#it took me a bit ;v; but writing this style was fun! i'd like to do it again!
7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 20/03/2024
old town ribbon race
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special Collection '17​-​'19
Ripped by Moder112
Y'know, I've had this rip in the drafts for a pretty long while - I've wanted to write about it for so long, but its almost difficult to explain why I like it so. I sometimes wonder how many other people are as attached to the original Intro Title / Minigame Theme - Barbie Horse Adventures: Blue Ribbon Race as I am - it was a genuinely shocking little rip that managed to utilize the creepiness of the original song, whilst also tying it all subtly to the ongoing side story of Mr. Rental's rampage on SiIvaGunner. Yet it was the kind of rip that didn't make its presence all too known after the fact - save for a big reappearance on SiIvaGunner Fusion Records last year with *** EVERYTHING IS FINE ***, the rip's appearances have been pretty darn scarce. That is, at least, on SiIva - what I learned in researching for coverage on old town ribbon race, is that the meme took on a life on its own elsewhere in the internet.
That's right, it's fan channel time again - the very same one that V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r covered not that long ago, even. Its always a bit difficult to discern...anything, about Vvvvvavvvvvvr from the outside looking in, because of just how vast and bizarre its output is - its a channel that accepts submissions of just about ANY kind and has made it its brand to basically be a dumping ground for any sort of vip (Vavr's name for high quality rips) possible. Yet through it all, in 2017, a certain familiar Barbie game for Game Boy Advance made a reappearance - with a vip simply named Horse: Blue Ribbon. From there, the meme was reborn on the channel as just "Horse", mainly using a remix of the original theme by ripper Moder112 as its main source for future vips - continuing to see use pretty regularly in a number of bizarre, spooky rips.
All of that was, of course, entirely lost on me - yet in a way, that made discovering old town ribbon race on SiIva all the more impactful for me. I had no clue that others remembered this bizarre one-off horror rip as much as I did, nor that there had secretly been this subset of rippers already fiddling around with how to turn this eerie theme into something so hummable. Old Town Road is a song I already find deviously catchy, one I've covered before with Mob Corral - and so to me, old town ribbon race wound up feeling like the perfect culmination to things all those years later. The rip that had filled my 2016 self with such intrigue was now finally being played around with in fun, creative ways - by, as I'd now later learn, none other than the very same ripper who'd been doing so for years beforehand without me knowing.
There is of course a comedy to old town ribbon race inherently, in making a country/pop banger out of a theme otherwise most known for how much it unsettles people. But there's that other part as well - it IS genuinely a banger, using so many creative and fun GBA-quality samples that all feel in line with the original creepy song, even including the sampling of Among Us sound effects used for its percussion. A lot of the samples are from Moder112's prior mentioned remix, yet the authenticity of the rip was so good that I hardly even considered that as a possibility - it doesn't sound like its using anything "fan made" so much as its just naturally working outward of what Old Town Road would sound like in this style.
I'm really happy that nothing gets forgotten on SiIva - that was one of my big talking points in Violet Snow Memories, if you'll recall. This really isn't one of those cases, because Horse found a life all on its own - yet its almost just as fun to see how memes like it live on in such strange, silly ways. Meme evolution! How fun. old town ribbon race. What a good rip.
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btwimkindagay · 1 year
About me
Thanks @littledreamling for the tag
Nickname: Usually Breezy! My first name is a place name, so some of my friends call me by other place names (but more commonly acquaintances who think they are funnier than they are 🙄)
Sign: Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius rising. I hope that doesn't give away all my secrets
Height: 5'7 or 170cm!
Last thing I googled: "Wilfred Owen Letter to Wife poem". It's actually called "The Letter"
Song stuck in my head: I don't have one at the moment which I'm grateful for because I have a headache which feels like someone is trying to lobotomise me through my left eye. (I've taken some painkillers so I'm just being dramatic until they kick in)
Followers: 138! Thanks to everyone for politely waiting out the Goncharov phase
Amount of sleep: I regularly get 9-10 hours of sleep because otherwise I feel so bad 😥 I am envious of people who need less because for me 8 hours and 4 hours feel the same 🤢
Dream job: probably also a professor, like Crow! I'd love to be able to do research on things I'm interested in (it's always gay nuns, but recently it's also polygyny within medieval Jewish communities), and chat with colleagues about theirs, and write articles, and make lots of powerpoint presentations (I love them because I can even script in my jokes), and see what the younger generation are interested in when it comes to history! However, as we have established I am a very tired person, so I'm not sure how well I would cope with the expectation of out of hours work.
Wearing: Blue silk pyjama bottoms decorated with little white vines and flowers, brown walking socks, and a long fluffy hooded! dressing gown which I would probably call maroon or burgundy. Don't judge me for this (or do, I deserve it).  For the more wattpad experience we can also say that I have thrown my long brown hair into a messy bun.
Books/movies that summarise me: I could ask my friends, or I could just insert a picture of the DSM-V here because that's what they'll all send me
Favourite song: I don't have favourite anythings to be honest, but my most played song this year (at a whopping 22 times) was Zitti e Buoni by Måneskin. Lyric-wise I'm still obsessed with Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives, specifically "I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your good intent".
Favourite instrument: I've played clarinet, recorder, guitar, and keyboard, none of which I had any talent for 😂
Aesthetic: I've been told so many things about how I dress so I'll try to keep it brief. I own an eclectic collection of dresses (probably 60+) and tend to favour colourful patterns for daily wear and single colour grecian-style drapes for formal events. I likewise own lot of colourful patterned tops (described by my friends as "pretty", "flattering", "interesting", and "like you took it from your mum's wardrobe" (she gave it to me)) which I wear with jeans. That said, I can most commonly be found in my "grandad" looks of a men's shirt open over a vest or buttoned to the bare minimum of decency, or one of my two favourite golf jumpers (one grey, one beige).
Favourite authors: I don't have favourite authors of books (though I definitely do for fanfiction), but I do want to read more Margaret Atwood because I've only read The Handmaid's Tale and that one quote from The Robber Bride that lives rent free in my head.
Random fun fact: I managed to get super glue in my mouth when I was decorating a christmas bauble with watch parts last night! Very on brand, I'm notoriously clumsy. I also only managed to super glue two of my fingers together, so that is a new record
Tagging @bidet-and-legolas @a-liittle-bit-of-both and anyone who fancies it!
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darkkitty1208 · 1 year
another ask from me right after the last one? am i that desperate for interaction? the answer is yes.🌈🎀🍭
Thank you for the ask! 💕
From this fanfic ask game
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I'm not so sure, actually. I skimmed through my works and I found that, well, I enjoyed writing a lot of them and even if some took more effort than others, the satisfaction of finishing it really paid off. I wouldn't say I 'struggled' writing anything as I don't start writing something unless I feel 100% sure it's safe and fun and within my capability to do so, but I don't want to give you a no for an answer either so. :P
Maybe a glimmer of blue? Had to write some pretty heavy themes there.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Oomph. Er, let's see. I guess I've improved a lot through my writing journey? I can clearly tell my writing abilities were drastically different to back when I just started. But there's always room to improve and I still consider my efforts as that of an amateur, so I guess my eagerness to refine my writing skills is a good thing, too.
I'm not sure if that counts but I can't think of anything else. :v
🍭why did you start writing?
A couple of reasons, really.
I want to write fics that I'd want to read. I want more content of my blorbo suffering, because I've been cursed with liking an underrated char.
I thought it'd be a good stress-relief hobby. It is.
I've always liked reading, published books or fanfiction or otherwise. I saw how different an author can write compared to another and I've always wondered what my writing style would be like, so I explored a bit. Still trying to find what style fits me best, actually.
I wanted to see more fics under my favourite tropes. Which probably explains why I keep writing fics with the nightmare trope over and over again lmao. XD
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k00283712 · 1 year
Typography seminar notes
Notes of everything and straightforward opinions
(notes and reflections)
Typography: how type is arranged on a layout
(how type is format for displaying on a page, product, packaging, signage or layout)
Times New Roman= early roman typestyle
gutenberg's blackletter revolution*
Typography has a long history even before the printing press, I thought this was cool and forced people to learn artistic skills in this area
monks= illuminated manuscript= blacklettering = gothic calligraphy script
adobe jenson= old style roman typefaces
focus on space saving= used italics for limited space
I find it interesting how this is the origin for the usage of italics
france didot family= in vogue and other 'classy' stuff bc of how nice it looks
the industrial revolution= typography suffered a cluttered approach, dense, chaotic, eclectic mix of styles to fit every bit of space (vintage style, circus, etc)
popular early sans serif; futura
this happens to be my favourite sans serif font so it was fun to learn how early it was invented, 10/10
gill sans= more natural curves
= humanist sans
influence of the digital age
= typography seemed out of place for a while
= fonts were rendered useless
= pixel styles more popular
= later on, overuse of really bad fonts (comic sans 😭🤚)
= typeface development can no longer be accomplished by specialists but by anyone with the right programs
typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication
typeface is the term given to a family of fonts like;
helvetic reg, helvetica oblique, helvetica bold, etc
font is the term used when someone is referring to only one weight or style within a typeface family such as helvetica bold
why is typography important?
how we show appreciation for each other
how we communicate
i was kind of aware that typography was important but this explanation really took me by surprise, and made me appreciate typography a lot more
keeps us safe (packaging, medicine, travel signs, expiry dates, times, everything) = everywhere in our daily routine
(Notes on everyone, and how i felt about certain works with little to no explanation)
Jan tschichold=
german calligrapher, typographyer ,illustrator, book designer and educator
style of bowhouse (?), sans serif letterforms, new typography with asymmetrical layouts, integration of photography
simple and dynamic designs were applied to everyday practices
= head of typography and production in penguin
= did penguin covers
I thought he was pretty interesting, was especially interested in his asymmetrical layouts
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Seymour chwast
nyc, illustration and graphic design
pushpin studios
= bottom heavy typeface style
used in pelo (magazine)
all lowercase letterforms
milton glaser
important usa graphic designer
= pushpin studios too
= 3 responses to a piece of design;
wow (i love this response so i thought i'd write it here and use it in future notes / opinions)
= he did the 'i <3 ny' iconic logo as part of an advertising campaign (hate is a strong word but i truly do not like this logo, i don't particularly know why but it just irks me, thus i give it a no)
robert indiana
=brought a 2d christmas card into 3d sculpture (Yes absolutely, this was so cool)
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wim crouwel
total design= his design firm
created 'new alphabet' =a type of font for machine (yes, I liked it)
alan fletcher
= eloquent work
= v&a logo
= many ways to reshape words into pictures (me personally i give it a no, though i like this concept, i did not quite understand what was so beautiful about his works. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as others did)
paula scher
contemporary usa artist and graphic designer best known for her posters logo design and album covers
= created maps with intricate lettering that indicate political and societal connections
=job of designer is to make things understandable usable and accessible
= each piece (map) she uses 50 pieces of information (roads, airline paths etc)
her public theatre campaign set a new bar for typography
=unorthodox spacing mixed fonts colours and weights and uncommon and historical typefaces is cool asf (SO COOL A WIN FOR THE GIRLS I LOVED HER)
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stefan sagmeister
= unique packages and designed books
most famous poster= visually convey the pain that accompanies most of the studios design projects
= got a student to carve text on his torso with an xacto knife and photograph the result (he has a lot of my respect for doing this)
=comes up with compelling concepts
drake and burgess-johnson
crafted typography + atmospheric imagery
pink neon lights, various backdrops, shot in diff location
(photography + typography=cool)
no but this made me realise I don't have as much an interest in photography as I originally thought, though the images were pretty creative 10/10
Claes Oldenberg **
= known for playfully surreal sculptures
soft alphabet 1978
41 sand filled cloth letters + resin letters
I absolutely love and adore these they are so cool and incredible and I love how soft & marshmallow-like they look an absolute 14/10 so based yes yes and ✨wow✨
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matthew raw
works predominantly with clay
= new way language can communicate with form
This was really interesting to look at and gave me a new perspective of communication with form- this also made me realise I have a bigger interest in sculpture /3d than I thought i did
richard j evans
information leak= lasercut wood letters (yes am a big fan of this)
stephen powers
ny graffiti artist
= book 'a love letter to the city'
hybrid of sign writing and mural painting
taking power and using it in a good way
alan kitching
renowned for his expressive use of wood and metal letterforms in creating visuals
taxi poster = a1 piece of paper, letterpress effect gives character (yes, i really liked the affect of this one, it felt very clean but emotive(?) if thats a word, and i really enjoyed it)
max miedinger=
HELVETICA creator!!!
= neutral typeface that should give no additional meaning
(i have mixed feelings about this font, hate is a strong word but occasionally i do have mild dislike (occasionally). Also, if helvetica was a neutral typeface that 'should give no additional meaning' then how can one explain the helvetica font in the Thai language???? its so completely different from any normal font in that language and so clearly just uses the english alphabet to replace certain characters , & is BASICALLY unreadable from an inexperienced eye. I feel very strongly about this. A (soft) no from me)
saul bass
picasso of commercial artist
crafted brilliant artwork for hollywood
'vertigo' and 'the shining' movie posters (yes he is very cool i loved the posters)
pae white
= merges art, design craft and architecture through sight specific installations
= south london gallery, mesmerising exhibition with large quantities of coloured yarn spanned and criss crossed the room to create words (the pictures of this exhibition / installation are absolutely incredible 10/10 work)
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ebon heath
words are like butterflies pinned to the page
= graphic sculptures liberate letters from 2d space
= text is based off desired concept and is site specific to the location of the installation
= hand cut paper + now laser cutting technology (wow yes, i really liked this too and gave me an interest in laser cutting technology which i hope i can try out later)
cecil touchon
takes fragments of language from different sources and manipulates them into purely aesthetic sounds and arrangements (such a fun concept!)
collage and painting deconstruct shapes derived from central mexican landscapes into abstract shapes
neville brody
most famous for new wave style
art director for art magazine like face
use of bold and unconventional layouts
david carson
self taught, grid free
= made others realise that editorial layouts didnt have to stick to the rules
= unconventional and experimental style revolutionise graphic design seen in 1990s usa
'godfather of grunge typography'
(i love this man his work in the seminar was so cool to me it reminds me a lot of power lines criss crossing in the sky (if that makes sense))
mel bochner
= 'meaningless' phrases into work (very iconic of her)
nate williams
= bold & playful + tribal patterns
personally wasn't a fan of this style but I can appreciate it
adam hayes
pencil sketches in a response to project brief
= refined ink drawings + further refinement in photoshop
i'm also not a fan of this style but the amount of effort and time put into everything is incredible
jessica hische
I didn't really know what to write here as notes but I'm a fan of her book covers they're very nice
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craig ward
creative director
=boundaries between illustration and type
(WOWOWOW GORGEOUS 10/10 YES, i l love love love all of his works and here are 2 of them)
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album covers
3d type /structural
collage - nice textures
relief / interactive (eg. matchsticks)
playful/ stylised (eg. toys, masking tape)
using mundane items
how nature interacts with the font= shadow of something makes out a word (eg. shop front at an urban outfitters)
patterns in environment / general patterns
kinetic type (eg. slow shutter speed with lights)
recycled materials
laser cutting
3d relief type of cardboard/ 3d printing
paper - quilling, origami, folding, cutting etc
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
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Optimism.  --  After everything that happened, you manage to cling to your faith. Your optimism shines brightest when placed in others. You unquestionably think the world of them, of him most of all. Everyone has the potential to do their best! Sometimes, they need a little push, but that's something you provide a little too eagerly.
Spirited.  --  You're someone who knows how to find the fun in things. You're a natural lighthearted, and easy-going sort of person. For the most part, that is, because, whenever you get serious, all of those previous traits go out the window. However, despite that, you're always happy to share your joy with others and providing said joy through various means. And teasing others can be pretty fun too, so sometimes you can be a little mischievous! But it's all in good fun, you promise! Just be careful because, sometimes, your positive energy may not rub off too well on others. 
Emotional.  --  Someone who wears their passionate heart on their sleeve. Well tuned with your passions, you're empathetic to a fault. There's nothing too wrong with that, but sometimes you can be a slave to your emotions, not taking much time to step back for a moment. Yet, you have displayed growth in this after your awakening, thanks to a mentor and friend.
Responsible.  --  Responsible is your middle name! You're a pretty reliable person due to how dedicated you are to completing whatever tasks you have at hand. One might say you can be a little too committed, but you never saw anything wrong with that. You will keep whatever promise you can make and see things through. After all, you carried out the goddess' mission to the very end, it's all over now.
Wise.  --  In the end, however, wisdom runs through your veins. While intelligent enough to the point where you will devour any texts you may get your hands on, you carry a deep understanding of the world. Though a bit more emotional, logic will persist in the end, and you have learned to fall back onto wisdom more than ever. Certain choices hurt so much, but you know this to be the right one no matter how much pain it may cause to you and others around you. 
Pink.  --  An adorable color you've been fond of since your youth! You have a weakness for all shades. It's not a stretch to say you love any bright colors the warmth of them all is appealing to you. 
White.  --  The color that has been with you throughout both lives. You feel a little conflicted about this color, you admire its purity. But. It's stifling in a sense where the color reminds you of your past life and your duties. 
Lavender.  --  This color is more bearable than white. There's a soothing sense to it, and you feel calm and assured. 
Green.  --  It should be pretty clear why you have an attachment to this color, no? The surface greeted you with warm greenery, the goddess of courage proudly wore this color, the spring comes painting the world in this color, and your dear friend was simply made for this color. It evokes bravery to you, strange as that may sound to others. 
Blue.  --  Blue skies still hang over you as you stand on the earth. The stretch of blue has always been a constant in your life, and now you can't imagine your life without it. And, during your long sleep, his blue eyes were all that you saw within your fleeting dreams.
Earth.  --  You fell in love with nature and everything it'd provided for you, including the scents. While fresh air is always refreshing, you adore the smell of Faron Woods the most. Namely during springtime! 
Cotton.  --  A funny choice, huh? But it's something you worked around for who knows how long now. The nights spent sewing or knitting away were comforting moments for you. 
Books.  --  Some may call you a bookworm but, in your humble opinion, there's nothing better than the smell of fresh pages, thank you very much! Although you do carry a soft spot for more ancient pages too. 
Floral.  --  You don't ask a mother to pick her favorite child, so how can anyone ask for you to choose a favorite flower when you adore each scent?! They're so comforting, each scent unique as the flower itself. Sometimes, you'll collect a few from Faron Woods and create a nice little bouquet. Filling your home with a floral scent all while brightening up the place.
Leather and iron.  --  It... uh, it sounds unique. Some might even call it strange, but the smell brings you back to the days where you trained to become a knight alongside classmates and your dear friend. 
Ribbons.  --  You have a pretty fun way of putting ribbons in your hair! Rather than a simple bow, you like to wrap various ones around your hair framing your face and low ponytail or even wrap it around with other hair styles like braids! Sometimes, you'll put it around like a headband, and a little bow. Hey! You like to switch things up a bit!
Bracelets and necklaces.  --  Such cute accessories you love which can go with almost any outfit you decided to wear that day! Sometimes, you find yourself fiddling with them, but you'll try to wear one or two or more every day! Yet, there's only one bracelet that you cherish more than anything. A lavender set, where you gave one half to your friend. Yet, she'd returned it to you. And you didn't even get to thank her face to face for everything that she has done. You don't have earrings, strange... 
Dresses and skirts. -- What can you say? You have a fondness for those articles of clothing. Of course, because you're pretty active and always running around the place, leggings are also part of your ensemble, but you tend to wear skirts that come to your shins which helps with...!
Boots.  --  Showing off your nice leather boots, of course! You prefer boots above all other shoes, they're perfect for travel, and very comfortable too. The sandals you wore while traveling around the surface were nice, but boots would've been an ideal choice. 
Belts and sashes.  --  A nice way to finish off your outfits! You're a girl who loves to dress cute, and dress to impress more yourself, and perhaps a certain hero. Once, you wore the sailcloth around your shoulders, you'd like to try doing something like that again.
Books and scrolls.  --  Since you were young, you always found yourself spending nights in your father's archives reading whatever you could. Your room's filled with so many books it can leave someone's head spinning. Whether fictional novels, textbooks, historical books, etc. You loved to read them all, the sky's the limit!
Harp.  --  It's a lovely instrument, and you prefer to hear the hero play it more than yourself. It sounds more enchanting whenever he plays it. You are aware its your bias staining your views.
Yarn, knitting needles, and sewing supplies.  --  It's a past time you adore, even to this day. Without your handy little kit, you wouldn't be able to make any of the incredible stuff you had!
Strange green doll.  --   You saw him in a dream and saw the little guy pop in various texts as well. A man dressed in green who believed himself to be a fairy. Or chosen by the fairies? You can't exactly remember the details, but he was apparently a charm for safe travels and good fortune. It couldn't help to find a few rupees here and there. You're starting to think that perhaps you should make more of this fella for friends...
Wooden Indigo carving.  --  A wood carving of your beloved loft wing made by your dear friend. It was one of the first items you took when moving down to the surface! Whenever you would look at it, you can't hide the glee that makes your heart flutter. Your friend is amazing in everything, isn't he?! You're pretty proud of that fact.
(bonus) Master sword. -- It's not something you own, nor do you have any plans to own the sword. But she's someone who you hold dear to your heart. Without the spirit inside of the sword forged by your hero, you couldn't even imagine how things would've turned out. Fi was a companion that your friend bonded with during his search for you. You're grateful for how Fi helped him out. 
Stubborn.  --  You may call it tenacious and see nothing wrong with it, but others will call it as it is: stubbornness. Once you have your mind set on something, there's no stopping you. At times, this can get you into deep trouble.  
Worrywart.  --  You transform into a different person when it comes to this! You can be nosy and interfere with whatever business someone may have and step on in without input. It does not help that you tend to jump the gun. You're a restless busybody, many would say. It comes from compassion and concern, but it can annoy or anger certain people. While the damage is done, you are pretty remorseful of the fact and try to make up for it however you can.
Overly encouraging/positive.  --  It somewhat goes hand in hand with your worrywart tendencies. It's because you see the best in everyone that drives you to be a busybody in the first place. That said, while a positive attitude isn't always bad, it can across different to someone depending on the time and situation. You can make naive choices and even come across as a bit insensitive whenever your attempts at cheering up others may not translate well. 
Temper.  --  Not something that pops up very often, but there are chances of it nevertheless depending on how wronged you feel or if someone were to do something you don't agree with. Bullying is a big one for you. You don't exactly hold grudges, as your anger is pretty short-lived, sadly not many people take your ire seriously either. It's something you can't hope to understand why. You tend to scold people more than anything. 
Self-sacrificing.  --  Oh dear, it plays into how responsible you are to a fault. You are not afraid to give up your all if it means saving everyone. You tend to keep your intentions a secret and run off on your own to finish the job. Placing you in great danger since no one's around to help. Not that you intend to have anyone help you, it's something you want to do with your own hands. You love too much. You care too much. You are willing to do anything to protect the lands and people in it, loved ones and him. Ah... you have died because of this... twice. But, it seems like this part of you will never go away, huh?.
A bright smile on your face, her pink cheeks becoming darker! You're full of good cheer and very expressive. Sometimes, you'll even do that encouraging fist pump! It's easy to read your mind since your face is an open book. While your soft giggles are sometimes hidden behind your hand, you're someone who likes to laugh aloud. Towards the one you like, you're not afraid to lean forward just a tad bit. Sometimes, you'll push someone off of some high place. 
Laced hands and a gaze filled with concern. You'll press your lips as you try to figure out just how to ease your said concern. Until resolve enters your gaze, sometimes some might take that as not being a good thing.
You liked to hug the goddess harp close to your chest during your journey. Sometimes, you still do this whenever you go off with it to pray to the gods. It's a bit of a comfort thing and something you wished to protect. At the time, you couldn't understand why but now...
Holding someone's hands, hugging, whatever other contact you're not shy about showing skin ship towards friends and loved ones. It's your way of showing, shoot, everything! 
Your hand on your hip is never a good sign when it comes to you. Your eyes are usually narrowed here, and once you open your mouth this is when you start your lecture. Although sometimes, this position can just be you taking charge too. 
Hands covering your face as tears roll down your cheeks. You're smiling, though, because it's finally all over. You save your tears until the very end. Or try, telling your best friend of your plans did have you cry a bit. 
Birds, free as can be, flying off into the distance. Whether loftwings or the smaller birds found on the surface, it's a sight that you'll never grow tired of.
Streaming rivers and comforting holy springs. Water dripping from golden hair and your fingertips. You have an affinity for water, something tied closely with the goddess of wisdom. 
Gold spilling from your hands, beautiful, warm gold. The gold of the goddess harp. The gold of the triforce. It's a lovely power, tied to the divine. Something you're both a part of yet not. 
Leaves dancing with the morning wind, grass with dew on them, the early sun vanquishing the night air in that soft glow. another great day is ahead! so you're up with the world, now time to wake up a certain sleepyhead!
tagged by: @personnages​ (thank you my goodness this was fun!) tagging: whoever hasn’t been tagged yet! ​
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amjustagirl · 3 years
im so sorry but this is gonna be really long 😭 i know it's a bit late but i just read a sea of flowers in bloom because i got busy while waiting for it to finish (im too impatient to read on going series') and i really need to let this all out. i apologize for bad grammar and vocabulary in advance—im still crying
first i wanna say that you captured all the emotions so well. i cried reading every single chapter (because i was either sad, hurt, or proud). the way you wrote it was so beautifully expressive and described, i couldn't help but hold onto every word you wrote. your writing style never ceases to amaze and enchant me.
moving forward tho, i love how the story really captured how an individual's insecurities and self perception affect how they make their choices and how their relationships play out. i think that's something that's greatly overlooked yet so important to remember (both when evaluating yourself and the actions of others). i also love how you also showcased the importance of communication, not just with your partner/potential partner but also the release of emotions and the troubles we don't notice we have.
you managed to highlight the importance of being open to change and learning how to rely on yourself for happiness and i think you wrote that so beautifully—it felt so real and raw. i was so proud of mc for slowly realizing how much power she holds over her own happiness and it was so realistic how she found the strength to move forward when Kaiyo needed her the most—because that's what a sense of responsibility, indebtedness, and most importantly love does. Their friendship is beautiful and it's wonderfully executed.
i love how you dedicated a whole chapter to how kita feels and his thought process (tho it isn't surprising since you do give both perspectives in all your other stories) and how he came into terms with the fact that he wanted to try—he's going to try because he wants her. i also love how you implied that communication took time for them and how it's a conscious effort on both parts. there's also the fact that they have their own little 'ritual' of saying "It's because you love my voice" for when they need confidence to say what's on their minds,,, ma'am pls u made me cry more with how soft and meaningful that is, how your love for someone will give you courage and confidence because they love something about you or how you do something. it's just so real.
it really is beautifully written story about two people who learn that there's someone out there that will love them for the people that they are.
there's so much more I'd like to say, but i think this is enough for now. Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us, you're truly so talented. I can't wait to read your future work and reread all your other stories! I hope you stay safe always and get a good amount of rest!
much love, yenyen <3
ps. congrats on your new job! go get that raise 😩 still can't believe there are decent bosses in this world tho HAHAHAHA
yenyen! *blows kisses in your direction, gently wipes yr tears away*
right so - pls don't ever apologise for length or grammar or wtv - i love love your ask, and i think i must've read it at least ten times ehehe and i shld be the one to apologise for answering this so late!
i think i started off wanting to write this as a simple love story with the v handsome, v wonderful kita shinsuke, but i just wasn't satisfied with how kita's oftentimes depicted as the perfect man (i mean i personally love reading fics like that - e.g. @inarizahki drabbles never fail to make me hoot and fall in love) and i wanted for my own fic, to delve in deeper, dig into his psyche, his insecurities, his fears. and so while doing that, i developed the reader's own journey, her own fears and insecurities paralleling his, and how their choices make them grow and make their relationship eventually not just possible, but very, very fruitful ;)
hahaha now im worried im gonna be predictable (but i do love writing both perspectives in my fics!! good spot there hoho) but it is so true. marriage has taught me that communication is key, bcos good intentions can only get you so far. it's not an easy thing for either of them to learn, but like you said - their love gives them confidence, their love builds trust, and that little ritual - talk to me, because i love the sound of your voice is just...something that spoke to me and i felt like that would really be the cornerstone of their eventual relationship, because miscommunications really derailed their early friendship and courtship.
and the reader's friendship with kaiyo. y'know i was worried that...i might bore ppl bcos kaiyo is my own character, and we're here to read romance HAHAHA but it's just so impt to me to write women supporting women and healthy female friendships so they really have each other's backs, and it's just such a meaningful moment to me when the reader realises that she's got to buck the fuck up when kaiyo's down for the count and ugh. i love the both of them.
oh gosh i'm glad you love my other works too!!!! i feel like each work of mine in the storm chaser universe is kinda different in tone, but it's just fun tying them all together :)
p.s. yeah like - i didn't know i cld get out there and fight for that raise, and get a healthier work environment with nicer bosses but wanting to pull my weight in my marriage really motivated me HAHAHAHA. fingers crossed it turns out well, but ty for the well wishes bb <3
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squid-inspiration · 7 years
Ooh, question 15 please, for "Thomas Hamilton: A Life" and/or "The Art of Asymmetry". I'm thinking in particular of things you learned in terms of writing, since they both seem like they must have been (still is, for THAL) challenging projects, but of course I'd definitely be interested in other things, too!
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
The Art of Asymmetry
I think it’s the point at which I found my “Black Sails voice”. Fascination & Imitation work well enough imo, and they have passages and phrases that I love a lot, but I feel like this is where I started rly consciously having a “flavour” for each narrative. There’s word choices and rhythms I gravitate to or avoid for each project, and most of it is gut feeling, but I always have something v v specific in mind that I shape the language around. I’d seen other fics do rly nicely w pseudo-period-accurate English (bc none of us write as they’d actually speak/write in an early 18th century narrative, and neither does Black Sails in canon) and was afraid I’d never manage to sound so pleasant and sophisticated, and it turned out people rly enjoyed the style I ended with, so that was reassuring. Haven’t written anything that elegant since, I think, maybe barring whalebone, rigged to stem the floods. (But that one is sparkling & dripping & in flux, whereas Asymmetry is black lace and seed pearls and creamy paper and burgundy chiffon & velvet.)
Also some ruthless editing, bc it was going to be multi-POV and it became more powerful once it was only Miranda’s. Sadly cost me one specific paragraph I’m still not quite over, bc that was the only bit I couldn’t tell from Miranda’s POV; from the scene when Thomas walks in on Miranda drawing James, which was originally written from James’ perspective, and Miranda can’t quite see into his head. So I’m still mourning a metaphor or two that rly captures what, to me, is an integral part of the modeling state of mind, that meditative focus you fall into.
Oh and I worked through a lot of my issues w most artist/model AUs. I’m a life-drawing model myself, and I just can’t read 99% of those fics anymore, bc there’s a lot of little things that just irk me. (I’m sure I’ve written stuff that irks others too! Everyone has That Thing They Care V Much About. This happens to be mine.)
Thomas Hamilton: A Life.
So many things??? 
A vital one was to stop giving a fuck what others want from a fic and just focus on what I want. Sometimes feel insecure bc I think a lot of ppl prob aren’t attracted to OC ships, but I’m v decisive in the story I want to tell, and that story needs contrast. If I don’t show Thomas’ early relationships and what they taught him and what they offered/lacked, the life-changing impact of Miranda&James entering his life is less visceral. It could still work ofc, but I v deliberately set each of Thomas’ boyfriends up to represent aspects of his relationship w love, sex, shame, and identity, and they all tie thematically into James and Miranda and the rest of his life. It’s not the most popular fic out there in terms of clicks/kudos, but it’s exactly (well, as close as I can manage) the story I want to tell, and that’s a good feeling. I’m not compromising and I’m enjoying every second. (I still get insecure abt needing validation lol. But the story itself is not shaped by what I think others would rather read.)
Definitely the most ambitious & complex fic I’ve done. Generally my fics are p straight-forward in terms of plot, and this one is not super-plotty, but I greatly enjoy constructing thematic set-ups & pay-offs, it’s so rewarding. There’s even a little twist later on??? And I’m curious to see if anyone will pick up on the set-up lol. Nothing life-changing, but I’m having fun.
I’m also pushing harder and canning stuff more ruthlessly than I ever have for a fic. I think I’ve scrapped ~15k so far? Bc I finished the fic months ago, took a breather and realised that the last 20k just aren’t thematically cohesive with the characterisation of Thomas I’ve set up. And I’m still working on that, I’m still continuously tossing out stuff bc I feel like, “this fic is about sticking fingers in wounds & picking at scabs, this feels too comfortable” and comfortable is what it shouldn’t be. (So it should be no surprise I’m essentially rewriting the last 20k for the third time or so, and adding more chapters and just. This fic just won’t let me fucking rest.)
Ask me about my fics!
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