#it goes without saying for me personally tfp >>>>>>>>> rid2015
sparklingpax · 2 years
Some thoughts. Be warned I literally rambled here?? Idk what I can even title this so....read or whatever. You know what, ignore me literally I have no idea what I was trying to say 💀💀 Also note the tags please
I wanna start by saying, Bumblebee is my favorite part of RID2015--a series which I would like to also say I do not hate in like manner to some of you.
However, I do find it insanely funny how Bee literally turns into the most awkward Young but Not Young but Also Definitely Not Old Dad™ who apparently can't be "as hip" as the immature children he has for a team his fellow teammates. Like also literally he has a rebellious child phase when he clashes leadership styles with Optimus (who is by the way, so OOC and badly handled in this series but that's another conversation I will have eventually) and so yea.
Bee going from the character he was in Prime to the character he became in RID2015 is actually really amusing because it feels like a teen who is at this point is in his mid 20s, wishing he could be 16 like the rest of his team but then constantly remembering why it's better he's not. Also interesting to see him in a role different to "the kid character" and actually "the leader."
(Unfortunately, our "the kid character" is not half the character Bee was in Prime--like his role as the "most immature member of this group" does not excuse most of his actions, and does not justify the writing decisions that led him absolutely no character development whatsoever 😀)
Anwyays. In a way, it does benefit Bee's team more to lead in his way rather than Optimus', which is again, another interesting thing I wanna talk about another time. Watching it always makes me miss the vibes Team Prime had. Were they always holding hands? Sort of not. But at least they were mostly mature and all seemed to grow and change as a group and as individuals, in a way that expanded on who they all were rather than changing completely their personalities. But that's also because they give off young adult vibes, which is why--going back to my original topic here--Bumblebee's sort of change in character actually makes some sense (he's kinda still like a kid, and by the time of RID, he's finally a bit more grown up, though not as old as Optimus. In equating to human years, I'd call TFP Bee 19 oldest, in RID, probably 25) and so.
It's not bad, it's just...really interesting, and funny. And I absolutely live for it 😹
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rocksinmuffin · 7 years
this isnt a request but more of a question. you've gotten me obsessed w transformers and i want to watch the show, but what order do I watch the shows in? thank you for reading this and all you do, i hope you have a good day :)
Hi cutie! I’m glad this blog has gotten you interested in watching Transformers! 
For the most part, each Transformers series is its own contained universe and doesn’t require watching the shows in any particular order, though there are a few exceptions.
Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015 is in the Aligned Universe and meant to take place after Transformers Prime, so I would definitely recommend watching Prime before RID2015. Supposedly Rescue Bots is also part of this continuity but you can probably watch that series on it’s own without any issues. Prime is usually my go-to recommended place to start because TFP itself is such a good series and all three of the above shows are available to watch on Netflix.
If you like goofy 80s cartoons with lots of animation errors, Transformers G1 is the original and always good for a laugh. There are some Japanese cartoon series that take place directly after G1 (Headmasters, Masterforce, etc.) but I have never seen them so I can’t say much about them other than the fact that not seeing them hasn’t impacted my ability to enjoy the series.
Beast Wars is another great place to start as long as you can stomach 90s CGI cartoons. It makes a lot of references to the G1cartoon, such as an episode involving Starscream’s ghost possessing Waspinator, and even the appearance of Ravage at one point, but G1 is not really required watching beforehand. After that, Beast Machines takes place directly after the events in Beast Wars. Personally, I loved Beast Wars and was not as interested in Beast Machines, but if you like Beast Wars then it’s at least worth checking out the first couple episodes of Beast Machines to see if you’re interested.
Transformers Animated is all its own self-contained series, so that can be easily enjoyed whenever. Also one of my personal favorites.
Other than that, the only series that comes to mind is the Unicron Triology, which goes in the order of Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon, then Transformers: Cybertron. I can’t say much about this series because I’ve never seen it, but I do know that there is a Thirst™ for Armada Starscream.
I hope this information has been helpful. Good luck watching the robots!
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