#it's not crimbo
jellyfishxxi · 2 years
My Dear Pheonix Part 1
Summary - William throws a Christmas Ball every year, and decides to invite his partner. But of course, things go wrong as they always do.
Characters - William Solaire, Skyfire (Hypothetical William Listener), Angel, Baaabe, Sweetheart
CW: None
Genre: Fluff
Tagging: @1-a-b-1
Notes: All listeners mentioned are gender neutral but there are certain listeners wearing either a dress or suit.
The snow had fallen over Dahlia. Christmas was coming soon. Many were out buying gifts for their families and loved ones. However, there was another event that had the empowered community excited.
William Solaire's Annual Christmas Ball.
Those in attendance were scrambling to find outfits for the event, which was held on Christmas Eve. From fancy suits to elegant dresses, silk ties and diamond necklaces. All in the Solaire Clan would be in attendance, as would those close to the members and high ranking empowered groups within Dahlia.
Which led to one person scrambling to find a proper outfit for a Christmas Ball.
Skyfire was going through their closet, looking for anything good. Sure they had fancy outfits, hell they'd worn alot of them on dates with the man, William's ball was alot more than just dinner at a fancy restaurant. It was a party. A soiree, with other vampire monarchs and high ranking people in the empowered world.
All these fancy and rich people, there Skyfire stood. In their dingy little apartment, (they didn't want to impose on William by asking to move in) going through fancy but not fancy enough outfits. They groaned, shutting their wardrobe door and flopping onto their nest-bed. (Bought courtesy of William.)
"I need help with this..." They sighed.
They grabbed their phone, scrolling through Google looking through outfits that could fit them. They were about to give up when their phone buzzed with a familiar ring tone, with a familiar name flashing on screen.
Skyfire sighed and sat up, answering the call.
"Heeeeey Skyfire! Guess who's going to the Solaire Christmas Ball?" Angel sung out. Skyfire sighed, rolling their eyes.
"Is it you, Raspberry?" They asked, sarcastically.
Skyfire could hear Angel laughing on the other end.
"Not just me, but Asher and Milo's mates, too!" Angel shouted with excitement. Skyfire's wings fluffed up. All three were going? Made sense, Angel, Baaabe and Sweetheart (Or as Skyfire knew them, Raspberry, Flower and Moon) were technically members of the Shaw Pack as much as Sam's mate was a member of the Solaire clan.
"Really? That's cool, are you guys buying outfits right now?" Skyfire asked, smoothing their feathers down.
"Not exactly.." Angel spoke. Right as they said that, a knocking sounded on their door.
"Hurry up and open the door, it's freezing out here!" Sweetheart yelled. Skyfire laughed and hung up the phone, going to open their front door.
All three poured into the warm house. Angel laughed as Sweetheart grumbled something about hating December as they moved to sit by the fire.
"Sorry about the unexpected visit. We just figured that, since you're dating the guy hosting the ball we're attending, we should all go shopping for outfits together!" Angel exclaimed. Baaabe laughed, shaking snow out of their hair.
"Can we at least warm up first? It's been snowing since last night, and I can't feel my hands!" Sweetheart yelled, holding their hands in front of the flame.
"Sure, I'll go make some hot chocolate." Skyfire spoke, walking into their kitchen.
They turned on the kettle, grabbing four mugs and the hot chocolate mix. While they were waiting for the kettle to finish boiling, their phone buzzed with a text from Lovely.
Thor⚡: at tailor, vincent's getting a suit fitted and it's taking forever :p
Skyfire laughed at the text.
Utah 🔥: oh no :(
Skyfire looked back at the kettle, seeing it was about to boil over. They turned the element off and poured the hot water into the mugs, stirring in the hot chocolate mix. They plopped in a marshmallow and grabbed a tray, placing each mug on before they grabbed their phone and left the kitchen.
"Yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Do we have a budget?" Angel asked. Baaabe shook their head.
"Good, then we shouldn't be able to hold back." Angel spoke as Skyfire walked in.
"It's ready!" They exclaimed, watching as the three of them took a mug. They tucked their phone into their pocket and took the remaining mug in their hand.
"So," Skyfire said in-between drinks. "What were you guys talking about?" They asked.
"I had an idea. Instead of me just making the outfits for the ball, we go out and buy premade suits and dresses, and I customize them." Baaabe answered, drinking their hot chocolate. Skyfire raised an eyebrow.
"What if you can't find the stuff we want?" They asked. They weren't meaning to be rude, but it was a possibility that half the stuff the needed for such customizations weren't available this close to Christmas.
Baaabe didn't seem deterred however. "Don't worry about that. The shelves in my studio back at the HQ are practically overflowing with threads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, fabric samples, pretty much EVERYTHING we could need for customization." They answered. "Even if the things we want aren't in stock, we can make do. A great designer always improvises!" They shouted, taking a large swig of their drink.
Sweetheart laughed. "You're really passionate about this stuff, Flower."
Angel laughed. "You should see them actually working. The only person who can interupt them is Asher." They spoke, taking a drink of their hot chocolate.
Once all four of them had finished, they put their empty mugs on the counter.
"Ok, I'll go get a coat, a scarf and two pairs of gloves and we can go." Skyfire spoke, walking upstairs.
They opened their wardrobe again, pulling out one of their larger, more expensive looking coats. (Bought by William as a present.) They tugged it on over their wings, feeling the warm fabric cover them. They grabbed their scarf and wrapped it around their neck and grabbed a couple pairs of gloves, pulling a pair on their hands and saving the other pair for Sweetheart.
They came back down and handed them the gloves.
"Thanks, Skyfire. I really needed these." They spoke, pulling them over their hands. Angel and Baaabe turned to the door.
"Alright then, let's go before the roads turn to ice!" Angel exclaimed. Baaabe and Sweetheart laughed in response as the three remaining inside turned to leave. Skyfire locked the door an they headed towards Angel's car.
The streets were overwhelmed with people. It was a miracle that the group could even find a parking spot at all.
Skyfire was looking down at their phone when the car came to a stop.
"Lovely just texted again. They've gotten theirs and Vincent's outfits and are now decorating the ballroom with Sam, his mate and a couple other vampires." Skyfire spoke, earning a hum of acknowledgement from the others.
"Where first?" Sweetheart asked.
Baaabe pressed a thumb to their chin, thinking. "Well, I'm wearing a dress, last time I check, you two were wearing suits, so that leaves you, Skyfire."
Skyfire thought to themself. "I'll go with a dress, too." Baaabe nodded in response.
"Right then. We'll split up. Me and Skyfire will go to the dress shop on the corner while Moon and Raspberry go to the tailors a block down. We'll meet at the cafe in the middle of both shops." Baaabe spoke.
Sweetheart and Angel nodded, getting out of the car. The cold, mid December air hit them instantly, causing all of them to shiver.
"God, it's cold as hell..." Angel spoke.
"Yeah.. come on then, Raspberry. Let's get going and get to the tailors." Sweetheart spoke, walking off. Angel followed them, leaving only Baaabe and Skyfire.
"We should get going too. I imagine the dress shops and tailors are going to be really crowded right now, the ball is in a couple weeks after all." Baaabe stated, beginning to walk.
"True, but that'd only be for those who don't have their own personal tailor. There will be royal vampires attending after all." Skyfire countered. Baaabe nodded, entering the shop.
"Mx ______! I didn't think you'd be stepping into my shop today!" The owner exclaimed, rushing over to the pair. "How can I help you both?" He asked.
"My friend and I need dresses. Nothing fancy, I can add the details myself." Baaabe exclaimed. The shop owner nodded, urging Baaabe and Skyfire to follow him.
"Of course, of course! Right this way!" He exclaimed, walking through to the back of the shop.
Inside, it looked like every designers dream. Skyfire wondered how Baaabe was holding it together. There was a rainbow of fabrics, finished and unfinished dresses, as well as accessories and add-ons.
"Is there anything specific you want? Like a color, length and texture?" The shop owner asked. Skyfire looked at Baaabe, who urged them to answer.
"I'm alright with any texture that keeps warmth in, floor length please, and as for the color... Maybe a nice white? Also, could I have long sleeves?" Skyfire spoke.
The shop owner nodded and disappeared into the fabrics. Baaabe turned to Skyfire and smiled.
"White, makes you like like a snow spirit. Very ethereal, perfect for the ball." They spoke, causing Skyfire to nod. "Plus, White goes with everything, especially red." Baaabe continued as the shop owner came out.
The dress he presented was elegant yet plain, as it lacked embellishments. "Will this do?" He asked. Skyfire nodded and went to try it on. They were gone for five minutes before they returned, the dress fitting them perfectly.
"What'd I say? Like a snow spirit." Baaabe spoke, clapping their hands together. "Once we get the proper embellishments, William is going to love you even more than he does now." They continued. "Now go back and change, we need to save it for the ball!" They urged, pushing them towards the dressing room.
"And for you, Mx. ______?" The shop owner asked. "A, silky, floor length emerald green dress with sleeves will do." Baaabe exclaimed. The shop owner nodded and disappeared again.
Skyfire came out again right as Baaabe's dress came out. Baaabe looked at it for a moment, before they clapped their hands. "Perfect!" They exclaimed.
"Wonderful! If you could both wait out in the main area, I'll get these boxed up for you." The shop owner exclaimed.
Baaabe and Skyfire nodded, walking out of the backroom.
"Do you know him?" Skyfire asked. Baaabe shook their head in response, sitting down in one of the chairs. Skyfire sat across from them.
"No, but I am rather big in the Fashion industry. Any fabric scraps I don't use i give to small stores like this." Baaabe exclaimed, pulling out their phone.
"Any texts?" Skyfire asked. Baaabe nodded. "One from Ash. He, David and Milo are going to a fitting for their suits." Skyfire nodded in response.
Skyfire nodded, watching as the shop owner came out with two boxes in hand. Baaabe stood up and walked towards the counter, getting their wallet out and swiping their credit card.
The pair left the shop after that, boxes in arm.
"Should we go to that cafe now? Raspberry and Moon are bound to be finished by now." Skyfire asked. Baaabe nodded, walking across the street.
Once they got there, Sweetheart and Angel were sitting at a table already. Baaabe and Skyfire went to sit down, when Angel spoke up.
"We passed a shop that usually holds things we'd need for customization. Nothing good was left." Baaabe sighed at their friends words. "Dang it. Well, I guess I'll just customize everything tonight. I'll give them to you guys in a couple of days." They said, placing their box on their lap.
"Now, I say we should get some food. I'll pay." Sweetheart offered. Skyfire smiled. "Sounds good to me." Angel and Baaabe nodded in agreement.
"Great! I'm starving!" Angel exclaimed, picking up a menu.
2 weeks had passed. Baaabe had given the customized dress to Skyfire, and the suits to Angel and Sweetheart. Now all three of them were in Skyfire's living room, doing each other's hair and make-up.
"All I'm saying is, William is a king. You'd think that a horse and carriage wouldn't be out of his wheelhouse." Angel spoke as they ran a brush through Baaabe's hair.
Skyfire knelt down in front of Sweetheart as they brushed out their hair. "Maybe not, but this is modern times, Raspberry. And I'm fine with going in a limo." They countered. Angel shrugged as they placed a few barrettes in Baaabe's hair.
"Fair enough." Angel turned Baaabe around, cracking open a make-up pallette. "Alright, step 2. Make up." Sweetheart looked at Angel.
"Wait, we're switching to make up? I haven't finished with Skyfire's hair." They asked. Angel laughed a little. "No no, you keep going. We want the future sovreign of the Solaire Clan to look absolutely gorgeous, after all." Skyfire started blushing.
"Come on, our relationship hasn't gone that far..." They spoke, laughing a bit.
"Are you kidding? I was talking to him the other day and the moment I mentioned you, his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. William loves you, Skyfire. And I'll bet anything that he intends to make you his sovreign one day." Sweetheart spoke. Right as they finished speaking, Skyfire's phone rang.
"Can someone get that? I'm a bit... Tied up, right now." Skyfire spoke. Angel reached over and smirked at the caller id. "Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Or... Ring, I guess." They spoke, answering the call.
"Ah, Mr Solaire! To what do I owe the pleasure of hearing such a melodious voice!" Angel called out.
"Hold on, you're David's mate, aren't you? Where is Skyfire, are they available?" William asked.
"They're a bit tied up right now. Why do you ask?" Angel responded.
"Am I on speaker? If not can you put me on?" William asked again. Angel nodded and pressed the speaker button. "Ok William, you're on speaker." They said, putting the phone on the table and going back to doing Baaabe's makeup.
"Skyfire, can you hear me?" Skyfire hummed in confirmation. "Yeah, I can."
"When do you think you'll be arriving? I'm not trying to rush you, mind you, nothing's worse than a rush job." Angel laughed. "He's right there." William cleared his throat. "It's just, some of the other clan monarchs have already arrived, and I have the sinking feeling that Vincent is beginning to run out of things to tell them."
In the background, Vincent could be heard distracting someone with the story of how he tried to park on a hill.
"It shouldn't be too much longer. Milo's mate is about done with my hair, and David's mate says that no tone would properly go with my markings so I probably won't be using much makeup. After that it's just a matter of getting dressed." Skyfire answered. William let out a chuckle.
"I cannot wait to see you, my love. I'm sure you look stunning." William spoke. Skyfire blushed, laughing slightly. "A-Asher's mate says that you'll be b-blown away..." They stammered. Baaabe laughed. "Because it's true!" They spoke, standing up once Angel was finished.
"Right then, I'm going to get dressed." They declared, leaving the living room. "Same here. I've already had my makeup done." Angel spoke, following them.
"Right then, I should probably go. I shall see you soon, my beloved. I love you." Willam spoke. Skyfire smiled. "I love you too, Will. I'll see you soon." Skyfire replied, pressing End call.
They took their phone in their hands, smiling down at the screen.
"Right then, I think your hair is done." Sweetheart spoke, spinning Skyfire around. They picked up a small jar of pastel red glitter. "Raspberry says this is supposed to make you shine under the light." They spoke, putting some on their fingers and rubbing it into their cheeks.
Right as Sweetheart finished, Angel walked down in their suit, with Baaabe walking behind them in their dress. Sweetheart looked up, and smirked.
"I think David and Asher might start drooling when they see you two." They joked. Baaabe and Angel laughed, as Angel looked at Skyfire.
"Dang Moon, you did good." They spoke. "Alright, now go get dressed. We have a party to get to!"
Skyfire and Sweetheart nodded, the both of them getting up. They walked off to get changed. After a few minutes, they came back down, Sweetheart in their suit and Skyfire in their dress.
"Woah." Baaabe said, looking the two of them over.
"Damn, Flower. You're good." Sweetheart spoke. Baaabe nodded in response.
On the table, Skyfire's phone buzzed. Sweetheart grabbed it, handing it to Skyfire. "It's a text from Vincent's partner." They spoke, reading the message.
Thor⚡: Will just sent the limo over, so I hope you guys are ready.
Utah🔥: Yeah, just finished.
Skyfire put their phone on the counter. "They said Will sent the limo over." They spoke.
"Good. I can't wait to see what everyone will think of us." Angel started, running their hands down their sides. "Cause we look hot." Sweetheart, Baaabe and Skyfire laughed at their friends words. "Hot isn't the word I'd use, but sure." Sweetheart said in between laughs.
Outside, a car pulled up outside the house. "That's probably the limo. Shall we get going?" Skyfire asked, walking towards the door. Angel smirked, pumping their first into the air. "Hell yeah! We got a fancy party to get to!" They spoke, moving towards the door as well.
"And some partners to make drool." Sweetheart laughed. Skyfire opened the door, revealing the black limo parked outside their house. "Alright then, are we all ready?" They asked.
"Ready." Baaabe affirmed. "Same here." Angel agreed. Sweetheart let out a hum of confirmation.
"Then let's go." They spoke, walking into the cold December night. "Solaire Christmas Ball, here we come!" Angel shouted, laughing.
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dilfosaur · 5 months
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omw home 4 christmas
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muscatjello · 5 months
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crimbo fit 🎄
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killieweegie · 6 months
Cats just love Christmas 🎄 ❤️
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killa-trav · 1 year
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seb follows two whole people on instagram!!!!
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they are friends :]
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merelygifted · 6 months
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horneboy · 6 months
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griffin-the-enderman · 5 months
Merry Christmas from Griffin ~ ❤️
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 11 months
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Nothing like having some fun cringe music time with your crush-
(This is slightly before Tip and Vans became a couple! Vanilla actually has quite a few hidden talents and passions! He makes his own clothes and jewelry, he can sing, make desserts from scratch, and he can play the piano. So Vanilla decided to play Drops of Jupiter on the piano while Tippy sings!)
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pawfulofwaffles · 5 months
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Oh uh Happy Holidays I’m a little late but you know-
Have a Wally :3
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weltato · 5 months
Guess who just rented VHS CCS?
And also who just bought the digital ticket of NPMD plus bonuses?
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bewildred-grimsley · 1 year
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"Hey, the kids are asleep, right? Who wants to sit on Stanta's lap, eh?"
"In retrospect, I probably should've invited more women to this party. Eh, early night it is."
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rhokote · 1 year
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Hey Charlie, don’t you think there’s enough decorations already?
A festive b&w comm for a gray scale toon over on twitter @/AWittyGentleman
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merelygifted · 6 months
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incuuki · 1 year
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Merry Christmas everyone!
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