#it may be that ai art is bad inherently. but we should dislike it for the right reasons
22degreehalo · 9 months
Something I see a lot in talks about AI art is something I've seen about a lot of different kinds of art: a desire to have the product reflect skill and/or talent.
Like, it reminds me so very much of how some (usually older) people react to music software. It used to be that you'd have to go the long way and spend years learning the guitar; now just anybody can simulate that sound for you and clean it all up and make it perfect!
Of course, there are many provisos to that; not anybody can open up that sort of program and put together a great-sounding song. The people who make e.g. really classic Vocaloid songs are very skilled with the program and very talented r.e. music. (And perhaps that is or will be true for AI, too: that anybody can just create a picture, but someone very skilled with a particular program can make something very specific and good!)
But it's that initial impulse that just... bothers me, a little. Because, yes, of course I understand the fear that you devoted years of your life to a subject and now it can be generated by just anyone. But why turn it around and treat it as some sort of principled, purist stance? Why does someone HAVE to devote years of their life to something to make art?
It just feels a bit. Suffering romanticisey. Either that, or making art inaccessible to ordinary people. Like 'Artists' are some inherently different kind of person.
Of course we can still value the dedication that went into specific kinds of work. Maybe that's your favourite thing about art. But doesn't it open up art to so many different kinds of people when barriers are taken away? People who can't afford to slave away for years on it? People who for some sort of physical or mental or whatever reason just can't ever really be as good with the 'traditional' process?
Again: this is not really about AI art and whether it does offer those opportunities to people. This is about the initial reaction that letting ordinary people more easily create art is somehow bad, and takes some kind of soul out of the process. But people have different capabilities; what is easy for most people is very difficult for others. Why is making art impossible for some people so important? What is so much more 'real' about art that requires very special tools, or knowledge that is barred the masses? What are we losing by letting 'untalented' people overcome certain obstacles?
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genki-sensei · 6 years
Musical Lesson 91: The Yellow Monkeys - LOVE LOVE SHOW
Yo~ time for another lesson. I reaalllllly like this song. This is song is my go-to-song for karaoke. As such, the song is near and dear to me, and I’m glad I can cover it. Anyways, enjoy the lesson!
Audio for the Musical Lesson can be found HERE. Japanese lyrics can be found HERE. My translations below. There is actually an English version of this song.... but they are completely different in content. Give it a read HERE for the lulz.
Young woman
Ah~ I desire you
Turn this way
Hey, let’s dance
(My) heart is ill
This world
At times is lovely (at times)
The testimony of being born
How do you do?
If said, like, “Love is for your sake”
(You’ll) be suspicious, but must put best effort right
We are (both) angels and demons, we personify either love.
Today also and tomorrow also, be in good spirits
Love Love Show
Hey, come here
Let’s do some unknown fun
Hey, won’t you ride?
I am your horse (neigh!)
(Please allow) that treasure on your head
(On your head)
I’ll run to the ends of the earth
Thanks for the meal!
If said, like, “Love is for one’s own sake”
(You) get upset at me
That too is bad right
I can’t, I can’t commit
I won’t follow someone’s orders
Please take care of your body
Love Love Show
Even in continuous rain
Roaring thunderbolts
Blowing forest fires
Or stormy seas
For your sake
Let’s sing a song
Tonight is very beautiful
If said, like, “Love has no form”
If not able to come in contact with it
Its lonely right
There are no remaining flowers
But the flowers continue to bloom right
Well then, good bye and be in good spirits.
Love Love Show (x7)
~ Lines to Note ~
First difficult line to translate was 僕らは天使で悪魔さ 何方も愛の化身だよ (bokura ha tenshi de akuma sa dochiramo ai no keshin dayo). To translate word for word; “we/us are angel and demon. Both/Either (are) love’s incarnation/impersonation/personification/avatar.” The line was translated as “We are (both) angels and demons, we personify either love.”
The next line was sooooo awkward to translate. The line is さぁ御出よ知らない遊びをしよう (Saa oideyo shiranai asobi wo shiyou). ‘Saa’ is like “Heyyyyy.” ‘Oideyo’ is like come (here), or stay. The next phrase is “unknown/strange play,” “let’s do.” So this line just sounds really sleezy. The line was translated as “Let’s do some unknown fun” (not much better lol).
I want to point out a few words and expressions with many definitions or interpretations. One expression is どこまでも (doko mademo), which was translated as “to the ends of the earth.” Another word with many meaning is 約束 (yakusoku). It was translated as “commit,” even though that is not an official dictionary work choice. Usually, ‘yakusoku’ means  a promise, and agreement, or some kind of pact (and even a date). I felt “commit” best expresses what the singer is unable to do. Also to add, ごきげんよう(gokigenyou) can be translates as “How do you do?” or “Nice to meet you.”
Another difficult line was 散らない花は無い けれども花は咲き続けるだろう (chiranai hana ha nai keredo hana ha haki tsuzukeru darou). To translate the first part word for word; “Not falling/scattering/broken-up flower is not there.” It’s hard to imagine this double negative, but basically, there is no more scattered or fallen flowers. Hence, this part of the line was translated as “There are no remaining flowers” The next portion was more straightforward, and was translated as “But the flowers continue to bloom right.”
~ Analysis ~
This was interesting to analyze. One thing to point out is that the singer speaks on his behalf, but he also speaks towards a women introduced in the song. Just a little background, the final single The Yellow Monkeys released prior to their long hiatus was “Primal,” and it included the songs “Primal” and “Never Give Up.” The cover-art of the single is a male elephant mounted on top of a female elephant. I won’t go into the social lives of elephants,  but males have to endeavor to achieve intercourse. This provides some context for the song, so we can interpret the singer’s intentions more appropriately. This really is a song about males and females, so I will be using ‘he’ and ‘she’ appropriately (of course, we can attempt to understand the song in a gender neutral fashion if we so choose). Well that was the preamble, let’s go into the song section by section.
The song starts with the singer calling out to a young woman. He states that he desires the woman, and wants her to look in his direction. The singer then asks the young woman for a dance, and states that his heart is ill.
Next the singer states that at times, the world can be lovely and wonderful. He states that the proof and testimony of being born Is “How do you do?” What this means is that, for one to be born, a man needed to casually introduce himself to a woman (with ‘gokigenyou’), and eventually there’s intercourse and a baby is born.
Next the singer presents some perspectives (likely from their life experiences). The singer states that if he states something along the lines, that he loves the woman for their sake, the woman becomes distrustful and suspicious of the singer. Even though the singer is aware of this, all he can do is put forward his best effort. He states that both the singer, and the woman he is courting, personify or impersonate the love of angels and demons. What this means is that both the singer and the woman are not totally good (like angels), and neither are they totally bad (like demons). As such, both of their loves are really a mix (of good and bad). At the end of this encounter, the singer wishes that she has a pleasant today and tomorrow, and wishes they be in good spirits. And states Love Love Show
Next, we move to another encounter the singer experienced. Here, he tells a woman to come and stay. He invites her to engage in some “unknown fun/play” with him. He then asks the woman if she wants to take a ride. He states that he is her horse (so she can ride him… neigh!!!) He then requests for the woman to place treasure on her head (the treasure could be a crown). The singer will go anywhere, even to the end of the earth with/for this woman. And then he states ‘gouchisou sama,’ which is typically stated after concluding a meal…. I wonder what he was eating after going everywhere with a young woman… (let your imagination do the thinking hehehehe).
Now the singer offers some more perspectives based on his experience. If he states something along the lines that love is for one’s own sake, then women become upset and dislike him. If he’s honest about his feelings, it ends up being a bad result as well. The singer continues to be honest with himself and states he certainly cannot keep promises or appointments (like having dates). His reason is that he won’t follow someone’s demands, or follow the directions other’s place on his life. He concludes this encounter, by telling a woman to take care of her body and health. He again states Love Love Show.
Next the singer shows his poetic and daring side. Whether it be heavy rain, roaring thunderbolts, blowing forest fires, or raging seas; the singer is willing to sing a song for another. He then states that the evening is very beautiful. The reason why the night is beautiful is not stated, which allows us to imagine what beautiful things are before the singer… maybe a majestic mountain range, a clear starry-sky, or maybe even a beautiful woman. This omission of details is important, as the subject of their compliment is not given form.
Now the singer offers some general perspectives. If he states something along the lines that love has no form, then we can’t get in contact with it and we feel loneliness. Next the singer states that there aren’t any flowers that have not fallen - (this phrasing suggests that before there were flowers that did not fall or scatter away, but now even those flowers are gone). However, flowers will continue to bloom, so the singer isn’t upset with what he observes. He then proceeds to conclude this song, and tells us farewell and to be in good spirits.
Al right, on to deeper themes! First off, how should we feel about the singer? We might get the feeling that the singer is a little shady… it sounds like he’s cat-calling a woman in the beginning of the song, and later he invites another woman for some “unknown fun/play.” If we feel this way, this is the exact problem the singer is trying to highlight in the song. No matter what he says is the sake or purpose of his love, women chastise him for his feelings. It’s a lose-lose situation no matter what he says (based on his experience), so all he can do is put forth his best effort. The singer is surprisingly honest with himself. He knows he does not want to date and be in a relationship. He treats the women he encounters with respect, dignity, and wishes for their good health and well-being. In this context, he doesn’t sound like a bad guy. This too, the singer tries to point out to us. We are a mix of angels and demons, and we are neither purely good or bad. Even the women he encounters are a mix of good and bad (they may be looking out for their well-being and safety – which they should – but they are also quick to judge the singer).
The next topic I want touch on is the idea of love and desire. It is clear that the singer is open and honest with his desires. If he see’s a cute women, he introduces himself and tries to start a conversation. These communication skills are very important… without proper communication, the man and woman wouldn’t be able to make babies (I guess “u up? Eggplant emoji“ also works… but that’s still communication). Moreover, the singer is able to offer a ride, have fun, and is willing to travel the world to enjoy … “a good meal” lol The point I am trying to make is that there isn’t anything inherently wrong with desire. The singer desires many things, but he also loves many things. He is able to love another, he is able to love himself, and he is also able to love that which lacks form. If we deduce which type of love is most strongly held by the singer, we may determine it’s really his self-love. He knows what he likes, and what he dislikes. He wants to be the captain of his own ship, and he doesn’t want someone else to navigate it and order him around. Again, that’s fine; he’s not at the stage of his life where he wants to settle-down (again, we can again refer to the single “Primal,” and we can see what is really on the singer’s mind). The singer may feel lonely at times, but there are flowers that continue to bloom… and he is willing to show these young flowers a good time.  
This bring us to our over arching theme of freedom. In our last Musical Lesson, we learned that the word love will set us free. Love may have the power to liberate us, as seen in Peace & Happiness. However, love, when taken to an extreme, can also cause a great deal of turbulence. The singer here is definitely living an eventful life (we can’t even imagine how many encounters they had); however, how much freedom does he have? He may have the freedom to guide his own ship and court whomever he wishes, but he is still experiences loneliness and craves contact. He is definitely the star of his “Love Love Show” … but how much peace and serenity is present in his life? When discussing peace and serenity, what standard should we compare and contrast with? We will dive into this in the next lesson~ Look forward to it! =D
~ Poetry ~
Barely enough syllables
Running out of room
Was that a poem?
Or just self-commentary?
Not enough dia-
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