#it's not a genre i seek out
mortimer · 1 month
Those ppl who get really pissed at you & start whinging about gatekeeping when u say shit like mcr or billie eilish or whatever else band isnt goth are so fucking funny bc like . How r u living in the 21st century, with basically all of music history at ur fingertips, and YOU want to ascribe coolness to yourself by identifying with this subculture, and YOU refuse to actually then learn about it, and then YOU get mad when people can tell you clearly dont know what the fuck youre talking about? like do you hate learning about music that much? bc goth is not a synonym for "dark and edgy" its a specific subculture with its own history and subgenres and everything. and if u cant hear the sonic differences between christian death and paramore & u dont have a sense of how the scenes & history that produced those bands differ then yes you are a poser. no one is gatekeeping goth from you & frankly youre disrespecting your own music taste by not understanding its OWN history and trying to conflate it with something completely different bc it sounds cooler than saying yeah i listen to pop rock. quite literally the definition of posing
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taz-writes · 11 months
here's a hot take for today
the narrative function of sex is the same as the narrative function of fight scenes is the same as the narrative function of songs in a musical
no i will not explain
#taz talks#writing#actually i WILL explain but i'll do it in the tags#these each serve the same function within their respective appropriate genres#each one is a kind of revelation#they heighten the connection between 2+ characters and highlight relationships and feelings and needs#they are out of place in genres where they do not belong and/or as curveballs when the narrative did not provoke them from the start#but they have the same sort of emotional/dramatic build-up#talk -> sing -> dance (talk -> yell -> stab) ((talk -> flirt -> You Know))#and they are all expressions of intense physicality and intimacy through physical gesture and interaction#they are fundamentally empty and boring if there is not a deeper purpose or drive behind them#although they can still occasionally be entertaining on their own if your audience is specifically seeking that experience out#people who do not like them will be very unhappy to encounter one where it isn't supposed to be#it is very easy to ruin the mood with poor word choice#many people have an inherent sense for terrible ones but it's often difficult or complicated to explain precisely why a bad one fails#when executed properly they are a very raw and intimate expression of a character's most fundamental needs and desires#the fluff is stripped away and there is nothing left but a series of needs. conflicting or cooperating.#and even when you're lying during one it's still a form of truth#none of these things are remotely necessary to tell a powerful or compelling story but if you're going to use them you need to do it right#also all 3 of these things are difficult if not impossible to write if you are not both interested in them and personally invested#this post brought to you by me trying to write smut about my dnd characters and failing because i generally hate /reading/ smut#so i have none of the vocabulary or instinct for it that i do for. say. graphic violence (or lyrical poetry)
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robotpussy · 3 months
I believe you will never have the courage to say there is any worst genre of music (not including subgenres in this context) if you actually seek out art. if you think EDM, jazz or country etc are bad it's probably because you have never actually heard music in these genres and have misconceptions due to a game of telephone or your only exposure to these genres was the boring, stripped down, whitewashed versions of what the genres have to offer.
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lloydfrontera · 3 months
why did bkmoon make Lloyd and Javier so infuriatingly gay. like what was the reason ??? and then he made Lloyd marry Alicia???? what ???? i want to dissect his mind and thought process because what the hell ????????
i am on the exact same boat as you nonnie i wanna take a peek into his brain so bad. gimme ten minutes in the same room as him and google translate i can get it out of him i know this.
of course it could simply be that he's a straight author raised in a misogynistic amatonormative culture that places higher emphasis on the importance of the male pov who simply didn't consider how giving the relationship between his two male protagonists more depth and relevance to the plot than to the actual romantic relationship between the main character and his love interest could be misconstructed and interpreted. i mean. that's very much a possibility. wouldn't be the first time unfortunately lol
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binghe-malewife-goals · 10 months
sometimes I want to shake fic writers when they don't properly tag their fic, and im not even necessarily talking about dead dove stuff, but simply in general. Because yes, even your tame college au fic still needs to be properly tagged.
You guys don't understand the amount of times I've started a long fic only for the ending to be unresolved or unhappy with no prior warning.
No one is holding a gun to your head and insisting that your fic has to have a happy ending, but for the love of god please at least properly tag your fic with a bittersweet/sad ending.
Of course people are simply going to assume the fic will have a happy ending if there is no tag indicating otherwise; fanfic is literally built on wish fulfillment, especially when it comes to ships. Why wouldn't we expect a fanfic with a pairing to not end happily?
Just [clutches at your pants] please...,, please just properly tag your fics, I am begging you.
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mercymornsimpathizer · 8 months
ngl I love recommending books if any of u ever want book recs hit me up
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obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
Two young star-gazers spot something new in the night sky. What might it mean? Historical fiction, featuring ancient, pre-telescope astronomy. B&W.
I really liked jean wei's comic last year so of course I picked up the new one. I love the art and the paneling. the connection between the different places & people was really well illustrated...
Tumblr media
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timeskip · 25 days
I keep seeing people going "all these 'ironic' VNs hold so much contempt for VNs as a genre and it shows. They're so bad and they think all VNs are bad." but I've never actually. seen an example of this for real. Thank you to my mutuals for shielding me from this horror by having good recs but also I am so out of the loop
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bloodbruise · 1 month
i feel like you’d be into creepypasta/proxy stuff. whats ur take on it?
when i was in grade school i had this phase where i got up an hour early to watch the news every day (i was a bizarre child). so i literally watched the slenderman stabbing trial happen in real time. suffice to say, that scared the shit out of me, and i refused to touch creepypasta with a 10 ft pole.
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
tomorrow i will be soooo brave and show my fun dd acquisitions on the collecting subreddit. bc i want to play show and tell and have randos who also have this beloved hobby go that's awesome man bc it's fun for me and i dont have many friends aside from like one irl who have a similar comic collecting hobby (though he goes more for omnibus collections and such and tpb (but prefers omnibus formats) but i think he collects single issues too now and then too? but regardless in my realm of hobby collecting). to be clear i have many many friends who collect comics but its in a different realm its more graphic novel comics as opposed to serials (whether individual issues or tpb). so not quite the realm i exist in within comics. so for me. sharing with those who also are in my sphere of collecting very fun. i wanna have fun with them.
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sexygaywizard · 1 year
i thought you'd be a metal and classical kind of guy
I listen to a lot of classical too! Debussy is my 20th most listened to artist and I have made several posts on here raving about classical music (French impressionism specifically) and like. I'm a classical voice major so it comes with the territory lol. I listened to a bit of metal when I was younger and more into rock music. I still enjoy quite a bit of it but I don't listen to anything very hardcore or actively seek out new stuff in that genre nowadays
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fruitcd · 9 months
i hate the term "cozy" as a "genre" i.e cozy fantasy bc nobody can actually define what makes a work "cozy" so it becomes such a nebulous term that is purely based off what individual readers feel while reading the text bc tell me why my class is defining the goblin emperor as "cozy fantasy" when the book literally begins with the main character's entire family blowing up and is focused on intensely stressful political drama from then on out and the main character is the target of SEVERAL assassination attempts but because the mc is kind and the author describes what people are wearing it's "cozy" somehow??????
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moonsidesong · 1 year
u kno i really enjoyed watching hfjone with my friends and they loved it too but part of me is just a little sad they didnt get to watch the early first season with the added context of having grown up on object shows. like. obviously i made them watch bfdi first so they’d understand the point of it being a subversion but, like. having watched so many of these silly little competition shows as a kid it really adds to the Discomfort of those early episodes. like all the pieces of the competitions youve always known are there but it feels Wrong. its just a little sad they didnt get to experience that part like i did lol
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arinakaard · 7 months
i look up a character playlist on spotify and it’s the same 15 songs every character playlist has
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dilfsisko · 1 year
I say I love being scared until I start experiencing actual paranoia and then suddenly all bets are off.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
I like your comics that there is such symbolism in simple panels that tell a whole story and also that you are doing research to do so. Honestly I didn't know half of the stories in Roman history in terms of secret affairs and romance. Do you know if there are movies or series that show these as well?
thank you!
and unfortunately, not really. a lot of media set in ancient rome I find to be. bad. from an entertainment standpoint. and what I do enjoy doesn't really focus on romance in interpersonal relationships.
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