#it's for the fucked up queers and Madagascar fans (not really but yeah)
I forget sometimes you guys have not watched half the shows I have,
you guys would EXPLODE if I tried to explain mort lore.
(from yk dream works's Madagascar?? yeah that guy? little brown lemur? yeah fucked up, almost completely crazed fever dream lore.)
anyway I was thinking about the cinematic parallels with chef and Chris from total drama and how it's literally the same fucking thing that happens in Hannibal mostly.
murderous eccentric loved by many: Chris
manipulates, doesn't care how many he kills because it's exciting: Chris
mutilates and disfigures people for his own enjoyment: Chris
wealthy: Chris
gets sent to jail because he's a fucking murder: Chris
pulls a good guy and turns him evil and is gay for him: Chris
I can go on and on, uh you may be saying
"what the fuck?? that happens in this show??? what's it even rated??"
it's PG, guys.. it's a kids show. total drama is surprisingly dark, it's awesome I suggest it if you like weird shows that are a spoof of survivor.
but my god is the show literally just Chris being fucking murderous and gay for chef the entire time.
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(mostly it was the show getting another season, idk how they got him out of jail. 100% it was chef tho)
like they are full on murder husbands, this show is so chaotic and cringe but mostly just "CHRIS WTF" it's fucking great.
literally inlove gay murder husbands, it's fucking crazy how similar it parallels Hannibal (2013) while being older than it.
I love this show it's awesome.
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blossom765 · 5 years
Voltron season 8 vent
Okay guys. Let's do this. I'm not attacking anyone who liked the season. Feel free to not read this if you did
But, if you're like me and have been traumatized by Voltron season 8 then may we vent.
Let's start with allurance. To begin, it was the worst romance I have ever seen in my life. Allura clearly only went to Lance in season 7 because she was heartbroken. Lotor and her broke up and then and only then did she start liking him. I don't know about you but that is pretty toxic in my book. Lance seemed desperate to have a girl. After everything we've seen all series ( especially red not responding to Lance after the blushing scene) Voltron expects us to believe that we are going to be okay with Lance and allura. Everything the staff has said about allurance: it would be detrimental to both characters, Lance was going to be a first choice, Lance was going to get someone he needs. All of it was pretty much lies. Yes, allurance would obviously be detrimental. It also gives the message that if you keep pushing and aggressively flirting even when the other person does not like it, it's okay, because guess what they'll like you back soon. It's also okay to need, absolutely need a lover even if you're not considering their feelings because you are heartbroken and need love in your life.
Lance was confident to have a romantic endgame and can you guess what, it was pointing to Keith. I should say that I'm a klance shipper but I respect all ships and I only ever ship something with hard evidence and trust me klance had a shit ton. I don't want to go through all of the evidence because we'd be here all day but here's a few
Romantic parallels
Romantic and fond looks
The lion switch
The list goes on.
I'm afraid that Voltron is a prime example of queerbaiting and I'm not saying this because I'm salty about no klance. I'm saying it because it's true. Queerbaiting is when bait viewers in to thinking a queer couple will be cannon even though they have no intention of doing it. I know Shiro ended up married with a man and the kiss was shown but there are just a few little problems. We don't know the other guy's name and we haven't seen any romance between them. Having romantic development off screen is not only terrible writing but also doesn't make as much of a progressive stride as we wanted. It seems they only put that just to say look how supporting we are of LGBT rep. If klance had become cannon, which obviously it should have, then that would make one hell of a progressive stride. A gay/bi interracial couple in a kids show. BTW, Lance and Keith were obviously bi and gay. Color symbolism and their own actions prove it. Lance and Keith developed apart and together and they should have been endgame. If it wasn't going to be the staff had plenty of times to shoot it down. I'm aware that they legally can't give spoilers but they shot down shieth kaxca and pretty much allurance so why didn't they shoot down klance instead of giving a false sense of hope. Because they were catering for more viewers. I know they said in an interview that they weren't trying to bait or cater to anyone and I really believed in them but obviously I was wrong and disappointed. Klance is extremely popular and by not shooting it down and shoving more and more evidence for cannon klance down our throats they could keep a lot of the viewers entertained and keep them watching the show waiting for cannon klance. I cIould go on forever about queerbaiting but let me end this part on this, allurance was a forced detrimental romance and show runners aren't as progressive as we hoped they we're.
Let's move on to the plot.
Honestly, it hurts to begin. Let's start off with a brighter note. The super weapon. It was handled okay. Could it have been better, yes. Was it the worst, no. Now, let's move on. Honerva. She was pretty much a mental psychopath, but that all changed with a pep talk. Now I'm not denying that talking can help people out. That's why I'm writing this because I need help recovering. But, we are talking about someone who manipulated and was ready to destroy literally everything and that all stopped with a talk from the enemy. Let's take an example from avatar. Ozai, a simple villian but s good one. You know how they handled his defeat so good because they defeated him. They didn't defeat him by giving him a speech. Sure, aang tried to reason with him but, he was a cruel fascist who wanted power and control at the cost of others. Talking to him wouldn't erase the monster he is and devastation he caused and that's part of what made the ending satisfying and made the show something you rewatch over and over because you aren't dissatisfied with the ending. Honerva was a 100 times more terrifying and psychotic. That's one of the only compliments I can give to this show now. She was ready to destroy everything for her happiness and didn't want others to be Happy if she couldn't be. So why make such a scary villian have the worst ending. I'm not saying that villians can't be turned around. It's amazing when they do. But, a main antagonist as destructive as her being defeated with paladin help, yeah I don't think so. Let's move on to Keith. A fan favorite who had a very dissatisfing ending. It's great that he's helping rebuild the galra but, he was a complex character who had trouble letting people in. He accepted family love and friendship but if you thought the next stage would be romantic love you get to eat shi. Obviously I'm not saying he has to have a lover, that's one of my problems with allurance but I am saying that he is gay and has a crush on Lance but, apparently they scratched that. Romance isn't the only thing that did that poor boy dirty. It was also a strange power he has that was never explained. Right away, Keith was a mystery with him sensing the blue lion even though he was not it's paladin and being able to kill the druid in a very strange way. But, was this explained no. They didn't even mention it, my God. Now Lotor, we learned a lot about him like how he was an innocent little boy with a disturbing childhood. But, guess what no redemption, no forgiveness, no help for him. I assume that when Honerva combinded her Mecha with lotor's that she killed him. And do we see him again so we could get a better at for him. NO NO NO! He lived an unhappy life and died. Apparently he's happy now but if you think about that idea it's saying that you can't get back up from pain and loss and only in death will you be Happy. Boy, Voltron really likes it's toxic messages. We also don't know why krolia looks so different from standard galra, how ezod found got on the atlas, why Keith just turned galra in his fight with kuron, or what the red and blue stars mean, were they there to foreshadow allurance (ugh) or bait viewers for klance (grr), why the fuck Shiro and Lance are holding the LGBT sign, what was the point of altean Lance, James and Keith not talking about what happened when they were kids.
The creators said they wanted to end on the show on the highest note and failed badly. They crashed and burned.
Entertainment has the power to develop people and tach them. This show has spread some of the worst messages I can think of. The show was probably the biggest queerbait in ever, gave a message that it's okay to practically harass people, you can only be Happy in death, etc.
Voltron was the first fandom I ever obsessed over. I believe the people working on it we're good people that wanted to help the world advance. But, this experience has given me nothing but pain and sorrow.
Well feel free to share your thoughts. I'm going to go meditate and breath. Clear my head. Maybe watch Madagascar again. I could use a laugh.
If yoy have any advice on how I can recover and not get trust issues about shows and their creators, I'd love love to hear them. I need all the help I can get.
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