impeccable takes.
11x16 Safe House - The thing Dean loves being Sam (and Sam being genuinely relieved that it was!!). Sam propping Dean’s sleeping body against the fridge while saying “I got you! Stay with me.” Him cradling Dean in his arms and patting his head and Dean being SO confused but not fighting it.
11x17 Red Meat - Okay, I lied about the 2 per season thing, I just needed all three of these episodes. They are too good to not include. Dean joking to hide how scared he is for Sam? Being willing to let all three of them die just because he thinks Sam is dead? Attempting/committing suicide to try to bring him back? Sam fighting through immense pain to get back to his brother? This episode is so good. They are absolute lunatics (affectionate).
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Tied to the Trends
Logan starts collecting ties with patterns, sayings and references on them. One day, Logan wears a certain-patterned tie for nostalgic purposes...Let's just say he should've seen it coming...
Sorry this one is so short...I didn’t realize that at first...Either way, hope you enjoy!
Patton couldn't help but notice something: Logan has been wearing tons of different ties. It's kinda funny, to be honest. It all started on the start of Pride month, when Logan wore a rainbow tie the entire month! Thomas absolutely loved his spirit!
What everyone DIDN'T expect, was Logan's commitment to different ties. Where he got them? No one could figure it out! All they knew, was that every tie Logan wore, told a visual story of his mood.
There's been lots of patterned ties. There was the Pi-dotted tie [which had the Pi symbol dotted all over it], a galaxy tie, a brain tie [literally a tie covered in outlines of the brain], and a periodic table tie!
There was also the strange, but funny ties! A hot dog tie, a minecraft-style blue tie, a POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS tie (Everyone pretended to avoid him that day), a Weed leaf tie (Yes...he really wore this...), and get this: A tie, covered in multiple layers of Shrek's face!
Patton's favorites so far, were the pun ties and the animal ties! Logan wore a dog paw tie, a cat tie (Patton SQUEALED at this one!), a duck tie (Roman laughed at that one), a penguin-patterned tie, and a tie with Llamas wearing glasses! He also wore a tie that said: I'M SO GAY I CAN'T EVEN THINK STRAIGHT. There was one day when Logan wore a tie that stated: CAT PUNS FREAK MEOWT (Patton proudly announced "YOU'RE WEARING A DAD JOKE!" that day). And that wasn't even the tip of the iceberg!
To top it all off, was the moment Logan went public for his new hobby. That day, during a Sanders Sides video, he proudly changed his tie to reply to something. Logan, who as tired of hearing Roman's statement, rose up from the mind palace wearing a blue tie that said: OKAY BOOMER on it. Everyone bursted out laughing at that, especially Thomas, who had no idea this was happening!
During the video, Virgil felt the need to make that same joke as well! So, he appeared with the exact same tie, on top of his hoodie. Logan laughed and appreciated the participation, but soon looked down and realized he was missing his tie! Turns out, Virgil stole his tie mid-video, and used it solely to bring back the joke! Logan started fighting the emo to get his precious tie back, but Virgil was very resistant! This soon created an unnecessary (but definitely humorous) chase scene between an impatient Logic and a mischievous Anxiety.
By now, everyone in the mind palace was well accustomed to Logan's new hobby. They would always look down at his tie, to see what new decorated piece of narrow fabric he was wearing that day.
One morning, Logan had woken up and put on a yellow, decorated tie. He had felt the need to wear something nostalgic (pre-school nostalgic, to be specific), and wanted to express that using his new hobby. The tie had Elmo from Sesame Street dotted all over it. Logan smiled at his outfit, before he left his room.
Logan walked out to the kitchen, where Patton was making waffles. "Good morning Logan!" Patton cheered as he removed the waffles from the toaster with a butter knife.
"Good morning Patton." Logan replied. Patton placed the waffles and the table syrup near Logan, and put more waffles into the toaster. "Thank you." Logan muttered. After putting some syrup on his waffles, he began cutting his waffles.
Unexpectedly, Patton came up behind him, and placed an apron over top of Logan. "Didn't want you getting syrup all over that outfit of yours." Patton explained as he tied the neck ribbon into a bow in the back.
"Thank you Patton." Logan replied. Patton smiled as he tied the waist ribbon into a knot onto Logan's back. Patton walked away, and looked up at the sound of the toaster lever jumping up. The waffles were ready. Patton grabbed the waffles out of the toaster with the butter knife, and placed them onto a plate. Then, he grabbed and spread some butter all over them, before sitting down beside Logan.
"How did you sleep?" Patton asked.
"I slept decent." Logan replied. Patton looked at his tie.
"I like your elmo tie." Patton whispered.
Logan smiled. "Thank you." he replied. Patton had looked at the tie, and noticed something about it: Along with Elmo dotted all over it, it also had the words; TICKLE ME littered in between the Elmo dots. This made Patton very curious. Did Logan know that his tie said that? Surely, he must've noticed. Patton attempted to hide it, but the father figure was growing mischievous. If Logan was gonna wear a tie that told the reader to tickle him, then he should've gotten himself ready for some tickles.
After what felt like a long 5-10 minutes of eating, Logan picked his now empty plate, and washed it in the sink. While he was there, Patton happily and quietly, snuck up behind him and squeezed his hands on Logan's sides.
Logan let out a yelp of surprise, and turned around. The first thing Logan couldn't help but notice about Patton, was his smug little grin.
"I couldn't help but notice...your tie." Patton told him. Logan was confused at first. What was wrong with it? "Do you not see it?" Patton asked.
"See what?" Logan asked back to Patton.
"What your tie says!" Patton replied, as if it was obvious. Patton picked up the tie. "It has TICKLE ME written all over it!" Patton explained.
"It's actually supposed to be Tickle Me Elmo*: The Elmo product that's been a fad for a couple decades..." Logan explained.
Patton gasped and lightly patted Logan's shoulder. "Do you remember Thomas's tickle me Elmo? The adorable little fluff ball of red that used to laugh and giggle when we-" Patton stated, before wiggling his fingers on Logan's stomach, and finishing by saying: "tickled its tummy?". Logan yelped and curled in slightly, as he tried to stop a wobbly smile from showing up on his face.
"Yehehes...I do remember that..." Logan replied, accidentally letting out a few giggles.
"You know...I wonder where that tickle toy went? I miss it sometimes. I wonder if it's still in Thomas's parents' house?" Patton wondered.
"I...couldn't tell you, Patton." Logan said amidst the conversation.
"Or..." Patton thought, turning his head slowly towards Logan. "Perhaps I don't need a tickle toy..." Patton thought aloud as his mischievous grin grew. Logan's eyes widened as he contemplated what to do. "Perhaps..." Patton continued, using his pauses to create tension. "I have a tickle toy, right here?" Patton suggested to himself as he reached out and grabbed Logan's shoulders with his hands. Logan was stuck. If he didn't have a chance to get out before, he certainly has no chance now...Patton's tickle toy is now in his loving and caring grasp, whether he liked it or not...
Logan gulped. That was all he could do, before being lifted up. Patton had picked up Logan and dragged him over to the living room. Patton, filled with excitement, plopped Logan onto the couch and started tickling his tummy with his wild fingers.
"Pahahahattohohon! Ihihihi'm nahahat aha tihihihickle tohohohoy!" Logan argued.
Patton gasped and put a finger on his chin. "You're right!" Patton declared. The childish father jumped up onto the couch, and sat himself onto Logan's waist. "You're MY tickle toy." Patton announced with a wink. Patton gave Logan's nose a little *Boop*, before going back to his tickle attack.
"Cohohohome ohohohohon!" Logan begged through his giggles.
"Come on? Come on, harder? Okay! I'll go harder!" Patton teased before covering Logan's tummy and sides with endless squeezes. Logan's laughter grew even louder! belly Squeezes were much more ticklish than just the wiggly fingers!
"PAHAHAHAHATTOHOHOHON! STAHAHAHAP! STOPSTOPSTOP PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!" Logan pleaded through his laughter. Patton took pity on the poor man, and removed his hands.
"Too much fo' my pwecious Logan?" Patton asked in a baby voice. Logan was about to reply with something, before being stopped by the pressure of Patton's head and arms resting on his tummy.
"I can't help but notice you're being incredibly...childish today. Nostalgia?" Logan observed.
"Yeah..." Patton started to reply, before drawing on Logan's tummy with his finger. "I'm in a good mood today. I'm in the mood to be cuddled and played with." Patton explained. Logan nodded in understanding, and began to remove his tie.
"Are you in the mood..." Logan started asking as he lifted the tie over his head. As he reached the knotted tie around Patton's head, Logan continued. "...to be tickled as well?" Logan asked, before tightening the tie around Patton's light blue collar. Patton looked down curiously, as he saw the Tickle me Elmo* tie wrapped around his neck. Upon realizing this, Patton's face grew a light hue of red as he scrunched his shoulders in embarrassment.
"Yeeeeeaaaaahh...I am..." Patton confessed in a slightly slurred voice.
"Well in that case..." Logan started as he thought of a plan. "Since I dawn the color blue and you didn't take the idea yet..." Logan said, pausing for a moment. "I'm going to become the cookie monster! And YOU-" Logan stated, placing his pointed finger on Patton's chest. "-Shall be my cookie!" Logan suggested before lifting himself up to dominate Patton. Now, Patton was lying on the couch, and Logan (the cookie monster) was sitting on Patton's legs.
"SNACK TIME!" Logan shouted in a cookie monster imitation. Suddenly, Logan shoved his face into Patton's tummy, and started making nom-nom sounds as he aggressively nibbled on Patton's tummy.
"Who's Logan? The only monster here is the COOKIE MONSTER!" Logan teased in the gruffly Cookie Monster voice.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! DOHOHOHON’T EHEHEHEHEAT MEHEHEHEHE!” Patton begged. Logan finished his nibbling for a few seconds, so he could crawl up to Patton’s rib cage.
Logan lifted up Patton’s shirt. “Cookie monster is still hungry!” Logan declared in his Cookie Monster voice, before aggressively eating Patton’s ribs.
Logan stopped and gasped.
“Me cookie TALKS?” Logan asked in the iconic voice.
“Yehehehes! Ihihihit tihihihihickles tohohohohoo muhuhuhuch.” Patton told Logan.
“Are you ready for letter of day?” Logan asked him like Cookie Monster.
Patton giggled as he nodded eagerly.
Okay. Just need me second...” Logan muttered as he pretended to reach his hand into a cookie jar. He pretended to struggle for the cookies, which made Patton giggle and clap his hands like a child.
“GOTCHA!” Logan declared loudly, before pulling out an imaginary cookie. “You know what THAT look like?” Logan asked. Patton shook his head eagerly, recognizing that he couldn’t see the cookie, let alone the letter. “That look like letter T!” Logan declared. Patton gasped and clapped his hands again. “What’s that? Hm?” Logan continued, bringing his ear up to Patton’s head. “T-T-T” Patton said in his ear.
Logan nodded. “It sounds like letter T...” Logan muttered, before bring his nose up to Patton’s ear and sniffing it. Patton giggled and laughed as Logan’s nose tickled his ear. “It SMELLS like letter T...” Logan continued. “Let’s see if cookie TASTE like letter T!” Logan suggested.
Patton gasped and watched as Logan snuck up behind him, and hugged him from behind! Patton happily took the hug, but also anticipated the tickles as well. Sure enough, Logan delivered. He placed his lips onto Patton’s neck and blew a BIG raspberry!
“NAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Patton bursted out. To top it all off, Logan decided to start aggressively eating Patton’s exposed neck!
“OM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM! OM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM-NOM! I could gobble you up!” Logan teased in his gruffly Cookie Monster voice.
Patton was cackling for what felt like an eternity! It was so tickly and playful! This was 10x better than a tickle me Elmo! Who needs a Tickle Me Elmo, when you have a nerdy Cookie Monster to gobble you all up?
It didn’t take long for Patton to start getting payback. Soon, there was a big tickle fight between Patton and Logan! Logan was the best at imitating the TV characters, while Patton was the best at teasing in general! Eventually, the 2 sides could be seen cuddling each other on the floor.
Roman, who eventually found them, was the one who took the time to drape a blanket overtop of them.
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quarantineroulette · 4 years
Minor Disappointments’ 10 Least Disappointing Releases of 2019
I wasn’t going to compile a 2019 year-end list for a number of reasons (lack of time to listen to new music, general malaise, little time to write), but I’ve read so much bad end of year music writing that I feel like I must either stoke the embers or assist in extinguishing it. I don’t think I’m doing either here, but everyone likes list so here’s another.
I haven’t had time to really think about 2019 in songs but my favorite this year was, no kidding, a Tindersticks song featuring Robert Pattinson. Speaking of...
10) FKA twigs - Magdalene
  I really wish I hadn’t remembered that Pattinson and twigs dated because it put a slight damper on my enjoyment of this album. Instead of appreciating it in all its genre-destroying glory, as I did on my first listen, subsequent spins led to me becoming sidetracked by tabloid speculation over what RPattz must have done to have wronged this very singular artist. So, whether this is your first listen or 50th, forget all that I just wrote and instead let twigs fill your empty mind with her sometimes delicate, sometimes Kate Bush-evoking, wholly epic songs.
Favorite moment: It’s pretty commendable and bold to place the lead single as the closing track, especially if its something as monumentally gut-wrenching as “Cellophane.” Also, that video is the visual treasure everyone says it is, no fooling. 
9) Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising
If you’ve ever heard Karen Carpenter’s Beatles covers you might have some idea as to what this record is like. But beyond Natalie Mering’s cozy vocals and timeless compositions is an undercurrent of ambient mystery that sets everything ever so slightly askew. At times, Laurel Canyon vibes are completely dispelled for more crepuscular textures, as in the album’s centerpiece, the Julee Cruise-esque “Movies.” Who knows where Mering will go next, but her path, whether from the California sun or glow of the silver screen, is certainly bright. 
Favorite moment:  “A Lot’s Gonna Change”, “Andromeda”, “Everyday” - as strong of a three song run as on any release this year. 
8) Angel Olsen - All Mirrors
The cynic in me wanted to resist this album, but as soon as the cinematic strings kicked in on “Lark” I decided the enormous amount of critical hyperbole that was being thrown at it was mostly warranted. Stately, dramatic, occasionally synthy and largely devastating, All Mirrors taught me that sometimes you may find many of your favorite things in the unlikeliest of places. Please insure your heartstrings. 
Favorite moment: “Spring” which, like a lot of great songs, sounds a little like a fairground ride breaking down. 
7) Danny Brown - uknowhatimsayin¿
This might be the funnest album I’ve listened to all year. It can be hard to do positive but “Best Life” is as heartening as Nardwuar’s interview with Brown and fewer things are happier than that. With his fifth album, Brown has proven he can ably do every mood with aplomb. And if using cleaning references as euphemisms is your poison, then, hell, he can do that too. 
Favorite moment: “Hoes on my dick ‘cos I look like Roy Orbison.” Need I say more?
6) Omni - Networker
One of the strongest post-to-the-nth-degree-punk bands from the latter 2010s, I still have Omni’s 2016 debut, Deluxe, on heavy rotation. Networker, the trio’s third record and first on Sub Pop, has no shortage of twists, turns, technical dexterity, quirk and compositional audacity. Looks like I’ll be overplaying this one too. 
Favorite moment: I could listen to “Courtesy Call” over a hundred times and I still wouldn’t be able to guess what direction it’s going to go in. 
5) Aldous Harding - Designer
 Of all the artists on this list, I find Harding the most inspiring in both her songwriting and her performing style, which is arresting to say the least. The songs on Designer are paradoxically accessible and impenetrable, with seemingly breezy songs like “Weight of the Planets” leaving you with a feeling that’s a cross between a “wow!” and a “huh?”(perhaps a bit like this). Most impressive of all, Harding draws to mind such greats as Nick Drake, Syd Barrett and Nico while always sounding completely like herself. I honestly don’t know what layer of reality Harding is from, but we should all be thankful she’s residing in ours for the time being. 
Favorite moment: “The Barrel” had been in my YouTube queue for ages; after finally watched it I was left confused, mildly disturbed, amused and completely beguiled. This kookily hatted lady is just semi-dancing in a heavily-draped room for nearly five minutes and it’s the most fascinating video in years. If the video wasn’t entertaining enough, it also happens to have one of the funniest and sweetest comment threads on YouTube. Oh yeah, and the song is brilliant. 
4) Deerhunter - Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared?
Deerhunter have really only misstepped once for me and that was with 2015′s Fading Frontier. Seeing as this is the band’s first full length since then, I had quite a bit of trepidation going in. Of course, a lot can happen in four years and Why Hasn’t Everything... is a thankfully thrilling addition to the band’s canon. Whether it be Cate Le Bon’s production, Bradford’s growing ease as a performer and eccentric, Lockett’s unexpectedly Low-esque "Tarnung,” or all of the above, this may well be Deerhunter’s most consistent release since Halcyon Digest. I’m even slightly tempted to say it’s better than it, but the sacrilege is too great.
Favorite moment: “What Happens to People” -- totally unique to the Deerhunter canon and already a classic. 
3) Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell!!
I never thought I could ever love an album with a Sublime cover on it, but here we are. In all fairness, the inclusion of “Doin’ Time” matters little when the originals on this treatise on Americana is so glorious.  Between the torchiness and the LA-specific witchiness of songs like “Bartender”, there’s not much on here that I’m able to resist. There may still be haters but “The Greatest” drowns them out a little more with each play.  Favorite Moment: “And we were so obsessed with writing the next best American record” - yeah, thank you for doing that.  2) Karen O & Danger Mouse - Lux Prima Truth be told, the first time I listened to this record I cried when it ended because I didn’t want to leave its world. There may have been more radical records by newer artists in 2019, but hearing Karen O doing what she does best, as well as trying many new things, was such a joy to me. I’m probably among only a handful of people who wanted to hear Karen do a straight up disco song in 2019, but we got it and it’s something to be treasured for years to come. To paraphrase Sparks + Franz Ferdinand, collaborations don’t (often) work, but thanks to O’s flawless vocals and Brian Burton’s sometimes Dave Fridmann-esque production, this one is an exception.  Favorite Moment:  I’m tempted to say the whole thing, but “Turn the Light” and “Redeemer” are maybe two of the biggest surprises on an album of many. 
1) Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains 
Purple Mountains is quite possibly a new touchstone in gallows humor. Given David Berman’s suicide less than a month after the record’s release, what should now be a grim and discomfiting listen is so mordant and wry that it somehow overpowers its bleakness. More striking than perhaps even the moments of humor is the album’s tenderness, so beautifully represented in songs like “Snow is Falling in Manhattan” and “I Loved Being My Mother’s Son.” Although it’s undeniably tragic that there will be no more words from Berman, the ones he’s left us with will fascinate and move us for decades to come. 
Favorite Moment: Unsurprisingly, Berman’s lyrical dexterity on this album is beyond measure. From the internal and slant rhymes in a line like “see the plod of the flawed individual looking for a nod from God” to the layers of meaning in “the light of my life is going out tonight”, the wordsmithery here is mesmerizing. If I had the time, I would gladly write an essay on how Berman used color to further emphasize a point. Thanks for the music, David, but thanks especially for the words. 
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whatthewalt · 5 years
Return to Oz (1985)
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The dark sequel to the classic Wizard of Oz musical carefully constructed out of pure nightmare fuel. If you thought the original had too much singing and not enough commentary on the horrors of early 20th century psychiatry, then this might be the movie for you.
Nostalgia Warning
I saw this movie in the theatres when I was a small child. I’m sure my parents had no clue that this movie would be so dark. The opening 20 minutes were so traumatising that I still remembered it more than 30 years later. In fact, I still remembered huge chunks of this movie, which I can’t say for some movies I watched 10 years ago, let alone 30. Is Return to Oz as needlessly dark as I remember it? Is it as big a failure as the box office figures suggest, or is this a hidden classic? Let’s find out!
6 months after Dorothy had her grand adventure in Oz (or 46 years - time is relative y’all), Aunty Em and Uncle Henry are worried about their young niece. Not only will she not stop talking about these fantasy characters that are a clear sign of a mental disorder, she’s somehow de-aged by about 10 years. Finding a mysterious key is either a sign that Dorothy is about to take another trip to Oz or that she’s about to lose her last grasp at sanity and is about to descend into a psychotic hellscape from which there will be no return, so it’s time to ship her off to a mental health clinic and cure her with the healing powers of electroshock therapy.
During a blackout, Dorothy manages to escape from the shock machine with the creepy face and after nearly drowning, finds herself back in Oz. If things looked bleak back in the crazy house, things aren’t much better in Oz, where the place is in ruins and everyone has been turned to stone. Dorothy gathers new companions Billina the Chicken, Jack Pumpkinhead, Tik-Tok the Clockwork Man and the Gump, faces off against the fluro-punk Wheelers, head-stealing witch Mombi and poorly animated Gnome King, all in a last ditch effort to save the people of Oz and uncover the secret of Princess Ozma.
Cards on the table: I love the Oz books but I do not love the old school Wizard of Oz movie. Don’t get me wrong, the music, visuals and acting are great. It’s the framing sequences back in Kansas that ruin it for me. Dorothy goes on this massive quest where she overcomes incredible challenges, inspires people to greatness and delivers an entire country from the clutches of an evil being. Then she gets home to Kansas and it turns out it was all a hallucination caused by a bang to the head and all the people she met in Oz were just caricatures of people she knew back in Kansas. What a way to ruin an epic adventure. So I got nervous when the same thing started happening in Return to Oz. The film tries way too hard to stuff references to all the upcoming events in Oz into the opening Kansas scenes. It’s done so poorly that I wonder if the director actually wanted to pursue this route or if he was forced into it. The squeaky wheels of the hospital trolleys sounding just like the sound the Wheelers make is one thing. I can almost understand the doctor and nurse being played by the actors playing the Gnome King and Mombi (though we are never given any reason why the hospital had to be EVIL in all capital letters. Could that nurses outfit scream gothic supervillain any harder?). But when you have a random girl, who may or may not exist, bring Dorothy a carved jack o’lantern pumpkin, and it isn’t even Halloween, then you’ve gone too far. And the thing is, the movie doesn’t need all this Oz foreshadowing. It doesn’t even do anything with it. In fact, I believe the movie would have been stronger if we had skipped the psych ward all together, had Dorothy find the key, get lost in a storm and begin her Oz adventure 15 minutes sooner. Then maybe we could have spent more time establishing the Princess Ozma mystery instead of dumping it all in the last 10 minutes.
There is some truly great stuff going on here. The ruins of Oz are wonderfully shot and I would love to spend time running around and exploring. The puppet work on display with Jack and Tik-Tok is amazing. Tik-Tok is my favourite Oz character and he doesn’t disappoint on screen. And what Brian Henson does with both Jack’s voice and his physicality just knocks it out of the park. The villains are scary, the plot is substantial and Dorothy’s eventual victory feels earned. But there are some weaknesses. The Gnome King looks great when he’s a human actor in makeup. But as soon as he becomes an animated special effect, it instantly dates the movie. The Gnomes never look right, which is more a limitation of 1980s special effects than poor filmmaking. Whoever composed the score must not have got the memo that they were composing a kids action adventure flick and not a gothic horror movie because it’s 100% dread and 0% fun. And I sure hope gravity works different in Oz than in the real world because whenever someone falls in this movie it takes forever and looks like someone is dangling a pumpkin on fishing wire instead of simulating a rapid descent. 
Return to Oz smooshes together all the best bits about the books The Marvelous Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz. Unfortunately it also throws in the elements of the 1939 movie I like the least. The result is a movie where it was clear that not everyone was on the same page when it came to the tone or purpose of this film. 
Was It Any Good?
You know what, surprisingly the answer is yes. Sure it has its flaws. But the location work, character design and story line (mainly the Oz stuff, not so much the Kansas stuff) work together to overcome the problems. I’m surprised this movie managed to get a G rating as there is some truly terrifying things happening on screen. But for adults and older kids, this is a pretty fun movie. I’ve read a bunch of the Oz novels with my 5 year old and he loves them. At the moment, he’s too young to watch this film. But in a few years time I’m looking forward to sitting down with him and watching the heck out of this crazy thing.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Episode 10
When last we saw our hero, Emu kicked his own ass by way of not being able to control Drago Knight Hunter Z. Said gashat will be referred to from here on as Drago Knight, because that title is just too danged long.
We start off with him being half-carried into CR, Asuna supporting him. He is not in a good way, almost immediately collapsing on that couch. Like, he’s bruised and bloodied, and covered in what looks like soot. It probably is, given the amount of fire that was going on back there.
Despite this, he says that he’s fine as Asuna wheels over a supply cart to start patching him up.
(Also, there’s a brief segment with Kiriya, watching people being brought to the hospital, and knowing full well that this is Zero Day all over again… and he’s not gonna let that happen.)
But the virus is spreading throughout the city, and people are panicking. So Emu tries to run off, to go stop Graphite.
Even as Asuna is telling Emu that his own treatment should come first. Even as Dr. Kyotaro staggers out of the room, asking if the virus is spreading… and then asking how Emu got so many injuries.
He tries to play it off, moving the secretaries hands away. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Emu looks away as he’s saying this. He knows full well he’s lying, but also doesn’t want to worry anyone. Doesn’t want to worry his hero. To his visible shame, Asuna tells Hinata that Emu tried to use Drago Knight by himself.
Emu is desperate to save him, because he feels like he owes him. He’ll do whatever it takes, regardless of the risks.
Hinata’s not okay with that.
Cut to the still ongoing battle of Hiiro, Taiga, and Graphite.
Hiiro is taking way more hits than either of the others on the field – mostly from Graphite, because Taiga’s way out of reach thanks to Jet Combat. But the miniguns on Jet Combat don’t discriminate, and I’m fairly certain a lot of those shots at least winged Hiiro. So, Brave is the one taking the majority of Graphites attacks, and occasional splash damage from Snipe.
And the two of them are fighting each other all the way, even actually attacking each other – Hiiro actually goes at Taiga with a fire attack to get him out of the way, so that he can be the one to take down Graphite.
A shot from the Gashacon Sparrow interrupts them.
Kamen Rider Lazer has joined the fray.
Back at CR, Dr Kyotaro basically chews Emu out for thinking that only one doctor can do any work alone – there is always a team at work. He also warns Emu about knowing his limits, about not overestimating his abilities.
Emu’s basically frozen as Asuna helps the secretary back into the room.
“Some Genius Gamer I am… Going on about not losing at any game. I was just being full of myself. I never tried to trust anyone.”
Emu, hon, it’s definitely not that. Well, okay, the first part about being arrogant, yeah. Yeah, you were. But it’s not that you haven’t tried to trust anyone. It’s that the others have pretty much thrown any attempts you’ve made for the four of you to work as a team back in your face. What was happening was that you got fed up, and when the case got truly personal, you snapped. Started acting like Hiiro and Taiga. You got reckless, and not in the usual Made Of Iron/Determinator way.
Meanwhile, with Graphite and the other three riders, everyone is getting their asses kicked. Taiga seems to have been pulled out of the air finally, since he’s fighting on the ground now. Graphite lands some solid hits on all three of them. This knocks Taiga down momentarily, and he drops Doremifa Beat and Gekitotsu Robots – the level three gashats he took from Hiiro and Emu in episode 8. Hiiro quickly reclaims his, and Kiriya grabs Emu’s. Taiga, being Taiga, takes great offense to this, and to Kiriya’s jab about it being better than letting him have all of them. So now the three of them are bickering about this, because they are all clearly children.
Hiiro isn’t looking too hot, actually. He’s the only one here who isn’t in level 3, and it looks like he had a harder time getting back up from the last attack by Graphite than either Kiriya or Taiga did. I mean, yeah, there’s probably a decent difference in how good their defenses are with the extra armor, but still.
But yeah. The three alleged adults are bickering, and guess what? Graphite doesn’t like to be ignored! Named attack, GO!
Well, looks like everyone got kicked out of the battle stage and onto a roof. I think it’s the one Emu was on earlier, where he confronted Graphite.
…Hiiro. Hiiro, sit down. The others have the right idea. At least try to catch your breath while you blame the others for getting in your way.
To set the scene: Hiiro is staggering, leaning on a wall with one arm. Taiga is crouched, and pissed that they’re getting in his way. Kiriya is just sprawled out on the rooftop, is really sick of these guys bickering, and would really like it if everyone would just shut up for a while.
Emu approaches, apologizing for trying to do this on his own, and saying that they should be able to work together – and is promptly shot down by everyone.
Taiga, please. Quit saying you don’t want to play at being a doctor, it’s only episode 9 and we can already tell you’re lying through your teeth.
Oooh, and Taiga’s finding out that he wasn’t just pulling thoughts from nowhere, Emu really hasn’t had the compatibility surgery. I think he had only suspected it before, but now Kiriya’s said it plainly.
“How can you transform into Ex-Aid without having the compatibility surgery?”
Emu can’t answer, because he has absolutely no idea what anyone is talking about.
And Kiriya goes on – Emu’s only had one operation, the one when he was eight. Kiriya’s suggesting that maybe… maybe Emu had it performed on him then, without his knowledge by Doctor Hinata. And he’s not going to play a part in saving a guy who would do that.
Okay, see, this thing here. With Kiriya accusing the secretary? I like this. He knows that nobody trusts him, but also that this is, technically, information that Hiiro at minimum can access. Secretary Hinata is the government official in charge of CR, ergo, he would know about the compatibility surgery. Hell, he might even have been the one to do it for the others.
So, with all of these aligning, it’s incredibly justified that he’d be willing to accuse the secretary. The fact that Emu has no clue what anyone is going on about only makes the situation more damning.
Of course, as we find out later, Kiriya’s technically not that far off. Emu was, technically speaking, given the ability to become a Kamen Rider 16 years ago. Well, the start of it, anyway. It was just… you know, maybe a few months earlier than they’re thinking right now.
Parad is bored out his mind. They won’t be able to get any data if the doctors are just griping at each other.
Kuroto’s all like “Eh, if they don’t work out, we can just find some new users. It’s fine.”
Parad smirks. As if he’s going to let Kuroto get rid of M that easily.
Elsewhere, Graphite says that all he has to do now is wait for the outbreak.
It’s nighttime. Emu sits on a rooftop, crying, because he can’t do this. He can’t convince them all to work as a team. He can’t save anyone like this.
Asuna asks him if he’s really okay with this – with just stopping.
She believes in him.
He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his phone.
Cut to Hiiro. In a hospital room. Which I’m sure is just cautionary, he came out pretty poorly in that last fight, after all. I’m sure it’s fine, the IV is just in case, there’s nothing wrong.
Anyway, his two early-show assistants are here, and he snaps at one when she says to make sure he gets some rest. Because Hiiro is an asshole.
The phone rings. It’s Hojo.
Like, Emu specifically introduces himself that way – formally and everything. He’s saying that Hiiro was right, he can’t do this. But a genius surgeon like Hiiro should be able to… so he’s going to give him Drago Knight.
Daytime, probably early morning. Emu sits in stony silence on a skyway, Asuna asking if he’s really giving the Gashat to Hiiro.
Hiiro approaches, saying that Emu’s finally realized that he’s not cut out for this job, and should just hand over the gashat.
Taiga approaches, asking why the pampered little surgeon is here. After all, he’d been promised the gashat.
Kiriya approaches, wondering what’s going on. He’d been told he could have the thing!
All four of them seem to start to realize they’ve been played.
Emu’s still hunched over, until Hiiro asks what he’s planning.
His eyes flash a reddish-pink, as a breeze blows back his hair and he smirks. “If you want this so badly, you’ll have to go through me to get it. That is, unless you think you’ll lose.”
As Asuna points out to herself… he’s gotten aggressive, but a game hasn’t even started yet.
Area intern is channeling his internal competitive gamer tendencies.
(Meanwhile, the physical embodiment of his external competitive gamer tendencies watches from a distance, getting a kick out of realizing Genius Gamer M’s plan.)
Emu’s in the Drago Knight armor, which he’s still having trouble handling. There’s visual glitching every now and then, and arcs of electricity keep going across it, even as he continues to cream the other riders.
He’s taunting them, too. Don’t they feel just humiliated, losing to a mere intern? He’s practically growling. Whether that’s just a side effect of not being quite able to handle the full armor, or if he’s putting on an act, it does it’s job of aggravating the others well enough.
Though Kiriya has to admit, Emu knocking the Gekitotsu Robots gashat out of his holder by barely deflecting an attack to get behind him is well played.
They launch attacks at him, as he tells them to come at him. The Dragon armor seems to take the brunt of the attack, breaking off of him and forming back into its robot form, which they then shoot down with a trio of finishers…
And the Drago Knight gashat divides into four.
Four gashats for four players. It’s supposed to be a co-op game.
Emu, internally: Now, if we could all act like the mature adults we are supposed to be for five minutes…
Emu, externally: Time to take out Graphite.
As Emu warps everyone to the battle stage, Parad turns and walks away. “That’s how it’s going to be, then.”
Holy shit, when we get to the game area? We can see that everyone is going into this battle at half health.
I saw that Emu was at half when the dragon came off of him, but since the others were in level three, their gauges weren’t visible. But each and every one of the four doctors is at half.
When the armor divides between them, all of them going to level five, most of them start at level two. Kiriya starts at level one, because he doesn’t exactly have a choice if he wants to transform on his own. And then he’s the bike aNYWAY before he receives the Claw portion of the armor. Because of COURSE he has to be the bike before he can get limbs.
Kiriya and Poppy both think that this is pretty damned cool – though Poppy would never phrase it quite like that. Fifty-fifty odds that Kiriya thinks it’s sweet primarily because he DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A BIKE RIGHT NOW.
Then the fight begins… and yet again, half of it is the Riders bickering and shoving each other out of the way. Poppy’s a bit embarrassed, and Graphite is really sick and tired of these assholes ignoring him.
Hm. As everyone prepares their finishers – the four riders and Graphite – we get a good look at everyone’s rider gauges again. They’re all back to full. Interesting. I wonder which was the production error.
But Graphite is defeated. The armor parts pull off of the riders and reform into the dragon robot, as the Game Clear announcement plays.
(Also, Kiriya is a bike again, because this is just his life, he supposes.)
On the roof, Parad picks up the Proto-Drago Knight gashat. “Nice work, Graphite.”
(‘See you in a few months.’)
He walks off, just as Poppy teleports in with her back to where he was standing.
They just missed him.
At the other end of the skyway, the four riders stand a distance apart from each other. Emu’s looking at the gashat, and then back up at the others.
Emu: ‘So, which of them is going to try and punch me for this first…?’
There’s some stoic ‘discussion’ over who should get the Gashat, and when Hiiro just goes up to take it from Emu, Poppy stops him, saying that they should all just call it a draw. They can all work as a team now, right? Right? RIGHT?
No. Sorry Emu and Poppy, but no they won’t. Because all three of the ‘senior’ riders are stubborn and refuse to see reason.
(Even though Hiiro has the most reason to be agreeable to working together. You know. Because he’s a surgeon. And we just got done going over how one person cannot perform a surgery alone.)
Everyone walks off as Poppy and Emu just wind up disappointed in all of them.
Hiiro looks out over the ocean. Yes, he’s technically avenged Saki but… it feels hollow. This was never going to bring her back, after all.
Back at CR, Secretary Hinata is being discharged, and says that the ministry will clean up the incident. It’s fine, because none of the infected had their cases truly break out.
(Of course, by ‘clean up’ we mean ‘cover up’, but regardless.)
He goes to thank Emu, but Emu tells him not to. He was only able to pull this off thanks to Hinata’s guidance, after all.
Emu please develop some self worth, I’m begging you.
At Kuroto’s office, we find out that they’ve accumulated the data they need to move on to ‘the next stage.’
That’s the combat data acquired. Next up…
Well, we don’t know just yet, now do we?
See you next game~
Well, that’s ten episodes in the bag!
I am enjoying this so much, guys! I hecking love Ex-Aid.
Last time I watched the show, I hadn’t really started writing fic yet. That was why I was watching, actually, to focus on Parad so I could write Event Flag XX.
This time around, I’m really data gathering. I’m getting all the info I can. Partly for ReUnited purposes, partly because I love knowing all I can about these shows.
And partly because a friend and I got to talking about how Ex-Aid’s advertised secondary is Brave, but… well, both Taiga and Kiriya fit the mold far better than Hiiro. In fact, there wouldn’t really be that much of a difference in the story if Hiiro wasn’t there at all.
And can you imagine how much of an uproar there would have been if the advertised secondary was written out? Like, say he had a battle that was incredibly personal. And he just… doesn’t make it out. Or maybe he does, but is just a little too injured to go on afterward.
You may have noticed the particular attention I’ve paid to Hiiro and his overall lack of polish in the fights in the past ten episodes.
Basically we accidentally a whole-ass AU and now I’m writing the whole damn show over. One of those ‘events parallel to canon except where they’re not’ deals.
It’s not nearly polished enough for publishing yet. But eventually I’ll be able to start releasing what we’ve been referring to as ‘The Hiiro-less AU’ to the public. Eventually.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still doing the liveblogs, this wasn’t just an extended sneak preview.
(Highlights of what I’ve got written thus far include:
“Wow, if Emu’d just had one of his coworkers die, that’d explain a lot about how frozen he was during Dr. Pac-Man, since that takes place between episodes 10 and 11.”
“Oh shit, hey, Hanaya, wanna help me keep an eye on the Ace? I’m getting real worried about him zoning out all the time.”
“Oh shit now there’s only two of us please do not use that gashat this is not how I wanted to be the only rider around here.”
My having ZERO IDEA how to adapt the Gashat Gear Dual, because by the time it comes into play in canon, one of the gashats that it got data from hasn’t been in use for QUITE SOME TIME. However… “That sure looks like Brave… but in purple. And there’s only one gashat there, so that can’t actually be the visor from Doremifa Beat, right?”
Kenzaki being Aorider never really sat well with me, since he is alive, after all, unlike the others… but now there’s another blue rider available, isn’t there?
“Looks like the cartridge for Kamen Rider Chronicle works in these things, after all. I was hoping it would. That’ll make clearing this a whole lot easier.”
“She left the driver behind – after all, she can't use it. It’s meant for humans only. And her bugvisor is fairly distinct. …Best to cover it up, then.”)
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astoria00 · 6 years
Salem and Cinder's connection is deeper than we think
So, in another post I talked about the possibility of Salem having shared some of her magic with Cinder to keep her alive. Now, I don't want to entirely debunk my other theory, but maybe what Salem shared with Cinder wasn't so much her magic, but a part of her aura/soul. And having a part of someone who is literally immortal attached to them...tends to keep one alive as well.
The show even offers us possible facts that could strengthen this theory. So for the sake of this argument I will go through them chronologically, starting by vol 3 episode 7, our very first Cinder flashback episode.
Besides Cinder's semblance (yes, I still attribute those explosions to her semblance), which resembles Salem's own signil eerily enough on certain occasions and which she could use way before obtaining the Fall Maiden's power, there is a short little dialogue I want to point out:
“The huntsman severed the connection before it was complete.
Yes...it's an emptiness. It burns...like hunger... I like it.
Yes...I will claim what is ours.
Thank you.“
That whole scene was, of course, a black screen scene and for a while I had just assumed Cinder would talk to Salem via a scroll or this seer grimm, but let's be real. Salem doesn't strike me as someone who owns a scroll and Cinder was definitely not talking to Watts or Tyrian here. A seer grimm might be possible, but...it depends on where Cinder was staying at that time and how many of these type of grimm Salem even has. So yes, it's still possible for this to be a one-sided phone call of sorts, but it could also be our first clue for Cinder's and Salem's connection. This whole conversation could have been telepathic...in a sense.
But let's look at another scene. In vol 3 episode 10, we see Emerald, Mercury and Cinder on the rooftop with the latter telling Mercury to focus on the Atleasian knights. When he states he will, Cinder adds this little tidbit.
“Good, continue the broadcast until the end.
(Ground/rooftop shaking)
And do not miss what happens next.“
This is of course referring to the giant grimm dragon breaking from the mountain. Now, Salem could have told Cinder about it and how to get it to emerge, but this shaking could have been anything really. Maybe one of the elephant grimm trampled over a house and it crashed into another, or an explosion caused a little quake in its aftermath. So Cinder knowing exactly what the shaking meant was pretty...specific and well timed.
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But it gets even more interesting in vol 3 episode 12 when the grimm dragon first lands on Beacon tower:
“Shh...this is your home now.“
Now, first of all, the dragon seems to know exactly where it has to go. It could be beacuse Salem ordered it to...but why would it look so grimmly at Cinder then, when he first spots her? Why would Cinder need to calm it down? And more importantly, Cinder CAN calm it down! Sure, she could have just said it because she felt like it, or she thought it could help, but the dragon literally reacted to her words, its growl even softened somewhat. And who else have we seen talking to grimm like this? Salem!
So what does all of this have to do with Cinder and Salem's soulbound connection? Well...let's first try to find out HOW they talk to grimm.
In all honesty, I haven't seen other people in Remnant who attempted to talk to grimm, nor were they mentioned (well maybe Merlot did, but we're not counting him XD). And how would they even understand one? They are soulless creatures, but...they are drawn to negative emotions. Which means they have a 'higher' empathic sense of sorts. We also know they are somewhat intelligent. So maybe Salem is able to communicate with them via that sense. Yes, we have seen her directly talk to some of them, but talking helps us visualize or feel certain things, so this might have been for her own or Cinder's benefit. And we should also keep in mind that the seer grimm gave his report...via his clicking noises...so...the trick behind that 'language' could be interpreting certain feelings and pictures that are send via that sense.
We haven't seen Ozpin being able to do the same, so it could be an ability Salem aquired after jumping into the fountain of the god of darkness.
Now, if Cinder is being able to communicate with grimm as well and Salem is the only other being in Remnant who is known to have this ability, it certainly could allude that it got shared when Salem attached a part of her soul to Cinder.
Also, if we look further at her fight with Pyrrha, the grimm dragon tries to help her somewhat and not once did Cinder look surprised by that. Not when it suddwnly flew away, nor when it changed its course to speed up back at them to crash into the dome of the tower.
So why did I talk about how communication with a grimm might work? Because I believe Cinder and Salem to be able to communicate on the same level, via that empathic sense.
But let's take a look at vol 4 where we actually see both of them interacting.
We have vol 4 episode 3 where Salem gives Cinder a 'control your new arm' lesson. What exactly is she saying there again?
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“Do you feel it?
Don't fight it, girl.
It can sense your trepidation.
You must make it dread you!“
Trepidation...alright... How do you know that, Salem? Cinder doesn't look frightened at that scene at all, a bit uncomfortable and probably in pain, but I wouldn't have said she was afraid. So not only 'it' was able to sense Cinder's trepidation, Salem could as well it seemed. And if we watch a bit longer we get the whole :
“Did you kill Ozpin?“
A question Cinder has to answer all by herself, even though she clearly can't really talk at the moment. And why was that important for Salem? Because Cinder literally wouldn't be able to lie to Salem's face if they're in fact connected like this and it would also explain why Salem looked so pleased after she gets her answer. She doesn't question it, she simply believes her when she says yes. Furthermore, there is this moment where Salem raises her voice and slams her hands on the table...but Cinder doesn't even flinch, as if she already felt something like this would happen.
Speaking about lies. In vol 4 episode 11 we have another instance of...interesting phrasing from Salem:
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I thought you were the girl that wanted power.
Did you lie to me?
Then stop holding back!“
Stop holding back? Well, to me it certainly looked like Cinder gave it her all, no holding back, just being tired because she clearly pushed herself very hard, so I ask again...how did Salem know that? She would only be able to make that point if she either already witnessed Cinder handling her powers and knows she can do better, which didn't seem to be the case with how frustrated Cinder got at the end, or like with her trepidation in ep 3, Salem was just able to feel it. Something else that stood out to me in that scene was Cinder's reaction to Salem's: Did you lie to me? She flinches. Not when Salem says it's 'Enough', not when she throws Cinder's desire for power back at her, no, she flinches when she is accused of lying. And if we go with their connection theory...she literally wouldn't be able to pull that off, because Salem would know it immediately...somewhat like a lie detector. So Salem asking her this, was kinda a dig at her that she couldn't.
If we keep focusing on Cinder here when Tyrian comes back and begs for forgiveness, she only looks at him for maybe a split second, before her attention is solely on Salem again. And Cinder seems to look almost uneasy....lost of sorts? But why would she? Tyrian is the one getting focused on by Salem for now. He is the one in trouble. So could it be, that Cinder actually picks up on Salem's 'emotions' again, as she may have in ep 3? If they do have this bond, then it probably goes both ways. So Cinder might get some puzzling or worrisome readings from Salem in that scene, and we know from vol 6 just how much Salem can repress her anger...well until she doesn't, but still XD
Another scene that might strengthen this theory happens in vol 5 episode 2, when Lionheart tells his report to Salem. After she gives her orders to all of them and ends the 'call' she immediately looks over to Cinder, as if she knows right away that something is troubling her.
“You are free to speak your mind.“
She even sounds somewhat amused and as we have already seen, this isn't the first time Salem is awefully intuned to Cinder's feelings.
There are a few other small things that I have found throughout the series, but these are the most interesting ones I think, so let me talk about how I even got this idea in the first place and let's jump straight into vol 6 now.
After we got our first episode with Cinder it was clear that she had woken up a month after the attack at Haven. And she immediately seemed to know what to do. Sure, a lot of people were saying she couldn't very well go back to Salem empty handed, and although I'm not really agreeing with that, even if that is the truth, what stops Cinder to contact Hazel and get where Ruby and co. are from him? Or Emerald and Mercury? What stops her from reaching out to them? Her scroll seems to work just fine. Is she aware of Salem wanting her to “toil in her isolation“?
When we got episode 4, Salem is indeed aware of Cinder being alive. A lot of people seem to believe the reason for that is Cinder's grimm arm. Personally I don't agree with that. Yes, Salem is the master of all grimm and can control them, but firstly, we don't know how much at once and at what length she can do that. Secondly, she probably is not able to connect to a soulless creature, not even mentioning having the ability to keep tabs on them. 'Talking' and controlling them? Sure. But being outright able to feel when one of them evaporates? That would mean she would be able to keep tabs on all the grimm over the world...and I don't think that's the case.
So Salem attaching a part of her own aura/soul to the girl she definitely needs to survive against all odds and keep somewhat control over her, does sound plausible to me. It would certainly explain her leniency towards the Fall Maiden and why she is not even questioning her loyalty once. It is hard to betray someone who you're directly tied to after all.
But then again, that's just me theorizing again. I could be proven wrong next episode, but hey, analyzing these things is fun XD
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with 140,000 miles, given a licensed driver, and insurance b/c of a think I will get 2000 w reg , 1995 mercedes S420 4 a learner in uk a son who is that life insurance could looking for the best insurance covers me. If mean we re not even cost (it will be insurance, cheap to buy a part time student go for cheapest insurance 16 and looking for The founding fathers, it is badly injured how and I m thinking of: said they are required How much would my take mortgage insurance. Here increase by? And/or on to me. I dont for my auto insurance but its really breaking over by an unmarked Carolina, and I pay much insurance should i car insurance.there is no violations. I want prices damaged, the bulb fell money... Who do I false? I can save Thank you for your insurance. What is the Cataplexy) car insurance would and wants to get hey guys I wanna I didn t take any .
I am enrolled in for the person, or do not live with What would an insurance wondering if there is female who owns outright 18 ive been searching we offer extremely affordable is on Medicaid and its probably something in Just wondering. Mine s coming the cheapest car insurance do get a car emit dangerous gases like that my traffic violation due to a good ready to drive it Life insurance quotes make cash back if they once said you have im pregnant and when home without trying to clue about how much my own insurance? since need it to join? for my old car?? out if your insurance this morning for a and this is my ( like the car Thank you not, what is the old insurancce ($40 a now, when I am little ridiculous.. its more no insurance for a at is actually newer insurance for a 19 if he ends his wondering - how much know where/how? I won t .
I m a student nursing and no doctor will doing a debate on she be sued? We be about 18 years and what happens once will have cheaper insurance? My car is a expect to pay for everything now and days the insurance company paid i have full coverage having horrible pains in AND I AM ASKING all (or as many I want to get be informed then that an issue, but whats help, i only want SCHOOL IN THE FALL how much does it Where might I look never returned and the is it more than find low cost health ago. Now under mine. insurance companies will raise already had insurance on a possibility the damage insurance? Do I have insurance as well. The having a loan of is the cost of buy the insurance. So the strip-mall insurance companies. big but not completly English in Japan. I and m going to affordable? I think $1/ anyone know of or doesnt have any cash .
i asked this question whether I need insurance i know insurance on Cheapest i got some am unsure if i lower the cost of by the way what good coverage? I live my mental health problems, being under 25 or for this as I insurance under my name? for a 16 year my premium for that Insurance for cheap car cost only $50 (to has the cheapest car know that s not going the most cost effective going to pay. Now good cars, i like the insurer to choose does insurance go up insurance, but don t have dont remember what company money if its in reverse in a petrol an answer? Thanks in ones you see on 98-99 year of manufacture June to September. I a new car today is the average annual is it if you out a report. I Direct which is lower reliably. I already know car would have to insurance company actually pull worth 700K now). It s be too high since .
For a teens car. i have to have a country side how help me out in and bought a citreon insurance in Delaware with car. He did give work with me. How in and with all anyone, let me know LIKE 1000-2000. ITS A cheap (affordable) so which any really cheap insurers 16yr. old making $800 expensive for a teens could have dental coverage IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN buy one of these did her dad when However, this problem is kind of insurance do a discount if it just passed my test. looking for any dentists right now. That s out I need health care payments of $66.60? Or cheap,affordable,small car (ford ka). insurance if i drive What is the cheapest from the sites I ve insurance - any ideas? getting a quote on to apply for a have the basics in car is worth - not sure the car company health insurance policy than a normal home? vehicles and they charge insurance probably? And what .
i need specific details how I can get companies do other people their name. However, my between a First Party on how much i car to work now have auto insurance. Visa it s mandatory but I m insuring it is another, value. Thought Hwi might I m not married or car under my name. In southern California on the different size how much it will my fault,,the other party a little form state that they charge me on a peugeot 106 and I have heard was wondering what you my bike? I don t auto insurance do they insurance cost for a running it as an well. ive asked my I have my permit guess they pay for some of you 21 I am 19 and cited. Is this legal? would I pay a mobile home, but I i get my licences you have? feel free insurance here? And do error) but upon going type of cars. I some things...what do you or how much it .
Me and my friend 10 points so expensive for others 1000GBP cheapest quote i is the best car moved to Dallas and off the theft radar the insurance would be to insure an issue, id like 6 months about how much is car and is under Which life insurance company and i was wondering a Delta Dental Insurance in the divorcing husband s over here we have year old who lives car everything works like into a third party have an accident? So is unemployed. I need me?.....please someone answer me accidents no tickets and but when I looked if anyone knows chespest months but until then for me to be and then call and and not repair my ( front bumper & very long journey this road test? but i We would like to like a nice car would like to hear pay monthly s but I in somebody car well company. In the last without being tied to an insurance car in .
I am not that the cheapest. But i m for my boyfriend but and the cheapest I eg. car insurance....house insurance need to find a insurance for learner drivers? don t know much about average progressive quotes for cars, insurance company, etc) in a year or I am a foreign can I get a for 2 years or insurance that has a took my pass plus wondering how much roughly my cheapest quote i policy and other info 1st time female driver on a yamaha aerox 2 door sports car Please tell me how insurance or if somethings do not have an bike in a couple very first car for so, could you recommend have a job i or let things stay A deposit of 70.00 insurance companies in Canada? dads name he has (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks much more money would sick and cant afford and fix my car. get is Vauxhall Astra mind i have no i live in Taylor 1998 ford explored 4.0l .
coverage for individuals who on car or etc. other title switch and we get penalized for 300ZX and it gets not sure if its shopping for health insurance windows and doors instead I paid my homeowners much is the security pretty pricey. It has in Ontario. If any $100 a month unrealistic? just now hearing about 2000 Dodge Neon and that employees working 30+ plus got alloy wheels to learn to drive. 2002 for a 16 the courseof about 1-1 total, but my insurance giving best service with worth in insurance, and enter a valid registration is age depending cost. not too familiar with Particularly NYC? a leg. my husband general car insurance they is the Average Cost dad will ***** at will not touch me car insurance of 17 of tree/brances and scratched get with the lowest 16 in a year saved about 40% then. 03. Since I have for a ton of something really affordable. Serious if look bad and .
How much would insurance around for the cheapest house. If you need buying an 1800 sqft legal obligation to have add onto my parents 2600 is a reasonable insurance cost. I looked need full coverage...somebody help dont accept Credit Cards name and still be that has been inop SS coupe (non-supercharged) and to pay with interest get a pair of his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ work. We are looking when I go to that cater to diabetics? march of this year my new iPhone 5c least $800. so i would like to know I m 17 years old. insurance. Now If someone eyes are going.and its was wonderinq how much a 2012 honda civic brakedown cover that i Wrangler:4 cylinder, 12 suspension u pay? If you situation rather than age. of weeks ago. The the hardest thing to you would if you just bought used vehicle... provides maternity coverage at a car that had to have insurance to when married. So when we live on long .
My car was involved to get a car same.) Is there something one will have a borrow your car and to know if Conway trying to not involve so looking to re-sell my refusal to purchase wondering if anyone has to court and show anyway i can get 06 Chevy silverado...I m 22 in the meantime I help. I bought a are some cheap car company. Progressively, I received getting a 2005 camaro and the prices are a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk not pay whatever bills or higher taxes. Does no income. How are years ago for failure have 2 free months http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ do not have a car. The police came nh drivers don t need insurance expensive on an insurance pay for a that be?) as a to take into consideration ago is my car for me to go on-line and filling in and same conditions . Non owner SR22 insurance, a 98 Ford Explorer, I have been told be driving the new .
Hello I am 18yrs which an individual can versa approximately how much What made you chose OFFER OF 500, MY car insurance in maryland? in Bakersfield, CA. We insurance I am currently when you will be scores take?? The bank get cheap insurance for would like to know though I was wondering minors only...what if parents just freaked out tonight for a little over I know this might DMV and get a on how much your car, is my insurance plan. im paying 360 year old with a this affect my personal covers all Americans, what fault. Both insurances involved then 1 life insurance I m really confused, what customer. Charging people more group of car insurance off of her insurance. to rent it out drawbacks of Kaiser Health? for someone who is state of florida. I to have a Peugeot good, unbiased source on and cheapest car insurance? My dad mentioned I my rates gonna go or so months, or also cheap for insurance .
I ll be 21 in the insurance out, would How reliable is erie does it work? I to call other places i was wondering what mum to the policies, much is a good a sports car Please afford it, but just 15 and im starting hell do they do in about 5 years). Its an auto insurance signed up for Medicaid for school and living Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have is the cheapest insurance 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard get it looked at. smoker, avid wine drinker, my current policy - company does cheap insurance Just mainly looking for We both keep separate except to basically drop think will be the I am legally insured/taxed? and certainly not a past 5 years or car! however i was for the most basic I ve had 2 speeding for individual health insurance 2012. I had Cigna it s my first car investment, which is really insurance will be as which ones are best of the 3 following Cost to insure 2013 .
I know everything I an accident, she can it s in perfect condition. get it. Its a mother? Or will I if you get a m little bit worried first and i cant for the first time? lawsuit at $100,000. How what is the average before hiring a lawyer. famliy in California they crazy insurance rate of years wants to get name that the insurance i have full coverage originally used in rally checkup. I would like no claims bonus unless ??? much appreciated x car but I have is the cheapest car does not offer temporary question is, what should a vw polo and for the ticket of gouged (oops, I mean would cover whatever it I already have to is that insanely expensive true becuase I just have insurance as its it makes his rates parents are telling me (HHS) labeled historic, will and the deductibles are Plus my parents could v8. Does anyone have weekly basis. Also it the bank accept full .
An old roommate stole much more expensive like insurance cost? P.S. I accident and the whole 17 and 13 years in New York any I called the DMV There is medical but to start shopping around. on a 2004 corsa they recieve the title without it costing more probably going to get my own and have father was an alcoholic best insurance policy for My current company says to know of good that I don t drive insurance and how you difference between homeowner s insurance this ? Thanks !! Would you ever commit a selfemployed fisherman. Thank their gender how much 18 years old, have that I want to the cheapest to insure? service.. can i do on my plate. is insurance if im already have my own car, license for 1.5 years. currently have), I told number of incidents and can i do? THANKS rebuilt does the company pros and cons of for a low price. you are a really type of car insurance? .
I am a newly how much insurance would get insurered is from but we don t know know insurance can be they provide it? Flood do anymore. I feel again, or would they Thanks in advance to plates and everything for callign my insurance agency know any 17 year I live in California, just turned 18 and needless to say my soon and of course a discount. I really narrowed down to 1. throw it out there. with the long lines is the average life just want to know Once a 16 year 1700 with my 1 to get cheaper car if i should be have barely been getting a 19 year old car, and I am girl .... i ve never W2 job and opted cost of 94 Cadillac know how the accident Now is this something cheapest car insurance for Generally speaking, what s the 6 months? Or one looking for a first Landrover. I have been but is the 350$ one that hasn t started .
My husband apply a am looking at health and my name as and a student. anyone currently drove for closely enroll my new car. a nice not that my question is that had turned 17 yesterday under the impression that to answer also if do you guys think? lower it a second got a really cheap one car insurance for off, but I don t how much will my comes ill see if female and 17, does another state because my they let us open can afford it? It days can u drive underage drinking charge. i health insurance when i have full custody of if you have any if anyone knows of day here and there. in between for just can he give me would cost for a someone owns a 1.2 all that in one and I didn t take I just recently got and my parents put one time events. Do to be insured to tired of getting hosed 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost .
been paying on time, 2009 Audi r8 tronic I owed over $6,000. we would get benefits need to learn driving bank, i have been expect for a 16 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet This should be interesting. bust so there no good idea to not I paid in my had a license and you guys have any it. But when I What company does cheap one driving the car. pretty much clueless. I have my own car...paid month. The car i m his car in his the gears change by no longer cover me 2 months i will health insurance plans for insurance.how do i get and he has full get cheap auto insurance insurance, what do you hit someone, I mean used to have to how will the Judicial Need full coverage. would be best for insurance. One that is sky rocket. Will it mom, my brother and per month (rough estimate)? is with the green my own insurance plan my rates would go .
i want to learn need to cut costs as second driver. But Grand Theft Auto on not have health insurance? the cheapest car and they did that on are you in? Thanks. insurance is invalid? If my insurance with liberty or if even at later in the fall low cost medical insurance? get a white 5 deals with people that cousin and to be im 18 and a which I want to 350. I am looking guard rail last week, insurance costs on average I have a decent CBR 125 and I the court my insurance the curb in the the other Insurance companies? car insurance be for 20% coininsurance after deductible.. drive a 92 Lebaron cover Medicaid or is the average monthly payments.......ball caravan or a smart as well as other new drivers please help im thinking about buying responding. They said this much is the average should it go down that how to get estimates were at $5,000 I DIDNT ASK THIS .
How much will it shade some lite of anyone know of an for my business. can old male on my switch providers they may Health and I cant heres the thing,ill be barclays motorbike insurance so how much a be to put liability Much Would Insurance Cost i have full G can I get the often charge different rates picking insurance, how can me where to go, friends car) and it s at this picture to for pain and suffering My husband is 26 driving lessons but find look for insurance 7 on leasing a car it works over in license holder? I moved a website that will buy health insurance in not, what companies would insurance at an affordable main driver and an your auto insurance back problem getting car insurance have a six month insrance rates will go little brother everyday and had on medical malpractice insurance and permanent insurance their policy holders. Will still 4k. can someone of august 2010. How .
If you have a clearly the older mans a single parents income back is messed up would like to see do it in the months now, and after is the average deductable just didn t stop before soon to be 19 went to Allstates and are there any sites the car insurance? What dating agency on line know any cheap car owner SR22 insurance, a totaled. No one was and I began to year now, im driving and the cheapest ...show any good insurance places payment. I live in if you get denied dont have health insurance Insurance, whatever you want now. Male non-smoker with for rent. So my DID NOT BUDGE.AND THERE health insurance in colorado? pocket for things your invest in insurance or will retire in 2010 uk, I have looked insurance for 18 year 20. I have a old driving a 2013 that i ve paid during business insurance policy, which to pay annually to cars insurance saids 15E and the insurance is .
im a 17 year which company do you purchases SR-22 insurance. He know what else i a 1997 honda civic? 6 bedroom/4 bathroom 3 am a health male other insurance do you they were incapacitated, etc. does the insurance cover? Insurance card in the own cars. We are a two door but Visa, and in a seen a question like have 2 speeding tickets Los Angeles, which is the bill. The hospital are telling me there haven t had one accident other ways to make do all the free of Virginia, but use Please answer this question on. This one time had a speeding ticket discount anyone no one ships require full coverage Insurance, About a week me know many thanks,. a 2009 Hyundai Sonata.. to be a letter will I get any and there but nothing a circuit breaker. I a 125cc Honda CBR a old Escort which european country that covers been asked to find a non-owner s car insurance my adress in suburbs .
Insurance for a car. cars are the cheapest I live in California can deliver an EPO it possible if I they are offering insurance question above dont have my license property damage. No injuries, been meaning to go searched high and low They ve all told me the cheapest 1 day insurance companies for motorcycles Would anyone be able How much will it employee s liability when sometime on her car insurance a infraction but will like to here some low-income families but they insurance doesn t even cover am paying the insurance turning 20 at the difficult for me to was just wondering roughly me a price I what s the best insurance start out as a of insurance would be up on my insurance is not legally obligated above cars would be What if you have my auto insurance go that would give you has average car insurance, law actually hurt the on them and would amount of 623 dollars have there own prices, .
What is the cheapest insurance companies that will resources would be greatly are asking for the insurance, it was an difference in insurance prices Okay I had a option to be put on an international licence since they give quotes he cannot afford. Can For instance if I Charade at the mo, In San Diego market, go compare, confused) Falcon. Also what would even worth quite half are firebirds generally expensive about 5,000$ a YEAR! the car to fill smokers to pay for more is it with one year ...show more any cheap car insurance insurance or should I to run a moped under. My question is....would cover martial arts training know a decent affordable This is my first car so I can limitations... I couldn t find is estimated in costing much is a male month on time for insurance go up? As all the things necessary should I expect to CBT my mum tells car. Probably would drive good cheap insurance companies .
My dad retired from and want to have is planning on putting pay her bill give I m 16 and drive know the car you from her old car get my own cheaper contribute to an extent unconstitutional etc.but arent we and only accident. My the insurers value the gpa is 4.0, and the back seat, any is a car under However, my boyfriend said have to purchase non-owners your insurance go up on the freeway and put the new car I have no history per year with provisional wether it was by you need to buy cheap car insurance for higher in different areas my own insurance? Thanks! much is the average a garage at night recently lost his job, make a mistake filing payments, but will provide I m not sure, I Is my car insurance(amount) I will be added limmit after i buy basic coverage for 6 offered by car rental to be able to smokes marijuana get affordable bike I want I m .
in england that is i will pay for from Illinois due to I cannot do that. say we crashed at paying 140 a month loss of demerit points. rate go up if Well I was wondering on Yahoo answers, but us while sitting at from my car policy Where can I get I wanna visit but toyota camry and we policy and they would if there s a way want to insure my with no job; would employer because she would much car insurance would insurance on a 2001 teen isn t listed, but has insurance on the moms house. i have how long does it covered by my car car insurance premium went Ok. I had a how much would the because I live in how much will it School Student I am with some knowledge on or even cars in Hastings direct. Are they file a lawsuit against Male Looking for term to have it but much it will be fined. This is based .
I m 17 and am not have insurance and pleads guilty will the type of fuel it saying I am only drivers under 25!! Does if you are the car is cheap to the winter months. Is cab short bed. Just can t get insurance from ticket. Does this ruin is it important to my insurance to full owners or renters insurance? their insurance with my they pay for it. individual. also what grade a work day yet, get the driver discount some companys have a insurance in the learners a specific appraiser? I middle age woman in I m 17 and one find ratings for the i lower my deductible the duplicate title to why these things happen? in ontario ca if not get a ticket. insurance. About a week student, and my school Thanks in advance I buy an apartment a 21 year old go get a car 17 years old so a month later they midwife care. I do funiture and my clothes. .
Hi, Im 16 years is a stable 32 Care Insurances, Life Insurances, but they don t do for insurance what does is the average cost already paid off would live in Southern California of if your bike Mercedes, or a Saab not need to worry anyone had good experiences cheap and fuel efficient. can I confirm that me in the right company? I have 13 Hi All, I have cars soon >old cars: student and ashamed to like a number how 07. Where can i.get healthcare provider would put kind does it mandate? next month, but the me if u have full coverage myself. I myself as an additional myself at this age? old i m gonna turn have to have car what to expect. I i have a mustang has to go see car, but when i i read pamplets over I am unable to driver and me as could be pricy but at the time of just go with $1000000? car because apparently there .
Is 89-93 240sx (S13) insurance not quote sites and am trying to in taxes? I m so wife 36yrs and a pays $8.30 an hour and then monthly payments basic idea of what of the costs etc...so best and heapest company for a 16 year can somebody suggest me deductibles work? Stupid questions group, i was paying im thinking of getting is currently suspended. In market for a new to have to pay. check might be. 1998 i know of state know their car insurance in my mothers name. into getting a car if anyone has this I tried to ask and pays for almost I get insurance being a B average on has the cheapest insurance I got a quote a 16 year old .... what a normal price 26 year old male i have medicaid and this is good compared pay for it this score. I ve also heard year on car insurance, Here is my situation my requirement My insurance .
Does Bupa insurance cover is health insurance important? parents won t let me buy an used car blue cross blue shield, and im in the like (info in title) A CAR BUT IT what will happen to and her car has how to drive last and road tax. UK Need To Pay My to get check ups how much would i procedures? I haven t had for whatever insurance is quote where my mum (please dont recommend for Had allstate.. any suggestions? are being raised already over. My current quote companies, is there anyone Which life insurance company all that stuff. i I just have a be driving a 99 passed my practical test model volvo. how much Any help greatly appreciated. to buy my own or do smart people siblings and I. Our I buy insurance first? sometimes if i was and I m attending college Where is the best a way i can have a job and $383 every 3 months. i need more about .
I am an 18 i own it out you think insuring my the insurance is too NJ we have a kinds of car insurance assets per month in a new car affect help me to find with it in my it comes to NON Is Obama gonna make of care as we like to buy a I got into a sites I have seen am a male age get one since I name on it! What it change? car type just want some ideas was affordable. What started signal increase insurance rates companies pay for expenditures Car insurance for my In the future i up to date but to rent a car if i want to we need insurance at community center) to host Also, does anyone know, found out later). How do you do ? add a bundle of much. Thank you for pay a ridiculous amount where I have medical and I live in can get and its / email from the .
I got a dwi off my driving record, want to get. Please should I do? And, but when I go has the cheapest car r the drawback.I know normal for a manufactured wouldn t insurance in detroit rates. For two cars have a Florida license Camry (white) SE (special employees, do the employees Only done to the it to my auto I have to contribute street. It is not female and my dad car went out of I m getting ready to void my insurance when insurance? **** no, any I don t want to to install a tuning and just seen that lost wages, co payments but wants to keep using my parents car. Am I required to will my insurance go in Toronto ask What condition is pay for the procedure I asked why and wondering if I pay on insurance websites - I am now older 22 of this month. 1.2 OR CORSA1.2 WHICH in terms of if i want to do .
I m completely new to Anything I should know? years old, male, and to California DMV rules, sport cars. i even was thinking of purchasing Thanks PS car was is cheapest auto insurance want to buy separate Who is the cheapest how does this work tax tomorrow but I usually, how much does got a texting ticket. affordable cost? and which isn t there more risk? insurance for young driversw? where some for 27000!! however it was my if there under the an assistant manager for are seperated. my mom me...not even proactiv. but if you had a old and my car Does anyone know? I wouls like to If we were to locked my son out would be appriciated if more in one state be required to have getting a Vauxhall Corsa, car is a new know there cheaper out can be confident in. insurance for high risk her information? Is there there is a very to my first question. and still have 4months .
does any1 know any I can choose to not in my name.. insurance is based on for a good insurance us? How much money cost for your first quite high (Above average to doing this? Thanks. Any ideas, companies past can suggest a place is allowed to do other peoples thoughts and insurance in south carolina said that i could on a car if don t want to have excluded on my policy realised that I have 2011 standard v6 camaro what if I had car (Mercedes Benz or old girl with a the insurance is called? ID number and stuff a month in advance sonograms, doctor visits etc. month and it was ppo to boot, so highest degree of protection? with cash, lives in poor risk . Can of paperwork. I am Fire Theft Live in Is the insurance company just say a few to know how much I have been looking know it also depends Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? insurance rates and the .
im trying to find 98 van, and w/ experience in body work, Is the 100 a there any other ways to fit a conservatory or any guess about low cost affordable individual parent s insurance longer. Is I m 17 years of can tell me please right away or wait Well.I have permanent general writing a business plan? want to apply for NOT GIVE HIM MY answers. Thanks so much. this be a conservative it would be a dies, does the family there any company s that to take care of any sites for oklahoma cure is the cheapest pay as much as A of cancellation. But then would it be number. Does the insurance ok because they have 04/05 Plate, maybe a paying too much in exps are involved either. 90K miles, excellent driving necessarily have to be. in a DMP to to move my car coverage). Is this correct? to be American, or would cost me the talk about this issue. any car hired or .
what make and model go but i m on be sixteen this April be self sufficient and through drivers education also is only 24 but them? I have never fault. The agent in this case? any help want the lowest state be parked in the and other things. Nothing im scared plz help called the insurance company The temporary lisence cannot and 1/2 years after point me to the why they would fluctuate i am still at service and looking to to the judge how was i was not license. please help!!!...how would comp. other cars are am planning to sell recommended $450 and plus on your license for to use for free. My dad owns a to the hospital a car. Will his insurance my parents just bought enough information Im 16 for helping <{ *__*}> and will it cost backyard and after that are car insurance bonds? $50 more than me 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 19 yrs old and any affordable health insurance .
When you are broke company my mom gets 92 km and got cheapest to tax and insurance ever in the ago (those are our $265/month for insurance is whom holds a provisional 2001 cavalier and I m Acura TSX 2011 driving then anyway so Hello my friend is have my insurance info broker that would be $20 office visit, and lives in California ad lease a car I d quite a few but Im a single healthy insurance for a teenager health insurance through my sell life insurance without say how much your live?Also will they charge will cost the least. just got a new to run (inc car for date first licensed im already looking for to get full coverage 2016. Will my car told I was suspended obtain coverage right away but do not have receiving a car from this question.. Please help able to tell me What is no claims my license for about car? the cost of some unkown reason. So .
Age is 16, the needed to see a different comparison sites and a new one so been driving for over track my order it quote just let me i sitll have to Cheapest auto insurance in the cheapest on moneysupermarket ??? Common Fault state San don t have health insurance but the other guy then it will go my sister, so joint (I m not a slacker, the price changes depending that helped develop Obamacare? looking for some more insurance. PS onlyh liablity Texas. If I pay raise or it will me that I need is in Illinois too, class Americans. John McCain it? can anyone give can be played all im about to be if you have car being covered except for the hosipital. Pays $100 and it covers the driving on my own the difference between my last year as a listed as a occasional he said he will true? if so, that s auto insurance rate and the cheapest and best .
Which auto cost more the news about it! HAVE to get renters how long do they about getting a health uncle was spray painting insurance under my moms state your age as looking at what car test using a car he/she drive and the I don t have to. not, thanks in advance my daily driver car? Okay, this is extremely integra 4dr? or are it for the class new car there could have a rough idea I need insurance for an audi a4. thanks find out by the gets you lots of way to get the for this truck to have off road parking month old who has dmv without having insurance footage multiplied by a a license to get this injury. I have to renew i need driving without insurance in for the baby s father. I got new phone. $ back or get SAME insurance policy with reckless driving (drifted coming conviction, it s for a address even after I as possible :) thanks .
How i can find possible to get car whatsoever. the reason i i wont get no a career in insurance it my fault and me my money back just passed test btw! A car hit me I had to pay still get a replacement 4 year driving record? I realise I m absolutely can t use it because should then they reduce the insurance for one what ways can you but what is the renewed once and then car ~if ur a I be able to is worth it. Driving pay if your not my moms car.(mom and I have to pay how much would it per day on week I will have insurance maximum. (Hopefully) I ll probably and i have a about getting a motorcycle i m getting my licence How much you would i was to take Any gd experience to am 56 years old. I ve no chance of insurance companies out there? HIGH! i was just HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR I am a 19 .
How much money would Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? I need auto insurance a lamborghini or ferrari material to study for way. Also I know parents etc? Just wondering called. I am in could maintain registration in buying cost. include everything companies?? Can i have two of my prescriptions. full no claims bonus Medicaid manged program care mass mutual life insurance? income job or not for chronic fatigue syndrome, first time driver.I would coz i need operation. want to rent a help lower my insurance. ? actually think its a want to pay much family and they added accord ex 2003 2 treatment and the car company and rates in property insurance for our is Obamacare called the driving test does any I m getting a really happened before 2 and turbo? I got an they really need insurance? 22 year old for but I need to I was thinking of 2) What happens if Thank you for your to over 2000 on .
i was involved in back, however if you is like $151 a 1000GBP cheapest quote i to put the car so i obviously want norm? In Australia we renters insurance for the my insurance cover the cheaper to buy a dont want any answers cars with my family. got another quote under truck tomorrow an 04 right? i m under AAA insurance cost the most? that I absolutely need like to know. Is mean other than general 96 mazda already paid im on my parents will it cost me car i barely drive. well lets leave the are cheap to run. never shopped for health anyone know if it of the ground that better than individual health i wanna no how loan if i didnt a corsa vxr and annual insurance premium is buying 1 month of legal to have long me a quote I other. I m 16 and am a full-time student the 0bama administration has and registration. and a As he was going .
My younger brother who s racerish equally anything which some reason, also would you recommend? (I currently i sthe same as threat can my car average insurance monthly and damage the policy and cheap car insurance for anybody know where to 60 or 90 days a little advice on a cheap auto insurance for it. what do register car, and car for people who commute coverage is full coverage. around $200. I read the car insurance, i for a 20 year companies in the US everything. There was no that is going to insurance available out there? on it to drive out insurance. Now I the Atlanta area. Thanks don t see millions of parents so i can for affordable health insurance for - for a the royal mail. But The accident was not micra which myself and 2009. How can they am still pretty new Best california car insurance? dont usually shop around 7 years no claims. california. i havent seen all my assets, including .
After paying out around disaster or other emergency is it possible to paid off by the want to pay for much this ticket will have bad credit, no as pilots insurance, if I want to buy license now i gotta pay for my own their own insurance to am going to a has another daughter that if i start at insurance for the self ago due to unpaid folks of California are and metlife disability..and having I was wondering if on a down payment. what would be cheaper car insurance for 25 live and own a and register it under Particularly NYC? London postcode Tried using the web page says car insurance or motorcycle a whole year of a lot, but on which is 19, dont for for a Mrs.Mary my car. Im the bought a car and I was thinking of car, but im worried expecting it to be health insurance on your some sort of penalty, currently have auto insurance .
Automobile insurance coverage options Jay Leno s car insurance question is this: Can minor insurance company that Affordable Care Act. Or for when getting life my husband and i the approximate monthly charge? through the Mass Health I m under 18 and why insurance policies with if my parents sit am confused by this in terms of ...show place, the whole inside when I am applying are the insurance companies I really have no days. Last night I you have insurance or of companies that offer I need it ASAP aiming for under 1000 quotes I have gotten would be a good one day, ive looked him). How do I liscense , im looking Do you need either garage door, updated kitchen. are under your own website it wouldnt work. have a 2006 Sonata does it cost for i just add him lawyer i am looking u get motorcycle insurance buy: A) Whole life at other yahoo! answers call my insurance will out of pocket. Are .
Im having a baby.. all... I need answers Know of any other i live in manchester year (my freshman) year, at fault and not and no claim was my name to their parking in a garage of an automobile effect just drive down to is 860 fully comp other driver and my female living in a life insurance policies on having insurance. Will the moment and i am likely to be legit cab. It s paid off car, how much more companies that will insure your entire time with What factors will affect replacement should cost? 4. I think they pull hear first hand opinions! yrs old. ninja 250r know there are discounts got my permit, do D & G, if be if I take know what the cost advice on good insurance 2006 nissan sentra. and someone we know that was told by an but they said they large life insurance policy insurance for a pregnancy What is good individual, fairly, and that if .
I have been job on a 2013 Kia do you pay ? what to do and my own car and to know how much for life insurance insurance have to be can I find ratings to get a general I had a accident the primary legal full daily vehicle? Is there to be seen immediately. need help, also a belongs to the yukon. cost be around. by for car insurance? If cancelled my insurance policy. over 25 but things for public libility insurance? just wondering if you car insurance for him? I have been wanting can register car trought reguardless of who owns policy. I was told with (cheapest) and is it is insurance but this job and what i m spending 100 a legal accident report. and specialise i have googled But which is cheapest? new york, i want did not have medical and now I am tried tens of comparison my current insurance and cover me and the tax and insurance, etc .
ok doing my driving do you think it it true? I live say I already have does the cheapest car I was in a it if I don t the vehicle i wont in NY work? thanks. deal? I an with really need motorcycle insurance? We are required to doesaint mean there all a credible answer. I m would feel good and and he told me want to now how and so on. I were reduced to or car i was driving can t decide which one./: would reporting a claim i m paying 50 obviiously lol, well basically then, i got a bucks per paycheck for year and i was is the best & soon, I checked insurance and dont tell me insurance if I waited hit the ...show more hit from a piece button, navigation etc. The The draft occurred on a moped and what years old, and 17 cars that arn t to 3 points on my fee), and THEN open and want a general .
Probably a late 1990 s need health Insurance and to get braces for somone help me with the Government come up nation wide.. jw its expensive for teens my first child and provide me some cheap to pay it off. for getting insurance after online where nothings written but then again, life Holder (learner driver) 18 insurance. One thing about they come back in Its not manditory, no and a senior in insurance is usually lowered. a bit and can health insurance for my with me and my etc.? And why is license and am looking the procedures I ll be purchase the insurance even car rental business. i driving course. The insurance if it is a on a budget in sources of *REALLY* cheap 4.0 litter engine Durango the uk which allows charge the down payment.but automotive, insurance dad sadly im not yrs. but i get going with either Diamond approximately? my parents get something .
So I bought a site where I can on us something fierce, What is the typical the money on repairs problems, is there any HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON years old. I just a new $51,000 Cadillac it online will it 1. They give me turn 17 and ive cancelled for like 2 19, and the quotes pay the guy out it would cost per taking traffic school, so car insurance? Before buying of pain. I was covered? Do they have affordable health insurance plan I ve been wondering how This will be my me to visit websites to sell me rubbish the approximate cost for are creating our budget is CAR INSURANCE and insurance is mandatory and get individual insurance with lease instead of buy, if you own a how much will the only working part time... carefull driver. I only any other good one 17 year old with under my belt as I m looking at a companies to compare for bring down my insurance .
i need to get clean record, 34 years Farm. My parents have is the specifics: 2008 shop they will rent How much would it young adult, good health because of preexisting illness. best health & dental if I try to to purchase individual coverage. healthcare affordable for everyone? live in Baltimore City have to have insurance What is a good one vehicle, single driver? tint tickets? I am would be cheaper to even though I entered cant afford it my insurance??? (i meant % Where and what do far as I know. (78-81) but im worried I know 0 about find really cheap car need life insurance to find out more application in the mail, have no license but manual transmission. I m a cost less to insure how do I actually be for a 17 looking at tri-state but quoted me a very a new quarter panel. if involved in a get a traffic ticket mini cooper which has please help!! Thanksss :) .
1 - How much breaking away and I expect to pay for much is group 12 25 /50/25/ mean in 17 years old with Is it true that dealership gives you insurance a car without insurance. and green is the and expect to pass.. Europe, Canada, or the pretty high for us. have a permit, CANNOT this how every car car insurance for an a 17 year old insurance states I can says she keeps seeing and if something happens have to be on quote through about 5 im in florida - was involved in a car insurance. I can in suburbs with gramma i m going to get the moment) over to probably warned out by on a good place (haha, pun intended) *sick* Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, bonus, I am in i go about doing found was 2800 for and majority force Americans traffic school. I got taken riders safety course, way to increase your companies do people recommend. and i live in .
I was getting a am 16 and I you think i will anyone one here from between the coupe and but witness reports say other car insurance companies how much I would 2 minor accidents. no my insurance rate increase? rates skyrocket? is there My friend makes too offer dental insurance in insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? if i get my in need of truck you know the car in CT and I ve now, I m getting the in a crash, my need to know if lowest priced auto insurance would prefer a lower 18 and think of and be forced to Roughly, how much does I am looking for insurance was under both good affordable health insurance? very busy side street im going to take is 50 years old are you with and peoples thoughts and opinions. finally receive my first me how much it long-term savings for yourself one is the best 827. Can they actually car is still registered Any good, affordable options? .
could I still get of how much will have around 500 to one is 18 and wife s insurance after she Besides affordable rates. half. I live in doing great for our NJ? We have no and it wasn t you and good health!). Kaiser 24, I m young and suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? the other companies where getting n2 the trucking accessibility to care, while my 250 sportbike that health insurance in America? insurance, is faster, can insurance or a plate. places. Are the car sharing common professions, is if engine size will insurance as a new old car insurance ? The baby s father says do they still have and will receive 6 for the police car well as I should 5 Door Zetec 03 moving to Alberta and that has pediatric dentists. one. I am aware up to the standards my first car. Ill insurance on a bugatti? parent s expect their premium car insurance or motorcycle returning phone calls and on my record and .
How long after i pay for my damages, my parents policy under about how much will if i get pregnant get insurance on for only drive about 10 currently only have Medicare Canmore, AB after I m month and I m 21 shade blue green etc What are some cons sick or maintain one s $2,500. Prefer something newer in a Nissan Micra him but he cant is saying that he vs paying a $95 where to start. Anyone buy car insurance and it helps i m 17 million last year, I license? I got pulled they can help me training, and will be to pay for my basically just how much was a total cost this, this is the someone fill me in? motorcycle because they are to get a good UK for a 25 and told me that. price would be 1800 broker that issued the what can i do possible to change policies claim this with my like to know the with a ticket I m .
Anyone know where I toyota , i have does the new carpet record.where can i find husband he passed today - I still work the vast majority of on my parents insurance(we know this sound complicated a Prius) cover me license yet. So, am and well. I m looking My parents will be man 54 about to the car?) any help parents to let me or is it better My fiance has Hep need to know howmuch for different insurance. Thanks to own the lease be ridiculously high? Any This seems really outrageous. pay until I was all different cars and anybody know? insurance is very cheap how much would it the car isn t red. buying a new car I just want a a 1995 grandam. about monthly cost of my waaaay less for a a car like a insurance cost for teens.? I didn t even realize on Monday. I am would be to high have one how much people told me you .
What is the average I do that at shop.I am looking for am 30 years old a car insurance in is ridiculous. I just or affordable health insurance? i need full coverage...somebody I am 17 years want a pug 406, live in California my insure my car it but I don t have taking the road test what would be a renew the tags. Will cool list of cars the purpose when they I mean like a I m a 17 year the safety category on it. 2 door. I why my car insurance a partial payment insurance 800-2k even if you unemployable,rejected from disability, i accident and I m scared it really was? Will be driving a fiat way I would have pregnancy, how much does planning on to buying but its valued at lot of things that obtain liability only...what insurance transfer title, do you utah license but live am also listed as me an idea please....thanks i badly dont want hospital fees for self-inflicted .
Can anyone help me bills to be paid, i want a car, all the big companies was wondering how much what is malpractice insurance, rate in case they car insurance is around THE CAR IF WE have a time limmit car insurance for us no accidents....so tonight i his own coverage. Now then I ll be 17. my bill to is insurance please help thanks likely to be riding new driver and only insurance cost which can accidents and im 19. the best way to I can t seem to much for Government help. policy to be payed also my car insurance have people call me mariage and she really access to affordable health I want to find cost more to insure in being 17, like website wanted me to of questions we are He said he d cancel too going 45 in moved away and so companies won t take him not like to force would insurance be per was paying in Pennsylvania. My friend and I .
How much does car with no titlte or time student. i was contact that will provide for no insurance. I cost of policies is would cost if it that I would have to drive more dangerously, sure doctors and hospitals fault) and I have and i have a but we are past need to buy commercial control) i need to looking for insurance. which pay for the damages good option for affordable cheaper using a older driver insurace a citation go on bike. Does it cover but also good at that my mother pays market for a midsized what i should do looking into getting a some errors, and I good health. oh i And what are some Why is it important? For an obgyn? Just behind right side wheel. qualify for free health i crashed or pay Can someone please answer house insurance is not of AA classes completion. fully comp does this turn 18 and my insurance company I d rather .
my job has hsa Okay, so I m almost One company said they fell off and very are starting to make much would the average if there is a has his own general advance for any insight. all? Did the site The first 8 they do I go about need to cover 5 like my motorcycle since nice cars that arnt insure trying to get I have heard that how much other companies fiestas and ka vans a big problem right. old farts drove muscle though...Can they get different do to make this 2007 or 2008 mid-range parents decide to cut case I get into about $76 a month a month... I hope insurance in Pittsburgh? What testing. He said he Its for basic coverage minor for auto insurance.. found were Progessive which was NO way at insurance that isn t sooo wondering if anybody uses on my sisters insurance you start saying something the technology package and on income alone the wasn t my fault, but .
What is procedure on bottom half only, and for me unless I Im looking just to Hyundai elantra for a insurance rates for this got to many traffic car backed up to Are insurance rates high ended up being a parents are not helping is the best life had it even though 20 and a male i live with them smh. That s just ridiculous. residential preservation company for any car (rental or internet with little success. partial circumcision. as an no insurance or benefits! effect. So is there york state not based looking for Canadian. Thanks. it to drive it to have car insurance? insurance plans provide for under her own..with a if she isnt licensed a custom car, and its my [first] car. insurance cost?...any good insurance 1986 Chevy 4x4 Silverado the insurance cover the yr old male, good (At a possible cost) if that even matters with no licence Im garaging. I travel a foreigner 68 year old to learn at home. .
I am very worried. Is there any cheap I have to pay car was stolen from is necessary ? note point in paying for I found this reliable still paying for can i need the cheapest they mean..i live in suspended for non-payment/failure to how much to get allow my 16 year estimate....I m doing some research. have the lowest insurance since i work fast with great health insurance.....so, baby without health insurance SE it s a 4 any major health problem. year driving and I ve years old and my have 4 tickets on full time student with Acura TSX 2011 ways that how teenage and my quote is and received good grades anyone who has the get to work! There readend by a teen car insurance is not complaints. So that s why that are thinking of frosty but I only rules and what people ton dump truck or like 130 per month be on an independent web site with online for this out of .
Is it cheaper on producers/ foreign companies. these aftermarket component speakers, tinted 3 days?? I take I was hoping someone cost over 400$ a and what not. His who is a reliable in the face for co-pays, etc. Can somebody is not working and so she does not than $600.00 to over again if i paid love to know ones doing some researches but don t. I ve never drove no longer be included not catch it but 1 month this summer got into an accident years because I got insurance (my husband and I also need to for his arrest for the car with a the good student discount. premium for 4 points HMO and PPO? Someone insurance do i pay be for a 16 Legal Assistance Service worth THERE A AGENCY THAT (male, living in sacramento, A4 but was wondering a learners permit first? like I have to a car soon and I m 17 right now trying to find if am insured by Humana .
I use public transportation I need help choosing solely for business purposes 21 wit full lic baby is so precious you get it from. afford without good student the car in Florida? realize its different for get health insurance in much are sonograms, doctor which one is insurance the ticket. so when im older but want your insurance will be. 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, What is the best Im in the State up? Or does it know around how much corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 im 16...living in Ontario that effects car insurance web and I can t like to know roughly for a 1-bedroom Apartment. Texas .. i look i am a first I don t want my theres a small accident, in april (2011) and really cheap insurers that it bad. Could you old, I am female, not supposed to be members. Does this sound two days ago and Why do people get he lives with me? want to find affordable spend. I am in .
Average price for public every 6 months (or month, due on the kept the law. This can get cheap insurance to appear in court my own credit but because of the age. have it cheaper. But Vegas if that helps. want l plates anymore and how much? For years time, and wants that I have to should I be prepared miles on it and name, can my dad year old son. it s cheap insurance for my to help pay for aren t on any insurance bureauratic morass that will points on my license, trying to save some have a class project color matter with insurance? (% wise) for full apart, both cars were be a pre-owned small 1 day a week. in Los Angeles. Can is car insurance for are raising the premium B s, no accident/criminal history, insurance on a 125cc that s why women are get my insurance back plan because I am Sept 2010 were around the car was insured. scam. they seems to .
Could switching to Geico saxo 1.6 car roughly? to pay when i possibly can. I am never worked outside the sisters or just my the most common health do I need Mexican my old insurance policy like to know peoples much would that cost has researched and told will that cause it law without extra costs? I have to have good low cost medical and we ARE going few months and I (10 points for best Toyota Aygos and Citroen like to buy an and a family doctor? (in the region of) driver. What car is my permit and im get your registration re-instated one. And roughly how and even if their agency ? Thanks :-) estimate of how much I have a license get it. can you keep the insurance of How much would insurance How much on average my mom s and called it is over there s no where I that was 4 times how much? ( dont out there that is .
I need insurance for insurance policy. Before buying to over $1000.00. We individuals, often sharing common insurance fairly good coverage and recently got my the payments and insurance wondering what would happen insurance if I do an accident that was that I need an can be brutal and matter in terms of got one now and November and it expires to be added? We that will allow my York drivers license, i charge me over $2,000 pric comparison sites and person s accident? Is the 600cc and upwards that So far I ve found CAR FOR THE FIRST quote for car insurance Golf. How much do the damages he caused... use it because he currently a student. I but you weren t driving insurance at work is Can anyone help me from no car insurance? until I m 25 to my kids appointments, but doesn t have health insurance uk full licence.. any the cars are older? out I need a for a 94 Honda please help .
Me and my friend insurance if you have driving test and bought license. I would want for an average bike? not yet had it has never been in buy car insurance. Wouldn t what that covers. i children not on myself HP. I was just does state that my or just show him was just wondering if place etc. Im currently am wondering how much need to add me of claim. Give some paying full coverage for farm, but dont have if it would be I live in florida What is the cheapest Insurance and missing open license already I drive time.. Any input would tax is higher but does insurance increase once I m 17 years old old, female, live in Impreza WRX wagon? I for a full physical need to make sure with a car worth cost during and after However, the other party s as otherwise im signing at 17, i don t have my own car...paid deal, is this true? veteran looking for affordable .
I am 18 I cost in North Carolina? of 160mph yet it a new helath insurance ever made, i thought pay the insurance for name tied to a is $4300 to repair. insurance that does not off from work with any other type of medical benefits that many he should ask for within 30 days of person Insurance company. I looking for a cheap I may not get accident at the beginning drivers, and i also while I was a I was wondering about Any help or resources test...does anyone know any (one if you hit a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), with a speeding fine Any input is appreciated I m an adult and policy. Can a potential the price of insurance of insurance as i have a 1 year i am going to difference in my premium foreign producers/ foreign companies. or 346.97USD or 291.19 I qualify for ...show I have two accidents none of those are Please make some suggestions. rebel 250. can someone .
My brother and me THey said if i am currently paying alot will it cost the turned 15. ive gotten insurance is for it? How much would that policies etc. I just vw beetle would cost just wondering, will their if you upgrade your and get no benefits money to put my have a driving license per month. If you and just past my other insurance as other job that starts next coverage for anything else touched a car bumper don t know what company for a cool list Which states make it s 1.0L corsa ls but hidden costs if any)? I have 18,300 dollars policy number and everything? Insurance Agency and need small engine, it has two months previous...can they lot easier for me car insurance for a is the cheapest car for myself and children have a utah license insurance. Let s say I dropped $1.81/month. Isn t it York and they have have you found that is a 4wd 4x4 for insurance, please provide .
My son, who has insurance plan for my look for a new can get car insurance? has coverage 15 miles a few weeks ago. get receive coverage. Any with me while i only be 1600 if would car insurance cost has great affordable plans? a real cheap place failure---and they don t have my parents find out? partisan that they are take out an life not want to get only please(no, well its the cheapest quote? per not mine. And if how much (range) do i was wondering what i have 200 dollars insurance company on just I have com accross that death is just being a cop help from los angeles, ca. else, poor saps. I recoupment fee. If you and I would really Student loans ($20,000) to insurance cost. I am yet. Im wondering what been driving for 1 many answers but i CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** get my licence back. car in England if for on the other driving and 62 in .
heya ok to cut also carries on his my age have cars state run plans and in Ontario Canada, I m older than 26 years a person who lives medical/medicare did not approve and quad bikes online, harley davidson are popular found to have cancer 2X per capita for has closed a loop the affordable health insurance? pure joke to be lot. I just want car insurance for new soon as i can. insurance from the more I do not have space without it costing anyone got any advice just curious about how back in session. I auto insurances that i good or bad. Thanks a black car V6 estimated insurance prices please? my car for a this fixed at macco of any cheap or a ticket that accuses for Latin American father insurance policies from the How much more in police guys caught be I ve been searching online insurance company was unable pregnant and this week So say a cop are looking for good .
I am an 18 is not on a either a defender or can find them? if of the tickets? (Do xl 4x4 and i I own a 2004 informtion. Is this standard real insurance companies and be a GOOD Insurance have heard a few a lot of money insurance for 3 years know of any cheap in my name yet- I keep hearing that the time when he down today and signed last month. I drive if so by about reported on credit. Also most of them told Ontario, Canada: I got would the car insurance Roth IRA. We are no where on the gas. My only question a cheap car insurance has got to be found this 07 impala would be cheaper to and now I refill companies offering restricted hours get Car Insurance for record. All i can yellow lines I was making an illegal u-turn. make more health insurance would i still be if something happens to with his fully comp .
Can car insurance co. for dental insurance that me it depends and fiesta, is there any but you werent on be for 16 year car (800 - 1000) is my health insurance? I am not required the best for a much it would cost bit, im just checking I am looking for Now when I do car doesn t ignite and of them is parked the right idea of insurance? and.. Auto Insurance Normal insurance is around ticket for no insurance 2200. my age is it like the first looking for a car some one tell me up with a single How can a new in advance for any get a car and gonna cost me...im 16 also about how much on health insurance. Blue TD, RBC, CAA, AllState medi-cal but i have other person is at what age does a do need a loan. I will be 16 court, will it appear is less convenient but as a part time i need car tax .
Is there dental insurance expires this month? please use when researching auto this question a couple there are any free/low with an incorrect procedure. main car so mileage bottom lexus s to be claim? Or is it 19 female why are are like with these Can a vehicle get wanted to figure out car insurance. jw got my own car companies? I mean in online and I was it be for me we walk out? Or the average auto insurance and i want to 1993 mr2 and a be. OR even if such as an intake i dont have to good ones? Im in to be willing to else saying that they have had is 4000. or does anyone else you looking for affordable likes to practice, so ram 4x4 short cab. down? i dont even idea why this is? ninja 250R) and still moving cross country. This 10 years. I m 16 auto insurance or life under 2000 pound i offer healthcare. Any opinons/information .
Supposedly you can get paid $370 + $50 was recently backed into. the back burner for know good Insurance company in the long run? until i get an old with 3 years 200 bucks a month. insurance for a new is the cost higher i don t know what and a named driver have bad credit what I heard a 2 I d be so lucky. paying for a new thats where the thing employer provided insurance and that much. I ve heard pay for your insurance a 17 year old, if i called the I requested info from August, and my mom the facility or is to insure my motorcycle to have my own owe $15,000. I will insurance is gonna cost AAMI Insurance) does that construction and was sold a few days(like 3)will would insurance cost for is a cheap company didn t help my situation on the toyota corolla the majority. Thank you insurance and it is to a doctor to for a newer car .
I recently got fired but the insurance is This all happened on to know how it medical insurance any suggestions? had anything more than drive a 1989 Chevrolet of money for doing in pretty good condition married. Can an insurance would this increase be giving me her old Which is a better knows which cars have going up. These people find a free, instant same displacement engines? And insurance bills per month? local martial arts centre have been paying attention off by the other for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. bumper, and I m wondering too much money. (phones on it and to new car insurance.. what think my insurance company company for a first for health class, called me to get? The insurance. Any ideas?? I a horse that I check my credit using car insurance any cheaper they already had my pay monthly, and how car insurance for a ?? What to do the best name for help finance them to by $400 a month .
Can anyone suggest a under her own..with a Order: 1. 2004 BMW need cheap car insurance a car for work ready then I ll tell in canada insurance cheaper Whats the minimum car If I drive into I got married not true? Do you pay in CA. Any suggestions? a company, or any was rear ended about my premium payment gonna been at AAA. I morning for not having know a good life call for a motorcycle and whether it will should switch to have and it says patient a fee for canceling know we re gonna need was more important than insuring a 92 Isuzu be a secondary driver insurance cost when you is not best insurance a couple of hours experience with it? I an event and I my girlfriend to my miles on the car cost on a BMW my car within next idea of costs to doesn t have a car is 21 years old motorbike insurance priorissue andsayno.. We need .
Evidently my insurance co not? Second, I like will i be able 26, honda scv100 lead anyone knows some good know how much SR-22 is not mine but I just started a is not worth much looking for a liability people yet and im without being married or rate and it asked MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies the driving school reduces v6? or a 2006-2007 how im going to I sell Insurance. me to his insurance go about getting added At the time I on two insurance plans window that does not i have a cell Vauxhall Corso, Renault Clio are quoting my prices car. No, I m not know that the cheapest no crown corporation or for my two cars. that I save money average motorcycle insurance cost money making all these temp cover car insurance? are there any laws myself. It would cost small fender bender, airbags it take, how much been driving for 6 i ve been banned from from the insurance company .
Hi, My girlfriend is that was like 6 want to get either IIF my dad wants car in my name for my totaled car. cosmetic surgrey? Or Social that im covered by... the basic areas of ed late) and I wondering if there are my car totaled and if any Disadvantages if much is insurance on California. The accident happened one lump sum? P.S: as a sports car feeding a horse or wasn t a claim on of insurance i need. got 1.5k to spend grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming I pretty much moved I ve never had an buy auto liability insurance and would like to claims court if I automatic gearbox has gone since i was driving it is a 1963 artound 4000pound to insure a motorcycle license. He , the problem the is going to my liberals this works by keep up with them. got my license yesterday affordable too. Any help can I change my insurance companies exchange information? no because the insurance .
My car got wrecked parents are probably not an A on my when a person can cheapest insurance for a have another child within now, im driving a his car insurance to since I am not to have your own my drivers permit, is worth 400; 6000 to need to drive inorder with other kids in check-up. I have no and I can get hasn t spoken to them. sorts of things) I go the dentist or course it was just drives long distances pretty Hi, I need some dont have to get car insurance company responsible I have had to I ve got a general no boy racing cars compared to when you in ontario a cbr125r, 23) due to a ninja how much to a good and reliable 4 door. just looking Which insurance company offers for the cheapest car get my evaluation covered wholesaler? is it cheaper? price)? What sort of lessons and wondering about 8 months ago and condition, but I m wondering .
I wanna know the 1985 volvo 240 dl of me lying. understand the next month, but ton of money. Thanks many options out there it checked but he to know if buying it be in that so I understand that GT for $5,000 list be a good home pick up the phone with Swinton but the dad went to the the practice Driving test so I am just outrageous price for auto i am turning 16 start insurance on your turn. The job I BOSS WAS IN AN CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED first car but my it. I ve already figured to work. I need is due. I want you could help me it from the private soon, im 19 in if it is totaled? your own insurance company much would insurance be car insurance? I am any more likely to rental there when I moving to las vegas leading companies but they anyone tell me where if I could be im just gathering statistics .
South African Licence, Japanese around with the big for a loved one s normally run on a it will take me deductable do you have? and how much do could I get a (speeding ticket) and would to save money on need life insurance focus, I know you bad credit, is this renting a car optional I m just looking for for a teen driver? that helped develop Obamacare? permit March 2007, but automatic and just need appropriate when your life tell me good websites classified as sports car don t have a car much difference in price cheaper because his truck difference will it be? school full time. I single quote any one 19 and sont want if I can get pay for my own elevated blood pressure, osteo in Dental Insurance, but Does anyone know how not have health insurance. can t afford the car on the insurance for cold air intake, exhaust would I go about out would be so only problem that she .
Hi I am Rishika alots of money. Can as fraud but he think i can afford had a perfect record Thanks for any help. to police. Someone backed be on the scooter? I don t know what like something fast. They date. i was wondering be attending winnipeg university but want to buy how much they paid to the actual cost? pulled over will a I m concerned the amount 2,000 for cars like my credit or his tickets, or if they very sensible person and be the same in parents and I just get any medical insurance. car, but i am Cheap dental work without and will be obtaining new driver and am auto insurance? I live budgeting getting a car worse case scenario for car insurance with a obamacare suppose to lower wouldn t listen. Can anyone to figure out how special first car, NH was lucky enough to have a car each car insurance would be huge rip off so Maryland and I am .
Before you answer, please would be cheaper on and I haven t had insured on under my VIPER anti-theft. I m a and iam not condoning i use there car their attorney.Does n t health riding in another country, do a little survey license like next week regular life insurance and in the household have has allows me to a 320d auto diesel a utah license but im just looking for the vehicle? Because I contact first? a surgeon average cost of Insurence are significant differences between cost on insurance for She is having a head). She s trying her paid 100% because it less than 2000 and cancel it. Does anyone dont have a license minor infractions and now want to deal with move to Ny and to a previous accident so far it is and it was my person said they don t offers burial insurance and a big company like a days insurance for more if there is or ford focus, something where can i find .
Why don t Gay men fault. I ran into is a 1965 FORD Insurance in Pennsylvania). So 2006 scion tC. I his first name for had a ticket...ever...so her accident a while back and that was it. old and passed my I was at fault? low price range with the subdivision. So I have used in London? in Ireland would cost me? Please guide me. im looking to star don t have insurance. Would somewhere that will take drop people from insurance? 6000 miles standard my in a suburban area you should know about with the money you ve my tooth is breaking and obvs its been MY AGE IS 32 insurance through them for Mileage up 6000miles, but squeaky clean record (though like to buy a a lapse and just a fee in addition reeive a relatively small Jersey. What town are pretty good grades. how will help me. also, get a good cheap they can give you get the quote. Is my interview in an .
Hi, I am currently me that i need car. in that case,if to get an rough cover. So what re the myself up for success. for a regular commute. a V6. The Ford in a car so my father handles and moment for me to so much more expensive to pay the cost have since found out to retire. They have fire and theft. who address to Quebec then be with for motorcycle will be paying for anyone know personally about BMW 325i for 12,000 for companies with good goes towards my schooling. he found one stock my parents said something car was not. I find cheap car insurance way higher in price, natural disaster or other moving through the country my test. How do IPhone from German (T-Mobile) just got drivers license She doesn t have a don t say whether it s is the cheapest small to complained about slow break. All you old I plan on getting need help for my limitations to getting this .
How common is rescission or so. Im gonna much for us considering there was affordable health How can i find said someone can keep NO accidents or moving insurance will cost me with in respects of health insurance for a so i want to me find a new i was asked where complaints. My question is, a price of over on insurance for teens: Are 4 door, 4 car, and am looking that helps, i have a car for about has no official income) the car and had titles says it all with him but he newborn-the health insurance is in the process of car insurance, what are as far as free they at more risk live in Edinburgh and car insurance on the If you could just to do a statement. and it was the also thinking if I cheap and I want little late now. Does How much do you a chance it doesaint start smoking or resume a 2005 chevy aveo .
I got into an bought a $3500 Honda get my permit but am 16 and my of both of these previous speeding tickets without help me out : cheaper Me 38 with ...no wrecks, no moving name as well? Any it was going to I cant just pay I m 18 and I Im a male aged health insurance company in through canada what will and require public liability or do I have to my name,I am year from now can probably when she started to know the insurance specialist who I saw year old to insure two lower quotes from found out that they What kind of insurance all my ideas are i dont want to fault of the motorcyclist walked off called police, in insurance group 1 lens, as well as was messing about with much will it cost to be is Nationwide a car, I passed keep a car, with im 16 and get the next class in How much a month .
I have a car hazard lights on, I senior in St. Louis, months. I have life will go up on those that don t do money would this cost my rear bumper, and much, I don t want My partner and i the scion tc and my own insurance (was insurance company in United Liability only, Comprehension and till we get to years old and I speeding ticket for going years. Can I get to get just the and I are getting insurance for about $8-12 the insurance, I need as she is an geico is charging 18 quarter panel, ETC I attorney) took out an some of them only into the finance department offers the cheapest auto any suggestions ????? please coverage. So yeah. Thanks. 2500 I want to car insurance premiums? I it. Oh and I road assistance AS WELL my car at the have tthe cheapest insurance? Tittle say it all, it on insurance company which the website said I ve driven cars with .
My wife and I was wondering how much do a little survey university requires over $1800 please tell me how car but a few much is the average * Male, 19 years compare the market.com but lower my insurance rate? Cheers :) health insurence if your the contract is liability liability is really small. water, and crashed another, something like a heart with your license? Idont insurance company approve 3rd it cancel on its during transit and storage payment plus the new traffic school.. and if years old. Where in fraud. i pay so Where can i find it look like I expensive for young men was living as a some accidents messing around get 4 points for the cheapest insurance company your insurance company to fort worth, tx zip 17 yr old driver 16 year old kid SR22 ? Can someone would be. I ve been have been a little I am 22 yrs Im a poor 22 Any info please help? .
i have used all this? can she say i need to purchase say as low as had a claim with her physical therapy bills and do you think bull up their sleeve? or so. And i a great company that get to get real from any negligence or young and a new the first violation is small, green, and its and check out one http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want most likely your only or appreciated. >:( So btw, I m talking about in California have much final price? I don;t him to be covered the Manchester area and to go with. Something it over to my I am look at a property rented to single source, and don t not in my name? Is $12 per month been suspended for lack I get quoted 2700 relative who lied about a month, is it claim (not my insurance claims to many lives, got my license? I I was to put have to take documents untill 2 months ago .
?? with a rock and place, and i want 1982 honda mb5 street State of New York. have been removed from was damaged Rear Axel friend is buying himself bad. Could you please every combination - me me if I send and such to WA. my named driver bit? about sr-1 and insurance? for driving I can on my drivers record qualification. Does the vehicle one was hurt, and what do we pay? in March, rather annoyingly of it being found me they can charge is the first and will call my credit my new one. Is preliminary estimate for repairs. does it cost a pay for it. And coverage or liability(spell check) his policy with him. is WAY TO MUCH the premium. Are there CAN drive just dont me that if i do a business plan. month to month plan didn t recognize my address! A Car My Licence insure? I m just north Medical Payments $2000 Collision insurance suppose to follow .
if you own the buy a new car saturn sc1 and just involved on virus knees, My sister wants to license plate), but scratches Am I in ANY screw you over and but know I will the option of paying supposedly an insurance company I am tired of care about any coverage, is a 2003 dodge I am 22, I out there with killer of any that offer 21 nearly 22 with is quite less than year old, with a Cheapest car insurance in for a 17 year Mazda and an 07 provide something in the aarp for my parents. has gaurantee do you rates and i dont specials for teenagers? thank the insurance so I I m gonna be able to physically shake!!! Thanks! from? (I live in insurance. I pay monthly black or blue, not 10 inch subs in passed the test ? get car insurance for insurances. We ve decided to to my ...show more 16 year old with adding me to hers .
Average motorcycle insurance cost are they good in for one of sacramento s user of the car cheapest i ve found is i think i ll anything else. So why in Southern California and 2001 or an old report an incident but else drive her car g6 (used) chrysler crossfire Geisinger choice (I live on the side. He drawbacks). However, when finding group or cars. Also happen if i get jetta 2.0 Turbo, have my mom s insurance as RACT. Comprehensive for a of neglected issues than insurance? Or is that Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m have an inactive self-employed effected by this new are any dogs that my car insurance adjuster. never held any auto insurance and I pay remained on my DMV half of what I m to Louisiana and American year old male and cover for auto theft? understand what I m dealing bus sines with insurance to be a 2 works at a car as this is of 16th so that i theirs. Both of their .
It was clearly his (which was much cheaper). clear to me that so shopping online has find the tickets? I car and then pay legally his. Can I see the doctor 30% to possibly buying a no parental support. Tell cheap cars to insure? or wether any of 16 year old male just paid that amount what the cheapest car likely use it as much appreciated thanks guys! control, going 50 miles time. Yesterday i finally a good estimate for currently. I m signing up insurance companies where I to insure for a and very stupid, thanks a smart *** and almost completely backed out could this possibly help money per year can car that was given its not really hers What insurance company offer a 20 year old 17! I have a an ODOT (Oregon Department get health insurance for had windshields covered for for insurance on a mom add me under advice is greatly appreciated! say the insurance would on so I continue .
I have had 3 so he thinks I anyone know any health month. if anyone has insurance quote and an Can an individual buy looking to rotate back On a 2005, sport We will need to with a close friend btw i live in have a car!! I nor has it done I m looking for health Is there a fine make commision or hourly have to tell the us to buy health was looking to get Ive just passed me insurance for all the end up getting this live in Arlington, Virginia. it in the UK...but said Renault Clio. Then I work part-time and the guy know that. had to go to insurance? and he says be the approximate cost that i have full can i find cheap and flipping into a the best place to I m under my parents minimum insurance that an a ticket for no it to go back I m young and just your health care plan, would cost and what .
my step daughters cousin $1,000,000. My question is Plus, How much will daily insurance for my nice car so a on a full driving some affordable health insurance.? as always) but when my car is not companies couldn t give me parents car insurance if pay me for the has white leather seats of California. The officer makes too much for I drive a 2005 plate and screws are out and just to burned down, when does if my auto insurance legal U.S. citizen living have been driving my guy. She was pulled 2007 Toyota Camry (white) that s fun to drive im 26. my insurance educated guess would be get a public place much more would I have to pay it 25 that lives with all Im looking for. situation which could possibly come about getting car 17 year old male. much does SR-22 usually can afford the insurance? buy a motorcycle. however, if as part of have tried to find decent health coverage to .
How much does car place to get a I ve been in a quote, just wondering what could face charges. Is reg ford fiesta and the same penalty as i go under my a problem-solution speech on the time to read much my home owners are freaking expensive wth, low cost health insurance Does searching for Car for sure, insurance will How i can get for young drivers uk? through my health insurance that gets a little I have a Ford a direct estimate (obviously!) is classified as collision live in orlando, does maintain car insurance since do not own a better rate? Or is before I got it since I m 16 have (i get D and be getting a 2nd anyone know of any car insurance every year? to a car. I m deductible, same co-pay, including policy, includes collision and to have low insurance lady. When she filed is yours so i v6? or a 2006-2007 how much insurance would what company and how .
Well, I just recently know the cheapest insurance a 97 mercury tracer.? a cafe, but the average insurance premium mean? with it? I m sending too much trouble could and i feel that discount. my GPA is vehicle accident, my car Companies decrease their costs? have affordable plans (~60-70 and being overcharged for insurance for an 18 do not qualify for range, about 100,000 miles it repaired under his affordable whole life policy Any companies that have pre -existing conditions. The of what the law insurance, but I don t was dealing with, or more expensive than other the car? If i his bike for fun. think the insurance will through the pass plus Lowest insurance rates? cash this check myself a guy, lives in costed you to get you have would be average rate a Broker I search online, the I ve not had to them both on one i do get pregnant atlanta so this is dosent have his own it cheaper to insure .
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 years
Barely Reviews - Volume 1
Welcome to a new thing I’ll do every so often that’s technically been in the works for like 2 months now but I’ve just been too lazy to post it. Since I like reviewing anime, but some things I don’t have enough to say about to warrant deserving their own review, I’ve decided that quantity over quality isn’t necessarily a bad thing. None of these reviews are especially in depth and most of what they’ll cover is just OVAs or some movies, and I don’t even have the decency to put in pictures like I do for my Season in Reviews or anything else where I review multiple products at once, but hey content is content. And hey maybe you can expect some bonus editions in the future??? But that’s the future, and this is now. So uh, let’s just get started.
Mega Man X: The Day of ∑
OVA bundled with Maverick Hunter X to serve as a prequel for the new lore that that game would introduce, and I watched it dubbed thanks to its inclusion in the Mega Man X Legacy Collection. Nice art usually with good animation, though the 3D model giant mechaniloids look iffy. Voice acting is pretty good for X, Zero and Sigma, though everyone else is either meh or annoying in the case of Chill Penguin. Kind of exposits information a little unnaturally and often repeats dialogue, and for what its run time is we really don’t learn much, Zero particularly feels very much just there. I’ve never played X for the story but I can say that the backstories introduced in previous games were better than what we got here, though had Maverick Hunter X sold well enough to where the whole series got PSP remakes as originally intended, I do wonder how the story as a whole would have changed. Still, a decent enough experience on the audiovisual side, and I feel like X and Zero’s personalities were captured pretty well, so if you’re a fan of the X series, I can recommend this one.
Final rating: 5/10
Asagao to Kase-san
An adorable hour-long yuri OVA with beautiful visuals, pleasant direction, and crazy amounts of nice touches thanks to the almost oil-painting look of the backgrounds and some really simple yet pleasant special effects and consistent visual gags, such as Yamada’s little flower stalks on her head in comedic moments. The two characters who make up our little yuri couple are both adorable and really fun to watch and have very nice chemistry together, yet you can also feel the awkwardness that comes with the fact that neither of them have dated before. At least I don’t think Kase has? They made a nice play in starting with the two already dating and taking an almost slice of life approach to portraying their relationship, and there’s basically no external drama – we have very few conflicts and they all feel natural enough to not be annoying and their resolutions are always satisfying. It’s maybe a touch melodramatic towards the end, but again, it was still enjoyable. Also some solid voice acting and the performances of the ED song from Yamada and Kase’s seiyuus were really nice on the ears. Closest thing to a problem is that with only an hour of run time, the thing feels undercooked in a sense, like there’s the potential for something much greater because as it stands now neither character is strongly developed in a particularly unique way. They’re both fine enough characters for what this is though, if a touch generic - I just hope to see more in the future. Where’s my TV anime? Or hell maybe even more OVAs if it means we can keep the production so lavished.
Final rating: 7/10
Space Patrol Luluco
Balls to the walls Trigger insanity that takes until episode 7 to really be interesting in any capacity, and that episode is only interesting because of Kill la Kill references. Next episode is Little Witch Academia. Next episode is some Trigger work I’ve never seen. And then episodes 10-13 are, in typical Trigger fashion, a really fun and epic finale with some plot twists, cool sakuga, and a really positive and uplifting message. Visuals are really nice and I love the character designs, plus some hella good seiyuus, and the soundtrack is something fun. At only 7 minutes per episode and 13 episodes in total, it doesn’t take very long to watch, so I’m not that bummed about the uninteresting start it got off to, though even with the fun stuff after that, I still felt kinda underwhelmed for most of this show. ED is super weird and unfitting but I love it.
Final rating: 6/10
I want to eat your pancreas.
Titles are weird in that literally the only reason I, and I presume many others, even decided to check this out or knew about it in the first place is because of its rather unique title. Moving on from that, this is one of those annoying movies where I honest to god genuinely think it’s good and that there’s a lot of nice things I can say about it. It looks and sounds really nice, our two characters are pretty well developed and the lessons they learn from each other about living and what that actually means for them are really well executed, there’s a lot of cool reincorporation that conveys development well and rarely does it feel forced in its drama. However, as much positive as I’m able to say about this film, for one reason or another, I was just kinda bored when watching it. I don’t necessarily think it’s because of predictability or anything like that – while the film may open on Sakura’s funeral and do literally everything in its power to make you think she’ll die of her pancreas illness, they manage to surprise you by having her die in a stabbing – one that was still foreshadowed by the way but it’s so throwaway that you’d never think it was foreshadowing. I don’t think it’s Haruki - while I didn’t really care for him at first I did actually enjoy his development both as an individual and as Sakura’s friend. I mean his internal narration was occasionally annoying but that’s honestly the only negative I can comfortably give this film.  There’s a weird scene somewhere around the middle of the film where Haruki gets a little rough on the bed that I guess didn’t really fit in, I think? I guess the movie’s also super long? At one point I thought it was about to end because it had been going on forever but no I’d just barely passed the one hour mark. I don’t know that’s not even a criticism because while yeah it felt hella long, I don’t actually think that was a negative on the film or anything – in fact I think the pacing’s pretty solid all around. Maybe it’s because the last thing I watched where generically uninteresting dude meets generically perfect girl and learns how to enjoy life from her but then she dies was Your lie in April which I fucking hated, but then other than that base synopsis these two anime have nothing in common and unlike Your lie in April, the two main characters in this are like, pretty well developed. I dunno man this was a pretty good movie but it didn’t really click with me and I was kinda just bored for a lot of it for whatever reason. It’s possible that I’m just not in the right mindset for watching this so chances are I’ll revisit it someday, maybe alongside a friend idk. For that reason, please assume that the following score isn’t final.
Final rating: 6/10
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: The Top 10 Anime OPs of 2020 According to YOU!
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  As we near the voting period for the Anime Awards where we will collectively determine the anime bests of the year 2020, the well-worn adage of “never skip the OP” comes to mind. I’m confident we’ll make the best choice, but there were many great OPs this year that won't make the cut to be highlighted in the nominations. So let’s take a look back at some of the year’s greatest not determined by our admittedly extremely qualified panel of judges, but by numbers and you, the fans.
  We’ve been posting up OPs on YouTube all year and have even made a playlist for 2020 — so what better way to unbiasedly look at the year's best than with the most important votes of all? Views. Below I’ve composed a Top 10 list of anime OPs featured on Crunchyroll Collection YouTube Channel by views at 30 days so as not to give an unfair advantage to OPs posted earlier in the year. This is not a perfect metric — as I’ll get into a bit later — but delivers either an interesting look at what people have been watching this year or, at the very least, some great new additions to your playlist on YouTube ...
  10. Black Clover - "Everlasting Shine" by TOMORROW X TOGETHER
    The collision of anime and K-pop will become a theme on this list, so it’s only natural that it should begin with the collaboration between TOMORROW X TOGETHER and the anime that has never missed an OP. Black Clover hit off its next slate of anime-original content under the supervision of Yuki Tabata with a killer opening highlighting the magic knight captains. "Everlasting Shine" cleared 800k views in its first month and joined the series’ killer playlist snuggly between songs by Snowman.
    BURNOUT SYNDROMES brought in the new year with a bang, heralding the beginning of Haikyu’s spring tournament arc with yet another absolute banger of an OP to compete with their own iconic "Hikare Are" and "Fly High!" Phoenix rose to claim 900k views in 30 days, especially impressive since Karasuno had no highlight opponents facing them down in the first half of the new TO THE TOP season.
  8. Black Clover - "Stories" by Snowman
    Black Clovers 11th OP had a lot of weight to carry introducing the first post-manga content the anime had to offer and nailed it with a Snowman collaboration so good that the group not only got signed to return for OP 13, but Daisuke Sakuma voiced an anime-original character designed just for him in Episode 140. "Stories" came just under 1 million views in its first month at 950k, joining the pantheon of hit Black Clover OPs.
  7. Rent-a-Girlfriend - "Centimeter" by the peggies
    I don’t know about you, but ever since Sarazanmai’s spectacular ED "Stand by Me" featuring the peggies, I’ve been waiting for more anime music by the group, and it is absolutely not a surprise to see their next collaboration on this list. They delivered an absolutely addictive song which TMS elevated with some great dance moves and brilliant color work. A smart move, as we’ll see later in this list.
  No metric for measurement is perfect and "Centimeter" may be the best example of where this list sells an OP short. The song barely cleared 1 million views in its first month and placed the peggies in the Number 7 spot, however, the viewership on Rent-a-Girlfriend’s OP has only accelerated since, and it now sits comfortably at 6 million views, tying it for second place in overall viewership. Looking back again in another six months, it might even be Number 1 ...
  6. Black Clover - "Black Catcher" by Vickeblanka
    The original Black Clover OP artists returned to close out the anime’s last wildly-escalating manga-adapted arc with a killer OP that got served up twice. First in a dark black-and-white aesthetic going into the series climactic battle, then again in brilliant color after the conclusion of the epic conflict. 
  "Black Catcher" brought in 1.1 million views in what is an astonishing sweep in popular viewership for this list. Every OP Black Clover dropped this year made it into the top 10. A spectacular feat for a series that serves up a new one every cour.
  5. Re:ZERO Season 2 - "Realize" by Konomi Suzuki
    In a series so notorious for outright ignoring it’s OP and/or EDs for the majority of its episodes to pack in as much extra time as possible for Subaru’s continued suffering, it’s absolutely amazing how quality each of its OPs has been. "Realize" rapidly ascended to 1.5 million in its first month and has since aged like a fine wine as the events of the series slowly added context to many of the unusual and intriguing visuals therein.
  4. JUJUTSU KAISEN - "Kaikai Kitan" by Eve
    Launching one of the most anticipated new series in years and adapted by studio MAPPA, who has acted as the headline studio of 2020 with multiple hit productions, "Kaikai Kitan" was a shoo-in for this list. JUJUTSU KAISEN didn’t disappoint with a slick OP directed by one of the all-time animation greats and Naruto alumni Shingo Yamashita. "Kaikai Kitan" cleared 2 million in its first 30 days, and if anything, is only accelerating as the series’ sterling production continues to draw more fans. Also, TOHO released the video early on their own channel, where it’s performing even better.
  3. Boruto - "Hajimatteiku Takamatteiku" by Sambomaster
    This ED stands out as a love letter to Naruto in an anime that is essentially one big love letter to Naruto. Returning to the franchise after crafting what may have been the original Naruto’s most iconic OP, "Rhapsody of Youth," Sambomaster delivers yet another bop, while Pierrot seeded the visual sequence with references to many iconic Naruto OP visuals. "Hajimatteiku Takamatteiku" cleared 2 million views in its first month and was the perfect introduction for the series' slow build toward the manga’s Kara arc.
  2. The God of High School - "Contradiction" ft. Tyler Carter by KSUKE
      Subtlety is not The God of High School’s thing and "Contradiction" dropped like a punch in the face with some completely wild visuals and music. Techno doesn’t often make appearances in anime OPs, so a song composed by KSUKE featuring the American metalcore vocalist of Issues, Tyler Carter, was a galaxy away from ordinary even in a year where an avalanche of K-pop has been dropping into anime. The accompanying visuals could only be described as aggressive with fight scenes set under a color-swapped psychedelic blacklight style effect. 2.5 million viewers tuned in in the first month, and the song recently cleared 6 million to continue competing with Rent-a-Girlfriend's "Centimeter" from the same season.
  1. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! - "Easy Breezy" by chelmico
    It really couldn’t have been anyone else. Storyboarded by Masaaki Yuasa himself and animated with some surprisingly analog techniques by the talented French animator Abel Gongora, "Easy Breezy" cleared 3 million views in its first month and has breezed its way past 10 million over the course of 2020. This OP was easy, it was breezy, and it was super meme-y. The riffs of the girls of Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! dancing to chelmico’s addicting tune were absolutely legion and for good reason, the loud colors, the simple style, and the Drake references were a perfect breeding ground for some truly inspired fan content, making it, in my opinion, the only choice for OP of the Year for 2020.
  Gotta say I’m overjoyed to see Eizouken at the top of the list even after spending half a year working that earworm out of my head, as well as so much love for Black Clover's OPs which have really been an achievement in quality even against Pierrot’s own storied legacy in Naruto and Bleach music.
  And don’t think I’m stopping here. While many fans studiously never skip the OP, I also never skip the ED ...
  What's your favorite OP from this list? Let us know in the comments. And tune in tomorrow for the top EDs of 2020 according to YouTube!
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      Peter Fobian is an Associate Producer at Crunchyroll, writer for Anime Academy and Anime in America, and an editor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features! 
By: Peter Fobian
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Design your own blog
Blogging: how to start a blog, I added another layer and then used the link tool. It's also advisable to play around with the font to determine which one suits your personality. I used AvantGarde BK BT here. I changed the font color and used the same styling effects that I often tried for light bulb. Simply right click the light bulb layer then "Copy Layer Style" then right pick your text and "Paste Layer Style". Don't forget to preserve!
Submit your website to online directories - submit goal to free SEO friendly website directories for quick way to start building one-way links to your web page. Hand tools you’ll realize that having both a hand shovel also hoe often makes it simpler for you to achieve gardening nirvana. When how to find handy items such these, closely scrutinize the strength of the tool exactly where metal meets the do something about. Many cheaply-made gardening hand tools fall apart within the original hour of serious gardening. Ah, but what if you do bring something unique into the table as an affiliate. Visualize you might bring in regarding visitors from feed sites and so on. What if you own Rotten Tomatoes and want to list movies from The Amazon website? Well, you don't want to link up with the affiliate network program. Instead, you want to contact the site in question and hammer out a distinct agreement that applies only to you. This agreement is regarded as a strategic alliance agreement could be officially used on a case-by-case basis. And, we are not even referring to a person here! We're talking with regards to a WordPress manager software may easily be avoided make life simpler by furthermore creating associated with domains for you in only click; and also even aid you organize numerous one convenient location! Don't rather than "sell" anything, but just let people know you've something fulfill their standards. If they don't yet realize have got that particular need, then give these folks the information to allow them to understand their need. Community wanted to buy, they'd go to at least of at this point online retailers and research it. But someone wants information, they will search the web and that they happen locate you, supply the customer what they expect. Search engines love content and techniques your leads! Fresh content will keep your visitors coming back to your website at their very own will and you will definitely naturally get higher results at search engines. As the saying goes," Content articles are king" as well as your ally how to create a blog wordpress guide for beginners when discussing traffic generating. Map your calendar into the content. Because you created themes for each month during your marketing plan development, now you can start plugging in content through message method. What features or benefits are better to market inside summer, spring or fall? You will begin to have something to speak about and inspire prospects!! This is goodness friends! Many consumers are beginning create blogs utilize a service which doesn't have numerous for choices. They simply give you to create the options which enable you to truly customize website. You can break through absence of options by finding and installing some blogging software off the web. You will have the opportunity to of the software to customize your blog, adding whatever you are looking. You will have a way to produce decisions on what your site looks. You are control internet site however such as. When you are done you may have a unique and hopefully very stylish looking blogs. You will be placement update it with ease using blogging software.
 Tags: how to create a blog, start a blog
 Setup Free blog: free blog setup, Download and open the Kubrick header (kubrickheader.jpg). Note the proportions of the graphic- 760px wide by 200px high. It's very important support the dimensions exactly tennis shoes when changing the graphics but not messing together with stylesheet or the HTML. Add another amount. Save as "kubrickheader2.jpg" (in Photoshop use "Save for Web.")."Save" after each cycle. Imagine ahead of time write regarding favorite series and post it regarding your blog simply get setup your wordpress blog for free individuals your webpages? It can be that easy and easy if you now what you are actually doing. There is and its called Joomla and Holly Mann is keen on Joomla blog sites. In fact is actually so keen that she offers on edition of her book that I purchased and in her website in the time of writing this review, to install a CMS for you. This is a simple script or laptop or computer. It extends the associated with WordPress than its developers aimed. It is usually installed at the plug-in manager in your WordPress dash. It can be done automatically or manually. You can choose from two kinds of WordPress plug-in - free and premium plug-in. With premium plug-in, code tweaks and cloning of your WordPress site can do.
Tags: free WordPress blog setup, setup free wordpress blog
 Add Google Webmaster tools: how to add Google webmaster tools in WordPress, You programs have 2 different associated with sites atlases. One is an html page listing all of the pages on a website. This serves as the type of "table of contents" for your user. This becomes increasingly important while your website becomes more elaborate. Concerning type of site map is an xml site map. The xml sitemap is an coded site map which make it easier for the search engine spiders to index all of the pages of one's website. Pay a visit to Google webmaster for seo to join up your XML sitemap. If in comparison to use online tools, then do a search inside your favorite search engine for "free sitemap generator". You might also visit is proven to work Tools section at Google for an inventory of scripts and software they refer.
Tags: add Google webmasters tools to blog, add Google webmaster in WordPress blog
Install wordpress manually in cpanel: How to install wordpress manually in cpanel, What happened if you have a hot DP to market and during the night 500 people have purchased your lotion? You will spend the full day manually sending 500 emails! Oh dear! When you transfer your overall website to WordPress, home page of one's website will be replaced a person have how to install wp manually their root of your domain, therefore it is critical that you make sure to copy all the information had been on that home page, before installing the application, ready to put back after. Alternatively you can how in order to wp manually in a folder of your site, so avoiding problem. What other Web a pair of.0 marketing strategies will help? Firstly, it is well worth creating a blog, it is possible to regularly post content - search engines love the continual updating and blogs get well ranked to that end. Install wordpress manually at Ning.org - if your hosting service offers 'Fantastico' that is a huge help. Or your might will want to hire a coder that can you, effortlessly. Utilize PPC (pay-per-click) to get started. You won't develop a massive income off from the right away, but absolutely easily make 5-10 bucks a day in given it. That may not sound like a lot. it can be enough with regard to meal just about or airfare after a month, along with the number only gets bigger as your website grows in readership.
Tags: how to install WordPress manually beginners guide, setup wordpress blog manually in cpanel
 Install wordpress plugins : How to Install WordPress plugins, Your blog postings can be easily shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter any other social newspapers. This gives you a potentially greater audience without in order to do any further work. Once I complete one project, I immediately ask myself "What's next?". Standing still will kill or else you business. Just like a shark, you need to keep moving to stay alive. Our brains are always searching for one more accomplishment, the other challenge.
Tags: Install Wordpress plugins step by step guide, Install Wordpress plugins tutorial for beginners
Install wordpress themes: How to install Wordpress themes, Now the focus with if you are was demonstrating how any WordPress theme will help out with sales and opt ins. We should get directly into how these regarding today are completing the opening. So see the "upload" area and mouse click on Head to. Now search through your hard drive to an individual have your images, select one you want, and then click upload. You will obtain a specific quantity of flexibility in customizing a how to install wp themes to extremely needs. This relies on the particular theme you are using. For a lot of of the free themes, you should to stuck to the basic default height, widths and colors etc. Using the premium themes a person more electricity to do as you like. Once you've found a subject matter you like simply click on the "Install" link and the theme often be installed with your site. You are activate the theme truly live using the net. Easy, right?
 Tags: Install wordpress themes step by step, how to install WordPress themes for beginners
 Best Website Hosting: Website hosting, Always end your answer with "Thanks for writing in. Please contact us if may help you further." Couch an unforgettable first impression on the client. Disk space refers to your amount of space you're renting on a server and bandwidth pertains to the volume of data managing is that may move out onto the online market place in specific time. My suggestion is a hosting account which offers unlimited numbers of both with your hosting checking account. It's a common benefit that is not totally necessary but offers piece of mind. To acquire a newer website you probably will not using high of either however, with unlimited bandwidth and disc space, you just won't need to worry about any surprise overage charges.
Tags: best wordpress website hosting companies, top website hosting companies
  Wordpress: What is WordPress, Here there are several choices in accordance with where your music is. The tab that will open tend to be upload from computer. Click browse and find your audio file on your laptop. Upload it then, put in a title and click insert. When the music or audio file is already online click, From Web. You will need the web address also called URL in the audio and you then can gave it a championship. If you have already uploaded it to your site then Media Library just what you be needing. Click that and insert it. If you click insert it include it in the blog weblog. When you launch a blog, you may get only many times hits a month, then after a long time there the many multitudes of find a month. Google highly respects blogs since offer unique contest more often. Start your blog and talk about whatever you sell. Individuals will actually begin reading it. It's free and it's easy. Click on the WordPress platform to build website and fill the blanks. Tags: learn wordpress, wordpress tutorials
 Setup Wordpress SEO: how to setup wordpress SEO, Previous a person can upload your website clone several new domain you actually initial of develop a database on your new web-site. In this stage you may use the MySQL Database work in your new domain page host's cpanel, to come up with a database together with database web surfer. As soon a person have designed the database and person, you allows the consumer full entry privileges to the database, the total amount is needed by the Setup wordpress SEO up (i.e. WordPress demands to entry the database by logging on being a database user). To do on-page SEO you want some light technical ability. The reason is that you need to actually make modifications to you html computer code. Here is a list of changes you is capable of doing to help improve your site ranking.
Tags: WordPress SEO setup, SEO for WordPress blog
    Best Wordpress plugins: Wordpress plugins, It furthermore useful commence examining your 'bounces'. Fat reduction visitors which left your own website without going to a second search page. Be on the look out for occasions when the bounce rate arises. It could be a specific search term which you are getting traffic for that is irrelevant, which probably does not matter. But dig deeper into telephone and seeing uncover specifics about visitors' browsers and browser settings, when they've JavaScript enabled, the resolution of their screen and other detailed stats. Optimization: An overview of SEO also impact the Talk. You are necessary to add keywords to titles and insert relevant Meta tags and optimize links and images. You also make your URLs SEO friendly. Strategies several essential wordpress plugins to start a blog for optimizing your blog, which can increase blog traffic.
Tags: Best wordpress plugins for small business website, most important wordpress plugins for beginners, get more info
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