#it's especially hard to learn that kinda thing in boots when you're already an adult
the-batblog · 2 months
Sneakiness headcanon:
Bruce, Jason, and Cass can move eerily silently all for their own reasons.
Bruce has trained and trained and trained, because in his mind he had to be perfect and nothing else would do. He learned to walk silently from the League of Shadows in their slippers and light clothing, and then he came home and put on boots and Kevlar plating and learned it all over again.
He practiced for days on end, wearing hyper clean boots around the house, learning how to transfer his weight softly, how to step like a ghost, how to prowl absolutely silently through the echo chamber ballroom.
Jason rose from the grave with an affinity for magic. It clings to him like a fine mist. When he remembered Bruce's training, of course he could walk silent as the grave (his own grave). But as he got heavier, as his body got away from his slim, stealthy build, it wasn't enough anymore. But he willed his steps to be silent, and the magic around him obeyed.
Now he can slip in and out of silence at will. He can be sprinting full-boar over asphalt in combat boots, but if he doesn't want you to hear him, you won't. He never sneaks up on children or citizens, but his prey doesn't know he's there until he strikes.
Cass only knows how to move soundlessly. She watches other people walk with their heels jabbing into the ground and their toes slapping down and wonders if they know how loud they are, how easy they are to find and follow, to hurt. Her body just doesn't move that way, her muscle memory from a thousand painful lessons as a girl making a noisy footfall a non-option.
Sometimes she gets too comfortable. She's in the manor, she's around Bruce, there's carpet and walls and a ceiling and only five people in the whole building. And then she hears her own footfall, or a creak in the floorboards below, and then she sees Cain in front of her in her mind's eye, and she fixes it. More careful now because it happened again.
Of course all of the Bats know how to sneak. But those three know how to move like wraiths.
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