#it doesn’t seem out of place for her to be a darkner of a Physical component of the computer
the-meme-monarch · 11 months
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so like queen Was Going To be a calculator. i have to wonder how far into development this was changed, since her design is still clearly reminiscent of it but there are certain things in-game that do rely on her being a computer (like her concern for/fixation on noelle and her searches)
but since it was changed to her being the laptop, why didn’t they make it resemble her? like why not make it a blue laptop
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AU where deltarune and undertale are merged and all the darkners are monsters. i have a TON of lore thoughts about this au that didn’t make it into drawings so, more details under the cut
-i guess biggest thing first: card castle. which didn’t get a drawing because i don’t really have any design changes i wanna make to it? but it mostly stays the same - it’s a smaller sub-kingdom inside the underground, that’s ordinarily led by four rulers. spade king staged a coup and now he has designs on the throne of the entire underground, because he’s of the opinion that asgore’s too wishy-washy and not fit to rule.
-spade king wants the human SOULs to make himself strong enough to defeat asgore, because he knows right now he’s definitely not gonna beat him in a fair fight
-gaster built queen alongside the CORE. he intended for her to be sort of a backup emergency system, storing all the data on how to keep things running in case anything ever happened to him. he didn’t ever intend for her to be placed in charge of it full-time, but then, he never envisioned a whole city springing up around his creation either. or getting erased from spacetime. funny how life happens sometimes, isn’t it?
-queen actually couldn’t care less about breaking the barirer. as the personification of the CORE, she physically can’t leave the immediate area of cyber city anyway, so she has no real incentive to help asgore collect souls. however, she DOES care a lot about alphys, who has taken over helping her keep the CORE running, and has noticed that she’s been... quiet, lately. like something’s weighing on her she doesn’t want to talk about. queen wants to give her some new test subjects to help cheer her up! (this absolutely will not cheer her up)
-berdly is alphys’ intern, which really means he gets shoved off onto queen most of the time, because alphys is too nervous to handle instructing a whole person even when she’s not also covering up a massive science disaster in her basement. to her credit, queen handles the annoying little nerd pretty well.
-alphys building mettaton’s body and all still happens in this ‘verse. queen’s well aware mettaton’s a poser and not a real AI, but she’s not going to say anything about it yet
-mettaton has no real interest in the management side of stardom, and alphys is too anxious to handle the people stuff even if she did have the time, so he rolled over to the storefront side of cyber city and picked up an addison that wasn’t doing anything because they live for this kinda stuff, right?
-and somehow managed to pick up The Worst One.
-the brand really shouldn’t be doing as well as it is considering who’s in charge of it, but somehow things seem to be working out okay? things are selling, the ads are working, people are showing up to performances, so probably best to just... let spamton keep doing whatever it is he’s doing?
-also mettaton would never admit it but he’s kind of got a soft spot for the little dude. he knows exactly how it feels growing distant from your family once you finally get the fame you’ve been chasing, after all
-the holidays live in snowdin, of course! mrs. holiday isn’t the mayor, but she IS very involved in local organizing and hosts a lot of get-togethers. noelle helps out at the library.
-rudy... was handed over to the royal scientist for experimental treatment once it became clear the local hospital wasn’t enough, and they haven’t seen him since. noelle would really, really like to see her dad, but she knows that it’s probably important not to disturb doctor alphys or the other patients. she can wait! it’s fine!
-in the meantime, she’s been sneaking over to waterfall a lot. it’s quiet and peaceful there, and she used to come here with her dad a lot, whispering into echo flowers and making them “talk” to each other. it’s a nice place for her to get away when everything feels like too much
-also, waterfall has susie in it!
-susie is a swamp monster who lives in the swamp. this just felt right.
-after some initial confusion/fright (on noelle’s part) and hostility (on susie’s part), they slowly warmed up to each other. susie’s brash, reckless nature is kind of a balm for noelle’s soul, when she really wishes she could just get up on the roof and scream at the universe that nothing is FAIR. and susie REALLY likes it when she can get noelle to come out of her shell a little and do crazy things with her. who knew this adorable deer girl had such a loud side!
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starlightshore · 3 years
How does Monster Food Work? a quick ut theory/analysis
Actually screw it here’s a quick analysis, no pictures because i wrote this quick.
*EDIT went back, there's pics and spelling errors are fixed. Note this was written at 3am or something originally lol.
I believe that monster food is magic that’s mixed with plants grown from the ground. The plant material is then shaped into different foods. A simple example: there is no meat productions underground except for the snail farm. We do, however, have examples of food that aren’t meat/dairy when you expect it to be otherwise.
Granted, this isn’t accessible by normal means, so how canonical it is debatable. (Like, entry #17 is commonly seen as canon so...?) There are barely any bugs underground.
I'm catching bugs. But the underground doesn't have many... -room 123.
That’s so odd to think about actually! Without bugs you can’t really have working ecosystem! Considering the wording concerning the barrier is:
“* Anything can enter through the seal, but only beings with a  powerful SOUL can leave.“
If anything can come in, we can expect fallen animals, seeds, wind ect. But how open is the barrier to life on the surface really?
Now this could just be about Hotland specifically, however one can get the sense that weather wouldn’t be a factor to the rest of the underground either as their name sake and areas seem so little changes to them. It rains in waterfall, it snows in Snowdin. This lack of seasons would greatly impact ecosystems.
Here is a quick reminder on how monster food works, as spoken by Big Mouth at Grillby’s:
“* Isn't human food different  from monster food?* It does things like "spoil."* And when you eat it, it  passes all the way through  your whole body.”
“* To a human, monster food  would be very interesting.* As soon as you eat it, it  converts perfectly into  energy. “
it seems to me that Monster food is similar to Monster magic. Both are magical in nature -monster food doesn’t spoil, and attacks are magic itself. We shouldn’t expect monster food to be the same as human food from the start, we can’t make assumptions.
Let’s connect their food to their bodies: What are monsters and what are their magic?
We know Boss Monsters shed: ”* There is some white fur stuck in the drain. “ and we do see both Papyrus’ and Undyne’s attacks are left over as physical objects.  “* (It's a box of bones.) “
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Though not exclusively so!
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So magic itself CAN be created as a physical material but it can also dissipate. I’d imagine this fluidity functions similarly to the monster’s themselves! Monsters are beings that are more in-tuned to their souls purely because they don’t have water/carbon based physical bodies like humans. They are made of dust, magic and their souls.
Having their attacks/magic literally being the same material just makes sense! Why would they need meat? Those are bodies of actual animals, which monsters are not. We do see plants being made into monster food on two occasions and only once with meat.
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Looking at the artbook we were originally going to get a glimpse at their farm production. (I have a digital copy, and searching in it takes Forever so i couldn’t find the text that talks about it??? i’ll edit this point later when I can find it)
It seems the “meat” we do see in game (aside from the Snails) are shown to surprisingly be plants. Golden flowers are made into tea, but that’s hardly unusual.The first notable example for this sort of monster food is that Sans’ hotcats are actually water-sausages! It’s implied through the phone call that Sans just yoinks them right out of waterfall to use for his hotdog/hotcats.
* "Hot Dog...?" Heals 20 HP * The "meat" is made of something  called a "water sausage."
The second example is one that we don’t get to eat, but we do see it’s production!
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This is Alphys’ icecream machine. She lied to Undyne that the tall grass we see in Waterfall was an endangered species so that Undyne would ensure people didn’t tamper with the grass. This was simply because Alphys wanted the grass to produce icecream with.
I told you that seaweed was like... scientifically important...
Really, I just... I just use it to make ice cream!
This is the only time we really see monster food being made- it takes a green slush and converts it into pink ice cream.
Now, let’s get back to the snails. I bet you’re dying to talk about the snails.
Snails are an oddity because they seem to have a monster-like consciousness and are taken by Asriel’s light when absorbing the monster souls.
* there was a flash of light  outside my window* i saw the snails on the farm  disappear 
It’s not like Asriel was just taking everything -no, he was taking monster souls. And they race and have emotions, there’s snails that look visually unlike natural snails.
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* but the snail looks  discouraged...* her best wasn't good  enough... 
Napstablook also refers to your racing snail as a “Her,” which also implies more sentience/person-hood. (Though, I’d argue “it” is such a common pronoun underground that if it wouldn’t be evidence for it non-person-hood per-say, but this is specifically “she/her” for a snail.)
Some even speak!
* I've been long overdue for  a second house...
So the snails........ are monsters. That’s... unsettling.
Let’s give Toriel and Asgore the benefit of the doubt that some of these snails are actually real surface snails. I don’t want to imagine some monsters are deemed as food compared to others. In fact, the snails Toriel describes in her “snail facts” directly contradicts the above snail’s autonomy.
* Talk. Really. Slowly? * Just kidding, snails  don't talk. 
So yes, Toriel doesn’t eat monster-snails. Is this confusing? Yes! Thank you toby.
Snails are the only confirmed-to-be-meat we see in the game. And alongside that, Toriel and Asgore are the only customers to the Blooky Snail Farm. (It’s safe to assume Toriel grows her own or gets them from somewhere else.)
* this place used to get a lot of business...* but our main customer  disappeared one day...* now it's just some hairy guy that shows up once  a month...
I think it’s an important detail that the only consumer of animal-meat we know of are boss monsters, who are notorious for being an exception to monsterkind. I’d argue that boss monsters might be more human like than normal monsters, as in they also have some physical matter to them. As stated before, monsters are made of dust and magic.Their souls don’t persist after death, while Boss monsters do for a brief moment.
Obviously they’re not the same level as humans, but it is worthy to note they’re extraordinary! Toriel also oddly enough, takes longer to die and bleeds black.
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Which. is very odd. sans could have ketchup or blood also, but it’s hard to know without more info. (I mean hey, looking at you darkner-sans theoriests lol) Deltarune further confirms that monsters don’t bleed (at least in Hometown) which makes sense when monsters are just dust.
Is this because Toriel has more physical matter to her? Is that why her soul is stronger -being more physically separated from her magical/partly physical body. Humans are strong because their souls are disconnected from their bodies, so what makes boss monsters different?
I propose that it’s either from being a boss monster or from having snails in her diet that gives her this distance and therefore power in comparison to other monsters. (Or rather, the reason she likes snails in her diet is because of her boss monster nature, as she’d need the meat for it’s heavier matter content and proteins)
I don’t think it’s a coincidence the only real meat we see is famously eaten by boss monsters and the three monster foods we know how are made are through plants, and we can see the icecream looks vastly different from the sea-weed its made of.
Here’s an additional thought. maybe the use of using magical bullets releases some of the physical material consumed by eating monster food. Having a good balance of monster food (and it’s material within) and using one’s magic attacks keeps a mounter strong and healthy. So I imagine monsters need both healthy emotions and a consistent diet of magic to live!
so. tldr; monster food is plant based. this makes up the physical “dust” that makes up their fragile physical forms. Toriel and Asgore eat snails which are the only known-for-sure animal product in the game, and it’s because of that they’re more physical.
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