#it's that same spirit of oversabi that leads you idiots to calling black fans of this stupid family nazis
lagosbratzdoll · 2 months
Many of you in this fandom overstep boundaries. When I talk about anti-blackness and misogynoir in the fandom in general and HoTD specifically, it is not your place as a white/non-Black person to tell me that “akshually, I don’t think it was anti-blackness. I think the writers were just lazy.” 
That is an egregious overstep, and it annoys me very much. Black people in fandom can have conversations about the misogynoir and we can even disagree, but where the fuck do you, as a white/non-Black person, get off? You not only insert yourselves, but you question the experiences of Black people in fandom as if you have any authority or personal understanding. 
I cannot give credence to the opinions of individuals who cannot even recognise the presence of anti-blackness in their shipping communities. There is nothing you can say that I am interested in hearing. Our conversations are not for you to intrude on, they are intra-communal and I am getting sick and tired of you lot inserting yourselves where you don’t belong.
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