#itis actually a great day :] and im happy even
nomaishuttle · 1 year
hi guys
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Ep. 3 - “ Anyone who argues with me on Hanukkah is racist CONFIRMED  “ - Rebecka
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IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the hell had the extra vote and why the fuck would they vote for heather? clearly, like fishbach, they have no fucking idea how to use it. oh well
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I voted Jake S. I am incredibly angry cause I feel like my whole alliance was shattered. I need to talk to more players, but I don't want to seem like I'm scrambling. I do feel like Jake S and me can work together now though. I don't know, I just hope that this challenge won't send us back to tribal or I will die of shock.
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Even though we won by a mile in the last tribal I still feel worried about my performance when compared to others, I don’t want to be a challenge beast but I want to pull my wait, which is why I want to impress in this challenge
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Why the fuck did I volunteer to do this when I have two finals coming up??  I just knew that the jakes probably wouldn't I guess. ugh. 
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Well... Madison is gone. My plan went accordingly. She is livid at me though, so if she comes back from Redemption Island my game is #toast. I feel awful. I really enjoyed playing with her, and it was truly out of my hands by the time the plan took won’t. I wish she knew this, but oh well. For now, I am going to lay low and ensure there are bigger targets than me going forward. Olivia seems annoyed that I feel bad about the vote. Heather feels bad too. What a world.
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I feel so tired but... back to the real game. Gotta move on with heads held high and win this challenge.
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I'm glad I'm safe another day! Anyway this challenge is fun I hope I don't cause us to lose!
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So I’ve talked with Tim and we’ve agreed to vote for Aundra if we go to tribal, but leak that we’re voting for August so he plays his idol.
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Well it is almost four in the morning. I have just completed 2 out of 3 essays due in 12 hours. So..time for a confessional. Luke and I have our work cut out for us tomorrow. It seems at this point that the 5 of us who volunteered for this challenge are going to all participate and try, but AnnMarie and Trip may need a little more pushing. So tomorrow the three of us (Heather included) are going to be the best cheerleaders we can be (and the quarterbacks). Since Madison was the one mapping out the moors we have to try and attempt to take over her role and do the same. We also have to do some intense trust building and keep an eye on Trip. All of us want Trip gone so if we lose this challenge (knock on wood x 1,000,000) he will be the easy target. However he is elusive in his experiences with the moors so in case of an idol the five of us will have to unfortunately split the vote between AnnMarie and him, even though we want to work with her. It would be hard to should that happen, I imagine. I do not want to come off as any sort of leader or anyone calling the shots, so should we lose (the wood is broken at this point but I'm still knocking) I am going to try, with the aid of Luke, to let them propose the plan and take the helm of this one and make them think they're calling the shots. Just hoping at this point that we don't have to. I need to trust build with the Jakes, particularly Canada Jake, and with Heather. I don't think I'll be able to get her to trust me like she used to but I need for that to happen. I can feel her slipping away from me for some reason. So that's about it. On to essay three! Counting down the seconds until this semester is over and finals are done...
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hello i have had 3 hours of sleep and luckily that is when i seem to think best! someone is obv gonna find where the cursed idol is (which btw i own) sooner or later so i thought i would go back there so i could find the message of what it says when you visit it after someones taken it, i then rephrased it to tim, who freaked! wooh! and now we're panicking about who has the ~second~ idol. he offered to make an alliance w stephen n i which shows hes close to stephen n trusts him, i also think he has an alliance w august bcos he originally tried to make one w him n me before august and i had beef so i need to watch out for that too. i'm glad i've gained trust from tim but unfortunately tim thinks ain has the cursed idol bcos ain mentioned going to the swamp (where the idol is) before. HOPEFULLY she can talk him out of it, n he can like blame august or something lol. that is today. from me. ps i lvoe ain. happy holidays!
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So thankfully the challenge ends on Friday which means I can actually get Home to do it. Most of the videos I can’t do but I’ll try everything else. Finding loopholes in this is super fun. I was so glad Tim and Ain switched. Tim is soooo awkward. Also August is digging his own grave. Stephan is pretty great, Rebecca is always distracted with irl stuff which I don’t blame her for. I don’t even know everyone else. They’re so silent
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A potential swamp idol is in play! Tara brought that to my attention that it had been found (If it is even an idol)! And we are losing our shitss. Ain doesnt have it, I dont, Tara doesn't! And here I thought i could relax since I didnt compete in immunity! Boy was I wrong!
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I currently love Tara she is a great person and the only person I talk to in the game I would talk to people more but irl my life is in shambles and I don’t know if I’ll be able to to stay in the game much longer hopefully we continue to win challenges and if we do lose hopefully they won’t vote me if we do lose of course my second chance is getting ruined but we will see
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Ever since Madison left, Trip has been out for blood and trying to find out who betrayed him. I feel sooo guilty about the whole situation, but its part of the game. I am trying my hardest in the challenge, but so many things are hard to find. I'll make way some how and hopefully end this losing streak we have.
So last tribal, I got a vote which is super scary and made my heart drop. I have no idea who wrote it, but I've been thinking about it and I think it is someone who was in on the Madison plan and had an extra vote, saying that there were 9 votes and not 8. First of all, my name was written in script on the parchment and only one other name was written in script and that had Madison's name on it. Then again I also suspect it wasn't anyone. I gave up an advantage because it could have interfered with the plan to get Madison out, but maybe giving up the advantage put a vote against me. I don't know, but I plan on finding out sooner rather than later.
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Trip is stressing me the fuck out I can't take it. I just want to win this challenge so much, that's all.
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Anyone who argues with me on Hanukkah is racist CONFIRMED
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Well tribal went as planned! The 3 votes for me were from trip, Ann, and Madison, who ended up being voted out. The only issue is there are 8 people on the tribe and 9 votes being read... WHAT!?!? My hunch is someone got an extra vote. ORRRR someone on the other tribe voted for heather. Orrrr heather fucked up in the moors and automatically got a vote cast for her. Idk. But now I feel secure in my 5 person alliance and if we have to go to tribal again, trip or Ann will be leaving us.
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it feels like im praying for a win here, it sucks to be on the sidelines but with how busy i am come closer to holidays it worked out, i dont wanna have a huge numbers disadvantage compared to Iolaire, outside of those thoughts, the fact the moors hasn't turned up much is kinda sad, nestle point has been worthless because i was beaten to the punch, well i guess im gonna explore the rocky area
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I should have signed up but I wouldn’t have, catch my drift?
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Omg I love Heather so much she actually recorded herself singing the song I did for the challenge and I literally cried. So glad we're together and I'm so glad my initial doubts proved to be false. What a sweetheart :')
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Some parts of the challenge were embarrassing to do but I did it so yayyyy. I hope we win!
Btw Tara? is winning!
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Well... we are on the final day for the immunity challenge. Heather, Olivia and I have been doing VERY well in it, and AnnMarie and Trip have been falling behind. I don’t blame AnnMarie because no one else was stepping forward for the last spot, so she elected to. Trip, however, signed up without telling anyone and has done the least. 
From what I have heard, Trip has also been trying to pin the strange extra vote for Heather on me. I don’t know why he would single me out (aside from the fact that this is Trump’s America and I’m a gay) but he needs to stop before I #snap. I’m hoping the tribe doesn’t get big-move-itis and wanna get me out, so I’m hoping they stick to voting Trip if we lose. 
As for gameplay, I’m still close with Olivia and I am starting to warm up to Heather. I made fun of her in a video I made for the challenge, so hopefully she takes that as bait to talk to me 1 on 1.
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Hey friends thirsty?? Here’s e some tea my bff Tara found the idol but it was gone somebody already found it she told the tribe andTim messaged her saying he thinks it was Rebecca who has the idol. Now I could use info to try to get numbers because I’m on a tribe of star war geeks and on the outs so if there’s a merge I’m going to need to be solid with some people so idk what to do cause if we lose they’re probably going to vote Rebecca.
The Saorsa tribe win immunity.
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I cant believe we lost tbh it's probably my fault! I don't want to be voted out yikes
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So I was the worse out of all of us in getting things but that’s okay. I think it’s nice that we’re finally going to tribal since I do want to get rid of some people, preferably a male. Not that I have anything against them but the numbers are uneven and it’s annoying me. Or I could leave, who knows. I think I’ve been pretty annoying. However, a lot more people are never there so who knows.
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Im literally so shook. I cant believe we lost. I thin we need to vote out an inactive.
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My life is already a mess and to add to it my game is about to be a mess. So Tim wants me out and Tara and I are an double pack so when he told her she told me. But she came up with this plan that I pose as a girl and work in this all girl alliance so that way we can have the votes and vote Tim. The only problem is I’m a guy and this thing could flip on me
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I hope we get one of the boys out!! Currently I'm gunning for Tim but I wouldn't mind if August leaves. Hopefully Rebecka is honest and wants to join us!
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So Tim and the rest of the clone wars want me out because I’n “too quite” when I haven’t had WiFi all week and Even if I wanted too talk to them all they would do is make a small fake convo then talk about the game so idgaf what they think and really hope its one of them tomorrow and not me
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So I just heard my name and I'm shook!! Apparently Vi wants to vote ME out over Aundra?!!? Vi sweetie this is our first tribal its too early to get me out!
Ok so theres a bit of scrambling about whether or not we should blindside August and potentially get their idol out or whether we should vote out Aundra for tribe strength. I hope a swap is coming soon though. Also Vi wanted me out because Im a threat but i convinced Stephen into talking her out of I by telling her she's "playing too hard too fast". This first tribal is bout to get interestinggg.
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So I laying down enjoying a nice Friday night when August comes at me talking code and what not and I’m sitting around trying to figure out what he’s saying and we’re speaking this secret spy language learning we both want the same person out and I just can’t wait for tribal cause this tribe is full of player and this is going to be WILD
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Voting time, hopefully this is a rarity. Straight into it, tim has lead pretty much everyone I’ve talked to onto a vote for aundra. Aundra hopes to vote tim instead, which I think is impossible, but I’ll fuel that fire. Tim was talking to me, offhand I said I was talking to him and someone else and he spiked that “Who is the other person” these kind of questions are the worst. I could really do without them Also, jg and Stephen might be in a “tim is god” cult not sure yet Oh and amazingly and annoyingly infinity suggested randoming his vote.. ????
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i kind of need to work on my patience. tim almost immediately mentioned aundras name as someone we could vote and it spread really quickly. aundra is someone i adore!!! so i knew i needed to fix it real quick n needed a way to rope in the votes to make sure aundra could stay. both me and ain have confused aundra for a girl in the past (sorry we love u aundra) and thought it could've been a mutual confusion for a lot of people. i thought if we used that confusion, and told rebecka that aundra was a girl, we could give the impression that the boys have an 'all boys alliance' and are targeting the girls. aundra was down to pretend to be a girl and rebecka bought our story! we were all set to vote august, as long as there were no other drama, but then stephen messaged me saying he wanted to plan a blindside on august!! um perfect?? so currently ain, me, stephen, tim, and rebecka are planning to vote august, whilst vi and aundra will split votes on tim, and i assume jg and august will probably vote aundra. if august does end up using an idol, i'm pretty sure vi and aundra can convince him and jg to flip on tim since tim straight up lied to them both. that means in a revote me, ain, vi, jg, and august will most likely be voting tim. wooh! but yeah! tim and stephen basically saved my butt and threw their own under the bus with their plan. i love!! ps ain is the best and i love her lots
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Meant to do this earlier but it took ages to upload https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RO9jF4muRQ1-f8ldV4Jx4Q1HyIV-7vr6
So I’ve been thinking about risks, and how risky this blindside is, but how riskier the alternative is. Sticking with the alliance Ive made is a loyalty move, and one that could give me power and take power away from August. However there are two risks, either August plays his idol or a person flips and one of us goes, or it works, but I become a target for pulling it off. The other option isnt much better, I could go to August and work with him, but thats a traitor move and would betray people who I doubt would forgive me, and paint a target on my back that would feel very familiar. I think in the end I have to stick with loyalty, I need that reputation, and even if it all goes wrong I believe it would be Tara or Tim, or even Rebecka over me, but you never know, and it depends on which scenario plays out. This round is really intense, so many variables, I just have to hope I’ve situated myself so theres less scenarios that end with me going home. So to speak.
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WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON YES YES YES YES. I am so happy!!! I'm glad that I don't have to vote anyone off. I'm also glad that I am going to see what the other tribe is like, and the cracks that they have.
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So this tribe keeps getting messier by the minute first I’m the target because when aren’t I. Then we say Tim’s going. Now they want to vote August because he might have the idol (which I think he might) which isn’t really a big deal in my opinion because it’s not. He wants to work with me and I want him saved but saving him could get me Thebes boot plus Tara and him have really bad blood Soviet idk what to do because if Tim has to stay i might go off
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AYYYY WE WON. I could not sumbit some stuff for the hunt sadly but I did do a lot. AnnMarie was kind of useless.
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https://photos.app.goo.gl/E3Va5mec2byaCMcS2 Me before this tribal
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The plan to blindside August needs to come through! We're supposedly making him feel comfy so he doesn't play his idol and vote me out! That would be devestating.
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All seriousness I have no clue how tonight's gonna go.  If what everyone is saying is true then august should be going, but I know there's an alliance that Tim, Stephen, and I'm unsure who else are a part of.  I've been talking to Tara and ain and we're going with the men's vote. Im also trying to make connections with people on both sides this time (a trick I learned from Ashvika shoutout to Ashvika) and hope it doesn't get me into too much trouble!
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I haven't spoken in it, but I do have a girls only chat for future voting and alliance purposes, especially after Madison being voted off. I still trust lukas, and I want to work with Jake s, but I am not interested in working with trip. I don't like the vibe he gives off. I went to the Moors today, and saw a green thing at the cairn, which I think is a creature where you trade a part of yourself for magic, or something similar to that. I wonder what role it plays in the game haha. I'm so excited to see how the tribal for Iolaire goes, especially their confessions. I don't know any of them, so it'll be nice to see what they say, since I'm planning to getting to the merge. I can only hope and see what the future gives me.
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Oh and also vi threw my name out there for being voted out and idk why  so I'm nervous about that but hoping I don't leave tonight!!!
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I honestly won't be shocked if I'm blindsided tonight I have a bad feeling about this. Hopefully the vote is simple and we all vote Aundra out. Hopefully no power or idol comes into play or I'll be screwed. Time will tell where people stand cause it's a easy vote , I beki
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I’m gullible af and I’m probably leaving so if this is my last confessional, good luck to my right hand woman Tara
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Aundra says they are voting tim.. and everyone else is voting aundra. I’m voting tim just in case aundra does pull out an idol, no other reason why. Not telling anyone, including aundra
August is voted out 5-3-1-1. 
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hyphenatedamericans · 7 years
an update
I dont know what made me want to sign into my tumblr today. Its probably because its too hot to go outside. and so here i am, sitting on my bed that is not my bed. I’m writing this right now while in Spain. So i guess this is where i should start then: its too hot. i have the itis. and im bored. so i decide to login into tumblr for the first time in probably 1-2 years. I kind of forgot how it works so i start to click around. somehow i found my page. and a little link that says “personal.” and i cannot-- for the life of me!-- remember having this. I dont remember getting personal on tumblr, let alone making it public. anyways, i click on it. and i read my posts. and i cant believe myself. it sounds like me but i cant believe its me. I read those posts like as if i were reading the autobiography of a very relatable author. you know? You start to think “omg! me too! holy shit! sameeeee!!!” but theres a distance between you and the reading because its not you, just someone who is like you. well, thats how i felt reading those posts. except i had to constantly remind myself it was me. reading those posts confirmed one of my philosophies about people: they never change. It’s as if reading those posts helped me see that i’m still the same person even if the world around me has completely changed. that’s comforting and upsetting altogether.
anyways. im going to word vomit my life now. update tumblr. not for you. but for me. romantically- im in a very happy relationship with my girlfriend, Jaira. my last post says that it didnt work out with that summer fling chick, Tiffany. Well, it did. we dated for 3 years actually. its over, tho. she said i’d gained too much weight and wasn’t attractive anymore. it was depressing. but i weirdly understood. anyways, after weeks of a tinder binge, i got caught up with jaira. things moved quickly. i love yous. i miss yous. ten months later, and here i am. i really love her. she’s an amazing woman. but i’ve come to the conclusion that I am happily independent. i really can spend the rest of my life on my own. but i won’t. I rather spend it with jaira. that sounds a bit premature. i’ve only known her 10 months, right? but i rather have her with me than to spend my life on my own. i dont believe in that sappy romantic shit. so i dont believe in “the one” or that you need someone to complete you. I am complete on my own. but i am so attracted to her its amazing: her looks, her ambitions, her likes, her interests. idk. she’s so dynamic and amazing. i sit here and think, wow, i can’t believe a person like Jaira is in my life. and is my girlfriend. idk. im not in the best mood to talk about this now. maybe in a later post. academically- im done with school. like graduated. and ive taken a year off before going straight to graduate school. i’m currently completing my last 6 credits on this study abroad summer trip to spain. it is pretty cool. but i miss home. i love travelling but after a week, i kind of get over it. thats where i am at this point tbh. but i have 21 days to go ):
financially- i work as a one-on-one teacher and i nanny part time. i need to work while im on this year off from school. i need the money. plus, im moving out soon. money will always be a problem for me. but i will continue to work. i think that for a while, i will have to live paycheck to paycheck. and thats upsetting, yes, but i need to leave home. its time.
family- this is just a continuation of the prior bullet. my family is great but its time to be an adult on my own. i already do my own things. but i dont wanna have to depend on my parents anymore. its not fair to them. and i really wanna do this to prove it to myself. i just know ill miss my grandma. i love her so much. shes my soulmate. thats why i have to find a place close by. so im not too far from her. she’s my world. and im not about to leave just because i have this itch to grow up. physically- im fat af and im okay with it. ive gained a lot of weight. maybe like 40 pounds since my last personal post haha. i was terribly depressed about it. ive always been skinny. now... im not. well, i credit jaira for my self-love. i love myself whether i am fat or skinny, running or lazy, gaining or losing weight, i love myself. i dont eat or live carelessly. i regulate my habits so as not to overindulge. either ways, i love myself. thank you to my love for teaching me how to do that. self- stay tuned. this spain trip has taught me a lot about what it means to be independent. too tired now.
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