#it ran awaaayyy
ahamkaracature · 10 months
believe me, I can run so far
You ran so far awaaaaaay
Couldn’t get awaaayyy
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j-hoseok94 · 4 years
Book: House of Cards
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Author: Rey Rey
The day went crawling along the same shit as any other day. It was lunch break I sat in one of the tables off to the side by the big windows. My head in my hand I watched the trees gently sway back and forth. Axel was babbling about his recent crush he thought was "the most beautiful girl he's ever seen" as he normally said about every girl he knew, including me.
I let my mind wander to places it probably shouldn't be going. I kept thinking of what it would truly feel like to kiss Yoongi. Imagining if his lips were soft or rough. Was he a good kisser? I mean i never heard anything bad about his kissing. He went through girls quickly though as far as I could see. He never had a girl close to him for long maybe a week if she was lucky. 'Pfft he's such a player' i thought. The way he looked yesterday though, he looked...nervous. A smile broke out on my face as I laughed to myself.
"What's so funny? I wanna laugh too." I snapped out of my internal babble and looked at my best friend his head tilted as he smiled, dimples and all.
I shook my head "nothing i just remembered something weird." his eyebrows scrunched together. I quickly replied, "You weren't there Chipmunk i can't explain it."
He poked his lips out in a pout which made his chipmunk cheeks puff out. "I'm not a chipmunk. Why do you insist on calling me that name?"
I laughed out loud "You're doing right now! Every time you pout your cheeks pop out and make you look like a chipmunk that's not my fault." He just shook his head at me.
I looked down at my lunch a smile still on my face. I felt eyes on me i ignored em i figured it was just my best friend still staring me down. I shifted in my seat feeling a little uneasy under the continued feeling of eyes on me. I glanced up at my best friend across the table to try and catch him in the act. He was paying me no mind munching on his chips and scrolling through his phone.
I took a quick glance around me to try and catch the weirdo still staring. I didn't see anyone that was until I looked to the side of my best friend in the background a very Minty haired boy was watching me. He was sitting closer to the exit of the cafeteria than I was. His friends were laughing and joking around throwing playful punches at each other. He licked his bottom lip and tilted his head to the side a smug grin on his face as he stared me down. I just stared frozen in place as he tempted my thoughts to go to places I shouldn't be thinking about. His eyes were glued to me and mine were on him the whole time. I felt the heat in my cheeks and i was about to bury my face when his friend shook his shoulder to get his attention. He broke his stare and glared at his friend.
I looked down and closed my eyes trying to think clearly. "Axel." He glanced up at me giving me his attention "Let's go. I'm done eating." I bent over and grabbed my little black and gold backpack slinging it over my shoulder. I grabbed my textbook and tray and started for the exit looking down the whole time as I passed by Yoongi and his friends. As I dumped my food into the trash and placed the tray on top of the trash housing, I felt him watching i didn't turn around my anxiety slowly rising as i left.
Yoongi knew the girl would get nervous from him staring, they all did. He had a way of making them blush which he enjoyed seeing. He wanted her to feel shy he liked those girls the most. They gave him a feeling he didn't know how to explain besides maybe saying they gave him power. He liked being in control. In control of his feelings, his actions, the way he could make any girl swoon, he loved that. As his pretty music partner stared back at him this glorious look on her face of pure innocence. He couldn't help but think of all the ways he wanted to tease her. All the ways he wanted to please her. He licked his bottom lip at the thought of how she would taste. His grin crossing his face causing her to shift in her seat, crossing her legs. He was in his own world as he teased her with his eyes.
Jungkook shook his shoulder "Yoongiiii!" He looked over at his friend staring daggers at him for interrupting him. "What Kookie?" he growled at his friend. Jungkook just put on his cute bunny smile. Laughing off Yoongi's glare, " Were you gonna come to Jimin's party this weekend?" Yoongi forgot about that stupid party. He hated parties he always showed up late and left early pretty much only showing up so his friends wouldn't complain to him later. As he was about to answer he spotted Rose leaving the cafeteria. Her adorably messy bun bouncing with every step she took. He admired her figure she was different she left something for the imagination which most girls didn't do, especially around him. He watched as she left lost in thought. "Damn she's fine." Jungkook commented. Yoongi turned his attention to Jungkook staring at him as he checked her out. Something inside Yoongi stirred he didn't like the way Kookie was staring so lustfully after her. Kookie ran his fingers through his black hair causing his earring to shake with each movement. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his friend wanting nothing more than to smack his head, he didn't.
He answered his question ,"Yeah i'll go to the stupid party this weekend." Jungkook turned to him and bounced up and down in excitement, "Yess i can't wait now hyung." Yoongi laughed him off,"You're such a child Kookie."
Still feeling irritated from Jungkook staring he abruptly got up and walked out of the cafeteria heading for the one place he felt peace.
Axel and I split ways he was heading to his Spanish class early, which I never understood why he went, he speaks it fluently. I wander the halls not wanting to head to my next class just yet. I clutched my books to my chest strolling down the hallway. I passed by one of the connecting corridors and heard a very faint melody. I glanced down the hall that led to the music room. 'Was there practice right now? In the middle of the day?' I turned down the hall stepping to the slow steady beat of the melody.
It was very slow and sweet I paused in the hall just outside of the door to the music room. I didn't look inside i just sat there in the hall listening. The melody turned sad and the song took me back to a memory i wish stayed buried in the recesses of my mind. A very sad little girl curled up in a tight ball her dress all dirty and torn in different places, her feet all scraped and bleeding. She looks around her not knowing where to go next but knowing she could never return to where she was.
The strong emotions hit me like a wall as I held back tears in my eyes, back against the wall I slid down until i was sitting knees to my chest. After a moment of gathering myself I stood back up i needed to know who was playing such a sad song. I needed to know who was able to inflict such emotion in their music. I peeked around the corner slowly and quietly not trying to get caught. It was a boy.. With very cute subtle curls in his mint hair. 'Wait...mint?' I peered closer. He turned his head to the side leaning into the next notes he played. His eyes were closed as he lost himself in the music. 'Yoongi? He plays piano?' I was completely surprised I was not expecting that. Come to think about it, I have never heard about him being able to play the piano.
He stopped abruptly placing his head in his hands grabbing fists full of his hair. He sighed deeply shoulders slumping slightly. He looked stressed just by his body language. He sat upright again and started playing a different melody slow and soothing. He cleared his throat and started singing very low and timid at first, "Soo Faaarrr Awaayyy.." I just sat there listening eyes wide and my hand over my mouth. He sounded so emotional, so sad like he's experienced a lot of pain. Tears came to my eyes again this time slowly pouring over the edge. "Don't faarrr awaaayyy yeeahh..." he continued getting louder and more emotional as the song went on. His deep voice only making the emotion in it come out more. I held back my urge to run up and hug all his pain away.
I pulled back leaning against the wall. When I thought about it, I never realized how little to nothing i knew about Yoongi. He must have been through some shit in his life to sing with such emotion, such pain. I was too deep in thought I didn't hear him stop.
The light shut off and a very tall Yoongi walked out of the room. He stopped in the doorway staring down on me. For a moment I saw pain but that was soon covered by anger. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything he cut me off. "Were you listening?" I nodded slowly and when i went to apologize he held up his hand. "No one hears about this or i will personally make your life a living hell." he spat the words at me.
I stared at him stunned by his words. He started to walk away I instinctively grabbed his wrist,"Wait."
He yanked his hand from my grip,"Don't touch me!" He growled. I flinched at the intensity in his words. "Don't you know about personal space and privacy?"
"Yes of course i do!"
"Clearly you don't, since spying on people is something you do."
"Are you kidding me? You act like i knew it was you! I heard a piano and I thought it was a practice or something. Trust me if i knew it was you i wouldn't have even came this way."
He glared daggers at me stepping closer to me. I pressed myself against the wall trying to make as much space as I could from him. He leaned toward me his hand on the wall next to me. I held my breath not knowing what to do but stand there frozen. Anxiety creeping up as my mind comprehended how close he was.
He laughed looking down for a second before returning his gaze to me. His deep brown eyes like a big pool of chocolate making me want to never look away. "Disappointed to find out it was me and not someone else?" I squirmed under his stare wishing i hadn't walked down this hall. He ran a finger down my face as he scanned my face for a reaction. I tensed under his touch my dream coming to mind. I didn't say anything, i couldn't, afraid that if i did my voice would only reveal how i was really feeling at that moment. He leaned down to my ear "What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?" He laughed for a second his breath brushing against my skin. A chill running down my spine.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. He looked up at the ceiling and i saw my chance to get away. I stepped out from in front of him and hurried away to class hoping that he didn't notice how much i was shaking.'Oh for the love of ...' i still have last period with him. I looked down regretting ever going down that hall, he makes me even more nervous than I've ever experienced. I may have a very small amount of social anxiety but for the most part i got along with guys and rarely got nervous around them. I was flustered by him and i kept having these thoughts of him. How would i be able to face him now ughh.
Last period was here and I was absolutely dreading it. I sat in my normal seat in the back of the class. I opened my notes and started looking at the ideas i had scribbled down for the project with a few little side notes on possibly adding lyrics to some parts. I peered around the room searching for the biggest pain in my ass. I didn't see him at all, not even in his usual seat. I was confused i just saw him a few hours ago. I mentally shook myself not wanting to remember the very awkward encounter i just had with said pain in the ass.
"Aww did you miss me?" I jumped at the sudden deep voice knowing damn well who it was.
"No i didn't actually. I was looking for you hoping you decided to skip today. Damn looks like you decided to show up." i snapped at him. He wasn't phased at all he just smiled his adorable gummy smile. My heart melted.
"I would never miss a chance to see your pretty face." He said coolly while he sat down next to me. I scoffed,"HA you're hilarious. Nice try your charm doesn't work here." He narrowed his eyes at me looking at me like I was a puzzle he needed to solve.
I scribbled some more ideas that came to my mind as we spoke. I shook off his gaze and pushed my notebook to him, "here's some ideas i've come up with the last few days." He peered at the notebook studying it. He nodded, "Not bad."
We bounced ideas off each other the rest of class. Every now and then he would try and throw a flirtatious comment and i just kept batting them away with sarcasm. The bell rang and we gathered our things, heading out the door and into the hall. I looked over at Yoongi his smug smile gone for the moment. "Yoongi." He looked over at me curiously. "Maybe we should include some of your piano skills in the project." I offered up the idea to him bracing for his response. His expression tensed as he thought it over. He broke eye contact and looked down his minty bangs now covering his eyes. "No."
"What? Why not? You're really good." I said the compliment with a smile.
His body tensed up,"I said no Rose.."
"But.." He slammed his hand against the locker next to him. "I said no. I told you not to ever mention what you saw or heard ever again." He replied through gritted teeth. I gulped,"I..I'm sorry i won't mention it again." He turned around swiftly and walked off his head still down, His hands balled into fists.
"Sorry about Yoongi he has a temper." a deep gentle voice spoke to me. I turned my head to see none other than Jungkook. His tall lean body next to me. He stood there looking towards Yoongi. He had black hair that split at a weird angle and some of his hair was off to one side, for the most part it was straight. His earring, dangling down from his ear, caught the light and glistening beautifully. He was stunning his dark eyes scanning the hall intensely. He had a white button up on with the top two buttons undone exposing his collarbone and part of his chest, His camo pattern jacket unzipped and barely hanging on to his broad shoulders. With his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans he turned and looked at me."Enjoying the view?" I blushed and looked down at my boots.
To be fair he is really freaking hot so yeah of course i was enjoying the view. "I'm Jungkook nice to meet you." He reached his hand out. I took it and he lifted my hand to his lips and laid a gentle kiss on it. I blushed even more "I'm Rose" i giggled.
"Rose, that's really pretty. So Rose are you busy this weekend?"
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hjazysol · 5 years
Galacta Knight: Many villains have fell to my blade. None have escaped from the unfathomable amount of pain she brings. As far as I'm concerned I'm doing you heroes a favour.
Endeavour: In case you forgot you brat. Vigilantes are illegal. You are doing hero work unpermitted. So as far as I'm concerned that makes you a villain.
Galacta Knight: (sighs) Back when I sought the same kind of "Justice" as you I was a fool. And you "Heroes" still are. You all promised to keep the streets clean. But you aren't keeping that promise are you. Being the Number 1 Hero has done no effect on the crime. My methods are much more effective. I suggest-
Endeavour: Killing? Well then that just proves you are no longer good.
Galacta Knight: Fine. It would seem you and I shall get nowhere in this squabble of ours. Perhaps Stain's ideology was correct. Well, Hero. If I truly am a Villain you will have no issue in beating me. (Arms herself)
Endeavour: Hmf! It seems I'll have to put you in your place, a fallen angel...For such a "Noble Warrior" you behave like nothing but a naive toddler!
Galacta Knight agitated lunged at Endeavour. Inresponse he clasped at point of her lance, pulled her closer then punched her in the face sending her backwards.
Endeavour: What a small temper for such a grown woman.
Galacta Knight, wipes her nose of blood: Huh. Like you're one to talk about having a small temper!
Galacta Knight slashed at Endeavour's kneecap then made her way to the air.
Endeavour: AAH! What a nuisance!
Endeavour throws a Fire Lance at Galacta's wing singeing off it's feathers. She then fell and crashed into a building.
Galacta Knight: *Cough* You bastard! Beam Whip! (Blasts a beam of energy at Endeavour)
Endeavour: Hellflame!
The two attacks collided both attacks were matched. They caused an explosion creating a large cloud of smoke this worked well for Galacta as she could see Endeavour but he could not see her.
Endeavour: Where is she?
She ran by slashing at Endeavour's arm during it.
Galacta Knight, appearing: Surprise! (Slashes his chest)
Endeavour, threw a load of Fire Lances everywhere around him but only caused more smoke.
Endeavour: How can I find her!? (He sees that a certain area of smoke was moving rapidly then smirked)
Galacta lunged out again only for Endeavour to turn around and punch her square in the jaw.
Galacta Knight: How'd he know where I was?
Endeavour: Hellflame!
Galacta Knight held up her shield and attempted to push against Endeavour's flames. Realising this Endeavour ran forwards while using his fire ability. He grabbed Galacta Knight & then heat up his hands to boil her by her neck.
Endeavour: Give up already would ya! Don't think I won't melt you like an ice-cream!
Galacta Knight: GRRR!!!...STAY...AWAAAYYY! (Emits a powerful blast of energy sending Endeavour hurtling back)
When Endeavour got up he looked to see she was gone.
Endeavour: Not even gonna finish what she started... ... ...What a pathetic waste of my time.
Galacta Knight: I became far beyond overwhelmed I'd be lying if I said that last attack wasn't caused by panic. My wounds from that fight against the one called Meta Knight, still have yet to fully heal. I suppose this was a warm-up & I lost. I am a disappointment to myself. I shouldn't have lost. If I meet him face to face ever again...I will kill him... ...Hmf! Perhaps I am a Villain after all! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
I probably didn't get it all right but it's still good nonetheless. :)
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peechi · 6 years
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