#it'll prob be the longest bit to date
allalrightagain · 10 months
I'm not making any promises, but maybe keep your eyes peeled if you're a pocket dad fan 👀
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weixuldo · 10 months
moving back into college this weekend (wooo) so sorry abt my lack of activity here :(
but, lets get into the statuses of the fics
Allow Me- so this one is probably the most popular one atm (thank you guys again for all of the love)! the beginning of ch 11 is done and so is the tail end of it, I mainly need to work on the middle. But after tis chapter it'll pick up big time (calling back to the post I made abt using the vader comics :)) I have most of those scenes already written so updates with allow me should be a bit better once ch 11 comes out
2. Enigma- Ahhh, my longest fic to date. I have so much love for this mf, Ik allow me is more popular, but something abt this one just really hooks me and idk why lol. But I am almost finished with the first part of a two part chapter: anakin's birthday and "alive" day celebration (if u read the fic, you'll know what I mean by alive day lol). Like i've said before I have this story planned to a "T", but its finding the time to sit down and flesh it out thats tricky.
3. Unconditionally- One of my favorite children, returned from the graveyard! I always said i wanted to do an epilogue and an epilogue I have been writing hehe. It's gonna be a two parter (there's so much I wanna say in this universe). I am almost done with part one which will be mostly catching the reader up on what y/n and ani have been doing for the past 10 years :) then the second part will explore more present matters.
4. Linecook/roommate ask- I went a lil crazy w this one (4000+ words) but I am very pleased with how it turned out. Itll prob b the next thing I post. I'm not sure if its a series or a one shot, once you guys read it, just lmk what you want from it :)
Thank you all for sticking around my crazy schedule and random uploads, love u all :)
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